University of South Carolina Libraries
I ' ??_? J I I IP^P??Pi I! n:OC!>AMATIOM. C-i; CA?>. ' : ,V? V '.- tV><J V- . , - " v '" -:"'i . > _ " v.>,/ Ar' ' * ' - "i ' V,' . 'i A .( : UL uiri i v Anoi.tNA, ! A i Ti V 1 >*1 A! t .51.A ) C 'l,riu,; \ A. Cel. .A. iSGo. ) ^?ruEiU'"\s, MAJO;: . v. MELTON, * * "Commandant of Conscripts*-" under tiiConfederate (jiovernincnt, lor the S'ate of South Carolina, issued, on the first ofjCK'tobor, fnstant, an order requiring ".all persons who lnive hitherto been withheld from conscription by reason of claiming exemption under the laws of the State," "to report to the Enrolling Officers of their respective Districts to heenrollcd for service," and whereas it is held, by tlie Executive of the State, that all exemption^from military service provided for by the Convention of tbjs State and other competent State authority? are valid in law ?and should lie insisted on, of which notice has from time to time been given to the Commandants of Conscriots : Now, therefore,!. MILLEDCE L. EON I i AM, Covernor and Commander-in-Chief, do direct ail citizens of this State, holding exemptions from the Adjutant Oeneral's < Hiiro and otherwise exempt by the lav. s of this State, to claim their exemptions from Confederate sciviee lielore tlie Enrolling Ofi'eors of the Con fed < rate Governmeut, and to notify the Adjutant General of the State of such claim to the end that the question may be submitted for the decision of some competent legal tribunal. Given under my hand and the seal ofthe State |i.. s.J at Columbia, this fourth, day of October A. 11862, and in the eighty-eight year of the sovereignty ofthe State. M. L. BOX 11 AM, Wm. B. lit nit See., of State. JCtY" Tri-weeklv papers publish three times and other papers once a week. Oct. 0 ' 8 STATE OF SOUTH CAKOLn.v. a1),)'t and inspector cenekals oh icm; ) Con mbla. Oct. ! '. 1863. i (IE*XER. IL Oil 1)ERS XO. 4V. * * $ x * '< * * nALL APPLICATIONS FOR WS0I1 \ltOKS or .exemptions from sorviee in tlio Hc:;b..entof Six Months' Troops which have reported lor ?h.rv to Con ted era to Officers. must be made thr nub tlu proper channels to tho Commanding (delicti.:. No applications of the hiud. which have not air miy bcdi presented at this Onioc, will be otiter'ained ?>i* co.>id red. By order: . A: C. OA it 1.1 NO I h\\ Adjutant and Inspector- Coin ral S. C. Papers of tiio Staie copy once. uct. 2:1 i STATE OF SUUT31 \ '>: ' XaX .;/ & \ , } '<j ; H ' i \ A Al.Jli I'AN'r AND 1 XSPECTOR-0 KNKlt Vl/s OFFICE, Columbia 0( t 10, 18G3. GEXER. 1L OR i)ERS X0. 3s. j I'KUSONS NOTIFYING TUB AD.1U* * lant and ! n-poetor-< icncrn) ol tlie State ill v have claimed exemption t'roiu Confederate wnict i.iiuri mu ia^ <>i uic uctorc the Confederate II:.rolling < Mlioors, in pursuance of tlic prne'anmtiori of hi.. Excellency the Govornor, of inc Uh ^l?e?riltl net only state that they have made- their e'.aiin of exemption, but that it hac- he. n denied, and that they have been arrested for said set vice. The object had in view is to take the necessary steps to brinj* anv cause, in which the issue has heen made, before the le^al tribunal for trial and decision. P?y command : A. C.GAlfLlNGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. Papers of the State copy twice. Oct. 11 2 Council Notice. it isordered that ox and afterthe 1 >5th inst., tli,* Ordinance forbidding slaves hir pr their >.wn time or keephig shops open in the Town, will be fatly enforced. ! t,ui: op c (\ that on and al ter the 25th inst. no slaw .ill 1 permitted lo trade of oiler anything lorsil-\ . (r -.'hi within tho corpora to limits, witia it a v.tu i. . crii .t from those having anthoiity t i jjaat it: and any slave violating the Ordirianeo or iin? ui i r will >>?_ punished to the utmost extent ol tho law. ROBERT m. KENNEDY, Recorder. September 11 Tin; DITEXCKS NEAR CHARLE! TOX?l>IVISIOW XO*. 4 AXD 2. 