University of South Carolina Libraries
\ PKOCLA ra AT I OA. Ol Jjfefc? && S&.?sM& -*?srs-?^ JV0-- ,.*4 , . . ? *.?r*ZJr9^ EXECUTIVE DKl'ARTM KNT, ) Columbia, S. C. DOC. l. 18G3. f \\7 HKRKAS, THE SENATE AND HOUsK OK * Representatives have, by joint resolution, set (mart THURSDAY, the 10th <i?v <>t* iWomli-r inst.. ns? a day of fasting, llumiiiatioii and Prayer. and liave requested the Fxecutive to issue Ins proclamation to that ?fleet, inviting the clergy and people of this State to unite in Divine service appropriate to such an occasion, aud in asking of Almighty God deliverance from tiie malevolence of our enemy: Now. therefore, I. M1LLKD6K L. BONlfAM, Governor,* do announce the said tenth day of Doceniber instant, as such day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer tor all tho go->d cit.zeus of South Carolina: and I invito the clergy and the people generally, lay-up aside allj secular employments whatever, to ussen that their usual places of public worship, and to humble themselves before the Almighty I'ulor of tho Universe, aud acknowledging their mani'bld sins and transgressions, to ask his forgiveness?to implore Him to shield and protect us from the Utah volence <>t our enemy?to give victory to the arms ot the < "onfederaey and vouchsafe to them His blessing and protootion. Given under my hand and tnc seal of the State, at . , , Columbia, this first day of December. A. D. ^ * ""-I one thousand eight hundred audsix'v-three. M. L. HON HAM. W.m. It. IIuxt, Secretary of State. Dec. 2 * 1 All papers iu tho State publish ouce. STATE OF SOUTH EAKOMAA. /it. fgi. f&fy ?rv ADJ'T AND INSPKCTOT GKXKRAI/S OFFICE. ? uou MiiiA, ixovcmoer isus. ) GENERAL ORDERS NO. 11. I GENERAL ORDERS NO. 34 HERETOFORE issued from this olliee, prohibited persons be tweon the ages of sixteen and eighteen years from entering any military organizations, except such as are authorized and called for by ill? Governor and Commander-in-Chief;.and in consequence of a card appearing in the papers under the signature of "J li. Andrews," inviting prisons under the ago of eighteen years, and persons not liable to eoiiseripiion, to join a company for serviee beyond the limits of t his State, said order is hereby reiterated, with tin- addition, that no person under the age of eighteen years, and no person not liable to conscription under the Acts ol Congress. in thisSlatd, will be allowed to enter any such organizations. By command: A. C. GARLIXOTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General 8. C. Papers of the Statu publish twice. Nov. fi *2 FitosruiTiis. 'pilK UNDERSIGNED WILL 1>ST7E, IN A 1 lew weeks, at Richmond. Va.. a weekly journal, to be called -Til KSOITII ERX PUNCH!" ' It will lie nearly a duplicate in size, form and general features of the world renowned London ' Punch." so long an acknowledged power ill the British 1-les in the rclbrntalion of public abuses, ami the enlightenment of the Dllblic mind, llasliinir as ii did iviili tb<> genius of 1 lood, of .larold. and a host ot wits. p?eis and phdosophie thinkers. The propri tors of 4 The Southern Punch" l>rin t<> the ditVieult task of suecesslullv conduct in;; such : journal tin.' advantage of capita), abundant meinu i I souiccs. a>>d practical skill. The editor lor maw / years pa i. has been connected, in a leading editorial capacity, with the largest daily papers of New l?ans and Mobile, while the gentleman who will have charge <>t typographical ami engraving