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'% * Special 1ST otices. DEKALB BOUSE, Camden, S. C TIIR SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the travelling public that ho haa leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growiug town of Camden. , His poraonal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assi-tants, will be devoted to the com- I fort anu satisfaction ot guests and visitors. He eontl- J dehtly asks a continuance of the favors of all who have Visited the DoKalb IIousc, and calls from any j of his frionds who visit Camden. January 1G J. II. JUNO, BMJTIT. j . forsaiVET" THE DeKJLB HOUSE AND FURNITURE belonging to it, is offered for salo?subject to tho pre- ] eent lease, terminating tho 1st of January next. Termscash. For further particularsnnnlv to August 7 JOHN WHITAKER, Pres't. NOTICE." AT A MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS OF TIIE j Camden Hotel Company, it was ordered that all subscribers to tho Capital Stock, who have not paid up their subscriptions in full, by the 1st day of September next, will forfeit their stock. By order of the Board. JOHN WHITAKER, Ch'n. 0 August 7 4 , ' CAMDEN HOTEL"cOWpTnyT" A MEETING OF THF STOCKHOLDERS IN I in the above Company is hereby called on the 19tli instant, at Mr. Dunlap's store. By o'rder of the Board of Directors C. BELL, SeeAugust 7 2 MIJUCAL NOTICE. DR. W. R. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES ?s practising physician to tlio citizens of Camden and vicinity. Offico on main street, in tho rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T. J. Workman. February 27 DR. JOII* HcCAA . OFFERS IIIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS onr??Ai?w/4!n/* * ? V. UIIU nUllUUIIMIII^ tUUIIli y. .Office two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden So Ca. January .70 South Carolina?Kcr*liaw District. BY A. L. MCDONALD, ESQUIRE, ORDINARV. WHERBAS, WM. WALLACE APPLIED" to me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Wm. C. Workman, late of the District aforesaid, de? ceased: , These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the s?id deceased to Vie and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's | Court for the said District, to be holdcn at Kershaw Court House on the 7th day of September next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-first, day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. ALKX. L McDONALD. O. K. D. August 21 2 To Rent\ AX AND AFTER TIIB FIRST DAY OF OCTOBER, V_^ next, the upp'-r story of the Bank of Camden, S. C.. eligibly situated, containing Four -ood size 1 Rooms, and one small room, and having attached there. to a pleasant front and b:tck yard, and Kitchen and Garden, with all necessary and convenient outbuildings. Apply to W.1I. It WoilKM AN, Cushier. August 21 1 Administratrix' NoticeAll persons indebted to the esiatb of Chas. H. Peck, nre request d to call on Mr. W. E. Hugh.sop, (who is my authoiixcd agent) and settle the same; and all who have claims against the estate will hand them in t<>him properly attested, on or before | the first day of November next. August 21 2 FRANCIS M. 13. PECK, Ad'mx. \irive fiI Aiieusla J:la 1). HI. Arrive at Columbia 5:00 p. rn. The time of departing fruin each oft lie ai>ov places?with the exception of the down mid-d rom Camden?have not been chunked, and v inuo as heretofore, until further notice. 1MSDMNC HAYING BEEN APPOINTED AG EN the Insurance Company of the State of Virgi now prepared to take Kisks Against Loss or Damage by Persons wishing to instiro tlieir property, wi favorable opportunity of doing so, in perhaps Company as thcro is in the Confederate Stat May'2'2 N. D. BAXLEY, Notice. \LL PEPSON'S INDEBTED TO TTTB . of Drury ?J. Campbell, will come fon settle, and those huving claims will present payment. August V 2 J.R.SIIAW . V, NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS IN KERSHAW DISTRICT. SOUTH CA. 17th, COLLECTION PIST.?Auctioneora, Apothecaries, Bankers, Brewers, Brokers, Butchers anu Bakers, Bowling Alley and Billiard Room Keepers, Commission Merchants or Commercial Brokers. Cattle Brokers, Circus Exhibitors, Confectioners, Dentists, Distillers, Hotel Keepers, Tavern Keepers, Inn Keepers, Hating House Keepers. Jugglers and Exhibitors of*shows, Lawyers, Livery Stablo Keepers, Pawn Brokers, Pcdlers, Physicians, Photographers, Retail Dealers, in Liquor, Surgeons, Theatre ; Owners. Tobacconists, Wholesale Dealers, Wholesale Dealers in Liquor, and all other persons (if any there be) who are required by the Tax Act of the Confoderi ate States to register a truo account of the uamo and residence of each person, firm or corporation engaged, or interested in any business named in the 5th Section of said Act. with a statement of the time for which, and the place and manner in which, the same is to bo conducted, and of all other facts going to ascertain the amount of Tux upon such business for the pa^t or l'utuie. Vc-lereiK O being had to the 1st of July, 18G3, according to the provisions ol said Act, wi hin the DU frict above mentioned. arc herebv notified that unles.