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# * maas&arwr^rmiMaBsamatmp*mmm~***rmrr!T l)f Cawiicn (Joufeicrfitc AT, THRKE DOLLARS A YEAU, PAYABLE INVARIABLY HALF-YEARLY IN ADVANCE Terms fop Advertising: For ono Square?twelve lines or leas?TWO DOLLARS for tho first insertion, and ONK DOLLAR AND rIKTV CIONS for each subsequent. Obituary Notices, oxceeding one Square, charged lo at advertising rates. Trilllflinnt. 4flviu^icaimmlo Tr?L . lfTTOm Tilfl - . ? - - % ? vixviuuiibo <11111 tJVJIJ IT 1/1IV Di!i PAID FOR IN ADVANCE. Nodoductiou made, excopt to our regular advertising ! patrons. 4 J. T. HEESHMAN, Editor. j FRIDAY, OCTOBER O, 1663. j A Proposition. - 1 Wo would especially call the attention of our readers to the communication, over the signature of"A Soldier," to be found in another O ' column. Should not every patriotic heart respond to such an appeal, and feel proud to know it his privilege to contribute to so holy a cause. The author is one who has contributed largely to the wants of poor sufferers, whenever called on, and knows well the present destitute condition of our half clad, half starved poor, of whom there are many in our District. Read the communication, open your purses and relieve this destitution, and God will bless you accordingly. Our European Rotation*. The latest advices from Europe announces that Mr. Mason has notified Earl Ui ssell of his purpose to withdraw from England. Thus ends the second chapter in the history of our efforts to obtain a recognition of our indepen dcncc 011 the part of tlie British government. The commission appointed by the Provisional Congrcaa, consisting of Messrs. Yancy, Post and Ma^i*, constituting the first. Every one in our Confederacy will commend this tardy vindication of our dignity on the part of Mr. Masoi. For more than two long years the claims of this country have been persistently brought to the notice of England, and its attention called, at the same time, to the innumerable breaches of international law, and violation* of the articles of the treaty of Paris, perpetioted by the Yankee, to the injury of British ooromerce. Those claims have been not only disregarded, but treated with ill-concealed di?espect. Those illegal acts have been submitted to, with tainencss. Now, at length, our Commissioner knocks the dust of England from off his feet, and our earnest hope is, that no official from our government may again pries her soil until Eugland has first sent an ambassador to Richmond, bearing the long delayed and (coming as it will under the circumstances) ungraceful announcement of recognition by her. It is usual, in our ideas and feelings towards Great Britain, to discriminate between the ?5riti6ti government and the British people, and. whilst the hostility of the former is admitted, we flatter ourselves that we have the ardent sympathy ot the latter. It may be so, but we doubt it. When we consider the popular character of the British constitution, that the ministry must act in accordance with the views of a majority of the House of Commons, and that the members of that House arc elected by the people, how is it that that ministry is so antagonistic to the current of British popular sentiment? How is it that the advocates of the Confederacy, in tbe House of Commons, have, upon every occasion, made so sirmll a show when its affairs were " up" ? True, Mr. Laird builds rams and Blakklt casts guns for us. But for these services we pay a sound figure, and if there is, over and above this, a balance due from us for sympathy, its liquidation would not cost much, even if paid to them in Confederate Treasury Notes. Again wc saywe are glad Mr. Mason has left England, and (as doubtless the Confederacy is as independant of her as she is of the Confederacy) let us abstain from any similar attempts to open up official intercourse, until in good time England sees fit first to ask it. News from Richmond. Richmond, Oct, 5.?Magruder's order, dated September 0, announcing to his army the great victory at Sabine Pass, has been received here. He says: The results of this gallant action arc the capture of two fine gunboats, 15 heavy y ins, over 200 prisoners, (among them the ^mmandor of the fleet,) with 150 of the cnemv killed and wounded, while, on our aide, not a man was lost or a gun injuried. \ ? * Scarcity of Beading Mutter. To th? mind of every intelligent reader, nud wo have many, it is self-evident that a nows. paper cannot live