i*s : ;?;? r. >. ? , vs:?. i art.
<-b>o. tfn^e F.sq. has been appointed
Notary Fttblir by Cov. Chamberlain
Alfred Williams F?<]. na? oxaminml for
ndmia-ion to tUe 'onr, oa Tuesday the 22ud.
iust. in the Superior Court room in t
The Steamship Mcdiat- r for Now Yotk
a.rie.i 8I*> bales upland cotton, and the
S. S. t'alytrt for liaitiiai ro curried 'till
Mr. John Mich has been em ? visit t'?
Florida and is so well pleased with the
thriJt. nnrfccntorprise ?' JacKsunvrlle thai
he has determined to make it his Snuno,
for the present, tit len-t. iip cmcvoIb to J
return with his family in a iVw <!ayp.
~ _
m?.i r.w Miiviimiiiti.
The fiteanin" tleneral Harm : .from XowVork
for Savanna!; got aground olt Fiji i
Inland Light on Sunday p. m. ncd re-'
inniced there hov riil hours, the same mis :
Lap hefel the Steamer Leo which ran
aground on the oyster hod 6 opposite Fori
Ihrlneki, and discharged her cargo by
The presence of King Kalakau of the.
Sandwich islands, on this continent, sug |
gesta to the vivid imagination of the1
. uicmphis Avakwwhe tlie propriety of u lial
jkan ball.
x\ niu say iih; iuuirs 01 rne reacting j
room to this? Purchase books for the]
sandwich islanders front the proceeds.
The Post Office in our town,* is the
scene of the jiyjst riotous ami disorder, y
conduct- Tlx the part of the boys and girls
w.o make it a point t.> con rugate thither j
at the time of op- ring and distributing i
the mails. Can't our Town Council pro
vide some remedy for the nuisance thus j
created t>y these gamins, who refute even !
to listen to words of remonstrance from
their cldcre. An example or two made'
of these noisy urchins, would abate an
? j
'fun. H\nks, who once said "Success
in a duty, "is writing a letter on "The 1
Duty of Success." J5ut there are duties
in the world quite independent of success. J
in the popular acceptation nl thai word. :
There is. for instance .the duty of scorn
ing all unfair means to success. Indeed,
there can be uo real success without if.
There is also the duty of taking one's
self out of a position for which he has nor
tut; ijuniiio vi nuti usc.
Th? Town of Beechcr F'.orltU.
? The enterprise of northern capital is
pouring into Florida, and is rapidly dotting
its flowery -,*al< s with thriving
vAllagesand towns. The town cf Bceehei
near theSt.Johria river, referred to in our
advertisement is one of the many springing
up in that flowery land.
Wu advise all in search of a home in
this modern Mecca to secure a lot in this
lovely spot, apply to the advertisement
for further information.
We lccrn with pleasure of the anlieipaed
Ti turn of K. P. Kundlt- Esq., one of the
pioneer's of the steamship lines to Poit
Royal, or 'TJranchv ille" *as a Savannah
cotemporary not inappropriately styles it.
We hope Mr. Ruadle's prescncfe will
tcmi to break up the monopoly which
now exists at the Augusta Dock.
It is not in the interest of pure politics
to adopt candidates only partially satisfactory
to honest men. Tire imitators of re'
form should not lower tin ir colors at the
first send-off. Availability may corn?
1 >i olf tl.rrn Ch in j I * 1.1> Tchli tlin
machinery of caucuses, and who have become
near sighted, so to apcaft, but the
** proposition is a terrible moral dampens r
to tiie young men who have Ghouldeictt
their muskets with the hope uf striking
anbqnest blow at domngoguery and cor
rupticu iu office. Temporary defeat is
better than dicker.
The Columbia Union Herald, recently
contrasted the management of' the Now
Jersey State Prison, with that of the
South C arolina p' nitci tiarv, making the
latter to appear i:i an unfavorable light.
We ran see no justice in this.
