SUMMARY OF NEWS. IUhi ?f Interest from Home ud Abroad. The wife of a physician at St. Paul, Minn., committed suicide by taking strychnine Mis. Mason, agod seventy, hanged herself at Providence, R. I., and Mrs. Irwin, described as a respectable young widow, drowned herself and child at Hannibal, Mo., The Ohipaan * silver mine at Newburyport, Mass., was sold for 91,000,000 to a joint stock company organised in New York for the working of the mine. The same parties paid 941,000 for other paroels of land in the vicinity John Hunter, of Collingwood, Canada, has been senteooed to fourteen years' imprisonment for inoendiarism with intent to defraud the Hartford Insurance Company.... party of three persons .teceuded in the balloon Zenith at Paris to make scientific observations. The VM1WU WMMUOU UIU OiUftUlUUJW; UWgUb Ul 1,000 metres (over 98,000 feet). Two of the nrouauts were suffocated to death, and when the belloon reached the ground the third was almost insensible and has einoo been eo ill that his recovery is donbtfol Three thousand bales of cotton were destroyed by a fire at Charlotte, N. C Two women and two men hare been recently sent from Washington to the asylum for the insane, having gone orasy over the Beecher trial The American revivalists in England are meeting with great suooees, their meetings being attended by thousands of people. Marcos L. Dean committed suicide at Pawtucket, It. I.... A drftnkeu husband in Williamsburgh, N. Y., nearly succeeded in murdering his wife, sister-in-law, and a fellow laborer, with a shovel. The parties were severely injured by blows from the weapon Joseph Eads was murdered by Dan McAllister, at Peoria, 111 A thief seized a package containing $900 from a bank messenger in the Boston post-offioe and escapod A family at Dutch Hollow, 111., were poisoned from eatin* lobsters : a child died, and two of tlm men are not expected to live Twenty-two livee have been loet in the Canada Pacific railway survey, and stepe have been taken in Ottawa to raise a memorial to the victims John Donohne had his head blown off by an explosion of fulminating powder at New Haven, Conn Abram J. Buckles, auditor of Delaware oounty, Ind., is declared a defaulter to the amount of tlfiOOO. Urgent stepe are being taken by the New Jersey farmers' clubs to prevent the spread of cattle disease there. Serious and damaging floods havo occurred along the line of the Union Pacific railroad.. A mischievous boy in New York while throwing stones accidentally killed a little girl ten years of age A plot has been discovered in Uruguay to assassinnt? the President and his Cabinet Seven persons are implicated in the Washington post-office contract frauds.... A receiver has been appointed for the Northern Pacific railroad Indians surrounded the miners in the Black Hills, and endeavored to burn their stockade, but were unsucceeeful. They killed and scalped one miner, who was away from the stockade. Government troops arrived, rescued the party, and took them from the hills. The Indian agent at San Carlos agency, Art, has disarmed the Verde Indians, and located the Apaches, Yumas, Mojaves and Ton to Apaches on reservations The recent severe spell of oold weather has greatly damaged the fruit crone in Vinrinia an*l th? ? .1;-?* ? crop More trouble is threatened in Louisiana. The Conservatives in the House of Representatives have determined to seat thoee members returned by the returning board whose seats were filled by the Hahn Legislature after the withdrawal of Speaker Wiltz and the Conrervativee. This action will give the Coneervativee a majority on joint ballot, and the Republican Senate opposes it The Occidental and Oriental Steamship line has chartered the White Star line steamers for service between San Francisco, China and Japan Earl Derby stated in the British House of Lords that the government did not think that the peace of Europe or the independence of Belgium were endangered by the Prussian note to the Belgium government The Khedive of Egypt has been organizing a court like our United States Supreme Court, under the auspices of the great civilized powers, and General George 8. Batch e Her, of Saratoga, has been designated by the United States government as a member of it. The appointment is for five "> yearn. Gen. Batcbeller hss accepted it Charles I*. Wightman, a respectable farmer of Mesth< Kingston, R. L, hanged himself in his barn. Sleeplessness, caused by disease of the head, was the probable cause A. rejected suitor in New York fatally shot the object of his affections, a young girl of twenty