University of South Carolina Libraries
-krW.1'' OeMorj&il, Gu^Opi'uro, Alum, & Cream Tartar, Bap. Carb. 8oda, Biedlitz Powdera, Eng. Castile Soap, Brown Windsor Soap, Ivory Finer Tooth Combs, Superior Tooth Brushes Vr Just received and for sale by Juhe 86 1 WM. McKAlh . : ... ^ .*? * iostf TKETWBEN THE DEKALB HOUSE AND R1 JLX ledge Street; on Broad, on last Saturday even a Gutta Percfaa Pipe. The finder will be rewar by leaving the same at this offico. June 26 . * - Notice to DebtorsA"LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE UND . signed by Note or Account, lire earnestly requ ' ed to come forward and pay up. Iu future no w will be allowed to leave the establishment without lca?h?to commence on the 1st of July next. A good supply of Leather on hand. June 26 1 5 P. J. OAKES Bluestone, Bluestone. BluestoneO AAA POUNDS BLUESTON K, FOR SALE i&UUU PRATT, DOW1E k JAfcES, June 26 2 Charleston, S. ( A Shoemaker \XnSHBS TO KNOW HOW HE CAN AFFO MM -to make Boots for less than $28, and the ther found to hia hand, or $4.00 for ibe making < .pair of shoes, and pay the present prices for provisi* Two years ago he could-get $3 60 for the making < pair ot boots. Tho boots then would buy 25 pou of bacon?-now I only charge $5.00 for tho mskinj a pair of boots that will now only buy me five pou of bacon, and my family can very nearly consum whilo I am doiuc th? inh June 26 " ? ' ~1 A SHOEMAKEI U'DQTRS, 22d KEGHflENT 8. C. ' ' Camden 8. C'. June 24 186: GENERAL ORDER NO 6. TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE PROP,LAI tion of his Excellency ihe Commander-in-Chief und of Congress to provide for local defence and special vice, it is hereby ordered that this Regiment parndi the Court House, in Cainden, S. C , on Tuesday the proximo, at 10 o'clock a. in. All persons .within the its of this command, liable to any Military Service the laws ol the State, are included in this order. A for Volunteers will be made on that da)-, to meet requisition ol the President of the Confederate St on this State for troops for local delence. Persons tween the ages of forty and titty (40 and 60) year be included in this call. Should the Regiment fail furnish the quota by volunteering, which is ono 1 < dred and five (105) men, a draft will be Issuer once for a sufficient number of men to make up quota. As soon as the number of men are obtained enrolled, they will be immediately organized by h ing elections for one Captain, one 1st Lieutei and two, 2d Lieutenant, four Seargants, and Corporals, to be appointed by the Captain. Capt or officers commanding beat companies are requ to prepare and return to these Head Quarters on day above mentioned, accurate rolls of %}1 males l diug within the respectivcs Beats between the age forty and fifly (40 and 60) years Officers of the Mi between the ages of forty and fifty will be subjec draft. Those troops when called into the field wil mustered into Confederate Service for* local deft and special Service within the limits of this State the term of six months from the first day of Auj next. Captains or officers commanding Beat Con nies are charged with the prompt extension and ? cution of this order, Any default on their part or officer will be visited with the severest penalty of law. By order ot Col. B. Jones. J. M. GAYLE, Adj' June 26 Notice. ON ALL PAST NOTES AND ACCOUNTS D the Railroad Btacksmith, and on all up to 1st Of July next, payment is earnestly requested he cannot pay without the cash, he is willing to 1 trash i. e. Confederate money for his gold earnii and he hopes from the abundance of this trash tin afloat, that all of those indebted to him will cpll settle, and thereby enable him to pay his debts. In future the money will be expected for his w or arrangements accordingly. June 19 4 S. SHIVEI DR. JOHN McCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZI 1 <of Camden and surrounding country. Office two doors above the Branch Bank, Cam So. Ca. . January St MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. W. R. 8IKES TENDERS HIS SERVIl as practising physician to the citizens of Camden vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms form occupied by Dr. T. J. Workman. February 21 Extra Fine Florida Syru Avery superior article of flori SYRUP is now imetore and. for sale at mrs. conners, Opposite the old Post Offico Buildin June 19 Wanted to Hire, A COOK, for whom usual wages will be paid, pi tually. Good recommendations required, ply to PAUL TRAPIER, June 19 at Klrkwoo* Bonds WantedCash WILL be PAID for approv well secured bonds, that have from one td tl ears to run. Apply at the "Old Corner." May 23 , 1. W. b0hni1 ft..w WW-y r'**' "* V* *- .,* . ' ...' - * > '*" ?a?? I , f STATf #F IOVTB C1BOUHA s 9 j' v - ADJ*T ft IN8P. QfcNERAL'8 OFFICH^ Columbia, EL 0. June 17, 1863. 