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HEADQUARTERS. CONSCRIPT DEPARTMENT, Columbia, November 21, 1883. GENERAL ORDER NO. 61. 1. A revision is hereby ordered of all Certificates of Exemption from conscription heretofore granted in this State on nccouut of physical disability, with the view, chiefly, to a complete registration of all persons who aro physically unfit for military servico, with the causes of such unfitness. IT. Every person holding a "Surgeon's Certificate of Exemption" from conscription will report in their respective Districts to the Examining Board, on such days as may he appointed by the Chief Surgeons of the several Congressional Districts, of which days public notice will bo given. III. Those who fail to report will bo no longer re. cognized as exempt, and their certificates bo no longer ~r i V/l IVMWU. IV. Enroliiug Officers, when advised of the days appointed for the revision of their rospoct'.vo Distiicts, will use all proper means to extend the notice, and precuro the prompt attendance of all persons subject to the order. By order of Major Melton. Coram'dt of Conscripts. R. W. 8HAND, Lieutonant and Assistant Enrolling Officer. November 20 fg" All weekly papers in the State copj* twice. JUDICAL XOTICE. DR. W. R. SIKLES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T.J. WoRKiiAK. February 27 MALB HOUSE, Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the travelling public that he has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of Camden. His personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will bo devoted to the comfort anu satisfaction of guests and visitors. He eonfi rtontly asks a continuance of the favors of all who have visited the DoKnlb House, and calls from any of his friends who visit Camden. January 16 J. H. JUNGBLUTH. < EXCHANGE :VOTICE NO. 6. The follow inc. confederate officers and nien captured at Vicksbnrg, Mississippi July 4th, 1803, ana subsequently paroled, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared . 1. Tho officers andineu of General C. L. Stevenson's division. 2. The officers and men of General Bowen's division 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General Moore's Brigade. 4. Tho officers and men of the Second Texas Regiment. 6. The officers and men of Waul's Legion. C. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have VvAAti r?n1 UtAfn/l r> P!l?? 4 ?* " ?- ? *- * IIVI'II uuiifuvu (It \Jnjr 1 unit ill* UII> tunc previous 10 Jul}* 25tli, 1863, havo been duly exchanged, and are liercbj* so declared. ROBERT OULP, Agent of Exchange. Southern papers copy six times and send accounts to the War Department. October 9 6 ?OUTfl UAROIJK4 MILITARY ACADEMY. BY ORDER OF TOE GOVERNOR. APPLICATION'S FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE South Carolina Military Academy under die annexed resolution of tin* General Assembly must bo transmitted to General James Jones,, Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Columbia, S. C., before the '25th of November next. lhe applicant must state tho District of his residence, his age and height, (if the son of a deceased officer or soldier,) the service of his father, and when and how bodied. If the applicant claims appoint ment for his own gallantry on the field of battle, the statement must bo supported by the certificates of tho officers under whom ho served in battle 1 "Resolced, That his Excellency the Governor be. and Via \a lioroKv nntKAvJ-jo/1 I\- ...? ? 1 *.w .u hv.vvj, u.ivmvii^u wi ovivxi uuv juiim iiuiii tjiiiiu Congressional District in this State, sons of officers or soldiers of the army of or officers or men of the navy of the Confederate States, who, during the existing war, have died in battle, or who have died of disease, contracted either by wounds or exposure, or who, not being sons of officers or soldiers, are under the age of twenty years, and have behaved with gallantry on tho field of battle, who shall be placed in one or other of the Military Institutions of this State, to bo educated at tho chargo of a grateful country." Columbia, Octobers, 18G3. C3T * very newspaper in this state publish once a week for two weeks. Oct. 9 2 SALE. By permission of a. L. McDONALD, ordiDINARY ot Kershaw District, I will sell at public uuction at his late residence, all the personal property of William Shield, dee'd. consisting of negroes, plantation, stock and tools, household and kitchen furniture, &c., on the fifteenth day of Doceinber next. Terms made knoiyn on day of sale. Novambor 27 WARRKN H. SHIELDS HEADQUA RTEKS. COMMISSARY GEN'LS DKP'T, S .C., f Columbia, Oct 6, 1863. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE "BOARDS of Soldier's Relief' throughout the. State, that they wil be supplied as heretofore with Ocean Salt for di?tribu> tion to needy families of soldipia at cost and ezpeuses, on application to this Department. By order of the Governor. RICHARD CALDWELL, t r?~i ?j ' > * ? ut/i. nuu v.oiuiuiSSHry ueu I. Stalo of South Carolina. tS" All papers it. the State insert once, and send bills in duplicate with copy of advertisement uttached, to this offico for payment. Bills paid quarterly. Oct. 9 1 SifutCRlBEICS TO CBMLTLKY A^OCIATIO^. Iain requested by the Committee of the Cemetery Association, to inform subscribers to the fund for the improvement of tho grounds, that tho work is now progressing, and that they will please par up their instalments as promptly as possible. I will receive the funds for tho piesent. It. M. K.LNNKDY. November EKtIIA.\(j<E KOTICi; Ao. 7. Richmond, Va., Oct. 16. Tho following Confederate officers and men aro hereby declared duly exchanged: 1. All officers and men captu.od and pnrollcd at any time previous to the 1st of September, 18G2.? This section, however, is not intended to include any officers or men captured at Vicksburg, July 5th, 1863 except such as were declared exchanged by Exchange Notice No. 6. Sept. 12th, 1863, or are specially named in this notice. But it do* s ombraee nil deliveries made at City Point or other places be'oro Sept. 1st, 1863, and with tho limitation above named, all captures at Port Hudson, or any other place where the parties were released or paroled. 1. The Staff of (Itneia'.s Pemberton, Stevenson Bowen, Moore, Barton. S. D. Lee, Oummings. Harris and Baldwin, and of Colonels Reynolds, Coekrdl and Pockery; the officers and men belonging to the 1'ngineer Corps ami Sappers and Miners, and tho 4th and 46th Mississippi regiments, all captured at Vicksburg, July 4th, 18G3. 3, The general officers c iptu-ed at Vicksburg. Judith 18C3, were declared exchanged July 13th, 1863. RO. OIJLD, Agent of Exchanges. Southern papers publish six times and send bills to the War Department. November 11. 6 TAlliP^OTI? I). I APPOINT MR. W. K. HUOI1SON AS MY lawful Atiornry during my absence from the State. November 6 4 GEO. ALDKN. OFFICE UFAKTElilflASTER, Charleston, S. C, October 1, 1SG2. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTKD AGE >T OF this department, for the purchaso of Corn iiimI Fodder, in tho Districts of li.??rslia\v and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, \vill communicate with him. Particular attention must bo paid to the packing o tho fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss fioin improper packing, and all such will be hereafter rejected. MOTTK A. PRIXGLIC, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. C'3?"* Tiie subscriber can be found at his residence DeKalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. REENSTJERNA has removed his office to tho building occupied by Messrs. Hnmmorslough & McCurry, and offers his professional service* to the public. September 18 Notice. ALL pcreons having demands nginst the Camden 11 of <*l Company are hereby notified that tlie same will be paid bv the Treasurer. Stockholders will receive the amount of their subscriptions, on the surrender of their Certificates of Stock. j. A. YOUNG, Trea. Dee. 11 2 Desirable Cottage For Sale. BY IMMEDIATE >PPLI 'ATI >N. I WILD SELL a small 0 ?ttago House containing three rooms, well finished, w t!i all necess ity outbuildings. Terms cash, Apply to tho Editor of the Confederate. November 20 To Rent. rp n K HOUSE NOW OCCUPIED RY MRS. I. HYMES. with ton r>?oms finished?with six fireplaces. with all nccess trv outbid d tigs. Possession given 1st January. Rent $1.2"0 ! er vpt, payable