University of South Carolina Libraries
NOTIO JBS t" running tn and (Void the depot, feel corapolied to advance our rates, as our expenses are much heavier than heretofore. From this date tho F. re within the Town will be 75 cts. Fare te Kirkwood 41 $150 cts? J. K. WITH MRSPOON. K G. ROBINSON. April 10 5 Notice. All guardians, trustees, ac..who are by law required to nccouut annually to tho Court of Equity for Kershaw District, S. 0., will pleaso lilo their returns with the Commissioner of said court, on or before tho 23d day of April iust. Rules will be issued against all defaulters immediately after tho ?xpiratiou of said day. wm. r. taylor, c. k. k. 1). Comuaissioaer's Office, April G, A. D., 1863 April 10 2 NoticeA T T USSnflAVTft rtfff/N ?* A *?.. ~ ? . - ? Axjli in.tvoui\o \v nu WAV K GliAlMS AGAINST the estate of WM. K1RKLAND, dec'd., will please present tho same, duly attested, to one of tho undersigned, qualified Executors, on or before tho first day of May next, or this notice will be pleaded in bar ot payment of same. All pei-sous who are indebted to said estute will please make payment to one of the undersigned, Executors aforesaid, at an early day. WM. R. TAYLOR, JOHN K IRELAND, J SRPH K. KIRKLAND, April 10 3 Executors Wm. Kirkland. STATEMENT <0/ the Condition of the Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, on Ike lsf day of January. 1863, made in accordance with hie Law of the State of South Carolina. 1ST. THE NAME OP THIS COMPANY IS "THE LYNCHBURG HOSE AND FIRE INSU RANCE COMPANY," and is located at Lynchburg. Virginia "2d. The anuntnt of Capital Stock is $200,UOU 00 3d. The amount of Capital Stock paid up $100,060, 00 Amount of bunds for Stock 99,040 00 200,000 00 4th. The Assetts of the Company consist of 1st. Amount of cash on hand, and in hands of agents $ 45,078 03 2d. Real Estato None. 3d. Amount of Bonds owned by Com pan}-?see above 99.940 00 4 th. Amount of debts due Company, secured by Mortgage on Real Estate, worth douKln tKo omnnnl -1 e ? >? wiv ?uv nuit/uuv sctmcu uo,-o: JII 5th. Ainuntol debts otherwise") secured?Bills. Notes, &.c., I 01,292 36 Cth. Amount of Debts for pre- f miuins?pnrt ot the above. J 7tJLi. Amount of all other secu- i rities, viz: Par vnluo, Market value. 1st. Bond of the Confederate States of America $50,000 00 $50,000 00 2d. Stock of the Cit. S. Bank, Lvuchburg " 2,000 00 4,000 0t> 3d. Mortgage Bonds ofVa.iT. lill 12,000 00 12,000 00 4tli. Mortgago Bonds Orange A Alex. Bail road 25,000 00 25,000 00 5th. Bonds of State of .. Tennessee 20,000 00 20,000 00 $115,000 00 $117,000 00 | Total $418,542 74 j 5th. The amount of the liabilities of the Company to banks and other Creditors $ 05,229 22 6th. The amount of Losses adjusted and duo 2,718 25 7th. The omount of Lossed adjusted and not duo 1.000 00 8th. The araouut of Losses unadjusted 1 9th. The amount of Losses in suspense, > 39,008 08 waiting proof ) 10th. The amount of all other claims agaiusl the Company, (unpaid dividends, Ac.) 27,989 66 Total $136 940 24 11th. The greatest omoun( issued in any one risk $12,000 00 12th. No limit as to city, town or village 13th. Not over $12,000 to be exposed to loss by one flro 14th. For Act of Incorporation, .sec official copy of Act marked "A," filed with former NSfofftmnnt- ...LUL uvuwuiuiiv, OI11W WIIICU time, no alteration has been made therein ^ Amount of Premiums Received during the j-ear ending 31st Deceroder, 1862 107,781 66 Amount of Losses paid during the year ending 31st December, 1862 61,195 32 Amount at Risk on 31st December, 1862 4 968 681 09 We hereby certify, that the foregoing statement is substantially true and correct, to the bost of our knowledge and belief. JOHN ROBIN McDANIEL, President, C. T. WILLS, Secretary. W. D. McDOWALL, Agont. April 10 2 Camdon, S. C. HAMGSI * 1 A AAA P0UNDS G?ffb CLEAN LINEN and Cotton Rags wantod immediately the Confederate Ofllco, for which the highest market j>riee will be paid, * Negro to Hire. A NO. 1 FIELD HAND WILtfBE HIRED FOR il the presentyoar. Apply to M. BAUM A BROS. April 10 Country Bacon. NEW COUNTRY BACON FOR SALE AT THE "Old Cornor" by E. \V. BONNEY. April 3 South Carolina?Kershaw DistrictOffice of Common Pleas and General Sessiony I W. CLYBURN, CLERK OF SAID COURT, ^ in porsuauce of the directions of the Act of tho General Assembly in such case made and provided, do hereby give-public uotico that an eloctioirfor Ordinary for Kershaw District, South Carolina, to till tho unexpired term of Wm. M. Bullock, deceased, the late incumbent, will be lioldeu on Tuesday, the 21st day of April next, at tho usual places of election throughout the said District. Witness mv hand, on this the seventeenth of March, A. D. 1863. W- OLYbURN, March 20 5 C. C. P. ?fc G. S. WT3 o ? fas >. S 3 S IE t- " - efa ? *5 ? 