3T-: ^GENERAL ORDER NO. 21. 4 j* EXTRACT. 'V e ' * * * * 1 II. THE FOLLOWING ARE EXEMPTE by Act of the General Assembly of this Sta from "all military service, and, theieforc, fre ER- draft under General Orders No. 20, viz: T1 est- Lieutenant Governor; the Judge of the Coui of Law and Equity; the Ordinaries; Clerk the Courts of General Sessions and Comm< VU... ui M--. ? - j. icns, ouanusj .uHsiers uommissioners and Ke k isters in Equity, the Secretary of State, Survey ' General; Comp troller-Genoral and Treasure of the State. And the following persons a exempted by said Act from "actual service b yond the liiilits of their respective District* and will net be subject to said draft, viz: Ti BY members of both branches of the Legislate 3 and their respective officers, including the A -? torney General and the Solicitors of tne Stat persons in Confederate and State Military sc |RD vice; officers and cadets of the State Milita lea. Academy; regularly officiating clergymen; re 5f a nlarly licensed practicing physicians over tl od8. age of thirty-five years; one apothecary to ca< inds reg,llar,y established drug store of six niontl g of standing; officers and Faculty of the Soir inds Carolina, College, and Professors in other i e it corporated Colleges and Theological Schoo while such Colleges and Schools are in oper tion; the Superintendent, Teachers and Stei ^ ard of the Cedar Springs Asylum; Schoolma ^ * tors having under their charge not less ths twenty schollars; all Branch Pilots; one whi klA- man to each established ferry, toll bridge or t< Act grain mill, if actually kept by such white ma 8er* th?* President, < Cashier and one Teller of each ^ the Banks of the State; the Treasurers of Sa lim- ^nSs Institutions of the State; the officers ai by forty men of?each Fire (Company of the. Fi call Depaitnunt of Charleston and Columbia; tl *lie officers and as many employees of each Ra road Company as the President' or Superi 8 to tendent may certify to be necessary to the el I to cient conduct of its buisuess?pr'ovide'd that run- shall also be certified that the duties of sa 1 employees cannot bo discharged by slav< ar (j the Superintendent and Keeper of the Luna! old-- Asylum and their assistants; Stewards or Kee lant crs of Poor Houses; the Keepers of the Ars four na]8 0f the State; persons holding office und h-ed Confederate States^ except Deputy Postiuastei ibe persons employed by the State or by the Co ..... ALJ - . .. -eai- leueraie ouucs in tlic manufacture of arm s of munitions of war and army supplies; all perso litia actually engaged in the manufacture of salt ( the sea-coast; the members of the Boards !llC0 Relief of Soldier*! Families over forty-five yea )for of age; overseers having certificates of cxem ?ust tion issued from this office; persons above tl >Pa* age of fifty years, and persons between the ag aify e'g^tt>en and forty. tbe Persons under the age of eighteen, throng liable to service beyond their respective Di tricts, will not bo subject to this draft. 2 III. The commanding officers of Regimen will regard as valid all certificates of exemptic issued from this office to overseers and to otb persons enumerated in the foregoing paragraf of this order, and persons not having such ce as tehctttc8? hut who show by proof, in writing ar Jake on oath, that they are clearly entitled to be e ngs, empted according to the law as above state ie will not be subject to draft and IV. The organization of companies for acth orlf service under General Orders No. 10, issm from this office on the 18th of Febuary last, b I. ing superseded by "General Orders No. o.r> on companies are hereby declared to bfe disbande By command of the Governor. 