in a healthy condition, it at all, without a fair advertising patronage; and knowing that fact, wc shall offer no apology for the scarcity of reading matter in this issue? as tho paper is filled with new advertisements, amongst which will he found some very inter" csting orders irom government, in which a great many of our friends are especially interested at this time. We have been forced to leave out several obituaries, and other advertismeuts. which will appear next week. However, our country friends will find the latest news from the seat of war, up to the hour of going to press last night. AckiiowW'tigi'incni. The Aid Association acknowledge the following donations for. the month of September: A handsome picture presented by Miss Ilymes?it can be s?*en Dr. Young's store; a vase of flowers, bv Mi-s < Tesnut; a band! some knit* oountci-p-.o- ..-sentcd by Miss , Neilo; a flybrush I" ??'<< from CharleSj ton, rattled and won Mr. Youngbluth; 3 ; pair socks, from Miss \j.; 2 pair socks and 6 hanks knitting cot'on, from Miss C.; 10 hanks cotton, Miss Cantev ; 1 pair socks, from Miss II 910 from Mrs. T. J. Ancrum. [FOR \llK CAMDEN CONFEDERATE.] Mr. Editor : In consideration of the ne1 _ . cossities of th( families of soldiers in Kershaw ihstrici, the depreciation of the currency and the prospects of the continuance of the war, I | propose to he one of any number of farmers and 1 planters to contribute one bale of cotton and fi fty bushels of co? n, to relieve the wants of : these families, and others who may require assistance. It is due that we should exert ourselves for those who have sent their husbands* sons and fathers to the tented Held, that they should not be permitted to suffer for their patriotism. It should he a pleasure to every : lover of his country to do everything in his power to contribute to their welfare. It is a time for liberality of purse as well as blood. The cotton is equivalent to gold, and can be exchanged for goods at a low price. The corn will support them. The Ladies' Aid Associations of the district require this aid to enable them to prosecute, with success, their heaven-born labors. With untiring zeal they have devoted their best energies since the commencement of the war, not only to the families of the soldiers, but to tho soldier himself; and the benediction pronounced on their devoted , efforts attest the very high appreciation in j which these efforts are held. They have cotij tribr.ted by tbeir influence and energies to susI tain the cause under every circumstance : and it i? the duty oi the men of the country to endorse their action. Those who concur in this proposition will 'find a list a' th-.' office of tho Camden Confederate. L't lltos!" ? ! <) ennrot contribute cotton or cortif subscribe money. A Soldier. lmpertaaii from <iiatitniootfa. THE RIVER RISING ? EXPLOITS OF WHEELER ? BRAGG OPENS HIS ItATTKRIKS UP N THE PoBIj TICKS OF ROSECHANJS, ETC. j MlSSlONAY JtlDGE, via ClUCKAMAUGA, Oct. 1 5.? We opened fire upon Cl.uianooga at 11, a. m., from Lookout and three other points along our line. Our shells are cxploiding in the midst of their camps ami in the city, setting fire to a house. The enemy replied brisk i ly to our mortars on Lookout Point from Morj rison's Point, and feebly from the star fort and casemated fort. The firing still continues I It is reported that Wheeler has captured and burned a Yankee train of 500 wagons in the Sequatchie Valley. (Later ) Missionary Ridge, via Ciiickamauoa, Oct. 6.- The. Tennessee "vcr is rising rapidly. It has swept awav Kosecrans' lower pontoon bridge, and has submerged his trestlework bridge. Prisoners and deserters confirm the news of tbe capture of the wagon train by wheeler. Major S. P. Smithell, Chief Quartermaster of Longstrect's corps, died last night of diptheria. Colonel Joe Lewis, of the Oth K-ntn lev, has been appointed to command Pelms' brigade. ' Colonel A. S. Smith has hecn aisignod to the command of the 31 and 5th ( nntederates brigades (Preston Smith's brigade.) There has been no firing on either side up to 11 s, m., this lhorning. "TV! ." v fe Tlie Siege?Attack on the enemy's Fleet. The small hours of Tuesday mornjng were marked l>y a very gallant and eneonraging, though only partially successful, attack on the enemy's fleet. Of the character of detail?, of the attacking expedition we deem it In-st for the present to bo silent, and we are requested by the military authorities to extend to