33 ? ? i > s> 3 a ^ & 35 eq" I 62# ? - ~ oi ~ A 5 w g .1 ?B S " 1 ^ K S M ? 2 ? g U 88 8 | | ! : d a Egg s as ii ? i P <& g m ? ; 1 W ? & < C * P ? ^ g H < w *; *? !g If! -, or >?, "^3 *" -. * u 2 rt s p w P5 K 4J o M O P g > fa - 2 = ? * p a - ^ M ct A IMIIM^T RATERS NOTICE. PERSONS HAYING CLAIMS AGAINST ME? as Administrator of John Kolly, dee'd, present them to Wm, M. Siianion, Esq., who will pay them. March 27 2 J. RJS3, DYE, Adin'r. , For Sale, \ VERY LIKELY BOV?TWKNTY-TIIREE OR -L A. four years old?accustomed to work about a homo and yard, and is also an excellent lield hand. Apply at this office. March C 3 Notice. r I "M I K ST A G I> V A It E TO L A NC A ST E R WILL B E L raised to *f> 00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will bo charged $3 00. Any package to or from volunteers will be taken and forwarded free of charge. All others must be pi e-pai t. McCUKRY & HAMMERSLOUGII. November 7 A-iinorxriceri^ents. Mr. Editor: Please annouuce TOBIJS FOLSOM as a suitable candidate for the office of Ordinary, at the ensuing election in April. April 10 MANY SUPPORTERS. Mr Editor: Please announce tho name of Mr. H. ARRANTS as a suitable candidate for Oidinnry of Kershaw District, at the ensuing olection, and oblige April 10 HIS FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce ISAAC STOKES as a candidate for Ordinary for Kershaw District, at the ensuing election, and oblige March 27 MANY VOTERS. mil Editor Pleaso announce Mr. ALEX. L. mcDONALD a candidato for Ordinary for Kershaw District, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of ; Wm. M. Bullock, and oblige IIIS FRIENDS. I March 27 Mr. Editor: Pleaso announce Mr. B . M. BROWN, as a suitsblo candidate for Ordinary of Kershaw District, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of Wm. M. Bullock?and oblige HIS FRIENDS. March 20 Mr. Editor: Pleaso unnounco J. J. BURKETT, as a suitable candidato for Ordinary for Kershaw District, at the ensuing election, and oblige v MANY VOTERS. March 20 Mr. Editoh: Please announce Mr. W. H. FISHER as a suitable candidato for Ordinary of Kershaw District, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by tho death of thy late W. M. Bullock, andobligo MANY SUPPORTERS. Ma rch 13 I ' ' k PROCLA9IATION. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, [ Columbia. March IS, 1863. j WHEREAS I AM CREDIBLY INFORMED v that large quantities ol provisions aro being exported from this Suite for tho purpose of speculation, by reason whereof the p?ice of provisions has beon much enhanced, to the great discomfort of the citizens of the Stale; and whereas tho present supply is deemed important for tho subsistence of tjie people and tho soldiers of tho < oufedcrucv. Now, therfore, 1, MILLEDGE L. 150NHAM, Governor of South Carolina, by virtue of tho power vested in me under the Constitution of this Statu, do issue this uiy proclamation, and forbid all persons, for the space of thirty days from this date, from exporting beyond the limits of this State, any Salt, Bacon. Pork, Beef, Corn, Meal, Wheat. Flour, Kiev, Peas, Potatoes or other provisions of any description whatsoever. The following persons aro excepted, viz: Quartermasters, Commissaries and other agents of the Confederate Government purchasing provisions for tho army, who must exhibit satisfactory evidence of their ofilcial character and authority; persons Irom otlier States who purchase for their own private vise and consumption, and not for resale, who shall make oath to that effect bolore the next magistrate piovious to tho removal of the articles purchased, which oath the magistrate shall preserve and furnish for tho use of tho Solicitor of the Circuit when required; ageuts of counties, towns, corporations and >oldiers Boards of Belief of other States, who exhibit 'satisfactory proof of their authority to purchase such provisions in behalf ol such counties, towns, corporations or Soldiers Boards of Belief, for public use of for distribution at costs and charges, and ubt for resale or profit. Salt made by uon residents and cargoes entering our ports from abroad, are also excepted Any of said articles that may he stopped in transitu will be confiscated 10 the use of the State, It is enjoined upon all magistrates and militia officers, and all good citizens are appealed to, to aid in the enforcement of this proclamation. Given under my baud