The tribune. (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, April 28, 1875, Image 4

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SUMMARY OF NEWS. Item* of Interest from Home nnd Abroad The recent proclamation of President Grant ceding back to the Sioux Indiana the territory east of the Missouri river destroys the liopcB of Brulo City, already a flourishing place, which must be broken np On tho day following tho completion of the new bridge at Port Jorvis, N. Y., 2,974 care passed over Serious differences are reported to exist between Don Carlos and tho deputies from the tho four provinces occupied by the Carlists, in regard to money matters. Don Carlos tlireatens to leave Spain unlcsB tho depnties raise funds to carry on the war Spain has paid Germany 11,000 thalere of tho indemnity for the Gustav outrage... .Captain-General Valmascda has issued a proclamation urging tho loyal citizens of Cuba to rcuowed efforts to suppress 1 tho rebellion A dispatch from Wasbiucton i . Bays foars are expressed tbat tho raids of arino.l Mexicans into Texas may result in a general border war The Delaware Legislature has passed a law to meet the Civil Rights bill. It provides that hotel keepers, railroad companies, steamboat owners, and others may provido separate accommodations for any class of persons obnoxious to their customers or patrons A United States Treasnry order provides thnt hereafter in redeeming mutilated bank notes deduction will ! be made in proportion to tho part missing ' On .1 Pacific eoast the equinoctial hurricane ' did a vast amount of damage Fourtcou ' men out of thirty who attempted to reach a ' shipwrecked veseol in Newfoundland bay froze ' to death on the ice. 1 Two elderly women, who have been drawing p pensions as widows of United States Boldiers, ' notwithstanding they liavo remarried, were held by Commissioner Sliields in Now York to ' answer a chargo of perjury The Rhode Island Prohibitionists nominated Henry How- , ard for Governor and Charles C. Vanzandt for [ Lieutenant-Governor, tho rest of the ticket being tho samo nominated hv the Republicans. ' Solomon Pnrdy, keeper of the Harlem J (N. Y.) prison, while conversing with a prisoner saw a female prisoner 'Set fire to her bed. 1 Purdy was so badly f lightened by the act that ho fell >" ? ei- fn.-T.??_ ? ' ... ? .. .?iiu jjoiuiiuon govern- ^ ment has asked for $1,783,777 to meet the ex- ^ pendituro for the current year John . Martin, member of Parliament for Meatb, is ^ dead. Ho became seriously ill in ooneequence, it is supposed, of the excitement produced by ? the recent death of John Mitchel, the member for Tipperary county, who was his brothoi-inlaw A boarding house, filled with occu- F pants, was burned in Benicia, CaL All the in- 0 mates except three, who were burned to death, c esoaped by jumping from the windows. Several 8 others wore severely burned The resigns- 8 tion of Francis E. Spinner, who has been ? Treasurer of the United States since 18G1, was v accepted by the President, v Dr. Henry Foerster, Prince-Bishop of Breslau, has been summoned to resign his bishopric because ho promulgated the Papal encyclical against the ecclesiastical laws In reply to a query of General Augur's, the commander of B Fort Brown at Brownsville, Texas, states that s Mexicans have burned ranches and robbed and O .killed inhabitants near Corpus Christi, and i? that he has sent all his mounted foice in pur- c suit The Paris Univera publishes a Papal ^ encyclical renewing the excommunication prcuonnced against the old Catholics of Switzer- 0 land, and censuring tlio authorities for protect- 0 ing them For the year ending December 8 81, 1871, the excess of exports over imports F was $16,909,497, while for the corresponding period of 1873 the exports exceeded the imports by only $192,253 While Col. S. C n Holland, of Columbus, Ga., and lite of Mobile P ayd New York, was talking to W. L. Cash, cap- r. tain of police, a difficulty arose, and Cash shot 1 Holland through the head. The latter died in ^ nve minutes. Cash was arrested Wm. Flanagan, of Harlem, N. Y., while intoxicated, clubbed his wife to death Two grocers a were fined #50 each in New York, for selling adulterated, milk W. G. Greaves aud Dr. p E. B. Spark an, on trial at Brockville, Ontario, v for murder in procuring the abcrtion of Miss g Sophie E. Burn ham on December 28 last, have c been sentenced ,to be hanged on Juno 23. Greaves was .the girl's seducer, and accom- c paniodher to Dr. Bparham's oflice.... .P. T. p Barnum, the showman, has receive! the Re- p publican nomination for Mayor of Bridgeport, ? Conn. I] There are serious differences between Don ^ Carlos and Die Carlist council of the province of Navarre The Paris Lien Public says the Emperor of