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% ?l)f iombfit Conffbtrate, 'at tiires dollars a year, rayadle invariably half-yearly in advance Terms lor Advertising: For one Squtiro?fourteen lines or less?TWO DOLLARS for the lirst insertion, and ONE DOLLAR AND KIFTY CENS for encli subsequent. Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged to at advertising rates. Trnnsieut Advertisements and Job "Wok MUST BE PAID FOI? IN ADVANCE. No deduction made, except to our regular advertising patrons. .T. T. HERSHMAN, Kditor. i ttlDAV. Al ttUST 11. IKtiit 7 ' Notice to tlic Ludic*. All persons having work belonging to the Aid Association are requested to send it to the ball on Thursday, 21st instant. Acknowledgements. Miss Ciiesnut acknowledges the receipt of three bushlcs of meal from a Regular Contributor ; 3 bushles of jneal from Mrs. C.; 2 busliles of meal from Mr. A. M. Kennedy. Two boxes and 1 basket rf>f vegetables were sent on the Cth instant to Miss Fannie DeSaussurc. Eight bushels meal to Dr. J. Bachman for the use of she soldiers. Appeal For Hospital Supplies. An appeal has been made to the Aid Association of this place, by the ladies of Charleston, for vegetables, fruits and provision of any kind, for the soldiers and hospitals in the city. The members of the Association will send every Thursday by mid-dav train, whatever car 'looted for that purpose. They theref \-. sol donation? from the citizen of Camdon and Us vicinit y, of any thing that can contribute to the comfort of the sick and weary solJ12 MM i * . . - . uicr. j.ncso donations can be sent, to Mr. Kennedy's store on Thursday morning, by 10 o'clock. The Term* of Peace. Jumping at conclusions is a very common, but proverbially an uncertain, way of arriving at correct ones. The Yankee nation is perhaps as pre-eminent in these mental saltatory performances as it confessedly is in lying, and stealing and blustering. Thev have recently met with unexpected successes in various parts of the theatre of war, and on this account havo determined for themselves that the "rebellion" is " crushed" at last. The most impoftant act remaining to be performed is, to decide the terms upon which they will receive submission. Some of these terms are very easily lixed. The great mass of ignorant and deluded Confederates, who have been beguiled into treason against " tlm best government the world ever saw" are to receive pardon and amnesty for their henious crime. This is an act of magnanimous charity and forgiveness upon the part of those who have been so greatly sinned against?who have hecn so unrighteously resisted and punished for only attempting to exercise their clear right to despoil and desecrate the hearths, homes and altars of these traitors?that it must call down the ringing plaudits of the world. So much for clemency. But stern justice demands and must have her victims. The ringleaders of this " unholy" strife, they must surely suiter. President Davis, Generals Lee, Johnston, Beaureu \ri>, and the largo number of prominent officials, both civil and military, arc to be made an example and a warning for all future generations. For this is but retributive justice. After the questions of life and liberty of these u rebels" arc thus happily and satisfactorily disposed of, the knotty point, as to the disposition of their property, springs up with all its complications -and conflicting aspects. The harmonious concord of those honest men who constitute the cabinet at Washington, is disturbed by jarring opinions upon the subject. Shall emancipation be immediate or gradual? Shall confiscation extend only to the life of the traitor, or shall a law be passed applying the forfeiture to the heirs of the traitor, forever? What modifications of the constitutions of the " insurgent States" slmll be exacted before, their rcadinission to the Union ? These and many other similar and important questions will suggest the difficulties which the Yankees labor under in establishing tin: future status of the insurrectionary distri, U, now that this useless and uubo'y war is virtually ended. TJ icsc discussions and dissentions in the councils of our enemies, arc a dim foreshadow I ing of the fate of this people, if they are unsuccessful in the present struggle. If at this time, with one consent, they have determined upon the execution of those whom we have placed over us, to rule us, and to lead our armies, and whom wc arc pledged before the civilized world to sustain with u our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honors;" if at this time, they wrangle among themselves only as to the extent to which they will strip and despoil us of our property ; if they manifest so much arrogance and intended cruelty when wc can display the front avc now do in Virginia, Mississippi, Tennessee and other points, Avhat Avill be our fate when avc arc in truth conquered and subjugated ? Let those who sneakingly whisper and hint (hoAvcvcr indirectly) at submission and reconstruction, ponder Avell this consideration. No, there is but one alternative, complete independence or abject slavery, and there can be but tAvo classes in our midst?loyal men, Avhosc AvatcliAvovd is independence or annihilation, and that other class comprehending all the rest, Avho expect or desire any other termination of the Avar. There arc, perhaps some, Avho are not averse to submission. The proclivities of sucli crop out slightly in our present reverses. Should the vicisitudcs of war bring still greater calamities, this spirit will he more manifest, until upon the appearance of the enemy (should this ever unfortunately occur) they will spring forward eagerly to take the oath of allegiance, and place their names in that list of infamy, made up of deeply dyed traitors, who would sell their inheritance for a mess of pottage. Let those who hint at submission or reconstruction, under any circumstances, bo marked men, who should he closely watched. | How to (M?