University of South Carolina Libraries
/ Latest Mews frOm Northern Source*. * Petersburg, Va., July 7.?A flag of truce ' boa4, arrived at City Point this morning, but toot a paper was allowed to reach our hands. The officers were dejected. Capt. Milford states that Sickles is dead. The paroled prisoners overheard ono of tho Yankee officers say at Fortress Monroe that the loss of Gen. Meade's ar, my, in killed, wounded and missing, could not be less than 60,000. Richmond, July 7.?The Baltimore Sun, of July 1st, says that Stuart had captured 1200 mules and 400 prisoners at Westminister, in Montgomery County Maryland, Ho had also captured a troop of Dclcwarc cavalry. Much excitement prevails in Baltimore. The . streets are barricaded, and the secessionists r threaten to rise. The city papers publish this morning,extracts from the New York papers of the 3d and 4th instants. The latest despatches referred to the fighting on Friday. A Washington telegram of the 3d says : ''The latest intelligence from the ;army, received here, is up to 11 o'clock to-day;" *but its purport is not given.. i. Dix's troops are believed to be evacuating Virginia, en route for Maryland. .. Railroad and telegraphic communication with the Valley of Virginia has been resumed. The New York Tribune, of July 4, contains j many details of the battle of Wednesday. ! Brigadier Gen. Bartow is mentioned as having i o * been twice wounded and a prisoner. Brig. | Gen. Schiniulsfocr is also a prisoner in the hands of the rebels, Gen. Marriedeta was wqutided. A telegram from IJonover, Fa.,dated July 3, says : "The fight was most terrific, and the loss on both sides tremendous. We have Longstreet a prisoner, sure. If Couch arrives to night, victory is ours beyond a chance." A despatch dated Philadelphia, July* It, p. m., says: Stirring rumors are in town. It is currently reported that Longstreet has been killed. The siege of Vicksburg is said to be pro grossing satisfactorily, but the rebels are regarded as being very obstinate. New Orleans dates to the 27th nit, state that there is nothing new from Port Hudson. The rebels have overrun the Teehe couutiy. Tlic raid oil Richmond. Richmond, July 5.?The Yankees attacked the guard at South Anna bridge last evening, but were repulsed. Wo have no particulars, but it is known that our loss is small. Between 2 and 3 o'clock this morning a party of 100 Yankees went to Ashland, burned the railroad buildings, destroyed the tank and tore up the track". We have had no telegraphic communication with that point since the raid. A letter from New Orleans to the New York Tribune, dated 18th instant, says: "Yesterday General Banks issued an order for one thousand volunteers to make a final charge upon the enemy's works at Port Hudson. The Fourth and Sixth Wisconsin volunteered, and were repulsed, and all, or nearly all, taken prisoners." Old Bennett, of the New York Herald, lias again turned a complete summersault. Until very recently he has been a strong war man and supporter of the Administration; now is furiously for peace. It used to be said of the Herald, that whatever political candidate it supported or project it favored was sure to be defeated. We hope the "saw" will not prove true in the present instance. - ? Australia is a land of contraries. There the North wind is the hot wind, and the South the cool; the westerly wind tho most unhealthy, and the east the most salubrious. The swans there are black, aDd the eagles white. Some of its rivers flow toward the centre, instead of ' toward the sea, and the codfish is found in the rivers, while the perch is found in the sea. The valleys are cold, and the mountain tops warm. The myrtle is a lofty tree, and the poplar a dwarfish shrub. Such is the continent of Australia. Send it the Rounds !?A large yellow Trunk marked "Darr," with check No. 7, left Charleston Tuesday, 23d June, for Kiugsville. * Since then nothing has been heard of it. Railroad baggagemasters and superintendants, will ^ please hunt it up, and forward by Express to % Sumter, S. C. \ % - Call ofViekibarg. Richmond, July 8.?Jackson, July 7.?To Hon J. A. Seddon, Secretary of War: Yicksburg capitulated on the 4th inst. The garrison was paroled and are te be returned to our lines, officers retaining personal baggage. This intelligence was brought by an officer who left on Sunday the 5th. [Signed] J. E. JOI1NSTON, General. Jackson, July 7.?Vicksbnrg has fallen! It was surrendered on the morning of the 4th, the men being in a starving condition and completely worn out with excessive fatiirue. The terms of capitulation are : officers be allowed s;de arms, horses and all private property. They and the men were paroled immediately, and allowed to inarch out with all their colors flying. Immediately after the surrender, Grant sent boat loads of supplies and furnished the garrison. Some of the officers have arrived here. Jackson, July 7.?But little more is known. All the Vicksburg officers who come out sav, o * ' had General Johnston reached there twelve days sooner, ho could not have relieved the garrison, as they could not muster over seven thousand men for duty. Many of the citizens are leaving with their families, negroes and stock, and the Mississippian newspaper is packing up to leave. Jackson, July 8.? Evcrthingis in the wildest state of excitement here, the citizens arc flying in every direction. The streets are filled with stock, negroes, fainllids, ox carts and every species of conveyance. There was a terrible storm last night with very heavy rains. Citizens beyond Clinton report the enemy burning every dwelling they pass. A light here hourly looked for. Natchez, July 0.? An extra of the Natchez ! Courier says that a letter from a member of the Connor Battery, dated last week, near Lake Providence, reports a battle just occured in which ihe enemy was severely punished, with | a loss of 1,500 prisoners. The Conner Battery was in the fight but sustained 110 damage. O " Gentlemen from the vicinity of Port Hudson report-that movements-indicate that Banks is about to raise the siege. Natchez, July 0.?Transports towing two barges loaded with coal passed down this morning, and one boat to night. An officer on Gen. Smith's staff reports that Price was ordered on Sunday the 28th to take Helena. He moved immediately. Nothing from Port Hudson. All quiet.' Richmond, July S.?A special dispatch to the Enquier, dated Winchester, 7th, says there has been four day's fighting, commencing on the 1st, and ending on the night of the 4th; our men D O capturing the immense fortifications of the enemy. Our loss estimated at 10,000. Between 3 and 4,000 of our wounded arc arriving her to night. Gens. Scales and Pender, wounded, have arrived. The hills around Gettysburg are ? o covered with the dead and wounded of the army of the Potomac. No official confirmation of the news from Martinsburg. Special USTotices. MR. SLOMAN, MISS ELIZABETH SLOMAN AND MISS ANNA SLOMAN, Harpists, Pianists, Vocalists and Performers on tlio new musical instrju mo nt, " ALEXANDRE OKCAN," respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Camden, that they will give a Second Grand Concert. ON TI1IS; Fit ID A Y EVENING, JUL Y10. For full particulars seo Programme. Admission $1 Performance to commence at half-past 8 o'clock. July 3 IMlRAlCE. HAVING EKEN APPOINTED AGENT FOR tho Insuranco Company of tho Stato of Virginia, J am now prepared to take Risks Against Loss or Damage by Fire. Persons wishing to insure their property, will have a favorable opportunity of.doing so, in perhaps as safe a Company as there is in the Confederate States. May 32 N. D. BAXLEY, Agent. * KERSHAW LODGE NO. ?$, A. F. M. A STATED COMMUNICATION OF KERSHAW Lodge No. 29 A. F. M., will be held at their lx>dge Room, Tuesday Evening 14th iust, at 8 o'clock. By order of W. M. J. JONES, Sec. July 10 1 DR. JOHN McCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. Office two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden So. Ca. * January .HO MEDICAL NOTICE. 