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Progress and Events of the Siege. Since the date of our last report, the bombardment has been steadily progressing, grow- j jng inore terrible m its character every day. On Friday, from 5 in tho morning to 7 p.m. a heavy lire was concentrated on Sumter. Nine hundred and twenty-three sljots were fired at tho fort, of which 704 struck it inside . and outride. jJn Saturday 004 shots. Sunday the fire was jtist as heavy. Up to Saturflav liirrlit /lRTO clirttu ? A .1 ~%V ? OlIVWO UUV4 UVJVJH lilUU at II1C fort, of which only 1035 had passed over or fallen short. It cannot be denied that the enemy lire with great accuracy. The eastern face of the fort is now very seriously damaged, and almost every gun has been disabled. The fort is now subjected to a cross lire south to north from the Parrott guns, and east to west from the monitors 15 inch solid shots and shells. The south face is now but a heap of ruins, and the west is cracked from top to bottom with supporting pillars shot away. Arches of the northwest face and the torreplein have fallen in. The cast face is cracked through and breached, thp chief injury being at the level of the arches and terreplein. Our magazine lias been partially penetrated, the shell room also has been perforated. Col. Alfred lllictt has orders to hold this outpost with his brave garrison as a forlorn hope until relieved or cut oil'. - Mercury of Monday. CIIA KLKSTON AGAIN SHELLED SLOW BOMllAIlD iUbtvr ui? MNitiiK. A little before twelve o'clock on Sunday night lire was again opened on Charleston, and from thirteen to fourteen eight-inch incendiary shells were thrown into the city. The bring continued somewhat more than three hours, the shells being thrown at intervals of fifteen minutes. There seems to be some mystery in regard to the location of this battery, which is bombarding a town at a distance of live miles. It has been asserted, upon apparently good authority, toat the shells proceed from a mud fort lately built in the marsh adjoining Morris Island. Others aver that they are thrown from a battery on Gadberry Hill, on Morris Island. And there arc yet others who declare that the obnoxiou^hatterv is a floating one, which the Yankees ran up nightly under ' cover of the darkness into one of the numerous creeks which intersect the neighboring island.?It is to he hoped that the mystery will soon he solved and the battery fcilenccd Our land batteries were very active throughout the night, hut whether their fire was directed at this Yankee will-of-thc-wisp or at the batteries 011 Morris Island, we have not been able to learn. The contest on Monday was carried on entirely by the lar.d batteries; the fleet, which lias not. changed in number since Sunday, remaining perfectly quiet. Tnc l'arrott guns of the enemy continued to play both on Sumter and "Wagner, but with less vigor than has been dis? played on any previous day of the siege. Up to 0 o'clock, p. m., but 120 shots had* been fired at Sumter. * Our batteries on James Island.took their usual share of the work.?Mercury of Tuesday. PROGKESS OF THE BOMBARDMENT?NUMBER OF FLEET. The winds on Monday night blew in gust?, and the rain fell in torrents. On Tuesday the bombardment of Fort Sumter and Wagner began at the usual early hour, arid continued slowly and steadily throughout the day. No further material damage was done. Sumter is no longer a doublcd-ticred battery, for the defence of the water approach to Charleston. As a great artillery fortress its proud proportions arc reduced to ruins. At Wagner'thc enemy's saprollcr is gradually moving on, and the foremost Yankee battery was at least within long musket range of the fort. Wind and wave, however, still conspired to keep the fleet inactive. There were inside thb bar, on Tuesday, thirty-five vessels, comprising the Ironsides, five Monitors, six mortar boats, and twenty-three gunboats, transports, steamers, supply vessels and tugs. Outside there were nine and in the Inlet tliirtcen, including wooden vessels of all kind. "Uur James isianu nattories were not less ac- | tive than they have been. * Tt had been expected yesterday afternoon, from certain indications, that an assault on Battery Wagner would be made in the course of the night. This expectation was confirmed by a suddenly increased rapidity in the firing from the James and Morris Island batteries just* about night fall. Not long after, the following despatch was sent to the city. Fort Johnson, August 25?8.40, p. m. The enemy assaulted Battery Wagner heavily, and were repulsed, I think; at the rifle pits. "We opened a glorious fire on them from our James Island batteries.?Mercury of Wednesday, J. A. Yatks, Lieutenant Colonel. Spepial !N~otices. CAMDEN HOTEL COMPANY. A MEKTING OF TITF STOCKHOLDERS IN in the above Company is hereby called on the Wednesday 2d ot September, at Mr. Dunlnp's store. By order of tho Board of Directors C. BELL, Sec. August 28 1 DEMOS Camden, S.'C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and tho travelling public that lie has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of "nin?l? n. H's d superintendence and best efforts, aided b;-et?m;.