5NS . A'. C.GARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General of S. C. iden June 26. ? STATE OF SOTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ? Columbia. June 17, 1863. i_ f N ANSWER TO MANY LETTERS UPO! the subject of the exemption of Magistrate it is stated, for the information of all concerne< anc* that the Governor does not feel ealled upon t Ap" exempt Magistrate within the conscript ag j from military service, inasmuch as the Legisli ? tare had that subject under consideration an 'did not provide for it in their Act. By order of the Governor. ED. B.F. ARTHUR, ir## June 26 1 Private Secretary T. t&T All papers in the State publish once. ? -v-'"-? > - . - g . ^ ' -.. /f<IJ> ''''',' '" 10 OOO P0UNDS GQ0D CLEAN tlNBN y " v v fnd Cotton Run w**?t?d immediately at the Confederate Office, for which the highest marks price will be paid. ' "32 ~ ~~ if 11? 's i 12 > Bv * S- S < : s 11 g g s* u 3 1 ? 2 8 ? g s- C. 10 s. ' E5 5 ' te ? S ? ** g ir- s $ S ^ ft 2 ? g W 2 |jfl 3 re ^ 'I ? ? * ? ? M re S. <i s 1? -13 m ft yjP M ? 51 S11 i IS >3 : 11 I f 111?h x' * H S b > H H 5 * ? s I .? S 8 i?0 fb *y I-1- e I. | ^ a U g' tr- ? 3 g > O ? T Jl '? = % "? .-?? ?? t ill r O 1 S lis 5^ co 3 ? 3 ? * 8 J? ? ? S " ^ r; i > >i ? 3 iw * ?> Oq S J fagteJ) ft- CD ^ 5* ^ ? o ts K ? ? 25 ? "- ? 3- (/) 0 "9 ,s- -5 ' _. 3 H in ? s S s te "? 3 Sj H . >11 S. M ' ?; j ?. Camden Hotel Company id OUBSCRIBERS TO THE CAPITAL STOCK OF rc O this Company, Who are yet in arrears, are requested to come forward and pay.up tlie balance dlio on their ,? subscription and assessment, ami receive their i-cript ?- By order of J. Wiiitakkr, President, n- 'April 27 3 C bELL, Sec.&Trenp. [fi r . m Notice>s; \ LL PERSONS HAVING DE VA XDS AGAINST [jc x V the estate of ELLEN W. CHKSNUT are requested to hand them in* legally attested, and all those owing said estate will pay. ?- ^pril 17 4 L. L. WHITAKER, Adm'r. cr : j n' 3 S 2 - ' ' " OB I I $ s S ? >' S ^ *< "* i-l *4 ^ S3 na ^ ? ?! - < SL 1 N' \mT % ^~A \ 1 >. . in w ^ o 5a 6?^ of S W ? f? rs > O m 3 p- ? a B . >e M Q H ?. ? gf ,l, r ^ 2 % SS ic 2oo o sr u - * a I ! g | | H S """ cr > o ^ o C3 ,h 1 | 3 ? > s* r" Z) ? ? 2 m ? ? ? S ^ a 2 ' ? * r > 11J a _ - f a ?-: s' b * I I ?. S .? s e; S W f 3 " - g 5 id f< "> o ?2 u. ra s, s' ? >5 *-i Z Co ? S ? I 3 > i ? ? I 8 S|" _ - 2 a 2 ? 2 ?? o *5 g ? ? o . ! *< 1 ? w = -3 >< ? . ^ , ? ? 1 ? " s- a as 1 s | s a ? ^ American Guano, For sale by the. barrel at the "old Corner," by e. W. bonneyi ? January 30. J Wanted-Wool! d, |?0r which the highest price will be :o ? P?id. >e ?ALSO? ' cotton and woolen home-made jeans * and PLAINS, at a McOUBItY A HAMMERSLAUGH'S. Silk GlovesLadies and misses black and white SILK GLOVES, at 6 MRS. CAMPBELL'S, A ' ; *'^ yS yirihi&rr*** 'lin1 iui 1 fsaae^Nwiifeg^^ J3 A4|l.?n4 luHCUW 2?MMNO0Mt M Richmond, Msyllth, IMS. JSH [GENERAL ORDERS No Q8 ] %M XTHlfc FOLLOWING NOTICE RELATlVll tO tkro of^waoSSST"1* i# pubUsbel1 ** 9 KXCHA.NGB NOTICE No. 5.?The foUoyring Coo- 5 federate officer* and men bar* been duly exchanged, '<9 apd are taawby so declared: *7 V| . - J. All officers and men who bate beep delivered at City Point .at any time previous toMay 8th, 1846. . 9 2. All officers captured at any place before the Ut of Aprils 1886, who hate been released on parole. \ m 3. All men captured in North Carolina or Virginia > before the 1st of March, 1868, who hate been released * IS ' on parole. ' +:A 4. The officers and men captured and paroled by * vjia Gen. 8. P. Carter, in bis expedition to East Tennessee, in Deem/bet* last. " ?! 6 The officers and men captured and paroled by . , ;< Lieutenant Colonel Dickey, in December, '1862, in his march to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and by 2 Captain Cameron, of Corinth, Mississippi, in Deoember,'!862. . c*' * 6. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Nissis^ sippi, on the, 23d of December, 18U2; at Deaark, Arkansas, on tlie 17th of January, 1863, and at Baton' Rogue, Louisiana, on the 23d of February, 1868. < 7. All persons who have been captured on the sea, or the waters leading to the same, or upon the seacoast of the Confederate or the United States, at any time previous to December 10th, 1862. ' ' j 8. All civilians who have been arrested at any time before the 6th of May, 1863, and released on parole, are discharged from any and every obligation contained in said parole. If any sucb person has taken the" oath of allegiance to the United States, or given any bond, or if bis release was accompanied with any other condition, he is discharged from the same. 0. If ar.y person embraced in soy of the foregoing sections, or in any section of any previous Exchange ' Notice, wherein they are declared exchanged, are in ftnv Ffldural r?riort? ?!>?? '? 