University of South Carolina Libraries
T% t I 1 % Tke Wheel of Fortune* Twenty three years ago last November Louis Napoleon, the present Emperor of France, left the St, Charles Hotel without paying the hoard bill. In the New Orleans Ben of November 20, 1830, appeared the following account of the nooio v/ount s departure from tuat city. Count Louis NJipoleon Bonaparte, whose ar- j rival in this city was announeecd in several of the papers, has left New Orleans in high dud- j goon, and for just reasons. lie was yesterday j morning informed by the proprietors of the St? Charles Hotel that it was customary for gentlemen traveling without baggage (the Count was scantily provided in that way for a man of liis titular dimensions) to pay for their board in advance; whereupon the following dialogue on sued : Count?My name is a suiOcicnt guarantee for my bill. Publican?Your name, Count, is a very good one, but won't buy marketing. Count?Make out my bill. Publican?It shall be done. The clerk thereupon presented the bill, made out in the name of Count L. N. Bonaparte. "My name." said the Count, "is Louis N i-' poleon Bonaparte. 1 wish it so stated, in full in the account." A second bill was made out, and tuc name written out in fair, legible letters. "My name is Count Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, Prince of Segovia, Kamschatka, and oih.? , /I rt nnll/l All m At' Qui* ca it, tlm lull " K/ien.\n . Iml ' v/i ov aii iiiv; uui} i vc^uuvu the sprig of nobility. "I will not make out a third bill," said the clerk. "Then I'll be damned if I pay it," said his Excellency, and forthwith obsquatulatcd. Invocation! of LincolnS Sentence oil * Vallandlgliam. LINCOLN OFFERS TO RELEASE V ALL AN DI GUAM FROM EXTLE?THE TERMS UPON WHICH HE WILL no Ii*. The Committee of the Democratic Convention, which nominated Vallandighnm for Govenor of Ohio, addressed a letter to Lincoln, demanding the revocation of his order exiling their candidate from the. United States. Lincoln has published a reply, of which the followng is an extract : I send yon duplicates of this i iter, in order that you, or a majority of von, mav, if von choose, endorse your names tipt. n one of them* and return it thus endorsed to me, with the understanding that those signing are thereby committed to the following propositions, and touiothing else. .1. That there is now a rebellion in the States the object and tendency of which is to destroy the National Union; and that, in your opinion, an army and navy are constitutional means for. suppressing that rebellion. 2. That no one of you will do anything which in bis own judgment, will tend to binder lie increase, or favor the decrease,'or lessen the efficiency of the army or navy while engaged in the effort to suppress the rebellion; and 3. That each of you will, in his sphere, do all lie can to have the officers, soldiers and seamen of the army and navy, while' engaged in the effort to suppress the rebellion, paid, fed, clad, and otherwise well provided for and supported. And with the further understanding that upon receiving the letter and name thus endorsed,! will cause them to be published, which publication shall be, within itself,a revocation of the order in relation to Mr. Vallandigham It will not escape observation that I consent to the release of Mr. Vallandigharn upon terms not embracing any pledge l'rotn him or from others, as to what he will or will not do. I do this because he is not here to speak for himself, or to authorize ot lers to speak for him; and hence I shall expect, that on returning im he would not put himself practically in antagonism with the position of his friends. l>ut 1 do it chiefly because I thereby prevail on other influential gontlemen to so define their position as to be of immense value to the army?thus more than compensating for the consequences of any mistake in allowing Mr. Vallandigharn to return, so that on the whole the public safety will not have suffered by it. Still, in regard to Mr. Vallandigharn and all others, I must hereafter, as heretofore, do so much as the public service may seem to require. Matting. 4 A INDIA MATTING, FOR SALE AT THE m?? " OM Corner." E. W. BONNET. July 3 - * - ? - if" " i Hi ' AH ORDINANCE. rpO AMEND AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON THE 1 8 th day of Muy, 18G2, imposiuga tax upon couu- , try produce, poultry, Ac. . 