-i they make registry and pay the Tax required l?y the Act between Thursday, the thirteenth day of August, 1 ?G3, and 'he eightceth of Septembor, 18G3, inclusive, they must, in addition to all other Taxes upon their business imposed by tho said Act, pay double the amount of the sneeitic Tax on said business, - and a like sum of every thirty days of continued failure; and for the purpose of enabling them to make such registry and pay such Tax. I shall attend on Tuesday's, Wednesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's, of each week until the 18tlvof September, at the cilice next door to the store of J. Dunlap, from 9 o'clock a. m. to 2 o'clock p. m. And all Tax Payers within tho said Districts aro also required, within thirty days from the dale of this advertisement, to make a return to the Assessor of this Collection District, of all Naval Stores, Wines, Salt, 'spirituous Liquors, Tobacco, manufactured or unmanufactured, Cotton, Wool, Flour, Sugar, Molasses, Syrup, Rice, and other agricultural products held or owned on the lirst day of Jul}*, 18G3, and not necessary for family consumption for the unexpired portion of tho year 1803, and of the growth or product ot any year preceding the year 1863, on which there is levied a j tax of eight per cent; and of all moneys, bank notes or other currency on hand or on deposit, on the 1st of July last, and of the value of all credits on which the interest lias not been paid, claimed or owned by any person, partners!!* or corporation, on the 1st d.ty of July, 1SG3, and not employed in any business, the iucotne from which is taxed under the provisions of tho said Act. on which there is levied a tax of one percent., according to the provisions of tho lirst section of the Tax Act.. And all Tax Payers within tho said District arc also required to make a return, by the 18th. September to ilig Assessors of the said District, of all profits made by any person, partnership orcorpoiation, during the year 18G2, by tho purchase within the Confederal States and sale during the said year of any Flour, Corn, Bacon, Pork, Oats, Hay, Rice, Salt, lion or the Manufactures of Iron, Sugar, Molasses made of Cane, Leather, Woolen Cloths, Hioes, Boots, Blankets and Cotton Cloths, upon which a Tax ot ton per cent, shall bo levied and collected, as soon as the returns and assessments are mado in accordance with the provisions of the TeTith Section of the Aet; and for the . r i.:? ? *i- ? - ' jpurpiiMf oi ins mines nu; Assessor wm attend until the 8th September at Imp oflice, at the place and during the hours herein before nauied by the Collector. A M. KENNEDY, Collector for Kershaw District. WM McKAIN, Assessor for Kershaw District. August 21 . 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJT. Am INSPECTOR-GEN fill A L S OFFICE. ) Charleston, Aug. 12, 1803. S GENERAL ORDER NO 32. r IMIE.FOLI OWING PERSONSII AVE RECEIVED I a majority of votog at an election held on the 31 st ult for Field Olliccra of the Regiments organized for "local defence and special service in the State for the tO 1*111 l\f OV m/vlitlio ' ' vmvonn/-.f /\ ? 1 w, ..-v UK'IIVIIC, 111 |;uiouaiiLi.' v/l Ul'IIUIill WIULT No. 28, issued from this Office, are hereby declared and announced duly elected to tho Offices as hereinafter stated, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly, to wit: FIRST KIT.IMJ.NT. THOMAS ROBERTS, Colonel. W. L. HODGES. Lieutenant Colonel. W. E. WK 1.110RX, Major. SECOND REGIMF.XT. WILLIAM KO'RD, Colonel. G. A. LEWIE. I.iontenmt Colonel. WALTER QUATTLEUAU M, Major. FOURTH REGIMENT. J. II. WITHERSPOON, Colonel. F. M. ME LETT, Lieutenont Colonel. J. C. EVANS, Major FIFTH REGIMENT. .J. 11. WILLIAMS Colonel. JOHN A. BRAPLKY, Lieutenant Colonel. L. P. SADLKK, Major. II In the Third Regiment there was a failure to elect Field Officer*, qwing to the failure to organizo the Companies in tfie I Oth Regiment, 8. C M., before the day on which the election was ordered to be held. An election for Field Officers of said Regiment will bo ordered as soon as these Companies have been organized III. The Colonels will nominate persons for tho Regimental Staff?one Adjutant, one Quartermaster, ono Surgeon and one Assistant Surgeon?their appointment to bo subject to the%pprovnl of the President. Colonels will report their nominations to this office, and they will be forwarded for approval. IV. The Colonels commanding these Regiments will hold themselves in roadincss to report, with their rospectivo commands, at tho shortest notice, for duty on the const. ?