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??^????""'jynr* SCHOOL NOTICE. THE EXERCISES OF MRS. PECK'S SCHOOL, tor Boys, will be resumed the ft rut Moudry in October in tho Academy next to the Presbyterian Church. Terms, Fifty Dollars for tho session, closing on tho tlrst of July next. Paynblo invariably iu advance. September IS li % 1 1 1 1 * ' HEDICAL NOTICE. DR. UEENSTJERNA has romoved bis offtco to tho building occupied by Messrs. Hanuuerelough A McCurrv, and offers his prolessional services to tho public. September 18 TO THE TAX PAYERS OF KERSHAW I>1S'B UICT. 1 WILL ATTEND AT MY OFFICE ON TUESDAY'S, WEDNESDAYS and THURSDAY'S o each week, commencing on Tuesday next, the 22d inst, until the 24th of October, for the purpose of collecting tlio money ou the returns made. All who fail to pay will be Double Taxed. A.. M. KKNM l'.DY, T.C. 17th U. D. September 18 3 T1X 1ft lilM). TF1K UNDERSIGNED ARE FUKPAIIKD TO I receive returns for so mticli of the present crop as has been secured at this time. Wm. McKAIN, Assessor. J. A. SOU ROCK, As't. Assessor. October 2 TAX PAYKRSTAKK NOTICE. ALL PERSONS IX KERSHAW OR 17th COLlection District S, C., who have a Registered Business aro required within ten days after tho first of October, 18GS, to make a return of tjie gross amount of sales made from the lirst of Jul\ last to 1st of ctober, and pay the per centago upot the same. A M. KENNEDY, War Tax Col. 17th C. D. October 2 3 m FOR SALE, T\V<> HOUSES ON MAIN 8 I UKET, IMMKDIntely south ol Mr. Geo. ^Idea's shoo store. Tho one is a large Store House, and tho other a small Shop, containing two rooms. Passcssion to ho given on tlio tirst o' Junua'-y, 13G4. For t urtlief particulars apply at this ollice. October 1) "3 PROCLAMATION. > STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, [ Columbia, S. C. Oct. 4. 18G3. ) W II ERF AS, MAJOR C. D. MELTON, "Commandant of Conscripts," under the Confederate Government, for the Slate of South Carolina, issued, on the first of October, instant, an order requiring "all persons who have hitherto been withheld from conscription by reason of claiming exemption under the laws of the State," "to report to the Enrolling Officers of their respective Districts to he enrolled for serving " ami vvhr?rr?nc it ic brdil iiv tin. kyciMitiVf of the State, that all exemptions from military service provided for by the Convention of this State and other competent Slate authority? are valid in law?and should be insisted on, of which notice has from time to time been given to the Commandants of Conscriots : Now, therefore, I, MILLEDGE L. BON 11 AM, Governor and Commander-in-Chief, do direct all citizens of this State, holding exemptions from the Adjutant General's Office and otherwise exempt by the laws of this State, to claim their exemptions from Confederate service before the Enrolling Officers of the Confederate Government, and to notify the Adjutant Genera! of the State of such claim to the end that the question may be submitted for the decision * of some competent legal tribunal. , Given under my hand and the seai oftho State [l. s.] at Columbia, this fourth day of October A. !>., 1862, and in the eighty-eight year of the sovereignty ol the Jhtate. M. L. DONIIAM, Wm.1v. IIuntt Sec., of State. jC3T Tri -weekly papers publish three times and other papers once a week. Oct. 9 3 Notice All persons having demands against the Estate of I'hos J. Warren, deceased, will present them to me, properly attested, and ah persons indebted to the Estate will make payment forthwith to undersigned. W. Z LEITNKR, Administrator. October ^ 3 For Sale. TWO STORE HOUSE- AND LOTS, WITH Dwelling Rooms on second floor of each, situated on tho most desirable spot on Broad street, for business. .The lots run some 90 feet \n frout by 250 back. Also, one lot containing thereon a large Cotton House, situated on Rutledge street, 90 feet in front by 250 back. For further particulars apply to Mr Wm. li. Billings, in Camden, or to Capt. D. D. Perry, at Flat Rock, S. C. September 25 - - * - at: * r/- * ? - ' STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ' adj't and in8pector qdnehae8 office. ) Oolfmhia, pet. 5, 18G3. ) GENERAL ORDERS NO. 37. 