1 DR. W. R. SIKES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as praclising physician to tho citizens of Caindeu and 'I vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms formerly d occupied by Dr. T.J. Workman. * j February 27 Change in Scliedule of S. C. R. R. ? On and after Thursday, 2d of April, the mid-day a train down from Cainden will be altered as follows: Leavo Camden 12 30 p. m. j, Arrivo at Kiugsvillo 2.46 p. m. c Arrive at Camden 5:40 p. ni. * Arrive at Augusta 3:45 p. in. r Arrivo at Columbia 5:00 p. ni. The time of departing from each of the above named places?with the exception of the down mid-day train rom Camden?havo not been changed, and will coninuo as heretofore, until further notice. , "List of Lettish* Remaining in the Post Office in Camden, July 1. I8G3: B?Ball, Miss Mary J?Johson, Martha Baker, Elizabeth M?Miles, Mirandy Baker, David Micklo Miss Bettie Broinan. Franklin N?Nail, Mrs N G Bracv, Miss M A P ?Flair, H C Brown. B H R?Roiness, Anno C?Clan ton, Miss S S S-- Summorville. O W G?Gardner, Miss Eliza Salli. \Y M Clelson, S D T?Thompson, Epscy Gelson, Mrs Mary Thompson, Sam (Jardner. .fames W?Wattey uTm. i I?Harris, Serali ?1^** Persons calling for the above will please say they ore advertised. T. W. PEGUES, P. M. July 10 a New Flour. i V FRESH SUPPLY OF EXTRA FINE PAMI- < LY FLOUR, just received and for sale at the ' "Old Corner," by ' E. W. BONN 15Y. July 10 Notice to Debtors VLL PERSONS INDEBTED TO TIIK UNDER signed by Note or Account, are earnestly requested to come forward qud pay up. Iu future no work will be allowed to leave the establishment without the cash?to commence on tho 1st of July n?xt. A good supply of Leather on hand. June 20 5 F. J. CAKES. Dissolution of CopartnershiprpilE COPARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE EXi ISTING under the name and style of GAYLE & YOUNG is this day dissolved by mutual consent. R. \V. Young is hutliorizo'l to uio<e up the busiuess and sign the name of the* linn in liquidation. J. M. GAYLK, R. W. YOl'NO. July 1st, 1863. 4 SoiitEi Carolina ? kerxliaw ' IX) ALL AND SINGULAR TllE KINDRED L and creditors of WILLIAM I). MARSHALL, deceased. You, and each of of you, are hereby cited and admonished, to bo and appear in and before the Court of Ordinary of said District, to bo holden at Camden, on Monday, the twenty-seventh day of July, instant, to shew cause, if any you can. wl.v Letters of Administration of the goods and chatties of the said deceased, should not be granted to Miss Mary M. Marshall, who hath applied for the same. Witness, Alexander L. McDonald, Ksquiro, Judge of the Court of Ordinary of said District, at Camden, this ninth day of Julv, 1803. July 10 2 " A. L. McDONALD, 0. K. D. South Carolina- --Kershaw District. BY A I,. MCDONALD, KSbUIKK, ORDINARY. VITHEREAS, MARY C. CAN THY, APPLIED TO Vl me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of 1 Henry Cantey, lato of thy District aloresaid, deceased : these are, therefore, to eito and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear before tne at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the twenty-seventh day of July, inst. to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 8th day ot July, in tlio year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three and in the eighty-seventh . year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. July 10 2 a. l. Mcdonald, o. k. d. j Soutli Carolina ? Kcr^liaw l>i?tri<*t * RY. A. L. MCDONALD, ESQUIRR, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, J. G. BRUCE APPLIED t \ t to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of James Bruce, late of the District aforesaid, t deceased': These are, therefore, to cito and admonish all and r singular tho kindred and creditors of the said de- a ceased to be and appear boforo mo al our next Ordinary's Court for tho said District to bo holden at Kershaw Court llouse on the 27th day of January inst., to show cause, if any, why tho said admin- . istration should not bo granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this seventh day ot July, in tho