University of South Carolina Libraries
A 1 / \ * The noremoah in Tennessee. Richmond, Nov. 23.?Tlio 'following offic despatch has been received at the War offic Missionary itinoR, November 23. To General S. Ctoper: Wo hold all t roads lending into Knoxvillo except one, I tureen the Uolaton and the French Broad, ui Gen. Jones* cavalry may close that. The ci iny'a cavalry is aluiost broken np, and Wheel has cut off his trains 011 their way from Cui bcrland Gap to Knoxvillo. (Signed) Bicaxton Bragg. Atlanta, November 23.?Advices bv t foiir o'clock train this afternoon afford no no of interest. .The usuul shelling was going c None but those belonging to the* army wt allowed to go beyond Kingston. The has tab have been cleared of all who could be i moved without ritik. married; ' By i Ik; ltev J. K. Bottlers, on tlio 12th inst, ! II. S JAltUO.tOUGII, to Miss M. J. BUUKKTT; b( of Sumter District, S. C. *"f -?amw? \ Special IN"otices. ' 'AX NOTICE. In Qpnseqn nee ol the sick no s of tlio Assc^ir, not beihg ab e toiitteudio tlio appointments lt?ht wei otic of tll^ Assessors of Kerslmw District will be the following* pi ices at the days monti.?r.e<l# to recei nX..> ......I- .... : ? - ivmmn v#i uv.>it VtUUV 4IUU VilA III IY.IIIU ; Go.idwvn's Cox? Tliu ad >y, imh De.-emb Liberty Hill, \ Friday, 11th 44 Flat Rock, ^ Saturday,/ 12th. 44 Buffalo. Monday/' 14th, 44 Lisinby's, \ Tuesday, 15th, 44 Shcroek's Mill, \Wei\rtesday, 10th, 44 The books for returns oNaeat cattle will be ki ?<pen until the 19th De^nibqr, when they wiil closed, and defaulters dealt whThacoording to law. It is earnestly desired that the rotuhis of Tax in Ki bo inado to the Apses ora, ono of whouv will bo foil daily, (Sundays excepted) at my otlicc, from 9 u o'clock, by vhe 19th of December, at farthest*. ^ A. M. KKNNEDY. Ntn'oinbo.'^s 0 C 17ih 0 1} Sale. BY PKRttf&^IOX OF A. L. McDOSALD, ^ DIXAitY fofiwjndiaw I >.strip*. 1 will sell at t lutu residence ol .lane ^>sj^?n,^le<?ejised, on the twoli ol December next, ail lieiM^N^inal property, eonsi inff of <- ,r". loader, onj^fuitlle, llou^e ol i and hitch I'urni lire. <fcc. J!orrfis made known on 4uy ol sale. ^ociii?twr'j7 'i J.J llDCKAbFF, Adi]i>. SALE. By peim*4?iox ok a. l Mc-mxAED, onr DI.NARY in K.ishaw District. I wi.lsel at pi lie auction at his late residence, all the per tuial pr< ert> ?'f William c*rt. con* sting of negro plantation, stock and tools, liouschrrid and kilciien ft riiture, Ac., on the til'tcentli day 01 December next. Terms mado knovvn on day of sale. November *T W AKUKN H. SHIELDS?. I.XCHAKGC tOI K I; ISO. 6. The following confederate office: and men captured at Vicksburg, Missi-sip July 4th. 1863, and snbsequenUy paroled, havo be duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared . ). The olliccrs and men of General C. l. Stevenso division. 2. The officers and men of General Bowen'sdivisl 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General Moot Brigade. 4. The officors and men of the Second Texas Re meut. 6. The officers and men ofWaul's Legion. 6. Also, all Confederate officers utid men who lu been del ivercd at City Point at any time previous July 25th, 1863, havo been duly exchanged, and i hereby so declared. ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange Southern papors copy six times and scud counts to the War Department. October 0 < % * ^4\ / SUBSCRIBERS TO CEMETERY ' in] ASSOCIATION.* e . I am requested by the Committee of the Cemetery AssociHtion, to iuform subscribers to the fund for the improvement of tho grounds, that tho work is now progressing, afid that they will please pay up their in* U!