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? >. ^ 11 J - > ,1111 mm . ! tl)( (Contlirc cuftkr?tf AT JI1KEK DOLLARS A TSAR, PAT AISLE IN VARIABLY HALF-YEARLY IN ADVANCE Terms lor Advertising: For ono Square?twelve . lines or less?TWO .DOLLARS for tho tirst insertion, and ONE DOLLAR AND hiFrV CKNS for each subsequent. Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged to at advertising rates. Transient Advertisements and Job WorK MUST BE PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertisiir patrons. J. T. HERSHMAN, Editor. I'KUlAV, DECEflBEK 4, 1803. Fusliiig, Humiliation nn<l Prayer. By referenco our advertising columns it will be seen, tbat the Governor of South Caro" linn lias set apart Thursday the 10th inst., as a day of Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer. m " uic Kriiucr? 01 me Louicdcraii1. Wo bavo succeeded ir: procuring a fine press and a set of type, almost new, with which we hope in a few weeks to bring out This Confffuekatk in a new and improved style. We have, at the same time, laid in a supply of paper and ink, enough to last twelve months at least. For more than two years The Confederate has performed the functions of a District paper, and gone its weekly rounds to the fire-sides and families of our citizens. The circumstances of the times have been such as to cramp our efforts and curtail, to a sad extent, the dimensions of the sheet; and wo have, at the same time, often felt our incompetency for the full and complete discharge of all the duties devolving upon us?we have come short in many things. But in now entering upon a new era, while we look back upon these things, we arc incited to gird upoursclf for renewed and more zealous endeavors, to repay, as far as in us lies, the unwavering confidence and liberal patronage which up to this time has seconded our effort to furnish to the district the usual weekly paper. , We hope, in the future, even to a greater extent than in the past, to issue a sheet which :n . . _ . . i .1 . . i win coiitnuuic 11s nine towarus uic grcai anu absorbing o" : 'et of the lives of us all?Confederate independence. It will be out part, however humbly performed, to inspire our pco pie with confidence in their rulers, patience and fortitude under adversity, hope and confidence in the ultimate success of our great cause. The following rcniaTics with reference to the life and death of our deceased friend and fellowcitizen, Capt Thos. J. Warren, we take from the Christian Advocate of last week : "Captain Thomas J. Warren, late Editor ofthcCamden Journal, fell at Gettysburg?shot through the head?whilst leading his company in the thickest of the fight. At 10 lie joined the M. E. Church and made a profession of religion : ,and, up to the time of his departure from home, he was a steward, J - class-leader, and Superintendent of the S. School in the Church at Camden. lie was alu so a member of the Board of Directors of the So. Ca. Conference S. S. Society and was regular in his attendance upon its session. Honest, genial and enthusiastic, intelligent and pious, in point of companionship and usefulness, lie stood among the most influential citizens of his town and members of his Church. His pastors will never forget the childlike simplicity of his nature?his confiding disposition?his warm friendship for them, and his unswerving dcvotedncss to the cause of Christianity. Having volunteered at the beginning of the war, and fonrrht bravclv in llianv batfh's nt tlm turn I u J J > "" " "Bw of 38 ho has passed away, leaving a young and interesting family; but the savor of his memory will ever be sweet, and the recollection of his .piety and patriotism will be an incentive to imitate his brilliant example." K. J. Mkynardie, i Appointments for the South Carolina Military Academy, for 18G4, from Kershaw District : I*. Bracy Villipiguc, W. It. Withers, John Kershaw, Wm. E. Johnson, Bcnj. II. Shannon, The Washington Dispatch reports that ltosencrans has been assigned to the department of Baltimore. Foster Jeft Cincinnati, on the 22d, to rtjieyc Burnsidc. # * The Retreat of Bragg. Palton, November 27.?The army of Bragg reached Ringgold last night without molestation, until near the town, when our