The tribune. (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, April 28, 1875, Image 3

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MKAtFOUT, H. C. Al'ltli. at*. tW7n. Baldwiw Afplks at French 's. The Town Council meets to-night. Every one th?t wants to visit the Fleet Will have an opportunity to do so to-morrow on the Pettit. Fare only fifty cents. ? If you fall to attend the sociable at the fica Island ,IIotcl to-night you will miss a treat. Only fifty cents admission. The Pilot Boy will resume her trips between Benufort and Charleston this week leaving Charleston Friday morning. ^he sales of delinquent property o owtuences Monday next. As All sales for taxes arc now subject to mortgages and jndgintnts it is thought the Suits will be Very foMr, A. brisk deniend for cotton seed has sprung op since the late frost, to replant where the frost had injured the cotton. As most of the seed had been shipped to LlVefpool, the planters have great difficulty in getting a supply. 1*wo colored murderers, named Bunch and Hardee, who were to have been hung in Charleston last Friday were respited at noon by Lieutenant Governor GleaVes, in the absence of Governor Chamberlain from the State. The Standard said laBt week that Mr. GleaveB would not respite these men, it had belter post itself next lime. Thr Prkss Convention. The time and place selected lor the meeting of the Press Association meets our hearty approval. Charleston is entitled to the honor, and the News and Courier with whom thft suggestion originated, will by that time be clear of its present harassing tiou bit t. Wc shall ntn nd. The war agxiust corrupt officiala, begun Governor Chamberlain, bus already ' resulted in the arrest of Niles G. Parker, the State Treasurer uuder the Scott and Moses administration*, upon charges of fraud and embezzlement preferred bv O..T, Chamberlain and other-. Parker ha. been committed to Columbia juil in <l"fault?nr$2-"i0.000 bail. It ia rumored that this is but tbe first of series of effort* to bring the public, plund- r?rs to justic-. ThK PoiMJI.AR SCIKHCB jiloWTHI.Y for May is r?ccited, and is an unusunl y in t?re?ting number. Its pages unceasingly popularise* scientific speculations and discoveries, and should l?e wide'y circulst*d. It is the Magazine forth- pro :ressive minds of this country, and should be in ?very family. The names of Albrecht Mueller, Youiuans, Prof. Huxley, Dean . .HtaulMr and pther* no less distinguished in the scientific and literary world appear this, month among its contributors. It is P'lh'ishcd by, I). Apple ton & Co. 510 **"* Br-"a.1 way K,ow York. Delinquent poll tax payers should ltear . in mind, tlrt uuder the Act of the Legis Jafur- the Treasurer i* required to furnish tli* C'-unty ('oniniisnioner* with a list of jUI delinquents. I he Commissioners then i>aue executions for double the amount (two dollar^ and in default ot payment the fine is three days work upon '.he publie highways or tcu dnys confinement in the County Jail. Blicidk.?La?t Thursday morning a young roan named Mitchell employ* d as book ke?p-f by tha Oak Point Mining Company committed suei'de by shooting himself through the body with a pistol. . . -v On that morning his room mate named Green went out early and returned to "breakfast when Mitchell not appearing ' Owen went to the sleeping room and found Mitchell dkad in bed with two bul, 1st boles in his bod; near the region of * the hosrt. Dr. Johnson held an inquest on the body and the jury returned a verdict of