University of South Carolina Libraries
# From Geh. Lee's Army. Winchester, July 21.?We have nothing jiew from our army. All is quiet in this neigh- la borhood. Many reports prevail in regard to tv the position of the enemy. It is believed that . Mead's army, or a large portion of it, re-crossed the Potomac; but in what force, or what position, wo do not know. Meade's movements are all known to Gen. Lee, who is making arrangements accordingly. It is rumored to-day that there has been a not in Philadelphia. Yankee Itaid in Norih Carolina. Richmond, July 22.?The Petersburg Express gives an account of a Yankee raid in North Carolina. Tho gang numbered from ^ four to six hundred and came from Washington, W N. C. At Rocky Monnt they burned the de- I1 s j1 pot, 5000 bales of cotton, a large cotton factory a owned by Wm. S. Battle, also captured a train ^ on thoTarbora branch of the Washington road j, with two carload's of ammunition and 30,000 j/ pounds of bacon, which were destroyed. The w bridge over Tar river, a short distance from ^ Rocky Mount, was destroyed and the track s torn up for mile or two. L ? ? i v Casualties in flic Companies from J Kershaw District in the Battles of a Gettysburg. K srcond south carolina rkoimbnt. ^ Field and Staff. Col. J.*D. Kennedy, wounded severely in ^ hand and slightly in hip; Capt. Wm. Wallace j m.:?\ 1- * ?* ta p ^nuking luajurj, suvurciy in arm; ivajuiani, il. ^ E. Sill, in foot severely. H Company E?(apt. W. Z. Leitner command?g. J Killed?D R Ryar; Privates W R Allen, J y VV Polk. " M Severely wounded?W Z Leitner, leg ampu- y tated; Corporal T E Gardner, in abdomen; ^ Private G Smith, in head. ^ Slightly Wounded?Private B R Arrants, I in leg; D Tidwell, in shoulder. j Killed, 3; wounded, 5. Company G?Capt. J.G. Cunningham coniy Killed?Capt J P Cunningham; Privates R r M Love, John Gaskin, W W Johnson. Seriously Wounded?S Coonin, leg and breast; John Falkenberry, knee; B Parker, leg amputated; W West, knee and thigh; J O ? Croxton, kn$o. Severely Wounded?Lieutenant J E Truesdcll, neck; Corporal J A Sowel, thigh and tl hand; Privates W Bird, hand and breast; John n Boon, head and arm; ,Wm Boon, thigh; J Huff, breast and log; John Roe, arm. Klirrlitlir VVniiiuln/l T wiiit S -T linnfAii ovni' 1 Serg 11 B Patterson, hand; Corporal T G West, head; Privates D Davis, breast and foot; W J Dunn, foot; J Policy, thigh; Wm Mahatfey, head; W C lluff, head: W T Phillips, breast; B Haley, leg and arm; E II Robinson, shoulder; L D Robinson, thigh. ' Killed, 4; Wounded, 24. tl Col. Kennedy's Regiment sustained a loss of I 27 killed, 125 wounded and 2 missing; Total, ' 154. FIFTEENTH SOUTH CAROLINA REGIMENT. t] Field and Staff. y Killed?Col William D DeSaussure; Acting it Major Thomas J Warren. j* Wounded?Adjutant James W Davis. Company J)?1st Lieut. C. B.Burns, corFdg. ^ Killed?Privates J C Corbett, C Minton, F W Watts. Wounded?Lieutenant George Crosby, leg, ' flesh; 1st Sergeant J J Iluckabee, flesh, leg; Corporals P II Wilson, arm, flesh; J 1> Shedd, foot, severely; Privates Win Brannon, loin, , slight; S Griffin, contusion of thigh; S W llorncsby, flesh, leg; A Kerby, groin, severely; C H Shagler, chest, slight. Missing?D Brannon, John Spradley, J W a Kerby. n TIIE ROLL OF HONOR. TO THE FAMILIES OF DECEASED SOLDIERS, b The undersigned would again call the attention of fi families of deceased soldiers to the fact that under ap- d pointmcnt from the State ho is engaged in recording li the names of all soldiers from South Carolina who havo c fallen during the war, said Record when completed, to be placed among the archives af the State. The name of no gallant son of the State, who has given his life to his country, should bo omitted from this " Roll of t Honor." The desired information concerning the deceased is ^ as follows: Name, Rank, Number of Regiment, Letter of Company, Date of death, cause of death, whether killed on the field, from wounds received in bat- I tie, or from disease contracted in camp. Address mo I at Columbia. WM. B. JOHNSTON, Recording Agent for tho State. / ROLL OF OFFICERS AND ME\ Of the company