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DISTRICT OFFICERS. THE DELEGATION OF KERSHAW DISTRICT to the Legislature, give notice, that tho members of tho following District Boards will liavo to bo re-appointcd at tho ensuing session. They ask. therefore, that tho names of the present members, new members [and all vacancies may be reported to them before the session: 12 Commissioners of Roads. 8 Commissioners of Free Schools. 7 Commissioners of Public Buildings. 5 Commissioners to Approve Public Sureties. 24 Managers of Elections?3 lo each Box. 10 Magistrates. October 0 HE A IMfcuAKTEllS." "* COMMISSARY GEN'LS DEP'T, S .0., { CoiiUMitiA, Oct (?, 1803. ) NOTICE IS H EltEBY GIVEN TO THE "HOARDS of Soldier's Relief" throughout tlio State, that they wil bo supplied as heretofore with Oceon Salt for distribution to needy families of soldiers at cost and expenses, on application to this Department. By order of the Governor. RICHARD CALDWELL, Lieut. Col. and Commissary Gen'l. State of South Carolina. All papers ir. the State insert once, ami send hills in duplicate with copy of advertisement attached, to this otlico for payment. Rills paid quarterly. Oct. 9 . 1 SOUTH CAROLINA MILITARY ACADEMY. IiY OKDF.U OF TIIB OOVERNOU. A PPT.IC ATIONS FO11 AITOIXTM ENT TO TI1E South Carolina Military Academy under the annexed resolution of the General Assembly must be transmitted to General James Jones. Chairman of the Board of Visitors, Columbia, S. 0., before the 25th of November next. The applicant must state the District of his residence, his nge and height, (if the son of a deceased olllcer or soldier,) the service of his father, and when ami how ho died. *If the applicant claims appointment for his own gallantry on the tiold of battle, the statement must be supported by the certificates of the officers under whom he served in battle! "Itesolved, That his Kxcellcney the (lovernor be, and he is hereby, authorized to select one youth from each Congressional District in this State, sons of officers or soldiers of the army of or officers or men of the navy of the Confederate States, who, during the existing war, have died in battle, or who have died of disease, contracted either by wounds or exposure, or who, not being sons of officers or soldiers, ure under the age of twenty years, and have behaved with gallantry on the Held of battle, who shall be placed in one or other oftho Military Institutions of this State, to be educated at the charge of a grateful country." Columuia, October 5, 18G.5. 53^" Every newspaper in this state publish once a week for two weeks. Oct. 9 2 l)lt. join* Ilot VA OFFERS MIS SERVICES TO TIIE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. .Office two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden So Ca. January 30 EXCHAXOi: NOTICE XO. ?. tXWIE FOLLOWING CONFEDERATE OFFICERS *- and nicn captured at Vieksburg, Mississippi, tiilr illli 1 Sll'l nnri eiilvjoftiicntlv li!irolr>il hnvft 1 >r>< duly exchanged, and arc hereby so declared. 1. The officers and men ofGeneralC. L. Stevenson's division. 2. Theonicers and men of General Bowen's division. 3. The otlicers and rtien of Brigadier General Moore's Brigade. 4. The officers atid men of the Second Texas Regiment. 0. The officers and men of Waal's Legion. G. Also, all Confederate officers and men who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous to July 2.r?t!i, 18G3, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange. Southern p^poiscopy six times and send accounts to tho War Department. October 9 G 1KALBH0M Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and tlic travelling public that ho has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of Camden. His personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will be devoted to the comfort and satisfaction of guests and visitors. Ho confidently asks a continuance of tho favors of all who have visited tho DeKalb House, and calls from any bf his friends who visit Camden. January 10 J. H. JUNGBLUTFf. 