University of South Carolina Libraries
t I A f ??aa uuu uxiOl JULlli* HPHK UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED -L tbo Flour aud Grist Mill, formerly the property of Mr. Win. Sandors, and situated 18 miles above Sumter and 12 miles below Camden, is prepared to do all kinds of milling, at tbo shortest notice. A Smut Machine is attached to the Mill. Fine stabling accommodations are on the premisos, for the use of those patronizing his null. August 7 2 W. C. ELLERBE. Drugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, Blue Stone, Copperas Ex t. Logwood, English Calomel. English Bluo Mass, Sulphur, Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum, Cream Tartar, Sup Cnrb. Soda, Siedlitz Powders, Eng. Castile Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Ivory Kino Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushos, &C Just received and for salo by Juno 20 1 WM. McKAIN. Sugar and Salt IA A bushels salt, 1U\/ luUO lbs. iMigar. For sale of the " Ohl Cor ner," by K. "\V. BOXNKY. August 14 Store to Bent. rpilK STORE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED RY 1 A. T. LATTA. Enquire of Mrs. Crosby. August 14 2 SHOES AND SALT ! fc)QA PAIR MEN'S SHOES?ALSO, 16 TIERCES ^OU SALL, on consignment, and for sale at the ' Old Corner." August 28 E, W. BONNET. * J mE DEFLVttS i\EAR CHARLES TON?DIVISION NO*. 4 AND ft. I TO SUPPLY THE . EQUISITION OP THi General commanding the Department, and in pui suhuco of the orders of his Excelleucy Governor Bor liaiu, the Commissioners ol the Roads of the seven Parishes and the authorities of the cities, towns hu villages within the judicial Districts of Charleston, Co ton, Beaufort and Georgetowu. inc udiug Lower A Suiuts, ino hereby required forthwith to summon a persons in possession of slaves liable to Koad dut within the limits their authority, to deliver one-fourt of their slaves liable to such duty at the Depots neni est their owners residence, on Wednesday, 14ih da of October pro*., at 10 o'clock a tn , there to awai transportation to ciinrteston. lor thirty days' labor o the fortifications II. The Commissioners of tho Roods nnd the authoi itics of tli towns iinii villages williiu the judicial Die tricts of Lancaster Kershaw, Chesterfield, Marl bore Darlington. Marion, Sumter. Clarendon, Williams burg and Horn*, including,?Upper All Saints, ar hereby required (' rthwi h to summon all persona ii possessi- 11 of slaves liable to Koud duty within tli limits of heir authority, to deliver one-fourth of fliel slaves liable to such duty at the Depots nearest thei owners' residence on Friday, lGtli October prox.. at 1' O'clock :i. in., there to await trnn-portntion toChariefl ton lor thirty days labor on the fortifications. III. ruder this call, the Commissioners of Rod and Town Authorities will allow credit to all -owner tor tho labor tliey have furnished abovo their quota whether tho sumo was volunteered by tho owne under tho request of the Confederate authorities, unde the Proclamation of the Governor, ot, as was the ca? in Julv-cali upon Second Division, was detained ii service beyond the thirty dn)-a rcquiiod. IV. Owners whoso slave liuvo recently been im pressed or whose slaves may have been improcsud be 'ore the day when this labor is required, are not on titled to credit under this call for such impressed la bor, unless they have hitherto furnished their, respec tive quotas. For those who have hithorto been in do fault, it is both legal and just that the impressed labo should go to the credit of the past calls which tliev failed to respond to-- not to tho present call, for thv would give them the advantage over those who hav< answered to all the cnlls V. Receipts, will be given for the negroes at tin Depots and assessments in duplicate are made of tin value of the negroes before they are put to work. VI. Owners are requested to furnish their negroe: with spades or shovels and three days' rations. VII. Parties who hire substitute, iu order that al parties may be protected. VIII. The Acts of the l egislature have now beet distributed, and tho Commissioners of tho Roads am 'he Town Authorities can now thoroughly inforu themselves of their important duties in connectioi with tho subject. WM. M. SHANNON, Agent of State of South Carolina. Camden. S. C, Sept. 5, 18t?:?. Carolina, Mercury at id Courier will insert onc( a week each in daily aud tri-wcekly; all other paperi in the two Division once a week for four weeks, am forward lulls as hitherto. September 11 4 I* KOSPEiTUS. |~i: I: UNDERSIGNED WILL ISSUE, IN I I few weeks, at Richmond, Va., a wceklv journal obe called "THE SOUTHERN PUNCH f" It will be nearly a duplicate iti size, form and gone.1 r._* *' ? ? * * * ' ' - * * ai iiNiiures ui me worm renowned