University of South Carolina Libraries
w ? ??w?HBI j??w? eaw?i CIRCULAR AMD APPEAL. T FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. To the Citixcns of Charleston and the People of South ('uroliiio generally, and to the Partners and Planleis especially, J't oin the mouiitums to the seaboard TJip Five Market, of Charleston, one of the noblest | mid most useful charities extant, after more -than' a i twelve :oonth of successful operation, is in danger of ! suspension and even linal stoppage It is all iusti u- 1 tion. f-undod by private pntiiotisui and bonovolence, endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, and recognized and encouraged by the Legislature of the "State. Its great and hige'y useful purposes is to sup- 1 i>!\* nrofisioiis. iVunnrnvm n^r. .% i- < > = - -? 4 v t - , -x|>>v iiov, tv tuv uvuu y lilllllllUS Ul soldiers unci seamen, fighting tl.o bailies of-their country, or dead in lior service; and uaward of eight huudrod ('amilies depend on Us bounty lor their daily broad. It lias beeoiuc a great public necessity, and it is the duty of oveiy christian and patriot, hinlo and female, rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its support, in proportion to moans and ability?the rich man out of his wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, ( the widow with her mile?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into this great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to be dicpcuscd in God-blessed bounty to the wives at.d children, the widows and orphans, the sisters and oth- j er female dependents, of our brave soldiery and soumen. Tito final stoppage, or even the suspension, of this charity would be one of the direst calamities that could befall our City aud State?it would indict dis j 1 tress, sulleriug. and even starvation 011 numbers now comfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to broad-piols, in our conservative city, to her serious inj urv and deep disgrace. Coine, then, fellow citizens, j to the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not only save the Free Market from destruction or suspension, but sustain it, in healthful vigor, as God blessed and man-blessing institution. Let donations in money and in kind pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and State; and the consequences will be happy indeed. Not. only will bread, and meal, and meat bo Rlivitnmiturlx* fiipiiiuluJ ,.#,1.15 ..." ' hv 11/ nviuivri r* mill M'il- ! | men's families, but the heart of the warrior will be cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against j the vandal and ruthless foe, by tho comforting conviction that his wife and littlo ones are patriotically and ( sufficient!}' cared for, by their fellow citi/ens, at home. ; Lot our farmers and planters especially, in every section of tho State, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, (rum their gardens, their fields, their barns and their smoke houses; and swell to overflowing the groat reservoir of Free Market charity. I Charity is twice blessed?it blesseth him that gives as well as him that receives?and blesses tho giver even tnoro than the receiver. Come up, then, one and all, to the hallowed work. . and not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying gratitude, but lay up treasuro in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in i and steal. RICHARD YE A DON, Chairman ) WM. R. YATES, >- Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. li.?Country exchanges arc requested to copy circular and appeal, gratuitously. STATE OF SOFTII CAROLINA. ADJ'T AND INSPKCTOT GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) ' Columbia, November 2, ISGJ. 1 1 u ka i .ka L ORDERS NO. 41. 