University of South Carolina Libraries
. ^ ^ -3* % - T % Alabama Fir? Insurance com sty:. rplJE Undersigned, as Agent for too above South' A era Insurance Company, is prepared to issut policies of Insurance against loss by Firo on all Build ings, &c. Novcnibor 1 W. L. DePASS. PROSPECTUS. 'piIE UKDEUSKiNED WILL ISSUE; IX A X few weeks, at Richmond, Va., a weekly journal, to bo called "TlIE SOUTHERN" PUNCH 1" It will bo nearly a duplicato in size, form and general features of the world renowned London 44 Punch," so long an acknowledged power in the British Isles iu tho roidrmation of public abuses, and the enlightenment of the public miud. flashing as it did with the genius of llood, of Jarold, and a host of wits, poets and philosophic thinkers. Tho proprietors of * Tho Southern Punch" brine to tho difficult task of suecesstully conducting such ; journal the advantage of capita), abundant mental tesourccs, and practical skill. Tho editor for many years past, lias been connected, in a loading editorial capacity, with tho largest daily papers of New Orleans and Mobile, while tho gentleman who will have charge of typographical and engraving departments is unsurpassed in that skill necessary for success. livery number will bo illustrated with numen us cuts, appropriate to the times (humorous and serious), from the hands of oue or the best engravers on tho continent?an artist whoso uaiuo *is familiar to tho reading public of tho South. In flue, tho undersigned are determined to make u Tho >outhern Punch" the spiciest, most readuble, and best illustrated literary journal in America. It shall distauce competition. TERMS.?Subscription for single copies $10 per annum. News dealers sunnMed at the rate of ?lti nor hundred copies. Address OVERALL. CAMPBELL, HUGIIES & CO.. Publishers. Richmond. Vu. Editor i giving the ubeve ouc or inure insertions will be entitled to a copy gratis. Office on Main strcei, between 9th and 10th. July 10 South-Carolina?Kershaw District lis Eqiiily. Thomas Lang, vs. Edward M. Boykin and Mary C., his wife, Sallio W. Boykin, Ilairict M. Lang, Jolin C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Sanf). W. L. Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang.?Bill of Supplement and Revivor. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John C, Lang, Theodore Lang and Cornelia A. Lang, and her infant son Edward B, Lang, four of the above named defendants, reside beyond the limits of the State of South Carolina?on motion of Richardson <fc Gay, complainant's Solicitors, it is ordered that the said John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Cornelia A Lang and Edward B. Lang, do appear and and plead answer or demur to the said bill o1 supplment and revivor on or before the 18tli day of September next, or the same will be taken pro con/esso against them. And it is further ordered that this order be published for three months before the time above appoiuted for the appearance of saie] defendants in the Camden Confederate, r newspaper published in the town of Camden, W. It. .TAYLOR, C. E. K. D Commissioners Ofiice, June 9tli A. D, 1863, June 12 3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T AND INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, Columbia, July 19, 1869. GENERAL ORDER NO. 26. 1?jni\ioiurniiU r". tl AMt'lUiN riAV i:\li been appointed Aid-de-' amp to his Excellencj the Governor, is herewith announced as such, and wil be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief A. C. GARLINGT >N, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. 5^" Papers of tho State copy onco. July 24 1 Drugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, Blue Stone. Copperas Kx't. Logwood, English Calomel, English Blue Mass, Sulphur, Camphor, Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum, Cream Tartar, Sup. Cavb. Soda, Siedlitz Powdors, Eng. Castilo Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Ivory Fino-Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, Ai Just received and lor salo by Juno 26 1 WM. McKAlN. Chewing Tobacco. I /A HALF BOXES CHEWING- TOBACCO, HE J-V/ ceived on consignment, and for salo by tin packago only, at MATHESON A CO.'S. July 11 .CAUTION. All persons are hereby forewarnki not to trade for a note of hand, given by the un dorsigned, as administrator, to Messrs. Gayle A Younjj for ($194 '?"2) One Hundred and Ninety Four 62-1 Oi "Dollars, dated July 1, 1863. It has been lost or mis laid, and