<i;rvc (lie Coming Fast. The following wholesome advico. to be obj served for the coming Last Day (21 inst.,) wo I take from the last, issue of the Southern Chris' tian Advocate. Our readers will no doubt profit by reading and digesting: It will be seen elsewhere, that President Davis has called us again to fasting, humiliation and prayer. We certainly need it, and it is to be hoped that the day will be so observed as to turn away the Divine wrath. Now we wish to propose that the observance be somewhat different on this occasion from that on any day heretofore appointed. It is officially annotated?it is a public scr .'11 1 vice to which -wc arc called, not by Church authority, but by our civil rulers. It should be obscavcd officially, and our rulers should take thclcad in observing it .properly. First then, let the President of the /Confederacy, all the Heads of Departments and their subordinates at Richmond, fast themselves, repent of their sins, and meet together at some selected place of worship, where from a preacher previously appointed, they may hear a sermon suited to their positions and responsibilities. Let the Executive Officers of every State with their subordinates do likewise, in their respective capitals. Let the Municipal Authorities of even city, town and villiagc, and, where there arc no j civic corporations, the County Justices observe j the day in tlio same public and representative way. The Judiciary should al&o participate in this official service. To make the occasion the more impressive ii])Oii themselves and others, they may proceed to the selected place of worship in a body, with such external tokens of solemnity in bearing and speech, as will prove that they, who are responsible for the good order of society and the success of our revolution, feci deeply their responsibility, and arc looking honestly and penitently to God to help them do their work faithfully. This is suggested, for no purpose of ostentation, but because such a procedure is proper and customary on all occasion of public ceremony?and, in this instance, we think it desirable that the people and their representatives should unite publicly ir? the service of the day. As to the people themselves, let their work be laid aside and let them repair p> their houses of worship, all of which should be open, to give all the opportunity of waiting on God. Leave the people no excuse for spending the day in hunting, fishing or other recreations. Lot the work of their servants be suspended ; and where they arc accustomed to have separate service let it be held for them 011 this day. "Where this is not the case, let them be invited to worship with their owners and cmployb. crs. Thus will the day be observed, in a way that shall render another fast unnecessary. And while searching out our own personal < sins, it may be well to ask if there is not a guilt * upon the public, which it only can put away, 1 through its representatives. We will call their 1 attention to two particulars and ask our rea- 1 dors to take them into consideration. 1 1. Ilavc we done all our duty in acknowl- i edging God. the Almighty, only in our Cou 1 stitution. Ought not that instrument also to ( recognize Christ, King of Kings and Lord of ! Lords? Can we hope to please Cod until .it I 1 is done ? j 1 2. lias our legislation respecting pnr slaves f ' been what it should be? Have our laws pro- j 1 tectcd them in those relations established by Deity for all men, without distinction of race or color? Have not those laws imposed re- j strictions upon them, which the Scriptures will j not warrant ? i Let us think on these things, and resolve to \ do our whole duty in the premises. ; Wo would have the preachers selected for j this occasion to be men not afraid to speak i 1 It' Ia ell AtlT itvn nvlntift 4-1* ^ k/viui ? tv 3UV?? niu 1UIVIO tUVU ctliu mv; would hope, that discarding all their old fast- < days sermons, in which they vindicated the revolution, praised the virtue and valor of our people, and'abused our enemies, th^v would j lay the axe to the root of the sins among us, 1 and deal wijh them, with an unsparing hand. , Conviction and remorse, must bo awakened, , and sincere repentance follow, or the obscrvancc of the day would bo but a solemn mockcry before Cod. There is little use for such appointed days, unless we grow better. They only enhance our guilt by the addition of hypocrisy to sin. To keep the day, and then go on drinking, gaming, swearing Sabbath-breakO O' CD ing, embezzling, speculating, defrauding, extorting, hoarding, withholding the necessaries of life from sale, for higher prices, lying swindling. and committing other sins not necessary to mention, living for this world and its pleasures only, thus defying Cod, and provoking 11 is wrath by our iniquities, is only to add aggravating insult to the infraction of Divine law, damning enough under any circumstances. Those who wish to see the day observed with all due solemnity will please aid us in bringing these views before the people. Outrage on Confederate Olllccr*? HIoman Treated us a Convict. The New York World, of Monday, has an editorial on the conduct of General Burnsidc, from which we lean: that Morgan and his officers, now in the Ohio l'cnitcntary, arc treated as convicts, and their heads have been shaved. The following is a paragraph : After several months of junketing his army finally moved out to the Kentucky llivcr, but never came near an enemy. The only enemy in Kentucky was allowed to pass directly through the