There is hero a State law, wjii -h requires
ab the work performed by the convicts
b 'ip tloiiO on State work. Not onc
foiirth of one per oent of the inmates pos
see a trade upon entrance into the insti'
tution and during the Mosaic dispens-ith n,
> upwards of five hundred convicts were
-? pardoucd, in many cases, almost as soon
as ihcy had been incarcerated. Therefore
they would have bceu imprisoned too
* short a tiuio to have an opportunity to
acquire one. It is absurd to compare the
x-?t two prisons, the one ationnriuig in IinnUs
trainee] to &kiiied labor, the other, just the
, reverse.
We are confident that the superintend
**.ent of the ?. O. jWfltentiaty wili make as
*Javorubie a comparison with the fa<iliUe<
P at his command, a* any officer in charge
of a similar institution in tlx l n?ted
btatoa. *
^ We have no objections thut I'ort Royal
should contribute to the prosperity of
' Augusta. It seems to t? however that
the rr anngfmv'd of the splendid cuter
piito ihat wiifi perfected for the development
of a "ciiy by tlie sea'" for hor benofir.
sffck* to make it sub?idary to its bullish
WT The city f '.ngus: it if p!c-ig? d by ?v
ry uiotiVH < f -of into tcs', to sus.tiin
this, her natural oiillftl to the ocean In
(hisoiuoly connected whli litr, future
prowiu.' oro-pcri'v, i- t: li :u:i> <v
1^ '"'til'thi line : t! fr.'-'.ob all the
[ husln *i sit
mt [ fmnrwui ?r u >mm
epb :idi?i a < ;?{ 11 ? obiy is*. _ <j <ti
i her. nii.t l|iniA *!. outkof in p.jfmna;;'
iti it? choapsst ami i..-">?d u.it at\ij clnuimii
, which tire found In r? Wi hour of much
, of 'mo-freight through Charleston
! hj.'I S.iv itinuti, witt'ti '.M i<nuloi indheeuirntf
to "Ifer mapi r rates. and
more direct rotit?s !.< t hei juorchiint.:
; get oul o: the old ruts. It will pay.
since tin dc.itU of Stephen ' Milioit
fh" ji !' f:? 11- i.i * In- i"of liov.'l llai'roii.i
have m .*t woefully uwilndmioi-iur?d.
hut fm the substitution of singularly
ip?,-o-opf:cut efli.jc rj of ?li:ve?ion sim:?
'that time the impetus thrift an-1 prosper
>t}' given l?y him to the growth of theris
nig City v child Jiir surpass roost t>auquirr
cxp etatioEs. A- it i the tin ihti-.-.
of the road are. ahorded nie-viy t> buildup
a monopoly in the i111c_r?_-^i of :> Jew 'A it:.
| overloaded < ;( ?> ami trains made up :.\
| over*axing t,:? urrying capacity of the
engine;-, is there an} wonder that ecus(tint
break-do wn.> let it\l the esm.-nlii!
ehuracttrs of usefulness? of thw r ?a?l k r.i.
arct?it;: to trade.
tVilh capricious schedules. nn<3 with
ujiticeessary ;l.-t? nth.ns of pa-seogcr trains
is there any xerpri-c that more i .-guhiritv
ami punctuality do not attend tnc arrival
I of trains. The fact is, h not every one
who can bo rondo a ladroart |?;evident.
j not every one who tat i?o instructed in
thi1 duties "I n railroad superintendent.
1 For the constituents ol I ho otir, are needed
enlarged financial capability,ior iagre
clients of til- niher ur. r quired, not only
a well directed n-tiviiy, iy.it n trained engineering
educution. .->ucn a man as >1.
h'.Peako, formerly of the Is. C. Railroad,
could till theoliiTes ol I o a and make not
only tlu- roa.l a meet* , hut develop ti;e
dormant ititnodte. of l'ori l*.o..a. over the
rivalries that would ovoisuu.iow her it
tlicy ccukl.
Lot us Iiato a reorganization uud a
live man nt Hie head oi tins enterprise,
s.) essential to die recuperation ol our
languishing State.
.I. ?
i-'i i;h'j- mi :sh:ii? t i. tor.ncTIOW
Tin* I"uUire Ni-m York ?>f th? Sonlli?An
Adiiroaa l?? the CltUvna of tl?o Now Town.
