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r " . -, . ^ ji VOLUME II CAMDEN," SO, CA? FRIDAY. OCTOBER 23, 18G3^ NUMBER 52 I Cijt (Cantiifn (ConfciJcretc at three doll a iis a year, payable invariably half-yearly in advance Terms lor Advertising:: For one Square?twelve lines or less?TWO DOLLARS for the first insertion, and PXK DOLLAR AND HFTY CKNS for each subsequent. Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged to at advertising rates. Transient. Advertisements and Job Wor* MUST BIO PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertising patrons. J. T. MUSRSi IMAN, K(litoi\ (jumbling. A bill is nerulimr before the Virginia, i c* p ? laturo to suppress gambling. It passed the Senate last Saturday?35 aves to 4 noes?and it is expected that the House of Delegates will likewise pass it. The Richmond Enquirer does not regard the bill as severe enough, but, nevertheless, supports it readily. It gives the following view into the interior of a gambling establishment: It may not be known that thefe is said to be a gambling house in Richmond divided into the House of Lords and the House of Comm mons. Into the former only invited guests are admitted?men known to have the handling of large sums of money?such as quartermasters, commissaries, the clerks of large mercantile establishments, planters, ifcc, ?fcc. These Lords of the Brass Key admit themselves by a particular door, which moves only to the open sesame of some man whose official position, is one of great pecuniary responsibility. The House of Commons is for a larger but not so select body?members of Congress and Legislature, officers and privates of the army and navy, men generally of reduced means. The entertainments in these two chambers differ as much as the pecuniary respectability of their guests demands*. The House of Lords spreads all the luxuries and dainties that can ? tempt the palate of the most fastidious thief that ever stole money from Ins employers. Ilere arc to he found the wines of Burgundy and France, the fruits of the Tropics, all the expensive dishes of a Paris restaurant. For the House of Lords the precarious trade of the blockade incurs all its dangers, sure of finding remuneration and profit. In the House of Commons Confederate dishes and liquors are spread, but the most excellent of these kinds are there to be enjoyed?even amidst all the apparent waste of money there is a degree of economy practised worthy of better employment. The refuse dishes of the Lords are spread the next day for the Commons, and it is no uncommon spectacle to see a member of Congress or Legislature, or other gentleman, regaling himself upon the cast off dish which a quartermaster or commissary refused the day before. <*oo<l from Lce'N Army. Ciordan!-yillk, Oct. 10.?A severe battle is reported to have taken place last "Wednesday near Catlctt's Station. The enemy retreated ^ towards the Occoquan, where 10,000 of Sedgwick's corps were suddenly attacked by our forces. Three thousand of the enemy were *?antiiiv>d Mo farther naif innlnrs. Sovoiitv "" i ? i - ? tive prisoners were brought in last night, taken at Stephen's Springs. Small squads of the enemy are frequently picked up in the country recently occupied by them. Saving the Tenth.?The Staunton (Va.) Vindicator relates a story of a farmer near that town, who being desirous of paying the Government the tenth of some oats he was then hauling, told his servant to haul nine loads to tho barn and bring the tenth load to town to the Quartermaster, as he had to pay that load to the Governcrnmcnt. Upon returning to his place a few days after, he inquired of the boy if he had delivered the tenth load to the Quartermaster ? "No massa," said the trusty fellow, with the air of a man who had accomplished a great feat, "the Government don't git nufin?for dar war'nt no tenf load. I done , cram it all in nine.'' Address off President I>;?vi* to ll?e Army ol"Fcmaesse<>. I The President, in leaving the Army of Tennessee, issued the following address to the troops, which was received with the greatest ' j enthusiasm : | Headquarters Army ok Tennessee, | j Octoher 14, 18G3. ] | i Sold tern: A grateful countrv has recognized i your arduous service, and rejoiced over Vonr ' i glorious victory on the field of Chickamauga. j When your countrymen shall more fully learn ^ ? the adverse circumstances under which you | j attacked the enemy, though they cannot be j ] more thankful?they may admire more the j gallantry and patriotic devotion which secured !. your success. Representatives of every State j in the Confederacy, your steps have been followed with affectionate solicitude by friends in , every part of the Confederacv. Defenders of the heart of our territory, \our movements , ? t have been the object of intensest anxiety. Tlic ^ hopes of our cause greatly depend upon you? t and happy it is that all can securely rely upon ( your achieving whatever, under the blessing of ^ Providence, human power can effect. Though j yon have done much, very much yet remains * to he done. Behind you is a people providing r for your support and