Brazil proposes to abdicate in favor of his daughter, the Countess d'Eu, and make hia home in tho United States The trial of the Guikwar of Baroda, on the charge of attempting to poison the British resident at bis oourt, has resulted in tho disagreement of the commission before which the case was tried Resolutions Ordering three separate and distinct inquiries into the canal frauds were . passed by the Canal board, the Senate and the Assembly of Now York State The Governor of Texas has appealed to the President for <] aid to suppress the outrages perpetrated by Mexicans on the Texas border, and the Secre- f tiry of War has telegraphed the commanding officer of the Department of Texas to use every h effort to prevent farther raids Ex-State Senator Robert McKonna, of Tennessee, has 1) been sent to prison for five years for marrying his former wife's granddaughter All the * faro banks and lottery and policy shops in Washington are to be closed by tho police V Tho Rov. J. Jj. Roes, of Niles, Mich., has been ^ sentenced to si* mi < ? ou'- ?'? * J ?*? vuu u?l?bO ^riBUQ I or | the forgery of a deed on which he obtained I p 1,000......The residence of Mr. Hedgway, near Oenoa, Nevada, was burned, and the owner's body found in the rains. An inquiry showed that the man bad probably been murdered by Indians, and the house afterward r burned to cover the crime The epizootic n has again appeared in Pictou county, N. 8. ^ A u amber of valuable hones have fallen vie- c time to it. << According to the treasury statement the tl public debt of the United States amounted to n 2,265,907,711.92, lees 123,332,933.38 cash in ' the treasury. The decrease during the month c of March was 93,581,210.63, and since June ' 80, 1874, 9,453,462.62....A special dispatch " from Berlin reports that eighty eoclosiaetlcs g are at present imprisoned in Posen alone. It ^ -is rumored that the German * *?? arrested the Panel delegate, who has been ad- B ministering the archbishop of Ponen since the g arreut of the incumbent....A telegram from ^ St. Petersburg says that M. Bchiohkim, the e ltnsf ian diplomatic agent and oonsnl general in c Snrria, has been appointed Minister of Russia e to the United States....A. special diapatoh ] from Berlin aajra a financial eriaia ia feared in t riormany. Settlements on tho Bourse are affected with great diflloulty. There have been wouty-eiglit failures, and two perBoue have rommitled suicide in consequence of financial evereee... .Philip Gleason, a miner, while at;empting to step across the shaft of tho Kansas nine, near Central City, missed his footing and fell three hundred feet to the bottom. When ; found liis body was crushed to a shapeless | nass. This is the fifth miner killed within 1 ;wo mouths.... The Hon. A. G Bonn&tyne, iiae been elected by aoclamatiou to the Domiuon Parliament from Manitoba for tho scat rendered vacant by tho expulsion of Kiel The Canadian Parliament has voted $800,000 for changing the gauge of tho Inter-Colonial railway The Governor of Penns- vania lias ssued a proclamation calling upon the striking ;oal miners to disperse and retire to their lomoH. It reiterates the views exproBsed by he Governor iu his dispatch to the Susqnelauua rioters?that the laws must be upheld, he public peace preserved and life and pro- ! >erty made secure at all hazards ; that the | niblic highway must be kept free and unob- I itructod, aud trade and travel uuimpeded, and ! .liat parties having wrougs to bo redressed nust resort to the courts, and not, in contempt )f law aud authority, sock to right them by riolenco. It is reported that Spain has requested Ger- ! nauy to order its war vessels to bombard j ?arauz for the Gustav outrage, but Germany I las refused The Cuban government has abolished the 2j? per cent, tax on capital and mpoeed an income tax of fifteen per cent Delegate Cannon, of Utah, was put 011 trial for xdygamy aud discharged, the prosecution beng barred by the statute of limitations The New York S ate Senate passed a resolution o investigate the tolls charged iu New York on train transfers Andreas Egner and George Safer, the murderereof Herman Schilling, will 3ehanged at Cincinnati July 13....John N. J. llenks'a house in Boardville, N. J., was burned Two children were saved by being thrown from a window. Two others were bnrned to isbes. Mr. Monks was so terribly burned that le died The mills of Natick, R. L, closed ocently, owing to the strike of the operatives. Tho boiler in Tunnel's Mills, in Elliotsrille, Jefferson county, Ohio, exploded, killing hree men The bodies of three men who lad perished with cold were found by hunters n a roofless cabin iu Ness county, Kansas larry Brown, aged thirteen, son of a New York lustom house official, was found dead in his ather'sbara