3ST otic?. All persons are hereby fork warmed not to trade for two notes given*by John Blackwell to Alexander McDaniel, on Fedruary 20,1861, for $250 each?one made payable in January of 1862, the other to bo paid January 1863. October 0 3 M ARY BLACKWELL, Adm'tx, # Bargains! Bargains!! I WILL SELL AT THE STORE OF JOSEPH M Gayle, one door north of tho Town Hall, on Tues day- the 21th inst., at 11 o'clock, a. in., various art cles of Household and Kitchen Furnituro, consistin in part of the following articles?Bedsteads. Matins." es. I3eaui;eau, Washstands, Toilet and Dining Table? Sofa, Rocking Chairs, Crockery and Glassware, on Safe, Kitchen Furniture. ?also? A remnant of n Stock of Goods. ?A i .so? One Negro man. Terms cash. Articles to bo r? moved tho day of sole. * J. K. WITHERSPOON, Auctioneer. October 23 1 South ' Carolina?Kcr*liu\v District BY A. L. MCDONALD. KSQU1BB, ORDINARY. \\J IIERISAS, WM. It. TAYLOR APPL1E Vf to rtio for Letters or Administration on all an singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits < Win. M. Bullock, late of the District aforesaid, d< V'eased: These arc. therefore, to cite and admonish all. an sihgular, the kindred and creditors of the said decern cd to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary Court for tho said District, to bo liohlen at Kerslia1 Court House on the 24th day of October inst to show cause, if any, why tho said administrate should not ho granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, tliis eighth da of September, in the year of our Lord one thousan eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the eighti eighth year of the Independence and Sovereignty the State of South Carolina. a lex. l Mcdonald, o. k. r September 0 'l Notice. \VK HAVE PLACED OUR NOTES AND AC ? * counts in the hands of Mr. 0 A. McDonali for collection, who is dnly authorized to / eceipt for u MoCURltY ILAMMKRSLOUOH. October 2.'1 ?, STATE OF KOttiX CAR^LIIUI EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, 1 Coi.cmma, October 14. 180:i. 1 HERE AS INFORMATION HAS BEEN Ri t ? ceived at this Department that one Needhni Carter stands charged with the crime ol arson, an that lie evades and eludes the officers of the law, an up to the present time has not boon arrested: Now. therefore, to the end that justice may bo don< and that the said Needhnm Carter may be brought t legal trial, I, M. L. Bonliam, Governor of the sai State, do hereby offer a reward Three hundred dollai for his apprehension and delivery to any jail in 111 State. Given under my hand and the seal of the State a Columbia, this tiiirtoentli day of October. A. 1 [L. s. ] one thousand eigot hundred and sixtv-three. M. L. BO Nil AM, XV m. R. 111"ntt, Secretary of State. All the papers ic the State publish ono week Oct. 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T AXI) INSPECTOT GENERAL'S OFFICE, i Columbia, Oct 14, 1863. i a ex era l orders xo. \ n. I COM PANIES ORG ANIZED FOR LOCAL I) J< fence under the Act of Congress, l.'lth Octobei 1862, are now not Authorized,- and will not. for th present he accepted, as the lato Act of the Goners Assembly provides for the organization of State Troops with which such companies may interfere; and no pel sons who has been drafted for service in the si: month's Regiments, or who is liable to service in tin organization of State Troops provided for by said Act eari become ft member of any company formed undo said Act of Congress. By order: A. C. GARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector General S. 0. Papers of the State copy once. Oct. 23 1 Hands Wanted rpKN OR 12 GOOD NEGROS WANTED I MM ft 1 diatcly, to work on the Cemetery Grounds, fo which liberal wages will bo paid. Apply to E. G Robinson. September 25 noticeSTOLEN. FROM Til 10 SUBSCRIBER ON THI night of the 16th, an iron Grey Mare, about I! 1-2 JiundH high. A liocral reward will be paid for ho delivery to ino at Stateburg, S. (5., and Ono Hnndrei Dollars for the apprehension and proof of the thief. September 26 [i FREDERICK L. GREEN. MCDICAL. NOTICE. DR. W. R. SIKFS TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden ant vicinity. OHico on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T. J. Workman. February 27 New FlourA FRESH SUPPLY OF EXTRA FINE FA MI J Y LY FLOUR, just received and for sale at tin ' Old Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. July 16 Help for the Poor TilK CITIZENS OF CAMDEN ARE REQUEST oil to report all cases of destitution, to either o i- the Commissioners of tho Poor, or to the subscriber, g October 16 2 W. K. HUGIISON. For Sale. 10 A GOOD SECOND HAND DOUBLE SETTIIAR 1V N ESS. For particulars apply apply nt this oilice. October l(i . Roads rpilK COM MI SSI ON KKS O F It O A DS FU R KKR . 1 sli.^v Disttict will meet in Camden on Monday the 28th dav of October, at 11 o'clock. 1* * COLIN MACRAE, October 10 2 Clerk of tho Road. d STRAYED OR STOLEN, l[ I^ROM THE PREMISES V THE SUBSCRIBER, ,L one Milch Cow and two Yearling: 11 offers, during . the month of April last. The marks half crop on tiio 1 under part of the ear: also, a split and under bit. ,* i Tho color of the caw is red. tho yearlings red and s while. Ono steer, dark brindlc, motly face. $.'