death from suicide. Mr. Mitchell was a young man about 20 years of age a native of Charleston, where bis body waa taken on Friday for interment, where his mother, a widow, lives. . .. Jlruuson S. C. April 20th 1875' Editor Rf?nfnrf Tantwi Our planters were jubilant over the eppesrauce of fair weather a few days .? ago; but buvc been to some extent brought to grb-f at the nnuusal appearance of recent severe chilly weather, and one, or two mornings of front. Although cotton has not suffered so much as was first predicted, yet considerable damage has bc*n done. Local news .is sc arce the airs of fjie town are apparently brighten Jng up although there h*s been considerable lawlessness. The Town Council met for the first time within two or three months on Thursday last. A lack of harmony between Intcndant and Wardens la said to be the cause of this failure to meet more regularly. Preparationa art; l*4ng made to drain several ponds which if Qegl eted longi r will provu injurious to the health of the community. The sawmill of Geo B. ITack Esqr. which has Iwtn h? re for the past two years or more was removed from our town on Monday last, Ju<t lieyond Varnesville a mile or more We are glad to know Mr. Hack contiu nee his residence with us still. We wish him succ aa at his new abode of burimsa. Vigilnre. Tim Sheriff w* i'l s? ll next Tu-iedny the following iiroprrty . John : r.?t.E r?. Julia Mathews one let in Port Royal. John Frai 7. rt. El en O I'riscoll one lot in Port Roviii. Wiii Midi .1 o Pi icr I. I'i iii" wV o".e lot i: V MI-I'IIH1. fcJI???B?IW??WttOW Huko llall. On Honda y lot-t the Cosmopolitan Base Ball Club played a go mo with a nine from the U. 8. Steamer W orcester, and were vanquished without much trouble. The CoBUio'a were out of practice and missed some of their beat players that were members of the game last winter, but they are game and Intend to get their hands in and try the navvies again. The gamo was called at 11. o'clock with the Cosmo's at the bat. 1st inning Wallace went out on a fou: and J Harrison was put after making 3d base. Boutclle -cut a fltlc ball to 1. f. and was put on home base. Clancy Wdson and C. Harrison getting home. The Worccitefs then took the bat. McCT' a sent a daisy cutter to r. f. that gave him 2nd. base, and on a lost bail J HutchMS made 1st base bending McCrea j home. Hutchins came in on a missed ball Calhoun sent a fly to c. f. and made 1st a wild throw gave him 2nd and a fine stroke by Burwcll brought him home and gaVe Burwell 1st. Osterhousc went out on three atrtKcs JNeal sent a hot ball to r. f. and brought in Burwell. Hyatt went out on three strikes McCrca sent a fine ball to r. f. which Was elegantly muffed and got home by wild throws, and and Hutchms went out on a foul, ecore 8. to 3. 2nd. inning. Wilfiott took his base on called balls and stole 3rd. J. Harrison made 1st. and brought Wilson homo on a good strike, and stole in on wild throws. Harms got 1st. on ball to c. f. and got safely home W right went out on three strikes, Boycc made lsf. on a ball on home b ,se and Bontelle sent a high flyer to c. 1, and niado 1st. base, and with Boyce got home by wild throws. Wallace got to 1st. on aN Weak stroke and stole llotne and Cliuicy went out trying to make 1st. Wilson went out on three strikes after aeuding s- vcral fine fouls towards the Court house. 7 runs. Calhoun sent a beautiful fly to r. f. and Burwell followed suit bringing Calltoun home. Noel sent a stifl'fly<r to r. f. w hich Wilson held. The Cosmo's made some wild plays giving the jWorccstcra 4 runs und finally put out W. Whiting op 1st. and Hyatt on three strikes. score 10 to.12. 