departments is | unsurpassed in 'hat skill necessary for success. I Nvery number will be illustrated with nnmer us I outs, appropriate to the times (humorous and serious), from tl e hands of one of the best, engravers on the continent?an artist whose nanni is familiar to tie reading pun. of the South. In line, the undersigned are det 'mined to make "The outturn Punch" the spioiesi. most readable, and best illustrated literary journal in America. It shall distance competition. -TKRMS -- Su'o-oription for single copies vio per annum. News dealers supplied at the ratcofjslG per hundred copies. A duress OVKRA1.L. CAMPPKL b. lirciIPS A CO.. Publishers Richmond Va. Kditor*givihg the above one or m re insertions ill be entitled to a copy gratis. (Ulicc on Main street, between bill and loth. am! Joia.a mucaa / . 1? V I.' I> CJ I I I OI.'IJl'1/ll.'J 'lirv Ml III. /iTin.i.....~ 1"i-1' lino uig iiiih t ii/iva in i 111*. i I 1 1/ittAS ofC.undcn ami surrounding country. /)llice two doors aliovo the Branch Bank, Camden So Ca. January .10 Fine Mice iboy Snuff. A SMALL St'ITLY <>F THK ABOVK XAMKI) t V article can he had at a low figure, by calling at November U0 Opi < ite the Mansion House.3 otice. I T.f. PERSON'S '.I Mil IIAl'K CLAIMS J\ against the e-ial >V M? Bulloch deeeuM d. v. 11 please present the sam . d .ly attested, i . rm : arid all persons wiio are in Icbled' to said yst.ito will please make payment to ine of tla-ir respective indebtedness, at n:i early day \YM. U. TAYLOU C. K. K., ?ft Adni'r "Win. Bullock, deed. November 2<>j p-*?? ? gymoT-mi itnt? In ilie Court of Ordinary.?Kmhiiw i District. Iu the mutter of the Estate of of Samuel Uerron, deceased?Kiual Settlement. Tames k dodo Kits, administrator de bonis non of Samuel Uerron, deceased, having applied to have a Until settlement of the estate of Ids in estate, the foil >\ving tianieil Heirs and distribute are hereby ordered to appear in this otirt on Monday the 13th of .January next, to ivcoive their disliibutivo share, viz: Maria ekinner. Manuel Uerron: Klins Delk, David Delk. Robert Delk. Julius Delk. ley M?>ore, Xeilv Segars, Mary Delk, Nancy K. Delk Win. Skinner. John Skinner, James Skinner, Nancy Outlaw aud Rebecca Uerron. J K. RODGKRS, Adni'r. A. L. McDonald, Ordinary's Office, October 8. 1863. October 8 3inos For Sale, i GOOD SECOND HAND DOUBLE SETT HAR, 'TV NESS. For par.tieulais apply apply at-this office. October 10 iax onlfeat Cattle, Mules, &c.> &cOwners of neat i" att i.e. horse-, Mules. Ac, (not used in eullivationi are rcquiivd i to make a return on oath, between the 1st and 23th proximo, of the number and value pi said stock lieu . by ihein on the 1st November. l.sOJ A return is also required of the number rnd value of ail beeves sold by fanners or planters since the 24.h April last. J. A. St' 11 ROOK. October 30 Ass't. Assessor I7ih Col. hist. Salt for Sale. rFM Kit PES. HALF TiKIR E-S AND BARRELS OF j SALT by the package or package-, for side by J). Vu gUt KN. Octobor 30 A l Matin-son ?t Co's. Hands Wanted"pi-'XOH 12 (H)Ol> XKtiUOS WANTKD IMMK1 diab lv. to work on tin- Cemetery Grounds, for which Micral wages will l>o paid. Apply to K. G. Robinson. September 25 Roads'rm?: com vy^'si')">:k:,t< of roads for kfr 6 show i> -lit ; v. i'i i : ! in Camden on Monday llu* 2Slli dav of October. al ! 