University of South Carolina Libraries
June10 ' ''' ' ' ^ ''' ^ ^ ^ ' 2 . ?i 'g.. ? i-. . notice:. f; If* HE (COMMISSION'S. OF ROADS AND Town Authorities, paving collected fines 'Tbr default for slave labor, on the coast, will at once forward the fundB to me at this place, by private opportunity, by Express, or by ftank < checks payable to my order. Remittances of bills by mail are not authorized. : . WM. M. SHANNON, Agent of the State South Cafol'iha. Camden S. C., Jurie 13th, 1808. June 19 2 Every paper in the State copy twice. ' v _ slave labor for the coast. * division no. 3. / | THE GEN. COMMANDING, HAVING X* miiJA n rAnniait An tin* SSt.uto A nthnfihut \ for Twenty-five Hundred Laborers, the Commissioners of the Roads and the Town Authorities within the Judical Districts of Lancostcr, Kershaw, Chesterfield, Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Sumter, Clarendon, Williamsburg, and Horry, including Upper All Saints, will forthwith summon all slaveholders within their respective limits to deliver one-fourth of their slaves liable to road tluty at the Depots nearest the owper'a residence, at 10 o'clock a. in. on Wednesday, the fifteenth day of July proximo [15th July], for transportation to Charleston lor thirty days' labor on the fortifications. II. Tho legislature, at the April session exeraptedrthe owners road hand from liability under this act, those who own two or three, or a fraction over a number divisible by one fourth, will sond forward one hand for such fraction or two owners having such fractions may unite them and sendouc hand out of every four. III. Overseesrs at the rate of one to every hundred hands are allowed, to be selected by the owners and paid by the Confederate Government Fifty Dollars per month. IV. Receipts will be given at the Depots for the Negroes, and assessments in duplicate arc made of the negroes before they arp put to work. V. The Act reqaires the attendances of one of the Commissioners at each Depot; ho will be met by an Agqnt authorized to receipt for the negroes. VI. Owners are requested to furnish their hands with spades.or snovels and throe days'rations: the Government have promise to return the tools, and commutation will be allowed for the rations. * VII. Owners who hire substitntes will furnish me with a copy of the receipt taken for snich substitutes, in order that the Government and all parties concerned may be protected. VIII. The press of business on the Rail-roads making it difficult for the companies to furnish transportatson at given hour, the Commissipn\ ers, <Sic, will cause the hands to assemble attliu hour named above and there wait the passage of the train. IX. The undersigned, after three months experience, take pleasure in assuring the slave owners that every possible care is taken of the negroes; their health has been good, and every frunfnrt. haa bppn nrnvirl.ifl Tlu>v nrp promptly discharged at the end of *hc thirty days, which is not only satisfactory to the owner as complying with his just and reasonable expectations, but this constant rotation is almost a safeguard against camp diseases. X. The.credits due being almost entirely exhausted on the last call, it is earnestly hoped that number required of this division will be promptly furnished; one fourth of the hands, if sent forward, would more than supply the demand. The importance of the work is such as should induce us all to make every possible sacrifice: The call has boch postponed until the press of tho plantation work is over; it would hftve been made for June but for this motive, and a prompt and full response to this call may make it the last on this Division. WM. M. SHANNON, Agent for the State of South Carolina. Camden, S. C. June 13th, 1863. # June 19 3 JtST Carolinian and every paper in the Division copy once a week for threeweeks. HEADQUARTERS. CO]?1HI?8ARlr- IE!IL>8. DEFT. S. C. Columbia, June 18, 1863. mfOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO THE -Lw "Boards of Soldiers' Relief' throughout the State that they will be supplied, as heretofore, with Ocean Sail, for distribution to needy families of soldiers, at cost and expenses, on application to this Department. By order of the Governor. richard Caldwell, Lient. Col. and Commissary-General S. C. Jnne 19 1 JfcyAll papers in the State, insert once, and send bills, in dnplicate, with copy of advertise-1 ment attached, to this office, for payment Bills paid quarterly. jmm Columbia, June 18, 1963. THE ACT OF GENERAL ASSEMBLE of April 1 1863,' entitled "An Act to suppress the distillation of spirit aous liquors in this State," contains the following provision, viz: "That his Excellency the Governor on being satisfactorily assured that an increased quantity of spiritbous liquors^ which cannot otherwise be procured, is absolutely necessary for medicinal purposes in this State, shall have power to have manufactured, ah some Central and convenient location, by skilled and responsible agents, at fixed salaries, to be appointed by himself, such quantity of alcohol or pure spirits as shall .be deemed requisite for the purposes aforesaid." - Notice is hereby given that proposals will be received at this office until 1st July next, for furnishing this Department with one thousand gallons of Alcohol, and fourteen thousand gallons of Pure Spirits, during the present year; the same to bo manufactured by skilled and responsible agents, under the supervision of the undersigned^ at or near Columbia. Bonds with adequate security will be required for the faithful performance of the contracts. By order of the Governor: RICHARD CALDWELL, . Lieut. Co!, and Commissary General S. C. JSP" All papers in tbe State insorfc once and send bills'in duplicate, with copy of advertisement attached, to this office for payment. Bills paid quarterly. June 19 1 j . STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ADJT & 1NSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, ) Columbia, S. C. June 9, 18G3. ) GENERAL ORDER NG. 18. EXTRACT. 