8rd. inning. This inning proved a whitewash lor the Comiio'b. The two I Harrisons went out on fly's to the catcher und Harms was settled oy u foul. MvCriU for the Wont-store made 1st and Hutchins went out on a foul, H. biting went on 1st* and Wm. Whiting on a foul, nfter scoring 4 runs. 4th. Inning. Wright out on a foul Boyce made 1st. and Boutclle sent a fine ball to c. f. wliichwas nicely taken and Boyce finished the inning by getting to the home base an inch behind the ball. Hyatt sent up a fly which was taken by McCrca sent up another which was l>cautiflly muffed. Hutchlns went out on a fly to Boyce and Burwell retired in a foul one run. 5th. Inning. Boutelle, Clancy and Wilson all were retired on fouls. F* the Worcester Whiting was put out on afly to Boyce McCrca was settled byji foul and Calhon closed the game by running 011 a loul ball after adding fire | rnus to their score the game standing 10 to 22. i The Worcester's were obligad to leave j for the tr -in at the ? nd of the fifth Inning and so the game wos called. The following is the score: Cosmopolitans. R O Worcester* R O J. Wallace If 11 McCrea 1 b A 1 Clancy lb '12 Ilutchins 1 f 2 3 Wilson 2 b 12 Calhoun p 8 1 J. H. Harrison c 1 2 Burwell c f 8 1 C. Harrison as 2 1 Osterhouse c 3 1 Harms 2 b 2 1 Nocll r f 2 1 Wricrht e f 0 ft. H WMiinnS ?J o Boyee p 1 1 WW hiring 2b 2 2 IiouU-lle r f . .18 Hjatt as 18 ; T0W3 10 15 *22 15 MARINE 3STB"WS. St. Helena Sound. Arrived April 23rd. Br bark George, Grant master, from Charleston with 600 tons phosphates for Campbell W. & Co. Cleared ?21st. Br. bark Modoc, Marsh master, for London with 600 tons phosphate rock from Coosaw mining Co. Port Rot ax,. Arrived 24th. Schr Silver Heels, Newman, from Boston to G. Water house. W ill load with lumber for Boston. Augusta, Ga April 2*\?Memorial Day was observed here with unusually imposing ceremonies. There wus a large parade and procession. The corner-stone of the Confederate Houumeut was laid. In his speech, Gen. Evans said: "Let us do nothing to keep alive the passions of war, to study its lessons is prudence, to profit by its teaching is wisdom; but to stir up old animosities in madness. The voice of this monument will not be for war, but for peace; it say to us the Confederacy has expired; its great life Went out on a purple tide of blood that flowed from the hearts of its sons; we have buried it, and we do not intend to exbtmu. its '?mains we were utterly defeated and we dismiss our resentments; sadly we par'ed with the dear old cross of stars, which we followed through many a storm of shot and shell, but we take with the truest hand of Houthcrn honor the staff that holds the flag of stars and stripes. I r-spond with the truest feeling to-dav to the fraternal words of Bartlet: spoken nt i the centennial celebration of the fir t battle of lie "Id revo'u'ion. A'teru ids theLadias Memorial Association decorated bith fl wer< the grave*. of the l ooti d.