* stahnents as promptly us possible. I will receive the lui funds for tho present. K. M. K.LNNKDV. ie- November 2o ler EXC'HANOE NOTICE No. 7. ' Richmond, Va., Oct. 16. ti.? <>.. c.j ... ..a: ... i. A lie lUUUWIIIg v V/l llvUvltl LIT UUJV. CIO ilUU UiCU. ?iu lie IV* by declared duly exchanged: j 1. All officers uud men captiued and pafolled at any time previous to the 1st of September, 1862.? ws This section, however, is not intended to incltido any >n* officers or men captured ut Vicksburg, .July 5th, lc63 ;ro except such as were declared exchanged by Exchange pi- Notice No 6. Sept. 12th, 1863, or are specially named ,.e_ in'his notice. But it do s embrace all deliveries made at City Point or other places be'oro Sept. 1st. 1863, and with the limitation above named, all captares at Port Hudson, or any other place where the ?. parties were released or paroledi ilr 1. Tiie Stuff of Gene als Peraberton, Stevenson >th Bowen, Moore, Barton. S. D. Lee, Oummings. Harris and Baldwin, and of Colonels Reynolds, Cockrell and ' Dockery; the officers and men belonging to the Kngi* neer Corps and Sappers and Miners, and the 4th and 46th Mississippi icgiments, all captured ut Vicksburg, July 4th, 1863. he 3, The general officers captured at Vicksburg, July >k. 4tl>, 1863, were declared exchanged July 13th, 1863. ?'t RO. OiJLD, Agent of Exchanges. Southern papers publish six times and send t'f. bills to thy War Department. November 11, 6 Notice. ALL 0VKR6BER>, OP WHATEVER DESCRIPI'lON, whether holding Confederate exemptions or ?pt State exemptions, and all persons holding discharges bo from the Confederate arm v. and all persons holding ? substitutes pap.-rs that have not yet reported, and all nd persons who have not vet enrclled, are ordered to rend port at once to tln-so Headquarters on the first Mon) 2 day in December next for examination by Examining Board. Failing to do so, will be returned as deserters. W. 7. LEITNKR, November 13 Capt ?fc Enrolling Officer. - TASti: KOTICI:, 1 APPOINT MR. W. E. MUGIISON AS MY lawful Attorury during my absence from the State. November 6 4 GEO. ALDEN. OFFICE i[(I1AK rilKTl Charleston, S. C, October 1, 1SC2. MR. A. M-. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE ^f OF this department, for the purchase of Fori! aai<f FoiltlCG in the Distiicts of J&crsliaw ami LancaMcr. Planters desirimr to sell, will communicate with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all such will be hereafter rejected; MOTTJS A. PltlNGLE, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. tWThe subscriber can bo found at his residence DeKalb street, next west ot the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEW. iTJ idiTIa l xoticeT DR. REEXSTJERXA lias removed his office to the building occupied by Messrs. llamtneislough A MeCurry, and oilers his professional services to tho public. fcfept<-mber 18 TAX I\ L TIIE UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED TO ^ r receive returns for so much of tho present crop as has j J been secured at this tim \ Itli Wu. McKAIX, Assessor. si* J. A. SC11R0CK, As't. Assessor. * c'u October 2 i>lt. JOHN ItlcOAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO TIIK CITIZENS jj of Camden and Mtrrottnding country. .Office two doors above the B.nnoh Hank, Camden ip. So Oa. January 30 us, ?? Dasirabb Cetta?3 For Sale. BY IMMEDIATE APPLICATION. I WILLSELL a small C ?ttago House containing' throe rooms _ well finished, w th hII necessa-y outbuildings. Terms cash. A poly >o the Editor of the Confederate. November 20 RS pi To Rent. en rp n E HOUSE NOW OCCUPIED BY MRS.' I HYMKS. with ten rooms finished?with six firen's places, with all necessary outbni d ngs. Possession i-iven 1st .lanuary. Rent $1.2'?0 ner vo ir, payable in<>nthly. A >11 v to W. D. McDOWALL. f)n- November 20 3 v's ? Removal. 