recently formed, under the te call from President Davis, of those beireen the ages of 40 and 50 : C. C. HAILR, Captain. T. J. Ancrum, 1st Lieutenant. John Thompson, 2d " T J. Cauthen, 3d " R. B. Cunningham, 1st Sorgoant. R. C. Duakepord, 2d " J. G. Bruce, 3d " A. Owens, 4th " R. McKee, 1st Corporal. A. J. Faukenbebry, 2d Corporal. Wii. Cato, 3d " Angus McLeod, 4tbi. privates. f C Cunningham Thos E Shannon S Thompson Jas Simmons r "W Nowman Daniel Baker : F Warren Thos Dawson io Holley Daniel McCaskill Itaborn Henry Thorn filey Outlaw ' Thos Mickle filey Branuuin A McClester 3el Hough Geo Pettigrew oel H Brown Jno Young T Bowers Lewis Phillips J C Denton David Baretiold [ C West J E King evi Keunington Wm Johnson A B Shannon Jno J Stokes B Boswell Thos Bcrkett J M Billings Nathan Humphries i'mK Robertsou Nathaniel Humphries .1 stoKes George Norris lfred Davis H Norris Deas J A W Berry J Bass M Watson Harrell Wm Price T Bradley Wilson Stoon . Hocott W J Hall eo Outlaw James Holland T Barker Thos English obt Man Wm English ianc Shiver Jno Spradlev , J Dowie Wiley Watkins J Roach Thos Watkins :obt Brannum Calvin Jones barren Brannum ' E Atkerson 1 1) Wood- Jns Wilson , J MeOright Wm Golf J Oakes J J Boss irTm Brauham Wm Ross , Hinson Calvin Ross hos Holland Jno Rush t T McCoy Thos Sessions onathan Page 'I hoy Peak no N Gamewell Wm Chrismas Special 1ST oticess. INSURANCE. HAVING BEEN APPOINTED AGENT F0I1 !ie Insurance Company of the State of Virginia. I am o\v prepared to tako Risks Against Loss or Dam? go by S'ite 'crsons wishing to insure their property, will have a ivorable onnortunitv of doinur so. in Derhans as safe :i 'oinpnny as tliore is in the Confederate States. May 22 N. D. BAXLKY, Agent. OFFICE itUAKTERNASTER, Charleston'. S. C. October 1. 1.8C2. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINT KD AG EST OI< iiis department, for tho purchase of Corn aud i^oddor* in the Districts of Ikorslmw and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communieato with him Particular attention must be paid to the packing o ie fodder, and no water must be used. During tho past ear the Government experienced heavy loss from nproper packing, and all such will bo hereafter reicted. MOTTE A. PRINGLK, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. Tho subscriber can bo found at his residence >oKalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M-LEE. OlAfi H011SE, Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIEND* nd the travelling public that he has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in tho growing own of Camden. His persona] superintendence and best efforts, aidoc >y competent assistants, will bo devoted to the com ort and satisfaction of guests and visitors. He confi lently asks a continuance of tho favors of all whe lave visited the DeKalb House, and calls from an} >f his friends who visit Camden. January 16 J. II. JUNGBLUTII. Dissolution of Copartnership. rHE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EX ISTING under tho name and siyle of GAYLf t YOUNG is this day dissolved by mutual consent X. "W. Young is authorized to close up tho business ind sign the name of tho firm in liquidation. rersons having claims against tiro saiti nrm will iresent them to Mr Young, and tlioso indobted will iloaso mako immediate payment of the same. J. M. GAYLE. R. W. YOUNG. July 1st, 1863. 4 w Council Notice. OWNRltS AND OCCUPANTS OP LOTS ARE requested to have all noxious weeds cut, and ditches cleaned out before the first proximo. Council will inspect tho lots at that time, and all parties who may have failed to comply with the above notice, their premises will be cleaned by order of Council, at tho owner's expense. A. D. BAXLEY, Town Recorder. i 'Council Chamber^ July 2, 1863. Notioe. ' Mr. r. m. kennfdt is authorized to act as my Agent during my absence from the District. "W W. WALLACE. July 24 3 . Wanted. A GOOD COOK. WASHER AND lilONER. FOR which good wages will bo paid- Apply ut this Office. July 24 *D A n-r rn 1 iufcCiUU V (t>l? T^HE UNDERSIGNED HAS REMOVED III3 J. Store torn the "Old Brick Corner" to the