State. In the face of Burnsidc and of all his troops, Morgan was permitted to ride by him almost unmolested, and to cross into Indiana and Ohio, and not until the citizens of those States had rallied in sufficient numbers was tire bold marauder captured. But if Ilurnside had nothing to do with catching the hare, he insists upon his right to cook it when caught. The commander of the Department of the 1 Ohio first appeare in the field as a barber and jailor, lie orders the captured officers first to the city prison of Cincinnati and afterwards to the Ohio Penitentiary, where they arc subjected to the indignity of hav ing their heads shaved. Such a proceeding is as unworthy of a great nation or its representatives as it is unwarrantable by all the laws of war. It is perfectly right of course that these officers should be detained as hostages for Colonel Slreight's party, captured in Georgia, but Col. Strcignt is in the Libby Prison, treated as all other officers arc treated. The cases arc so nearly alike that they arc naturally suggestive offiscts of each other. And if we mistake not greatly, this cruelty towards Morgan will but inaugurate a fresh and painful retaliation upon our prisoners in Richmond. Sew* from Richmond. Richmond, Aug. 11.?A notice will be pub* lished to-morrow, by command of the Sccrotatv of War, that the passage of Merchandize through the Confederate lines from the United States is strictly prohibited hereafter. All goods so introduced will be seized and retained. Tlie Tax Regulations. Richmond, August 11.?The Commissioners; >f Taxes directs that, in the valuation of all taxable articles or objects, including the estimates of agricultural products taxed in kind, the assessors shall be governed by the current jelling prices of the articles'01 objccis to be taxed in the neighborhood where they are ticld at the time or upon the day with reference to which the valuation or assessment is required by law to he made. The assessor is \ dso instructed tp be vigilant in ascertaining V what each farmer has actually produced, and to guard against the plan of exchanging corn Mid wheat with each ot.lior Kir farmnrci j in certain districts to evade the tax in kind. From Pcnsacola. Mobile, August 11.?We have late new a from I'ensacola. There were sixteen vessels in the harbor, ten of which were vessels of war and six transports. The Yankees arc building two immense hospitals at the Navy Yard, each 300 feet long and three stories high. All ncgrocs are being sent to New Orleans, where 1 they are drilled and placed in the army there. ' Pcnsacola itself is still considered neutral ground. From Morris Island. All Monday night the city resounded with the thunders of the contending batteries. The i tiring became very rapid about twelve o'clock, and did not slacken until after daylight. In the morning two Monitors came up and oxchanged shots with Battery Wagner, In spite, however, of the terrible bombardment, tliere was but one mishap upon our side. Geo. Eggleston, a member of Oaptaiu Chicestcr's company, son of Mr. George W. Eggleston, of this city, had his leg shot oil'near the thigh. lie was struck by a fifteen inch shell, between four and five o'clock, a. in., while in the act of firing his gun, at Battery Wagner. lie has sinp.<? nf tlin oftru'tc lii<* w/-?inwl I It is reported that about oneo'clock at niglit ^ the enemy raised a chemical light of cxtraordinary lustre in the midst of the marsh west of Morris Island, somewhere in the neighborhood of the wrecked steamer Maniyault.?Those who profess that they saw it, dcclaro that it illumined the harbor for miles around. Fort Sumter loomed bv its rays on the sight with the distinctness off day. By this magnificent laino, it was added, the batteries waged their * ? < contest until four o'clock in the morning, when the wonderful chandelier disappeared. On the other hand, strange to toll, there are perfectly trustworthy persons, with every op- < portnnity for observation, who assert that they saw no such light, and that during theif" watch* which lasted through the night, the only light ~ ~ 7 > o visible was a common signal ligbt of the enemy. The firing was continued throughout Tuesday, through with somewhat less spirit. At night occasional shots were still heard.?Mercury of Wednesday. The Calibre of the Enemy's # Guns.?A correspondent of the New York Herald, writing from Morris Island,says : "The guns used by the army in its opperations against Charleston harbor arc eight inch l'arratts. Those o used by the navj arc the same, together with the fifteen inch Dahlgren gnn, which, liowecvr, was cast at Pittsburg by the Rodman process ? that is to say, the gun has the shape or form of the original Dahlgren. gun; but, instead of being cast solid and bored, it was cast hollow. The original fifteen incli Rodman guns, cast this way, have been subjected to the test of over five hundred discharges, while the Dahlgren iiftcon inch gun has been subjected to rising six hundred.' Preparing.?It is stated hv the Mnhile 7V/ bunc that "the Government has made ample arrangements to provision the city," and tha t. "private parties arc also making arrangements to get enough of provisions for family consumption to last for a considerable time." It is to hoped, says the Appeal, that, with the fate of Vicksburg and Port Hudson fresh in the minds of all, that "ample arrangements" of the Government will not fail to be carried out. Look to the pr occedings of the commissaries. Rely more upon tho bulk of the stoics on hand than the footings of stated reports. The total number of prisoners discharged in Richmond under the recent amnesty to deserters amounts, says the Richmond JSnquiery to 1080, all of whom were confined in Castle?, Thunder.