University of South Carolina Libraries
850 Rewardrpu?J UNDKRSIGNKI) WILL PAY FIFTY DOLJl L4KS reward lbr the apprehension of the hoy liGfl?formerly owned by Mrs. LoGrande, of Camden, and now the property of Mr. James MeLeod?delivered totho Sheriff of Kershaw List. July 31 v 3 MARTHA DUTTOJf. Wanted, 4 SITUATION AS OVKRSKKR, BY ONK WHO jl\. is not subject to conscript. The best* testimonials given as to ?ptalifieatiouand character. Address M. I). J FN KINS, \Yatcrco 1\ O., Richland List. July 31 STATE Or SOUTBI CAUOLI^A. AbJ'i A.vl) INSPKOTOU-llKXKItAL'S OFFICK. ) ClI AHhKSTOX, .1 Illy 'Jod, 180".;. )" GENERA L ORDER N0 28. IT UK PltKSKNT KXIGKNCIKS OF TIIK SKR vice require the completion of the organization recently begun under the 1'resident's call upon the < lovernor of this State for Five Thousand (P000) Troops, (or service within the State for six (0) months from the 1st of August next. It will not, however, arrest the enrollment of all conscripts up to fortydivo (45), as required under his Proclamation of the 15th July, installt. Hut all such Conscripts as are in service in or about, Charleston, or as shall be called into active service in or near there in their present organizations, will be enrolled as Conscripts, but remain With their respactive commands until the exigency has passed, and will then report at the Confederate Camps of lUstruetiou. Such us may not bo called boforo being enrolled into active servico with their respectives commands, will comply at the date of enrolment with tho said Proclamation of the President The privilege of selecting the companies of the Confederate service to which they choose to attach them selves, tlio Governor is authorized by the President to say, will not be forfeited bj' such enrolment. II. An election for one Colonel, one Lieutenant Colonel, one Major in each Regiment) in accordance with the subjoined arrangement, will be hold on the it 1st instant, at each Beat Muster Ground, by any two or more of tlie Company Ollieers within the usual hours. Immediately alter the Polls are closed, the votes will be counted by the Managers at each Company Poll, ami a report of the result under their hands will lie immediately made to this Office, in Charleston. III. 1'he trooosthos organized will hold themselves in readiness to mareli at a moment's notice, each man to provide himself with a haversack and three days' cooked rations. IV. All Field Ollieers of the Militia, and Company Officers ofthis organization, are charged with the prompt extension and execution ofthis order. 1st Regiment, Greenville lid 2d Regiment, Piokons . 11.'? ltd Regiment, (two companies) Greenville 15:5 4th Regiment, Anderson 120 f?th Regiment, Pickens lid 121 Regiment, Anderson 110 Gth Regiment, Khbevillo 110 8th Regiment, Abbeville 115 0th Regiment, EdgelleUl 55?10US 7th Regiment. Edgefield 115 10th Hegiuicut, Kdgclleld 05 11 ill Regiment, Barnwell 120 12th Regiment, Beaufort 75 12th Regiment, Colleton 125 I -1th Regiment, Orangeburg h?0 15th Regiment, (two companies,) Orangeburg and Lexington 171 I ltd Reguneiit, Barnwell 05 tOlh Regiment. Newberry 125?1021 Itllli and 17t i Regiments. Charleston 045 18th Re/ilili Ut. t ii: rleSion 80 I Oih Regiment. < herlcstou 05 81 St lteeiment. Vi'illiaiiislnirg and George town 12 3 2il Regiment, (i wo Companies) Marion 103 ii3d Regimeut. Horry 110?11 HO 20th Regiment, Sumter 110 'J 1st Regiment, Lancaster ! "? 22d Regiment, Kershaw 101) 2:5(1 Regiment, (two Companies,) liielilan 1 220 -14ill Regiment, Clarendon 80 2f?lli Regiment, ) 25tli Regiment, f (one Company,) Fairlield 110 27tli Regiment, Chester * 03 28tli Regiment, Chesterfield 123 20th Regiment, Harlington 120 2tnh Regiment, Marlboro 100 l i:;o 34th Regiment, York 110 33th Regiment, Union 03 3<5th Regiment, (two Companies,) Spartanburg 133 i"'!- o.."-: ?-? ,--.i i .