>n?te ee-l *be I.V-1,.r.t? J iu Vug i<t;? < ,u.v ii v.'V i--.:-r-" ' , i. r Nll.K* 0. IJAllKfc)R,? Tblf ktrtst ' oH R the ex-treasurer is th* following from the . Phwnlx. of Sunday: "Nile* G. Parker declared to snino visitors yesterday that he did not propose t<> remain in prison all alone by himself. If efficient step* Were not taken within thirty data to release him from his unpleasant predicant nt, \e would take Steps to relieve his solitude m by an accession of contpunious from Uc among his old friends in office. Ahl what * tale Nilea could unfold if he would-anu maybe he will.,' | Answers w> re returned iu both cases of | complaints filed soltlu days ago again*! dr. Parker. The trial will take place ut the ensuing term of court. Civil Rights in Chicago.?John Jones, a wealth negro tailof of Chicago recently g<w<3 a reception on the thirtieth anniversary of liia arrival in that city, at which ho received five hundred visitors, white and black. The Tribune gave a full account of the supper, the decorations of the maiiBion, the music, and dancing, with n long list of the white aristoc. racy who participated in the grand fete The noxt issue of the paper contained an account of the expulsion of some negroes from one oi the city restaurants ou ac count of race, color and previous condi- q, tlon* Ch wubfltrn'a Unabridged, Nbw Ii.lcb- < tkatbu ridition.-a8 trie traveler at the T, eternal city gazes with rapture upon the wondrous dome, acd upon each recurring visit beholds something new, some new feature he had not seen before, so it is with the student of Webster. The oftener one turns over its almost | endless pages, the more his admiration is ln challenged. It would be superfluous to m speak in detail of the merits of this great 1 work; yet it would be impossible to say a ? word too much in its praise.? Charleston Oasetts. New Advertisements. ai Cranberries at French's. Lemons 40 cts. per dozen at French's Fresh Sequin mackerel at French's Wilson's Cohnkd Beep, at French's Quarantine Notice. office of the IlKALTn officf.r, i Bkaufort, s. c.. April 28th, 1875. i PILOTS AND 1WA8TKB8 OF VESSELS ARB ?< notified that the quarantine law of this State goes into operation on the first of May, proximo, and continue! in force until the first of Noyoaiber. All vessels coming nndcr the bead of sub-dlvl ? Ion two, 8ecU*>n four, of ">e Act will come to an anchor at quarantine amhomgc off Paris Island, ' I and await the visitation of the Health Officer. _ Pilots will apply to this Offli-o for further In tractions. V 8. B. TnoirrsoK, M.D.. J Hea th Officer, Port Royal. apr1.28-3t. LIQUOR DEALERS, DEALERS in Srtnrrcocs Liqpors whose licences are about to expire can save money hy buying County Certificates that aie reeelvcahle for llrcn- p ces. Parties desiring to purchase at a discouut [jj ran Ik- supplied by application at this office. Notice. Office Board Pilot Commissioners, 1 Bi Beaufort, S. C. April 24 1875. ( Notice It hereby given that Cnpt. James Early Is heieby suspended from acting as Pilot on St. Helena and Port Royal Bars for the period of six months. 8. W. Rhodes, rr Chairman. Steffens & Werner, p. Wholesale Grocers, " PROVISION DEALERS, Cor. East Bay St Vendue Range, /t II K T) T rCTA VT CI /"I VyllAiVlirjO I D. V/* 22 48 "DIRECTORS MEETING. pi THERE WILL BE A MEETING of Directors of the Port Royal Rail Roa<t Co. at the Mansion House in Port Royal W 8. c., Tues-lay May 4th. 1875, at 8 p. m. "W. M. Read. Bee. and Treasurer. ?p STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. " THERE WILL BE A MEETING ?t the Stockholders of the Port Royal Rail Road Company nt the Mansion House in Poit Royal, 8. C., Wednesday May 5th. at 12 m. W. M. Read, Bee. and Treasurer. MIL^HCOWS. ^ Having Purchased the stock of blooded cattle lately owned by the estate of II. M. Stuart, deceased, I oifer for sale some FINE MILCII COWS, Enquire of J James Jenkins, Market House. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Noticr is hereby given that thirty days ^ after date, the Fhkmond Society of Son* and Daughters, St. Helena Island, will apply to the Clerk of Court for Beaufort * County, for a Charter under the provisions of an Act of the General Assembly of this State entitled; An Act to provide t? for certain Charters. Hector Rivere. Joe. Bailey. _ Jonas Truell Robert Brown. Monday Washington. Beaufort, 8. C. April 17 1S75. 4t pd. SOUTHERN DIRECT TRADE. Regular fortnlphtly Packet y.ln? between Port |. Royal. 8. C., Neman and the WEST INDIES, The fast Schooner ''IDA SMITH" Captain Ma? tere will leave Port Royal for Nassau on thu Z2nd Inst. For freight or passare apply to PKTKR PAPIN A Co., Agcnta Port Royal. in T, DAULINO A Co., Agent* Naaaan, N. P. \ Shorte?t Sea paeeagc from the U. Sand Canada A and ehorteat Route from the West & Southern Markets to the WEST INDIES / and vice versa On the tlrst of .Tunc next, a fortnightly 8te?m ship. Mail, freight a.d P*-s< nger service wily be i established t>et ween Port HoyaJ and the prlndpM I I points iu lue \\ tbt indies, eouncciing at Havana I , with the Trane-Atlantic Steamers for Franpa and . I Mexico . ft PKTKU PAI'IN A Co \gents. Port Royal. | y<j d a A rl??' *IUU < > 73%^ ... 1 nmMri irwwf i Mn , , ?.. * .w.w. uriiu'l A Co., At. <). f.lllnHl. Ch?tW?toM. Beaufort Steam MILL COMPANY. Having put up to their oetnbltfbmviit a ORlHJ' II L arc prepared to f urn Ml nt ?ha rhorter live. Grist, ileal and Feed. The highest caah price paid for CORN. Com CJrotiiitl on Toll. feb.3- Jyr. BETWEEN CHARLESTON AN)> ltKAi'ponr. TIIK STEAMER ' M. S. ALLI SON, OAPT. P. Tt OLIO, ivlng taken th- place of the IMlut Dor. *111 leave mr lea ton ererr Filday morning. tFill hvtvo Bntnfort every Bntnrdny morning ic patronage of uhlppcru in rrapectfally eoltrliatf DOUOLAL N1SDKT, Agent, Charleaton, 8. C.. WM. HARRISON. Agont. Dcnafort. 8. C. 0T" flood* consigned to the care of the Agent CuaMcaton will bo forwarded free of commleaion d storage. loVXt-30. Conant & Emmons. RE NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH | ICE j In any quantity Cuatomcra may desire, 3tu their Icc House, Herentlt Mtroot. JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS. iovUR, I. M. WALLACE,' Cotton Fatitor rtiiel GRIST MILLER, "Wholesale Denier In rain, Hominy, Meal, Feed, Etc., HEA INLAND COTTON ought, Ginned and prepared for market, .dvunecg made on ConMlfgii- i merit*. aving the hest machinery for ginning ttfon and grinding corn and meal, he in ropared to execute all orders on the inrteat possible notice. The highest price paid for v. Cotton and CornCotton ginned on toll. i|o?35-M. . VERD1ER WALKER &BAC0T. j ROCTORS IN ARMIIltLTT ANP ATTOUNKYf AT LAW. nRAT'FORT. S. C. ALKRR A HACOT. I W. J. Ybrdiwp, Charleston. | H?*nufort. R*fer to the British Consulates in the South. anil >ectallv to the British Consulate at Charleston. novU.I St. SHEPARD D. GILBERT. NOTARY I'lTHT.U'. Attention gircn to Marine Protesta. omcB In the noes*. jan.6 67. AC H. LOCK WOOD, V. H. COMNIRSIONKK ad NOTARY PUBLIC. Agont fur Ml*-, X. T. Industrial (exhibition Co'? Vsndr?IfO mrk. I. KLATTE & CO. Wholesale Grocers, 11B SBALBE* IS fines, Lipors, Seears, Tobacco, Sc., 1N5 lOuNt llay, ' CUARLRBTON, 8. C. Orders from the Countrj promptly atindcd to. BOT46-M. tmllt o nil'ITM, CAH1)I KH, T0Y8, cakt;H^ TV UTS A ?hU asaortmcnt of the above eonnist!2of ORANGE A, LEMONS, I1 P^LES, DATES, FIGS, BANANAS. 11 kind* of FRENCH confectionery. 