1 < "? ' ? *k COLIN MACI1AK. October 16 2 Olcrk oftho Road. CItti I ?.115 AND APPEAL. fiikf. mm:ki:t of cha plf.stox. To the Citixms nf Charleston ami the People of South Co <>h it tji-iie (dli/. (tod to the Fa raters and Planters especially, from the mountains to the seaboard Tlu* Free Market ol CLarh slon. one of tlio noblest and most useful ebarilies extant. after more than a twelve aiontli of sueeis-fitl pet'alioii, is in danger of suspension and even linal stoppage It is an ilisti utioli. t -llinlo i by private pal: id tsin ami benevolence, endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, ami recognized and encouraged by lie- Legislature of the State. Its great and liigi 'y useful purposes is to supply provisions, free of expense, to the needy Camillas of soldiers and seane-n. lighting the battles of their < untry. or dead in her servie : ami upwaol of eight liuiidred fainibcs tiepi-nu on it< bounty lor their daily bread. It lias beeonie a great publie necessitv, and it is tin* duty of every christian and patriot, male an 1 female, rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its support. in pioportioii to means amiability?die lieh man out of Ins wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, the widow wit her miu?every large stream should pon-. c\i ry btt!c rill trickle its i e wat< rs into tins gr*at iv-vi'Mur <<1 patriotic benevolence, to be di-ponded in (lod-bles-ed bounty i<> (in- wives ?l children, tin.- willows :t11?i orphans. tJi<- sifters - n*i >ilier female dipen cuts. of our liravc soldiery and seanu n. Tlio liiuil stopji, or < \eii ti.e suspension, o! this charily would be 01 < of il e dirt calami!:c.- 'l.ut i*oiilil i fail our City UU'I Sinto?ii would milt : dis tress, su'leiing. arid c-\ 11 starvation on ntunlvs now coiiifo' {..lily led iiy its bounty, and perhaps, load to bread-'iots, in our conservative -ity, to her set ions injury and deep di-grace. Come. tuon. fellow oiti/etis. to the rescue, promptly. liberally, cllicicntly, and lioi only save tiie j'ree Mario ! f;oin destruction or siimn nsioii. but sustain il. in healthful vigor, as a tied i f s-'ed and man-blessing institution. bet donations in money and in kind pour in lavi-hiy from every ip.iarter of the City and -date; and the eons* i|Uetiees \ i.i be happy hided. Not only xn i 11 bi -ml. and niea'. an I meat be sustaiuingly furnish' d to soldier's and teaman's families, but the heart of the warrior wi'i lie cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against tin1 \audal and ruthless Ibe,-by ti comforting co victtoii t at his wile and little oiu s are patriotically ami suiViuieiilly eui'i.'d l?if, by tl.? ir te?.> w ii-. at In inc. I Let our hu nters and planters esji eialiy, :a every section of the Slate, send liberal supjilies of vegetables ; and provisions. Iroin tlu'ir gardens, tiieir ; i-i-s. their barns a. d their sun he houses; and -Weil to ovel'llowingtiie icservoir of Kree Market charily. Charity is twice blessed?it bie-scth him liiat gives i as well as linn that receives?anil blesses the giver even more than the receiver. Come up. then, one and all. to the hallowed work, and not only earn the soldier's and si a men's undying gratitude, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in mill .<!? :? I HICHAM* YKAHOX. Chairman j \VM. It. YATKS, J. Committee joiin Phillips, ) N. H?Country iwoh-iiijjos nro requested to copy circular and appeal, gratuitously. . NoticeV'TOLK.Y KKOM TIIK Si MSCIi IHKH OX TIIK | ii i^rlit of tlio I (it It. an ir> ii tiivy Male. aliout lf? ! 