>?iM ucj^iiiii'iM, o|i;iri<i(iuuig i-w 46th Regiment, York J 20 88th R-giment, Newberry 75 '10th Regiment, Laurens 05 41st Regiment, Laurens 100 45ih Regiment, Union and Spartanburg 05 20th Regiment, Cluster 70 1035 By order of the Commander-in-Chief. A. 0. GARLIXGTON, < Adjutant and Inspector General S. C. Jjg?" Papers ul the Stale publish till day of election July 31 I Council Notice. OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OK LOTS ARE requested to have all noxious weeds cut, and ditches cleaned out before the iirst proximo. Council will inspect tho lots at that time, and all parties who may hnvo failed to comply with the above notice, their premises will bo cleaned by order of, Council, at the owner's expense. A. D. BAXLF.Y, Town Recordef. Council Chamber, July 2, 1863. Notice. Mr. r. m. kknnfdy is authorized to act as my Agont during my absence from the District. W. W. WALLACE. July 24 3 "I'-Ji -J - " .U__. 1 . ...L .. NOTICE TO PERSONS LIABLE TO CONSCRIPTION. ll'DQ'KS. CAMP OP INSTRUCTION,) Columbia, S. Cm July 2V, 1803. ) T ALL PERSONS WITHIN THE AGES of 18 :uul 45 years, who arc liable to enrollment, are required to report, in person, to the Enrolling Otlicor of their respective districts, on or before the twentieth day of August next. Those who fail to report by the day indicated, will be enrolled as Conscripts, if adjudged liableon information obtained; and those so enrolled will not complain if they are prejudiced by their failure to report or denied advantages to winch they would have bean en- | titled by a prompt obedience to this order. II. This order inelndeseverv male while per- J son within the ages indicated, not already in service, as well those who claim exemption as tlio.-e who do not, (except those between tlie 1 agesoi IS anu 1.) who have heretofore reported and liave been exempted, and those who have bee n rejected for physical disability bv the Ex:iitiininjx Board ol the Congressional Districts.) III. The privilege of volunteering, before enrollment, is extended to every one. All poisons who desire to volunteer, will report in person to the Enrolling Olliecr of the districts on or before the 20lh day of August next, indicating the Company and Kcgimcut which thev wish to j _>in. All who fail to leport to the Enrolling Ufiieer of tho J )isti icts, as volunteers, by the '20th August, will no longer have the right to volunteer. IVt Those who report as volunteers will be required to go forward to the Company selected by the first day of September. Ail who fail so to do will forfeit their right to volunteer, and will be immediately enrolled as Conscripts, and dealt with as such. V. Persons who report as volunteers, and who wish to be examined by a Surgeon before going forward, will have the opportunity of such examination by reporting at the Enrolling Office of the Districts, on such day between the 20th August and the 1st of September as may be indicated by the army Surgeon of the Examining Board: VI. No one who volunteers can be allowed afterwards to prefer a claim to exemption. Those, therefore* who claim exemption and wish if not exempted, to volunteer, should report to the Enrolling Officer at a day sufficiently earlv to have their claims considered and adjudged before the 20th day of August, in order that, if not adjudged exempt, they may be within time to volunteer. VII. Volunteers going forward will l?e furnished transportation to Columbia by tin; District Enrolling Officers; and on reporting at the "I load Quarters of the ('amp of Instruction/' at Columbia, they will receive an order lor transportation to their respective commands. \ III. Every volunteer will be furnished by the Emailing Officer with a certificate, stating that he volunteered before being enrolled as a Conscript; on presenting which he will be accepted in the company to which he shall go, and be entitled to all the privileges of a volunteer. Those who go forward without such certificate cannot be received, will be reclaimed and ordered back to the Camp of Indruction. IX. Any person liable to enrollment mav present a snbs.itute at tl oCainp ol Ins!r.i<Tn>n, and if accepted, the principal will be discharged from conscription. Eut hereafter every person tarnishing a substitute will become liable to service if his substitute shall desert, or his services he lost, from any cause other limn the casualties of war. C. I). M ELTON, .Major, ActingConi'dt. Conscripts. July .'