'Skc. 1. lh> it ordained by the Intendnut and Wardens of tlio Town of Camden, in Cuuucil assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from, and afior the passing of this Ordinance, the following Tax shall bo levied upon ail Country Produce. Provisions, and Poultry herein enumerated, if bought for salo in other markets, when the same has been purchased within the corporate limits of the Town, by any resident or non-resident, or when such has been purchased by any citizen or transient person from any party out-, side the limits of tho Town, who may bo 011 their wuy to this inarkot with tho iutentiou of exposing the same for saje. Flour per bag of 08 pounds, $5.00 Corn per bushel, |5o Peas per bushel, ^ 35 Oats per bushel, 25 Tliplfm-O onnli K VMVU, I U | Geese eaoli, 60 ! Ducks each, 60 Chickens each, - 50 Eggs per dozen, 25 Bacon per pound, 30 Boot' per pound. 20 Mutton, per pound, ^ , 20 Fork per pound, ' 25 Sec. 2. Any person violating tho above Ordinance, or refusing to comply with its provisions, shall be lined in a sum not less than Five Dollars and not exceeding Twenty Dollars, in addition to tho tax?tho same to be collected by Council, when within their jurisdiction, otherwise by due curse of law. Sec. 3. Free negros shipping any of the abovo articles. shall bo charged double lite rates specified; Provided these is nothing in the above Ordinance t > prevent regularly appointed agent- from shipping visions for the government, or parties from the int \ from shipping tiieir own produce. Any ordinance or part of an ordinance hitherto in o 0o, and repugnant to the above, i- hereby repcalod. J.vMKS DUNLAP, lnteudant. il M Kennedy, Recorder. May : 1* Willi T, FIRLY, A\D TOBACCO. \r O. MOLASSES, CRUSHED AND BROWN SUGAR; 500 dollars worth Matches, best quality; Tobacco?Common, Medium and Fine; Rico?good and Iresh Rico Flour; Salt?Confederate and Turks Island; Smoking Tobacco and good Cigars; Pepper Sau-e, Spices of different kinds; Jars and Jugs, various sizes; Nails, coarse Shoes. May 22, 1863. A. T. LATTA. Runaway. (COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KKRSIIAW J District a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOHN, and that lie belongs to Robert Oliver, Of Georgetown, S C. Said Boy is five feet five or six inches . high, wi l weigh 150 or GO pounds, had on an old black coat, and grey satinett pants, and a Confederate hat, made o w ire grass. The owner is requested to come forward prove property, pav expences and take him away. DUNCAN SIIEORN, Jailor. .March F> Ka:KSIIAW? IX EQUITYJohn Goakin, et. al. vs James Bruce, et. al.?Bill. IN PURSUANCE OK AN OK I) K11 PASSED IN . above stated ease (Bill) at June Term, A. D. 18fi3, 1 will oiler tor re-sale at public outcry, before the Court House door, in Cainden, S. 0.. ou the 1st Monday in Julv next, at 12 o'clock, m., the Tract of Lund described in the pleadings m said easo (Bill), to-wit: The Sand Hill Tract, conveyed by Daniel Gnskin, sr., to D. !'. Maliiill'ey, Trustee for the children of John C. Baskui. Terms?So much cash as will pay the costs of rosile and a proportion <>!' tiie costs of proceedings?the balance on a credit until the lirst of January next, X. i1>GI Said balance to lie secured by bond, with .it least two good sureties, With interest qn the same (payable annually) from day of sale, and a mortgage of tiie property. Purchaser to pay for papers. Said tract of land to be sold at the risk oi the former pur chaser WM.If TAYLOIl, C. K K. 1?. Commissioner's Otliee. Juno 10. A. D.. 1SG.1. -1 inuiHCAL NOTICE. DR. W. 11. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. .Office on main street, in the rooms foriuerlv occupied by Dr. T. J. Workman. February 2*7 DR. JOII\ McCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. .Oflice two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden So Co. January HO Shoe Throad, Castile Soap, &c OIIOE THREAD, CASTILE SOAP, TOOTH Brushes, Matches, &e., for sale at the "Old I triu<r 1/ \\T U/\\TV*I *"\r ' .. IV. U . ti 1 . July 3 Hay Cutters, &eHAY CUTTERS, WASHING MA CHINKS AND patent Cylinder Churns, for sale at the " Old Corner." * K. W. BONXEY. July 3 Cut oiinst?14c*rsii;i\t IH?itricl. HY A. L. MCDONALD, ESQCITtK, OKDINARV. Y\T H E R E A S , J. G. BRUCE APPLIED V* to mo for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, lights and credits aC .IfirrtPQ lnt?? el' tlto I lictrSni w. VIMf.VIJ V4VWJ ?M?V V? V..V "iOVI IVy O iUUI deceased: Those are, therefore, to cite and ndmonjsh all and singular tho kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear beforo mc at our next Ordinary'.