Htji TRIBUNE. PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY. AT BEMJFORT, SOOTH CAROLINA BTW.1C. FRENCH, A PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Independent in Politics. TERMS: ??n? Year, ? 0 Ms Months, .... 1 I ADVERTISING RATES: Per Square, first Insertion . . , fl 8 Per square, second Insertion, . 1 o special contra* la made wltt yearly adyertiaaraAddrcaa all communuaUona to THE TRIBUNE BEAUFORT, 8. C. REFORM INDEED! On the night of Friday Oct. 9th, last Mass Meeting was held on Bay at. in thi Town addressed by several speakers on of whom was Gen. W. J. Whipper. Thi gentleman supported the nomination c D. H. Chamberlain, and the local pape reported his remaiks as follows; **11 strongly urged the importance of sendin, none but men of undoubted honesty t the Legislature who would second th efforts of the Governor to bring about tha reform promised and needed in the StaU It was in his opinion useless to ex pec reform, as far as the delegation frot Beaufort could affect it, if they sent bad nny of those who composed the delegs lion during the past four years." After th Japee of six months it will he admitte. that Mr. Whipper propht-cied pretty coi rectly, although We are inclined *o doub whether any close observer of the couro of politics in South Carolina since 186 would have anticipated any thing differ cnt. These thoughts occur to as whei we consider the small gathering of citizen ot' the Town on BuluiIiv ??w i?ut . - J - ? -, < wall knot of politicians met ant Burned the delegates to represent us ii the coming convention which is to de cide upon three members of the nex Assembly. So fur as the voice of Beau is concerned then, the men who siucerel] desire reform have only themselves t< blame for not being present at the Arsena on Saturday night and making the attemp at least to secure five delegates to ??ippor proper nominations in the Convention What is the reason now, that those wh< were so anxious lor the success ot Judg< wer is as aurley exercised, as it is surel j to be required before the General Assem Lly adjourns, then Mr. Chamberlain wil receive the merited encomiuns of al good citizens." How the exercise of th? veto power was rendered neceisary by the lack of judgement (to put it mild !y) of the Legislators is as notorious at the admirable use made of it, by t ? Executive, at the right moment and in fitting language. In snslaiuing these vetoes, in making judicious appointment) of officers concerned in the assessment and collection of taxes, and attempting to ke< p the expenditures of the State within i. its receipts, the Governor has not had th? aid which he had every right to expect from meu who were elected on the same ticket with himself, and under pledges o I effecting reforms, which in some instance! they have worse than neglected to re d< em. The names of those voting for th? "bonanza", swindle, shows the different between promise and performance on tb< pert ot theee men, and will enable us t? judge of the correctness of Gen. Whip per forecast ss a political pro gnostics tor. Am Miurnaoa with the County Cnmm Is stoonrs. No. il. It must not be supposed that a colt shoulder or a deaf ear (or any other par of the human frame indicative of con temptuoa neglect) ia always turned tow ards that important coterie of the county l?odj politic, the Road Oveneers. Oz o-rtain stated occasions they make t sweep" (to tiorrow a term from a faacinat hag game) and all the fruits of the seasoi ar?