1 IN PURSUANCE OF AN ACT OF THE | * General Assembly entitled "An Act to ; provide for volunteer companies of Mounted Ini fan try and for other purposes," ratified on the ; 30th of September, 1803, volunteer companies of Mounted Infantry wilj .be accepted for State service, to consist of not less than sixty-four (04) and not more than (100) men, exclusive of commissioned officers. Persons of any age, provided they are able-bodied, will be allowed to volunteer in companies that are accepted, will not be enrolled for active service under paragraph VII of this order. If *a sufficient number of said companies are offered and accepted, they will he organized into battalions i ami regiments. II. All nelsons liable to enrollment under the Act referred to, viz: "All white male per sons in this State between the ages of eighteen and forty five, including, persons who have fumishcJ substitutes in Confederate service, resident aliens, and other persons who have avoided Confederate conscription by reason of any civil employment, contract or engagement and excluding all who have been declared ex empt from actual military service beyond the limits of the Districts in which they reside, by an Act of the General Assembly, ratified on the Oth day of February, 1803," are hereby required to report their names and ages to the commanding officers of their respective beat companies on or before the day on which their respective regiments are hereinafter ordered to assemble. III. In addition to the enrollment of the persons mentioned fit the proceeding paragraph of this order, for the purpose of obtaining an accurate return of the arms-bearing population of the State and their ages, all white males between the ages of sixtecu and eighteen and forty five and sixty are required to be enrolled as hereinafter directed. IV. For the purpose of securing said enrollment asfspeedily as possible, the Militia Regiment of the State, embracing all persons between the ages above stated |between sixteen and sixty years,] are ordered to assembly at their usual places of parade at the times hereinafter stated. * V. Before the day appointed fcr the parade of the regiments, the commanding officers of beat companies, the officer at home 'highest in rank, will prepare lists of the names of persons within their respective beats directed to en rolled, designating on the lists the ages of each person, those having substitutes in Confederate service, and resident aliens, and if exemption troti) service l?e claimed, stating the ground on which it is claimed. VI. On the day on which the regiments shall parade, the commanding oflieers ot coinpanics will return said list? to the commanding officers of the respective regiments, who will return the same to the Aid-de-catnp of his Excellency the Governor, who will be in attendance with the Enrolling Offiecr appointed for the District, to receive and verify said returns, and to note and report all persons who may make default in attending said parades for trial by court martial. VII. From the effective men betwen the ages of eighteen and forty-fivo years, enrolled as aforesaid, companies, [one or more of artillery] battalions and regiments, will be organized bv the Governor and commander-in-Chief, the commissioned officers, company and field, to he elected by the men at such tunes, places and in such manner as he may direct. VIII. Two or more of the companies will be accepted as cavalry and armed as such, and one company of artillery with a battery of four pieces will be organized, to consist of not less than eighty nor more than one hundred men, exclusive of commissioned officers. IX. The troops thus raised I bv volunteering # . L O or compulsory levy] will "be called out at the discretion of the Governor" to "repel Actual or threatened raids of the enemy within this State," and " will be kept in the field so long as he may deem it necessary for the public safely," and will "be discharged from actual service whenever in his judgement the actual necessity for such service has ceased," the organization, however, not to be dissolved by being withdrawn from the field. X. The regiments will parade for the purpose stated in paragraph IV of this order at their usual parade grounds, at the times hcreinotter appointed, to wit: , first Brigade. 