'BRAZIL, NUTS, HICKORY NUTS, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, PECANS, ICED. FRUIT, SPONGE, POUND id every otb<?r kind of O V K KS on hand or mad- to order. ' I Pnrti'-ulnr attention <?v?n to *up|>lyii>!f I r!pa with all necessary nrtielec. nnone ;?? fill na wdl na oivtvcvTAL * reived by every ?te?iucr from kew I ?nK. I J.ams Odell UTHjC 1 fj. COOPE J jry Goods & Mlllii Has just returned fron md select stock of DRY G01DS, CLO And ft goncral Assortment of MILLINERY, A1 WHICH Tin OFF Kits TO SUIT 1 o "" MANUFACTURERS OF BUIL Dressed, Ceiling, ar MOULDINGS FOR BUILDING NEWELS, IIAND-RA WOOD TURNING O] GOOD AND SUBSTANTIAL WORl can be mndc in the United States. We uu'uiu vi tiiC city vl Baltimore, all of wh ion to all who want good and substanti THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE THE ON BLIND AND DoOR M AKERS -BY T of Charleston, and can refer to gentlerae lina and Florida, ay to the character of NOTICE.?On account of the mannci own assumption of the risk of Breaka; goods arc shipped over the roads In thii saving to the purchaser of our work. W. mch.3-lyr. EDWARD PERR\ l?OOK AND JOB PRINTING Executed at the lowest rates. f?l.. ?t1/ On hand and made to order. Foreign and Doraesi H t iv t lo n'cry, Law and School Hook*, Law Dlanka, Wrapping I per, Twine, Jfcc., Sic. NO. 139 Meeting Steet, CHARLESTON, S. C. nnvtS t9. MM. AUCTION & COMA Consignments of Merc!; oenu in your dkau and Biiut* worn H short notice We have on our lists at si Wagon*, Farming Utensils. Boats, Steal Seed, Stove, Fixtures, Ac., &c. BROKER IN I Special attention given to the purchase, County property : For Sal I*ItlTC-'I AUD'H IIOUSK on KITTI/EIl IIOCHE unci Hull llttllcllniC Eots, UoliltliiH l>rc?i?ort y liny street I'luntina Inimls Tor hi On Lady's Island, On Paris Islar On St Helena Island, in 10 to t Store and Dwelling on the John Fri MAIN Thi- Uhovlon plantation nrnr P.wt Roy al ferry, t III hi anld in part or whole, price from to $ articular*. Pension Notary, i iTTR'.'TIOK aOl.lllhl<S! No action lute been tal nil bounty. SCHOONER IV Foi sale or -- G & y ^ ? Iff" i Charleston with a large / THING, NOTIONS,&C. J D FANCY GOODS, "UB T11MS. ootW'88 DING MATERIAL GENERALLY. id Weather-Boardings PURPOSES in GREAT VARIETY, IL AND BALLUSTERS, P* EVERY DESC'RIPRIOJf. f made as cheap at this establishment have on hand the largest stock or the abov lich we guarantee will give entire satisfnc ial work. [LY PRACTICAL MECHANICS?BA6H RADE, carrying on the business in the dt y n all over tbn State, Qjorgla, North Caro their work for the past twenty ytara, -o r in which we box up our work, and ou ge of Glass with ordinary handling, ou ) State at HALF RATES, which is a great P. RUSSELL & CO., Charleston, S. C. % r Wayne & Von Eolnitz, GKNKUAL Commission Merchants FOR THE SALE OF . tic PROVISIOISTS >0' AND PRODUCE. 06 Kant Bay M *7 Veuda. Jtaas** Charleston, 8. O ptmtjttt inurui. , ' k ? 11SSICN MERCHANT landise strictly Confidential. TOCK and we w ill convert it into cash a laughter prices : Horses. Moles, Carriages m Engines, Cotton Gins, Corn Mills, Cotton ^EALESTATE. , Sale, I tenting and^Exchange of City sad e in Beaufort. * r-\ m <1 I lull' Itlook, - sa?u. r Block, 114)00 so to ISO 9*.OOO ilc On Port Royal Island caBcKfa id, 10 acre tracts, $3 to $5 per acre iDD Place St. Helena for sale at 121L LAND. t>nf.lining TOO mrw, ttaxbont of land dexhrablr iocaU> j |M-r acre. Al<? other neMrable land*, font a in ! and Notary Public; ken by t'ongroa*. ax yet lit relation to additional (.% IARGARET-ANN Charter. ' - ''J#