in Bloomingburgh,Orange county, laving accidently hanged himself while pre aring a first of April trick Enoch Avery, f Farmington, Me., was attacked by his half razy son, who severely wounded him with a hot gun. The lad then went into the barn, et it on fire, and perished in the flames lylvanuB Keller, his wife, and five children, rere buried iu the ruins of their house, which ras blown down in Jasper comity, Mo. All rere saved but one daughter soven years old. from a Fanner's Note-Book. Sow for Hungarian grass last week in Jay; half bushel to acre; cut betore eed ripens, to prevent injurious effects n stock. It draws heavily on the feruity of the soil, and should be sown inly when a deficiency of other hay is ikely to occur. For orchard grass sow with oats, or ither spring grain crop, full two bushels f seed to acre; must be thick or will tow in tufts; makes good hay, and, for iasturc, grows faster than any gross. Cayenne pepper, mixed in the cooked ood of fowls, will make them lay many lore eggs than if not so fed. Make a udding daily, winter and summer, of ndian meal or meal and bran, and season ?strong with pepper, and it will pay rell. When potatoes are planted in the garen or field near the house, if a few peas re dropped into every other hill and very alternate row, a good crop of green ieas may be secured for the family table, lie vines being supported by the potato ines. Marrowpots or other thrifty rowing varieties are best. The potato rop is not lessened thereby. The best variety of grapes for general ultivation is the flrnimivi Vmf t ? ) vuv *v/i ovmu arts of Central New York and some iarts of the New England States, the lortford Prolific may ripen better, it ?eing a week earlier than the Concord, >ut not as good a grape. Proverbs. A man may buy gold too dear. A light puree is a heavy curse. A little leak will sink a big ship. All lay loads on the willing horse. - A fault confessed is half redressed. A wise layer-up is a wise layer-out. ' All are not friends that speak us fair. A quiet conscience sleeps in thunder. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. An oak tree is not felled with one blow. ' A bad workmau quarrels with his tools. A good name keeps its luster in the lark. A nod from a lord is a breakfast for a 1 ool. . ! Always put your saddle on the right i iorse. An honest man's word is as good as is bound. An unlawful oath is better broke than ;ept. A man may hold his tongue at the nrong time. Ah hour in the morning is worth two a the afternoon. , An ounce of mother wit is worth a 1 ound of book learning. Modern Medical Discovery. It is claimed that disease, with a few < xceptions, has been conquered by the j sseorcli and intellect of enlightened , len; and yet a noted professor of New j "ork admits that * ' of all sciences, modi- 1 ine is tho most uncertain," and that ' 1 thousands are annually slaughtered in bo sick room." Certain "scnools" of J ledicine are in existence, one of which 'makes the patient ill," in order to laim a cure; and another administers ( ' sugar-coated bread pills," relying upon ] isture to effect her own cures. Dr. J. i talker, of California, an old and re- ' pected physician, tried both modes of j reatment and both failed. He thon ppealed to nature's curative?herbs ; ind now enjoys rugged health. He lias fiven the benefit of his discovery to th? J rgrld, in the shape of Vinegar Bitters, j md since its introduction has sold a juantity almost large enough to make a I ! iraall harbor, or to float the Oreat | j Eastern. Its curative properties are atested by grateful thousands. * I If every one of our readers would try Dobbins' Electric Soap (Crn^in & Co., t Philadelphia), they would, like us, be- 8 come firm believers in its wonderful ? merit. Have your grocer order it. * c I Making Soft Soap. j, Mary C. West has the following chat 1 with a neighbor, and as slu gives a few ? good hints as to making soft soap, we t quote entiro " How did you run your lye ?" I asked. " " I put ashes in a large barrel till it J. was full, and then allowed water to t soak through from the top in the usual / way." l '' Was your lye strong enough to bear c an egg so soon as it came from the 1 barrel ?" " Yes." t " And did it seem to cut up the r grease?" f " Yes." .. " Well, that was all right?what was T the trouble with it, then ?" t " Why, the lye and the grease would J not unite; when it bad cooled the grease * was all on the top and the lye at the bottom?it's always, just my luck." " What kind of wood did you burn to mako your ashes?" "Oak, bay and magnolia." " Aud what did you put in the bottom of your barrel, under your ashes?" "Nothing but a little fine brush and broom sedge, to keep the ashes from 1 running out." j ' "All has been perfectly