duplicate note given in stead. jos. M. GAYLE, Adm'r. Josse F. Young, dec'd. July 17 .1 AS ORDINANCE. T r|X> AMEND AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON THE L X 8th day of May, 18G2, imposing a tax upon couu- | try produce, poultry,. &c. I ' Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by the Injtendant and War- ? < dens of the Town of Camden, in Council assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from, and aftor 1 the passing of this Ordinauco, the following Tax shall -A be levied upon all Country Produce, Provisions, and at Poultry herein enumerated, if bought for salo in pri oilier markets, when the same has been purchased within the corporate limits of the Town, by any iesident or non-resident, or when^uch has been purchased by any citizen or transiont person from any party out- ? side the limits of the Town, who may be on their way to this market with the intention of exposing tl>o same g i for sale. c Flour per bag of 08 pounds, $5.00 ? Coru per bushel, GO Peas per bushel, 35 Oats per Bushel, 25 Turkeys each, 75 , Geese each, 60 Ducks each, 60 Chickeus each, 50 Eggs per dozen, 25 Bacon per pound, 30 Beef per pound, 20 Mutton, per pound, 30 Pork per pound, 25 Sec. 2. Any person violating the abovo Ordinance, ^ or refusing to comply with its provisions, shall be ^ lined in n sum not less than Five Dollars and not ex- ? ceeding Twenty Dollars, in additiou to the tax?the = samo to be collected by Council, when within their jurisdictiori, otherwise by due course of law. 2 Sec-. 3. Free negros shipping any of the above ar- ? tides, shall bo charged double tho rates specified; = Provided there is nothing in the abovo Ordinance 51 to prevent regularly appointed agents from shipping t provisions for the government, or parties from tho z eouutry from shipping their own produce. Any ordinance or part of an ordinance hitherto in ? lorce, and repugnant to the above, is hereby repdalod. u JAMES DUNLAP, Intondant. = R. M. Kennedy, Recorder. May t <2 SWEET, ? F1KEY, Ai\D ? TOBACCO. "VJ" O. MOLASSES, CRUSHED AND BROWN c .!> SUGAR: ^ 500 dollars worth Matches, best quality ; a Tobacco?Common. Medium and Fine;' Rico?good and fresh Rico Flour; Salt?Confederate and Turks Island: Smoking Tobacco and good Cigars; Pepper Sause, Spices of different kinds; Jars and Jugs, various sizes; Nails, coarse Shoes. -r May 22, 1863. A. T. LATTA. ? Runaway. cc COMMITTED TO TIIE JAIL OF KERSHAW ' District a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOHN, and that he belongs to Robert Oliver, of I Georgetown, S C. . Said Boy is five feet five or six inches high, wi \ ' weigh 150 or GO pounds, had on an old black coal, and It grey satinett pants, and a Confederate hat, made o j wire grass. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pay expences and take him away. ? DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. March G ? I ilIEDICAL NOTICE. 1 DR. W. II. SIKES TENDERS IIIS SERVICES ~ ' as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Oilico on main street, in the rooms formerly ' occupied by Dr. T.J. Workman*. February 27 DR. JOHN JUcCAA OFFERS IIIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. .OtTioo two doors abovo the Branch Bank, Camden So Ca. January 30 Shoe Thread, Castile Soap, &cSHOE THREAD, CASTILE SOAP, TOOTll a; Brushes, Mulches, &c.. fur sale at the "Old ? Corner. E. W. BONNEY. July 3 ? c Hay Cutters, &cHay cutters, washing machines and = patent Cylinder Churns, for salo at the " Old t Corner." E. W. BONNEY. ? i July 3 = WH E R E~A s , J. " G. BRUCE APPLIED ^ to mo for Lotters of Administration on all and i. singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits ^ of James Bruce, late of tho District aforesaid, ~ deceased: ^ These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said de- 2 ceased to bo and appear before me at our next Or- ? dinary'.s Court for the said District to be liolden at Kershaw Court House on the 27th day of Janu- b nry iust., to show cause, if any, why the said admin- J5 istralio!) should not be granted. ? Given under my Hand and Seal, litis seventh .$ day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixtj'-thrcc, and in tho eightyseventh year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of tho State of South Carolina. ? Matting. 