years. The Adventiste>in Chicago assembled on the twentieth of April in a private way and waited till nearly monuijg with their white robes, in readiness tor tiy expected coming of Christ They finally dispersed quietly The bill providing for thcnexclasion of lager beer from the interpretaMra of all etatntea relating to liquor selling, [and would result in permitting the sale of lager beer on Sunday in Mew York State, wae killed in the Legislature Reports from all parte of Kentucky say that great damage has been done to the fruit and tobacco plants by the unseasonable frosts and enow. In the Southern and Western States the seme eceaplaints are made One of the latee esploits reported of strolling mendicants is the horning of an elevator for amusement by s ooupie of tramps in Indianapolis. This cost the ownsra of the property $75,000 If Wn. M- Tweed should be released by the de Woa of the Mew York court of appeals in the tabsas corpus cess, be will be in the custody of he sheriff until he givee $2,000,000 bail The Boston ?Uy soansll voted $80,000 toward the centennial celebration, on the seventeenth of June nest, of the battle of Bunker HilL.... Iif a ooniftton MtwMO two ooftl oarta in PhllaMphlt the drivarof one waa killed.,....The decreefte in the price of batter MT had ft dagraaainf effect in eeetiona of Nenr York, where dairying is the main isai^jif trade. Yarmsra who last fall and this apring refused frrtf cents a pound for their batter are now sailing ? for fifteen to twenty AtLoganepcrt, led., a gang of robtters whe kavs for aocee Una been stealing goods fro* the railroads ores broken op and e nunahai at sssn arrested..... .A plot baa bean discovered in 2ntv? for the maaaaere of all the fftnasians in the Khanate. The Boeaian papers ^wosa the Stair of Afghanistan of oompUdty. It Is tfcoaght that military operations have already bean ordered by Banana. A dinsharged soldier was murdered in Sen Diego by a atnapanira who administered morphine to Un, and robbed him of tTCO The Rev - York Seventh regiment will attend the ^ .. .... j . - \ von the metropolitan stakee at Epeom, England, beating the favorite and eight other competitors Among one day's crimes reported are the following: David Ifandlove, while drank, shot and killed his father in St. Pan), Iud.; Patrick Hewitt, of New York, struck at his wife but bit and killed his little boy, and Martin llilbert, of Williams burgh, struck his wife and when she ran set a bloodhound upon her, the animal biting her and severely injuring the poor woman Ten natives of Ixtacalco, Mexico, are on trial for a horrible outrage. They are charged with burying three men alive, leaving only their heads above ground, and then dispatching them with hatchets and kuivee, after prolonged torture Miss Alioo A. Early, of Rockford, Illinois, has gained a suit for libel against Wilbur F. Storey, editor of the Chicago rimes, with #115,000 damages. Oscar Green, a farmer, in alighting from a passenger train at Otisville, N. Y., was ran over by a passing coal train and killed..... lloewell C. Smith, author of the widely known Smith's grammars, arithmetics, and geop rapines lor schools, died in Hartford lately, aged Boventy-eight yean Charles Smith, a boat boy, aged sixteen years, died at Tort Jervis from the effects of coal gas that burst out of a store into his face while he was lighting a fire. He was at first overcome by the gas, then partially reoovered and survived two days. Coughing. The beet method of easing a oough is to resist it with all the foroe of will possible, until the accumnlation of phlegm becomes greater; then there is something to oough agaiiist, and it comes up very much easier, and with half the coughing. A great deal of hacking and hemming and coughing in invalids is purely nervous, or the result of mere habit, as is shown by the frequency with which it occurs while the patient is thinking about it, and its comparative rarity when he is so much engaged that there is no time to think, or when the attention is impelled in another direction. P. T. B&rnum's Latest Wonder*?A Colossal Exhibition. Harper'e Weekly devotes nearly two oohuxma to explaining and extolling the great enterprisee with which P. T. Barn urn Is making historical hie forty yean' career as the moat liberal and daring showman in the world. The statistics which Harper Brothers give us from authentic; souroee are nearly overwhelming. They make an ordinary heed dizzy. Mr. Barnum has .always boasted that he gave hie patrons doable their money's worth, and his claims are generally acknowledged: but this time