University of South Carolina Libraries
' / SVUSCieiBEKS TO CEIQIUTEItY ASSOCIATION. t am rcquostod by tho Couunittoc of tho Cemetery Association, to inform subscribers to tho fund for tho improvement of the grounds, that tho work is now progressing, and that they will please pay up their instalments as promptly as possible. 1 will receive tho funds for tho present. It. M. KENNEDY. November EXCHANGE NOTICE No. 7. Richmond, Ya,, Get. 16. The following Confederate officers and meu ure lu reby declared duly exeluiHgod: 1. All officers and men captwrod 'and parolled at any time previous to tho 1st of September, 1862.? Ti.:,. :? i t - ?- *- ? ? - ' 1 1 j. inn nvcntMi, IIUWI'VIT, IS IIOl lllieuuui lO IIICIIIUO Jlliy I officers or men captured'at Vieksburg, July 5th, 1SG3 except such as wore declared exchanged by Kxchunge Notice No. G. sJept. 12th, 18G3, or art)specially named in this notice, But it docs embrace all deliveries wnade at City Point or other places be'bre Sept. 1st, 18G3, and with the limitation above named, all captures at Port Hudson, or any other place where the parties were reloaded or paroled. 1. The Ma IT of Gcuomls Pemberton, Stevenson Boweti, Moore, Barton, S. D. Lee, Cumoiings, Harris nnd Baldwin, and of Colonels Reynolds, Coekrell and Dockery; the oflicers and men belonging to the engineer Corps and Sappers and Miners, and the 4th and 4Gth Mississippi regiments, all captured at Vieksburg, July 4111, 18G:i. 3, The general oflicers captured at Vieksburg. July 4th, 18G3, were declared exchanged July 13th, 18G3. 110. OULD, A pent of Exchanges. Cif" Southern papers publish six times and send bills to the War Department. November 11. G Notice. ALL OVERSEERS, Ob' WHATEVER DKSCRIPTlON, whether holding Confederate exemptions or State exemptions, ami all persons holding 'discharges \ fVoin the Confederate army, and all persons holding substitutes papers that have not yet reported, and all .persons who have not yet enrolled, are ordered to report at once to these Headquarters on the first Monday in December next for examination by Examining Hoard. Failing to do so, will be returned as deserters. W. Z. LEITNKtt, .November HI Capt. A Enrolling Oflieer. \ k 1: or i c 1 APPOINT MR. W. K. HUGIISON AS MY Uawful Attornry during my absence from the State. .November 6 4 GEO. ALDEN. orric iTqiTa itr i; it n Asaiiu, Charleston*, S. C, October 1, 18G2. MR. A. M. LKK IS APPOINTED AGK \T OF ithis department, for the purchase of Corn ami .Fodder, in the Distiicts of I4?;i*nIiu\v uimI L.ancii*lci\ Planters desiring to sell, will communicnto with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing o itho fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all such will bo hereafter rejected. MOTTK A. PRIXGLK, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. ?35" The subscriber can be found at his residence :DeKalb street, next west ot the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LKK. JTI i: l> I<5A tj \OTIi'c. DR. REKXSTJKRNA has removed his gflico to the building occupied by Messrs. llammerslough A McCurry, and oilers his professional services to the public. September 18 TAX BA ItlXIL TIIK UNDERSIGNKD ARK PRKPARKD TO roccivo returns for so ifluch of the present crop as has been secured at this time. Wm. McKAIN, Assessor. J. A. SO 11 ROCK, As't. Assessor. October 2 CMS. ,BOS?\ McCAA I offers i1is services to t11k citizbns of Camden and surrounding country. .Offico two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden I So Ca. January JO Fine Maccaboy Snuff. a small supply of thk abovk named i article can be had at a low figure. by calling at t. s m ykus, November 20 Opposite the Mansion House. _____ ___ All persons who have claims against the estate of Win. M. Bullock, deceased. ?v ill pie ise present tho same, duly attested, to me;? and all persons who are indebled to said estate will please make payment to nie of their rcsjieotivo indebtedness, at at| earlv day WM. It. TAYLOR, C. K. K., ?fc