1-'.' ii.ill 's high. A Ii oral ivWiint will ho |>ai'l for |,cr ! delivery to iin- at Matching. S (' . ami (?i u I luminal j Hollars for tin* a|-|>ri-ln-iisioii ami proof of i lie*:Iiit-f Si'pii'iii > r ."> .'t Ki;I.HI'.KIi K I. tJKKICX. I .... . ii? y cutters, &jUA \ (III !.l: W A III M; M A I 111X KS AXH pineal Cyliuucr Chums, for >a;e at tin*"" old ' Corner." K. \V\ bUNXiSI. July :? Runaway. COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OP KER8HAW District a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOHN, and that ho belongs to Robert Oliver, of Georgetown, 8 0. 8aHi Boy is live feet live or six inches high^ wi 1 wcigli 150 or CO pounds, had on an old black coal, and grey salinett pants, and a Confederate hat, made o wire grass. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay expences and take him away. * DUNCAN SHKOKN, Jailor. March G 2 r ^ r ? w ^ 5 ? 3 s - 5 ? ? ? ^ ? SI " a ? 14 5T ft I ? w 5 H - 2 ^ o & i ? > "? ? - ~ 0 off I j ! o S -I /*> Ba O 7 X ? r-> c ?, "J ^ ?3 = i-i > I? I j" C~ <r i. ft caj n*?s e ? - 5 ? 2 ? ? i ? c: jf J> ! ^ ^ 3 2 ? ~ ff r\ h 2- o 5^ ? S 5 Z 4 ^ g r; ~ - m O * * ? & A 2 P O A* M K^l ^2^ r; *?' ri- M c <* !> ^ 55 c y 7 2 8! ^ ^ r 4 ? 3 c ? s frjl > 5- * 3 ^ g* H s M ? I' > ^ ^ w = ?* ^ ^5 ? ?! ? ? h i "g * zL ~3 & fmmm '< ^ J?' ft 55 S ?T O p?i L ? 7 ^3 Wanted?Wool! 17011 WHICH TI1K II10IIEST TRICK WILL BE p-?id. ? riATTAVT K VT\ It'i VAI 1?V lfiMiP ll l T\T.^ T T* i \'n yjy > i i'i iiwuiJVMAUJV u^^\a\iS and l'L AIXS. at McCURRY .t HAMMKRSLAUGirS. as M T3 * hi> r*, y 3 * * ^ nS 0 ^ C/J - M E. d o * t3 ? ?1 ? n -r III ?ia* 1 -H s g g IN s 2 ? = m S- - o fc-? ft - ~ c ^ rS i i ~ 2 J t-? - y ^ ^ i pj I " S W -f^S. p| a 5j I 1 -- g ft ^ ; p ! H ? ? o? ~ ~ ^ Cj n -T , :V. > i ~ S= ^ ? fc H 2 U a * > * J3 h - 2- > a s ?h tw = IT4 5 ? ? O ? 1 r-3 ? ? S H -: ? s |?o f h r-; t) - =. - o :' %3 k : > ? i ^ ? M I ^ " s a <*2 I t? >1 ? : tea c'^ <"2! 3 io^4) 7 = |H 2 rr ? (-? "" r1 = M S ?_ w Tobacco and Shoe Thread OHOE TIT II EAR AXI) FIXE OITEWIXG AXP K ' Smoking Tobacco? ?A(SO? CiOo yards Colored Twills. For sale at tlio "Old Corner" E \Y. ROXXEY. s \y i: B-;T, FIEtEY, ANI> TOBACTO. 0. MOT.APSKS, enrPUKD AND BROWN A sr<; \ it; ,'.0(i (i ,liars worth Matches. host quality ; T<iliitcoo?Common. Medium n (I Kino; Rico?>Lrood and fresh U'oo'T'loiir: Salt?Confederate and Turks 'stand; S.i oking Tobacco and ??oil Oyars; IVp|icr San e, Spices of dillqrenl kinds; .lars and Jims, various sizes; Nails, coarse Shoos. May 22. 1 SC?:t. A. T. LATTA. Fait ~/\ BUST! KLS KILN-DRJKD SALT, FOR SALK f )\ ' by the package, at MATHKSON k CO's. November 6 1 .Alabama l* II Fire Insurance V M C O P A N Y . \|] r|^HE Undorsigned, as Agent for tne above South". ft Vfl I crn Insurnneo Company, is prepared to is.suer Ifl policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ! ings, Ac. | November 1 W. L. DkPASS. IB $50 Reward- x| TlIK ABOVE REWARD WILL BK PAIP ?i tlie apprehoio ion of a boy who calls his name T. },n, d S and srtys lie belongs to Robert Oliver, 1 <w I I town. S. C. Said boy is 2*1 or 25 years o. r. ! I II 155 or 00 pounds, well set, rather rounu --i 1 II I'oiehead, and 1 think ba? a scar on tlio nose ot io.r,- I U bead?d-n't recollect which?had on when Itit an old I H black frock cloth or cassimcr coat, of old fashion make. I'H lie may change bis name and owner. I H The above reward will be paid for the delivery of V H the above named boy, or lodgment of him in any jail, I rJ so that I can get him. I Fl November 6 DUNCAN S1IKORN, R. K D. Ell Cloth, Lard, Seed Bye, etc. f | 0 UP Kit ID R UOUNTUV LARD. CHOICE SYRUP,- El 1 ' Pepper. Seed Lye. Salt, and one piece Orev Uni- K I Ibrm 01 for sale at the "Old Corner." ml Ocioher 2 K. W RO % N KY. EN Wanted to Hire \ 1 GOOD COOK WA^IKR AK1) lUOXKIt. ?