The tribune. (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, August 18, 1875, Image 3

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' MRS. SMITH. f West Street between Craven aud North S Streets. GROCERIES, meats, CANDIES, TOBACCO, FANCY CAKES, SEGARS. All of the best quality and to the lowest 6^upcs constantly on band. aprl.l4-tf. IMPROVED agricultural Implements. Dow Law Cotton Planters, without Covcrcr, $16: with Covcrcr, $l?. West's tlunno Distributors, the most simple and > j v pnputnr, price $5.b0. The " Farmers Friend " Ploughs, all sizes. The * ilr.fl 1?1 fitt .rt, ,1_ tiiitfhly endorsed l?y'nil who have used them. Kotary Harrow, Thomas' Smoothing Harrows, I 'Kins of the South" Torn Mills. Collins' Steel Ploughs, Sweeps and Agricultural Steels of all - Styles and Slaes. i Also, a large assortment of other Agrlcultura ' Implements. 1 J. E. ADGER & CO., Importers of nnrdwnre. Bar Iron, Steel, Ac. 1 Charleston, S.C, 1 , j. J. A. TORRENT, ! General Stevedore, I Port Royal S. C. j ] Steffens & Werner, Wholesale Grocers, PROVISION DEALERS, ! *? Cor. EshI Hoy & Vendue Itange, I CHARLESTON, S. C. 22-48 I'OltT HOV'AIi Saw & Planing Mill UE.MTORT, S. C D. C. WILSON & CO., i ^lANUFACTmrn* op and dealer* in i Yellow Plus Timber ail Lumber I AMI i'ypi'CHM hii!IIKIO>S 1 A1.50 1 Guilders and Contractors j Plaster, Lathes, All kiudn of JOB SAWING promptly (lone. Flooring & Ceiling Board always on hand Orders for Lumber nhd Timber byjthc cargo promptly filled. Lumber delivered in any pnrt of Ihe Town free of charge. Terms Cosh D. C. WILSON A- CO. W. H.CALVERT " TIN SMITH. * nrxi-En In J A TANNED PLANISHED nud PLAIN TIN WARE. Constantly on band a full Stock of . Heating, Cooking and Box ; STOVES and PIPE. Particular attention given to ]>ntt!ng 011 and*re pairing Tin Itoofs, Leaders and Gutters. Terms Cash. Hoping for a continuance of the patronage here ofore bestowed on me, I will warrant all work to lie done in the most workmndikc manner novJ.Vt'J. ~RTP. BARRY, AVIIOLKSALK and ItKTAIL PK.VLKK IN Dry Goods, CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, IIATS jCND CAPS. NOTIONS, &c. &c. ?lec2 54. To llolilrrM of Countv cheek* or Audited Claims, prior to Nov. 1, IH73. Orrtci or the County Cdjoiioioxim, ? Beaufort, S. t\, .fnnc 30tli, 1R7& f In accorflan're with the provision of Joint resolutlon entitled" A joint rerolntlon authorizing the County Commissioners of ftoaafort connty to levy a special tax," dated April 7th. IBTA, and nit art to amend the same, approved the ifltth dnv of Jannary A .D. 1871, scnled proposals will lie roeeived at thin office front parties holding checks or audited j claim* contracted prior .o November I, 18W, until Wednesday the 18th day of Angus! next, nt lit o'clock. M. at which time Mid Idils will lie opened, and the Bo>rd of'.County Commissioners will draw orders on the Treasurer to the amount of one thousand dollars In favor of the person or persons who shall have offered the Inrgeat pir ccuttim discount on their checks or audited claims. ^ Proposal* must be addressed to Dr. Paul Prltchnnl. Chairman of the Board and endorsed "Pro i posnlsfor settlement of past Indebtedness of Beau- j fort C'otnty." i? lmi-reiitim V. S SCOTT,'"'' Coant) CorauiU?loneri>. TllOM AH II. IIESI.ER, Picric of Board. J C. RICHMOND. , Trln 1 .1 IIHI A Inc** intru?toil to liim w ill receive care ' l?! .lit > |noni;it .HleiKjn.i i fj'i :.iv, :n\c. Thomas R. Harris, MANUFACTURER OF ALT. KINDS OF Biscuit and Crackers. no. 11'J. 114 & 110 Ucokiuuii St. Between water IVtrl streets, Branch. 