right except * the last?in that lies the secret of your } J bad luck. You should have put at the i i bottom of your vossel a few pounds of 1 quickliifae?that yon arc likely always to , lind necessary when you burn swamp ? wood. Ashes from swamp wood have a ? great power to absorb carbonic acid from " the atmosphere, and carbonic acid pro- * duces the elt'eot which you name; but t lime neutralizes the acid and makes it all right." t The art of voicing reeds, the most difficult and important in the manufacture of cabinet or parlor organs, was invonted by Mr. Emmons Hamlin, of the Mason and Hamlin Organ Co., in 1847. It has ' been universally adopted by American, and largely by European makers, but 1 none lrave attained that high standard of excellence in it which is reached in the Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organs. This fact is universally recognized by musicians. * , A Hint In Dutch. A plucked goose is the appropriate device (for both parties) in most lawsuits. Victims are rarely lucky enough to realize this as seasonably as in the ease here given: A Lancaster (Pa.) lawyer is . said to be the originator of the following I joke: Being called upon by both parties " to a suit, he informed the last one of his Jj inability to serve him, but gave him a r * " i u?ro iu iiuuuior uuvocate, wiio would, no r doubt, take liis case. Somewhat dubious, ' he hunted up a friend who could read i the note, the purport of which was I " Zwa fette gens; an rost und ich rop" I ?"Two fat geese; yon pluck and I 1 Eluck." On sharing the contents with is opponent, they settled the case be- i tween them. ] i Died Suddenly of Heart Disease. J How common is the announcement. Thousands are suddenly swept into eternity by this fatal malady. This disease generally lias its origin in impure blood tilled with irritating, poisonous materials, which, circulating through the heart, irritates its delicate tissues. Though the irritation may at drat be only slight, pro- < ducing a little palpitation or irregular action, j or dull, heavy, or sharp darting pains, yet by- , aud-bye the disease becomes firmly seated, and < imdommation or hypettrophy, or thickening of the lining membrane or of the valves,iB produced. How wise to give early attention to a case of this kind. Unnatural throbbing or pain in the region of the heart should ad- L monish ono that all is nqt right, and if you would preserve it from further disease, you must help it to beat rightly bv the use of such a remedy as will remove tiie cause of the troublo. Use Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical _ Discovery before the disease has become too I seated, and it will* by its great blood purifying and wonderful regulating properties, <1 effect a perfect cure. It contains medicinal properties which act specifically upon the tissues of the heart, bringing about a healthy H action. Sold by all first-class druggists. HKAHT DISEASE CUBED. , Rockpobt, Spencer Co., Ind., Feb. 1, 1874. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: About two years ago I was afflicted with a disease of the heart, which at times created a w pressure around it, almost causing suffocation. c I saw an advertisement of your Golden Medical Discovery, recommending the same as a 11 cure for disease of the heart. I then bought half a dozen bottles of it, and after using three bottles I was entirely relieved and am now enjoying good health. Gratefully yours, I VITC8 Ktt.t.tav, Tiie Human Hair.?How manv r^r. o Bona abuse tbia delicate and beautiful orua- ment, by burning it with alcoholic rrashes and ? plastering it with grease, which hae no allimty for the akin, and ia not aba orbed. Buruett'a (a Cocoaine, a compound of cocoanut oil, etc., ia ' unrivalled as a dressing for the hair?is readily V absorbed, and ia peculiarly adapted to its !.' various conditions, preventing ita falling off r and promoting ita healthy growth, bee adv't. Z ? Com. J Patented 1873. The best Elastic Truss. S Made only by Pomeroy & Co., 744 B'dway, N.Y. M ?Com. 8| Veterinary rmrgoons all over the <vnm- ^ try are recommending Hheridan'a Cavalry Con- C dxtioii 1'otedcr* tor the following troubles iu homes: Loss of appetito, roughness of the a hair, stoppage of bowels or water, thick water, coughs and colds, swelling of the glapda, /t worms, horse ail, thick wind and heaves.?Corn, r M ? 7 Bronohiti8 on Chronic ?ore Throat. 