Fellow Citizen* '
(>u the eve ol appointing the first Town
Council of Port Royal your attention is
called to the importance of the task
before us.
The geographical position of Fort
Royal is hound io u.akc that now almost
insignificant village the future New York
of The South?if proper steps arc taken at
the start.
, rite uUriuess and energy of' the first
guurdi ins of New York iuld the first
I Cv rn?-r-st;>:m width has ra s.b it to what
j it now is. The brains end energy of the
1 first guardian i of Pert iloyal nn.i t like;
?i=e lay the. corner-stone which will
| raise our ucuiu! village into the (mure
i commercial shipping metropolis of the
| South. A railroad connet is advantagej
ously our lo.ure city with the interior of
! the south and the most important inarh!
els of the West i.e.v railroads arc projected
aud building which will increase
inland communications in all dinwionr.
Up to this day our railroad hn- been ouinagid
in 1 ue int-.Tost <>i Atigu <a merchants
land that city only. \vh i ever disposed t?.
make the -hipping terminus of the road a
mere way st 'lion ot the Augusta local
trade, and therefore, tending io prevent
; due increase ot p ipnl.nion, of real estate
! improvements and ila? promotion of i u*i
mess for the people ol Port Royal.
.What Port Roy.d rciptif-* for the de
: vclopiuent of Us r.aiurui d .. p tvuiet
resources, is direct trail-', with the world.
i without being tributary to the North by
i its coastwise trade Tuts grain and productH
oi the West, the cotton of the South
j must b? shipped direct to tlie consumer...
? TS . .% . %
; aim uiAMiHieiurers r.uropc, ana 01 rn<
| world. The j?r??s of Europe, South
i America, thtVcst indies and tno Pacific,
j must come to the wharves of Port ltoyai
| to ba distributed direct to the consumers
i of the south and west.
I The commercial urea of Port Koya
! extends geographical y far deeper inc<
! the interior man New Vork, Huston Phil
j adclphin, or llahiiTu.re.
j A:! the country cast of Cincinnati i:
the nut ar.il commercial domain of Nov
j Ydrk and li'ithein ports, but all tin
| country west of Cincinnati is the naturn
| commercial domain of Port Koyn! ; bcini
! the nearest, dot pot and cheapest ship
j |>ing port or. the North American c?.tst.
j Boon t!ie connection of the Pacific wit?
| the Atlantic will tie prelected betwee;
j San Dingo and Port, Royal, and all tb>
j trade and traveling of the Pacific. China
I Japan and Australia will be carried i<
land from Europe, and. even the nor!hen
! imports withj^uiekfr dispatch and econ
| omy than through the many mountain,
i and ferrying routes between San Francis
! co and New York.
I St. Louis,' the central commercial roc
j tropolis of the U. S. ib actually mile
nearer to Port Royal than to New York
f and will Ivj soon over 400 uiiles nearer.
The Great V^ est rt ijitires another inor
j Convenient shipping outlet for the distri
I bution vfi its increasing, exporting am
importing trade and tiie nearest and mos
economical u Port Royal.
Port Royal mud be the progres?iv<
shipping port of the South, open to th
present requirements of direct trade be
twecn proum ei and consumer, and d
away with tin* old f >g? system of hu.-.i
nesacarried on by the two porta Charles
ton and Savannah, the snallowness 0
whose.waters will ever prevent the in cai
lying 011 iht tiade according to ih
| requirements of the tunes.
it is therefore tlio utmost interest an<
duty of the propie of Port 1 to d
j awtty w ith all party polities arid persons
j prejudices or s llibii ambition aud unit
together for mutual ad van luge.
I Fellow C'itiz ms, it is ! ft to oursrlve
! at this all important time t a K-.lcet amonj
I tlie citizeus of the town we a re to inuugu
! rate by our judicious votes thoHawo?uu!
t Iwlieve to lie the tu > ! :t'?Je to act as on
l trustees in carrying out the above pre
gramme, lor promoting the general iutei
: ests of Port ito.val.
i i o our colored fallow eitir'vv. we shnl
'say, that it. is their duty and interest t<
I select buun hum for member < of the in \
loan Council, tviio snail b. free an ft 01
jdtpeud'jol ami cauuol o ?w before a in ?>
[ tW to keep you under their control si
working slaves. As the time, h.o* forlim
. atrly gone' t?y veiien none but fiveuio
I.xist 111 this country li:r< ' U*f
-if ,i !i|. . . ira*
! ,i > jr. f ,i ' .?ii
** be . ' J '
151 i\\ I !:\ < F1 MfJ.JV! ON AND !
i* ? : vi i.'MK'i .