'tf'j'TMIE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED ITTS I Store from he ' Id Mric1.1 Corner" to the e-tahI lishm nt forme"! occupied by Mr Wm.f Gerald, dr., : tw > doors below McCurry <fe HaromorMaugh's store. ,ve July 24 T. M M VERS, to ? Notice STOLEN FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON THE night of the 16th. an ir-n Grey Mare, about 15 1 1-2 hands high. A li- era) reward will be paid for her nc* delivery to me at Statebutg. S 0 . and One Hundred . / Dollars for the apprehension and proof of the thief, j September 26 3, FREDERICK L. GREEN ? r CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. ON AND AFTER THE 26th INST., THE CAto deu Passenger 'I rain will leave Camden, until further * uolice, at & o'clock, a. m., arriving at 6:40 p. in.,? leaving, as usual, on Tuesday's, Thursday's and bat- _ urday'g tit 12:40 p. in. Trips to Columbia, as usual on Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday s, striving at Columbia at 9:60 a. ru.: leaving at 1:20 p. ni. Uetober 30 JA?. JONES, Agent. ^ in EIEADQUAIlTEItS. p COMMISSARY GKN'LS DEP'T. S 0.) LM Columbia, Oct 6. 1SC3 J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO TUB "BOARDS of Soldier's Relief" th ougliont ihe State, that they wi be suppled us heretofore with Ocon Suit for dntribution to needy families of soldie s at cost uud expenses, ^ on applicaiion to this Departuieut. ai By order of tlie Governor. I ItlCll ARD CALDWELL, '' Lieut. Col. and Commissary Uen'l. si State of South Curoliun. tc ?3?" All papers it the State insert once, and send (; bills in duplicate with copy of advertisement attached, J to this office for payment Bills puid quarterly. sl Oct. 9 1 G SOUTH CAROLINA ^ILITAUY ACADEMY. o 6y order of tiik governor. APPLICATION'S FOR APPOINTMENT TO THE South Carolina Military Academy under ilie annexed resolution of tin- General Assembly must bo transmit- j led' to General James Jones, Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Columbia, S. C., before the 25th of Noveni- jj ber next. ni The applicant must state the District of his residence, c< his age and height, (if the s in of a deceased officer or soldier,) the service of his father, and when and how he died. If the applicant claims appoint ment for his ow?i gallantry on the tield of battle, the statement must ~ he supported by the certificates of the officers under whom he served in battle I "/ Vvo/' erf, That his Excellency the Governor he, and ^ he ia hereby, authorized to select one youth from each Congressional District in this State, sons of officeis or ? ? 8'Idlers of the army of or officeis or men of tho navy M of the Confederate States, who, during the existing war, have died in battle, or who have died of disease. contracted either b.v wounds or exposure, or who, not ui being sons ol officers or soldiers, xre under the age of twenty years, and have behaved wi h g.dlamrvon the jo Held of battle, who shall be placed in one or other ol the Military Institutions of this State, to bo educated at v? the charge of a grateful country." u;i Coi.LSJUiA, October 5, 18G:i. fg" Every newspaper mi this state publish once a U1 week for two weeks. Oct. 9 2 ci DEKALBIM,! Gamden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS 111S FRIENDS and t'.ie travelling public that he has leased this coin\v inodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growiug town of Camden. His personal superintendence and best eflbrts, aided by competent assistants, will ho devoted to the com- T fort aim satisfaction of guests and visitors. He confidently asks a continuance of the favors of all who have visited the DoKalb House, and calls from any r j of his friends who visit Camden. * January 10 J. H. JUNG13LUTI1. ^ MLDICAL XOTICK. ,n, DU. W. It. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES at' as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied by l?r. T. J. Workman. ' _ February 27 NOTICE- I Co WK? TIIK OWNERS OF THE OMNI BUSKS ? running to the l>ep"t, give notice, that from JJ tins date, our rates of fare will be One Dollar to any tm part ot the town, and I wo Dollars to Kirk wood, wo are compelled to make this advance on account of tlie |IU advanced rates of our expenses. 'n J. K. WITIIERSPOON, R? E. G. ROBINSON. November 20 2 ac' bl< Sou Hi Carolina?Kcrtlitiw DiMricl. Wi BY A. L. MCDONALD. KSQUIKE, ORDINARY. VtMIKRKAS, MARGARET J. IIORTi'N AP* I lied to mo for Letters or Administration on all and singular the (foods and cluittles rigi.ts and credits jo James Ur, Morton late of the District aforesaid, de* * ceused according to the will annexed: ^ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and p singular, the kindred and creditors of the snid deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's ?p( Court lor the s-aid District, to be hoMon at Kershaw Court Mouse on the 8th day of December inst, to*show cause, if any, why the said administration ~~ should not be irrnnb d. Given under my Msnd and Seal, this seventemth ri day ol December, in the year of our Lord one thousand J eight hundred and sixty-three, ar.d in the eighty* o; eigh h year of the Independence and Sovereignty of si the State of South Carolina. , 01 alkx. l Mcdonald, o. k. d. ai Novetober 20 2 . I I LI. ? I | Fine Maccaboy S^uff. \ SMALL SUPPLY OK THE AL'OVK NAMED ui tide cuu be had at >: low tijrure, by calm* ut T. 8. m \ KltS, November 20 Qppr site the Yausiuii House. Lotice. \LL PERSONS WIIO HAVE CLAIM) against the estate of Win. M. bu.lock, deceased, ill please |>r sent the same duly ululled, t? iuc;? rid all persons who are inuehled to >i?id tstate w II lease iiiak i ayiiiont to ine of i en respective indebtlllCsS, at :ili early "ay ^ M. It. T.\YLOK, ('. K K., <x Adin'r Win. bullock, dee'd. November 20j oiiih Curolluti ? Kcrsliaw Dimriel> L \ * HKi:lv\S WM l; TAVLOtt. 0. K K., AP? * p!i? d t?? tin* lor Letms ol A<lmitii<oiuiioii ou art ud riu. ular Ha- n<x ds any chattel!*, rights and credits T \1U u Minders, late of ti e dad let aforesaid, depa ed: Then* are therefore to cite ami ndtno- ish all and uvular, the kiiidred and cteditors of sain deceased, ) t?e and appear heloie me i:t our next Ordinary s i.url lor the said iistlicl. to I e holdell at KeislaiW ourt House on the 2o li day of Di'?i-nilM*r inst., . ? s ow cause, if any, why the said administration I.on d not be grulit< u. riven under my hand and seal. thi< 2' th day of Noveniher. in the year of ou Lord one thou and eight hundred and sixt\-three, and in the eighty ?iphtli I'mr "i uit* ?u?ie- enuciico and sovercig ty ??l' the Suite I* South I'uroliiui. A. L. AIcDO.S.aLD, 0. K. D. November 20 7 Notice. [ N PURSUANCE OK AX ORDER GRANTED I by A. h Me onald, Odmary for Kershaw Disiet. S. (J.. I will sell at ?lie late of Wra M. ullock, Qecea-ed. oil the I' urili day of Dee* tuber pxt all the personal