London ' i'uncii,' o long .'in acknowledged power in the British Isles ii he reiormatiou of public abuses, and the enlighten oent of the public mind, flashing as it did with tlx renius of Hood, of .Ir.rold, and a host of wits, ^joeli nd philosophic thinkers. The proprietors of 4 The Southern Punch" brinir t< ho difficult task of successlully conducting such : mrnal the advantage of capital, abundant menia u ources, and practical skill. The editor for mam ears past, has been connected, in a lending editoria opacity, with the largest daily papers of New Or miis and Mobile, while the gentleman who will hav< barge of typographical and engraving departments ii nsurpassed in that skill necessary for success. Every number will bo illustrated with numer'tr uts, appropriate to the times (humorous and sorious) oin tiie hands of one of the best engravers on tin ontinent?an artist whoso name is familiar to tin jading pun..5of the South. In line, the undersigned aro determined to maki The outhern Punch" the spiciest, most readable id best illustrated literary journal in America. I tall distance competition. TERMS.?Subscription for single copies $10 pe inum. News dealers supplied at tho rate of $16 pe mdr^d copies. Address OVERALL. CAMPBELL, HUGHES A CO.. Publishers Richmond. Vn Editor* giving the above ono or more insertion will b > entitled to a copy gratis. Office on Main street, between 9th and 10th. July 10 Dissolution of Copartner ship. 'I HIE COPARTNERSHIP OF KOOPMAN ASOM 1 M KRS is tins day dissolved, by mutual consent oither party will sign tho name of tho firm in liquids tion All persons indebted by noie or account, will pleas raako paymont to the undersigned, or their authoriez< attornev, Mr. M. Drucker. M. KOOPMANN. L. SOMMERS. Camden, June 1, 1863. 6 Juno 12 A River Plantation For Salt Ma plantation situated on the West sidoof Watoreo River, seven miles bolow Camden, containing One TIioii-mXS sand Acres, fivo hundred and fifty acres cleared, on hundred and fifty uncleared, and is equal to any land in the neighborhood, the balance, three hundred acres good pine land well timbered On tin pv ises there is a go d overseers house ati< .:nmoda\ .ts for forty hands, witli barns and sta gin house, <oC. locatioii . >rfe lv healthy and aeeossibU w . ,11 : bund in supply of good ,-nring v. .it t A . Iress M.lTilESON ?st U' . O'imdor September -1 School Notice j^ THE EXERCISES OF MRS. DAW SON'S SCHOOL will be resumed on 21b September inst. Terms $25 for five months?Eoglisl branches. Payable in advance. September It j J- l yr-. I . . * v . '#* f . V ' - f 1 -J- 1 'I'"J?LI?'j-jj Runaway. R /COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW \j District a Negro Boy, who says his namo is JOHN, and that ho belongs to Robert Oliver, of || Georgetown, S C. j Said Boy is Ave feot five or six inches high, will i weigh 150 or 00 pounds, bad on an old black coat, and .j grey satinott pants, and a Confederate hat, made o II wire grass. The ownor is requested to come forward prove property, pav ox ponces and take him away. { * DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. J March 6 y ? r r^> ? tf "3 s*? 2 O ig- 55 * ^ ' M P g o 5 5* ; i ? ? 2 > O M S ^ ^ S 55 ? o s: 5 e J? O S r o 5 w UaB r 525 ~ 59b 0 ~ ^ S cs I. o "0 *2 3 O 3 ? s o w o g" 3 2 3 r ; > ? s 5 I _ e l I 3 > >5 n ** ~ " ^ . g3 * 5 H o .o 9 z2 ^ ^ CTJ ' Sr ^ h h . 3 ? 2 ST* 2 g 3 - 2' > '*' = ? o H J_J gjj r E sr - 5 O mm j; W s p g ?s a ? H 3, 2 ^ > <"5> a = 2 2 | O ? 3 2 ' ! ^ S* H 2 iJ i-l ss LJ " : h 2! ? 2 ? O W 3 ? ~ ? O yrf 2 ^ 3 H 3 ?N 5 S H s ; ^ ^ d *55 5 * o- ? ?5 B 3* ? ? g. ? a -3 Wanted?Wool! ' 17*011 WHICH TilK HIGHEST PRICE WILL RE ] X paid. ?ALSO? COTTON AND WOOLEN' HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McCURRY & HAMMERSLAUGH'S. 3? ?H *ri 8 r/> tt 2 ? 2 tr a e- q o 2 ? 5 W fe ' 95 r r ? ts ?, ? : 5 ? ? 3 g M ? 2 25 ^ 2 s? " w > H 2 fed ? a cj B f*? ! s g s ?a E- >?i /~N . H " Q >rr; ?* P^n! |_J i 2 B g s y R $ ? 5 ^ H " aj ^ 5' ? W 3 i?5 H Is ii v a J sg 3 0p ? ?. o GO n H 3 ? e-* ? ^ 2 d 2 ? l i> i ! S w 5 f*i H S g ? ^ E 3 ^ :?r ? I-1 i s J8 b, 1 o ci g M 3 fc? h s g % * f * 8 j y T > ? ? a ? ^ r/3 <* " 55 g i a = > > 2. u ^ M * ?S <2. 33 ira _ CD Ua ^ ^ A . O tJ P3 ? . ? ?-? CC e, 115 ,. | -2 n = s-S 9 e y I S3 h i 2. W Tobacco and Shoe Thread SHOE THREAD AND FINE CHEWING AND Smoking Tobacco? ^ ?ALSO J 600 vards Colored Twilla. For sale at t.ho " Olrl Comer:" E. W. BONNEYT" > - South Carolina?Kershaw District. s BY A. L. MCDONALD, ES&UIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS CYNTHIA L. GASKIN, APPLIED to me for Letters of Administration on all and d singular tho goods and chatties, rights .and credits of >- Hunsom Goskin, lato of the District aforesaid, deceased ; These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, flie kindred and creditors of tho said deceased to i?eand appear before me at our noxt Ordinary's burt for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw ' ourt House on tho 3d day of October next, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 17th day t of September, in the yoar of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-tbroo and in tho oighty-oighth b year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. 