>1 1 Charleston Mercury and Courier will copy three times on alternate day.-; all other papers in the St alt; copy once. Son tli Curoliiiu?- lker?liu\v District. t:v a. i.. Mcno.nai.n, ksouiu:, ounix.iiiv. I\7 IIKUKAS, StTSAXXI! HOLLAND A1TLIKD t t to me lor J.eiters or Administration on allaiid singular the good-and chatties, rights ami credit <1 .James 1J. Holland, late of lite .District, aforesaid, deceased : These are. therefore, to cite ami admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the s.tid deceased to he and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to bo hohlen at Kershaw Court House on the 17th day of August next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not he granted . Given under my Hand ami .Seal, this seventeenth day of August, in tlio year of our Lord one thousand eight Imndred and sixty-three, ai.d in the eighlysoventh year of the Indepeudeiiee and Sovereignty ol' the State of South Carolina. Aid-;\. l Mcdonald, o. k. d. July 'IV 2 South Cni'oliiisi-ftcrnlittn l)i*lri<>t1JY A. L. MCD0XA1.1), KSQUIltK, OHIUXAKY. TO R1CTIARD NKLSON, ELIZABETH OWKXS, Francis Nelson, Amanda Langstou, George Nelson, Emma Langstou, Ransom Nelson, and Sarah Nolson, or their legal representatives, heirs of the eslato ol Jano Nelson, late ot Kershaw District, deeensod: You are hereby summoned to bo and appear at tlio Court of Ordinary, to bo held at Camden in the District and State aforesaid, on Monday, tho 10th day of August next, to shew cause if any you can, why the said estate, both real and personal, should not be divided among the heirs at law. Witness my hand and seal, this twenty fourth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-threo. July 21 2 A. L. McDONALD, O. K. D. # ; * 1IEAU(IVAKTURS. CAMP OP INSTRUCTION,) Columbia, July 27, 1863. f - CIRCULAR ORDER. ' 11 I IN OBEDIENCE TO THE RECENT A* Proclamation ol the President, and in pur- "? suanee of orders of the Adjutant and Inspector < Icneral of tlic Confederate States, the enrolment is hereby ordered of all persons in thi:s r| State, between the ages af J 8 and 40 years. J who are liable, to Confederate military service, e.' and not already in service. II. With the view to such enrolment, Enrolling Officers will proceed forthwith to regitfcr all male white pcr.-oiis. within the ages indicated, found within their respective Districts, who are adjudged liable to enrolment and who _ have not. already been enrolled. III. It is tlic duty of all male whites within . the ages indicated |as well those who claim { exemption as those who do notj, to report in b person at the I >i>ti ict Office for enrolment; but Enrolling Ollicers will not w ait their so reporting, but w ill proceed at onoo to register all persons who are adjudged liable, on such information as they may obtain. IV. Immediately after the 20th dav of An- ? gust, Enrolling Officers will forward to these Headquarters a list of all persons who have reported as volunteers, giving descriptive par Denials, with the Company ami Hegiiucnt selected. V. After the 20th day of August, Enrolling r OfKcers will transfer froui the Jtey inter to the Ivoll of Conscripts* the names of all persona p who are a ij.ulged liable to conscription and who have, not reported as volunteers, and will send them forward to the