property lie onging to said do a-ed. at the time of his death. Said property eonMs of horses, stock, &c Tertns cash?purchasers pay for papers. Kale t<? coma.once about 10 o'clock, in. * W M. R. TAY LOR. C. E. K., November 20 Aclin'r Win. M. bullock, dee'd. I'KOSl'htllS, pilR UXDERSDNKD WILL I>SfTE, IN A? I few weeks, at Richmond, Ya., a weekly journal, i he called "Til K SOUTHERN PUNCH I" It will be nearly a duplicate in size, form and gene1 li-ntures of the world renowned i ondoii "l'uneb," ? long an acknowledged power in Hie Br tish Dies in ic re ornuition of public abuses, and the enlightencut of the public mind, flashing as it *iid with the Miius of Hood, of .l.'.rohi, and a host ot wits, p els id ph losoplue ihi kers. The proprietors of 4 The Southern runeh" brine to ie d.llicult task of sueeessliti.y conducting ?u? h : urual the advantage of capita .". li en a km ces. and practical ski.I The editor o ma r ais pa-t, has been connected, in a leadi ipaeitv. with the lar est dni v papers oi Mew O-ans and Mobile, hil the k "llein u who will have large ot tyi?ographie I -ml engraving dep.-n meats is iisurpas.scd in dial skill necessary tor success. Every number will I.h# iib. a tinted witli num'-r us ii*, appropriate nines i miitiorons ami serf lis), inn t e hands of one of tlie est cngravcis on ihe* miincnt?an artist whose name s iiiiinliur to the ading pile, of ilio Sou ill. In line, ilie undersigned are d<.terniincd io make The o.ith in Punch'" the spiniest, most readable, id best illustrated literary journal in Ainer ca. Jt tali distance competiti n. TJOltMS ?Suli cription for single copies $10 per ilium. News dealers supple, d at the rate of $15 per liidrt d copies, Address (J V K It ALL. C A M PP K IL. 11 Uf. 11 I S &. CO.. Publishers Hichnioud Va. Kdibm giving the above one or m re insertions ill be entitled to a copy gratis. Otliee on Main street, between 9th and 10th, July 10 lissolution of Copartnership. Pit I? COPAUTNKU IIIP OF K00PM AN &SOMl MKUSis this day dissolved, by milliiul consent ? her party will sign the name of the linn in liquids- . >n All persons indebted l>v no e or account, will plea o ike payment to the undersigned, or their mithoi ie. d dfl tornev, Mr. M. 1 itjckkr. h M KOf innxN. m 1. SOW Ml lis. ^ Camden. June 1. 18G3. C ,'nncl2 Hay Cutters, IAY CUTTERS. WASHING MACHINES AVT> piitout Cylinder Churns, for sale at tlio " Old rn-r" * K. W. BONNKY. July 3 t River Plantation For Sale 'ott A PLANTATION SITtTATKDON THE .' West side of Wateree River, seven miles SSIf j||H below Camden, containing Oi.e Thou-JSI21 nd Acres, five hundred and fifty acres cleared, one ndred and fifty uncleared, and is equal t> any lands the neighborhood. the balance, three hundred acres, od pine land Well timber* d On the premises there is a go d overseers house and commodations for loriy hands, with barns and sta* ? *, gin house. &c. The local- on is perfectly healthy and accessible, tii an abundant supply of good spring wal-r. Address M ATii ESON & CO., Camden, S. C. September 4 2 rnu c a t t? X VSA* U/1X JU, AN ACCOUNT UF FORMEIl PURCHASER, on * Monday next, at 11 o'clock I will seJJ the boy OMPEY\ belonginging to the estate ot' W. C Woiknn. at tho risk ot former purchaser, C A. Mcl'ouald* jrms cash. W. WALLAlE, Ad'mr. October 30 TOR SALE. pWO 1IOUSKS 0\' MAIS S I KKF.T, IMMKDIL ately south ol Mr. Geo. \1 len's shoe store. The ?o is h hirye Store llouse, and the other a small top. containing two rooms, Pnssession to be given ? tbo first of January, 13G4. For lurthof particulars^ tply at this office October 9 *