Adm'r Wm. Bullock, dee'd. 1 November 20 < Notice STOLEN FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON TIIE night of the 16th, an iron Grey Mare, about 15 1-2 hands high. A lioeral rewrtrd will be paid for her delivery to me at Stateburg, S C., and One Hundred . Dollars for the apprehension and proof of the thief. ^ September 25 ^3 FREDERICK L GREEN. Hay Cutters, &cHAY CUTTERS, WASHING MACHINES AND j patout Cylinder Churns, for sale at tho " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. July 3 i * PROCLAN ATlOiK. i KXKCUTIVR DEPARTMENT, ) ' \4Jti.r.MniA, S. 0. Hoc. 1, 1863. i" VIIICRKA8, 'fflK SENATE AND HOUSE OF ? Representatives have, by joint' resolution, set < apart THURSDAY, the lOlli day of December, inst., 1 as a day of fasting. I (umiiiutioti and Prayer, and have ; requested the Fxecutivo to issue his proclamation to that ell eel, inviting the clergy and people of this State to unite in Divine service appropriate to such an occasion, airl in asking of Almighty tJod deliverance lroni the malevolence of our enemy: Now. therefore, I. MILLEDUF b. RON HAM, tlovcrnor, do announce the said tenth day of December instant, as s.uch day of Fasting, Humiliation and t Prayer lor ail the gO"d cit.zens of South t'nrohua; and 1 I invite the clergy, add the peop'e generally, laymg j i asiue ailj secular employments whatever. to assemble i at their usual places of public worship, ami to humble themselves before tlio Almighty Ruler of the I'ui- > verse, ami acknowledging their maui old sius ami 1 transgressions. to ask his forgiveness?to implore 11im to shield ami protect us from the malevolence of 1 our enemy?to give victory to the arms ot the Contederaey and vouchsaio to them I lis blessing and protection. Given under my hand and tuo seal of the State, at r -I Columbia, this first day of December, A. I). D'""J one thousand eight hundred andsixiS'-tliree. ( M. L. 1JON 11AM. Wm. It. Hunt, Secretary of State. Dec. 2 1 J ?35?" All papers in the State publish once. Wanted, ' ANOVKRSKK.R, FOR A PLANTATION ON, , Grannie's Quarter Creek. Apply at this office. December 4 ( Wanted, ,4 COMPKTK .T AM) fRLJSTWORTHY XURSK L V to tuko charge of an infant. Apply to MRS. II. W. CONNOR, llobkir* Hill, December 4 1 Lost i BKTWKKN EINUoVILLK AND CAMDKX, < about the 15th of November, a small yellow i trunk wiih iron bands?written on a piece of paper 1 on the end of the trunk, is "Mrs. Goodvvyn, Nixon Montgomery Ala." Also at the same time a Brussels Carpet lhig?A Suitable reward will be paid lor these articles. Apply at this office. December 4 South-Carolina?Kershaw District salk. By ordkr of a. l. Mcdonald, ordinary for Kershaw District, 1 will sell at public outcry, .. at Flat Rock, S (J . on the 18th day of December, the piopertv of James L. llaile, deceased, viz : ouo Negro Man, (lield hand,) one iron axle-tree Wagon, one llorse, a set ol Carpenters Tools, &.c. Terms cash. A. j. HA ilk, Administrator. December 4 2 Shoemaker for Sale BY I'KR.MISSION OF Til 10 COURT OF ORDINARY for Kershaw District. I will sell at public auction before the Court Mouse Door in Camden, on the lirst Monday in January next, DEMUS, a 1 kely boy twenty-four years of age, a good Shoemaker, House servant Ac. Terms cash. B M. BROWN, Administrator of Kstate J. S. BROWN. December 4 5 JST O T I C E E TIIIO OWNIORS OF THIS OMNIBUSES t running to the Depot, give notice, that from this date, our rates of fare will be One Dollar to any part of the town, and Two Dollars to Kirk wood. We I are Compelled to make this advance on account of the s advanced rates of our expenses. 0 J. K. WITHKR8P00N, n K. G. ROBINSON. ?< November 20 . 