- laid propitiatiagly before them Wh#*n this sacrifice of county funds i to take place, the Road Ovirseers scent i from afar, and throng the commissioner, office, to the no little disgust of the hungry constables, who know what thn gathering meana and are painfuly awan thai nothing will be left uaeonanmec with which to aaiixfy their own insatiabh cravings. Should any R. O. be absent from the marting be is cared for by th< one to whom he oweehis appointment who makes out hia buj for him. swear t' i*ac rr< ctm ss for hfin, and last but no leaxt dnw? Ida money for him. * I h ? ".rh of the matter is. tb:it in an; oth tat thi i d ily fr tu tual man Uui labor on the high ways is consid-Te, V .1. . . ample compensation for the person whose _ dut^ it is to buuiuiou the road workers and supervise them while engugtd in their labor, and in placeB that we know of in Northern States the "wuruer'' labor* with his neighbors. Ilrre the poop c lose several davs from their own ileitis, and listlessly chop grass, scratch the side of a ditch, or throw fascines into tho road bed, and idle away hours that are not only a loss to tlieuia? Ives but an unnecessary expense to tbe county. There j is perhaps, nothing that needs so ** thorough a reformation as the con amended, the a -; cssmcnt tor the fWsl yrar of IC76 wil' 1 I ernilhrna' ??n tho * *" * MUST D.W ou purchased , lands since the last a??e*sii?en*, vl'l not* said changes on their returns, together ! with any changes thit may have taken j place in the boundaries of tlieir lands, I i consequent on such sale or purchase.! with a statement n8 to whether said j lands so sold or purchased is Plow,1 ~ Meadow. or Wood land. This statement j j i is iieccDs try in EVE It Y OAS?-: where lands have changed hands, and will save taxpayers utuch trouble, us well Jl as conduce to the correctness of tho of- w flcial record, aud gTeatly facilitate" the payment of taxes. _ EACH LAND OWNER must answer the questions on the return as to his Post Office, in a Irgible hand, as this will render correspondence between this office and taxpayers easy whenever inquiries are naccssury. R THE HOUNDAltlES of cvtry trrtct of land must l?e given this Office (where the same lias not already been furnished,) so thnt the Auditor may know the exact locality of every piece of land in the County. In making returns grent care must be taken to have them eorrcct, us errors in returna invariably (when n.?t ,discov?-ra- q ble by this Office) get on tho Tax Duplicates ; often proving expensive to tax payers, as well as troublesome to the a Auditor. a Further notice will be given in due time. L. S. Lakolkt, " " County Auditor. aprl.14 fit. MRS. SMITH. "W est. Sl rcet between Craven and North Streets. GROCERIES, ssr.ATS, CANDIES, TOBACCO, FANCY CAKES, " SEGAR9. j Ail oi the r>w?t quality and to the lowest figures constantly on hand. aprl.l4-tf. T ' potatoes; x Just received from New York c< *r 50 BAKRELS " tii Choice Potatoes. $ For sale low for Cash. ?? W. Kressel ?j i Bounty and Claim Agent. ? I have asaorinted myeclf with prtmtnent flrro in Waahlngt?n for the purpose of rrcitring Kountlcs and I'cnulonH For colored soldiers, and prosecuting _ Claims for Losses Daring the w tr, aud nil other clulni* again*! the United State Uovernmeiit JOHN H. Ul'tlUARD. Ucaafor . S. 0.. Fch- M. 1815. fcb.W-lyr Ai I'OItT ROYAI, Saw & Planing Mill Bl BKAtTOIlT, ^ C . ai D. C. WILSON & CO., ! " auii'NCTtiiiai or and dealebs in - Yellow Pine Timber and Lumber ? i and C'ypreaa 8hlnglon, >j.