1140 Washington St., ). , Bet. Frar. kiln and llnrri-oii Sti*. ^ CJEES&T 'S! Having been appointed CENSUS TAKER for the county of Beaufort, I will personally commence the work at once in this Township. It is expected that all questions will be promptly and correctly answered and thus avoid the penalty of the law for refusal. Attention is invited to the following section of the Census Law. Nkc. 4. That each head or member of a family shall, when called on by the persons appointed to take the census, at his, her or their residence or nlnrp ?f lumlnpfM mnkn. oil nnth or Affirmation. ft correct return of nil persons of whom his or hor family Is composed, and also report sucb other information to said Census Takers as may brroquirjd by law: nndthc persons so nppolntcd to take the census are hereby authorized to administer =uch oath: upon the fniluri of any person to make -uch returns or reports when required,lie or slie hall b" subject ton penalty of twenty-live dollars, fo be recovered-in any Court of competent juri.? lictiou The following have ltecn appointed, lenr? 1 assistant Census Takers for their respective townships: C. It. Fitts, Goethe; Henry Pollitzer, Hilton Head; C. II .Wright, St. Helena J. B. Binnicker, Peeples; Win. Fuller Sheldon; S. F. Ellis, Robert; A. W. Muckcnfuss, Ycmassce; Randolph Sams, Ladies Island: J. G. Bampiluld, rocotaligo. Wm. S. Drayton, Bluflfton. J. B. W. Garvin, Coosawhatehic. Nelson It. ScOVEb, Census Taker, Beaufott County. MANSION HOUSE PORT ROYAL, S. C. SITIATED AT THE TERM1XUS OF TnS Port Royal Rallrttad, where connection is made kvlth tlie fast railinp. tlrt cl -ss steamers Montuomkuv and Huntsvhxe. nailing to New York every Friday. Round trip from Augusta $ ail. Tins is nti entirely new and elegantly furnished house. Situation unsurpassed, surrounded with magnificent live oaks, commanding u splendid prospect of the surrounding country, the Bcnufor ind Port Royal Rivers, and offers unusual attrac lions to travelers or to parlies who desire Hoard or to spend a fow days near tin; salt water. Table supplied with everything the market affords. Fresli milk, butter, fish, vegetables and rruits in their season. Beat of Cooks and Attendants. Terms liberal. C. E. wamien, jull-t-tf Proprietor. Ipli < >11 J , -A-T W. KRESSELTS. TlIEsE BITTERS, which have for years posses scd a nigh reputation as a lemcdial agent, hut fron the high price at which they arc sold .have been lie yond tnc reach of sonic, can now be had in an; quantity desired,by the* DlilXKor MEASZTRh The A'Inejfnr Hitters render the Liver, thi f toraach, the bowels, and the kidneys proof a !P?l"st disease. Try it, and you will lie convinced Sold on draught only by "W\ KHESSELBAY ST.. BBACFpRT, S. C. HayJ Hay! onsr 4 1 Bales Prime Eh stern HAY Foil Sale Cheap, S. M. WALLACE, Beaufort, S. C. Bmmtv and Claim Acrpnt. I have associated myself with a prominent ftrin in Washington for the purpose of securing JlouiitleH mid I'eiiHlons For colored soldiers, and prosecuting Claims for Losses During the wot, and all other claims against the United State Government. JOHN B. HUBBARD. Benufor*. 