* By command: A. C. G ARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. ySy Papers of Stato copy throe times. August 21 3 V ~ "v 9 I STATE OF SOfJTH CAROLINA. ADJT. AN1) INSP. GKNERAI/S OFFICE, Charleston, Augilst, 14,1863. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 35. nPHKRE 1IAVJNG BEEN A FAILURE TO ORG ANIZE tbo quota of troops required from the Sixteenth Regiment, 8. C M.? in oCompanies in accordance with General Orders NVs. 21. 29, issued from this office, and it being necessary to have a more accurate enrollment of persons belonging to said Regimeut, and liable to military duty, and to draft under said ordei>; it is hereby ordered. I. That all male persons in tho City of Charleston, bet ween the ages of sixteen and sixty years, except such persons as have been regularly mustered into Confederate service, be immediately enrolled. II. This enrolment will incline persons who are on duty in the regular or volunteer militia organizations of the city, as well as those who arc not, and also persons who are absent from, but are citizens of, Charleston?temporary absence not to bo regarded as a change cf residence. III. Absentees who claim that they are not liable to military service in the city, will bo required to produce at this Office certificates fn in the commanding officers of the regiments in which they claim that they are liable to such service; it between the ages of foity and 111ty years, that they have been subjected to to the late draft. IV. To efl'ect this enrolment, the following named persons have been, and are hereby, detailed and appointed Enrolling Officer nnd Assistant Enrolliug OffiPHI C iilld tvill ronrirf of tluu ( nn r\r\ VJo \ i i*r1 o \r fl\/-? Ififl* . ?..j ?<Mvt if i vj'vi v uv ill to viuv,v wu ua vvii moj , vnc n'lll inst., for instructions. Enrolling Officer? JACOB WILLIAMS. ASSISTANT ENROLLING OEFICERS Ward No. 1.?MOSES LKVY and G. M. WIENGES. Ward No. 2.?W. R. BRA1LSI?0RD and T. A. WHITNEY. Ward No. 3.?DAVID BARROW andS. D. KIRK. Ward No. 4.?C. C. TRUMliO and A. J. SALINAS. irard No. 0 ? G. W. TENDERGAST and H. W. CARR. Ward No. G.?G. W. AIMAR and DONALD McINTOS1I. Ward No. 7.?DAVID RIKER and SAMIEL 11. MORTIM ICR. Ward No. 8.?JOHN McPIIERSON and F. P. SEIGN10US. . V. A separate Roll will be made of persons between forty and fifty years of apco; and all persons between said apes are ordered to report their names to Mr. JACOB WILLIAM, En rolling Officer, at the Cott'ederute Court house, in Chalmers street, on or before Wednesday, the 19th inst., and persous failing or re fusing to report will be liable to arrest and punishment. VI. No claims of exemption from service will be considered by ihe Enrolling Oflieer, but all such cases will be reserved until the enrollment has been completed. when they will bo determined on the prooi made at this otliee. VII. This enrollment is not intended to disturb the present organization of city troops until a new organization has been effected, which will be inude known by published oi ders. VIII. All officers of the militia, including tho temporary volunteer organizations in tho city, are required to aid the Enrolling Oflieer in tho execution of thie order by furnishing htm with lists of persons belonging to their organizations, with a statement of their ages. By order of the Commander-in-Chief. A r ri \ RT.iyp.Ttv Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. ?37" Vapors ot tlio State copy once. August 21 1 Wanted. A GOOD COOK. WASH Kit AND MONER, FOR rV which good wages will bo paid* Apply at this Ollioe. July 24 FOR SALE, riMVO GOOD IIOUSKS. APPLY AT 1 McCURltY HAMMEItSLAUGH'S. July 17 For Rent. A DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAINING SIX Rooms, and all necessary outbuildings, yard and garden attached. For further particulars apply at tins ' lllco. July 24 .1 South Carolina -Kershaw District. 11Y A. I.. MCDONALD, KSfcUIUE, OHDINAHY. A\/"IIEREAS, ELISIIA HOLLAND, APPLIED TO t t ine for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Levy Holland, lato of tho District aforesaid, de These are, therefore, to cito ami admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the sjiid deceased to 1)0 and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo ho'.dcn at Kershaw Court House on tho thirty-first day of August in*t. to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 8th day of August, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-seventh year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. August 14 2 A. L. McDOKALD, 0. K. D. Administ ator's Sale T*7ILL UK SOLD AT THK RESTDliXCK OF V\ the late II >rdv Thorn, on tho 28th inst., all the goods and chattels belonging to the estate of tho deceased. consisting of 35 hogs. 18 head of cattle, 1 Mare and t Mule, 7 head of Sheep, I tour-horse Wagon, and 1 Ox Wagon, and many other appertenances belonging to a plantation. ?ALSO? One Donble-bnrelled Gun, Ploughs, Gearing, kc. A largo lot of Seed Cotton, and a supply of Wool. Terms made known on day of sale. August 7 *3 HENRY THORN, Ad'mr. 4 W': ?