? ) Reward will be paid for their delivery at this ' place. b. T. BRADLEY, Flat* Rock. 11 October 9 9 i Removal. ! rpuK UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED HIS 1 Store Irom the "Old Brick Corner" to the estabI lishmcnt formerly occupied by Mr Win. C. Gerald. .Jr.. i two uuurs uciuw .ncvurrv a iiamiuursiaugn s store. I July 24 ' T. M MYKUS. For Sale. { rpwi) STORK IIOUSKS AND LOTS, WITH J .1 I bvolling Rooms on second floor of each, situated on the most desirable spot ou Broad street, for business. The lots run some 00 feet in front by 230 back. Also, one lot containing thereon a large Cotton Hotise, situated on Rutledge street, 00 feet in front by 2f?9 back. For iurthcr particulars apply to Mr Win. M. Billings, in Camden, or to Onpt. 1). L>. Perry, at Flat Ifock, S. C. September 23 FOR SALE, rpWO 110USKS ON MAIN STRKKT. LMMKBIJL ntely south ot Mr. Geo. Aldcn's shoo store. The one is a large Store House, and the other a small Shop, containing two rooms. Possession to be given on the lirst of January. 18G4. For turlhcf particulars | apply at this office. J" October 0 3 ;; Dissolution of Copartnerd ship. rpllE COPARTNERSHIP OF KOOPMAN & SOM1 MKRSis this day dissolved, by mutual consent? either party will sign the name of the Arm in liquids!. lion. All persons indebted by no e or account, will please make payment to the undersigned, or their nuthoiiezd attorney, Mr. M. Dhuckkr. [ * M. KOOPMANN. ' L. SOMMFRS. Camden, June 1, 18G3. G June 12 A River Plantation For Sale Ma plantation situated on the West side of Watcrec River, seven iniles^^ below Caitjden. containing One Tlion-?&w sand Acres, live hundred and lil'ty acres cleared, one hundred and tilly uncleared, and is equal to any lands in (lie neighborhood, the balance, three hundred acres good pine land Well timbered. On the premises there is a good oversoera house and j accommodations for fort)' hands, with barns and stables. gin house, <vo. The location is perfectly healthy and accessible, with an abundant supply of good spring water. Address MATIIKSOX ?fc CO., Camden, S. C. .September I 2 ? School NoticeI THE EXERCISES OF MRS. DAW^Tjm^SON'S SCHOOL will be resumed on 21st ! '^ Tfjgf^Septembor inst. r, wV' Terms $25 for fivo months?English 0 branches. Payable in advance. d September 1R 1 1 School Notice. o THE EXERCISES OF MRS. McCANDr /LESS'School will be respmed on the 1st t '~ui( Monday in October. No scholar will be received after the d*-Jr middle of October, unless detained by sickness. No scholar will be received unless the parents are willing that the pupil may be subjected to an examination on the sevoral studies pursued. TERMS?Kor the 1st, 2d and 3d classes, $100, with the privilege of studying the French language and Literature. r For the lower classes, $ GO per year for the English ,m branches. Tuition half payable in advance?insisted ttpon in all cases. * .September 11 SCHOOL NOTICE. I THE EXERCISES OF *fR. McCANDr LESS' SCHOOL will be resumed on ilio ' 1st October, and will continue until July 1st, 1864?showing a short vacation at Christmas. Terms, $175 for each pupil?cash in advance. This will bo insisted upon in each case. Children of refugees will be charged $19 per month. Fuel $2 each. $ Nono will bo admitted into the school alter the 21st j of October. In case of suspension or expulsion no part of the tuition feo will bo refunded. Entranco ' condition the same as usual. Parents or guardians knowing themselves in arrears for tuition, aro earnestly requested to settle up. September 4 6 Window Shades. , fpWO SETTS OF WINDOW .SHADES, WITH .1. fixtures complcto, for salo at, July 31 2 MATHESON A Co. j CIRCULAR A:\l> AI'FKAL. . j FREE MARKET OF Oil A ULESTOF. J To the Citizens of Charleston and the 1'roplt of ?S'ovtU Carolina generally, and to the Farmers and Plantem especially, from tlie mountains to the seaboard The Free Market of Charleston, oi|p of the noblest and most useful charities extant, after more than a twelve month of successful operation, is in danger of ! I suspension and oven final stoppage. It is un iustiiuj tion. founded by private patriotism and benevolenco, j endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, nud I recognized and encouraged by the Legislature of the i Statu. Its great and highly useful purposes .is* to supj ply provisions, free of expense, to the needy fa mi lias of soldiers and seamen, lighting the battles of their/-von ! try, or dead in her service; and upward of eight fe'in I di ed families depend on its bounty for tfleir daily bread . | It lias become a great public necessity, and it is the ! duty of every christian and patriot, malo and female, I rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its supi port, in proportions means arfll ability?the rich man" ' out of li s wealth, the poor man out *o? his poverty, the widow with her mite?