8. 0.. Feb- 24, cb24-1yr SHEPARD D. GILBERT. notary iTnuf. Attention given to Marine Protests, omen In the ci.un housk. jnn.0-07. SCHOONER BERTHA, CAPT. M. B. TREVETT, Will ply between Savannah and Beaufort, in con lection with all Steams hips bet wen Northern Ports AND Sayannali. Firlglilt Can led a* LOW by nny other route with ({nick despatch. A1 Orders Entrusted to ine will be punctually attended to. H. E. TREVETT. novtVll. I HEW YORK AND PORT ROYAL i STEAMSHIP LINE. | ! riMIE FIRST CLASS, Fl*LL POWEHED STEAM ' 1 SlIII'S, | MONTGOMERY, PA I R( 'LOTH. Master. and HUISTTSVILLE, j CHESTKI! Master. Will leave I'ort Royal tor Mew York alternately every Fiiilnv alfcrtiooi.. upot. the arrival of the Augusta, niidSnvauuah 61 Chat lust on train, IIUNT8VILLE sails Friday,May ?. I MONTGOMERY sails Friday, Jane 4. For Freight or Passage-having superior nccotn. modntions. apply to RICHARD P. BUNDLE, Agent. Tort Royal- s. C. X The attention of growers nod shipper!" of VEGETABLES, GARDEN TRUCK, and FRUIT, > Is directed to the facilities afforded by this line for Ipnnctnnl, prompt and regular delivery of perishable freight In New York. All shipments should be , delivered at Port Royal before noon on every Frl- < day to ensure dispatch. i H. M. STUART, M. D. Druggist ?n<t Apotheont-y, BEAI FOIIT. S. C.. 1 DEALER IN i uucw* AND CHEMICALS. ) J j PATENT MEDICINES, !l TOILET ARTICLES, PERFUMERY. | imrsiiRs, &c. I A fine Assortment of STATION Kit Y. rhysiciane Prescriptions Compounded with enre I nov 25 :53. j I JOHN R. JOHNSON'S Umbrella Manufactory AND HAT EMPORIUM, 303 Kino Street * CHARLESTON, S. C. AH orders promptly filled C. O, D. by Express. O. f - WIETERS, Commissiox M kijcir axt, i i WHOLESALE DEALER IN ( Groceries and Liquors, No. 181 East Bay, CHARLESTON, S. C. j VERDIER WALKER & BACOT. i i-huuuhs IN ADMIRALTY AND ATTORNEYS j AT LAW, BEAUFORT, 8. C. 1 walker & Bacot. i W. J. yeruier. Charleston. | Beaufort. j | Refer to the British Consulates in the Sonjh. and ( . ; specially to the British Cousulatc at Charleston. . I iiov25 34. I Fashionable Hat Emporium 2(ii) Kin;; Street cir.utLKsrox f*. c. | WHITE & HUGHES, DEALERS IN 1 Hats. Caps,Furs, Umbrellas, Canes a-c. j Umbrellas repaired {and made tu order. Goods sent C. O. D. by Express to any part of , y' the conntrv. | Thomas and Lanneau. ;i Watches, Jewelry, anil Silver-ware i (.'ROCKERY & GLASS OF ALL KINDS. ' i Order? promptly fllii-d on C. O. D. by Express. ? WntoliCH A; Jewelry Carefully Kvpuirrd. Henrv Bischoff & Co.. Wholesale Grocers, j AND DEALERS IN Wines Liprs Scprs Tobacco &c-. i lOI 1 llINt I til > , C11A RL EST ON, S. C. . ! II. Bisriiorp. C. Wli.diux. J. II. wci.iicns. j . ROBERT D. WHITE, ' , Marble and Granite WORKS. CK.MKT10RY LOTS KN^OSKD. t | BURIAL VAULTS BUILT AT SHORT NOTICE. Meeting Street, Cor, Ilorlbcek Alley, I CHARLESTON, 8. C. I I *W- -A.. MERTE3STS. ; r WHOLES A LE d RET AIL DE. 1L ER IN 1 Ladies, Misses Gents Boys & Chilflrcu's nnnmn o. nttAnn iDUUIft tt SHUJjS TRUNKS, I Yalisty, Satchels A- Carpethai^s. r 282 Kill}.' Sirret Chahlestox, S. C. : CORBIH. STONE & WILLIAMS.