1GK\ KKAL ORDERS NO. 34 HERETOFORE issued from this ollico, prohibited persons be twoen the ages of sixteen '"id,eighteen }'oars from en- i tering any military organizations, except such as aro authorized and called for by iho*Governor and Comn?aiid<;r-iii-("hiel; and inconsequence of a card appearin;; in the papers under the signature of "J II. Audi' \vs." inviting p< rsons under the airo of eighteen years, and per-ons not liable to conscription, to join p a com. any lor service beyond the limits of this State, said order is hereby reiterated, with the addition, that ' no person under the aire of eiirhteen years, and no person not liable to conscription under the Acts of Con- 1 jrross, in this State, will be allowed to enter any such ! uignnizalions i ' ' iiy command: A. C. GARLINGTON, 1 Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. > CS/'** Papers oi'tho State publish twico. ' A' ov. G 2 I t Sugar and Salt 1(1/1 Bl'SIIKl-SSAl.T, J J. \ 'V' 1000 lbs. Sugar. For sale at the " Old Cor- 1 . ner," by E. W. BONNEY. 1 August 1 1 Notice. I; \\[V' HAVE PLACED OUR NOTES AND AC-! ( I T counts in the bands of Mr. C A. McDonald, ! r for collection, who is duly authorized t<> receipt lor us. ' McCUiytY & IIAMMERSLOUUU. October 23 3 n " s Soiitli Cnioliiiit ? liiTNliaw J>i*lri?>l | \\J II UREAS WM. R. TAYLOR f! V. v a r? In J v. av.j ill Y Y plied to ino for Lett res of Administration on all and singular the goods any chattels, rights and credits of Allen Sanders, lato of the district aforesaid, deceased : These are therefore to cite and admonish all and v singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to he and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw _ Court House on the 25th day of December inst., 1 to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he granted. (livon under my hand and seal, this 20th day of November. in the year of out Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixt.v-throe, and 111 the eighty eighth year of the independence and sovereigi ty of the State 0 of South Carolina. ? A. L. McDONaLD, O. K. D. ' November 20 7 t n 11/ ANTKD TO HI UK IMMKDIATELY, A CfnOD a V T COOK, for which the highest wages will be paid. Apply to II. SOMMKKS. November Id I . 4 ! A MW?WM?wwp?w? In llie Court of Ordinary.?Kershaw District. Id the matter of tho Estate of of Samuel Herron, doceased?Final Settlement. JAMES E RODGER*, ADMINISTRATOR ilt iionia iion of Samuel Herron, deceased. having applied to have a tlnal settlement of the e>tate of his ; intestate, the following named Heirs and distributees j are hereby ordered to appear in this?ourt on Monday the 13th of January next, to receive their disliibutive dune. viz: Maria skinner. Manuel Herron; Elias Dylk, David Pelk. Robert Dolk, James Dclk, Icj' M??oro, Nelly Segal's, Mary Pelk, Nancy E. Delk. Win. Skinner. John Skinner, James Skinner, Nancy Outlaw and Rebecca Herron. J K. R0DGKR8, Atlni'r. A. L. McDonald, Ordinary's Ollice, October 8. 18G3. October 8 3mos For Sale. VCOOD SECOND II AND DOUBLE SETT IIARN ESS. For particulars apply apply at this office. October 1G STRAYED OR STOLEN, I^ROM THE PREMISES ' F TIIK SUBSCRIBER, one M iloh Cow and two Yearling Hellers, during the mouth of April last. The marks half crop on the under part of tho car: also, a split and under bit. The color of the eaw is red. tho yearlings red and white. One steer, dark hrindlc, motiy face. $30 Reward will be paid for their delivery at this place. D. T. BRADLEY, Flat Rock. Octdhor !) n , J lax on Heat Cattle, Mules, &c., &c. OWNKRS OF NEAT CATTLE, HORSES Mules, Ac. (not used in cultivation are required to make a return on oath, between the 1st and 25tli proximo, of the number and value of said stock ho d by them 011 the 1st, November, I.SU3 A return is also required of the number end value of all beeves sold by farmers or planters since the 24ih April last. J. .v. SCHKOCK, October 30 Ask'i. Assessor 17th Col. l)ist. Salt for Sale. Tierces, half tierces and barrels of SALT by the package or package*, for srle by D. MoQUKKN, October 30 At Matheson ,t Co's. Hands WantedI^KN OR 12 GOOD NKGROS WANTED IMMEdiatelv, to work 011 the Cemetery Grounds, for which liberal wages will be paid. Apply to E. G. Robinson. September 25 Roads rpiIE COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KKR1 sliatv District will ineot in Camden on Monday the 28th day of October, at 11 o'clock COLIN MACRAE, October 1G 2 Clerk of the Road. MCF-RM 1 /\ AAA POUNDS GOOD CLEAN LINEN A\ ' and Cotton Rags wanted immediately at the Confederate Otlice, for winch the highest marke price will he paid. Fait uA BUSHELSK1LN-DKIED SALT, FOR SALE fJ\/ by the package, at MATHESON & CO's. November G 1 PKOSPKiTlJS. 