-Court, for the said District to 1 ?o holden at Kershaw Court. House on the 27 th day of .latin- ^ ary inst., to show cause, if any, why the said administration shouid not be granted. Given under my I'.and and Seal, this seventh day ot duly, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, an i in tlie eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. July 10 2 A. C. McDONALl), O. K. D. v" 1 ' *' HAGS?RAGS! i 1 A AAA P0UNDS G?QD CLEAN LINEN J.v/?\/v/V/ ?ud Cotton ltags wanted immediately at tho Confederate Office, lor which the highest marke ai price will be paid. ^ ? M 13 ' , , * 3' %S 4 | cL Cj O H b s ? 3 > W f 5 > ? ^ ? tea I | "ej g if3 ?6 a s is ? S d Jr1 ? fevi c g 2 _ t-? H a G ^ LJ H] 3 ^ h~< m 5^ ^ ? a > S3 5 ? " t ? "3 a hH ft fe? H " & ? H K * ff J > ? E 5 I I 3 2 2s 5 > " , H I I S 5 ^ W !" = C*? 3 ? *A O ? lb j!( -a ? =; 2 _ s H ; " g % s ?. > g n f_,L1 : > i 1 3 ? m I J? ? s- g | (? ss i. *"3 r ft < -_#t K = > >?; tej ,- 9fc3 <5 CTg < 2. ^ W?a ii CD k-? <5 ft xr .,, a ft w v, J ? 01 ? c* cz; o ^ nl *1 Z H ? s E a ^ | hj M & M Camden Hotel Company- 1 Subscribers to the capital stock of this Company, who are yet in arrears, are requested to come forward ami pay up the balance duo on their subscription and assessment, and receive their script, ai Byorderof J. Whitakrjr, President. t\ April 27 3 C. LELL, Sec. &Trcas. si ti Notice- 5 .4 LL PERSON'S HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST v xV the estate of ELLEN W. CHKSNUT are re- s< quested to hand them in legally attested, and all those ti owing said cstato will pay. (j April 17 4 L. L. "WTIITAKER, Adm'r. ii K - ^ b 5 ^ ? rr ? K ^ ol '< n ? ^ ^ SS tl g ? Yr ^ to 21 P' ^ -* ? O * mT >1 g ss ft rt d > o 5- ** el > 5 e: ?? O ? S IT ? o .2 tl 2 5 sJ t=? t>( ? ^ " ; s, i, 3 0 0 Q ST h; E ^ 3 t~ ' 2 o H F; ?g ?< m si > o 2 J 2 01 ~ H > tan ?" 1 . & * ? ^ ~ !< 0 C/3 ^ III SP s- w H ? O P ni ? o p-J ^ cj ^ = hi 1 J * H "j o P 5? ^ ' - _ 0 7! " o C ll ~ M h ?- ^ P 5- ti ? w ? ? H ? 2S 551 - as ? ?. 5 ?2 .',1 ? ^ Fi C/> ^ y 0KtK0 '' x- M ? < > r -z bi C. m. mB ? ? ft ? ^ = 55 23 ? 2 | M > -2. *J ^ as 2 "I <3 -5' H 61 ? W Cfc o- ? to u P. 3 ^ ^?+ ai ^ W =' ? ^ g! ? k{ a r h ; s " N? 2 T5 *< 1 so ? o " ^5r 3 a = ? | as 1 ?- 3 ! is b 9 ^ a ZLz__T _! _ 1,1 Amfirinan Chi an n. IT^OR SALE BY THE BARREL AT THE "OLD / Corner," by K. W. BONNEY. oi .Innunry 30. n, Wanted-Wool! For which the highest trice will be paid. ? ALSO?. :otton and woolen home-made jeans r, and PLAINS, nt McCURRYA HAMMERSLAUGH'S. Silk Gloves * Ladies and misses black and white an silk GLOVES, at pr June 6 MRS. CAMPBELL'S. * "9 i * . 1 . gggea*?1 iiijgL.j. a Ldjt. and Inspector General's Mice,' I Richmond, May 11th, 1863. 1 GENERAL ORDERS No 58.] I [ THE FOLLOWING NOTICE RELATIVE TO I L exchange prisoners is published for the informs- 1 on of all concerned: M EXCHANGE NOTICE No. 5.?The following Con- V derato officers and men have been duly exchanged, ' V ud are hereby so declared: I 1. All officers and'men who have been delivered at I ity Point at any time previous to May 8th, 18G5. I 2. AH officers captured at anyplace before i ho 1st I r April, 18GG, who have been released on parolo. 3. All men captured in North Carolina or Virginia I efore the 1st of March, 18G3, who havd been released . I n parole. 4. The officers and men captured and paroled bj I fen. S. P. Carter, in his expedition to East Tennessee, V l December last. 5. The officers and men captured and paroled by 1 icutenant Colonel Dickey, in December, 1862, ic- ' 1 is march to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and by I aptaiu Cameron, of Corinth, Mississippi, in Decern- 1 er, 1862. J 6. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Missis- I ippi, on the 23d of December, 18G2; at Desark, Ar- j ausas, on the 17th of January, 18G3, and at Raton I '.ogue, Louisiana, on the 23d of February, 18G3. 1 7. All persons who have been captured on the son, 1 r the waters leading to tho same, or upon tho sea- I Dast of the Confederate or the United States, at any I me previous to December 10th, 1862. 9 8. All civilians who have been arrested at any time > I efore the 6th of May, 1863, and released on parole,' A re discharged from any and every obligation contain- ^ i in said parole. If any such person has taken the V tith of allegiance to the United States, or given any I ond. or if his release was accompanied with any I ther condition, he is discharged from the saind. 1 9. if any person embraced in any of the foregoing I otions, or in any section of any previous Exchange 1 otice, wherein tliey are declared exchanged, are in I ny Federal prison, they are to be immediately releus- 1 .1 and delivered to the (Jonledcrato authorities. B ROBERT'OULD, I Agent of Exchanges. 