establishment formerly occupied by Mr Wm. C. Gerald. Jr., two doors below McCurrv & iluromerslaugh's store. July 24 ' T.M.MYERS. For Rent. A DWELLING HOUSE, CONTAINING SIX Rooms, and all necessary outbuildings, yard and I garden attached. For further particulars apply at this tfice. Ju y 24 ' .3 South Caroliini?Kcrsliuw . hlsti'ict. i BY A. L. MCDONALD, ESQCI&E, ORDINARY. ! \\7HERISAS, SUSANNH HOLLAND APPLIED to mo for Letters or Administration ou all and i singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits ot ! James B. Ilclland, late of the District aforesaid, de| ceased: I These are, therefore, to cite and admouish all, and singular, the kiudred and creditors of the suid deceas| ed to be and appear beforo me at our next .Ordinary's ; Court lor the said District, to bo ltolden at Kershaw : Court House on the 17 th day of August next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this seventeenth day of August, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, ar.d in the eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. alkx. l Mcdonald, o. k. d. July 24 2 South Carolina?Kershaw I>i*lrictBY A. L. MCDONALD, ESQCIRE, ORDINARY. rpo RICHARD NELSON, ELIZABETH OWENS. A Francis Nelson, Amanda Laugston, George Nelson, Emma Langston, Ransom Nelson, and Sarah Nelson, or their legal representatives, heirs of the estate of Jane Nelson, late of Kershaw District, deceased: You are hereby summoned to be and appear at the Court of Ordinary, to bo hold at Camilen in the District and State aforesaid, on Mondav. the 10th dav ' ' ?J , of August next, to shew cause if an)- you can, why the said estate, both real and personal, should not be i divided among the heirs at law. Witness 1113' hand and seal, this twenty fourth day of .Inly, in the year of our I.ord oue thousand eight hundred and si xtv-three, duly 2 1 2 " A L MCDONALD, O. K. D. STATE OF SOITTH CAROLINA, J - ?" >? K ' &S WE; V f; F>:1 SH i vis @ ? 1--'. ADJ'T AND JNSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, Columbia, July 19, 18G3. r GENERAL OLDER. NO. 20. I* ' CHRISTOPHER F. HAMPTON HAVING been appoint, d Aid-de-Camp to his Excellency the Governor, is herewith announced as such, and will be obeyed and rospeeted accordingly. By order of the Governor and Commander-in-Chief. A, C. GARLINGT >N, 1 Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. C27" Papers of the State copy once. July 24 l Drugs and ChemicalsEnglish Mustard, J31uo Stone. Copperas # Ex't. Logwood, English Calomel, English Blue Mass, Splphur. Camphor, I Castor Oil, Gum Opium, Alum. Cream Tartar, , i*up. Curb. Sodn. Siedlitz Powders, * Eng. Castile Soap. Brown Windsor Soap, Ivory Fine-Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes, 4c Just received and for sale bv Juno 20 1 WM. McKAIN. Chewing Tobacco. -< /A HALF BOXES CHEWING TOBACCO, REX" / reived on consignment, and for sale by the > package only, at MATUESON 4, CO.'S. July 17 CAUTIONALL PERSONS ARE HEREBY FOREWARNED not to trade for a note of hand, givon by the undersigned, as administrator, ta Messrs. GayleA Young, for ($194 62) One Hundred and Ninety Four 62-100 . Dollars, dated July 1. 1863. It has been lost or mislaid, and duplicate note given in stead. | JOS. M. GAYLE, Adm'r. Josso F. Young, dee d. I July 17 4 i FORSALE, ~~ TWO GOOD HORSES.' APPLY AT McCURRY A HAMMERSLAUGH'S. . July 17 * ? ' ' ' III Notice to DebtorsALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UNDKJt . signed by Note or Acoount, are earnestly requested to come forward and pay up. Iu future no work will be allowed to leave the establishment without the cash?to commence on the 1st of July next. A good supply of Leather on hand. June 26 6 P. J. OAKES. Change In Schedule of S. C. R. R. On and after Thursday, 2d of Api the mid-day train down from Camden will be altered as follows: Leave Camden 12 30 p. in. Arrive at Kingsville 2.46 p. m. Arrive at Camden 6:40 p. m. # Arrive at Augusta 3:46 p. in. Arrive at Columbia 6:00 p. m. The time of departing from each of the above named places?with the exception of tho down mid-day train rom Camden?have not been changed, and will ooninuo na heretofore, until further notice. Sugar, Coffee and Nails, 8TS. 10S AND 12S, FOR SALE AT THE "OLD BRICK CORNER," by July 3 T. S. MYERS. Cotton Yarn and Tobacco. 