the Southern newspapers elsewhere the request to omit all mention of any definite intelligence that may reach them in reference to the affair* We can only inform our readers that the Yankee iron-dads frigate Ironsides is believed to have been injuried, though she still rode at her usual at.choiago yesterday afternoon. Our only loss in the attack was two missing?including Lieut. Glassell, of the C. S. steamer Chi com. The operations ??f the hostile forces on the islands progress silently, comparatively few shells being now exchanged. The Yankee working parties seem to have grown accustomed to our shelling, for they certainly pay very little attention to our fire.?Mcrcury of Wednesday. Special HSI"otices. KRKSIIAW LODGI1 HO. 20, A. F. HI. A STATED COMMUNICATION OF THIS LODGE will be held on Tuesday evening, 13tli inst., at 1-2 past 7 o'clock. I3y order of the W. M. October 9 J AS. JONES, Sec'ty. SMIOOL HOTICE. THE REV. L. R, ST A U DEN MAY KR "WILL commence the duties of his school on Monday next, tho 12th October, in the School Room, next "to the Presbyterian Church. Term- for the scholastic year of, 9 months, for the English branches and Mathematics, $100.00. For the English branches, Mathematics and Classics, 130 00 Half of the tuition money payable on entering, the second half at the middle of the session. No deductions can be made, except to children of refugee parents, who may l?avo town S ?ch will be charged from $. 1.50 to $13.50 per month. October 9 2 IMSTltlt T Ol FI< EKS. THE DELEGATION OF KERSHAW DISTRICT to the Legislature, give notice, that tho members the following District Boards will have to bo re-nppointed at the ensuing session. They ask, therefore, that the names of the present members, new members and all vacancies may bo reported to them before the session : . 12 Commissioners of Roads. 8 Commissioners of Free Schools. 7 Commissioners of Public Buildings. 6 Commissioners to Approve Public Sureties. 24 Managers of Elections?3 to each Box. 10 Magistrates. October 9 llEADQUAItTEItb. COMMISSARY GKN'LS DKP'T, S C, [ Columbia, Oct 6, 18U3. ) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE "BOARDS of Soldier's Relief" th oughout the State, that they will be supplied ns hcre'ofore with Oceon Salt for distribu* tiou to needy families ofsoldie s at cost and expenses* on application to this Department. By ord? r of the Governor RICHARD CALDWELL. Lieut. Col and i ommissary Gon'l >taio of South Carolina. ?3?? All papers ir. the St i e insert once, and send bills in duplicate with opy o* auvertisemetit attach* d, to tins office tor < yiri?-i?; Bills paid quarterly. Oct. 9 1 soutsa ? a **<:>;. *? * .uilitauy >\ i ABEtll. BY OKDKR OF T1IK GoVKKNOR. AI'PUC HJ.xS F.)l< APPOINTMENT TO THE 1 South Carolina Military Academy under iho annexed' i resolution ol tin General Assembly must bo transmitled to General James Jones, Chairman ol' the Board ol | Visitors, Columbia, S C., before the 25th of November next. The applicant must state the District of his residence, his uge and height, (if the son of a deceased officer or soldier,) the service of his father, and when and how he died. If the applicant claims appoint ment for his own gallantry on the tield of battle, the statement must be supported by the certificates of the officers under 1 whom he served in battle 1 I "ftesob id, That his Excellency the Governor be, and ho is hereby, authorized to select one youih from each Congressional District in this State, sons of officers or soldiers of the army of or olficers or men of tho navy . of the Confederate States, who, during the existing .war, have died in battle, or who have died of disease, contracted either by wounds or exposure, or wlio, not being sons ol officers or soldiers, are under the age of j twenty .years, and have behaved with gallantry on the , field of buttle, who shall be placed in one or other of the Military Institutions ol tin* State, to be educated at tho charge of a grateful country." 1 Com mbia, Octobers, 1863. I gjgT Every newspaper in this state publish once a I week for two weeks. Oct. 9 ? w -1 * - < \ \ EXCHANGE NOTICE NO. ?. The following confederate officers ami n>on captured at Vicksburg, Mississippi, July 4th. 18G3, ana aubedquently,paroled, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby eo declared 1. The officers and men of General 0. L. Stevenson's division. 2. Tho officers und men of General Bowen's division. 