1 TO SUPPLY TIIE REQUISITION OF TH (Jeneral comniandinjr the Department, and in pu s:: nice ol the orders of his Excellency 0 over nor Lloi j ham, the Commissioners of the Roads of the sever Parishes atul tiie authorities of the cities, towns an j villains within tii. judicial Districts of Charleston, Co lc?on. P auldrttm i (! 'or;.. ; >\vu. ino'udiujr Lower A Saints, arc hereby iv<p..ii <i t< so r.i n a r i in pes i islaves ole t<? %?ad dat ' v'i!hill tin* in .i! s *'i?i: anther to dr - One-fouri jAifi'i' v sl ves habit t Mich . at ( 'cpots i: ai I t"'l '' 'VII 'is , .lice. ' 1 \ fed 11. >v.: . 1 Itii da ! i)> ' t pres.. at 10 . :i m. tin re t<? n.vii trans; or: (inn to v h;r .. ?tt .. for thirty ays'lAior o the fortifications II. I ie Ceiiiii'issionrr of the Ro.-nl* .'inH itir? nntinv itic.- ol i!i ;< wiii and villages within I no judicial I>ii I ricts of Lancaster Kershaw. Chesterfield, Murlbor* laii .ii ton# Marion, Sumter Clarendon. "William! burg and 1 lorry, including,? Upper A11 Saints, at hereby required fnrtliwhh to snrntnoD all persons i possession of slaves liable to Kond duty within th j limits of their authority, to deliver ove-fonrth of thei slijves liable to such vluty at ' L)o| ots nearest thei owners'residence on Friday, ltitii October prox.. at 1 ' o'clock a. tn.. there to await transportation to diaries ton for thirty days labor on the for'ilieations. III. Under tliis call, the Commissioners' of Ro d and Town Authorities will allow credit to all owner tor the labor they have furnished above tln ir quoit I whether the suaie was volunteered bv tito ownc under the request of the Confederate auihoriti s, nude the Proclamation of the ("Governor oi, as was the eas in July-call upon Second Division, was detained i j service beyond the thirty days required. V. Owners whose slave have recently been iir pressed or whose slaves may have been inipreesed be ore the dav vheu this lab?>r is required, are not eti titled ti> credit under this call lor such impressed In h'v. unless they have hitherto furnished their respcc live quotas Kor those who have hitherto been in dc fa' .t. it is both legal and just that the impressed labo s .ould >;o to the credit of the p;*st calls which thet tailed to respond to?not to the present call, for th would jfivo them the advantage over those who hav answered to all the calls. V. Receipts, will be given for the negroes at th j Depots and assessments in duplicate are made of tin value of the negroes before they are put to work. VI. < Kviiers are requested to furnish their negroe with spades or shovels and three days' rat ens. VII. Parties who hire substitu'e, in order that al [ parties may be protected. VIII. The Acts of the Legislature have now beei j distributed, and the Commissioners of the Roads am i the Town Authorities can now thoroughly inforti themselves of tii .ir important duties in connectioi with the subject. \VM. M. SHANNON. Agent of Mate of South Carolina. Camden, S. C . Sept. . 1 Sihf. Carol >ua. Mrrcmj and < ourier will insert onc< a week each in daily and iri-weekly; all other paper in the two Division once a week for four weeks, am i forward bills as hitherto. September 11 4 I'ROSPRiim "I^IIK UNDKRSIONKD WILL ISSUE. IN I I few weeks, at Richmond. Va., a Svecklv journal to be called "THE SOUTHERN PUNCH!" 1 It will he nearly a duplicate in size, form and gene J ml features of the world renowned London " Punch, I m> nrnc an aeKnowioujrou power in tlie Mritish I les ii : the re:ornintiun of i?* ahusw. ami the enlighten inent. *>f the pnhlie moid. II;?s' *in^ as it did wit ii tin ; genius of Hood, of .h.rohi, aud a host ol' wits, p els | and philosoplde thinkers 'l lie proprietors of ' The Southern Punch" hrir._ u the ditlieult t sk <>! -niecesstudy comlm'ting swell : journal tiie advantage of c apita . aooihlnnt nietra 1 m?u ivs. and praetieal skill The edifor for inn \ years past, h< en conneete I. in ; leadintr e'litorin oapaei'y. with tiie lar est daily papers > i New Or lent;> and Mot e. while t?i tf -nil man who will have eh r ot typojrr 1 aud ..j,r.,vinjr depa me'tsii utts ; -s- i-!. : ' . 