monthly." Aplly to W. D. McDoWALL. November 20 3 Removal. The undersigned has removed his Store from tho "Old Prick Corner" to the efctab lisliment lorme-ly occupied by Mr Wm. u. (ierald, Jr., I two doors below McCurry & Hummerhlnngh's store. July 24 , T. 34 MYERS. Notice ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Penjaniiu Umfress, will come forward and settlo the same, and those having demands will hand Uiem in properly attested, to N. A.UMFRFS8. December 11 For SaleMI PREMISES, "situated on tf?? west side of Broad street, in tlie upper pnrt of the town.? The wooden dwelling-house lies five rooms, with lour fire places, a wide entry, a closet and pantry, also two clothes closets, good brick kitchen, cook room and smoke house, new stable for three horses, and shed for cows, a well of excellent water. ALSO?A store house in goo.1 condition, except shelves. The h>t fronts on Broad street 134 feet, and extend back 673 feet. Kor health, convenience and neighborhood, it the best in town. . December 11 A. T LATTA. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, 1 Columbia, S. C. Dec. 3, 1863. ) IN accordance with the rcsoluth n ol the General Assembly, the lolloping persons have been appointed by ihe Governor to ihe Military Academies of tliis State and w ill report at the Arsenal Acuduny, it/Columbia. to Captain ,J. I'. THOMAS, cou.mui.diug, on the fir-t day ot January uext: First Congrtssiounl District DANII'L OUIN. ARTHUR if. IIAMMET. Second Congressional District. FRANCIS MAITiON LINDSAY, Third Congressional District. ARTHUR W. THOMPSON, A. P. WOODWARD. Fourth Congressional District ABNKR, W. LAMAR, WILLIAM Z. McGKlS. Fifth Congressional Distiict. R. A. GWIS\ TIIOS. E. BOGGS. Sixth Congressional*Z>istrict. DANIEL A. MILLER, HENRY A. SMITH. Ey order of the Governor. B. F. ARTHUR, December 11 Private Secretary. tST' Ail p ipers in the State copy once. South Carolina?Kershaw District. HY A. L. MCDONALD, KsOUIIlB. ORDINARY. Yy HERE AS, JOS. K. KIRKLAND APPLIED ? j to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, riglus and credits of Meplieti Gibson, late of the District alorcsaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite nnd ndmonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors oi t he said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo liolden at Kershaw Court Ilnuse on the 20th day of December inst., to show cause, if any, why the snid administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand nnd Real, this 4th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State <.f South Carolina December 11 2 A. L. MeDOXALD, O. K. D. .A River Plantation For Sale A PLANTATION SITUATED ON THE Mi* West side of Wuteree River, seven miles & below ( nrndeti, containing One 1 l:ou-?elw sand Acres, five hundred and fifty acres cleared, on?hundred and lifiy nucleated, and is equal to any lands' in uie neignoornoou, toe balance, three hundred acres, good pine land Well timbered. On the premises there is a ir<> d overseers house and accommodations for lorty hands, with barns and btahie*. gin house, Ac. The location is perfectly healthy and accessible, with an abundant supply of good spring water. Ad 'ress MATilKSON & CO., Camden, S. C. September 4 2 FOR SALE, rpwo HOUSES ON MAIN S'l REET, IMMKDI-1 ately south of Mr. Geo. Alien's shoo store. The one is a large Store House, and the other a small Shop, containing tw > rooms. I'assession to be given on the lirst of January, 1SC4. Tor lurthef particulars apply at this otlico. October 9 3 Sale. i I}Y TERMTSHON OF A. L McDOXALD. ">R- ' y D1NAKV for Kershaw 1).strict, 1 will sell at ti e j hit residence ol Jane Wilson, deceased, on the twelfth j of December next, ad her personal property, consisting of c?'rn, fodder, oats, cattle, household and Kitchen furniture. &e. Terms made known on day of sale November 27 2 J.J 11UCKABEK, Adin'r. Wanted, \N OVER'EKR. FOR A PLANTATION ON, Grannie's Quarter Creek. Apply at this office. December 4 Wanted, A COMPETE T AND TRUST WOnTIIY NURSE to take eluirgo of an infant. Apply t. MRS. II. W. CONNOR, llobkirk Hill, Drecral>er4 1 LostBetween king-v lle and <\\mdev, about the 15th f November, a small yellow trunk wi