he seems to have far outstripped himself. Last year he obtained from the Connecticut Legislature a charter far "Tho P. T. Bam urn's Universal Exposition Company," with a capital of a million of dollars. Mr. Barnnm. who is president of the company, and Mr. Coup, his .manager, have spent many months in Europe their plans. The object of this great oompany, as they announce, is to elevate amusements, divest them of all objectionable features, and thus render them worthy the patronage of the most moral and refined uuam iuoj hj mat eventually they will have a score or more of exhibitions (traveling and permanent) in America and Europe, ana they intend that their chartered title shall be a guarantee of the merits of whatever they bring before the public. The present season they have but two exhibitions. One is Mr. Barnumw well-known "Museum, Menagerie, Circus and 1 Traveling World's Fair," the other is simply i called "The Great Roman Hippodrome." Mr. Barnum seems to have devoted years to perfecting this great enterprise, and nearly every ' year of his personal attention was paid to it in Europe. At an expense of several hundred thousand, dollars he erected s great hippodrome building in the heart of New York city, and under an outlay of over Ave thousand dollars each day be baa run his establishment in New York for nearly a year. This exposition company are engaged to ship the entire Hippodrome to Europe next autumn; meanwhile they have undertaken the difficult task of transporting it entire to the principal cities in America. Harper'$ Weekly says: "The Great Roman Hippodrome will resemble a moving cimp. There are 1.200 men, women and children in Mr. Barnum a service, and the stock includes 750 horses and ponies, besides elephants, camels, English stag and stag-hounds, trained ostriches, lions, bears, tigers and other animals. For the exhibition of the menagerie and the various shows, displays and performances oonnected with the enterprises, two enormous tents, each 600 feet in length and 300 in width, have been provided, one of which will be kept in advance, in order that no time may be lost by delaying in ready. The question of transportation by rau ?a very serious one?was solved by the construction of 160 cars, twice the usual length, built expressly for this purpose. Among them are a number of "horse-palace ' oars, constructed with commodious stalls, in which the horses AET1 llA Hnwn wnrl rxaufr wKiln * ?? ?? aVw. .. ? v vu wo juuruoy una arrive at Che place of exhibition auite freeh for the oerformsnoe. Beaidee moving the tents, ^nirnatlH and all other material in these Hippodrome oars, berths will be provided in those devoted to the personel of the company for nearly all the employees. Besides the great exhibition tents, and stable tents for the hones and other animals, then is also attached to the oompeoy a large oorpe of blacksmiths and carpenters and builders, some of whom precede the show several days, to make ready far the by preparing the ground, erecting seats, etc. The dresaing-roofn tents alone will cover more ground than an ordinary circu*. " To move such an enormous establishment, without hiioh ocdeify,requires the employment of clear headed, practical men at the heed of each department. Everything is so arranged aa to move with the smoothness and precision of clock-work. At the appointed hoar the canvas will go up, the street proceeelon will move, the performance will commenoe. When all is over, and the great tent is emptied, everything will be paokea up by thoee detailed for the work, and the caravan, without the loss of a minute, will be on the move toward the next place of exhibition. "The programme of performance will be varied and attractive. Donaldson will make daily balloon ascensions with a ear large enough to oontein a company of five or six parsons, at a ooet of about $500 a day for this feature alone. Then there will be the "Borneo races," in chariots driven by " Amazon*;" the " liberty raoee," in which forty wild horsee are turned loose in the arena in exact imitation of the famous carnival moss of Boms and Napleftf "standing raoee," in which the riders stand on bar&beok bones; hurtle raoee by ladies; flat noes by English, French^ end American jockeys ; bsetrtss camel, elephant, oetrioh, and monkey races. Another feature will be the-exhibition of Indian life on the ptaine, in which tty acton will be aoores of Indians with their eqnasm and pappooses. They will put np a genuine Indian eocimmant knn* buffaloes, give war dances. pony raoee, foot neat against boreea, exhibitions of