2 b n ii South Carolina? Bicrshuw l>i<iiric(. c IIY A. Ii. MCDON'AIiD, KSQUIRK, ORDINARY. tl \\J IIKRKAS. MARGARKT J. 1IORTON AT- 11 \ ? plied to me for Letters or Administration on all 8 and singular the goods and chatties rights and credits jo James \V. Ilorton late of the District aforesaid, deceased, according to tho will annexed: a These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and !' singular, the kindred and creditors of the s.iid deceas- 11 ed to Ite and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to be lioMcn at Kershaw a Court House on tho 8th day of December inst., 0 to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not he granted. n Given under my llnnd and Seal, this seventeenth ^ day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred ami sixty-three, ar.d in the eighty- a eighth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. alkx. l Mcdonald, o. k. d. November 20f ' 2 Notice. : TN PURSUANCE OP AN ORDER GRANTF.D by A. L. McDonald, Ordinary for Kershaw District. s. 0., i will sell at tho lato residence of Wm M. Bullock, deceased, on tlio fourth day of December I next all tho personal property belonging to said de- J ceased, at the time of his death. Said property consists of horses, stock, &c. Terms, cash?purchasers | to pay lor papers. Sale to commence about 10 o'clock, a.m. WM. R. TAYLOR, 0. E. K., 0 November 20 Adni'r Wiu, M. Bullock, dec'd. P South Carolina?Kershaw District. UY A. 1.. MCDONALD, KsbUIRE, ORDINARY. XXfHKItKAS, W. B HUCKABKfiJ* APPLIKD ? t to me for Letters "of Administration on nil and lingular the goods ami chatties, rights and credits of J. .1. Jjliiroy, late of tlio District aforesaid, deceased : These are. therefore, to rite and admonish all, and angular, the kindred and creditors of the said decreased to ho and appear before me' at our next Ordinary's Jourt for the said District, to he holden at Kershaw Jourt House on the *2 it It day of November inst., i to show cause, if any, why the said "administration! should not be grailted. j Given under my Hand and Seal, this 6th day >f September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and iti. the eighty-eighth ^ >'ear of the ludependeueo and Sovereignty of the | State of South Carolina. ; J November 0 2 A. L. McDONALD, O. K. D. lv A River Plantation For Sale A I'l'Vs' i'ATlOX SITITATIODON Til 10 in i "li'l ^ c'sl S1(le of Waleree Uiver, seven miles jSrjSSj SiXnto h"l'i\c t containing One TIioii-y -ami Acres, live litmdred and fifty acres cleared, oil.' w attmlivd and fifty uncleared, and is equal to any lards s:i in the neighborhood, the balauee, three hundred acres, m 401 id pine land Well timbered. On the premises there is a good overseers house and K' leeommodations for forty hands, with barns and stu- >* ale*. gin house, Ac. The location is perfectly healthy and accessible, ivitli an abundant supply of good spring water. Address MATtlKSOX & CO., Camden, S. C. September 4 2 ? FOR SALE, r\ ON ACCOUNT OF FORMKR lTBCHAsKR, on 1 Monday noxt, at il < 'clock I will sell the boy I? rOMl'KV, belongitiging to lite e.-tate of \V. (J W'oi kuan, at'the risk ol former purchaser, C. A. MeDouald. r;i Terms cash. W Wmtm-i.' t.i so .. .? ?kuu?viit au mi. October 30 - tin FOil SALE, 5: I'HVO 1IOUSKS ON MAIN S'l'RKKT, IMMKD1 ately south oi Mr. lleo. Aldou's shoo stoic. The ''' mo is a large Store llonse, mid the other a small j" Shop. containing hvo rooms. Possession to he given *?" n the lirst of January, ISOi. For turthcf particulars ipply ui tliis ollico. on ()etoher 9 3 lei Sale. I>Y PKRMISSION OK A. L. McDONAI.D, Ml- cu y DINAltY for Kershaw District, 1 will sell at the fr< at?* residence ol .lane Wilson, deceased, on the twcltlh eo if December next, all her personal property, consist- re ng of corn, fodder, oats, cattle, houseiiold and Kitchen uriiiiuro, &c. Terms made known on day of salo. November 27 2 J. J. 11UCKABEK, Adin'r. an C1RCULAK AND APPEAL. FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. hi To the Citizen* of Charleston and the People of South Carolina generally, and to the Farmers and Plauleis ' especially, from the mountains to the seaboard The Free Market of Charleston, one of the noblest ind most useful charities extant, after more than a _ welve month of successful