1 RICH'D. CALDWELL, HAVING BEEN ^ appointed Commissary Goneral of South Carolina, with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, is herewith announced as such, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly. *. * * * ? * . By command. G. A. FOLLIN june 19?1 A. A. Gen. Papers of the State copy once. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, OFFBCE OF^ AUDITOR, Columbia, 8t!i June, 1863. The following regulations have been adopted with the approval of the Governor, for the presentation and payment, through this office of requisitions ond claims upon the Executive Department of this State: 1. Whenever practicable all requisitions for funds by the Heads of Military Bureaux and Works of the State, and all claims against the Executive Department of the State, should be transmitted to this office for examination and audit at least one week before ther 1st day of each month. Requisitions and claims, approved by the Governor, will be paid between the 5th and 10tn days of the month next succeeding the one iu which they were submitted for audit. 2. Except under special circumstances, funds will not be remitted by mail. Parties who desire te receive amounts through agents, will please observe the following form of T-^AlITr?r? rvn A m j. unaiv ur ill lUKnKY, I, do hereby appoint my true and lawful attorney to sign receipts tor, and receive payment of all moneys which may be now dne or comming to me from the Executive Department of the State of Sonth Carolina. Witness my hand and seal at ,lhis day of ,1863. Witness. lL 8J 3. No bill will be paid unless sworn to by the claimant, and no requisition will be allowed unless prepared as near as may be according to tho forms prescribed by the Army Regulations of tho Confederate States and certified in duplicate by the proper officer of the department or service for which the requisition is made. All requisitions and claims of the character herein referred to, that were rendered previous to the date of this notice and which have been audited and approved, will bb paid as heretofore upon application to this office. JAMES TUPPR, June 19 1 State Auditor. AST All papers in the State will insert oncc. ' Notice A U< PERSONS ARE FOREWARNED NOT TO J\ trade for note given to EUslia Atkereoii about thelst of Hoy, 1862, for some $60 or $T<k ' The payment of the above note was offered by Rev. JT. F. Redgers, and refused, on account of the money being that of Confederate issue. This is to notify alt parties conoerned, that .the above note will not be paid unless compelled by law. , June 12 2 " H. ARRANTS. . [CARD] " . Harman Arrants HAS THOUGHT PIT DISINGENUOUSLY AND" misoheviOusly to publish the fact, that I refused to seceive Confederate Treasury Notes in payment of specie funds lent him in January 1860, to be paid in one week, and which he has unfairly withheld, when 1 needed it, and now attempts to excite odium against me for refusing to receive, in reality, fifteen or twenty cents on the dollar of my debt, lor the Confederate ' currency, which, according to published reports, is selling five or six for one in specie. I do not require specie of Mr. Arrants, or, in fact, anything at this time; but I cannot consent to be robbed of four-fifths of mv debt for his benefit onlv. for he did in fact re ceiv'e the Treasury Notes, not as equivalent to money? coin, or evon bank notes?for he sold his property and products at enormous prices in the depreciated currency he now attempts unjustly to force upon me. The government itself does not treat the Treasury Notos as equivalent to real money in its transactions? in payment of coin debts due it?why should I do so, merely for for Mr. Arrants advantage? Let him loan it to the government for its Bonds at par, or use it in any other way he pleases, and wjien the currency im- * proves let him pay me what he borrowed. June 19 . 2 E. ATKERSON. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ~ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, Columbia. Juno 19,1863.* |^|UR VANDAL FOE UNABLE TO COPE with the Confederate forces in the open field, have resorted to a mode of warfare which arouses the indignation of every heart capable of a patriotic emotion. Not content with wresting peaceful citizens from their homes and confining them in loathesome dungeons; and with seizing our contented slaves and inhumanly placing them in military organization to be shot down in the front of battle; they have inaugurated a system Qf raids into the interior of the States, stealing negroes, burning cities and farms, destroying live stock and growing crops, and spreading desolation everywhere in * i ni . .1 c .i tncir tiHCK. 10 meet 111 is-condition 01 tnings and to render practicable greater concentration of onr forces already in the field, and to afiord adequate internal protection to the Statesv the President of the Confederacy deems it expedient to call for a portion of their reserve force for service within their respective'limits. Upon the Governor of South Carolina he calls for five thosand men for the period of six months from the first day of August next, to bo furnished by draft, unless in the intermediate time a volunteer force organized under the act herewith published "To provide for local defence and special service," at least an equal number be mustered and reported to the War Department as subject to the call of the President for service within the State. These organizations may be voluntary, as will be seen by an examination of the Act, and are for special service only within the State, under officers of their own selection and with the privilege of remaining at home in the pursuit of their ordinary avocations unless called-for a ' temporary exigency to active duty ; Now therefore, I, MILLEDGE L. BONHAM, Governor and Commander-in-chief in and over the State of South Corolina, call upon the people of the State to assemble on the day fixed in the annexed orders at their respective Regimental parade grounds and to