daring horsemanship, laeso-tbrowing. A band of Mexican Mail, mounted on famous mnetanga, will atalra a pretended attack on the Indian oamp and give a mimic bat faithful representation of the wild aeanaa enacted an the Western frontier. The Snglieh stag bant will ha an exact picture of the a port itaelf, with a ooaapany of 160 man and woman In foil hunting oosfcumo, and a large pack of English stag hoonde. There will also he meny other interesting and attraetiru features. the mare mention of which would make a email volume. " Mr. Btfnan ooitainly deearraa great credit for an enterprise which is calculated to afford a raet amount of inaoeent, popular amusomant; and although this gigantic ventore lavohrae an enormous outlay of taouey, it will praaent too many attoasHone net to be generally Imertwg at this exhibition seems from Use dfiription given by Bmrpmft, we eaa say, from aotuai nbestiswun, that cms feature is to * "V ; J i? drome man Interesting and instructive than any other. It is the neat prooeeeion known aa , "The OongTeaa of Monarcbs." The Uarpn'a omitted mentioning this, because, .probably, . they supposed Ur.Bamam would not dare to incur the expense of traneporting each an 1 enormous affair through the oountry. But he will do so, and here is a-brief description of this dazzling and bewildering exhibition, aa given by a New York ootemporary; "Of all the gorgeous pwjeants the world ever saw the 'Congress of Nations' is the greatest, and how the surpassing genius of \ even Baraum could produoe it is a wonder. The Oc .tnmes are true to life, and many of them are genuine, having been procured direct from the -nationalities which they represent.. The individuals employed to porsonate the historical characters nave the moet faithful resemblance to the originals in face and physique. Each nation finds its special portraiture in some kind of triumphal car, brilliantly bedocked with appropriate flags, emblems, colors and intricate devices, and all sorts of charaoterietias in the way of peculiar uniforms, animala, soldiery, attendants and music. Scores of glistening gilded chariots illumine ths arena with a halo of luster, as it were, and tbs display of royal Bpleudor is far more im|)osing and improeaivo tliair words can describe, thrilling ths auditor with unspeakable amazement ana admiration. .. "As the name of the grand Congress imeies, it is a stupendous gathering of the onarchs of the universe, bringing in vivid view the living Kings, Queens, Rulers, and Potentates of the past nine centurion, culminating in an affecting ftMle so touching that it must awaken the emotions of a stoic. Her majesty, the Queen of England, beads the glittering coiamn, surrounded by her royal oourt and followed by a long ancestral fine, the notability and richly nniformed ' life guardsmen.' Then Franco in the person of Napoleon me je irac ana ma lamoiw Held marshals ; Ireland, lUmio, Russia, Germany, Italy, Turkey, India, Japan, China, and bo on, until all the MonKrnh? and Courts of the entire world pass in review, winding up like a jewel besprinklod | coil around the continuous circle. To look | upon this beautiful historical procession in all its gramlnoss and greatness is equivalent to Bitting in full viow of the courts of all the earth, so truthfully realistic are the bewildering pictures revealod in rapid succession. Such a uazzhug half milo of solid gold, jowels, silver, precious stones and tinsel could only be produced after years of preparation and the expenditure of* half a dozen competencies. Any attempt at imitatiou on the part of ambitious and unscrupulous showmen for yoars to come wi l result in the most inglorious failure. None other than the ' Prince of Showmen ' himself would undertake it and none other than the great and irrepressible Bainum could achieve so signal a triumph." The entire exhibition Is advertised to exhibit in New England in May, New York, etc., in June. Cliioago, early in July, Ohio, Illinois and Michigan in July and August It is due to our readers that we inform them that Mr. Barnum announces that certain impostors in Cincinnati have copied his bills, poe ton*, cuib ana advertisements, and with a fewbroken down circuB borne? and wagons will precede his exhibition in the Weet, and by announcing the Ureat Roman Hippodrome will attempt to mako the public behove that it is his unrivaled establishment. He cautions the public against being tntts deceived. and reminds them that ita?yroald be impossible with any amount of money igprganiZe and equip even a semblance of his establishment without a