University of South Carolina Libraries
''%. 3BSH35HH5SHSH53H5555SS5!* [FROM OUR SPRCIAt CORRRSPON DKKT.J - ABMlf CORRfiSPOltDE^CE. Camp Nrar Frrdkricksburo, Va., ) ARMT NORTHRRJJ ViftOINJA, V April 17, 1863. ) Another heavy and continuous rain of some twenty(bur lioura, lias plaoed a barrier to active operations, anmafinm vpt in tllR fu til re. The riux)a in fliia auotinn have been almost impassable, and must continue in this condition until tlie .weather becomes permanently settled. Another sensation was -felt in camp on Tuesday ?vemog, by the report that the onemy had made another demonstration in large force, at Kelly's Ford, and that it was possible they might attempt to como in on our rear. Additional pickets were csiablishod, and nothing more was heard of the movement, except that the enemy attempted to cross the Rnppahnupock* and were repulsed, as usual, by our men. The fight was between cavalry, and of comparatively small proportions. One man is said to have been lost on our side, whilst the enemy were pretty well punished. From Petersburg wo learn that Lokgstreet had got in the rear of the enemy at Suffolk, and broken the railroad to Norfolk. This, if true, promises iro? portfut results. The name of Longstreet is the synonym of victory. Tho battles from tho first Manassas to that of Fredericksburg bear attestation of this fact. With such chief leaders as Lee, Longstrbet and Jackson, is it any wonder that the army of Northern Virginia should have proved thus far invincible ? This army has defeated and whipped the Yankees in over twenty pitched battles, and, under the blessing of Heaven, we expect to repeat the lesson. Nothing has afforded me moro sincere gratification, or given stronger grounds for hope, than the moral and religious improvement recently exhibited in our army. Over two hundred conversions have taken place in Fredericksburg, and the good work still con* tinues. In Gen. Kersuaw's Brigade there is a decided in* terest awakened, and our faithful Chaplains, Rev'ds. Messrs. Smith and McCallcm, are zealously at work for tho spiritual advancement and welfare of their charges. Wo have meotings every day. and there seems to bo deep concern felt among the meu upon the subject of religion. Last Sabbath six persons wore received into the church upon their profession of faith in the Saviour. In the afternoon the rite of baptism, by immersion, was administered to two personsby Rev. H. B. McCallum, chaplain of our regiment. Our regular drills, twice a day, have commenced. Wc arc to have twice a week Brigade drills, Gen. Kershaw commanding. He is a very superior and accomplished officer, and much esteemed by his command as a courteous gentleman and an efficiout conimnndor. He is a prominent Brigadier for the next Major-Generalship from South Carolina, and is entitled *? ;? LW II* Everything is quiet to-day along our front. The weather is quite cloudy, and thero are prospects of more rain. I saw the Yankee's balloon up this morning, but this is nothing more than the usual gassing among that race of human bipeds that ought long ago to have received the execrations of civilised man. A more contemptible aud treacherous set of villians do not live on tbo face of the " wide wide world." It is humiliating that we are obliged to fight such creatures, and that they shuld bo the instruments of death to so many of the best men that our country lias produced. The status of the Southern and Northern army is quite different. But this is one of the sacrifices wo aro making for the cause of our beloved country. Every patriot is willing to bear all and do all for the accomplishment of that object upon which our all of earthly hope depends. We are ready and willing to meet our enemy in the front, but the most ungrateful reflection, and UQkindest cut of all, is, to have one in our rear, at home, whose rapacious cupidity is absorbing all that comes within its reach. Shame upon those who arc sneaking behind exemption, avoiding their duty, and growing corpulent and rich upon the necessities of many a poor man's family, whose all is in the army fighting for the homes of extortioners and villianous speculators Wo have in our Brigade, as surgeon, Dr. Todd, a brothor-in law of Abb Lincoln. He certainly shows himself to bo a true man, when by affiliating with the Abolitionists, and giving in his adherence to that government, he might have received a