*^"TMgaBi I.I , Sequestration. Act All persons within the districts of Fairfield, KershaW and Sumter, who taatp net complied with the provision.-, of the Act in relation ijo interest, (approved 30th August, 1861) are notified that executions will be lodged with the Confrdttaio k Marshal, against all defaulters, on the first day Of Sep- * { tember. 1863, for debt, interest and coat. \ * Mr. JAMES V. LYLES is fully empowered, to receipt for tho District of Kershaw, and Montgomery Moses. Esq., lor tho District of Sumter. If debtors are resting under the impression that sequestrated claims cannot be collected during the frftr. they are specially referred to the 13th section of the amended Act, in which it is said: " In the collectitn of debtor choses in action, no State Stay Law thali govern.1' I have granted indulgence to those who have already paid a fair proportion of their indebtedness, and will continue to do so, when circumstances require it; but to those who have paid nothing, executions and levy will be issued in full August 14 3 J. R. aiken, Receiver. Sugar and Salt 1 A A BUSHELS SALT, 1UU 1000 lbs. Sugar. For salo at the 14 Old Corner," by - < E. W. BONNEY. August 14 For Sale. . Avery choice building lot in south y Kirkwcod, containing Twelve Acres, somewhat 1 improved, and convenient to town. I Also, a likelv \x0llllir fi'llow ? onftrf nfltlor nnoAfc. I ? - C - ww?w.f WUVU I man and general house servant. J August 14 3 WM. m. SHANNON. 8 Store to Rent. The store room formerly occupied by A. T. LATTA. Enquire of Mrs. Crosby. * ^ August 14 2 i Tobacco and Shoe Thread ohob thread and fine chewing and 0 Suioking Tobacco? 1 ?A I-SOt? I GOu vards Colored Twills. For snlo at the "Old , I Corner." E. W. BONNET. Administratrix' Sale. I I)Y" PERMISSION OF A. L. McDONALD, ORDIJ nary of Kershaw District, I will sell at public I sale, at the Market, in Camden, on Monday the 24th I August inst., at 12 o'clock, m, sundry articles of 1 Household and Kitchen Furniture : one Rockawny and | Harness, &c., <f c., the property of Charles H. Peck, |? deceased. Terms Cash I FRANCIS M". B. PECK, Adm'trx. August 7 3 I Flour and Grist Mill- I rpiIE UNDERSIGNED, HAVING PURCHASED I 1 the Flour and Grist Mill, formerly the property I of Mr. Wm. Sanders, and situated 18 miles above I Sumter and 12 miles below Camden, is prepared to do I all kinds ol milling, at the shortest notice. A Smut I Machine is attached to the Mill. , " 1 ( Fine stabling accommodations are on the premises, | for the use ot those patronizing his mill. ] r August 7 2 W. C. ELLERBE. ' I 3ST otice. L mfrk.james dunlapis authorized i -LTJl- to act as my agent for renting houses and lots formerly belonging to James Conner/ | deceased. * P. N. LYNCH, D. D. i August 7 3 Matting. 4 A INDIA MATTING, FOR SALE AT THE ~ ? ? Old Corner." B. W. BONNET. July 3 ' Raffle A MAGNIFICENT SILK DRESS TO BE RAFt\ Hod lor the benefit of the soldiers so soon as chances to the amount of$l50 can bo made up. Tho ' dress can ho seen at Mrs. Crosby's, and list forchancos at Matheson & Co. July 31 Land Wanted, to Rent ON WHICH 10 TO 20 HANDS COULD RB worked. Apply at tho Bank of Canulen. August 7 2 I If AM | HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENT FOR f tho Insurance Company of the State of Virginia, I am i now prepared to take Risks Against Loss or Damage by Fire Persons wishing to insure their property, will havo a j favorablo opportunity of doing so, in perhaps as safe a Company as there is in the OonfpfWnt/> Rfotno May 22 ' N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. 1 Notice. \I.T, PERSONS-INDEBTED TO Til?: ESTATE of Prury J Campbell will como forward and settle ma those having claims will present thera for nayim-m August 7 2 J. R. SHAW, Ex'tr. Runaway. COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW District a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOHN\ and that he belongs to Robert Oliver, of j Georgetown, S C. j Said Boy is five feet Ave or six inches high, will woigh 150 or 60 pounds, had on an old black coat, and grey satim tt pants, and a Confederate hat, mado o wire grass. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay expences and take him away. DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. March C % ' w