preparation of several years. The Cincinnati JXiily Enquirer of February 37th, 1876, says that this pretended " Hippodrome " is simply the wreck of that stupendous fraud known as the Oreat Eastern . and Great Southern Circus and Menagerie combination, which exploded at Belma, Ala., the 16th of last November, a number of horses having to be sold to pay the expenses of shipping the Show to this city, where the proprietors left a number of their employees unpaid and penniless, and vamosed, Who the real proprietors of the business were still remains a matter of considerable mystery, but it is generally behoved that Andy Haight, one Gibbons and George Webber and others were large stockholders. The defrauded drone men ana others connected with the concern finally obtained the aid of the law to compel a settlement of their Just claims, and the whole matter ended in the show being attached at Hamilton, and in an auction sale of the drone property at Lebanon yesterday afternoon. The beet of the loke Is that DeHaveo, Webber, Gibbons and others are abeut to reorganize a Hippodrome out of the "wreck" to start out with next sommer on another tour. The whole show was rather a poor oonoern, only a few lions being in good condition, and the monagerie including no really rare or valuable animals. Our readers only have to use ordinary caution to discover which is the real and which is the bogus oouoem, though we see that Mr. Baraum complains that some shows obtain an employee named Baraum, and then advertise "Baraum'a latest enterprise," and resort to other devices wherein they use the name of "Baraum" to deceive the public. He says that all exhibitions with which no is oonnected will give his initials. -- r. jl., aaa also pubiisn Ills portrait by way of identification. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. " A word to the wise is sufficient," As Mr. Barn urn's great Hippodrome travels under an expense of nearly ten thousand dollars each dayjt oanexMbit only in large cities. These can be reached by cb&ap excursion trains. Mr. Barnum says he can easily lose half a million of dollars by this summer's experiment, and that in any event he shall not bring back his Hippodrome from Europe. It is patronized and approved by the clergy and religious classes, as well as by school teachers and all heads of refined families who desire their children to improve their minds under this great system of object teaching. Beyond all question this is most extensive and extraordinanr exhibition o>.' '*0 face of the earth, and probably this generation will "never see its like again " No Prison.?In the principality of Lichtonstein there is no.prison, bnt they condemned a man to imprisonment for a year. They kept him in the royal palace, and he liked it so well that when they offered to release him if he would quit the country he declined. They finally bought him off by giving him money for* his passage to America and an indemnity for going into exile. There oould scarcely be better evidence of the extraordinary excellence of the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs than the fact that they are so largely exported to Europe, where they are so highly appreciated as to find large sales in competition with instrument* mode there by labor which does not cost half as much. These are the only American organs largely exported. V * i Brooklyn, N. Y., lias two hundred and thirty-five churches. a *. When any Antidote ? % Or remedy for (my particular class of disease obtains a wide-spreading notoriety, it is but reasonable to suppose that it must merit the popularity it receives, i It is within our province to mention that TV. T W.ll.?'. n-iu - *?- ? v. tiuinoi n v^uiiuiuiH vinegar Hitters, so long and favorably known as the ' safest and most reliable remedial agent i for the cure of liver, kidney, bladder, | and glandnlar diseases, mental and physical debility, and all Complaints I emanating from a corrupt state of the 1 blood/ etc., are in great demand. So | satisfied are we of the intrinsic worth of this medicine, that we do not hesitate to 1 notice it in onr columns. It is well to j mention that this medicine isoomponnd- sd of roots, herbs, and flowers of California, and has no fiery material or aloohol need in its preparation We can add no better eulogmm than the fact that we use it constantly in onr own family, said each member thereof partakes of it, when necessary, according to directions, * h 9 'ft* < I We trust the time will oome when every one will use Dobbins' electric soap (mado by Cragin k Co., Philadelphia). Its sale is daily increasing, as is always the ease with articles of merit. Try it. * The Indianapolis bootblacks have just formed a protective union. Any nonunionist who dares charge less than ton o?nts for a ** shine," is treated to a cold bath under a street pump. The "Housekeeper" of our Health. The liver ia the great depurating or blood cleaneing organ of the system. 