operation, is in danger of iuspeiisioii and even final stoppage. It is an instiluion, founded by private patriotism and benevolence, A indorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, ami ' eeognized and encouraged by the Legislature of the an State. Its great and higii'y useful purposes is to sup>ly provisions, freo of expense, to the needy fatiulias of 00 oldiers and seamen, lighting the battles ol their connry, or dead in her service; and upward of eight luui- s" Ircd families depend on its bounty for their diiily bread. t has become a great public necessity, and it is the Inty of evoiy christian and patriot, male anJ female, * 0 ieh and poor, young and old, to contribute to its sup- ,0 >ort, in proportion to means and ability?the rich man ut of Irs wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, lie widow with her mite?every liirge stream should our, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into his great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to lie J1.'1 li.-pensed in (Jod-hlessed bounty to the wives ami u' hildren, the widows ami orphans, the sisters and otlir female dependents, of our brave soldiery and sea- ? iien. The linal stoppage, or even the suspension, of his charity would be one of tho direst calamities liitt * rill 111 befall our Cite ami Sou. ! I ..aim. ?' v v ?? vmihi lililici *4115 J/itl ress, sullering. anil even starvation on numbers now omtbrtably fed by its bonniy, and perhaps, lead to ? rond-'iots, 111 our eonsorvative eity, to Iter serious intry and deep disprove. Come, then, fellow citizens, d the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not lily have the Free Market from destruction or suspenion, but sustain it, in healthful vigor, as a (Sod blessd and man-blessing institution, Lot donations in loney and in kind pour in lavishly from every quar,?r of the City and State; and the consequences will e happy indeed. Not only will bread, and meal, and I J < leat be sustainingly furnished to soldier's and seaion's families, but the heart of the warrior will be lieered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against no vandal and ruthless foe, by the comforting con vie- \i on that his wife and little ones are patriotically and iifficionlly eared lor, by their fellow citizens, at home. ,et our farmers and planters especially, in every seeion of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables V_ ml provisions, from their gardens, their fields, their arns and their smoke houses; and swell to overflowig the great reservoir of Free Market'charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesseth him that gives s well as liitn that receives?and blesses the giver ven more than the receiver. Come up, then, one and all. to the hallowed work, nd not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying ratiUldc, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where neilier moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor tlneves break in *nd steal. i V RICHARD YE A DON, Chairman j WM. R. YATKS, > Committee ; JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. 13.?Country exchanges are requested to copy : circular and appeal, gratuitously. ' SAGS?RAGS.5 in nnnp0undsg00d clkan when LVf.V 7l /I f and Cotton Rags wanted immediately ri t the Confederate Office, lor which tho highest marks 1 rice will be paid. , I 4 ? STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. D.l'T ANI) INSPKCTOT GKNKKAL'S 0FF1CK, ) Coi.umioa, November 2, 18G2. ) EXERA L ORDERS NO. t1. [" (JKNKItAL (HiBKltS NO. :)4 llEKETOFUIlK l issued !'ro:n litis olliee, prohibited persons be veen the ages of sixteen .mdjeitrhteeii years from earing any military organizations, except such as ntw ithonzed and called for I?v the Coventor und Coinander-in-Chicf; and in consequence of a card appearg iii l lie papers under the signal are of "J. 11. Aulews," inviting persons under the age of uightceu ;ars, and persons not liable to