raise and organized the forces called for by the President for the defenco of the State. For two long years your brothers have borne tho brfant of this war for independence on the frontiers of the Confederacy. The time has now arrived to show yourselves worthy of these gallant men by protecting their homes, their wives and their children, in common with your own. Until the above organization takes place, it is recommended to the citizens of the State to continue existing voluntary organizations and to form immediately others with such arras as they have, for the protection of every neighborhood, especially- along the rivers and arms of the sea. Many a deadly volley maybe successfully delivered at the raiders in their boats from the bluffs and forests lining their banks. Immediately after the requisition of the President is filled, the Governor will take steps for a more complete organization for neighborhood protection of such as are less fitted by years or otherwise for the active duties of a compaign. ~ Given under my hand and the seal of the , State, at Colnmbia, this sixteenth day of June, [; IIII IMi"i iiii' ii . jSmsmatrnrntammrn * [l. b.I A D one thousand eight hundred afcdaix' ty-tbre$. . M. L. BOjlHAM. Wm. R. HuktI Secretary of Sute. AN ACT to provide VOA local defence and special * service, Section I. The Congrees of the Confederate States of America do enaeiyTbat the President be and be is hereby authorized to aecejpt the services of volunteers of such kind and in such proportion as he nrfay deem expedient, to serve for suck time as ho may, prescribe, for the defence of exposed places or localities, or' such special.service as he may deem expedient. Section II. And such forces shall be mustered into the service of the Confederate States, for the local defdtoce or special service, aforesaid, the muster roll setting forth distinctly the services to be performed; and the said volun-* teers shall not be considered in actual service until thereunto specially'ordered by the President. And they shall be entitled to pay br subsistence only for such time as they may be' on duty under the orders of the President or by his direction. Section III. Such volunteer forces, when so' accepted and ordered into service, shall be organized in accordance with and subject to all the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the public defence," approved; March 6th, 1861, and niay be attached to such divisions, brigades, regiments op battalions aa tho President may direct; and when not organized into battalions or regiment before being mustered into service, the President shall appoint the field officers of the battalons and regiments when organized ns such by him. Approved August 21, '1861. ADJT AND INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, Columbia, Juno 16, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 20. rpOCARRY INTO EFFECT THE PROClamation of His Excellency the Commander-in-chief and the Act of Congress "To pro vide for local defence and special service," it is hereby ordered : I. That the commanding officers of the Militia Regiments assemble at their usual places of pprade on TUESDAY, the 7th of Jnly next, all persons within the limits of their respectivecommands liable to any military service by the laws of the State, and call for volunteers to meet the requisition of tho President of the Confederate States on this State for troops for local defence, persons between forty and fortyfive to be included in the call. II. On any Regiment failling to furnish, by volunteqirng, its quota of troops, which is fixed by General Order.} No. 21, accompanying thisorder, the commanding officer of such Regiment will immediately draw from those liable to actual military service beyond the limits of their rv.apcctive District," between the ages of forty and fifty [40 and 50] years, a sufficient number of men to make up said quota. III. The .commanding officers of Regiments are required immediately to organize the troops thus raised into companies of not less than sixty-four [64] and not more than one hundred $nd twenty five [125] privates by holding elections for company officers, viz; ^one captain, one 1st lieutenant and two 2d lieutenants, the noncommissioned officers, four sergeants and four corporals to be appointed by the Captains, and immediately return to this office certificates of said elections and rolls of the companies.. IV. The commanding officers of Beat companies are required to prepare and return to the commanding officers of thoir respective Regiments on the duy above mentioned, accurato rolls of all males rosidina within t.hAir mnAr. tive Beats between the ages of f rty and fifty [40 and 50] years. V. Officers of the militia between the ages of forty and fifty years will be subject to draft. VI. Companies organized under this order will hereafter be organized, by orders issued from this office, into Regiments of ten companies each, by the election of field "officers, and when called into the field will be mustered into Confederate service for local defence and special service within the limits of this State for the term of six months from the first day of August next. VII. The commanding officers of Regiments arc charged with the prompt extension and execution of this order, and any default on their part or on the part of any officer will be visted with the severest penalities of the law.. Bv command of the Governor. A. C. GARLINGTON, 'Adjutant and Inspector General South Carolina. June 19 " 3 Charleston and Cfolumbia, papers publish three times a week, and all other papers in the State publish weekly, until the fourth of July. Hams and ShouldersFine hams and ' shoulders?also Brown 8ugar, Rioe and Salt, just received and for sale at the " Old Corner. May 8 E. W. bonnet. Notice. All the notes and accounts, former LY in the hands of W, L. DePass, due J. M Gayle, and J. M Gayle A Co., will hereafter be found at the store of J.' S. DePass, one door above 0. Mathhob's store. March 27 % $