170R SALE AT THE "OLD BRICK CORNER," - by T.S.MYERS. July 3 Turnip SeedFRKSH TURNIP SEED, RAISED BY IRVIN ROBERTSON, of Lancastea District, for sale at the POST OFFICE. July 3 ' , Dissolution of Copartner' ship. . HPHE COPARTNERSHIP OF KOOPMAN 4S0M1. M KRS is this day dissolved, by mutual consent ? either party will sign the name of the firm in liquidation. All persons indebted by note or account, will please make payment to tho undersigned, or their authorized attornev, Llr. M. Drucker. M. KOOPMANN. L. SOMMER8. Cntnden, June 1, 1863. 6 . June 12 t Notice. ON ALL PAST NOTES AND ACCOUNTS DUE the Railroad Blacksmith, and on all up to the 1st of July n'-xt, payment is earnestly requested; as ho cannot pay without the cosh, he is willing to take trash i. e. Confederate money for his gold earnings, and ho hopes from the abundance of this trash that is afloat, that all of those indebted to him will call and sottie, and thereby enable him to pay his debts. In future the rrouey will be expected for his work, or arrangements accordingly. June 19 , 4 3. SHIVER. PROSPECTUS. ^pHE UNDERSIGNED WILL ISSUE, IN A I few weeks, at. Richmond. Va., a weekly journal, to be cajled "THE SOUTHERN PUNCH 1" It will bo nearly a duplicate in size, form and general features of the world renowned London " Punch," so long an acknowledged power in the British Isles in the reiormation of public abuses, and the enlightenmnnt r\f tl>A K11r% A " *4 i uiviiv v/a vuo ^UUIIU IUIUU, UUOlllilg ?a lb U1U WlbU tuu penius of Hood, of Jarold, and a host of wits, poets and philosophic thinkers. Tho proprietors of ' The Southern Punch" bring to. the difficult task of successfully conducting such a journal the advantage of capital, abundant mental resources. and practical skill. The editoi* for many years past, has been connected, in a leading editorial dapacity, with the largest daily papers of New Orleans aud Mobile, while the gentleman who will have charge of typographical and engraving departments is unsurpassed in that skill necessary for success. Every number will be illustrated with numerens cuts, appropriate to the times (humorous and serious), from the hands of one of the best engravers on the continent?an artist whose name is familiar to the reading public of the South. In fine, the undersigned are determined to make "The ."-outht-rn Punch" the spiciest, most readable, and best illustrated literary journal in America. It shall distance competition. TERMS.?Subscription for single copies $10 per annum. News dealers supplied at the rate of $16 per hundrc d copies. Address OVERALL. CAMPBELL, HUGHES &, CO.. Publishers Richmond, Va. Editor' giving the nbeve one or more insertions * will be entitled to a copy gratis. Office on Main street, between 9th and 10th. Julv 10 South-Carolina?Kershaw District ill Equity. Thomas Lang, vs. Edward M. Boykin and Mary C., his wife, Sallie VV. Boykin, llairiet M. Lang, John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Sam'J. AV. L. Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang.?Bill of Supplement and Revivor. It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that John C, Lang, Theodore Lang and Cornelia A. Lang, and her infant son Edward B. Lang, four of the above named defendants, reside beyond the limits of the State of South Carolina?on motion of Richardson & Gay, complainant's Solicitors, it is ordered that the said John C. Lang, Theodore Lang, Cornelia A. Lang and Edward B. Lang, do appear and and plead answer or demur to the said bill of supplment and revivor on or before the 18th day of September next, or the same will be taken pro confesso against them. And it is further ordered that this order be published for three months before the time above appointed for the appearance of said defendants in the Camden Confederate, a ' newspaper published in the town of Camden. W. R. TAYLOR, C. E. K. D Commissioner* Office, Jnne 9th A. D, 1863, June 12 3m