14 4 A IVTtTA UATTIVP. mi) Uirp *'n rnuP 2 4" 4 " Old Corner." ' ~~E. \Y BONNEY* Lo July 3 lie New- Goods. JUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD CORNER,' ~ Printed Muslins; also, Tapes, Pins, Hooks and J 0 Eyes, wlnto and colored serpentine Braids, Ac., that lias just run the blockade. E. "W. BONNEY. July 3 - Notice. } rpHE STAG# FARE TO LANCASTER "WILL BE \ '* I raised to $5.00 a scat, and thirty pounds baggage * >> allowed. to N Volunteers going or returning, will bo charged Vl '* $3.00. . Fa Any packago to or from volunteers will be takon Fa and forwarded free of charge. All others must be pie-paid. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 7 ? ? UKS?RAGS! Onnnp0unds g00d clkan m^rn v/v/v/ and Cotton ltags wanted inirncdiatcly tho Confederate Oflice, lor which tlie highest rnarke ce will be paid. ? M "T| / a 3 o ? ? 2 55 m I s- q o ^ ? 3 w > H H 50 ^ L> S f?J 192 - ill 11 Jf iiB " Z, >o ^ = 3 0 f* H JS, * 2 ? S3 M ' He B 5 ^ g >< tr< **1 Z _ n i 1 f 1 w 5 ^ H t sj I -i "? ?5 ? j ? I ~ I ? ? 3 08 ^ L > rsSJ? gH S ? o > h ?r? h ; * ^ *s a 1^ ? r t-" r c ? ! ^ ^ ; mI S H H i r - fcJ ? = V! _ S H -2, 3 -3 > 2 B ST , P K T3 ~ ? . grsr^ L > 2 ? a ? w r1 c/i w ^ ? ^T? > CO ?; ? ^ ^ = _ r > s > > ?; S3 5 &3 5 Grq ^ a Z CT> 2 *' *<< ? ^ t3 K "> v X <9> \ r+ CC o ' ^ i g- ? a 3 I ? <T> |_J cu n wanted?Wool! pOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE paid. ? ALSO? )TTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at. McCURRY k HAMMERSLAUGIPS. ' American Guano, pOR SALE BY THE BARREL AT THE "OLD Corner," by K. W. BONNEY. January 30. E 3 > B 2? 3 >> ? ? ? ? 2 S S Br g - 0 ^ > o 55 *ts 3 $ n BS B 3 o W ^ ? ^ ^ a ?" * ^ ) ( 1 ~ ^ w SS5 O a! "8 S3. 2 t> ? ' P ST ?. ^' 3 c- pS 3 ? g S ? r h? g n-. l t * % -r c P s- K" H ? O 5? p *? H H* I ?2 a - M gH 2. * PS 3"" rf- j > ZJl O O 'H ? 22 ? w o E2 W-. H 2 M o O P* i_l ?? w 2. . y 2 m o < **? j pS "*> o M ** A - 2 ^ ^ ? 25 2 r? J ? 1 M ^ s w 1 M w ? ? ha co o ^ 5 O 3- s o * S o> g S5 - 3- ? S ? 53 31 A *** <-* o n 3 o' 0 E22 o r* ^ i2 ^ a T FRS1IAW LOIM.i: AO. 29, A. F. HI. A STATED COMMUNICATION OF KERSHAW dgc No. 29 A. F. M., will bo hold .'it their Lodge >otn, Tuesday Evening 14th inst., at 8 o'clock. By order of W. M. J. JONES, Sec. .Tniv in i XT O TI O E VE, THE OWNERS OF TIIE OMNIBUSSKS running to and from tho depot, fool compelled advnnco our rates, as our expenses are much lica>r than heretofore. From this dato tho re within the Town will bo 75 ets. re to Kirk wood " $1.50 eta. J. K. WITHERSPOON. E. G. ROBINSON. April 10 & I Adit, ana inspector txcnerar* wince Richmond, May lltl), 186tt. [GENERAL ORDERS No 58.] J THE FOLLOWING NOTICE RKLAT1VK TO exchange prisoners is published for the informa- ' tion of nil concerned: EXCHANGE NOTICE No. G.?The following Confederate officers nnd men have been duly exchanged, and aro hereby so declared : ? 1. All olliccrs and men who have been delivered at City Point at any timo previous to May 8th, 1865. 2. All officers captured at any place before the 1st of April, 1866, who have been released on parole. 3. All men captured in North Carolina or Virginia before the 1st of March, 1863, who have been released on parole. 1 4. The officers and men captured and paroled by Gen. S. P^.Carter, in'his expedition to East Tennessee, in December last. f>. The officers and men captured and paroletl by Lieutenant Colonel D'.ckey, in December, 1862, in! bis march to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and by Captain Cameron, of Corinth, Mississippi, in December, 1862. 6. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Mississippi, on the 23d of December, 1862; at DeHark, Arkansas, on the 17th of January, 1863, nnd at Baton Rogue, Louisiana, on the 23d of February, 1863. 7. All persons who have been captured on the sea, or the waters leading to the same, or upon the seacoast of the Confederate or the United States, at anv time previous to 1 >eeember 10th, 1862. j 8. All civilians who have been arrested at any time , before the Gth ot' May, 1863, and released on parole, are discharged from any and every obligation contained in said parole. If any such person has taken tho oath of allegiance to the United States, or given any bond, or if his release was accompanied with any other condition, he is discharged from the same. 9. If any person embraced in any of the lbregoirtg sections, or in any section of any previous Exchange Notice, wherein they aro declared exchanged, are in any Federal prison, they aro to be immediately it leased and delivered to the Confederate authorities. ROBERT OULD, Agent of .Exchanges. Richmond, May 9th, 