Camp of Instruction as speedily as practicable. They will also use all efforts to gather in the names of all persons who have evaded the duty to report. VI. After the first day of September, Enrolling Officers will enroll as Conscripts all tvho having reported as volunteers, fail to go forward to their respective commands by the said day; and will spare no effort, resorting to arrests if necessary, to forward them promptly to the Camp of Instruction. VII. The exigencies of the service command of Enrolling Officers increased activity and energy in the performance of their duties. The salvation of the Confederacy may depend on their exertions to increase the army. The Commandant will l>c rigid in exacting of them this aetivitv and encrgv. " C.D. MELTON, .)uly III 1 Major Act.Comd't. Conscripts. iCi-" All the papers of the State copy once. Wanted. VGOOH WASH Kit AND liiONKR. FOR . which .qvod wages will be paid' Apply at this j Ollicc. 1 July '11 PGR SALE, rji\VO tlool) HUUSKS. APPLY AT 1 Mrl'l RRY & IIAMMKRSL AUfi 11 ' >. July 17 Dissolution of Copartnership. ! 'JMIR CoPA RTX KRS11 IP JlKRKTOPoR K KX& IS TINA; under the name and stylo of (J AYLK 1 .V YOl'Xt! is this day dissolved l?y iiiulual eonsent. I!. U*. Young is authorized to close up ilio business and sign the name of the linn in liquidation. Persons having claims against the said lirn? will present them to Mr Young, and those indebted will please make immediate payment of the same. .1 M. 0 AYLK. R. \V. YOUNtL i July 1st I Mi:;. l Notice to Debtors \LL PKRSoXS 1X l>l\UTK!? To Til K INDKlt 1 signed by Note or Aeeourt, are earnestly request- , ? i to tome forward and pay up. 1 n future no work will be allowed to leave the establishment without the cash ? to eommenco on tho 1st of July next. A good supply of Leather on hand. June lid 5 P. J. OAKKS. i in Kciitxiiilo nl S. 41. IS. 1*. On and after Thursdsn. 'Jd of April, tho mid-day train down trout Camden will be altered as follows: Leave Camden I'J JO p. in. Arrive ttL Kingsvillo L'. 15 p. m. Arrive at Camden 5: It) p. in. Arrive sit Augusta 11:15 p. m. Arrive sit Columbia 5:0u p. m. Tho time of departing from each oft lie above named plaees?with iLe exception of the down mid-day train nun 4 Viim l?m ?1 i'i \ n not In mn ?-I, ?i.. r.1 ?? i 11 - " o"-") "?"? inuo as heretofore, until iurthcr notice. 'B in: ROLL or IIOXOK. > Tt) TIJK KAMI I.IKS OF DECEASED SOLDIERS. Tlio undersigned would again call the attention of families *?f deceased soldiers to the fact that under appointment from the SStato ho is engaged in recording t he names of all soldiers from South Carolina who havo fallen during the war, said Record when completed, to be placed among the archives af the State. The naino of no gallant son of tho State, who lias given his life to his country, should be omitted from this " Roll of Honor." Tho dosired information concerning th# deceased is as follows: Name, Rank, Number of Regitoont, Letter of Company, Date of death, causo of death, whether killed on the field, from wounds received in battle, or from disease contracted in camp. Address mo at Columbia. WM. B. JOHNSTON, 1 Recording Agent for tho State. Turnip SeedTURNIP SKKD, KALSKD BY IRVIN L ROBKRTSON. of Ijancnatea District, for sale at io POST OKK1C15. July :t dissolution of Copartnership. pilK COPAKTXKRSUIFOP KOOPM AN &SOM1 MKRSis this day dissolved, by mutual eonseut? tlior party will si^'u the name of the firm in fiquida DM. All persons indebted by no'e or account, will plealm uke payment to the undersigned, or their authorised tornev, Mr. M Dhuckki:. M KOOP.M ANN^ L. SO MM Kits. Camden, June 1, ISOU. 0 June 11! Notice. *\N ALL PAST NOTKS ANL) ACCOUNTS DUE _ / the Kail road Blacksmith, and on ali up to the st of July next, payniout is earnestly requesicd; as o cannot pay without the cash, he is willing to tako 'ash i. c. Confederate