depending on you for j j protection. Before you is a country devastated by your ruthless invader, where gentle . woman, feeble age and helpless infancy have j been subjected to outrages without parallel in j the warfare of civilized nations. j j With eager eyes they watch for your com- s ingto their deliverance, and the homelessrcfu- , gee pines for the hour when your victorious j arms shall restore his familv to the'shelter c from which they have been driven. Forced to take up arms to vindicate the political rights, j j the freedom, equally, and State sovereignty, which were the heritage purchased by the ^ blood of your revolutionary sires, you have but , the alternative or slavish submission to despot- j ic usurpation, or the independence which vigorons, united, persistant effort will secure. All h which fires the manly breast, nerves the pa- j triot, and exalts the hero, is presented to stim- t ulate and sustain you. Nobly have you re- j deemed the pledges given in the name of free- j ( dom, to llie memory of your ancestors, and ^ the rights of your posterity. That you may complete the mission to j winch you arc devoted, will require of you such exertion in the future as you have made in the past; continuance in the patient endurance of toil and danger, and that self-denial j ^ which rejects every consideration at variance j r with the public service, as unworthy of the ho-1 v ly cause in which you arc engaged. When the war ahull have ended, the high- u est meed of praise Will be due, and probably 1 given, to him wh<f has claimed least for him- h self in proportion to the service he has reader- t ed, and the bitterest self reproach which mav ( hcicafter haunt the memory of any .one, will h be to him wTio has allowed sellidi aspiration to ! d prevail over a desire lor the public good. I s United as you are in a common destiny,' ( obedience and cordial co-operation arc cssen- j c tially necessary, and there is no higher duty j v than that, which requires each to render to all fi what is due to their station. lie who sows p the seeds of discontent and distrust prepares for the harvest of slaughter and defeat. To zeal you have added gallantry, to gal- P lantry energy, to energy fortitude. Crown c these with harmony, due subordination, and p chcertifl support of lawful authority, that the t measure of your duty may be full. I fervently a hope that the ferocious war so unjustly waged h against our country may soon end; that with tl the blessing of peace you may be restored to a your homes and the useful pursuits; and T it pray that our Heavenly Father may cover t< you with the shield of His protection in the y hours of battle, and endow you with the virtues I which will close your trials in victory com- d pletc. d (Signed) . Jefferson Davis. c [Official:] George Win. Brent, A. A. G. tl Tax in Kind. Duplin, N. C., October 10, 1803. | Messrs. Fallon A; Price :?The question as j lo whether the (commonly culled) Tithe Law passed by Congress, required the producer to furnish a tenth of his grain and potatoes; and then a tenth of the pork made from those articles, has been frequently discuscd among my friends, and I took the liberty to write for construction of the law. Bv yesterday'a mail I received the reply ; and supposing your readers might be pleased to seethe answer, I send it to your office for communication to your patrons, if you think it right. Very respectfully, Arc., J ERE PEARSALL. Office of the Commissioner of Taxes, ) Richmond, Oct. 2, 1863. ) Tere Pearsally Kenansvllle N. C : Silt:?Your letter of the 28th ult., to the iddrcss of the Attorney-General, has been reerred to this Bureau, for the reason that he is lot authorized to give an opinion upon the pieslions submitted. By Section II, of the ! ax act, each farmer and planter of the Con- j ederate States is required to pay one-tenth of lie products enumerated therein, save certain escrvatiohs, to the Government. This tax is mposcd on all, whether gathered or not, exsept hay and fodder, which must first he citrcdi md peas, beans and ground peas, which must irst bo gathered. It therefore follows, that, if i farmer gathers none of the latter, but turns lis hogs into the field, and the crop is co:ilimed in that way, then, as none has ben gathred, there will be no tax. So, then, the tithe s only required upon the hog and fodder cam/, md the peas, beans and ground peas gathered ?these arc all the exceptions. If a man turns logs on his potatoes, corn, Arc, he must sav*mough of each to pay the tithe upon the vhole. This is the law, and it is bv that we mist all be governed. By Section 12, the armer, planter, or grazier is required to pay me tcnih of his pork?that is, of all the hogs laughtered, in bacon as an equivalent for one ill ml red poiinds of pork. There is no dcducion to be made. No inquiry as to how the logs were fattened, whether by corn from the :rib, corn in the field, or peas, ground peas and lotatocs fed in the field, it is all the same. Very respectfully, THOMPSON ALLAN, < orninissioncr of faxes. Tiik Elections \t the Noktu?Defeat Or j V'Allaxdiuiiam.?The Herald. referring