42d Regiment, Anderson District, on Thursday, Oct. i 5, inst. 2d Regiment, Dickens-District, on Saturday, Oct. 17, instant. 1 6th Regiment, Pickens District, on Mon- ' day, Oct 19, inst. 1st Regiment, Greenville District, on Thurs- < day, Oct. 22, inst. I - " ' . * T555 -j l ... ? ..i.jj i.. .... v 3d Regiment, Greenville District, on Sat^k day. Oct. 24, inst. 4th Regiment, Anderson District, on McV day, Oct. 26, inst. Second Brigade. Gth Regiment. Abbeville District, on Satur-M clay, Oct. 35, insi. 8th Regiment, Abbeville District, on Satur-$* day, Oct. 17, inst. mm 9th Regiment, Edgefield District, on Mon- j day, Oct 19, inst. 10th Regiment, Edgefield District, on ? Wednesday, Oct. 22, inst. 7th Regiment, Edgefield District, on Friday, Oct. 23, inst. Third Brigade. 11th Regiment, Barnwell District on Thursday, Oct. 15, inst. 43d Regiment, Barnwell District, on Satur- 1 dafr, Oct. 17, inst. ( 12th Regiment, Beaufort District, on Mon- ( day, Oct. 10, inst. I 13th Regiment, Colleton District, oti Saturday, Oct. 23, inst. i \ 14th Regiment, Orangeburg District, on j Saturday, Oct 24, inst. ] 15th Regiment, Orangeburg and Lexington , District, on Monday, Oct. 20, inst. ^ Fourth Brigade. . % ' t 10th Regiment, Charleston, on Monday | i Oct. 12, inst. 18th Regiment, Charleston and Colleton' Districts, on Thursday, Oct. 15, inst. 19th Regiment, Charleston District, on Sat- * urday, Oct. 17, inst. i Fifth Brigade. 1 23d Regiment, Kchiland District, on Monday, Oct. 12, inst. 22d Regiment, hiershaw District, on Wednes- ( day, Oct. 14, inst. 44tli Regiment, Clarendon District, on Saturday, Oct. 17, inst. ' 20th Regiment, Sumter District, on Monday, Oct. 19, inst. 21st Regiment, Lancaster District, on Thurs- ( day, Oct. 22, inst. Sixth Brigade. 25th Regiment, Fairfield District, on Tuesday, Oct. 13, inst. 24th Regiment, Fairfield District, on Thursday, Oct. 15, inst. 20th Regiment, Chester District, on Saturday, Oct. 17, inst. 27th Regiment, Chester District, on Tuesday, Oct. 20, inst. Seventh Brigade. 20th Regiment, Darlingtnn District, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, inst. 28th Regiment, Chesterfield District, oir Saturday, Oct. 17, inst. s 30th Regiment, Marlboro District, on Tiies-. day, oct. 20, inst.. Eighth Brigade. 31st Regiment, Williamsburg and Georgetown Districts, on Thursday, Oct. 15, inst. 32d Regiment, Marion District, on Saturday,1 Oct. 17, inst. 33d Regiment, Horry District, on Tuesday, Oct. 20, inst. Ninth Brigade. 46th Regiment, York District, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, inst. 64th Regiment, York District, on Friday, Oct. 16, inst. 1 85th Regiment, Union District, on Monday, i Oct. 10, inst. 37th Regiment, Spartanburg District, on p Wednesday, Oct. 21, inst. 36th Regiment, Spartanbng District, on Fri-' day, Oct. 23, inst., 1 Tenth Brigade. 45th Regiment, Spartanburg and Won Districts, on Wednesday, Oct. 14, inst. 41st Regiment, Laurens District, on Friday, Oct. 10, inst. * 40th Regiment, Laurens District, on Saturday, Oct. 17, inst. 38th Regiment, Newberry District, on Monday, Oct. 19, inst. * 39th Regiment, Newberry District, on Wed- i? ncsday, Oct. 21, inst. ^ XI. Col. J. W. Harrison, A, D. C., is assign- I ed to the special duty of attending the parades in the 1st Brigade, and superintending the en- B rollmcnt hereinbefore directed; Col. J. N. Lip- ? scomb, A. T). C., in the id Brigade; Col. A. P. Aldrich, A. D. C., in the 3d Brigade; Col. Wil- _ ? n tv.u a *rv r\ j.i - iiiv/u >" i/uoniivui'V( n> 17. v.;., Ill UIC 4111 nrig- I adc; Col. J. II. Borkin, A. T). C., in the 6th Brigade; Col. C. F. Hampton, A. D. C., in the Gvh Brigade; Col. W. H. Evans, A. T). C., in * the 7th Brigade; Col. J. R. Sparkman, A. I). C., in the 8th Brigade; Col. R. G. McCaw, A. D. C., in the 9th Brigade; and Col. W. D. Simpson, A. D. C., in the 10th Beigade; to whom Rl the commanding officers of regiments will k make returns on tho day of parade, and render ol every assistance in making the required enroll- P' ment. L( XII. The commanding ofiiccrs of regiments rt will