9ep*rnh?r 18 2 A. L. MoDONALD, O. X. ?. South Carolina?Kershaw DIM He I. BT A. L. MCDONALD, HQVIKB, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, WILLIAM.R. TAYLOR APPLIED to me for Letters or Ad mintstratftm on allahd singular the goods and chatties, righto and credits ol Win. M. Bollock, late of the District aforesaid, tieceased : . These aro, therefore, to cjte and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of tha said deceas- W ed to bo and appear before me at our next Ordinary's | Court lor tho said District, to bo liolden at Kershaw V Court Houso on the 28th day of September inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this eighth day 1 of September, iu the year of our Lord ouo thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, ar.d in the eighty* eichtli vear of the ludoDendonon and Sovereignty of tho State of South Carolina. alkx. l Mcdonald, o. k. d. September 11 2 New FlourA FRESH SUPPLY OF EXTRA FINE FAMI1 \ LY FLOUR, juut received and for sale at tho "Old Conier," by E. \V. BONNEY. July 10 South-Carolina?Kershaw District In JEqulty. ( Thomas Lang, vs. Edward M. Boykin and Mary C., his wife, Sallio W. Boykin, Ilairict M. j Lang, John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Sam'L Vi. L. Lang, Cornelia A. Lang anu Edward 1). Lang.?Bill of Supplement find Revivor. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John C, Lang, Theodore Lang and Cornelia A. Lang, and her infant son Edward B. Lang, four of the above named defendants, reside ucyond the limits of the Stnte of South Carolina?on motion of Richardson & Gay, complainant's Solicitors, it is ordered that the said John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang, do appear and and plead answer or demur to the said bill of supplmcnt and revivor on or before the 18th day of September next, or tike same will be taken pro con/esso against them. And it is further ordered that this order be published for three months before the time above appointed for the appearance of said defendants in the Camden Confederate, a newspaper published in the town of Camden. W. R. TAYLOR, C. E. K. D. Commissioners Office, June 9th A. D, 1863. June 12 3m Fancy Soaps &c JUST RECEIVED AT THE "OLD CORNER' Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Needles, llair Pins Knitting Needles. Pins. Shoe Thread. Black and "Wliito Spool Cotton, Black Flax Thread, Black Sewing Silk, Matches, Pearl Buttons, Ac May 8 E. W. bonnet. New Goods. JUST OPENED, aT THE " OLD CORNER,4 Printed Muslins; also, Tnpos, Pins. Hooks and Eyes, and colored serpentine Braids, Ac., thai has just run the blockade. E. W. BONNET: July 3 .A_la"bama Fire Insurance COMPANY. T^HK Undersigned, as Agent lor tno above South1 cm Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. Novenibor 1 "W. L. DePASS. RAGS?RAGS! 1 ft ftftft P0UNDS GOOD CLEAN LINEN 1U,UUU and Cotton Hags wanted immediately at the Confederate Office, fcrr which the highest marke price will be paid. Notice All persons wuohavf claims against Hardy Thorn, deceased, will please present the same auiy attested to wm. K. Taylor, my Attorney; and all persona indebted to said deceased will pleaao make payment of their respective indebtedness at atv early day. HENRY THORN, Administrator of Hardy Thorn, dec'd. October 2 3 Cloth, Lard, Seed Rye, etc. SUPERIOR COUNTRY LARD. CHOICE SYRUP, Pepper, Seed Rye, Salt, and one piece Orey Uniform Cl<>tli for sale at the "Old Corner." Ociober 2 E. W BONNEY.. Removal. The undersigned has removed his Store from tho "Old Brick Corner" to tho establishment formerly occupied by Mr Wni. C. Gerald, Jr#, two doors below McCurry & Hamraerslaugh's store. July 24 T. M MYERS. Notice. I A fT DtfDCAVTO II A TfTVfi /IT ttitn a -r. . AXJu 1 ixwv/iia iia ? 1?U VlJ/lliUi') AUAIjKKT tho estate of W. C. Workman, deceased, will present them to mo, property attested. Those indebted to the ostato will make immediate payment to tbo undorsigned. W.WALLACE, Adm'r. Soptember 11 _ 2 For Sale. Avery desirable residence, in kir?wood. The house contains 9 Rooms and two in tho basement?Closets, Dressing Rooms and Pantr y. J All necessary out-buildings and a good well of w?te r. Tho lot contains 5 acres. For particulars, apply to W. D. Anderson, at the Branch Bank. Soptomber 11