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CIRCULAR AN1> IPPEAIi. FREE MARKET OF CUARLL'STOF. To the Citizen* of Charleston the People of South Carolina generally, and to the Farmers and Planters especially, from the mountains to the seaboard Tlio Free Market of Charh ston. one of the noblest un<l most useful charities extant, after more than a twelve month of successful operation, is in danger of suspension and even tinnl stoppage. It is an institution, founded by priwitc patiiotisui and benevolence, endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, and recognized and encouraged by the Legislature of the State. Its groat and hign'y useful purposes is to sunply provisions, freo of expense, to the needy I'anulias of soldiers and seamen, lighting tho battles of their covm?, ? ??? !? 1 ' - * ....... I vm uvuu 111 iiui hl'I VICL'j JUKI U^WllTU OI Cljjllt 1H1II* dred families depend on its bounty Ibrtlieir dailtfchreard. It has become a great public necessity, and it is the duty of every christian and patriot, inaie and female, rich ??d poor, young and old, to contribute to its supjrort, in proportion to mentis and ability'?the rich man out of his wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, the widow with her mite?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into this great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to be dispensed in God-blessed bounty to tho wives ai d ?? children, the widows and orphans, the sisters and ot her female dependents, of our brave soldiery and seamen. The final stoppage, or even tho suspension. of this charity would he one of the direst calamities 'hat could befall our City and Slate?it would mllict (lis tress, sulfering, and even starvation on numbers now comfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to bread-'iots, in our conservative city, to her serious injury and deep disgrace. Come. then, fellow citizens, to the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not only savo'the Free Market from destruction or su.<?p? nsion, but sustain it. in healthful vig-r, as a God blessed and man-blessing institution. Let donations in money and in kind pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and Hate; and tho consequences will bo happy indeed. Xot only will broad, and meal, and meat be suslniniriglv furnished to soldier's and seamen's families, but the heart of the wnriior will he cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against the vandal and ruthless fpe, by the comforting conviction that his wife and little ones are patriotically and sufficiently enred lor, by their lei low citizens, at home. Let our farmers and planters especially, ?n every section of the Slate, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, from their gardens, their holds, their hams Mint tlifiir unnbn ln.iic...- ....-i ......n . ... -<> ? .... ..v ??11\t in ovuruow invr tlie trre.-it reservoir of Free Market cliarily. Charity is twice Messed?it blcssoth him thai gives as well as him that receives?nnd blesses the jiiver even more than the receiver. Come up, then, one and all. to the hallowed work, and not only earn the soldier's and seancii's undying gratitude, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves Wreak in and steal. lUCIlARI) Y IS A DON, Chairman ) WM. It. YATES, > Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. II ?Country exchanges are requested to copy circular and appeal, gratuitously. STATE OE SOUTH CWKOEIYA. AI)JT AND IXSPEOTOT GENERAL'S OFFICE,) Columbia, November 2, 18(51. f GESURAL ORDERS NO. 41. I GENERAL ORDERS NO. .14 HERETOFORE j SaoiiA^ ?i :- ..... ? - ?kicu sium mis ouice, promotion persons be I tween the agos of sixteen und],cighteen yours from en- I tering any military organizations. except sneh as are authorized anil called lor by ilic Governor ami (ami- j luander-in-Chicf: ami in consequence of a card appearing in the papers under the signature of ?,l II. An- I drcws," inviting persons under the ago of eighteen years, and persons not liable to conscription, to join | a company for service beyond the limits of t his State, said order is hereby reiterated, with the addition, that 110 person under the ago of eighteen years, and no person not liable t? conscription under the Acts olCongress, in this State, will be allowed to enter any sneh organizations. By command: A. CJ. GAI1LIXGT0N, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. ('. Papers of the State publish twice. Nov. (? 