distinguished position from his brother Abe. The success of our arms, thus far, at Charleston, fills our hearts with sincere gratitudo to the Giver of all good. Let us humble ourselves before Him, in whose hands ore the issues of this great and momen tous struggle, and who will, I trust, soon give us the victory over every foe. I regret to state that another member of ray com pauy died recently in hospital. ilastrn Ammons, a native of Sumter District, enlisted under my command, at Camden, on the 19th August, 1861, and was uniformly a good and faithihl soldier, when his health enabled bim to perform the active duties of camp. I have also recently heard of the death of private Thomas S. Shayler. He died in hospital last November, and we have but lately received the intelligence. All who knew him will unite in saying that >he was a capital soldier, and when able wus always at his postWe have lost a number of our host men, either killed in battle, or from disease. The best go liret, and our mother State, to day, weeps as a mourning Rachel, for the many noble sons of her soil, sacrificed an defence of her rights and honor. A nd there are 'many still who are ready to do or die, that our homes *?ay be free. The sacrifice may be great, but 'tis better that it should be made now, altho' 'Twere the last libation Liberty draws, From hearts that bleod and break in her cause." W. a a jW '.Vs ',. " ' ( 1 ' \' ? f ? ^ ' 9i ' 1 , - ?+S\. ' PUBLIC HEET11VG. The Secretary of War and the Quartermaster of the Confederate Government for Kershaw District, have requested^ a meeting of the citizens for the purpose of fixing the price at which corn is to be furnished to the army by the citizens of Kershaw, and to appoint Committees in every Beat, to aid the Quartermaster in procuring the surplus corn of the District. By this movement it is intended and desired to avoid the impressment of corn by the government. A meeting of the citizens is therefore requested on Wednesday next, the 6 tli May, at 12 o'clock, m. at the Town Hall. A. H. BOYKlN, D. D. PERRY, J.M.DeSAUSSURE May 1 1 PUBLIC IVDETIKO. The " Soldier's Board of Relief" request the citizens of Kersliaw District to meet at the Town Hall, in Camden, on Saturday, the 16th of May inst., to adopt measures for supplying the Families of Soldiers now in service, with corn. J. DUNLAP, Cli'n. Pro Tern. ' May 1 3 Acknowledgment. The Aid Association acknowledge the following donations, from Camden and its vicinity, for tho Charleston hospitals?A lew stores consisting of wine, brandy sugar, rico meal, corn starch, coffee and homony; $321.10 in cash. Also, a doll?presented by Mrs. Conner?raffled for $26.50, and won by Mr. John Witherspoon. The funding of Confederate notes in eight per cent. Bonds closed, according to law, on the 22d inst. The Columbia Guardian reports that for the last week tho deposit* for funding in tho Bank of the State were $5,000,000. Moutgonierj' (Ala.) reports nearly $8,000,000. A Wail from tiif. Tribune.?A Hilton Head correspondent of tho New York Tribune writes: The attack upon Charleston has been made. Our force of offence, collected during the last three months, in the waters and upon the sea islands of South Carolina, have been fairly tried and found wanting. Instead of the pleasant duty of chronicling a triumph totheUnion arms, which I had lervently wished rather than hoped, the thankless harbinger ofill-tidings devolves upon me. We have *-xperieneed a bitter repulse. Tho iron clads have disappointed the expectations ot oven tho most confident, and wo are now mourning over tho apparent certainty of an abandonment of the enterprise of which the country, with more faith than reason, hoped such good result. AIV ORDINANCE rpo AMEND AN ORDINANCE PASSED ON TIIE A 8th day of May, 1862, imposing a tax upon country produce,"poultry, &c Sec. 1. Bo it ordained by the Jntendant and Wardens of the Town of Camden, in Council assembled, and by the authority of the same, that from, and after the passing of this Ordinance, the following Tax shall be levied upon all Country Produce, Provisions, and Poultry herein enumerated, if bought for salo in other markets, when the same has been purchased within the corporate limits of the Town, by any resident pr non-resident, or when such has boon purchased by any citizen or transient person from any party outside the limits of the Town, who may bo on their way to this market with the intention of exposing the same for sale. t Fiour per bag of 08 pounds, . $5.00 Corn per bushel, 60 Peas per bushel, 35 Oats per bushel, 25 Turkeys each, 75 Geese each, " GO Ducks each, ' 60 Chickens each, 60 Eggs per dozen. 