1 " "ail a * ?j ? r. .ovu, ?uuj uic w ub iuiuivuihwij released and delivered to the Cohfederate authorities. ROBERT OULD, Agent of Exchanges. Richmond, May 9ih, 1863. II. All persons, whether citizens or soldiers, are expressly prohibited from using, or in any manner interfering with fuel, or wood cut and delivered for the use of railroads or railroad companies.. It is of the first importance tha): this order should be observed, and it will be strictly obeyed and enforced by the army. By order, (Signed) S. COOPER,' j - May 22 , Adjutant and Inspector Gen. CIRCULAR AND APPEAL. FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. To the Citizens of Charleston and the People of South Carolina generally, and to the Farmers and Planters especially, from the mountains to the seaboard The Free Market of Charleston, one of the noblest and most useful charities extant, after more than a twelve .nontli of successful operation, is in danger of suspension and even final stoppage. It is an institution, found' t by private patriotism and benSvolenoe, endo < ; t'?T- city authorities of Charleston, and rveodnized -.Mid * ifbnnraged by the Legislature of the Siatt. . ji* 'l higfi'y useful purposes is to Supply provisions, l ?.< <>: expense, to the needy familiaeof soldiers and seam n. lighting the battles of their country, or dead in her service; and upward of eight bun* dred families depend on its bounty for their daily bread* It has become a great public .necessity, and it is the duty of every christian and patriot, male and female, rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its sup- . port? in proportion to means and ability?the rich man out of his wealth, the poor man out of his poverty,, the widow with her mite?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters Into this great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to be dispensed in God-blessed bounty to the wives and children, the widows and orphans, the sisters an<Tt>tbcr female dependents, of oar brave soldiery and seamen. The final stoppage, or even the suspension, of this charity would bo one of tho direst calamities that could befall our City and State?it would inflict dis trees, suffering, and even starvation on" numbers now comfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to bread-riots, in our conservative city, to her serious injury and deep disgrace. Come, then, fieflew citizens, to the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and dot only save the Free Market from destruction or suspension, but sustain it, in healthful vigor, as a God biassed and man-blessing institution. Let donations in money and in kind' pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and State; and the consequences will be bnppy indeed. Not only will bread, and meal, and I meat be sustaining]}' furnished to soldier's and seaI men's families, but the heart of the warrior will be cheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against ( the vandal and ruthiess foe, by the comforting conviction that his wife and little ones are patriotically aud sufficiently cared for, by their fellow citizens, at home. Let our farmers and planters especially, in everv section of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, from thoir gnrdens, their fields, their barns and their smoke houses; and swell to overflow^ ing the great reservoir of Free Market charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesseth him that gives as well as him that receives?and blesses the gfver1 even more than the receiver Come up, then, one and all, to the hallowed worlc, and not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying gratitude, but lay up tiieasure in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in and steal. RICHARD YEADON, Chairman ) WM. B.YATES, J-Committee JOHN PHILLIPS, ) N. B.?Country exchanges are. requested to copy the above circular and appeal, gratuitously. Council Notice . ALL PARTIES INTERESTED, ARE1 HEREBY requested not to lay off* any lots in the Cemetery,. * on the new ground, north of the gateway, without permission of the Council, until the grounds are properly % laid off, which will be done as soon as possible. ' By order of Council: R. M. KENNEDY, Reoorder. Morch 13 > Notice. The stage rare to Lancaster will be raised to $5 .00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggageallowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged $3.00. / Any package to or from volunteers artll be taken and forwarded free of charge. All others must be pre-paid. MoCURRY A HAMMER8LOUGH . November 1 ; ? Afc W V: j