< ? 1 % i i. 1 1 : 11 l.? A ... . . I a m w iik ii i n.nri *n v\ ? in uf puiu. V 11 * l|14-- K office ' October 23 Notice- | MV STORK WILL UK OPEN AT 9 o'clock A. ' M., and close at 3 o'clock P. M , until further no*ice. E. W. BONNEY. November 13 Dry Salt. ft TIERCES BEST QUALITY DRY SALT BY M ?m, I / the packngo, at ''The Old Coiner. |B1 November 13 E. W. BONNKY. Notice. I WILL OFFKR AT PUBLIC SALE, TO THE rf highest bidder, on 24th day of November inst., nil 111e personal property of the late Thomas J. Warren, deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Printing Press. Ac. Sale to be at residence of j the deceased. Terms cash. Property to bo delivered on day succeeding sale. November <1 3 W. Z. LEITNER, Adm'r. ;4? For Sale. rpWO STORK HOUSES AND LOTS, WITII 1 Dwelling Rooms on second floor of each, situated on the most desirable spot on Broad street, forbust-- i riess. The lots run some 90 feet in front by 250 back. Also, one lot containing thereon a large Cotton House, situated on Rutlcdge street, 9t> feet in front by 250 buck For further particulars apply to Mr Win. I M. Billing?, in Caiuden, or to C'apt. I). D. Perry, at < 1 Flat Rock, C. /? September' 25 '' Council Notice. iT IS ORDERED THAT ON AND AFTER THE i" JL- 15th inst., the 1;uance forbidding slaves hiring /l their own time or shops open in the Town, f| wiH he fully enforet J It is further ordc .t on and after the 25th inst. H no slave will he pctniitied to trade or ofi'er anything I lor sale, after sun d?-wn. within the corporate limits, f without a written permit from those having nuthoiity 8 to grant it; and any slave violating the Ordinance T or the older will be punished to the utmost extent of the law. ROBERT M. KENNEDY, Recorder. September 11 Drugs and Chemicals- I English Mustard, Dine Stone. . ,1 Copperas Kx't. Logwood, English Calomel, English Dine Mass, Sulphur. Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum, Ch am Tartar, >up Carb Soda, SiedlitZ' Powders, hug. Castile Soap, Brown Wind.-or Soap, Ivory- Eine Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, Ac Just received and for sale by June 26 1 * WM. McKAIN. Dissolution of Copartnership. 'I'MIR COPARTNER- II! 1' OF KOOPMAN A SOM1 Ml PS is tlu> day dissolved, by mutual consent? either parly will sign llie name of the lirm in liquidation All persons indebted by no e or account, will please make payment to the undersigned, or their uuthoriczdallornev* Mr. M. Duuckkh. M KOOPMANN. L. SOMM.l.ltS. Cam'leu, Jtilie 1, 18G3. C Juno Sugar and. Salt ii \(\ 1{L*SII,,;LS SALT. I'M' lOttO lbs. Sugar. For sale at the " < ruer," by E. W. BONN i Y. August 14 Notice, IITK IT AVE PLACED OPR NOTES AND ACi ? counts in the hands of Mr. <1 A. McDonald, for collection, who is duly authorized t<> receipt lor us. Mci.UHI?Y A IIAMMKKSLoroH October '2 J 3 STRAYED OR STOLEN", I"<ROM Till! rR KM IP ICS F THE SUBSCRIBER, one Milch Cow and two Yearling Hellers, during the month of April last. The marks half crop on ihe under part of tho car; also, a split and under bit. The color of the caw is red. the yearlings red and white. One steer, dark brindle, motiy face. $30 Reward will be paid for their delivery at this place. D. T. BRADLEY, Flat*Rock. October L? 9