< ? asst-tants, will bo devoted to the Comfott ami satisfaction of guests and visitors. Tie confidently asks a eontinuanco of the favors of all who have visited the DcKnlb House, and calls from any of his friends who visit Camden. January 1(J ' J. II. JUXGBLUTH. for SATSs THE DbKALB HOUSE AND FURNITURE belonging to it, is oft'ored for sale?subject to the present lease, terminating the 1st of January next. Terms cash. For further particulars apply to August 7 JOHN WIUTAKER. Pres't. notice" AT A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE Camden Hotel Company, it was ordered that all subscribers to the Capital Stock, who have not paid up their subscriptions In full, by the 1st day of September next, will forfeit their stock. By order of the Board. JOHN WIUTAKER, Oh'n. August 7 4 nROICAL \OTICU." DR. W. R. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Ollivo on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied hv i'r. T. J. Wokkman*. February 27 dit. .5 013 \ mccaa OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. .Otfice two doors above the Branch Bank. Camden So Ca. January 30 wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm mi ^ n ? ??? SHOE?* AKI) SALT! A PAIR MUX'S SHOES?ALSO, 1C TIERCES w O" " SALL, 011 consignment, and for sale at tin " Old Corner." August 28 E, V,\ UOXNKY. state: of softii cakolita. AoJLTANT and Inspector-General's Offict, ChuklkSTON, August 22, 18G3. GENERAL ORDEli NO. 35. 1 TIIK COMMANDING OFFICERS OF TIIE 1 Regiments lately organized for local defence and special service in the State, are required to furnish Major C. D. Melton, Commander Conscripts, South Carolina, with complete rolls of the persons in their respective commands between the ages of forty and forty-live years, and the commanding officers of militia regiments, and other State organizations, will furnish to Major Melton complete rolls of all persons in their commands hot ween the ages of 18 ar.d 45 years. >Jt * Jj: #' * .j. >jc lly order A. C. G ARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-Cenemi s. (j. Tapers of the State copy three times. August 28 3 South Carolina -Kershaw District. JJY A L. M(RONALD, t.sM lni:, ORDINARY^ tt^IIEREAS, C. M. SHIELDS, APPLIED TO y y me for Letters of Admimstr. lion on ail and singular the goods and ehattlcs. rights and credits ol Wm. Shields, lato of the District aforesaid, deceased : Those nro therefore to oilo nrwt mlmontch oil onrl singular. tho kindred and creditors of tho said deceased to l>u and appear before me at our next Ordinary's .Court lor the said District, to bo holden at Kershaw Court House on the fourteenth day of September next, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not l>o granted. Given under my TTand and Seal, this 2Tth day of August, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-seventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of tho State of South Carolina. August 28 2 a. l. Mcdonald, o. k. d. Wanted. A GOOD COOK, WASHER AND liJONER. FOR which good wages will be paid- Apply at this Office. July 24 . . FOB SALE" rp\VO GOOD HORSES. APPLY AT 1 McCURRY & HAMMERSLAUGIT'S. July 17 For Rent. A DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAINING SIX Rooms, and all necessary outbuildings, yard and garden attached. For further particulars apply at this Office. July 24 3 \ I STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. i ife %>. 'ji | " '' 2*# AlwVr#A<* ; ?tyffroami? < ADJ'T. AXU IXSP. GKXEUAL'S OFFICE, Ciiarlkstox. August, 20,1803. a GENERA L OR J) EES N 0. 34. ti A CAUI). UXDER TIIF SIGNATURE OF COL. o J. L. Black, Hirst South Carolina. <"avjili _v. having s appeared in the papers, inviting boys under conscript t ago to volunteer for mounted servico in "Hampton's Cavalry Brigade/' it is hereby ordered that no one between the ages of sixteen and eighteen years shall enter the organization proposed, or any other organizations, except such as are authorized ;jnd called for by the Governor and Conmiutidor-in-Chiol'. By Act ol the General Assembly persons between sixteen and eighteen years > 1 age.