2 Sugar and Salt | BUSHELS SALT, I\ !U 1WU0 lbs. Sugar. For sale at the " Old Pernor," by IS. W. BONNISY. August J I Notice. WIS HAVE PLACED OUR NOTES AND Accounts in the hands of Mr. <1 A. McDonald, for collection, who is duly authorized to receipt lor us. McCURItY & IIAMMEBSLOUUII October 23 3 South Carolina?Kershaw District. ?i a. I.. .>ojjh)x a 1,1), e.-ol ilte, okmxahy. WHEREAS, W. H IIUCKABEK <\PPLJKI) to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular tlio goods and chatties, rights and credits of J. J. Shirey, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to ho and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holdcn at Kershaw Court House on the 24th day of November inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted. (liven under my Hand and Seal, this fth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina November C 2 A. L. MeDONALD, O. K. D. Wanted to h i re im m kdi ately, a good COOK, for which the highest wages will be paid. Apply to II. SOMMKRS. I November \?- ' Assessment of the Tax in Kind i 'IM! K (JSDKitSIGNKD WILI. ATTFND AT T1!K ? 1 following named places at the time stated, for t the purpose of receiving returns of Agricultural products, iu accordance with the 11 th section of the Act i of Congress entitled an Act to lay taxes for tho coin- ! inoii defence, and carry on the (iovcrnment of tho t Confederate States; I At (ioodwin's Store, on Monday, November 10. At Liberty Hill, on Tuesday. Nov. 17. At Flat Lock, on Wednesday, Nov. IS. At Unlfalo. on Tlniisihiv \n? in At'Lizonby'A, on Friday. Nov 20. Ac Sell rock Mill, on Saturday, Nov. 21st. At Curetons Mill, on Monday, Nov. 23d. Tax payors will bo required to niajco return ? upon oath of their entire c rop of the following named pro duets, of the growth of the present year, including nil that they have consumed Or have sold, bartered, or otherwise disposed of.?viz , Wheat, Com. (juts, Hyo, Buck wheat, Rice. Sweet Potatoes, Irish Potatoes, cured Hay, cured Fodder, Sugar, Molases, made ot Cane, Cotton, Wool, Tobacco, Peas, Roans and Ground Pens. Returns of Wheat, Corn, (Jats and Rye will be required to be made by weight. Tax payers will please weigh one buwhei of each kind of grain and report the weight together with tho total number of bushels ot encii kind. Knelt farmer and planter has the privilege of reserving filly bushels of Sweet Potatoes, fifty bushel of Irish Potatoes, .one hutubed bushels tf Corn, or fifty bushel ol Wheat, produced in tho year 1803 ; and t wenty bushels of Peas or Beans, but not more than twenty bushel ofboth for his own uso It; making the estimate and assessment, therefore, these quantities of the articles mentioned will be excluded therefrom. Tax payers aro hereby notified to make prompt and accurate returns Defaulters will bo dealt with as the law directs. At the above mentioned times and places I will also be prepared to receive returns for the tax on Neat Cattle, horses, mules, Ac., (not used in cultivation) an advertisement in regard to which, appears in another port ol this paper, to which attention is called. Until then I will continue to receive returns in Cam den at the office of Maj. A. M. Kennedy, District Collector. J. A. SCIIBOCK, Asst. Assessor, 17th Collection District. October 3d In the Court of Ordinary.?fter.