3 ?It is attended with irritation of the bron- ^ ehial tubes, which convey the air we breathe S into the lungs. This irritation produoos eoro throat, hoarseness, coughing, aud sometimes || spitting of matter streaked with blood. If lp it is neglected it will extend down to the K lungs, and settles into confirmed consumption. [I Allen's Lung Balsam will be fouud a fyrst " valuable remedy for curing this disease, tod K prevent its running into consumption, lor ?alo by all medicine uealers.?Com. ' c eiieotmonr ih Life.?All nervous dis-1 orders, chrooio ditteases of the chest, head, Lliver, stomach, kidneys and blood, aches ana "I pains, nervous and general debility, etc., 3 jnickly cured after drugs fail by wearing Volta's ; Electro Belts and Banns. Valuable book free, by Volts Belt Co., Cincinnati, Ohio.? Com. 1 ? BUY ME, AND I?IX DO YOIJ GOOD." i )f all Uie modes of riddlnjr the homan oonstlto- f lion of Imparities of the blood, dyspepsia, torpid llrer I sad Its kindred diseases, none Is so suooeaeful as the oae ' aT Dr. l.ANOI.KY'M BOOT AND IIKKB UITtVKM. They act as a potent tonlo sod eentle , aperient/Bee mild In their operations, aafe under any , circumstance*, and thousands bus home testimony to , the beneflta they hp** darired from their ner Th.-r ar. the safest and heat sprfe# and summer mod. toe /. t , as:-4- saxSamB&ak<^^" < Who leasts Aseuto. 4 Wo invito tho attention of onr readers o the advertisement of Dr. Dangloy's Boot aid Herb Bittern, wh'cli have for more than wenty years been so favorably known and bo ixteumvelv used ae a spring and summer mediLue. Few preparations equal thouo bitters in unifying and cleansing the blocd of all immritses, and thus recovering the health and orrecting all diseases of the stomach and >owo1h. For the various complaints that are aired by thin valuable medicine eoe tho adveriBement headed "liny mo and I'll do you ;ood," in to-day's paper.?Com. A StaivtijIng Truth.?Thousands die unmally from noglected coughs and colds, rhich soon ripen into consumption, or other iqually fatal disease of tho lungs; when by ho timely use of a single bottlo of Dr. li'isnr's Ilnham of Wild f iierry their lives could lave been presetvo 1 to a green old age. Fifty lents and one dollar a bottle, lasco bottles auch tlie cheaper. ? Com. A frieud of ours, who is chief-clerk in ho government dispensary, tayd that no nedicino chert is now complete v. it liout Jolin on'f Anodyne Liniment. We always Buppoeed t was prescribed by law ; if it is not, it ought o be, for certainly there is nothing in the rhole materia niedica of so much importance to he soldier and t' e eailor as Johnson s Anodyne Liniment.?Cnn. ^ I * "Lctrtd Prirtd and BEST, tXCClsioi.Do Your Own Printing O IVi*M f<>r rar<!.?, r'nvelopts, etc. x O l.trjrcr ?iififorlarj*r work. ItuslncasMendothcirprintingand advert! sing, sa\ o money nud increase trade. A mat e?r I'rlnt Ing.delight fa I pastime for aparathoore, BOYS Print: w havo great fun and mako money fust jTrillling nt printing. Send two stamps forfull rVr, rroS catalogue prcsi-en type etc to the M frs ?eSSe*? KELliEV A CO., Mcrldcn, town. flFITf OI/lTn CI '1,le onb Preparation thai VH HIVS1 r K 5a gives perfect satisfaction : > "if 1 Hl"ll IIIyy those wishing to raise Beard ir Muatache. J>c Luneps "Vlgorlne." prepared enly n Part*. Kiich Paclcnire warranted and rent by mall on ecoipt of SI.OO. Sample mailed for Ifi ola. Address I. P. FRANK MS. S- lu Importer. Jersey City. N. J. I7TTl?T7It A t ,^ur idnlir Burner nod LiLJ II I jl\ A IitdenirnrtlMc t'lilmncv iftr more ami loiter li-jht than any ether Korosone Burnr in the world, and the Chimney ranmrt break under all eit, where other Ghimnles do. The Raving lu glass rill t""J far errry month. Wo want an Agont In very townalilp la the land. Any pernon can make JStlO ' ail'/ by such agency. Burner and Chimney aont anyrhero east of AUegh.iniea for (Id cents, expressnira pre>ald, or two for 9 l-OO. bond for the samples and erma to Agents. GI.OIIF ni UNKIt CO.. Ronton, Mnnn. i 4 H A .11 A It 1 T A N NEKYINE la a aura euro for Knilopttc Fits. C> nvnlslons rnT^rt and Spasms. It has been teated by thousands JBK. r and oerer was known to tall in a single case. Jrw' | Inclose stamp for circular giving evidence of 1 1. cures. Address Dlt. S. A. RICHMOND, Box 74 1. St. Joseph. Mo. J. S. Wlnslosv A Co., Ship raj. Broker*. Portland. Me..*ay:?"We ' honestly thin* your Sort Fonm ^Hr superior to all other Baking PowWrst. "Jtons iV Co., I ' Sfrringjielrl, Ma**., say.* ? "Sea it l I'cam combines all the qualities I I I . desired In a first-class Baking A r'?"d,,r " Trr it" It ta just the thing for Dyspep t|ci an j wuat persona, and better VMtg.Orstill for the strung and well." Many Valuable co ;king recipes y VP sent free. Sond for Uircular to (ice. K. Gastz A Co., 1711 Doane Kt.. New York. SB1 POPES JRVfUflo Air 3Pistol MBfW siioote Darts or Slugs Perfectr < ly Arrnrnle. Recommended hySports r.? men and Military men. Splendid Parlor kS Amusement. One may become a Dead Shot by practicing with it. To a Sportariau It is Invalnabie. P.tce, Including Darts, Sings, Targe s, and Gnastock, tjS.Y.tX). Ilsnasnraelr nlcklu ilated, S(!.