1 Richmond. May 9th, 1SG3. j II. All persons, whether citizens or soldiers, are ex- j ressly prohibited lrom using, or in any manner intor- ' Ting with fuel, or wood cut and delivered for the 1 se of railroads or railioad companies. It is of tho rst importance that this order should be observed, nd it will bo strictly obeyed and enforced by Jtlio rniy. By order, (Signed) S. COOPKR, May 22 Adjutant and Inspector (Jon. * CIRCULAR AI* 1> APPEAL. > FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. 'o the Citizens of Charleston and the 1'eople of' South Carolina generqlly, and to the Farmers and I'lanleis especially, from the mountains to the seaboard Tho Freo Market of Charleston, one of tho noblest id most useful charities extant, after more than a velvo month of successful operation, is in danger of ispc-nsion and even final stoppage. It is an instisu- i on, founded by private patriotism and benevolence, ^ udoreed by the city authorities of Charleston, ami 'cognized and encouraged by tho Legislature of tho 9 late. Its great and highly useful purposes is to suplv nrnviuiniit! I'rnnnf Iiviiimtn i-r\ tl... 1 -- f- :i!-- r? v ...., ..vw v> i? UiU IIVVUJ JilllllUUS UI ddiors and seamen, tighting the battles of their coun y, or dead in her service; and upward of eight hunred families depend on its bounty for their daily bread. I ; has become a great public necessity, and it is the | nty of c'veiy christian and patriot, male and female, j eh and poor, young and old, to contribute to its sup- t| art, in proportion to means and ability?the rich man , i:t of bis wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, 10 widow with her mite?every largo stream should ] our, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into 1 lis great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to be Upensed in God-blessed bounty to tho wives nt.d lildren, the widows and orphans, tho sisters and otli- ^ r female dependents, of our brave soldiery and seaicn. The tinal stoppage, or even the suspension, ot lis charity would be one of the direst calamities that juld befall our City and State?it would inflict disess, suffering, and even starvation on numbers now unfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to read-Mots, in our conservative city, to her serious iniry and deep disgrace. Con.e, then, fellow citizens, ? the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not ulv save tlie Free Market from destruction or suspen- i on, but sustain it. in hcalllilul vigor, as a God bless1 and man-blessing institution. Let donatioiis in icney and in kind pour in lavishly from every quar>r of tho City and- late; and the consequences will it happy indeed. Not oijly will bre*id. and meal, and icat be sustniningly furnished to soldi. r\s and seitlen's families, but the heart of the warrior will be leered and his arm nerved to notorious battle against ie vandal and ruthless fine hv il.e m.n,f/.-i!... , -J VV..MV/I * ? rW,i> U ' i>n that his wife and litilo ovcs arc patriotically and dlicienily cared for. by their fellow citizens, at home, et our farmers and planters especially, in every seeon of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables id provisions, Irom their gardens, their fields, their irns and their smoke houses; and swell to overllowig the great reservoir of Free Market charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesscth hini that gives i well as him that receives?and blesses the giver * /en more than the receiver. ? * Come up. then, one and all, to the hallowed work, id not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying atitudo, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where neiicr moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in ul steal. RICHARD YK A DON, Chairman ) \VM. H. YATliS, > Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. B ?Country exchanges requested to copy i?s i-iii'iutii ?11111 appeal, grnl11 itoiisly. Council otice 4 LL i MiTIKS |\TKBKSTKI?, ARK HEREBY * rc:;:?-t' . n<?i to lav oil'nov h.ts in the Cemetery, i the near giowid. north of the gateway, v thout peri-.-ion ?it tiu? omic.i. iiitil tin- grounds are properly id <>n\ which \v 1! ho d<>ue us soon as possible. By t rdor of Coune'ri. 11. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. .dorcli 13 Notice. [MIE STAGE FARE TO LANCASTER WILL BE I raised to $f>.00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage owed. Volunteers going or returning, will bo charged 1.00. Any paekago to or from volunteers will bo taken d forwarded freo of charge. All others must be e-paid. McCURRY & HAMMERSLOUGH. November 7