^lKtw District. In the matter of the Estate of of Samuel Herron, deceased? Final Settlement. rAMES E RODGEKS, ADMINISTRATOR ile bonis non of Samuel Herron, deceased, having applied to have a tinal settlement of the estate of his imestate, the following named Heirs and distributees are hereby ordered to appear in this - ourt on Monday the 13th id' January next, to receive their disliibulivc share, viz: Maria t-kinner, Manuel Herron; Elias Delk. David Delk. Robert Delk, James Delk. lev Moore. * Ncllv Segars. Mary Delk, Nancy E. Delk, Win. SkinI ..I... wi.: ' ' ..*...11 .-iviiui'ir, .Kimes .>Kmner, iS'aiiey Outlaw and Rebecca llerron. J E. RulXJKRS, AdmV. A. I.. McDonald, Ordinary's OlVice, October 8, lSGii. October 8 3mos For Sale. VdOOl) SKCONI) HAND DOUBLE SETT HARNESS. For particulars apply apply at this ollice. October 10 STRAYED OR STOLEN, ' I^tOM THE PREMISES ' F THE SUBSORIRER, one M ilclt Cow and two Yearling Hellers, during the month of April last. The marks half crop on the under part of the ear; also, a split and under bit. The color of the caw is red, the yearlings red and white. One steer, dark hfindle, inotiy face. *30 Reward will be paid for their delivery at this place. D. T. BRADLEY, Flat Rock. October 0 9 i ax on Neat Cattle, Mules, &c.> &c OWNERS OF NEAT CATTLE, 110RSE* Mules. Ac. (not used in cultivation! are required to make a return on oath, between the 1st and 25th proximo, of the number and value of said stock lie d by them on the 1st November, 18G3. A return is also required of the number end value of all beeve* sold by farmers or planters since the 24ill April last. J.* A. SOU ROCK, I October 30 Ass't. Assessor 17th Col. Hist. i Rolf 4Vm? Q~l~ twai L? xux UdJLCi rpn:R('KS, HALF TIERCES AND BARRELS OF L SALT l>y tho puckugo or packages, for sale bv D. McQUKEN, October 30 At Matheson ACo's. Hands Wanted rpKN OR 12 GOOD NEGROS WANTED 1MMK1 diately, to work oti tho Cemetery Grounds, for which liberal wages will be'paid. Apply, to K. G. r Robinson. * September 25 ^ Roads rpilE COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KKR- C 1 shaw District will meet in Camden on Monday the 28th day of October, at 11 o'clock. * S COLIN MACRAE, October 16 2 Clerk of the Road. rags?rags: ' 1A AAA POUNDS GOOD CLEAN LINEN I' and Cotton Rags wanted immediately at tho Confederate Office, for which the highest murk* prico will ho paid. ___ _ - _ BUSHELS KILN-DRIED SALT, FOR SALE l)\* by the package, at ri MATHESON & CO's. j November f. 1 / Runaway. CCOMMITTED TO THE JAIL OV KERSHAW J District a Negro Hoy, who says his itumo is U)JIN, ami that ho belongs to Robert Oliver, of Jcorgotown, S. 0: Said Roy is live feet livo or six inches high, wi 1 iveigh 150 or GO pounds, had on an old black coal, and trey sutinett pants, and a Confederate hat, made o .viro grass. The owner is requested to come forward novo property, pay expcnces and take him away. DUNOAM SHEOUN, Jailor. March G s E y as ? & S ?i 5 2 '< -1 ? ^ ss 50 TZ - ^ r- W ? "y 5~ w ft ^ ^ P 65 **"" ^ > 5 SS o ? 5 w o S o W ^ p > 2 % sa 3 o o Q a S 2 < S S8 2 o H P *? > 8 S H C3 s % > y ~ il ? - ? C/3 0 J? 4 H o o ? x . 3 ^ ^ d =* {> 5 -3 H H f 3 ' ? ? "5? ,, H H ^ o 5S 1 S ? s 2 ? g - w i' i p B 5 ^ C 2. K K ? ~ pi o < *? ^ H| y ^ ? tj ? s ? Z <*> ? X 2 '? M ? ^ ^ 1 2 w I" H 3 M <? o' ?* 0 W S- 3 S 1 k| 1 ? H i i " s. -j r .= '< ^ o' ft JJ5 S s' O m ? a .* ? ". o "J0 * Wanted?Wool! f^OK WHICH TilK IIICI1KST PRICK WILL BK 1 paid. -ALSO-* 30TT0N AND WOOLKX 1IOMK-MADK JKAXS and PLAINS, at M cC U RR Y k HAM M K KSL A UG11 'S. ? HH *Ti y, . s ^ ? H ? ? k - ,2 3 I O P 5 <?. 3 w s * ^ X b> ^ > | or M 2 rr- ^ Ss2*i ? a U d 8 So* ."? w > <-3 ? Sfe3 o 2 d 2 'in 30 fa. e ^ 5? O E""1 2 jtii-l Q ts 55 L-a 5 ? N- fcH - $T^ 5* 0 -- p L?J W 2. H ^ ' .' ^ Q| < r **l J r I 1 v 5 w - ^ H s <2 ; - ? H e H * 2 ir-i * &S * !p J ?p : 1 8 ? 8 C^s q I > pSwSftH i g 2 o > ? irs H ? H 2. > 1ZJ g fej L = t-> r s e* ? ^ Ld g ^ ^ M H &. r - o =? - 3 B M - a? s > ? s r r x; ?T3 ^ S- - O L r > ? ?' ^ ? S3 r1 co 3 ?? B ? s co ^ o4 hj g p^ 3 - ? - > g C3 S &? >?. U ? fc, *22 <2. 