- v The undersigned have formed a partnership for Admirality practice under the above flnn name: CoitniN A Stone, t Jo*. M. Wii.i.iahs, Charleston. | licaufort. mcti.3t-1y. Sea H Hotel, BEAUFORT, S. C. | Has been reopened. The patronage of the traveling public is solicited. James Oriel! Proprietor., \ E. A..SCHEPER. U AVISO JU*T RBTKIVKP AXtl QPKSKD A rCtL ASJJ carefully telecUd ito. k of I Spring and Summer GOODS, fnimUllllK of PRESS GOODS, WUITK GOODS PERCALES, DOMESTICS, MUSLINS, CAHSIM EHKS, i'lunts, tweeds, notions, coitonades, hosiery, linens, clothing, hats, caps, BOOTS, SHOES. TRUNKS Ac, Ac. And other nrttcioe too nnmcrou* lo he mentloa- ! (1 nanally found in a flrM-cla?* Dry Goods and mnt.hinp* V.wvumjq 1XU UOOi All of which arc guaranteed to give intlsfactlon. Lnd will be Roldnt price* to ilefy compctton, tavriiel & < ?>., 3|. Klllntt I CliurloHton. Ileiiufort. j Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. Having put up In their e?t:itiltvhnu-ut a GltlST MIX arc prepared to fnrui-h nt the rhurtcs lot Ice, Grist, Meal and Feel The highest cadi price paid for COTIX. t'ofit (ji'ouiid on Toll, Conant & Emmons. VKE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH I ICE In any quantity Customers yiay desire, from their Ire House, Seventh Sti'eet. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS. nov25-24. S. M. WALLACE, Collon Faetor und GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer In Stain, Hominy, Meal. Feed, Etc.. WKA ISI.AA 1> CO TTON bought, Ginned and prepared for market. \<l vttners liimlo on < "oin>?lp;iinten 1 s. Having the host, machinery for ginning ;otton and grinding cojn and meal, lie is prepared to execute all orders on the shortest possible notice. The highest price paid lbr Cotton and CornCotton ginned on toll aovS.V&S. H. KLATTE & CO. Wholesale Grocers, AND DEALERS IN Wines, Lienors, Seiars, Toliacco. &c., 1 K."? Kitft Hit CHARLESTON, S. C. Orders from the Country promptly attended to. "ODELir kiiiits. can 1)iks. To vs, cakih | in i'ts A full assortment of the above consistng of ORANGES, LEMONS, APPLES, DATES, FIGS, BANANAS. All kinds of FRENCH coufectionery. BRAZIL, NUTS, HICKORY NUTS, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, ICED, FRUIT, SPONGE, POUND md every other kind of CAKES on hand or made to order. j Particular at'ention given to supplying j lartics with all necessary articles. tioods use ful as well as oknamkxtai, | eceivcd by every steamer from nkw *okk. i James Odell P. M. WHITMAN. Wiitchmnkei mid dmvi'ler, BAY STREET. IIEAl'FORT, S. C., Han.1 lift received from the North a fine nfsnrt. acnt of goodf at . Northern Prices. (TEDDING RINGS, $1.00 to $12.00, SILVER RINGS, 30c. to $1.30, SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $2.00 to $t.00. LADIES GOLD WATCHES. $30 to $30. 8 Day & 1 Day striking Clocks. $3.50 to $8. IENTS* GOLD CHAINS, PINS,IRINGS.SLEEVE HI TTONS. STl'DS, WATCII CH AINS, LADIES GOLD anil PLATED JEWELRY, GOLD PENS. AC.. AC. Gents' Gold and Sitter Watcbes. Call anil examine before purrlinfing, and fat iffy onrfetf yon ran mvo ten to fironte-flve jirr e-nt 1 ror.i ?