3. The officers and men of Brigadier General Moore's 1 Brigudo. j 4. The officors and men of the Sccend Texas Regi*. ' meat. j 6. The officers and men of Wauls Legion. G. Also, all Confederate officers and mon who have been delivered at City Point at any time previous to July 25th, 1863, have been duly exchanged, and are hereby so declared. ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchange. Southern pipe s copy six times and send accounts to the War Department. October 9 .6 "" FOR SALE, rpWO OR THREE VALUABLE HOUSE SERJL vants, sold only for the purpose of entrenchment. Apply at this office. October 9 3 STRAYED OR STOLEN, ^ 1?R0M THE PREMISES P THE SUBSCRIBER, ono Milch Cow and two Yearling Hellers, during the month of April last. The marks half crop on the nnder part of the ear; also, a split and under bit. The color of tho caw is red, the yearlings red and white. One steer, dark brindle, inotly face. $30 Reward will be paid for their delivery at. this place. D. T. BRADLEY, Flat Rock. October 9 9 South Carolina?Kershaw District. BY A. L. MCDONALD, KSM'IRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, WM. R TAYLOR APPLIED to ino for Letters of .Wdminisirution on all and singular the goods and chatties, riglns and credits of Levy Holland, late of the District atoresaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, tho kindred and creditors ol the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District, to bo lioldcn at Kershaw Court lloilHfi on l.lin ROtll liav of Oolnhnp Itml to show cause, it* any, why iho said administration . should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 8th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-eighth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina September 11 2 A. L. MoDONALD, O. K. D. notice. All persons ark hereby forewarned not to trade for two not?-s given by John Blackwell to Alexander McDaniel, ou Fedruary 20, 1861, tor $250 each?one made payable in January of 1862, the other to be paid January 1863. October 9 3 MARY BLACK.WELL, Adm'tx. Soulli Carolina ? Kershaw District. By order of a. l MoDONALD, ordinary for Kershaw District, will be sold on the first Monday in November next, eighty-two acres of land. | more <?r les?, lying and being on the head wateis of Mill Creek, ill the eastern jxart of Kershaw District? late the property of l. S. Mixon, deceased. Terms cash. a. l. mcdonald, o k. d. October 9 9 South Carolina? Ker*huw District. BT A. L. MCOOKALD. KaQL'IKU, JUD1NAKT. 1 \\J II ERE AS, ALEX. J. HAILK APPLIED TV to nie for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ot James L. llailc, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the muid deceae eti 10 ne ana appear belore me at our next Ordinary's Court tor the said District, to he hohlen at Kershaw , Court House on the 24th day of October inst., I to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he pranti d Given under my Hand and Seal, this oighth day o( October, in the year of our Lord one thousand j eiirht hundred and sixty-three, and in the eightyeiglnh year of the Independence and >overoignty of the State of South Carolina. alkx. l Mcdonald, o. k. r>. October 9 2 LOST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the post office at camdon, October 1, 1863: A. M. Anderson, Susan McCaskjll, jr., John Anderson, Mrs. Nancy Miller, Miss Magpie 13. Micaol, Miss Margaret Bomer, Mrs P. * Bt'Oier. Mrs F C Peck, Jacob \ Brown, Joel H Sanders, Mrs Thos O 3 C. Edwards, Mary Campbell, W R Stark, Col Pinkney Campbell. B L Satigue, Eliza Carr, Martha W. Chimplin, Mary Walker, Vlavandy 3 Coward, Miss Mary Walker, Joseph F G. Wilson. Miss Marv J Gooden, John 2 Warren. Miss Mary 2 Persons calling, will ploaso say they are advertised. October 9 2 lit the Court of Ordinary.?Kershaw OMriet. Tn the matter of the Estnte of of Samuel Herron, deceased?Final Settlement. I AMES E RODGERS, ADMINISTRATOR de bonis non of Samuel llerron, deceased, having applied t? have a final settlement of.the e-tato of his ' in'estate, the following named Heirs and distributees are hereby ordered to appear in this < ourt on Monday the 13th of January next, to receive their distiibutive share, viz: Maria rkinner, Manuel Herron; Elias Delk, David Delk, Robert Delk, James Delk, Icy M<>ore, Nelly Sogar8, Mary Delk, Nancy E. Delk Wm. Skinner, John Skinner, James Skinner, Nancy Outlaw and Rebecca Herron. J. E. RODGERS, Adm'r. A. L. McDonald, Ordinary's Offico, October 6, I86&. October 8