25 Bacon per pound, 30 Beef per pound, 20 Mutton, per pound, 20 Pork per pound, 25 Sec. 2. Any person violating the above Ordinance, or refusing to comply with its provisions, shall be fined in a sum not less than Five Dollars and not exceeding Twenty Dollars, in addition to the tax?the same to be collected by Coiyicil, whon within their jurisdiction, otherwise by duo course of law. Sec. 3. Free negros shipping any of the above articles, shall be charged double the rates specified; Provided there is nothing in the abovo Ordinance to prevent regularly appointed agents from shipping provisions for the government, or parties from the country from shipping their own produce. Any ordinance or part of an ordinance hitherto in force, and repugnant to the above, is hereby repealed. JAMES DUNLAP, Iutendant. R M Tfwwvnv ReMrHpr May 1 ' Found,! A GOLD PENCIL, WHICH THE OWNER CAN have by proving property and paying for udver' tising 2 May 1 m * 'm , j 1 Special !N~otiqes. han(e in Schedute of C. R. R. On and after Thursday, 2d of April, the raid-dny train down from Camden will be altered as follows: Leave .Camden 12 30 p. m. Arrive at Kingsvillo 2.46 p. m. Arrive at Camdon 6:40 p. m. Arrive at Augusta 3:46 p. in. Arrivo at Columbia 6:00 p. n>. Tho timo of dopnrting from each oftbo nbovo named place#?with tho exception of the down raid-dny train rom Camden?have not boen changed, and will continue ns heretofore, until further notice. nCRICAL NOTICE. DR. W. R. SIICES TENDERS HIS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T. J. "Workman. February 27 ihedTcal notice. DR. T. REENSTJERNA, oilers his services to tho public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. OlTlco over the store of Messrs. Gaylo tfc Young. May 30 OR. JOHN ItlcCAA OFFERS I1IS SERVICES TO THE $ITIZ1CN8 of Camden anil surrounding country. Uffiee two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden. So. Ca. January 30; Bank of Camden, So. Oa.,) April 13, 1863. } THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCK* holders of this Bank will bo held at the Banking House at 10 o'clock, a. rn., on MONDAY, the 4th day of May next, according to the charter. April 17 3 W. H. R. WORKMAN, Casli'r. OFFICE (tlJAUTERinA^TGR, Charleston*. S. 0 , October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE NT OF this department, f?r the purchase of Foi'ii acid Fodder, in the Districts of Itemliaw and Fa nciiMcr. Planters desiring to sell, will eommunicato with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must bo used. During the past year tho Government experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all such will ho hereafter rejected. MOTTK A. PRINGLE, Captain aud Assistant Quartermaster. pg" The subscriber can ho found at his residence DoKalb street, next west ot the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. IRALBHOII Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS IUS FRIENDS and the travelling public that he has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of Camden. His personal superintendence aud best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will be devoted to the comfort anu satisfaction of guests and visitors. He confidently asks a continuance of the favors of nil who have visited the DoKnlb House, and calls from any of his friends who visit Camden. January 16 J. H. JUNGBLUTIL Camden Hotel Company SUBSCRIBERS TO THE CAPITAL STOCK OF tnis Company, who areyot in arrears, are requested to come forward and pay up the balance duo on their subscription and assessment, and receive their script. By orderof J. Whitaker, President. April 27 3 C. LELL, Sec. & Treas. Commissioners of Roads: rpHE COMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KER, 1 shaw Districtwill meet in Camden on the 1st Monday in May, at 11 o'clock. April 27 2 COLIN MACRAE, Clerk. RAGS?RAGS1 1 ft ftftft p0unds good clean linen _L and Cotton Rags wanted immediately at the Confederate Office, for which the highest marke price will be paid. Runaway?