Til it STK YVKIi
! M. s. A LLISON,
CAl'T P. T' Ol.IO.
. Jlt.vin^ I : ti: <>f tli- i'llot I.i-v, xvil! I'.tvi
'f'luirlr h-?'!i *;( :!.v. ;m! ! " M*ij .
: Tin- (111, <.f !!; ? 1 i? p"| rt tftil I v |j?tl.
tjAWmar* Mi ?ii111vwv p--i i.Trn >-1
; roan is a man for ail of that.*' \ecovdinr
to tit' t'tiii - <n tli*- intu
j which vv. y >\ on vote* tjlio'll iv*' iu:?kt
11 ill ii.il v i-y( .
11 ! J
pKl l> I'tiTKK PaPIX,
1 ii II. Cl.AIT li W. WlLKINS.
I). < >. UMM 'M.I . (.'HAS. Koi.I'.HH,
j >*. O'i'.lWBN. T. i" JEXICX*,
jCiias. rint-'.Bi.K, liincrii, ^vsir.tno,
; .John 0\.i;J??*n. and ofin.iv.
\hiltl.\K Xi:iiVj.
A SiKi\ Ki).?Russian ship Aimo, Bremer
i master, 4') days T*ri-n?t.i: tut.'no pbei!
VVyilii- A
Norwegian Hark Pu.v H**iiriol ?.iu
master, it* ii>iys rrcno At. I.'U'ia, Wem
, indies, in b ilisul to Campbell. P y iie &
j V./C.
Schr. A. Riihaidsor, IViy ma?tor. 70
tons railroad iron for Pneirir Mining Co.
Ore. Iti. Schr. Index, tinrris.-n noisier.
; W ihningtop, Del., v.-i:h guano to Wnlker
A Hoot t.
Doe. 1 s, Schr. F. <.*. (Towcll
I master, from Charleston to Pacific Miu
in;* t.'o.
Hailed.?Pee. l?j, Steamship Calvert
Foley master, tor Enltimcrc.
feteamship Mediator, Martin master tor
New York, Walker & S :o t.
British Steamship Chilian. Premier
master, tor Liverpool, T. P. Kundiu.
I behr. Mabel F. Staples, Coie ;ii:ist;r, for
| Mnlanzas.
Thomas R. Harris,
M ASn'AlTlliKIlOf' A 1.1. KtMlSCK
: Biscuit and Crackers.
1IO, 1 I 'i. 1 ! 4 Ar 11C (Volutin'? St.
Between water ami I'er.l wtr?**i.?,
| Branch. 14'i Washington St., )
; Uef. Frank Hn owl llnn-lsou Sts > ?w -? '
i '
arc nrar at hand and every h.'dy vvunls
j Konie
. PHcrrx.
< axdm'.M,
-r*> vs.
, cakfw.
:v L"i's
A foil assortment of li;** above consist
All kind* of FRENCH c onfectionerv.
brazil nuts.
1ct.d fruit,
| and cv( :v -?tT?r?r kiml of CAEES on hand
or innde to order.
Particular attention fjiven to supplying
parties willi a!l necessary articles.
noons .iso ful m well ns on?.ami*ntat.
: I received I >\ ovorv steamer from .nkw
! VOXtK.
J Jaic.cs Qcteli
j ToVs'l TOYS!
. ! A (Jkwbkai. OK TOVH
f | Come anil :<? ? them for voui a. it". Foi
I wile very ri?raj> at
*j 11 1IAUMS.
c ' " ~~
hoo.ytm to r,?ri\
j Two ?lv vr.!ble rooms over my Inquire ol
, | \V. J JfiNKINH M. 1)/
. J nov95 ~*a.
j TiMi J^T.
