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in TX ? * Sp,-% - :JM^uttuLBl[jfl^^^^H^^^HH^HMlili|ift|HM|dB|i| "*sr ***''<*m* , 0 ' ?" ' Shares $1000 each. Payable m Cotton or Currency. Books forlhe increase.of Capital Stock to this Company is now opened, and for further particulars ap.?_,*!_ ?_. * - '.* -\t : v 1 '?' * . ' . '' GEO. S DOUGLAS. ' June 5 t r? ^ ;??? . Cli&iife in Schedule of S. C. R. R Oa and after Thursday, 2d of April, the mid-day tram down from Camden will be altered as follows: Leave Camueu 12 30 5. m. K.-? .. Arrive at Kingsville 2.46 p.m. Arrive at Camden 6:40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 3:46 p. m. , ' Arrive at Columbia 6:00 p. ni. The time of departing from each oftho above named places?with the exception of the down mid-day train rom Camden?have not been changed, and will coninue as heretofore, until further notice. Administrator's NoticeA LL PERSONS INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE CjL of WM. P; PERRY, deceased, are earnestly requested to come forward pnd make payment?cash preferred?and all having demands will present them duly attested, to Wm. M. Billings, at-Camden, or to the undersigned, at Flat Rock. The creditors are anxious to be settled with, and I ' am desirous of closing up the business of the estato. May 15 ; .4 , D. D. PERRY, Adm'r._ NOT I CE WTE, THE OWNERS OF THE OMNIBUSSES v running to and from the depot, feel compelled to advance our rates, as our expenses are much heavier -than heretofore. From this date the Fare within the Town, will be 76 ota. Fare to Kirkwood " $150 eta. J. K. WITHERSPOON. E. G. ROBINSON. April 10 5 Tall & winter of( ^ 3 > . \ WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our stock of \ ? FALL AND WINTER goods, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD I OR OASH ONL T. v . . v ? -j ' < . r McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 ' ; fancy soaps &c JUST RECEIVED AT THE "OLD CORNER" Fancy Soaps, Tooth Brushes, Needles, Hair Pins, Xuitting Needles, Pins, Shoe Thread, Black and White Spool Cotton, Black Flax Thread, Black Sewing Silk, Matches, Pearl Buttons, Ac. May 8 E. W. BONNET. rr ji m v _ > nams ana onouiaers Fine hams and shoulders?also Brown Sugar, Rice and Salt, just received and for sale at the " Old Cqjner. May 8 e. W. bonnet. Notice. All the notes and' accounts, former LY in the hands of W. L. DePass, due J. M Gayle, and J. M Gayle k. Co., will hereafter be found at the store of J. S. DePass, one door above 0. Matheson's store. March 27 Runaway?850 RewardRunaway?my negro fellow, ben, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches hich. in color a dark mulatto, and weighs about 150 pounds, and bis left eye-tooth is out. He has been out since August 1861. The above reward will be paid to any person apprenending the above named, and placing him in the jail of Kershaw or any other adjoining district, so that I can get him. It is thought that he tnnv h?vo found his way to Charleston, as reports say In h vau soon seen near the city. Address JoSKPH K. KIRKLAND, . .pril y , 3 Flat Rock, 8. C. Bond? Wanted CASH WILL BE PAID. FOR APPROVED, weU secured BONDS, that have firom one to three /ears to ran. Apply at the "Old Corner." May 22 E. W. BONNEY. Jfc * A * y, - i I T^foUowli^ bj il?? General. Assembly oPthis Stat?, at the sesaiou held iu January, 1863: I \ ReS&ved. That in theofcrifcion df this Geoqral Assembly, it is pr< per and just that the State should compensate the owners of slaves taken by the authority of the State for, the public service, who have died from diseases contracted in said service, and whose death or loss has been 'occasioned by reason of said service. Resolved, That the several Claims now before the Legislature, as wellaa others that may hereafter arise, be nrMentnd in J?mn* 'Pimn>i> tiW, a?u?? * ' x ? T~ " ? ? ?? ? CfVl f I ^'V?VW -CX UU1VVI y to be audited. Also, that said 'Auditor be authorized and reqtired to call for any additional proof that he may deem necessary to establish said claims; and that he report to the na^t session of the Legislature - each claim allowed, with the evidence on which bis judgment is based ? II. All claims now on file in this office, or which may be hereafter submitted for audit under the forgoing resolution, should be supported by the affidavit of the claimant, which affidavit should set forth as many of the followiug facts ae the said claims can make oath to according to his"knowledge, information or be lief: 1. The name and residence of the owner of the slaves. 