| AUK) Guilders and Contractors I Plaster, Lathes, All klncla of JOB PAWING promptly dono. ? Floorings Celling Board always on band " Order* for Lnmbar and Timber by the cargo promptly filled. Luinlwr delivered ia any part of tl* Td*n frtm of charge. Tenna Caah. fabJMIyr. D. C. WILBON it CO, *> Bank th? hlxbrat toe BuraWlltr, Perfrrt Work, and Km of Operation. Tbry ara tit# moat *4Uat, light, running and aarrteaaMr, the rialcat to arU, and moat wiUlninr paid for. and ant war rrrry requirement In th* family and manufactory. HtMaTtanm to Anala Addreaa, " Domeatle " Rear I a* Bar Man fa.. Brw-Terh. | Comprise a Urge ami rarUil asecrtmeiat of Fatten* 01 for LaM, Mlaaer. ami Children's OamtMi of foreign and domestic designs, by the m?ul peeompltBb.l H?*dn. They are tl>? mod MfftekJRtlajb nod elaborate, and yet the most simple pattern* ever preMated to the pubUe, and take the lead etaear, Introdneed Agrntt tounUil. Bend for UlatatateJ Cat*- ay " DMMtlie n IntlaK litklee Ce., Se>.Yor*. to ftivoe, ltnitrctt: tie And, A thoroughly rrtUMe. reined and prnettc.1 Informant concerning maltera of Fashion la ad Ma departmental a repository of choree and eotertatatog I Herat are, baud , some Illustrations, art crtllalnna.etc.. etc., and a Journal , HI weclally adapted to tba waota of the hoeae clrdsl Termo, HAO per liar. fipeeUnaa copUs trse. . V Org Doiui Otrgw A*"at to srrry eiihserfher In \ Ihe celebrated "A-rteet'e"" /Vyer /us'iictia an pr? \ v.. mlum. t anrtjtacn trvntsd eitrywkrrt. Addrtna, x ** Domestic " "K *C Cotintr checks or An. \ k llulr Cuttlniit, HhampoonliiKi ic in the mort Artistic style, jfet" H tloou in the rear of tSe Dr;ur So-ee. SE.V1 KOVT. s. . F t J BEAUFORT MACHINE SHOP. Having opened a Shop here, I ain prewired with the LATEST IMPROVED POOLS to Build aud repair ull kinds of ilACIlINERY, both Wood and Iron. Particular attention given to Designing and Pattern Making For New Work. STEAM PIPE aud FITTINGS, Constantly on hand At Horthera Prices. Common Sizes of Iron Huts AND STEEL. PcrsonnI attention given tA SETTING and CONSTRUCTING Stham Boilkx Fukhacbh FOR SAVING FUEL. fW Shop next to PoBt Office J- A. Whitman, Mechanical Engineer. BEAUFORT HOUSE Beaufort, S. C.r Having fitted up the abore mmcl Hoove, 1 is freparad to accommodate the Public Carriage* will be on hand to carry gne?U to amd 'root the Depot aad i Port Royal. J. A. DCPOXO, Proprietor. CnortS-XV SCHOOHER BERTHA, CAPT. E B. TREYETT, VfTI ply between 9?raaa*k and Beaufort, in conleetloa with all Steamehlp* bctwea ( Northern Ports AND 1 Saraniaii. ; Ft eighte Carried as LOW Lb by mey etftcr intr with ?slck despatch. All Orders intra rted to at* will be ponctaally attended to. I. B. TREVETT. novSS-ll. P. M.WHITMAN, Wntohmnkei and Jowelor, BAY STREET, BBAUFOHT. 8. C.. Han Jnat received troa the North a fine neeortoent of goods at Northern Prices. ; YEDDING RINGS, $SjOO to $11.00, SILVER RINGS, 80c. t? $1JS), SILVER NAPKIN RINGS, $*.00 to $4.00, < LADIES GOLD WATCHES, $86 to $80. THE A8TUA1, * .. - nuiiu-muo repui'IKJU (id LUO SAKJWT and BKaT. be Iosurauce Companies and Fire Commissioners TllllOUOnoUT THB COT*T?T Heroin mend Pratt'n ASTRAL OIL A? the beet Safeguard when Lamp* are seed. tr Hale in n?anfo;t, at the Store of Bt> W. M. FBEXOB. henrTwelsh, Importer and Wholesale Grocer. # ?47 W nnliinatt-on etivat, for. Franklin at NEW YOIIK. LUMBER YARD. A Fall Htoek of Lnmlter and Tlml?er constantly > hand at Low Prices. 