8et the great | nuuiM'Koeper or our health at work, and the foul corruptions which gender in the blood and rot out, aa it were, the machinery of life, ere gradually extolled from tho Byntem. For this purpoee Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, with Bmall daily doses of Dr. Pierce's Pleasknt Purgative Pellots are pre-eminently the articles needed. They cure every kind of humor from the worst scrofula to the common pimple, blotch or eruption. Great eating ulcere kindly heal under their mighty curative influence. Virulent blood poiBous that lurk in the system are by them robbed of their terrors, and by | their persevering and somewhat protracted use the most tainted system may be completely renovated and built up anow. Enlarged glands, tumors and swellings dwindle away and disappear under the influonce Of their great resolvents. Hold by all dealers in mediqines.? Com. As Broad as Civilization.?The agent of the Wilson sewing machine company will, in a few days, sail from San Francisco for Chili in South America, where be will open a branch house and exhibit tho world-renowned Wilson shuttle sowing machine at the grand exposition to be held at Santiago, under the auspices of that government. By this step the Wilson sewing macliino company will complete the circuit of tho globe. Iliey have already immense agencies in China, Japan, British Indies, England, Franco, and through out ,80a th America. Supreme in its superiority over all other sewing machines, the Wilson goes on widening its field year after year, carrying the blessing of a oheap, capable and perfect sewing machine to the remotest liaunts of civilisation. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, free of transportation charges, if ordered through tho company's branch house at 837 and 829 Broadway, New York. They eeod an elegant catalogue and chromo circular free on application. This company want a few more good agents.?Com. Davis' Pain Killer.?This article needs no comments from us, bat the real worth of so valuable a compound compels as to give publicity to it. The Pain Killer we keep constantly at hand, and have done so for a number of years, and have administered it for ails of all descriptions, both external and internal, and have ever found it to be the beet remedy extant. We well recollect its first introduction for publio-patronage ; it was then Bold in a few shops in the city; look at it now?the world ArA ibl mfmno Rrxl/1 nwev?1?? 71 l W.U Oiw; nuuc.? vvrn. We should not hesitate to recommend to any friend of ours. Persons' Puvqatine Pills. They are scientifically prepared, and are adapted to all the purposes of a good purgative medicine.? Com. Decidedly the best remedy that has ever been discovered tor rheumatism, swollen or btiff joints, flesh woiuidn, epraiun, bruiaee, cuts and burnt1, is Johnson's Anodyne Liniment We use it, and always recommend it to oar friends.? Com. 4< Holden's Book on Birds," 128 pages, tbirty-two engravings of birds, twenty-eight of cages, etc., filled with useful information, and should be in the possession of every one who has or ever means U> have a feathered net. It is the only book of the kind, and one that will ?rove a real blessing to birds. Price 25 cents, 'or sale by all newedoalers or by mail. Address 0. F. Holden, 9 Bowdoih Square, Boston, Mass. ?Com. Dyspepsia is a hydra-lieaded monster, from which originate nearly all "the ills the human fletsli is heir to." The'Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of iron, is a long-tried and well-established remedy for this distressing complaint. It has cured thousands when other remedies have failed. ? Com. Pomeroy & Co. mako the best Elastic* Truss ever invented. Address 744 Broadway, N Y. ?Com. Burnett's Coco a ink is the beat and oheapest hair dreeeing in the world.?Com. " BUY DIE, AND I'l.I. DO YOU GOOD." Of all the mode* of ridding the baraan constitution of lrapuriUes of the blood, dyspepsia. torpid liver and Its kindred diseases, none Is so auocoestnl as the use of Dr. I.ANCI.KY'M HOOT AND 1IKRII HITTKRM. They act aa a potent tonlo and gentle aperient, are mild to their operations, safe under any oueontatanoea, and thousands have borne testimony to the benefits the* have derivod from their use. They are the safest and beat spring and summer mediolne yet discovered. Family physicians regularly prosoilbe them. OieO. ll. GOODWIN A OU..BOSTOK, Wholesale A cents The Japanese Magnetic Fish. The most curious thing In the world. The source of endless amusement to old and young. Tells dispositions, temperament, etc. Bent post-paid for 26 eta Addteas, CONCORD NOYEI.TY CO.. C sw?d| N. H.' AJkTANTKI) AG ENTH?everywhere to canvas for V V <>ur great Crntenalal Bank, vnriku iht iiettrs of experienced agents. For particulars address the pnhllahar, B. B. RU88KU., Boston, Mass. m ' ^THK BENT In the World. 