2. The name, age and qualifications of the slave, and his condition of health at the tirhb of impressment by the authority of the State. 3. .The tinje when; the agent of the State by whom; and the period for which the impressment was made. 4 The location of the fortifications or other public works on which the slaves was employed; the duration of said employment; and the name of the officer or other person having the charge of the Blave while in the public service. 6. The circumstances of the loss; il oy, death, the nature of the diseases; when and where contracted; by what physician (if any) it was treated, and when and where it terminated, if by escape, when and how the escape was effected, and whether to the enemy or otherwise. III. The statement of the claimant as to the ownership, impressment and loss of the slave, should be corroborated by affidavit of at least one disinterested person The fact of the impressment 'should be verified, whenever practicable, by the agent of the State by whom the impressment was made, or by one of the Commissioners of Koads for the District or Parish from which the slave was taken, or by the officer or overseer having charge of the slave while in the public service. The circumstu?.ces of the loss should be establised in case of death, by the attendiug physician, if one was employed, and his testimony can bo obtained; and in case of escape, by the person having charge of the .-slave at the time of escape, if his evidence can be obtained. IV. In addition to the foregoing proof, the value oftheslave at the time of impressment should bo assessed by two disinterested citizens of the District or Parish from which the slave was taken, who shall be flrrt sworn to appraise the said slave fairly and impar tially. V. If the owner of the slave is dead, or is laboring under any legal disability, the evidence tending to establish the ownership, impressment and loss may be adduced by the proper legal representative of such owner, who should make affidavit of the facts indicated in Section II, according to his knowledge, information and belief. The affidavit of the ownor. or of his representative, unsupported by other evidence, will not betaken as conclusive of the facts stated therein, un less it shall appear that other and higher evidence cannot be obtain, which fact should bo distinctly set forth in the affidavit of the said party. And the officer taking the affidavit should stato in his certificate of authentication whether, in his opinion, the said party is or is not entitled to credit. VI. The following form of certificate of authentication is suggested: STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, District. I, , Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas and Goneral Sessions (or other officer authorized to administer oaths) of said District and State, do hereby certify that the foregoing affidavits of and appraisment by , were sworn to before me by the said parties, whose genuine signature are subscribed thereto; and that the said affiants and appraisers are well known to me to be persons of veracity and credibility In testimony whereof I hereunto subscribe my name and affix the seal of said Court, [l. s.] (or my official seal) at , this day of , 1863. [Signature and title of officer.] VII. No provision /las been made by Confederate Government for compensating owners for slaves lost in the public service prior to April, 1863. The recent Act of Congress " to authorize and regulate the impressment 01 private property lor the use of the army and for other military purposes," applies to the future, and has no retrospective eliect. This Act, however, recognize the principle of compensation by the Government for such losses; and it is to be presumed that provision will be made by future Congressional legislation for their payment. The mode of proof indicated in the foregoing articles -conforms in all important particulars to the requirements of the Impressment Act of the last session of Congress, and agrees in its main-features with the provisions