-sis well as those between forty-live and tiftv, are made liable to military service whenever the Governor deems that the exigency requires troops for the defence of the State. In the recent organization of trcops for local defence for six H months sc vice, the Governor lias thought proper not ' to include persons under eighteen years, but they may * be soon needed for service m the .State ' For the-o reasons, and the additional one that the 1 Confederate Government has not etui raced persons r under eighteen years of ajto in the provisions of the Conscription Act, the above prohibition against ruis- r ing troops from this class by'volunteering for Con- 1 federate service, is announced. ' ^ Bv order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief. 1 A. C. GARLIXGT X, J Adjutant and Inspector-General s. C. { ZW Papers of the State copy twice. August 28 2 (s XOTIFKTOTAX ' VVLRft l\ lil KSHAW BISTJIKT. QOUTII CA. 1 7th. COLLECTION I'LST.?Auctionfh cers, Apothecaries, Bankers, Brewers, Brokers. Butchers and Bakers. Bowling Allev and Billiard loom Koepem. Commission Merchants or Commercial Broh'-iS < attic Brokers. Circusi Fxhibilors, Coulee- ' timers, Demists. Distillers. Motel Keepers, Tavern Keep rs. len Keepers, lulling Mouse Keepers. Jugtriers an<l F.xhibiiors ot*shows. Lawyers. Livery Stable Keepers. Pawn Brokers, Podlers, Physicians, Photographers. Itctail Dealers, in Liquor, Surgeons, Theatre Owners. Tobacconists. Wholesale Dealers. Wholesale Deal-is in Liquor. and all other persons (if any there bo) who aro required by the Tax Act of tho Confederate States to register a true account of the name and r i residence of each person, linn or corporation engaged, or interested in any business named in the nth Section j of said Act, with a statement of tho timo for which, t and the place and manner in when, the sane is iu be conducted, and of ali other facts going to a.-certain the amount of Tax upon such business for the past or future. reference being bad to the 1st of July, 1SG3. acj cording to the provisions ol said Act, tvidiiu the JJit- | ? I) icl above mentioned, are hereby notified that unless ( they make registry and pay the Tax required by the Act. between Thursday, tho thirteenth day of August, 1803, and the oightcetli of September, 1803, inclusive, they must, in addition to all other Taxas upon their business imposed by tho said Act, .pay double the amount of the specific Tax on said business:', and a like sum of every thirty days of continued failure; and * for tho purpose of enabling tliem to make such registry and pay such Tax. 1 shall attend on Tuesday's, \ Wednesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's, of each week until tho IStli of September, at the office next door i to the store of J. Dunhip, from 9 o'clock a. ni. to 2 I o'clock ]?. in And all Tax Payors within tho said Districts ore also required, within thirty days from the date of this ( advertisement, to make a return to the Assessor of this t oilection District, of all Naval Stores, Wines, Salt, spirituous Liquors. Tohaoi o. manufactured or unmaiiu- ( factured, Cotton. Wool, flour, Sugar. M. lasses, Syrup, Pico, and other agricultural products Lt'hl or owned on the first <lav ofJulv. 18G3. and not necessarv for ( family consumption for tlio unexpired portion of the ' year 18C2, ami of the growth or prouuet of any year preceding noyearlSGJ, on which there is l<;\v d a tax of eh. lit per imp: and < money.-, hank tes or j other< i renev . no or on deposit, on ti . 1st of July !.i>\ an . o. the value of all credits 011 which the interest has not keen paid, claimed or owned by any person, partnership or corporation, on tho. 1st day of July, 18(515, and not < in ployed in any business, the in- ' come from which is taxed under the provisions of tho . said Act, on which tic re is levied a tax of one per cent., according to the provisions of tho lirst section of the ' Tax Act. ( And aU fax I'ayers within the said District aie also required to make a return, by tho 18th, September to the Assessors of tho said District, of all profits made by any person, partnership or corporation, during tho year 1802, by tiio purchase within tl.e (.'on- . federate States and sale during the said year o'. any Flour, Corn, Bacon, Fork, Oats, llay, lliee, Salt, lion or the Manufactures of Iron* Sugar, Molasses made of Cane, Leather, Woolen Cloths, Shoes, Boots, Blankets and Cotton Cloths, upon which a Tax of ten per cent, shall bo levied and collected, as soon as the returns and assessments arc made in accordance with tne provisions of 1 ho Tenth Section of tho Act; and for the ( purpose of his duties the Assessor will attend until ( tho 8th September at his oflice. at the placo and du- 1 ring the hours herein before named bv the Collector. A. M, KENNEDY, Collector for Kershaw District. WM MrK.MN, Assessor for Kershaw District. ' August 21 2 Sugar and. Salt i AA BUSHELS SALT, I \ 'V ' 1000 lbs. Sugar. For sale at the " Old Corner," by E. W. BONN EY. August 14 s For Sale\ VKIIY CnOICK BUILDING LOT IX SOUTH . jl\. Kirkwood, containing Twelve Acres, .somewhat improved, and convenient to town. Also, a likely young fellow?a good ostler, coachman and general house servant. August. 