*h.arle?to:i or '"arnr.nnh pri< oi. | ' "JINKS \ 'i. CIOPER j Dry Goods & Millinery JUST RECEIVED i DRY GOODS, CLOTI And n general Aceortment of I " i ^ Is //WWWTttl MANUFAC1URERS0F BUILD Dressed, Ceiling, and MOULDINGS FOR BUILDING PI NEWELS, HAND-RAIL WOOD TURNING OP K" GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL WORK i can be made in the United States. We hr South of the city of Baltimore, all of wliicl on to all who want good and substantial THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE THE ONI/ BLIND AND DOOR MAKERS?BY TP A of Charleston, and can refer to gentlemen i lina and Florida, as to the character of th( o NOTICE.?On account of the manner ii own assumption of the risk of Breakage goods arc shipped over the roads in this S saving to the purchaser of our work. W. P. mcli.3-lyr. EDWARD PERRY, i BOOK AND .IOB PRINTINfi | Executed at the lowest rates. Klank Books , On baud and made to order. Foreign and Domestic j Stationery, Law and School Books, Law Blanks, Wrapping Paper, Twine, &c., &< . NO. 139 Meeting Stect, CHARLESTON, S. C. novi) 21. rusir AUCTION & COMMI Consignments of Merchan nd i i your DEAD and SHOP worn STO short notice. We have on our lists at slau; I Wagons, Farming Utensils, Boats, Steam F Seed, Stove, Fixtures, &c., &c. BROKER INR {special attention given to the purchase, Si ^'ounty property : For Sale i PRITCIIABD'H IIOl'Ki; and 1 I*l"r IIOI XRand llall It Building IjoIh, KobbliiN Property Baystreet, PluntliiKl^ands lor sal On Lady's Island, On Paris Island, On St. Helena Island, in 10 to 80 Store and Dwelling on the John Tripp MAIN I The Rboadcs plantation near Port Rovnl retry.conk I be nol?l in part or whole, price front $ I to $.1 per articular)*. Pension Notary, ai .'.TTfi "1TION SOLDIERS! So action has been tu^ and tiounty. SCHOONER M/ For sale or OOPER, K FRESH STOCK MILLINERY, KING, NOTIONS, &C. FANCY GOODS, MATERIAL GENE^ALLY^ i W eather-Boarding JRPOSES in GREAT VARIETY. , AND BALLUSTERS, VKUY DESCBIPBION. nadc as cheap at this establishment ive on hand the largest stock oi the abov li we guarantee will give entire satisf:w work. i' PRACTICAL MECHANICS?SABb lDE, carrying on the business in the c it all over this State. Georgia, North Ctuo sir work for the past twenty jcara. a w hich we box up our work, and on of Glass with ordinary handling, oa tate at HALF RATES, which is a great. RUSSELL CO., Charleston, S. C. Wayne & Von Kolnitz, GENERAL Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OF PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE. OU Kay & 37 Vendue Singe, h ;il'leiton, O mm7 SSION MERCHANT dise strictly Confidential. ?CK and wc will convert it iuto cash ?" hter prices: Horses, Mules, Carriaf '.ngiues, Cotton Gins, Corn Mills. Cotton EAL ESTATE. die, Renting and Exchange of City tn n Beaufort. Hull' Itiock, 9370 lock, 91.!>oo #?.i? to ir,(> 4*OOU. e On Port ltoynl Island acre tracts, $3 to $5 per acre Place St. Helena tor sale at $2 .5 LAND. lining *00 acrcp, the beet of land desirable lo aero. Alxo other dcMntblo lauds. Come in % nd Notary Public, ;ca by Conprcp* ?? yet In rcltlon to addltr. i sRGARET-ANN Hfl Char er