(IO. .Self-adjusting Bell Target, (t".(l(l. *or Sale bv Gun Dealers, or sent by mall on receipt cf nice, and &5 eta. uostape. POPK IIKOS., .11 nnuiicturcrH, 45 Ilicit Street. Bo-ton, links, [IPIMCMaili ng. Prof. I>. Meeker, P. O. Box 475. Isrporte.lnd. PIERCE WELL AUGER Company offers St.000 to any one that will successfully tompete with them in boring a 20-inch well, through loapstone and sandstone, and in taking up ana paaslng m.wider* end looee stones. Agents wanted in every lute. J23 PKK DAY WlAllA.NTEED. Bend tor Gaxat/HiUE. Add rasa CHAM. D. PIERCE, Bloorafleld, Iowa. A (fn |p A DAY GUARANTEED 1* MM using our Well Auger and Drills jL m " 1 tn good territory. Highest testimoLfi Bg-j i.ials from Govomorsoi lo?x, ArkanT sas and Dakota. ^ All T I R.I As we are tha original Inr\ ej I I Is s ventors, parties buying or riling an Anger like oura, without onr consent, will lie mtfCsN 'or Infringement. Augur Book free. 81 DO s month to good Agents. Address W. W. J11.7., Box 9,000, St. l/ouis. Mo. THE BEST Prairie Lands IN IOWA AND NEBRASKA, rOU SALE BY Ic Bnriitiiii & Missouri Hirer R. R. Co. lu Tea Years' Credit nt G per cent. Intrrcwt ONK .1111.1.ION AtidESIn IOWA aud SOUTH iRN NKBKA8KA. The finest country in the world to combine EAIOIN<? and KTOCK RAISING. 'rodurls will pay lor bnnil and Improve 11 I'll IN lonir brfare il>? K.U.I?i 1? * ronif'M tlur. Lnrgr Dinrounln for " The so-called destitution In Nebraska lies in the far estorn region, beyond the lands of the B. ? Ai. R. R o." Clf Kor circulars that will describe fully these lauds ad the terms of sale, apply to or address, IiANf> CO.11.111 SMI ON ICR, Burlington, Iowa, for Iowa Lands, or Lincoln. Neb., for Nebraska Lands. t GKNT8. Chang Chan* sella at sight Necessary as V soap. Goods free. Chang Chang MTy Co., Boston. ?I(EK OF CIIAIMIE, a Prescription that any [7 Druggist will put up, that is a Positive Cure In pium Hating and Drnnkenners. Address, . Plior. J. K. WIGUIN, Charlealown. .Mass. A DAY. Agents wanted, male and female. V Li Li Address Knrcka M'l'g Co.. Buchanan. Mich ilOllA a mouth to agents everywhere. Address P^jUU gXCKLHIOHAl'F'G CO.. Buchansn.Mlob. V'ANTKO AflKNTS Kvnywhore, to sell our popu,r " IJfe of Dr. Uvlnjrstone," from bis childhood to his Last Journal." full, C'irrpl'l', Authentic, Attract!re, toplc't Milton. B. B. RUhKKbb, Pub., Beaton. Mass. TtVEKY FAMILY WANTH IT. Money In it. Ji Sold by Agent*. Address M. N. I.O VK1.1., Krie.Pa. SHARPS RIFLE CO., ianufactnrers of Patent Breech-loading, Military, porting and Oreedmoor Hitlns. The Rest in the Yarld. Winner at International and nearly all other rtnclpal matches at Creedmoor. (Bee Official Record ) Btefepma- ?' *30r With Klerathms for 13UO yards, 800 and 8125 Send for Illustrated Cataloguo. KMORY AND OKKICE, K. G. WKSTCOTT, Habttohp. COMM. President. $10 PER DAY 1 Visiting and Business Cards, the beet in the world. 2 iiMgninceut samples to begin work with sent for 25 a. Address 11. O. MANLKY, Fashionable Kngraver, 11I W.u.hlr,ua,,r. Hl?I " HI A " 9*5 HK# l>.\ Y- Send for "Oh^o^lO, >1U catalogue. J. H. BUFFORD'H SONS, Boston nelly made water-tight with Oltnea' SUta Paint, bleti aiivr* reehingltng.oontaln* no tar, la extremely leap, prnrtlrnlly Are proof, very riinuienlnl, id lmli>rm-d by Public Institutions, Corporntlona id leading men lit all section*. Send lor Hook Irrulnr of llniiir references and rnll particulars, N. Y. Sl.ATK U^HFINb CO., ^ k> ft If. PHltOMIIS for 81 ; two for2Ao. Agents L /rnI winturl. P.w, McCi vaVF. A Co..Beaton A Chicago. (HOOK AOi:\TS WAXTEli TELL IT ALL *y'i (1 By Mrs. Strnhouae of Belt lake CRy, for * ' years tlie wife of a Mormon tlieh Priest, la ^M^Blroduclion by Mr*. Siowt. This story of f E? ..Oman's experience lays bare the "hUtlrn Ufa, I mysteries, secret doingi. atr. of tho Mormons as > wide-avoir sooeiaa sees Urn." Blight. I'urj ^ fWd Good, it is the be* new book out actus .tV tarr^oictai with good things for ell. II Is popular ,'ery stare,wluteverybody, and outsells ell other books t/tnse* "W. Mlniairs ssy ' (V<*/ it." Eminent wofr-ux ndorse It. Yetryuoily wsnts it t and agrnte rro eeliiny rom 10 too# in v I *'. a. wiml sr., r ~M I snt.*/!*),aura ettrnts MlW?iru n or t'.