year of our Lord ono thousand J eight hundred and sixty-threo, and in tho eighty- " seventh year of tho Independence and Sovereignty of 1 the State of South Carolina. h July io 2 a. c. Mcdonald, o. k. d. < Silk Gloves- ? Ladies and misses black and white SILK GLOVES, at o June f* . MRS. CAMPBELL'S \ STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Columbia, S. C. July 2, 1863. J WHEREAS, INFORMATION HAS BEEN RECEIVED at this department that WILLIAM \ MOSS, who was in the jail of Richland District unor sentence of death for the murder of James Philips, did, on the n>ght of the 27th of June, make his scape from the said jail: Now. therefore, I, MILLEDGE L. BONHAM, Govrnor of tho State of South Carolina, do hereby offer reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS for the pprchension of tho said William T. Moss and hia deivory into any jail in this State. Said Moss is about 28 years old, 6 feot 10 inches igti, weight about 140 pounds, darK nair, wears u nustacho and is ratber good looking. He is from Vake County. North Carolina. Given under nly band and seal of the State, at l. 8.j Columbia, this second day of July, A. D. one thousand eight hundred ai d sixty-three. 4 M. L.BONHAM. Wm. r. IIuntt, Secretary of State. July 10 Cr?/" -Ml the papers in the State publish twice a vcek for one month. [CIRCULAR. ] STATE of SOUTH carolina, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Opncfi, Columbia, S. c.. June 19.1863. rN ANSWER TO INQUIRES ADDRESSED TO his Excellency the Governor and to 1 his office, it s hereby made kr.own that no part of the quota of* roops called for under the foregoing proclamation and orders will be accepted as MOUNTED MEN. By order A. c. GAKLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General S. C. July 3 . 3 tS?'* Papers of the State copy three times. New Goods. TUST OPENED, AT THE "OLD CORNEP.," Printed Muslins; also, Tapes, Pins. Hooks and Eyes, wh.te and colored serpentine Braids, Ac., that has just run the blockade. E. W. BONNET. July 3 MattingI i INDTa MATTING. FOR sale at the *?"'? " Old Corner." E. W. BONNEY. July 3 Soudi Carolimi?Kcrsliuw District. ky a. i.. mcdonald, esquire, ordinary. v\7 HER M AS. MRS. FRANCIS PECK, APPLIED v v to me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the poods and clmttles, rights and credits ot haries II. Peck, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish All, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before nie at our next Ordinary's Court !or the >aid District, to be iiolden at Kershaw Court House on the 1 Sell day of July instant, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my LI and and Seal, this second day of July, iu the year of our Lord one thousand eiirlit hundred and sixty-three, ar.d in the eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of tlio State of South Carolina. ALKX. L McDOXALD. O. ICt D. Sugar, Coffee and Nails, QTS. 10S AXD 12S, FOR SALE AT THE "OLD O BRICK CORNER," by July 3 T. S. MYERS. Cotton Yarn and Tobacco. I?OB SALE AT THE "OLD BRICK CORNER," 1 by T. S. MYERS. July 3 Turnip Seed. Fresh turnip seed, raised by iryin ROBERTSON, of Lancastea District, for salo at ho POST OFFICE. July 3 Dissolution of Copartnership. IMIE COPARTNERSHIP OF KOOPMAN & SOMMERSis this day dissolved, by mutual consent ? :ither party will sign tho name of the firm m liquidsion. All persons indebted by no'e or account, will please nnke payment to tho undersigned, or their authorized ttorney, Mr. M. Druckek. M. KOOrMANN. L. SOMMERS. Camden, June 1, 1863. 6 Juno It Notice. DN ALL PAST NOTES AND ACCOUNTS DUE the Railroad Blacksmith, and on all up to the st of July n?fxt, payment is earnestly requested; as io canuot pay without tho cash, he is willing to tako rash t. t. Confederate money for his gold earnings, nd he hopes from tho abundanco of this trash that is float, that all of thoso indebted to him will call and etele, and thereby enable him to pay his debts. In future the money will be expected for hia work, rarrangements accordingly. June 19 4 S SHIVER .