money for his gold earnings, ml he hopes from the abundance of this trash that is float, that all of those indebted to him will call aud . Hie, and thereby enable him to pay his debts. In future the money will be expected lor his work, r arrangements accordingly. June 10 t* S. SHIVER. .A_lal>ariia, Fire Insurance COMPANY. rllK Undersigned, as Agent for toe above Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue lolicios of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build tigs, A*c. November 1 W. L. DeI'ASS. PROSPECTUS. I^HE UNDERSIGNED WILL ISSUE, IN A few weeks, at Richmond, Va., a weeiclv journal, o be called "THE SOUTHERN PUNCH I" It will be nearly a duplicate in size, form aud geneTil features of the world renowned London ' Punch,'' lo long an acknowledged power iu the British Isles in .lie reformation of public abuses, and the eulightenneht of the public mind. Hashing as it did with the genius of llood, of Jarold, and a host of wits, poets md philosophic thinkers. 'fiie proprietors of 1 The Southern Punch" bring to ,hc difficult task of successfully conducting such : odrual the advantage of capital, abundant mental ielources, and practical skill. The editor for mar.v rears past, has been connected, in a leading editorial capacity, with the largest daily papers of New Oreans and Mobile, while the gentleman who will have ;hargo of typographical and engraving departments is insurpassed in that skill necessary for success. Every number will bo illustrated with nuinen us :uts, appropriate to the times (humorous and serious), rom the hands of one of the best Cngravers on the roiitiuent?an artist whoso name is familiar tu the 'eading public of the South. In line, the undersigned are determined fo make 'The ."outheni Punch" the spiciest, most readable, :uid best illustrated literary journal in America. It jliall ilistanco competition. TERMS.?Subscription for single copies ?10 per iiinuiu. News dealers supplied at the rule of $15 per luiulrcd copies. Address o\ ERAL.I,. 0AMPJ1ELL, 11 UGHKS &, CO.. Publishers, Richmond, Va. Editor ^giving the above one or more insertions will lie entitled to a copy gratis. Office on Main street, between 9tli and 10th. .1 illy 10 South-Carolina?Kershaw District ill liquify. Iliomas Lang, vs. lid ward M. Roy kin and Mary C., liis wife, Sallio W. J3oykin, llairiet M. Lang, John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Sam'l. \Y. L. Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward 13. Latig.?Rill of Supplement and Revivor. It appearing to tin: satisfaction of the Court that John C, Lang, Theodore Lang and Cornelia A. Lang, and her infant son Edward 13. Lang, four of the above named defendants, reside beyond the limits of the State of South Carolina?on motion of Richardson Gav, eomplninnnt's Solicitors, it is ordered that the said John < \ Lang, Theodore Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward lb Lang, do appear and and plead answer or demur to the said bill ol suppiinont and revivor on or before the 18th day of September next, or tlie same will be * taken /?ro cwiftsso against them. Ami it is further ordered that this order be published for three months before the#time above appointed for the appearance of said defendants in the Camden Confederate, a newspaper published in the town of Camden. \v i? T.wiiii? r> v u ta '* ^ A 1JVJI, V-/. 1\., 1^ Commissioners Ofliec, .June Oth A. .1), 1803. June 12 3m STATE OF SOUTH < \K(MJ \ i, ADJ'T AND INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, Columbia, July 19, 1863. GENERAL ORDER NO. 26? I CHRISTOPHER F. HAMPTON HAVING been appointed Aid-de-Camp to his Excellency the Governor, is herewith announced as such, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief A. C. GARLINGTJN, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C jy Papers of the Stato copy once. July 24 1