-insn el | iswlj'.mai) Owillt Free to tl.o-e who v. 1 carries. la. > ampbUta with i off partunila's. terms, sic. srnt /V?e vi { k64ieK dUl>. Wvaewrewioa *'.w* Metuvrd Cee-^ J. EST|Y BRATTLEB The Most Extensive Manufactory ol &r ILLUSTRATED CATALC I THE K LASTIC TRUSS I axd supporter i* 1 JEK'Z't 1 r. cri T nai n"w lUpersedin* all I BrJ ELASTIC V3 others, twlnx adopted , I UeL T RUSS. W en rywho-eby the leading 1 ? -g y ph>Blcl?ni,Burgoons,drug- H gi-t", armv and navy, ims- ( pitala. gymnasiums, etc., I jf W The sncceas and nnlver- B sal satisfaction they have even, as well as the groat nnmbur of radical rur?? they t ive effected, has demvnslralt <1 the fact that rupture can f. bo surely cured without suffering or nunoyauce.and triih- ; a out the danger of incurring Spinal Disease or Ihiralysie. I often canned by the severe pressure of Metal Trusses and "C Supporter*. It is the only sure cure for Hernia, as it Is *" the only Truss in use that will hold the rupture securely in all positions In whlcll the body enn bo placed. It will perform radical cures when all other* fail. It can bo j worn with ease and COUlfort when no spring truss oen be v used. Wlmn once adjusted, no motion of the body or /. rco'dont can displace it. These instruments have tho /? int ali/led approval of the most eminent practitioners iis ! la no profession. I From the numerous testimonials in our possession wo L append the following: * After the experience of months, patients testify strongly to it? e/hcary, as well as to the rase and freedom from inebnventence with which the Instrument is worn. A With superior advantages, the Clastic Truss possesses In M a high degree ALL requisites and qualifications claimed for other Inventions. I have no hesitation in regarding it aa an important means tor the relief and cure of J Hernia. J. M. CARNOCHAN, M. D., "Ks-Henlth Officerof the Port of New Yordr,burgeon-in- i tgl Chief of New York State Hospital," etc., etc. pj-g Geo. V. Hocke.M. D.,Sn|?ertntendent KiasticTrnsa Co. tiVI Dear Sir:?After suffering for thirty years* In my own - I person, from the use of every form of Metallic Trusa pro- tl-C ' cural.le In thla country and in Kurope, I, two years ago, nin applied your Clastic Truss, and since thnt thne ! have eximrlencod comfort and satisfaction, and been taught . JWC the truth, thnt the Elastic Truss is the only Instrument ? thst should be used for the relief and cure ol Hernia; OI and now after more than thirty years' continuous prac. .1.,: tico$ and having adjusted many hundreds of Trusses 1 Ul (and for the last twenty months yours exclusively), I UI11 gratefully declare it to ho my deliberate opinion, that . your Clastic Truss is tho only one entitled to the coufi- IE] donee of thepnbllc; that elasticity is the only power at flic all adapted to the requirement* of a Truss or Supporter, and am convinced that your Clastic JVu?? actually cures C0\ a largo proportion of ail cases to wliicb it Is applied, not , . only among children, hat in numerous cases within my DIO own knowledge of patients from 60 to 7fi years of ago. ? H. HUKNHAM. M. D. a Prof, of Anatomy and Surgery, N. Y K, Medical College, of Beware of cheap and worthlesa imitation Elastic lllSl Tnitu.. -<l ?1 .1 - -x.-, .....v.. imiwva IIUIOIUOO AUU Bfll, man* | con tantly reproaenting that they arc manufactured by the Klaatic Trui*a Co. j These Trusses are sent by mall to all parts of the ooun- $\q) try. BntUfactiou guaranteed In all cases. Before pur- : chasing any other, write for Descriptive Circular (/We) HFC to the , reli ELASTIC TRUSS CO. , i; J Vi: 683 Broadway, New York. cai W A N T F n I T*le Pooplo's dollar paper. The contbi- j ?e' " 1, i uctob, rulurynl to (14 r tltimnt: religious tlVl 5000 Nctv I and reculur. Takrt trmjtrhrrr. Vive mag- ! AflCMTC I nlticent premiums. Sample, terms, etc., HU T.I\ I O J(rm, J. 11. KARLK. Boston. Dr j , .????- am Jll OT MONEY IN IT MITKE! Just out w O 1 Useful, Handsome, Cheap. Sells eve y THE where. A rare chance. Also, BOOK Ntw MAPS, CHARTS, Etc. ; CYOU Our new chart, CIIK1HTIAN A PJ <1 HACKS, is a splendid mccru. Cin? clnnatl prices aamo a* New Vol*. Scud t CUT T fortennato K.U. BRIDUMAN.ft BareOIjLL lay St-.N.Y., A 1TO W. 4th St-,Cln..O. j CCpnQ I HPOONKR'S OClUO . Boston Market Vegetable. Seeds ' n r, . . _. _ Spooned* Prize Power Seeds. KhLIAbLt 12 Choice Varieties Asters, 81. ! Cabbage, Fottler'a Brunswick, < per o*. ftOe. Per lb. gO. Q PPnQ I Our Illustrated Catalogue srnf/Wa. ; OCCUO . I w.H SPOONBR.Boaton.Mass. J f wnsoe-8 c0mp0to1) Of ^ PUEE COD LIVES I L OIL AKD LIME. J Wilbur'* Cod I.lvrr Oil nn<l I.iuir.?Tlie j great itopulsrity of this safe and cttk-.ocimis preparation I la alone attributable to its intrinsic worth. In the cure \ of Coughs. Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, | Scrofulous Humors, and ail Consumptive Symptoms, It i has no superior. If <?|ital. Let no one neglect the early symptoms of disease, when an agent is thus at band whteh will alleviate all complaint* of tlio Chest. I.ungs or Throat. Manufactured only by A. B. WILBUR, I Chemist, Boston. Sold by all druggists. ~~S SOLlTON TRIAL. THE YORK MAN UFA C. IK TIJHINCJ COMPANY. _ lflft' Builders of Pulleys, Shafting ] T. P Toni. . and all kinds of Mill (tearing, are i selling the Holi.inoeu Tvbbikk j r|A?