' Will atti-ml to r< rtiup property ntul t'ollevtiii;
It'.'IlCMOII .-AlUe Otl rt'U.SOIIIlljlc tlTillH.
'' Beaufort, S. C.. Jan. 17.1*71.
;;!H. M. STUART, M. D
lt j
1 I oiid Apotltevaryi
b:.at fort, S. C.,
f I'PAl.Kil IS
intrus ANI? CIIKM(C.\I>.
> rvnevi mkmcines,
'IV >11 L"'' Otvii I l.'V
,f! ItKt'SIIKS. ,tc.
j AUllK A-vKllll'Tlt Of
Piiy4>ciniii> l'ir?rript:oii* Conipouiukxl with c:ir
[? A:.u?;o S-wliiU'ii! of ArHvli-H-nMnblv ft r
ti j~l o i i cl a y F"5 re s e n t s.
* UoviH-M.
J Z. MCGIl i ,
!| Livery Stable.
; nurses and Carriages at all rn\m
) To L.et.
i KSM*ci:il ??? i'?rr if "*?
i t . ? 1
>it. Ciiiirlcn.mt, * . (
W\l |[\UK1-1?N.
l*.-?ufi?rs, Jv C. j
j {'?y* .'.'(1 > .ire of lie
i;: *111 lr v. i!; r?5'-?l 1.l -of roui'iii-vii.
: tiiid > Iomivc.
j ..u;::';ss; I
|ARS NOW r?fKsWKhl) JO I t itMSHi
I fcl % '
h !
J III ?U! V 'I IS; ?* \ ( il'it' I'MOiS IIKt v (jfsirc,
! from ??? : - t--c t(<?;isr-.
11 i ,
; rojiN I.ONANT.
i nnvSV*:. j
1!<m I'm*' or iiiuJ
I>cu!rr iu
! Grain,^ Hastily, Maai. Feed, Etc.,'
J KVl V Ih^l i.V.N l> < *0" I "I "< >N |
j LtoHfrM, (Jlr.iH'.l prrpmil toi market '
j A?l > HSK'i? uiiiilf on
! the i? <t mur-h hurry for L'iiir.irur;
: cotton ;in<i ciii-ii ,<z co.ui ?: <t meat. 'i<; i-.
t prepared tu cm rule at? okIcM >>h 'Ji?i
dinrrtsl ivitice.
1 IK' ni^iu i nncr p.im iur
r?+A,v1 PT
W vWi.jd W'ji .V,
1 1
i irinfccil <;*?; tnll. J I
i rjo-'v,s' _ i
1 !
1 PR-At T:ilfc; IX AT'MIRVI,'I V \\i) AT rOP.NKYS
AT L W.\ BEAI KOKT. S. l.\
I VVai.KEU X UACOT. i W. .J. VEifins.
I !i:?| ISiT.ufol't. ;
I It. *rr t-. ,;? I'll it : { ii>?!riW t- In iS<..nh. :?isn !
npoi'1:i!ito : M.itish .it t'limK-ftftll.
j iimnS.'i St.
| VV. il. >'1 " , T. P. IIIIAVH.
j I'ui4, llnysl. A'.Iijutt'i. (J:t. j
Commission! Merchants,
Df.Al.KR9 IX I
J.iiN f-t.?! * am! t'rr?s? Ti??s. I
POUT It ?t A I,. S. C.
.\j(cnt- Spnmship Lit.;.-s to New York, j
no-.v.wto. I
j 13 u i i d g v ci Coi) tracto r, j
I.CMMilXO SM M Tt iM.V.; rriAM !l f??. I
!Office Cor. Bay and 9th Sis.:
t HE.M'KOIIT. 3.C.
I '
I llO\ |
j Wholesnio Grocers, j
am- is Ai.F.ns is
iWiiics. Liprs, Scgars. Touacuo, &c., j
? sir. V.tiKi ] tit ,
i HARLHfiTON, f*. ('.
Orrl'Tx f:v*"i tlie (' is. fry promptly at- j
tnrvlci t;>.