8 Day & l Day striking Clocks, $3.50 to $8. [Birrs* GOLD CttAlNH.WNS.lRlNGS.SLBBV? BUTTONS, STUDS, WATCH CD AIMS, LADIKS ftttU) w\?l PLATKD JBWSLItT, SOLD PUNS. AG.. AC. Gents' Gnlfl and Silrer Watches. Call and rzatniuv before purchasing, and .ati.fy anrcelf yoa can aava tan to twenty-Are per ceut tin Churl eat on or $ava?nab prltr*. norl5-S7. / Thomas R. Harris. HANUFACTUKKR OF ALL KINDS OF i Biscuit and Crackers. . 110. Its. 114 A 110 Bee km an HU Between water Pearl Straeta, I tranch, 346 Washington St., ) ' Bat. Franklin and HarrfoouSta. \ w?* , R. P. BARRY, mOLKSAU and ItKTAIL UKALRR IN Dry Gill, ' CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, NOTIONS, Ac. Ac. , dec2-54. t E. A. & L W. SCHEPER, DRAI.Kltd IN Drr GuRs, Clothing, Notions, to. Have Laid in an I in men kc 8to<:k of Fall and Winter Goods, LADIES GOODS, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, BOOTS, SHOES, Ac. Ac.. 0: , Call and Examine the ftoek, which annot be surpassed by any House in tho >t*te. Vices Low to LSuii the Times, " * JAMES E. BOYCE, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. LIQUOR DEALER, In store BASS & Co. AL in Stone Jugs nt $2.50 a dozen. E. & G. HIBBERT LONDON STOUT porter at $2.60 a dozen BOSTON GINGER ALE at $2.60 a dozen; Best In the world, DUPOHT'S p. F. p. GUNPOWDER m 60c a pnnr.oK1000 lbs. SworfB? Snoui.DKtf a', SO tierces of CaRO&TKa Ft row 10 Barrels of Assorted Sugar, rio ard java com*, 50 Boxes Wo. 1. scaled iterrikh, sooo AiMrtmi clfrmh BAY ST., BKAUroKT, 8. c., Jmn99~ .IAS. K. Rnvri? - JL Vlii WHOLESALE and RETAIL GROCER Dealer in; Ales, Vines, Liquors, Sezari, and tobacco. ton on 8, dry goods, hoots and gnoii, Kanm Noels, MAIN I.SID, beaufort county. Goods told at Bcsnfort prices. mcb.3-lyr. gACON D. ?. MEATS, JtC? AC. ~ Chcrice Smoked and Dry 511) BS, J*howW?v? amf Bclllce, 8. C. Hamn, Brcakfaet Dkob Stripe, Iarf, Dheeeo. Bolter, Malaul, Beof Tonjpire, Floor, Ifolasecr, Sugar, Ac. T Barth'e celebrated (Clarla otl) Smoked Ham SnUMge. Also, No. ! MKATS" of difirrent itutllty, en band and for aalc bjr P TKR XACS0HEN, feb-t7tf. Vendue R anavr. COLDMBIA HOTEL COL.UM1IIA. M. <7. "Wrf. Gormax Proprietor. ( E. M. Coi.oonr, AaaiatanL Jaa.lS-1 vr. Ia.. mark. Lb o o t SHOE MAKER, Particular Attention given to Flrat Clooo Work. " A prefect fit and Mtlefarrlon gnaraateod. HIIOP . ?ppootb? Wataefaonee and Klckar'a Coitoo BEAUFoRI, 8. C. Mrch.S-lyr. H. M. STUART, M. D. UrusnlMt nnd A pothrflrtry BEAUFORT. *. C., I* DRUG* AND CHEMICAI S. PATBNT MRDJCINKS. TOILET ARTICLE*. PERFUMERY. BK18HKH. Ac. Lflnc Assortmmt of HTATIONKHY. Pbjsirfmna Prwenptf?** Com pomaded with mar* *ot s*-u. N. BRADY, Dealer in Groceries, liquors, &c Thm highest prlu paid for Otter Mink&, Deer SKINS nd all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, BAY ST., BKAUKORT, 8. O. iot s.vai WM. MITCHELL, Blacksmith and Horseishoer. Onn and Locksmith. Any work la any Line Kiernted promptly and nth drapatch. Satlaf action Guaranteed and work lone aa well aa any where In the Slate. SHOP OPPOSITE THE ARSENAL, J BKAUPORT. ?. C. J nov>R-43. 1 Wa H. CALVERT, TINSMITH. dkat.BR Ta IAPAXVKD PLAN 18IIKD and PLAIN TIN WARS. Constantly on hand a fall Stat* of Heating, Cooking and Box STOVES and PIPE. Partlcnlar attention irieen to pn't'ng on and rr airing Tin Ttoofa. leader* and Gntt ra. Unmii, n?t i onus Uri.NU. M?i?ln~for ? rf?ii?|iniin<,c of thr |iatron*?r here fore ?K??t mnl on tno, T irllt Tirrmt all work to ' ' r ! >? i': 'It uittM * rkltiaillik'- n ?! ".?*r u<>. A