of the Act of provisional Congress, approved 80th April, 1863, for " perpetuating testimony" in cases of slaves lost during the war. This conformity is deemed important, in view of the character of the proof which the State will be required to make, in establishing her demand against the Confederate Government for money advanced to hor citizens on claims for which the said Government is primarily liable. JAMES TUPPER, State Auditor. May 22 1 ty All papers in the State will copy once, and send bills to the Auditor,s Office, Columbia. i E W BONNET, INSURANCE AND BANK AGENT Broad-st,, Camden, $S. C. March 13 / pri<^ ^ ' ': (fc~ ^ S ? SB g S g ** *$ "Z i" gg CO * ? ? ? b4 ? ? ? Q S8 g| la l r V ? & iw g>" I ag i g i ? < ~ .1 2^ H ? ?r f 2 % 3 H 4 s H ? 1 a O 2 ? 2 "S 0$ g ? " i e rn * ti Stall i Si' Ks # pS^s ?rl H 2 2 ? S. s ? _ hw|H|>l * I r e<( ; h a -* e h 5 & s & ? R ?2 ? ^ " I ? g n ? g I wi S S " p g C^i B H < W~ ? ^ i |, |? I ; to S os ^ ? 2 fi ! ? SO LJ '5 ?> ^ m ? o HPh g tar o fc 2 w M ? Camden Hotel CompanySubscribers to the capital stock of this Company, who are yet in arrears.'are requested to come forward and pay up the balance due on their subscription and assessment, and receive their acript By order of J. Whitaker, President. April 27 3 0. BELL, Soc. & Treas. Notice ALL PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST the estate of ELLEN VV. CHKSNUT are requested to hand them in legally attested, and all those owing said estate will pay. April 17 4 L. L. "WHITAKER, Adm'r. . | 4-1 ^ 8 2 1 pSa ? ? SB ? -M S 6 a?" A 'g ?s W b " ij" B r *2 s r1 o O 5 g .2 q w ? S^s i! W .1 > 5 s ? a. i K. 3 ^ O Cm ^ hp = S ? '* ? s hh 2S <j5 *5 ? **- i>? ?p m ^ .S: .? LU Jts ~ 3 J I, s H ^ fa o B " w ? SS W fa o o ^ "p go fa ^ ^ ^ a ' BM) ,_. . C Js ? : g ? ? I' ? : S . ? ? 1$ I ; SS3 M i v- -s - 1 ^ ?>H H , ^m3 <3 " C 06 O KH a H p bp 1 CO figs < 1 s fa a 2 , ? p H g s ! S o ? ^ 1 1 gg o 0 0 ? 1 53 fe ? 5 Jj ] ?* O fa **s t3 I ggS ^ ? * E W ? ' H Q (4" < ? 3 P 35 S <3 ^ i '*m * o < , ? # ? g ' mttS * O 5 ^ ! 3 s * ? | s ES 5 !- M 2 >. ? 2 !5 w ?> ^ r-5 3 fe -s a ph s a i American Guano, For sale by the barrel at the "old Corner," by E. W. BONNET. < January 30 Wanted?Wool! For which the highest price will be . paid. -ALSOCOTTON AND woolen home-made. jeans f and PLAINS, at , McOURRY A HAMMERSLAUGH'S. a ~~~ Silk Gloves ? Ladies and misses black and white a SILK GLOVES, at p Juna 6 ' MRS. CAMPBELL'S. City Point at any time previous eb May 8tk IWL J.. All oflfertMfptuM at any plpCe befcav (1m 1st {. .of April, 1866, who haye been released on parole. 8. All men captured in North Carolina er Vi'rtfnfa before the let of Marcb, 1863, who have been released . J i on parole.. < * 4. The officers and men captured and . paroled by Gen. S. P. Carter, ip his expedition to East Tennessee, in December lost 6. The officers and men captured and''paroled by Lieutenant Colonel Dickey, in December, 1862, liv ' his march to the Mobile and Ohio Railroad, and by Captain Cameron, of Coriqth, Mississippi, in December, 1862. ? 6. The officers and men paroled at Oxford, Missis 4kA OO/l Af lonn ^ va ft oippij vu luo dm ou ui lycucuiwij x sc uesarK, Ar* kansaa, on the 17th of Jacuary, 1863, and at Baton Rogue, Louisiana, on the 23d of February, 1863, - < 7. All persons who have been captured on the sea, or the w4tere leading to the samo, or upon the soacoast of the Confederate or the United States, at any time previous to December 10th, 1862. . 8. All civilians who have been arrested at any time before the 6th of May, 1863, and released on parolci, are discharged from any and every obligation contain- . a ed in said parole. If any such person has taken the V oath of allegiance to the United States, or giyen any bond, or if his release was accompanied with any other condition, be is discharged from the same. 9. If any person embraced in.any of the foregoing sections, or in any section of any previous Exchange Notice, wherein they are declared exchanged, are in any Federal prison, they are to be immediately released and delivered to the Confederate authorities. ROBERT OULD, ' Agent of Exchanges. Richmond, May 9th, 1863. II! All persons, whether citizens or soldiers, are expressly prohibited from using, or in any manner intertering with fuel, or wood cut and delivered for the use of railroads or railroad companies. It is of tho tlrat importance that this order should be observed, and it will be strictly obeyed and enforced by the army. By order, (Signed) S. COOPER* May 22 Adjutant and Inspector Oen. - CIRCULAR AND APPEAL. FREE MARKET OF CHARLESTON. To the Citizen* of Charleston and the People of South Carolina generally, and to the Farmer & and Planters especially, from the mountains to the seaboard Tha U..I?l /iL.