>iovsr> ns. I
T? D W A R D P EI i R Y, j
' I
!!.>:< K AM) .! >!?. I'JITXI ! NfJ,
KxtHciI u! the lowest raft'.s
Hluiili ItoolfH
Oil hand aw1. awtc t > .; (].t. F.irci"'' ne.il D mastic j
-? 1 i) : lonri'y,
j Law mal Auto' Hoi-k-, l.nv litan'.y, Wr I'n- j
! ? ?, Twine, Ai , Ac.
NTi>. 1 T.? M otSr.tf Stc-t,
(HiAivI.llSTONj S. C.
novi" 'i'f.
A b?i >!:) I ?-X >' "*? A 5 * 1 !
J'< i l.'iM l> < XHlol'lf-riw! I
! ALWAV- I Vir<H?M. I'M MIX VTIS'tl <i|-\I.lTlE:?
>urt:w m. any lamp with a! 'i ir.-f-r of cx|<iodi?# or
| M. win I uf tin <1 "vi'ii'Kiv : it it lip I (Ii?> tuo
j ??f witiitili' .iml tl.iiiucriiiiiwillii.
ITS SAI'BTV IPI?I' 1 F.VKI'V jio* l'olo T!-.ST, u:><<
i |th porftvl iiiir'i!n : i,ii illfio*. :u" jirnwil !?y
j uiitiiiiifil hi-' in ovit
502,080 FaaiUfeS!
v> lii'i no i.n i.l -r.t ????-.iftiy or intlir* '?. Iris < \ i
! % ri inr< 6 i-<> i.uniisi.r. :<>iin?, l. iiiuli.i^ it.
t In- iiin-ir : nit *! Ions .'iji.i i I'liintrrrfits of t.r \?rrnl
j "il tjl::t ilMii iuM'li llnowii HIIi?il< ?T>f fi;il\
j u:i ti..- unrKi't i.- fiulii?-i
T"5 i *" **! * v-.C'.t'i sw T-..7,r<v" "f
. ? 1 Jw* V X -U-r *** m't i. Wll* W' X X ?/
'3-tit: \ t-i i'?A i-,
IJ.i. now .1 vorM.wislo r |Viuni?-' t!i.-S.NKEST
.1 il MvST fur
liisurar.iv < ?? ?j? mio .tiul i'jo ('oinvniK
nlon**** J
..): m r* . /
A- * ' 7 .
* mmn BMP?tfwP?C?1WM???
,}] dry Goods & (3 ill! in
i r returned from
< *! j(i . (?!< ( t stock of
An?i .? eoilcral Assortment of
" TA,t <8?S
1? Stores
All oi' n hicb will bo gunr:?ntco<l of the bo
nov -10.
0 i I L$ s . a
Pension Notary, 1
rhc following <it.-iivsMo property for sa'<
Moii It.'.TU HOUS E, t
imtrru n a iii? h norsi: mu
< gtooo 3
tit i i,in; iiousiwv iisiir it
One huudrcd and twenty thousand
Consignments cf Dry Good
i timed into Oaali at short notice. Send
U p for- Charter at I
| ' A T T E N
1 Every one gin his own COTTC
more for i t is CROP
n i h. n?x_
ffliii i m
Easily adjustsd for ]
Beaii fort, S<
Charleston with a lar~a
ftGTIQNSj ?&
tIE TIMES. not'
and Tobacco
i i lis,
*: <juulity, pml at the lowest prices for cash
lJE.VL'FORr, s. r.
v . " i.->" : .
STotary Public, and
t ... *
? ........ f *
??>s! I'rlPo )!|W(M).
.-rj ' i
I Ilnir Jiloolc, ncnr Weir's T?<?na
I'rleo !$37<>. . .
loi'k, <io*t H 1)000; Price
HARD GREY MUCKS for sale. Tlji'
is, Groceries, Furniture,
! in your GOODS and give us a trial.
ow rates.
i t i o n-fl i
' * ***
3N ; save his SEED, .and realms
:a; - <4 J?
f, by purchasing on of
11 Haiti Bill f/.
. ' > ?iff'
iono F:v;orif required,
[ ^llth ( Jo r^lip ?. .
' '