1 rl -n?W I ft Ofives Universal Satisfaction. WONOKRFUI, Kcsnssiy. 40 lbs. more Broad to hbL Floor. HAVEN MIJ.K, EGGH, Ac. ~/aria VA ~ One year's savings will boy a oow. WMftlA NO MORE HOUR BREAD. k\i!i9jfifljj k^kkV^dV PntioM 1 i. rU^Instiril The ladles are all In Love with it. MKI.I.M I.Ike HOT CAKEM. UraWrtfyil fV" Bend at onoe for Circular to tiorso power ^ and cotton without tramp- ^SBlfl&KB^^MSbkb1 log or stopping. ^tfMp?PISWTBBIaMS Thirty bales of hay fJBilaflW JSgjaR per honr. Twenty tfSM|fls2&DKr ra?l dlstilhatlon. Call sad (?l om, or addrsas 1 D. LAMVIX, Anil CrrrV. Okla ? aiUbrPraaauis. wnm rackacs, ay auu, ilia. TiUPKOyKD FARMS nt Cost of Improvements. I Kaw I no tan Reserve Land*, at four annual payments. tddreoa, ROBERTS * LINZKK. (Vmncll Prove. Kane. Rfinirs :n?"CK OWv/XVO choice Mu-ie, sent tree. Inclose stsmp for Oataloans. Add.eaa PHJI.V p n P P I I IN.T. PUBLISHING Pi I# t I" ! I OO , 1SW? Roath Seven.,, *? waa * street. Philadelphia, Pa. Geo, p. Rowell & Co. I hJBBRAMKA ( KI)AH HTONR. An Infallible LI Moth Preventive, more effective than Camphor, inuff, etc., and frae from any object Ions hie odor. oU. WF.UIH A VP . Hot 70, Brooklyn. N Y. SB?l ? W? will wnd Klvf beautiful 3 pw ^ II |r I Hobh and Fl?r charming Instruraen 1 tal pieces. AU hr no compoMn, OK P4-o ipublished. u. W. FichaKI>?on 4>Q via. I A Co.. Music Publishers. Boston.Mass. 4 N. F. BURN HAM'S TI'KKINK Water Wheel Wan Krlrrlnl. 4 rears ago. and put to wnrk in the Patent Office, Washing-son. D. O.. and has pr*Trd to be the brat. IO sizes made. Prices lower than anr other first-class Wheel. Pbamphlat free. N. F. llCRNHAM.YQM.Pi. ATTENTION, OWNERS OF HORSES. & A Ask roar Harness Maker for | ^^the V.INC: C'ollitr FAD. HM^aM^BThsjr are warranted to cnre *nr sore neck on horse or RHBHH mnle, or monef refunded. If printed directions are followed Send 76c. for sample. 7.1no Collar Pad Co., Role i ^Mannfl'ra. Bnchanan.Mlch. SMITH ORGAN CO. Boston, 3MCa?a. These Standard Instruments Sold by Music Dealers EverYwhere. Agents Wanted in Every Town. Bold thronzhont the United State* on the INSTALLMENT PLAN \ That la, on a System of Monthly Payments. Purchaser* should ask for the Bum Amcricax Oboax. Catalome* and fnll.partlcnlar* on application. A I Continued or RensaMonal Stories In the |1| U PUOl'LK'H LEIH1EK.8 lanre peas* * erary week. 5 year* old. Bent on trial 3 months for only Ml cants. A Special Agent wanted for each town, to whom we famish AdrerUsinc facilities an Itood pay. H. K. CURTI8. Pobllaher, Boston. Mean. ma A flf the Prettleat Cards you srsr saw K m with jonr name handsomely printed on " "M I them, eant, poet-paid, npon reoeipt of 20 oenta. Yonr friends will all want them W. 0. CANNQN?^lo"K^C?d*"Btrerif'rSii, Mean The Improved Kacorts Washing Machlnr, ,s ^ 140,000worth ln3 years, f jT 1 IJMC taA and Rise nnlrersal aatisfacf II^Ayl^gL Uon. It washes all slzaa of clothing, including Bed Lace Collar*,withf.I/ "isl ont Injury. Half dozen shirts TM ere cleaned In 8 mlnntes, laI all II oladlng toiled wristbands. I / J/ I M Power Machines for Laon/ / W dries to order, for desorip/ dl tire Pamphlet sddreea I -%/] YORK M'PNl CO.. | York, Pa. ' CPU C DO V or PITH cured by the use of Rosa' I Kpilkptic Rrmkdixs. Trial Paokwnswawepa a?e frt*. For circulars, eridsnoe of sneeess, etc.. address KQ88 BUOB.. Richmond, Ind. kf\ and exponas* a month to areata. Address A. L8TODDARP, JonasriUs. Mloh. Cl tT fT A WEEK. Areota wanted arasy where. Fo. ijJ i outfit 15c. F?tch A Waum, Dayton, Ohio OPIUM Habit Cured A ccrtatln and stare cure, without lnoonrenlence, tni at homo. An antidote that stand* purely on its wo merits. Send for my quarterly magazine (0 rcfa you nothing), containing certificates of hundred* _uSthaYO been permanently eared. I claim to liara CUocr73red and produced the fibst, oaietXAX AJtn mr euiut cube fob opium katixo. . Pit B. n. COLLINS. La Porte, Ind. A ft "CTWrnCI either aex ; steady work