promptly extend so much of this order as is necessary for assembling thoir regiments and procuring the lists of persons belonging to beat companies as hereinbefore required. XIII. General Orders No. 36 are hereby of countermanded, and papers will cease to publish the same. < * berate. NUMBER 51 Farewell Addm< of Llcul. (den. Leoulduft Polk. I'o thk Officers and Soldieuh of Polk's Coups. Ueado'ks Polk's Coups, Tenn., j) Missionary Ridge, r Sept. 30tli, 1863. ) . In consequence unfortunate disagree went. between myself and the Comma nder-mChicf of this Department, I have been relieved >f my command, and am about to retire from lie Army.?Without attempting to explain lie ciicumstances of this disagreement, or prciiidicing the public mind, by a premature appeal to its judgment, ! must be permitted to sxpress my unqualified conviction of the rectitude of my conduct and that time and investigation will amply vindicate my action on the Held of the Chickamauga. 1 cannot, however, part even temporarily with the gallant officers and soldiers of my old Corps, without the deepest feeling of regret and a heartfelt expression of my gratitude for the courage, conduct and devotion they have always manifested while under my command, Belmont, Shiloh. Perryvillef Murfreesbor[>ugh and Chickamauga, all attest on your part the very highest soldierly qualities, and are crowded with precious memories. Contending with a numcrour, well appointed and merciless enemy, for all that mar. holds dear you have borne unexampled privations with fortitude, fought with undaunted bravery, and ever yielded a ready and cheerful obedience to your officers. Soldiers who struggle in such a cause and with such hearts "can never be conquered.'* Clouds and darkness may enshroud you for a time, but the sunlight of the future is bright and glowing, the blood of patriots is never shed in vain, and our final victory is certain and as snrcd. m Whoever commands you, my earnest exhortation and request to you is, to fight on and fight ever, with true hearts until your independence is achieved.?Thousands of hearts may fall crushed and bleeding under the weapons of the foe, or the passions or mistakes of friends, but the great cause must never be sacrificed, or our Hag abandoned. Our cause is " just and your duty to your country and God is as clear as the sun in the heavens. 1 leave my command in the care of the bravest of the brave, who has often led them in the darkest hour of their trials; he and you will have my hopes and prayers to the Iiuler of the Universe for your happiness and success. Your kindness, devotion and respect for me exhibited during the years of our association both iti camp and on the field is graven on my i.i .?11 t_ _ . i ,i ?:i noari ana win ue treasuruu uicru uum iv ova to beat. Your friend, School Notice. THE EXERCISES OF MRS, McCANDH T Ess' School will be resumed on the 1st IrafflK Monday in Oetober. No scholar will be received after the middle of October, unlets detained by icknen*. No scholar will be received unless the parents are rilling that the pupil may be subjected 16 en examlation on the sevornl stadiea pursued. TERMS?Kor the 1st. td and 3d classes, $100, with lie privilege of emdyinf the French language and piteraturs. For the lower classes, $60 per year for the English branches. Tuition half payable in advance?insisted upon in II en*?u September 11 SCHOOL NOTICE. y?^ TUB KXBRCISK8 OK MR McCAKDifrirla^ LESS' SCHOOL will be resumed on the TOfjBPs 1st October, and will coniinuo until July 1st, 1864?allowing a ai-ort vacation at Christmas. Terms, $17f> lor each pupil?cash in advance. This ill be insisted upon in oach case. Children of refuses will be charged $19 per month. Fuel $2 each, one will bo admitted into the school after tho 21st p October. In case of suspension or expulsion no art of the tuition foe will be refun .ed. Entrance indition the same as usual. Parents or guardians knowing themselves in ar>ars for tuition, aro earnestly requestod to settle up> September 4 6 \ _ DR. JOHN MfCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS Camden and surrounding country. .Offlco two doore above the Branch Bank, Camden > Ca. January Sfi