'essaty lor success. i . wi illustrated with nuiner it: u te t *i :i' humiwou : ml serious) I'ro.i : '! of :i . v-.o,avers on the ci i ? a v * name .a-familiar to the ; reading p'tu. it" * 1; .- til ii. i I.i line, tiie undersigned are d.o rmitic ! to make | 'The or.tin rn I un ' ' the s; iciest, ntos. ii-adalde laud '.est illu-a ri'toti literary journal in / uterteu. 1 .-mull distance eoinpetiti m. TKitM^?iSulverip'iot: a- sinjjlo r ies >00 p. | annum. News deal' rssir.plied at :! rate of? ; i htincii u copies A . ciess oYKUAIJi t'.\M Pl'.i.5 * I > 1 u i -ii ' |m \"n CST* J'M'torscivin'/1 o will Ire entitled to a eep, iOlliee on Main stroe , V>; t ,.>i July 10 hT.VT !:<> ' !*?OI ..3 t AJlOU\A. t m ' ' t; 1 v 1 A P.TT AND INSPECTOR GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) Comjmwa Octtober 11, 1803. I G EN KRAI. ORDERS NO. 30. [KXTl:ACr| i WILLIAM P BUTLER IS APPOINTED AIT 1 do Camp of his Excellency the Governor, wil tbo rank of Lit utenntiL Colonel, and will bo obeyed an respectod aocor??injrlv. * 5';. ' :|< if. * >Y. P.y ord-r: / . 0. G ARLINGTON, Adjutant and lnspcctor-Generrl S C. I - ' Papers of lite State copy once. Got. 33 " 1 Strre to Pent. T'M" TO!'. ROOM 'ORMKRIO O Of "TED IP 1 T. i VITA. Enquire of Mrs. Crosby. I August I I 'i ?HOE? AM) SALT ! .)uA l' VIR >1 EN'S SHOES?ALSO, 1G TIERCE ?r SA i L, on consignment, and for sale at tli " Old Corner." August 38 K, W. BONNEY. ' Runaway. K /COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW District a Negro Boy, who says his name is l* J0I1N} and that he belongs to Robert* Oliver, of "j- Georgetown, S. C. Said Boy is five feft five or six inches high, will I weigh 150 or 00 pounds, had on an old black eoul, and [j , grey sa'inett pants, and a Confederate hat, mado o II wiro grass. 1 lie owner is requested to coiuo forward i prove property, pay ex pence s and take hiiu away. >; : * DUNCAN SlIKORN, Jailor. " j March C I * I 53 > a ^ 1 ,?" ? Pi * Z ? i 3 ? .T* ^ ? ^ 3 5 5> f? o ^ s? 3 55 ft > p k 3 g S B BJ V J a?? M w o 5 ? X a. ^ ^ *3 o 5 X -3 ^ EL 2 ~ ? 8 = s o , * O JJ? 5 2^ g ? J > i 2 b S 1 rn 3 . i_! w ^ km 0 ? 2, w--J 1^ " 3 C~ ^ "T - ^Ma n **" ? ^-. ft c/3 )"""ta g> ~ ? a o o ^ '- ? . S "3 s< n ^ :: ? > ? | h H 3 3 * ST1 > ^ g a - ? > 3S ? . o o *3 6- SS ,. z? ? * *2: 1 rr -. -, tM O * r - H s 8 p s as 8 ^ lJ w 2. y Mart =5? 1*1 C < 55 ? . . "** o art *"* ?? ? 5? Z .g5| ? S S tr! > *2. < 3 ?* <7 g M * ^ W ? 5- * A ? H 2 ^ 1 O W r' W Srt A ' I K{ = ? S 3 1"" S- i ? = it "r5 * s* ft 2? ' 3 0 M __ a ? ^ Wanted?Wool! * T^OR WHICH TI1E HIGHEST PRICK WILL BR I * paid. # ? ALSO? COTTQN AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McC U R RT & 11A M M KRSLA170 H 'S. I. P H rq * ~2c H i ?2- ,2 " ? r ^ P SS i ? ?: w i - ill I i e? , W > H 2 ?aJ ? s <=s 5 &D - > - = 193 r ? o f? g pg. i - H- M ip " ^ m !r| * ^ 5 I s- s W (atj ; r I - = H e ^ H - 3 ? ? x !25 > ^ J f p n ? l g 2 s Cte 4 i ;| I g '.: - 3 *: o fe -5 (tvi H ;!?r I i I g ? P b i"b =4 5 2 = i?H ? 'O 2 2 U- C5 > ? I' ?: y *.|. - o L. r ?5 ? 3 g ft r C/C ^ in" ? J > ? *5 ! i > > % ^ *( ? <2 < s- 3 A S^l o *-5 ft > ^ % ? ? c-i- a o ^ ^ - M H ~ = n * * .- a. ih ?M , r- ~ hj a d. M Tobacco and Shoe Thread SHOE THREAD AND FINE CHEWING AND Smoking Tobacco? ALSO? COO vards Colored Twills. For sole at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. ? SWEET, J 1IREY, AMD TOBACCO. V O. MOLASSES, CRUSHED AND BROWN . . SUGAR; ! ,r>00 dollars worth Matches, best quality; Tobacco?Common. Medium and Fine; Rico?pood and fresh Rico Flour; Si it?Confederate and Turks Island; Smoking Tobacco and good Cigars; ( k* Topper San?e, Spices of different kinds; , Jars and .Tugs, various sizes; Nails, coarse Shoes. May '22. 