at home. Ll J )5 Vain able sample* and term*. If) ceuta. SIMPSON* SMITH. Cortland! Slrrwt N V The Croton Crape. Two fine two-jur-old Vines of this excellent White Grape mint by mail, poat-paid. for One Dollar. S W. UNDKHHlLX.. Proton landing P. P., N. Y. MAElABLEHgES 26 oenta for Book giving the secrete and explaining the beat paying investment of the day. Address Box 1635. New York. Free ! Free !! Free !! ! The Pioneer. A handsome Illustrated newspaper containing lnfor mation for everybody. Telia how and where to secure s home cheap. Sent fuek to au. pabts or thi WOBU>. It eoutaina the nrw Hsmv.rtcad and Timbkh Laws with other interesting matter found only in this paper. Senti for it at Once I It will only coat you a Postal Gabd. New number for April jast out. Address, O. F. DAVIH, Land Commissioner U. P. If. It.. Ontalsn, Neb. Established 1S5S. ^ t*ae* vabx. PAnamD. rrho bed and cheapest Paint In the world for Iron, Tin or Wood. For aalt by Dealers everywhere. PRINCKS' ATRTAT.T.if FAINT <10.. Msnnft'rers, 9f. Cedar St., Now York. \3tT CAUTION.-Purchasers will please too that onr namo and trado mark are on each and nrery package. Send for a Circular. | lim 1 AGBNTR WANTED AVSRVWHEBB.?Thi I I n U ebolceet In the world?Importer*' prleee?lent i 1 I" eet Oompeay hi A merle*?(tuple article?please, everybody?trade Increasing?beet Inducement ?don't waMm time?eend (or Circular to ROBKK1 WELLS, 43 Vaeey Street, New York. P. O. Bo* 12H7 TMtKK OF C'lIABUKi ? PraeoripHnn that an] Jp Druulit will put np, that la a Poeltire Gore li Opium EiUof and Drunkenneea. Addreaa, Paof. J. V. WIOOIN, Oharleetown, Maaa. d!k>a> A DAY. Agent* wanted, male and female lyAIAI Addreea Eureka M'fg Oo., Buchanan. Mleh (&OAA * month to agent* everywhere. Add roe EXOBL8IOK M'FO OO. Buohanan.Mlob Dunham jPIAITOS# Dunham & Sons, Manufacturers, Wft erooms, 18 EastMth Street. [EeUbUBho.11834.] RCW YORK. Srmlfor lllutirntfA Cirtul-r nmd Litt. TJ1YKKY PAMUiV WANTH IT. Money In It Ci Bold by Agent*. Addreas M. W. LOVKLL, Krte.Pa $VA?mV KOR AGENTS In our ten Nee Jf] 11 IE f*a | NovalUea. Just out. Needed lz ill VrllJU A evarr hou*e. Sample and clrcu lam free try mall. HTB. vvttlTK A OO.. Newark, N. J. The Wan I * of Women, r~ rMtrlaKU -AiJ"cm """ ** "I*"* *.- -n/n?, t?k Wjeld^y*, "1* * book nu. mi> nriwMina> * it? "*"* ?' mofll*.u*"w?w fr,n?h pkwlr i.. V ** WBBAT m CM A WW |fl MlMilfl V 1^. j p?t?.i?y-fcr vn?te.a..oh;i whtot ?t/7 puldlnkoflmrdtlmwl thl. hnok will mil b?dfor?lre?ui^ t wl. pufftiw. oilman * Oft, " rttbrd.oc^ NEEDLESa^p i8 0c? ate iiH? t-ii * B*k*r> 60 <*ft: "Ml other* in propor rSlST AdK"d N^dle. brill U, returned orfiavcr'nfpi>t,r co., - . jw'l W>m4wstnK.C.RRinOMAN,5Bart> ft PICK DAY Oommb slon, or 930 a week Sal v x. i *p?ltJ ary and Bxpenaea. "We offer it and will pay Apply now. O. WEBBER A OO.. Marlon. O. WHis*raa ?9 ill till lllliVl those wishing to ralae Board or Mustache. De leurpi *" Vlgorlne." prepared only In Parte. Each Package warranted and aent by mall on [ receipt of IB 1 -OO. Sample- mailed for 15 eta. Addroae ? J. P. FRANKLIN. Sole Importer, Jersey City. N. J. A GENTS. Ghana Chang sells at sight Necosaary as f\. soap. Goods free. Ghana Ghana MT* Co., Boston. CR *1 PBK DAY at borne. Terms free. Ad dreee Gko. Stikson A Go., Portland, Ve field In cans by Airuacla>a.aaceuue*4er,as0>a / run portable . fesSODA FOUNTAINS MJgJ *40' *50? *75>& *100' ||MV GOOD, ni^JHAIH.K. AND CHEAT ji, | fj g? jj Shipped Heady for Use. ftflwER* Manufactured by ('IIA I'M AN A" CO., itfudlnon. lnd. (IT- Send for a Catalogue. ?? YOUR OWN PRINTING! ?WO?ELTY 1r peinting peess. Tor Profrtalonnl and Amateur Printer*, Hrhoolt, Norlrtle*, Mun> afUrturerk, Mcrcliunta, and other* It I* the B EST ever Invented. lil.OOO la UBS. Ten styles. Prices flrom SB.00 to 9150.00 BEN J. O. WOODS & CO. Manufnand dealer* In all kind*of Printing Material, Send (tamp for Catalogue.) 49 federal St. Boston* In Actual Use: MORE THAN j. 55,000 Estey Organs; MANUFACTURED BY / u ESTEY & CO., BR A TTLKBORO, VT. .Srien FOB Il.l.UBTEATKIl CkT.tlMltnt, A. HHUOK A?i:?T^VvAATEl>" hkoohTELL it all, ^ jS ny Mb. Btenhouae of Salt Uk? City, tut ?K 4HBr*.r* ,h* * ' ?' ? itorm.m Iliith Prteet la ^^^^ trodoctioa by Mrn, Mnr. Tide etcry of * ':*4,h 5&B om*? Bl'rtur* Iny. bare the "hid.ten lift,' ^ ^ myeterioa, aecr,-t dninp?, etc. of tha klqanooe aj > 'wuu-awair tnoum* iru them." Bmjht, PnM ^HHaad Good, it la the fend now book ouL acliin.iy ttrrtjHM/b.ri with Rood thin pa for alt. It la popular ?*lrf what* with everybody, anil uulxrIU all other bcoka three'.. owfc Miuiatcre aay (jmt apn