1HIE UNDERSIGNED WILL ISSUE, IN A few weeks, at Riehmoiul, Va., a weekly journal, to bo called "THE SOUTHERN PUNCH!*" It will he nearly a duplicate in size, form and general features of the world renowned London " Punch," so long an acknowledged power in the British Dies in ,1)0 reiormation of public abuses, and the enlighten it-ill oi me puunc innid, Hashing as it did with the senilis of Hood, of Jr.rold, and a host of wits, poets' iu<l philosophic thinkers. The proprietors of 4 The Southern Punch" brine to he difficult task of successfully conducting such : ournal the advantage of capital, abundant incnta ii iomces, and practical skill The editor for ninnv ,*oars past, has been connected, in a leading editorial capacity, with the largest daily papers of New 0>cans and Mobile, while the gentleman who will have barge of typographical and engraving depar menls is insurpassed in : hat skill necessary for success. Every number will be illustrated with mimen us ;uts, appropriate to tiie tiniest humorous and serious), row the hands of one of the best engravers on the oiiliuent?an artist whose name is familiar to the calling pun. of the South. In line, the undersigned are determined to make 'The outli rn Punch" the spiciest, most readable, itid best illustrated literary journal in America. It hall distance competition. TERMS-Snb-cript ion for single copies $10 per nnwni. News dealers supplied at the rate of $10 per lundred copies. Address OVERALL. CAMPBELL, HUfJlIKS & CO.. Publishers Richmond, Va Editor* giving tho above one or more insertions vill be entitled to a copy gratis. Art!-- w * \mice on Aiain street, Detween 9th and kith. July 10 Dissolution of Copartnership. I'WR COPARTNERSHIP OF ROOPMAN .tSOMMKItS is this day dissolved, by mutual consent ? ither party will sign the name of the lirrn in liquidaion. All persons indebted by no'o or account, will plcaso nakc payment to the undersigned, or their authoriezd ttorucy, Mr. M. Dkuckkk. M. K OOPM ANN. L. 80MMKRS. Camden, June 1, 18C3. 6 June 12 f Runaway. COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW District a Negro Jioy, who says his nauio is JOIIN, and that he belongs to Robert Oliver, ol Georgetown, S. 0. Said Roy is live feet fivo or six inches high, wi 1 weigh 150 or 60 pounds, had on an old black coal, and j grey sutinett punts; am) a Coulcderuto hat, made o wire grass. The owner is requested to como forward prove property, pay expeuces and take him away. i>UNUAN SHEORN, Jailor. March 6 1 3 ~ 2 ? ? ft ^ s, '*1 -t _ iw mam ro S- bgj * ^ mmrn. * | 3 3 er g w ft > 9 R S3 ^ > M mm a 2 wo" ' O W * , 3 |j? gg?j = > 2 is ? ^ "c s, 5 O O o zr ? ? O ~ 5 * w ? aj O mm*? ra ^ J 5 > H I > ? ~ S W 2 M-; *? > j it 1.. ft </; i o s- ~ " ? 2 ^ I s. . 2 ? ? c r > ? I ; - ? 3 ? e ? < i ^ a a ^ " p & I = P 5 o h ? B ? ? - ^ B o ' o o P 9 ?2 ww rjj 0/K0 ~ Krl ? 5- b. ^ s 1 1 a w ? 63 ^ r? s 3 5 s B 8 M * I' t ? 0 w a <? ^ ^ 1 < | r S = * " * -g ? *5 !3 2D ?? ^t0 '< ? o* ft ? D 'r' ? H 1 I a _ .? Wanted?W ol! For which the highest price will be paid. ? ALSO? COTTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McCURRY & H A MM ERSL AUG IPS. ? w w * 5*2 H o g w * 2 ? ^ a p r 0 5 M > B =L JS _ Jr < ? . OR -4 ? g O g (- m-m - I ? 5 di^3 ' ? ? 2 2 t*l : ? S s S- 1?I O ft m . m " 2 ? S #34 w 3 2 K S S ^ P I ? s ? 1 13 H 2 <2 ? ^ fi H ft fcfj L| -2 &-S * ^ * ? j 0p o a j & H ? r-H r* c- 53 r"H ft sd 1 ? ' It a | 1 a d 5 g 2 o > H <*11 H rr ?IS!! fH ? ^ ^ c c?d "5 ; 9 PsairH s 2 i; HL =- Cfl 3 "? ? ft I m v. r 5 % > >% ? 2 jKj ? 12 < 2- 3 - <5^i ^ C3 t!7! * ? (9 2 ? v: 0 ^ ^ - M H 2 3 n m .5 ?? ? r1 5 HJ n ? w Tobacco and Shoe Thread SHOE THREAD AND FINE CHEWING AND Smoking Toluicco? ?AI.RO? (?0o yards Colored Twills. For solo nt the "Old Corner." E W. HOXNEY. SWEET, EIHEV, A\I> TOIMCTO. j XT O. MOLASSES, CRUSHED AND BROWN .> SrOAlt; fiOO dollars worth Matches, host qualify; Tobncco?Common. Medium n< <1 Fine* Rice?