14 8 WM. M. SHANNON. Store to Rent. THE STORE ROOM FORMERLY OCCUPIED BY A. T. LATTA. Enquire Of Mrs. Crosby. fl August 14 2 j 4 South Carolina?Kertliaw District. BY A. L. MCDONALD. KSQUIRE, ORDINABT. , WHEREAS, WM. WALLACE APPLIED to me for Letters or Administration on all and lingular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ot IVin. 0. Workman, lato of the District aforesaid, do eased: These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all, and lingular, the kindred and creditors of the said deeeas>d to be and appear before mo at our next Ordinary'* 'ourt for the >-aid District, to bo holden at Kershaw lourt Mouse on the 7th day of Sopteinoer next, o show cause, if any, why the said administration hould not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this twetty-firat lay of August, iu the year of our Lord one thousand sight hundred and sixty-three, ar.d in tho eightyevenili year ??f the Independence and Sovereignty of he State of South Carolina. ALEX. L McDOXALD. O. K. D. August 21 2 If I.' t C I * ? 'l1 ? ? 1? k. jl j1 j _ CAMP OF INSTRUCTION,) Columbia, Aug. 12, 18u3. J 1ENEHA L OJ KnS No. 133. i tiie shpekhtexpent of conscrip I 'j'lon l?nvintr ordcrc <i t* ?? "nil persons in the ix months tro^pv," organized iu this slate, for opal -hall be allowed "V> remain in their orranizations f<?r the present." the Orders from these loadquartvrs of July 27 are so modified cs not to afect those persons who were members of said Regineuts utthctim* th<y icerr organized. 11. Enrolling Oflcors. until further oVders, will not egistcr as "volunteers," give certificates or transporation to. nor in anj' manner interfere with those who voro members ol said Regiment at tlio time of their rganization. as toall others liable to conscription, who vere not members of said Regiment when organized, and who are required to report by tho Orders of July 57th) They proceed, as heretofore ordered, to conscript those who do not report "as volunteers'1 by the !0th instant, and go forward bv the 1st September. c. d. melton, Comd't Conscripts, &c. Aygust21 2 z^b~ all the papers in tho State will copy twice. Window Shades. 1">wo setts of window sll/pdes, "fvtth fixtures complete, for sale at July 31 2 matheson&Co. Alabama Fire Insurance COMPANY. 1"mie Undersigned, as Agent for tno above South ern Insurance Compan)', is prepared to issue )olicies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ngs, &c. November 1 w. L. dupass. Shoe Thread, Castile Soap, &c^mioe thread, castile soap, tootii Brushes, Matches, &c., for sale at the "Old Corner. e. w. bonney. July 3 Hay Cutters, &.c. Hay cutters, washing machines and pa:cut Cylinder Churns, for sale at the " Old Corner." " k. w. bonney. July 3 1'obacco and Shoe Thread OIIOE THREAD AND FINE CHEWING AND O Smoking Tobacco? ??ALSOGOo vards Colorctf Twills. For sa;e at the "Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. Flour and Grist MillI'M IK UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED the Flour and Grist Mill, formerly the property il' Mr. "Win. Sanders, and situated 18 miles above iumter and 12 miles below Camden, is prepared to do >11 kinds of milling, at tho shortest notice. A Smut Machine is attached to the Mill. Fine stabling accommodations arc on the promises, or tho use of those patronizing his mil'. August 7 2 W. C. EI.LERBE. >S otice. MJK. JAMES DUNLAP IS AUTHORIZED ^^ to act as my accent for renting houses rnd lots formerly belonging to James Conner, leceascd. ' P. N, LYNCII, D. D. August 7 3 Matting. 4 < INDIA MATTING, FOR SALE AT THE +?4- " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. July 3 Raffle ~~ V MAGNIFICENT SILK DRESS TO BE RAFflcd for the benefit of The soldiers so soon as fiances to tho amount of $150 can be made up. Tho Iross can bo seen at Mrs. Crosby'?, and list for chances it Matheson & Co. July 31 Land Wanted, to Rent, ON WHICH 10 TO 20 HANDS COULD BE worked. Apply at the Bank of Caruden. August 7 2 Notice. A LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE /\ of Drury J. Campbell will come forward and ettlo. and those having claims will present them for >ayment. August 7 2 J. R. SHAW, Ex'tr. B,ICS-BAGS! f A AAA POUNDS GOOD CLEAN LTNEN I v'?\ * v" and,Cotton Rags wanted immediately t the Confederate Office, for which the highest mark* >riee will he paid