conscription, to join company lor service beyond the limits of this State, tid order is hereby reiterated, with the addition, that ) person under the a?e of eighteen years, ntid no porta not liable to conscription under the Acts of Coness. in this State, will be allowed to enter any such gaiuzations liv command : A. C. (^ARLINGTON, Adjutant and inspector-! Icncral S. C. Papers ol'the State publish twice. Nov. r. 2 PIIOSIMXTIS. PI IK UJfUKRdlGKKl) WII.L 1 SSI IK, IN A L few weeks, at Richmond, V;i., a weekly journal, I?e called -Til K S<)\JTitKHX PUNCH I" It will lie nearly a duplicate in size, form stud gene1 features of the world renowned London "Punch," long au aekuowlcdgcil power in the British Isles in e reiormatioti of public abuses, and the enlighten cm 01 tlie public infiid. flushing as it did With tlier nius of llood. of .k.rold, and a host of wits, poets id philosophic tlii' kers. 'flip proprietors of ' The Southern Punch" bring to e ddlieult task of sueoesslully conducting such a nrnal the advantage of capital, abundant inenia icu cos. and practical skill. The editor for many >arx past, has been connected, in a leading editorial pacify, with the largest daily papers of New Oralis and Mobile, * Idle the gentleman who will have arge of typographical and engraving departments is tsnrpasscd in '.hat skill necessary for success. Kvery number will l>e illustrated with numerous its. appropriate to t'.ie times thumorous and serious), mi the hands of one of the host engravers on the nliucnt?ati artist whose name is familiar to the ading pun., of the South. In line, the undersigned are determined to mako The outturn Punch" the spiciest, most readable, id best illustrated literary journal in America. It all distance competition. TERMS?Subscription for single copies $10 per mum. News dealers supplied at the rate of $16 per mdred copies. Address OVERALL. CAMPBELL, IIUGIIE*. & (.'< Publishers Richmond, "a. Editori giving the above one or more insei tiona ill be entitled to a copy gratis. Ollice on Main strcei, between 9tli and 10th. July 10 i?iil!i Carolina ? Kershaw DiMrlct HE RE AS WM. It. TAYLOR, C. E. K., AP' ? plied to me for Lettres of Administration on all d singular the goods any chattels, rights and credits Allen Sanders, late of the district uforesaid, do* used: These are therefore to cite and admonish all and igular, the kindred and creditors of s&id deceased, be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's urt lor the said District, to he holden at Kershaw urt House on the 25lh day of December inst.; show cause, if any, why the suid administration uuld not be granted. ven under my hand and seal, this 20th day of November. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the eighty-eighth ' urof the independence and sovcreigi tv of the State South Carolina? A. L. McDONaLD, O. K. D. November 20 7 \ > ANTED TO HIRE IMMEDIATELY, A GOOD T COOK, for which the highest wages will bo' id. Apply to 11. SUMMERS. November IS ffiW GOODS! TO, 15E HAD AT OS EP 11 SO 31 HI i: IIS' ST RE (Opjwtite the Market.) 1ALICOS, PeBKKGKS, DELAINKS,GINGHAMS, J Uranilevillc unbleached Shirting, 1-4 wire bleached d*r. Uno, Blue and brown Denims, Flannels, Ladies' white Linen Cambric UandKorchiefa, lllaek Silk Lace, Shakers lor ludies and children. Servants'* HandkercliieIs. Coals' and other Spool Cotton, all numbers, Needles, Bins., Hair Pins, Knitting Needles, Agate and bone Battens, etc., etc, tJLlUUiijlilES, &e^ Fine Oroen Ton, S'u-nr. Coffee, Candles, Turpentine nnd Windsor f?oap, etc., etc. ?ALSO? Lest No. Id Cotton Cards, a few pairs. Factory Yarn, all numbers. And a large assortment of Crockeryw ?re, x't: leliers, and Basins, Cups and Saucers, Bow's, Mugs, ii-and Bice Dishes, Teapots, and a groat many oilier .ieles for family use. % A call is respectfully solicited. November G JOSEPH S041MERS. Window hades. MVQ SKTTS OF WINDOW SHADES, WTTR l futures complete, for sale at. July 31 ? MATHESONAC<v ^ fe -A.