1SG9. II. All persons, whether citizens or soldiers, are expressly prohibited from using, or in any manner interfering with fuel, or wood cut and delivered for the usoof railroads or railroad companies. It is of the first importance tlint thisordtr should be observed, and it will bo strictly obeyed and enforced by the army. By order, (Signed) S. COOPER, t May 22 Adjutant aud Inspector Gen. ^ CIKCULAHA NJ> APPEAL. FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. To the Cilixens of Charleston and the People of South Carolina generally, and to the Farmers and Planters especially, from the mountains to the seaboard Tlio Free Market of Charleston, one of the noblest and most useful, charities extant, after more than a ?. twelve month of successful operation, is in danger of suspension and even final stoppage. It is an institution, founded by private patriotism and benevolence, endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, and recognized and encouraged by the Legislature of tho State. Its great and highly useful purposes is to supply provisions, free of expense, to the needy families of soldiers and seamen, lighting the battles ol their country, or dead in her service; and upward of eight hundred families depend on its bounty for their daily bread. It has become a great public necessity, and it is the v, . duty of evety christian and patriot, male and female, rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its sup-* mk port, iji proportion to means and ability?the rich man* ' vl out of b:s wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, the widow with her mite?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into this great reservoir of patriotic, benevolence, to bo di? pen soil in God-blessed bounty to the wives at d children, the widows and orphans, the sisters ami other female dependents, of our bravo soldiery and seamen. The tinal stoppage, or even tho suspension, of this charity would he one of the direst calamities '.hat could befall our City and State?it would inflict dis tress, suffering, and even starvation on numbers now comfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to brcod-riots, in our conservative city, to her serious injury and deep disgrace. Come, then, fellow citizens, to the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not only save tho Free Market fiom destruction or suspension, but sustain it, in healthful vigor, as a God blessed and man-blessing institution. Let donations in money and in kind pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and .^tatc: and the consequences will be happy indeed. Not only will bread, and meal, and meat be sustniningly furnished to soldier's and sea men s mumies, uui me heart oi tiie warrior will bo cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against the vandal and ruthless foe, by the comforting conviction that his wife and little ones arc patriotically and sulliciently cared for, by their fellow citizens, at home. Let our farmers and planters especially, in every section of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, from their gardens, their lields, their barns and their smoke houses; and swell to overtlowing the great reservoir of Free Market charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesseth him that-gives as well as him that receives?and blesses the giver / oven more than tho receiver. Come tip, then, ono and all, to tho hallowed work, ^ and not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying gratitude, but lay up treasuro in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in and steal. RICHARD YEADON, Chairman ) WM. H. YATES, .-Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. It?Country exchanges are requested to copy the above circular and appeal, gratuitously. New Flour. 4 VUHKI-T STTV'PI V OV l.'Y'eot nvu inwr k/w 4 ? aj t \/r i i i? a l' i *> rj r a ?>i i" l\ LY FI.OUR, just received and fur sale at the "Old Comer," by E. YV. BONNEY. July 10 Fancy Soaps. &c JUST RECEIVED AT THE "OLD CORNER" Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Needles, Hair I'ins, , Knitting Needles, I'ins, Shoe Thread, Black and Whito >sp<iol Cotton, Black Flax Thread, Black Sewing Silk, Matches, Pearl Buttons, &c. May 8 E. W. BONNFiY. Removal. Tiie undersigned has removed his Storo from tho "Old Brick Corner" to the establishment formerly occupied by Mr. Wm. C. Gerald, Jr., two doors below McCurry &> Hammerslaugh's storo. July 24 T. IL MYERS