$50 Reward Runaway?my negro fellow, ben, about 25 years of ago. 6 feet 6 or 7 inches high, in color a dark mulatto, and weighs about 150 pounds, and his left eye-tooth is out He has been out since A unmet. TSUI The flhovo reward will he naid tr? #nr person apprehending the nbove named, and placing him in the jail of Kershaw or any other adjoining district, so that I can get him. It is thought that he may have found his way to Charleston, as reports say he has been seen seen near the city. Address Joseph k. kirkland/ April 17 . 3 Flat Rock, 8. C. NoticeAll persons haying demands against the estate of ELLEN W. CHKSNUT aro requested to hand them in legally attested, and all those owing said esiato will pay. April 17 4 L. L. WHITAKER, Adm'r. ' Kit ^ > 5 i ' V [ English Shoes for Sale. I^IOHTKEN CASKS OF KNOL18H BROGANS, on consignment, for sale by the case, at Apr?l 17 MATHESON A CO. Council Notice. INFORMATION HAVING BEEN* RECEIVED by the authorities, that certain parties are in the liabil of injuring, and defacing ornamental and shade trees, on the public square* and stieets of the Town, by stripping them of bark tomak dye stuffs. This is to give warning tliat all persons found guilty ol this mi8demeapor. snail bo prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law, anfi a reward of Five Dollars will l>e paid, to-any one giving such information as will lead to tlie conviction of the offender. Surely there are trees enough in the wood, without resorting to such wnutounesa, as the destruction ri some of the handsomest oaks within the limits of the Town. R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Council Chamber, February 26, 1803. March 13 Council Notice ALL PARTIES INTERESTED, ARE HEREBY requested not to lay off any lots in the Cemetery, on the new ground, north of the gateway,(Without permission of the Council, until the grounds nre properly laid off, which will be done as soon as possible. By order of Council. R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Morch 13 Runaway. /"COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW District a Negro Boy, who says ins name is JOHN, and that ho belongs to Robert Oliver,^ of Goorgotown, SC. ' Said Boy is five feet five or six inches high, wi'l weigh 150 or 60 pounds, had on an old black coat, and grey satinett pants, and a Confederate hat, made o wire grass. The owner is requested to coino forward prove property, pav expences and take him away. DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. March 6 ' E W BONNET, ~ INSURANCE AND BANK AGENT I3road-st? Camden, ft. < \ March 13 Cash Store SWEET, FIR El', AND NECESSARY. 1 AAA DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SUPERIOR lUUU MATCHES; 8 barrels Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; 20 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper; 8 boxes choice and common Tobacco; a tierces fresh Rice, Cayeune Pepper and Pepper Sauce ; Capers Worcestershire do; large lot Jugs and Jars ; 1 case 199 lbs. very choice smoking Tobacco: November. 14 A. T. LATTA. Notice. npHE STAGE FARE TO LANCASTER WILL BE 1 raised to $5 00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggago allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged $3 00. Any package to or from volunteers will be taken aud forwarded free of charge. All others must be pi e-paid. McCUKRY & HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 WE, THE OWNERS OF THE OMNIBUSSES running to and from tho depot, feel compelled to advance our rates, its our expenses are much heavier than heretofore. From this date the F re within the Town will bo 76 cts. Faro to Kirkwood 41 $1 60 cts. J. K. WITHKRSPOON. E. g. ROBINSON. April 10 6 Negro to Hire. \ no. 1 FIELD hang "WILL BE HIRED FOR l\. the present year. Apply to M. BAUM A BROS. April 10 Country Bacon. New country bacon for sale at the "Old Corner" by E. W. BONNEY. April 3 American Guano, FOR SALE BY THE BARREL AT THE "OLD Corner," by E. W. BONNEY. January 30. Closing up Business. Being anxious to close up my present business, tho rematnder of my stock will be disposed of at low rates for cash Persons wishing supplies would do well to call and look at the goods. TA~U ft A I? TTT DnKT\7I?V fuurutiry A. TV, DUDXIOX* Notice. All persons i ndebted to the estate of the late WASHINGTON MYERS, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them properly attested. February 27, T. S. MYERS, Admr. Wanted?Wool! For which the highest price will be paid. -alsocotton and woolen home-made jeans and plains, at McCURRY A HAMMERSLAUGH'S. > . '