{rood and t'resh Rice Floor; Salt?Confederate nnd Turks Island; Smoking Tobacco nnd (rood Cigars: Pepper San e, Spices of different kinds; .Tars and .Tugs. various sizes; Nai's. coarse Shoes. May 22, 1863. * A. T. LATTA. Window hades. rpwo SETTS OF WINDOW SHADES, WITH J. fixtures complete, for snlo at July 31 2 MA.THESON & Co. . NEW GOODS"! TO BE HAD AT JOSEPH SOMMERS' STEE (Opposite the Market.) CtAIJCOS, DEBREGK*. DELAINKS, GINGIIAMS? ) G r a u i te v i 11 e* u i d d cached Shirting, 4-4 wire blenched do.dine, Blue and brown Denims, Flannels, Ladies' white Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Black Silk Luce, t linkers lor Indies and children, Set vnnts1 Handkerchiefs, Coats' and othei Sjiool Cotton, all numbers, Needles. Tins.. Ilnir Pins, Knitt ing Needles, Agate and bone Buttons, etc., etc, GEOCERIES,&c. Ki e Gre< n Ten. Suirar, (follee, Candles, Tuipentine and Windsor foap, etc., etc. ? A l.St)? Pest No. 10 Cotton Cards, a few pairs. Factory Yarn, ad numbers. Ami a i a r^c assortment ol Crockery ware, viz; Pitchers, and Basins. Cups ami Saucers. Bowls, Mugs, Flat and Bice 1 hshes, Teapots, and a gnat many other articles lor lamdy use. A call is respectfully solicited. November G * JOSE II SOMMKRS. Alabama Fire Insurance COMPANY. r|'MIK Undersigned, as Agent Ibr tne above South I ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on nil Build ings. Ac. November 1 TV. L. DePASS. 850 Beward r I ^' I K A BOY K H K TV A1? 1) W 11 L BK PATH FOR -I the apprehen> ton of a boy who ealls bis name John, and says lie belonys to Robert Oliver, near Ge-iuetown, S. C. Said boy is 24 or 2ft years old. will weigh 155 or CO pounds, well set. rather round face, low f'o> ehead, and I think has a scar on the nose or for<".head?d n't recollect which ? had on when left an old black frock cloth or eassimer coat, of old fashion make. He may change his name and owner The above reward will he paid for the delivery of the above named boy, or lodgment of him in any jail, so that I can got him. November ? DUNCAN SIIHORN, S. K I). Cloth, Lard, Seed Bye, etc. SUPERIOR COUNTRY LARD. CIIOICK SYRUP, Pepper, Seed Rye, Salt, and one piece Grey Uniform Cloth for salo at the "Old Corner." October 2 K. TV BONNET. Wanted to Hire A GOOD COOK. WASHER AND IRONKR, FOR \ which liberal wages will be paid. Apply at this oflico. October 23 Notice MY STORK TV ILL BK OPKX AT 9 o'clock A. M., and close at 3 o'clock P. M., until further notice. K. TV. BONN15Y. November 13 Dry Salt. i)A TIERCES BEST QUALITY DRY SALT BY i mm \ ' the package, sit "The Old Coiner. i November 13 K. TV. BONNEY. XTnli oa A1 V/ tiUV/ Twill offer at public sale, to tti k highest bidder, on 2-11li day of November inst., nil the personal properly of the Into Thomas .1. Warren, deceased, consisting of Household and Kitchen Furniture, Printing I'ress, Sir. Sale to be at residence of 1 the deceased. Tern s cash. Property to be delivered on day succeeding sale. November 0 W. LKITNKR. Adm'r. i For Sale. J rpwo store houses and lots, w1tii 1 Dwelling Booms on second lloor of each, situated on the most, desirable spot .on Broad street, for business. The lots run some 00 feet in front by 250 back. Also, one lot containing thereon a large Cotton House. Mtualed on Rutlcdgo street, On feet in front by 2f>0 back For further particul.vs apply to Mr Win. M Billings, in Camden, or to Cnpt. J>. J'. Perry, at Flat Bock, S. C. September 20 Council Notice. 1 T IS ORDKRI D THAT ON AND AFTER THE i* 15th inst., the Ordinance forbidding slaves hiring their own time or ket ping shops open in the Town, will be fully enforced It is further ordeed, that on and after the 25th inst. no slave will be point it ted to trade or offer anything lor side, after sun d? wn, within the corporate limits, without a written permit from those having nutlio'ily to grant it; and any slave violating the Ordinance or the oider.will be punished to the utmost extent of the law. ROBERT M. KENNEDY, Recorder. September 11 Di ugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, Blue Stone. C> pperas Ex't. Logwood, English Calomel, Eng'ish Blno Mass, Sulphur. Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum, Cream Tartar, up Carb. Soda, Siedlitz Powders, Eng. Castile Soap, Brown Windsor Roap, I vory Fine-Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, Ao Just received and for sale by t A Juno 26 1 ;WM. McKAIW. Jl