3 S?y _ <T> . <Z, ^^5 A *t% O fzj R ?> s. ^ 2 <9 ? c* CC ? ^ 3 J 5 3* t? m ? H n k_i cl. CTj Fobacco and Shoe Thread J1IOR THREAD AND FINE CHEWING AND 3 Smoking Tobacco? ?A l.fiO? GOO vards Colored Twills. For solo nt tbo "Old ornor!" K. W. RONNEY. WEET, EIRE1, A!?I> TOBACCO. kT O. MOLASSES, CRUSHED AND BROWN \ SUGAR; 000 dollars worth Matches, best quality ; Tobacco?Common, Medium and Fine; Rice?good and fresh Rice Flour; Salt?Confederate and Turks Island; Smoking Tobacco and good Cigars; I Pepper Sau*e, Spices of different kinds; I Jars and Jugs, various sizes; f Nails, coarse Shoes. ( May 22, 18G3. A. T. LATTA. j Window Shades. 1 nWO SETTS OF WINDOW SHADES, WITH L fixtures complete, for sale at July 31 2 MATHtiSON k Co.. * . <. ? NEW GOODS! TO HE IIAD AT JOSDPII SOMIi;it V ! ri I 1 (Oj'pmi/c the Market.) Calicos, debrkgks, pblainks, gikgiiams, Granitdville unbleached Shirting, 4-4 wire blenched do. line, Blue and brown Denims, Flannels, Ladies' white Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Black Silk Lace, Hinkors lor ladies and children, Servants' Handkerchiefs, ('oats' and other Spool Cotton, nil numbers, Needles. Pins,, Hair Pins, Knitting Net-dlvs, Agate and bone Buttons, etc., etc, Gf liOCTillilES, &c. Fine Orcen Ten, Suvnr, Coffee, Candles, Turpentine and Windsor Soap, etc., etc. ?ALSO? Best No. 10 Cotton Cards, u few* pairs. Factory Yarn, all numbers. And a largo assortment ol Crock cry ware, viz : Pitchers, and Basins, Cups and Saucers. Bowls, Mugs. Flat and Rice Dishes, Teapots, and a great many other articles for family use. A call is respectfully solicited. % November G * JOBE II SOMMERS. Fir? Insurance COMPANY. rITIK Undersigned, as Agent for too above Soutli1 ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings. ?tc. November 1 W. L. DkPASS. OAO T>^ J wuv ivcwaiurpilM AI30VK REWARD W]I.L BK PAID FOR J- tiio apprehension of? boy who culls his n:ime John, and saw lie belongs to Robert Oliver, near (Jooi^ptown. S. C. Said bov is 24 or 25 years old, will weijrh 155 or <".<> pounds, well set, rather round face, low forehead, and 1 think has a scar on the nose or forehead?d"ti'i recollect which?had on when left an old black frock cloth or eassimcr coat, of old fashion make. He may Change his name and owner. The above reward will be naid for the 't?*livery of the above ? > so C t, k ft o I , i s ] t a I) , i.s.1 UU Ut' I'CSIUCIICU Ol ti <' deceased. Tern s rash. Property to bo delivered on day succeeding sale. November (t ' > W. Z. LHITNKR, Adm'r. For Sale. rp\VO STORK HOUSES AND LOTS, WITH 1 Dwelling Rooms on second lloor of each, situated mi the most desirable spot on Broad street, for business. The lots run some 1)0 feet in front l?y 250 buck. Also, one lot containing thereon a largo Cotton House, situated oh Hutledge street, 00 feet in front by or.n l 1- l.'.? - ?? v..^rw rui luiuiur particulars apply to Mr Wm. M. Hillings, in Camden, or to Capt. I). D. Perry, at Flat Rook, S. C. September 25 Council Notice. IT IS ORDERED THAT ON AND AFTER THE 15th inst., the Ordinance forbidding slaves hiring their own time or keeping shops open in the Town,, will be fully enforced. It is further ordered, that on and after the 25th inst. no slave will be permitted to trade or offer anything lor sale, after sun down, within the eorporato limits,, without a written permit from those having authority to grant it; and any slave violating the Ordinance or the older will l?o punished to the utmost extent of the law. RORERT M. KENNEDY, Recorder. September 11 Drugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, Blue Stone, Copperas Kx't. Logwood, English Calomel, English Blue Mass, Sulphur, Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Mum, x Cream Tartar, mp Carb. Soda, Siedlitz Powders, Ing. Castile Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, vory Fine-Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, is Just receited and for sale by June 26 1 WM. McKAIN.