rear was % attacked by the enemy, who captured Ferguson's battery and inflicted considerable loss on Manev's brigade. Many were severely wounded. We lost our wagons, except Gen.' Wright's on Wednesday. To day the arinv continues to retreat upon Dalton, where the head of the column has just arrived. * There has been considerable firing of infantry and artillery in the rear?repulsing the enemy. The pursuing column of the enemy consists of 10,000 mounted infantry. We saved all our railroad stock at Chickamauga, and destroyed such stores as could not be removed, which were not many. The people along the road are retreating with the army. Nearly everybody left Ring gold as we pass through. The wagon roads are in a horrible condition. Yankee Raid on tlic HI a in In llio Tliird Itlilitai-y DiNiriet, Vagnc rumors were rife in the city all day yesterday of a Yankee raid against Pocotaligo. While most of the reports in circulation were exaggerated to a ridiculous' extent, yet the statesmcnts current were not altogether without foundation. We have been at some pains to get at the facts in relation to the affair, and find them to be as follows : On Tuesday of last week a raiding party of Yankees, six in number, and accompanied by about 40 armed negroes, landed on the Main, near Cunningham's Bluff, west of Port Royal Ferry. Passing up through the woods to the Pocotaligo Station, on the Charleston and Savannah Railroad, they crossed the railroad and reconnoitered the position and strength of all the camps in that neighborhood, passing completely around them. On their way up to the Station they had left a few of their negro troops at Mr. Daniel Ileyward's plantation. On their return, arrangements having been made to that end, they carried off twenty-seven of Mr. Hey ward's slaves, several of them, including the driver, being tied hand and foot, and in that condition put into Mr. II.'s wagon, and driven off. The bold Yankees composing the expedition reached their place of debarkation in safety. A few of our troops came up with them as they were about re-embarking, and fired 'pto them killing and wouuding, it is supposed, several of them. They returned the fire, wounding tiirefc of our men. It is not to be denied that in this raid, triflng as was the force concerned in it, the enemy have gained all they expected to gain, and that the attempt of our troops in that neighborhood to cut off their retreat has been a failure.?Mercury of Tuesday. Important from Worth Georgia. cleburne defeats the enemy in a 11loody battlk-^-enemy's loss four, flags, tilkee hundred piysoneks and fifteen hundred killed and wounded?our rear become our advance?their advance permanently checked. Rksca, Ga, November '25.?General Cleburne turned 011 the enemy beyond Dalton, and defeated them in a fierce and bloody battle. They lost three hundred prisoners, four j flags and fiteen hundred in killed and wounded. After the battle the enemy retired to Ringgold, where their advance now rests, our advance being near them. The enemy destroyed the bridges when they retreated. The Conleueratc army is row in position at Dalton and in front of it. All our trains have been ordered to Resaca (which is I ^1 rv 1. v soum oi uaiton.?liD.J The enemy cannot advance without the aid of the railroad, and they now have no cars.? In fact, there is no reason to apprehend* an advance now, if at all this winter. The rains are heavy, roads horrible, cold, bitter, and shoes and blankets greatly needed. Implore the people at home to send them. Sovanno/t Republican. Iliimoi od Kei'cl of Bragg. Richmond, December 2.?Several of the city papers, this moining, mention a report that Bragg has been relieved of his command of the army of Tennessee at his request. Ilardee was appointed, but declined the responsibility. They also mention a report that Johnston has been assigned to the command of Bragg's army. Nothing official has yet transpired. I vt From CbnrlcMton. About half-past twelve on Monday night the enemy again opened npon the city. Eleven shells were thrown, three of which fbll short. At twenty minutes after four on Tuesday afternoon this tire was renewed, and sixteen shells were thrown. By a fragment of ono of them a Mrs. Hawthorn was