1863. A. T. LATTA. s To Rento A LAW OFFICE, IN THE REAR OF THE ; V V Court Ilouae. Enquire at the "Old Corner.". I October 2 E. W. BOFNEY I f Hands Wanted'pEN OR 12 G'OOD NEGROS WANTED IMME- j -1 diately, to work on the Cemetery Grounds, for * j which liberal wngos will be paid*. Apply to K. G. j Robinson. ' September 25 Notice- W STOLEN, FROM THE SUBSCRIBER ON THE 9 night of the 16th, an iron Grey Mare, about 15 1-2 hands high. A lioeral reward will be pai.d for her delivery to me at Stateburg, S. CM and One Hundred Dollars for the apprehension and proof of the thief. September 25 3 FREDERICK L. GREEN. nGIHCAL NOTICE. DR. W. It. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in tlio rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T. J. Workman. February 27 New FlourV FRESH SUPPLY OF EXTRA FINE FAMILY FLOUR, just received and for sale at tbo ' Old Corner," bv ' E. W. BONNEY. July 10 South-Carolina?Kershaw Tii a+.i-irvE ill i:quily. Thomas Lang, vs. Edward M.Boykin and Wary V C., his wife, ShIMg W. Boykin, 11ai riot M. Lang, John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, SanTJ. W, L. Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang.?Bill of Supplement and Revivor. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John C, Lang, Theodore Lang and Cornelia A. Lang, and her infant son Edward B. Lang, four of the above named defendants, reside beyond the limits of the State of South : Carolina?on motion of Richardson it Cay, complainant's Solicitors, it is ordered that the said John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang, do appear and and plead answer or demur to the said bill of supplment and revivor on or before the 18tli day of September next, or the same will be taken pro confcs&o against them. And it is further ordered that this order be published for three months before the time above appointed for the appearance of said defendants in the Camden Confederate, a newspaper published in the town of Camden. \V. R. TAYLOR, C. E. K. ]>. Commissioners Ollico, June 9th A. D, 1803. June 1'2 *I?" WJ IIJ Fancy Soaps* &c JUST RECEIVED AT THE "OLD CORNER' Fancj* Soups, Tooth Brushes, Needles, Hair Tins Knitting Needles, Pins. Shoe Thread, Black and "White Spool Cotton, Black Flax Thread, Black Sewing Silk, Matches, Pearl Buttons, Ac. May 8 K. W, BONNEY. New Goods. IVST OPENED, AT* THE 4,OLI) CORNER,' J Printed Muslins; also. Tapes. Pins. Hooks and Eyes, wlnte and colored serpentine Braids. Ac., that has just run the blockade. E. W. BONNEY. July :i Alabama Firo Insurance C O M F .A. 1ST Y . rl"MIK Undersigned, as Agent for toe above South1 eru Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance-against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. .November 1 AY. L. PkPASS. RAGS?RAGS! |/\ AAA POUNDS GOOD CLEAN LINEN I \ *\ /v/ and Cotton Raps wanted immediately at the Confederate Ollice, for wliich the burliest mark6 price will ho paid. NoticeVLL PERSONS WHO HAVE CLAIMS AGAINST Hardy Thorn, deceased, will please present tho same duly attested to Win, R. Taylor, my Attorney; and all persons indebted to said deceased will plenso make payment of their respective indebtedness at, an early day. 11 EN ItY THORN. Administrator of Hardy Thorn, dee'd. October 2 3 Cloth, Lard, Seed Rye, etc. SUPERIOR COUNTRY LARD. CHOICE SYRUP, Pepper, Seed Rye, Salt, and one piece Grey Unilirm Cloth for sale at the "Old Corner." October 2 * E. AY. BONNEY. South Carolina?Kershaw District, BY A. L. MCDOXALD, ESbUIRK, ORDINARY. V17HKREAS, WM. R TAYLOR APPLIED to me for Letters of Administration on nil and lingular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Levy Holland, late of the District atoresaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the Ifindrcd and creditors oi the said deceased to bo and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo holden at Kershaw Court House , on the 30th day of October inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 8th day of September, in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-oightli year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the Stato of South Carolina. September 11 2 A. L. MoDOWALD, 0. K. D" %