-l?*? - ? ....w i.pc lumikci, oi vyii?rieauon, one 01 l>ne noblest 1 and most useful charities extant, after more than > I twelve month of successful operation, is in danger of I suspension and even final stoppage. It is an instiiu- ! tion, founded by private patriotism and benevolence, endorsed by the city authorities of Charleston, and recognized and encouraged by the Legislature of the State. Its great and highly useful purposes is to supply provisions, free of expense, to the needy familias of soldiers and seamen, fighting the battles of thoir country, or dead in her service; and upward of eight hundred families depend on its bounty for their daily bread. It has become a great public necessity, and it is the duty of every christian and patriot, male and female, rich and poor, young and old, to contribute to its sup- ? port, in proportion to means and ability?the rich man itjj out of his wealth, the poor man out of his poverty, ' j the widow with her mite?every large stream should pour, every little rill trickle its refreshing waters into this great reservoir of patriotic benevolence, to be dispensed in God-blessed bounty to the wives and children, the widows and orphans, the sisters and other female dependents, of our brave soldiery and seamen. The final stoppage, or evon the suspension, of this charity would be one of the direst, calamities that could befall our City and State?it would inflict dis tress, suffering, and even starvation on numbeip now comfortably fed by its bounty, and perhaps, lead to bread-riots, in our conservative city, to her serious injury and deep disgrace. Come, then, fellow citizens, to the rescue, promptly, liberally, efficiently, and not only save the Free Market from destruction or suspension, but sustain it, in healthful vigor, as a God blessed and man-blessing institution. Let donation*! in money and in kind pour in lavishly from every quarter of the City and State; and the consequences will be happy indeed. Not only will bread, and meal, and meat be sustain ingly famished to soldier's and seamen's families, but the heart of the warrior will bo sheered and his arm nerved to victorious battle against the vandal and ruthless foe, by the comforting conviction that his wife and little ones are patriotically and sufficiently cared for, by their fellow citizens, at home. Let our farmers and planters especially, in every section of the State, send liberal supplies of vegetables and provisions, from their gardens, their fields, theig barns and their smoke houses; and swell to oversowing the great reservoir of Free Market charity. Charity is twice blessed?it blesseth him that gives ?[ as well as him that receives?and blesses the giver 1 aven more than the receives. ' Come up, then, one and all, to the hallowed work, ?4| and not only earn the soldier's and seamen's undying ^ gratitude, but lay up treasure in Heaven, where nei ;her moth nor rust doth corrupt, nor thieves break in tnd steal. ' RICHARD YEADON, Chairman ) WM. B. yates, [ Committee. JOHN PHILLIPS, ) % N. B.?Country exchanges are requested to copy ;he above circular and appeal, gratuitously. ? ? Council Notice - I All parties interested, are hereby i requested not to lay off any lots in the Cemetery, - f ra the new ground, north of the gateway, without per- 1 ni8sion of the Council, until the grounds are properly \ aid off, which will be done as soon as possible. By order of Council: R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. * Morch 1.1 Notice. rHE STAGE FARE TO LANCASTER WILL BE raised to $5.00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage llowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged 13.00. Any package to or from volunteers will be taken nd forwarded free of oharge. All other* must be Te-paid. KoOURRY k HAMMERSLGUGH. November 7 ' . # * '* ' # * ' '--v. -V'' *_!