to the ! esult of tlio elections in Ohio and Pennsyl ania, says : from all the returns which have reached us ; ip to a late hour this morning there can he 10 doubt that Governor Curt in, Republican, las been re-elected by a considerable majority 0 the gubernatorial chair of Pennsylvania. In )hio Mr. Plough, the conservative candidate, ( ias received an immense vote over Mr. Vallanligham, who appears to have made .a very mall show, and Rrough is 110 doubt elected ' iovernor. The returns of the different cities, 1 ountics, ar.d townships from the two States, ! nil be found in another column, as far as heard ' rorn. The reports yet to be received will not, robably, change the result above stated. A Rich Man.?It is said that Rothschild ] losscsses a million millions of francs, but that j oinparcd with others, he is poor, at least, so it ^ leases the good people of Paris to state, for hey have just heard that there exists in India nabob worth a trillion, which, represented in gures, would be 1,000,000,000,000. To count l his sum, coin by coin, the coin being a franc, ^ t the rate of two hundred a minute, and work1 ft twnk'A lir?nra a Hoi* if w/miI/I Annum .fe " ""J ' ,v vwu|Mr II111V sen thousand three hundred and twenty-five 3 car?, and three hundred and nineteen days, c t is suggested that this nabob should be in- \ uced to visit Paris, where a woman's chief eiight is to ruin a man. In this case, howver, it would take many to ruin him, and ^ here is proverbially, safety in numbers. o I Latest from Last Tennessee. PI Lynchburg, Oct. 10.?We have advices 1 from East Tennessee that before thd battle ?/f A Chickatnauga twenty-seven regiments of "Yancavalry and mounted infantry, estimated to be 14,000 strong, passed Greenville, Tennessee, bound eastward, intending to make a raid upon the Virginia and East Tennessee Railroad. U Upon the news of the defeat of Rosecrans, I they retreated westward to reinforce him, but || were met bv our forces at London and Sweet- |j Water, and driven back. A portion of this jj force, on the 10th inst., attacked our troops fl at Bible Ridge, six miles west of Greenville. Our men fought gallantry, retreating and in* ft ' - v " niciing a severe loss upou the enemy. Unr ; loss was 50 killed and 200 wounded. Another engagement with our retreating forces took place at Henderson on Sunday, in which our forces desperately, cleaving their way through four regiments of the enemy, who, supported . j|1 by artillery, had succeeded in reaching our rear. Qur men fell back to Zollicoffer until the Yankees, heavily reinforced, advanced upon them, when they were withdrawn. Our loss in both days' fight is estimated at 300 killed and wounded. A number of these killed and wounded fell into the hands of tho enemy. . ji The Yankee loss is estimated at 1200 killed i{ and wounded. The enemy is reported advancing from Aristol towards Abingdon, supposed to be 8000 or 10,000 strong, llooker is in command of East Tennessee. )i IJxromantic Predicament.?I sat by the open window on a tine dewy evening, the stars shone out, while the moon, that silent watcher of the night, Hung her beams over the rocks that bound my view. The birds bad retired to i rest, the wakeful frogs made music in the neighboring marsh, and the fire flies bespan- i gled the scene. I raised mv eyes tothcniilky .? way and was letting my thoughts roam fancy free in the realms of music and poetry, when the horrid thought came rushing through my brain that?/ hud not a clean shir I for Sttnduy. i Prisoners?Large Figures.?The Richmond Enquirer of the 7th states, that the previous day the Libby prison displayed a force of 8550 Federal prisoners, including 825 general, regimental and other commissioned officers. Of tljis number, 4850, were received from Chickamauga?which, including 2500 cw.i- i - i ? -- -1 uuuiuii-u, mm j^i.?)i-ii uhi pjtiuieu ou rue field, make the total number of captures on t ?irit famous field, as far as ascertained, 7350, including 200 officers. Missionary Ridge, via Ciiickamauga, October 17.?Lieutenant General 1). II. llill, has been relieved from duty here. lie and his stall are ordered to report to General Cooper, at Richmond, fur duty. Major General Breckinridge has J>ecn placed in command of Hill's corps. A darkey on the State Road who was pedilling cbcsnuts, was asked by an olticer where lie got them from. "Don't like to tell, massa," said Sambo. The officer interrogated him igain. "Why, I war a'feJ'rate ossifer and prcsted 'em." Jeddo, the capital of Japan, is pronounced Jie.largcst city of the world, beyond all doubt, [t contains a million' of habitations and fivo millions of people ;#many ot the streets aro ,wenty-two miles long. Letters for any of Bragg's army should be lircctcd to Chattanooga, as H. T. Philips, tho lead postmaster, is at Chickamauga, where hey will be stopped and distributed. "Soldiers must he tearfully dishonest," says drs. Partington, "as it seems to be a nightly (ccurrcncc tor a sentry to be relieved of his vatch." It is asserted in Yankee papers that there iave been 110,000 deserters from their "Army f the Potomac."