mortally wounded. The bombardment aroused most of the batteries on Jaiues Island, and a rain of shells was poured upou the obnoxious batter}-. The affair ended with a spirited artillery duel between Gregg and James Island.?Mercury of HWnesduy. Mobile, Nov. 20.?Northern dates, of the 25th, have been received at Abbeville. The Chicago Tribune reports the loss of seventeen fine boats in the last four months, involving a loss of $7,000,000 and sixty lives ?attributed to guerrilas. The Georgia factories arc great institutions; they will give $5,000 or $10,000 for the benefit of the soldiers, and then charge him $2p to $00 a bunch for thread to make his clothes. Cheap charity, that.?Rome Courier. What is the difference between a good sol-, dicr and fashionable lady ? One faces the powdr?r untl t.l>o ntlinr nnvvilnre tin. fu?n ? - ? 1 ",v,vArtcmus Ward thinks it a bad thing not to have a wife?no gentle heart to get up of a cold winter's morning and build a fire. MAIUU ic.ix By the Rev. Mr. Shufokd ,011 the '23th ult., Mr. J. J. THOMPSON to M iss 15. -PRESCOTT, all of Kerehuw District. Sumter Watchman please copy. Makuikd?At the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday, the 24ih nit., by the Rev, J L Shuford, Mr. L. R. 1SBKLL to Miss KITTJK TEAM. WW ! HllTlWl iUlmWMlMMMM? Special otices. TAX NOTICE. In consequence of the sickness of the Assessor, ho not being ub.e to attend to the appointments last week, one of the Assessors of Kershaw District will be at the following places at the days mentioned, to receive returns of neat cattle and tax in Kind: Goodwyn's Box? Thursday, 10th December. Liberty Hill, Friday, 11th " Flut Rock, ... Saturday, 12th. " Buffalo, Monday, 14th, 44 Lisinby's, Tuesday, 15th, 41 Shcrock's Mill, Wednesday, 16th, 44 The books for returns of neat cattle will be kept open until the 19th December, when they will be closed, and defaultcrs*ijealt with according to law.? It is earnestly desired that the returns of Tax in Kind be made to tho Asses ors, ono of whom will be found daily, (Sundajs excepted) at my office, from 9 to 2 o'clock, by tho 19th of December, at farthest. A. M. KENNEDY, November 28 2 C 17th 0. D llLAIHt* A BCTHllS. CONSCRIPT DKPARTMENT, Coixmuia, November 21, 18G3. GENERAL ORDER NO. 51. I. A revision is hereby ordered of till Certificates of Exemption Ironi conscription heretofore granted in this State on account of physical disability, with tlio view, chiefly, to a complete registration of all persons who are physically unlit lor military service, with the causes of such unfitness. II. Every person holding a "Surgeon's Certificate of Exemption" from conscription will report in their respective Districts to the Examining Board, on such days as may be appointed by the Chief Surgeons of the several Congressional Districts, of which days public notice will be given. . III. Those who fail to report will be no longer re. cognized as exempt, and their certificates bo no longer of lorco. IV. Enrolling Officers, when advised of the days appointed for the revision ofthoir respective Districts, will use all proper means to extend the notice, and procure the prompt attendance of all persons subject to the order. D.. It' li n en n uj uiuci ui iiiiijui mi'huii, uhii.u ui oi L/Onscnpis. R. W. SIIAND, Lieutenant and Assistant Enrolling Officer. November 20 ?3*?" All weekly papers in the Stato copy twice. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THE 20th INST., TIIK CAMden Passenger Train will leave Camden, until further notice, at 5 o'clock, a. m., arriving at 5:40 p. in.,? leaving, as usual, on Tuesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's at 12:30 p. in. Trips to Columbia, as usuul on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's, arriving at Columbia at 9;50 a. in.; leaving at 1:20 p. ni. October 20 J A.?. JONES, Agent. MEDICAL. NOTICE. DR. W. R. S1KES TENDERS JUS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in tlio rooms formerly occupied by Dr, T. J, WORKMAN. Fobruary 27 . v:_ . \ ? Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS' and t!ie travelling public thut he has leased this com-' modious HOUSE, so eligiblj situated in the growing town of Canulen. Uis personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, .will bo devoted to the comfort anu satisfaction of guests and visitors, lie confidently asks a contiuunm'0 of the favors of all who have visited the DeKalb House, and calls from any , oi ms mends who visit t-'amden. January IG J. II. JUNG BLUTII. EXtllAKCiC lOTICK NO. C. Tiik following confederate officers and men captured at Yieksburg, Mississippi July 4th, 18G3, and subsequently paroled, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared . 1. The officers and men of General C. l. Stevenson'sdivision. 2. The officers and men of General Bowen's division. 3. The officors and men of Brigadier General Moore'sBrigade. 4. The officers and men of the Second Texas Regiment. 9 6. The officers and men of Waul's Legion. G. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous toJuly 25th, 18G3, have been duly exchanged, and aro* hereby so declared. ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange. Southern papers copy six times and send accounts to tho War Department. October 9 6 HEAUQIIAKTEKS. COMMISSARY GKN'LS DF.P'T, R C., )' COLUMItlA, Oct G, 18G3. J. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE "BOARDS1 of Soldier's Relief" throughout the State, that they wil be supplied as heretofore with Occon Salt for distribu- ' tion to needy families of soldiers at cost and expenses,, on application to this Department. By order of tho Governor. richard .caldwell, Lieut. Col. and Commissary Gcn'I. State of South Carolina. < XW All papers in tho State insert once, and send bills ill (limlir-.'ito witli nnnv nf nitvnrtianmont nltu?lioit m , ...... IV to this office for payment. Bills paid quarterly. Oct. 9 I SOUTH CAROLINA H11L.1TARV ACADEMY. BT ORDER OF TUB GOVERNOR. APPLICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT TOTIIE * South Carolina Military Academy under tho annexed resolution of the General Assembly must ho transmitted to General James Jones, Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Columbia, S. C., before the 25th of November next. The applicant must state the District of his residence, his age and height, (if the s n of a deceased officer or soldier,) the service of his father, and when and how ho died. If the applicant claims appointment for his own gallantry on the field of battle, the statement must be supported by the certificates of tho ofiiecrs under whom he served in battle! "/fevo/' td, That his Excellency tho Governor be, and he is hereby, authorized to select one youth from each Congressional District in this State, sons of officers or soldiers of the army of or officers or men of the navy of tho Confederate States, who, during tho existing war, have died in battle, or who have died of disease, contracted either by wounds or exposure, or who, not being sons of officers or soldiers, are under the ago of twenty years, and have behaved with gallantry on tho field of battle, who shall be placed in one or other of tho Military Institutions of this State, to be educated at the charge of a grateful country." Columbia, October 5, 1803. ?5?"* Every newspaper in this stato publish once a week for two weeks. Oct. 9 2 Desirable Cottage For Sale. 1)Y IMMEDIATE APPLICATION, I WILL SELL, small Cottage House containing threo rooms, well finished, with all necessary outbuildings. Terms cash, Apply to the Editor of the Ooufederato. November 20 To Rent. rPHE HOUSE NOW OCCUPIED BY MRS. 1 1IYMES, with ton rooms finished?with six fireplaces, with all necessary outbuild tigs. Possession givon 1st January. Rent $1,200 per year, payable monthly. Aplly to W. D. McDOWALL. November 20 3 nemoval. rpnK UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED 1I1S 1 Storo from tho "Old Brick Corner" to the establishment formorly occupied by Mr Win. C. Gerald, Jr.f two doors below McCurry & Hammerslnugh's storo. July 24 T. M MYKltS. . SALE. BY" PERMISSION OF A. L. McDONALD, ORDIDINARY ot Kershaw District, I will sell at public auction at his late residence, all the personal property of William Shield, dee'd. consisting of negroes, plantation', stock and tools, housohoJd and kitchen furniture, Slc., oji tho fifteenth day of December next. Terms made known on day of sale. November 27 WAKREN II. SHIELDS.