h iron bauds?written on piece of ^ per ; o.i the cud of the trunk, i-"Mrs. Goodwyn, Nixon Montgomery Ala." Mso at the same tim a Brussels Carpet Bag?A Suitable reward will be paid lor these j articles. Apply at this office Decern bar 4 Month Carolina ? Keralia w Dlkirfci WHEREAS WM. R. TAYLOR, C. B. K., Applied to toe for Lettres of Administration on all and singular the goods any chattels, rights and credits of Alleu Sanders, late of the district aforesaid, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's C<>uri tor the said District, to be bolden at Kershaw Court House ou the 26th day of December last-, to snow cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and real, this 20th day of November. in the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred and sixtv-tliree, and in the eighty-eighth year of the independence and sovereigi ty of the Slate of South Carolina. A. L.McDONaLD, O. K. D. November 20 t WaNtkd to hire immediately, a good COOK, for which the highest wages will be paid. Apply to H. SOMMKRS. November 13 NEW GOODS! TO BE IIAD AT JOSEPH SOMMERV ST It XT (Opposite the Market.) W&WJE & $ >!$& (>ALICXK DeBREGK*\ DeL A INKS, GINGHAMS J Cruuiicville unbleached Shindig, 4-4 wire bleached do. lino, Blue and br .wn Denims, Flannels, Ladies' white Liueu Cambric Handkerchief^. Black Silk Luce, Shakers lor ladies and children, Scvants' Hand kerchiefs, Coals' and other 8" pool Cotton, all numbers, Needles. Pins,, Hair Pins, Knifing Needles, Agate and bone Bullous ?lcM etc, CxEOCEEIES.&c. Fine Green Ton, Su.'ar, Coffee, Candles, Turpentine and Windsor soap, etc., etc. ?ALSO? * Best No. 10 Cotton Cards, a few pairs. Factory Yarn, all numbers. And a large assortment of Crockeryware, vis: Pitchers, and Basins, Cups and Saucers. Bowls, Mugs, Flat and Rice Dishes, Teapots, and a great many oilier articles for family use. A call is respectfully solicited. November 6 JOSEPH SOMMERSSouth-Carolina?Kershaw District SALE. BY ORDER OF A. L. McDONALD, ORDINARY for Kershaw District, I will sell at public outcry, at Flat Rock, S C . on the 18th day of December, the piopertv of.lames L. llaile. deceased, viz: ono Negro Man, (field hand.) oi.e iron axlMree Wagon, one Horse, a set of Carpenters Tools. &c. Terms c >sh. A.J. HA1LI-, Administrator. December 4 2 Shoemaker for Sale BY PERMISSION UKTHK COURT OF ORDINARY lor Kershaw District. I will sell at public auction before the Court Mouse Door in Camden, on ilie tirst Monday in innuary next, DKMUS.a 1 kely boy twenty-tour years i f ape, a good Shoemaker, House servant &c. Terms cash. B M. BROWN, Administrator of Estate J. S. BROWN. December 4 ,6 NOTIO E IVr, THE OWNERS OF THE OMNIBUSES ? ' running to the 1 ep t. frve notice, that from this date, ?.ur rates of fare will be One Dol ar to any part of ti e town, and 'i wo Dollars to Kirkwood. We k are compelled to maketh s advance on account of the advanced rates of our expenses. 1 J. K. WITI1ERSPOON, I K. O. ROBINSON. \ November 20 3 ' South Carolina?Kcr?liaw District. BT A. L. MCDONALD. KSQUlBB, JltDINAUV. \\J HERE AS, MARGARET J. HORT ?N Ap. * I lied to rne for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties right* and crediU jo James W. Morton late of the Distriej aforesaid, doceased according to the will annexed : Those arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all. and singular, the kindred and creditors of the s -id deceased to be and appear before me at our next < >rdinary's t;curi lor Hie *aui iJistrict. to be hohien at Kershaw Courfr House on the 8:h Hay of December inst, to show c inse, if .inv, why the said administration should ma he ?rrant< d. ?iive under my Hand and Seal, this seventeenth day ot Dc "ember, in the year of our Lord one thousand "Lilt hundred -n.1 sixty-three, ar.d in the eighty* ciirh It year - ! the Inie ondence a?*d sovereignty oC tho ?tat- of south Ca-olina. ALuX. L McDONALD. O. K. D. November 20 2 RIFM |/v AA| | POUNDS GOOD CLEAN LINEN 1' '?Uv" / and Cotton hags wanted immediately at the Confederate Office, lor which the highest mark* rice will ho paid. Hay Cutters, AcHay cutters, washing machines and patent Cylinder Churns, for sale at the " Old Corner." 11. W 80KNRY. July j