\. Wateb Wheel vebv cheaply, im imgnmubi th-mgh the best in nso. Ll wuO For descriptive Pamphlets addrees YORK M?F?? CO., ^" rr-wa^ York, Pa. m AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE.-The choicest In the world?Importers' prices?largest Company In America?staple article?pleases everybody?trade incrssalng?best Inducements ?don't waste time?send for Circular to ROBERT WKL1.S, 43 Vssey Street, New York. P. O. Bos 1287. K f \ A MONTH?Agents wanted every. I where. Business honorable and flratU/LIU class. PsrUcalsrs sent free. Address ~ WORTH A CO.. St. I amis. Mo. A DVERTISERNJ Send 8ft res's to geo p A. ROWELL A CO., 41 Park Row. N. Y.,for their ! !?-J PamphUtof lOOpogM.oontalningllateof 3(NK) news. ?c papers, and eaUmatee showing post of advertising. 5D 'Ik^^P ^^E9BHR9BRS oar < BBWA.V^LAfl^RKI v*ftKCT&^^^L|??CH2?TCj9 ^PTiTiS^r^P^MiBrS^^^y or*i ^* *~ Onlftm I (i,r|l?,i ,)r?l>a known. 8lroni pUnU, fl i^nlHIII I WArrant<*1 *nnulm< Chwp (>jr mall. QlWO Wl UUiUllI 1 with cot free. I II. llAiio<K-K.Iockp<?rtJ'.V. VI *8,000 AL.HKA m*Y SOLD. JU GKNT9 WAKTED for tho new Doca, KB Lira AND ADVENTURES OF m Kit Carson " ! ; in rnna ul/iU?I.D, W t. P.uii, BmlU Jj E^H P*.aa4 Burt?m,U.?. Aurora dlruwd*y klm- j| ilUHB wit T6..n,rT?ua?nd Ai Itfjof Amwlc.;. d >K?U?t HBWIBL TR tPI-rK. BCOLT and OOin: g?| HN \m 1-nbll.tiML 1? t"< ' " 11 and foinplrtod??cr1[>. Maixit... ladl^ Ulkwofti.* KAR WF,ST,MMaa kTKHCanoa, JH ' 1 .cvrrrttmiliiitV't It giro a Ml. nl'ibl* ??af ' 1 <I*>c*,?ad Um MoIxjC v AIL A?a trark of MtVTOKY,it fout-v-Mld*. A giaail cyportanUy lot>??ru l? malum ..way. , m.,o .. o?tr? ?\ elr* ?*r? o*nt h *? to of M*p)1 cant* *Vrlto aed ? Hi l k.< t?r.Wf ?IN* I>?TIK aiuuir a u.iwuaiCMa i >?a4 * co ORO, VT. , v r Reed Organs in the World! JGUES SENT FREE. H HlklVT ilili" W ^ 1 iv^ Dr. J. Walker's CallSQriiin Vin?r Hitters arc a purely Yaaptablo paration, mado clriolly from the jme herbs found on the lower ranges of i Sierra Nevada mountains of-C'alifor, tho medicinal properties of. which i extracted thorcfroni without tho uso Alcohol. Tho question is almost ly asked, ''What is the enhse of tlics paralleled success of'Bitusf" Our answer is, that they remove ! cause of disease, and the patient refers his health. Thov are the great od purifier and a life-giving principle, perfect lienovator and Invigorator the system. Never before in tho tory of the world has a medicine been iiponndod possessing 'the remarkable ihties of Vis no a it Bittkrs in healing the c oi cverj' disease man is nctr to. vnoy a gentle Purgative as well as a T<>uiirr eving Congestion or luflanuitation of Liver and Visceral Organs iu llilioma eases . k The properties of Dr. WXlki?r'i> S'KOAR BITTKR8 are Aperient. Diaphoretic, rminative, Nutritious, Laxative; Diuretic, lative, Counter-irritant Sudorilic, Alterab, and Anti-Pilious. It. II. Hcl)OS.\I.n A CO.. and Gen. Acts.. San Francisco. California. 1 cor. of Washington and .Charlton Sis.. N. Y. sold uy ail Dra{(Ki>U uittl Dealers. H. T. W. U.-H? 15 Onllr to Aai-ntri. Nu nrw article* nud thm WVr beat Family Paper In America, wltii.two S5.C01 WIM. tree, am. M'FG CO.. 3>H> Broadway. N . Y. Burnett's Cocoaine Prevents tlio Hair from Failing, Burnett's Cocoaine Promotes its Hcaltliy Growth. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not Greasy nor Sticky. Burnett's Cocoaine Loaves 110 DirngreenWc Oflor. Burnett's Cocoaine Subdues Refractory Hair. Burnett's Cocoaine Soothes tho Irritated Scalp-Skin. Pi irriQ+f'o wui nviio wuv/uau ic Afforils the Itlcbest Lustre. Burnett's Cocoaine Is not nri Alcoholic Wiifch. Burnett's Cocoaine Kills Dandruff. Burnett's Cocoafne Gives New Lifo to tho Half. . * Burnett's Cocoaine Itemalns Longest In Lflfect. Prepared only by J08EPH BURNETT & CO. 27 Central Street, Boston. And 8old Everywhere. > ff PBR DA Y Commission, or S30a weak Sel Jt J ary and Kruenne*. \l'? offer It and will pay Ipolrnmv. O. WKliHK.K & DO . Ms^nn. O. 1 Sin I'Llt DAY at home. Terms free. Ad o * U areas tied. Stinhos A Co., Portland. Me HnsiXHniiisn bold In cana by DnjgrUU, til crut. ami upward}. 3ENTS WANTED' '7?2Z i* huuK nthi published. Bond lor circulars and ixtra torma to Ainnt*. * TlONAI, PUBLISHING Of).. Philadelphia, Pa.._ LiX8H0T^U5^IST0IJ>xr BEY0LTgB8, ?jr and ?rery kind. Send atarnp -V- Hainan*. Addraaa Ureal W?Ha?a Cimm rnui w?ra?. uttaanasa, tPOKTA BlihJ SODA FOUNTAINS $40, $50, $75, A $100. GOOD, DURA BLR, AND- OHRAP Shipped Ready for L'??. Manufactured by CHAPMAN <V < O., .llutlinon, Intl. 1 ^ ' Send for a ' 'Alalnirnn. > YOUR OWN PRlNTINC! tTSJOVELTY AH PEINTINa PEE S3. For Profraalonnl ontl Amulrnr Printers, Hrhaals, Societies, Mnnuftaetarera, MrrrhunU, and other* ill* ? the BEAT c*ar Invented. 1 N.OOO In nae. VSAT6: iiiSS&l gftsaSS