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into this great reservoir of patrkitic benevolence, to bo dbponsed in God-blessed bounty to the wives and Children, the widows and orphans, tho Asters and other female dependents, of our bravo soldiery and sea- * men. The linal stoppage, or even the suspension, of this charity u'ould be one of the direst calamities that crfcild befall our City and Slate?it would inflict distress, suffering, end even starvation on numbers now comfortably led by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to bread-riots, in our conservative city, to her serious injury and deep disgrace. Come, then, fellow citizens, to the rescue, promptly, liberally, cfficientl}-, and not only Save the Free Market from destruction or sufpenfcioti, but sustain it. in healthful vigor, as a God blessed and man-blessing institution. Let donations in money and in kind pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and State; and the consequences will bo happy indeed. Not only will bread, and meal, and meat be sustainingly furnished to soldier's and senmen's families, hut the heart of the warrior will be j cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against I the vandal and ruthless foe, by the conifortiug eonvic* I <1 I.:? ...a-.. 1 i:..l :_-ii 1 v,v/i. ni.?i ...a .1 in- .niu iiinv ones me puirioiicuuy una sufficiently cared lor, by their fellow citizens, at home. Let our (armors and planters especially, in every section of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, from their gardens, their lields. their barns and their smoke houses; and swell to overflowing the great reservoir of Free Market charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesseih him that gives as well as him that receives?and blesses the giver even more than the receiver. Come up. then, one and all. to the hallowed work, and not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying gratitude, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in and steal. RICTTARP YE A DON. Chairman ) WM. R. YATES, [-Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. 15?Country exchanges are requested to copy heabo-'e circular and appeal, gratuitously. Notice. /~1APT. JNO. J. NELSON WILL ACT AS MY authorized agent, durir.g rav absence from Kershaw District. ROBERT MICKLE. Scptembee 4 3 Hay Cutters, &cHAY-CUTTERS, WASHING MACHINES AND patent Cylinder Churns, for sale at the " Old Corner.'' E. W. BONNET. July 3 i? lour ana tirist Mill 'piIK UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED 1 the Flour and Grist Mill, formerly the property of Mr. Win. Sanders, and situated 18 miles above Sumter and 12 miles below Camdr n, "is prepared to do all kinds ol milling, at the shortest notice. A Smut. Machine is attached to the Mill. Fine stabliiur accommodations are on the premises, for the use ol those patronizing his mill. August 7 2 W. C. ELLERBE. Drugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, Blue Stone. Copperas Ex't. Logwood, English Calomel, English Blue Mass, Sulphur, Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum, Cream Tartar. Sup. Carb. Soda, Siedlitz Powders, Eng. Castile Soap. Brown Windsor Soap, Ivory Fine-Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, Ac Just received and for sale by June 2G 1 WM. McKAlN. Sugar and Salt I An BUSHELS SALT, II "\/ 10(10 lbs. Sugar. For sale at the " Old Corner." by E. W. BONNEY. August 14 NOtice 4 LL PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST j\ the Estate of Thos. J. Warren, deceased, will present them to me. properly attested, and all persons indebted to the Estate will make payment forthwith to undersigned. W Z. LEITNER, Administrator. October ^ 3 III lite Court of Ordinary.?Kershaw District. In the matter of the Estate of of Samusl Herron. ae ceased?Final Settlement. * Tames e. rodgers, administrator de bonis non of Samuel Merron, deceased, having applied to have a final settlement of the e>tntc of his intestate, the following named Heirs and distributees are hereby ordered to appear in this < ourt on Monday the 13th of January next, to r. ceive their distiibutive share, viz: Maria >kitincr, Manuel Ilerron; Klias Delk, David Delk, Robert Delk, James Delk. Icy Moore, Nelly Sogars, Mary Delk, Nancy E. Delk. Wm. Skinner. John Skinner, James Skinner, Nancy Outlaw and ' Rebecca Ilerron. J. E. RODGERS, Adm'r. A. L. McDonald, Ordinary's Office, October 8. 18G3 October 8 3mos FOR SALE^ TWO OR Til REE VALUABLE HOUSE servants, sold only for the purpose of retrenchment. Apply at this office. October t>