and the seal of tho State, at Columbia, this eighteenth day of March, [l. s.J in the year of our Lord ono thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. m.l.bon ham. W R Huntt, Secretary of State. ?2?" A11 papers of the Stute publish once a week for one month March 'J7 Notice to Tax Payers My books will bk opened on Wednesday next, tho iSth inst., for receiving Taxes and Returns. I will be at Liberty Hill, on Monday, the Gth of April; at Flat Rock, on Wednesday, the 8th; at Buffalo, ou Thursday, the 9th; at Lysenby's, on Saturday, the lltli; nt^chrocks, on Monday, tho 13th; and at Cureton's, on Wednesday, tho 15th. The owners of all slaves that wore employed or resided in the District, on the first day of October, 1862, are required to be returned to tho Tax-Collector of tho District. Tho Tax Books will be closed on the first day of June; all returns must ho luudcou or before that day. A late Act of the Legislature requires all owners of slaves, or employees to give in on oath to tho TaxCollector the number of bands owned or employed by tliem (in agriculture) between the ages of twelve and nlleen, uuu fifteen and titiy-Qve, and Imy-uve and sixty-livc, under a penalty of one hundred dollais for each hand. AVM. McKAIN, March 13 2 Jax Collector Kershaw Dist. Council Notice i LIj PARTIES INTERESTED, ARE HEREBY /\ requested not to lay oft' any lots in the Cemetery, on the new ground, north of the gateway, w.thout permission of the Council, until the grounds are properly laid oft', which will be done as sooq as possible. By order of Council: R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Morch 1I> American Guano, I TORSADE BY THE BARREL AT THE "OLD ? Corner" by 1<; W. BONNEY. January 3D. Closing up Business. Being anxious to close up my present business, the remainder of my stock will bo disposed, of at low rates for cash. Persons wishing supplies would do well to call and look at the goods. February 20 E. W. BONNEY. Town Taxes. r jHIIE books will be open eor the pur1. pose of collecting tho taxes, on and after the 23d iust., at tho Bank of Camden, from 9 a. m. until 2 p. m.?Sunday excepted?untd further notice. N. D. BAXLEY, Tax Colloctor. February 20 Runawav. COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW District a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOHN, and that ho belongs to Robert Oliver, of Georgetown, S C. Said Boy is fivo feet live or six inches high, will weigh 150 or GO pounds, had on an old black coat, and grey satiuett pants, and a Confederate hat, made of wire grass The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay ejpences and take him away. DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. March G Notice. ALL THE NOTES AND ACCOUNTS, FORMERLY in the hands of W. L. DePass, duo J. M. Gaylo, and J. M Gayle A Co., will lieroafter be found at the store of J. S. DePass, ono door above C. Matheson's store March 27 % ?.. " 'x.'.-. ART ORDINANCE r J^0 PREVENT SHKBP FROM RUNNING AT 1. large in the Town of Catnden: Be it ordained by tho Intend ant and Wardens of the Townof Camden, in Council assembled, and by tlio authority of tho same, that from, and after the passing of this Oidiuauco, all' sheep found running at large in Broad street, or trespassing, in any enclosed lot, shall be liable to be Impounded, under a penalty of lifty cents per head, to b paid l>y the owner. ft shall be the duty of the Marslu^, or any of the Town Guard, to take into custody, and impound all sheep, toum) in violation of this ordinance, and forthwith give notice to tho owners if practicable, who . shall pay tho expense of keepiug, and feeding said sheep, and in case tho owner uejglect, or refuse to claim and take away the same within twenty-lour hours, sucli sheep shall bo advertised for five (5) day*, and sold at public outcry, and the proceeds (alter defraying expenses,* held subject to the ordpr of the owner, for twelve mouths, and it not claimed in that time, the umouut will be appropriated for the uso of the Town. Ratified in Council, this fourth day of March, in the year of our herd ono thousuud eight hundred and sixty-three. J AS. DUNLAP, Intondent. R. M. Kknnkdy Recorder. March 13 Council Notice. INFORMATION HAVING BEEN RECEIVER by the authorities, that certain purtie* are in tho habit of injuring, and defusing ornamental and shade trees, ou the public squaros and streets of the Town, by stripping them of bark, touink dye stuffs. This is,io givo warning that all persons found guilty of this misdemeanor, shall bo prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law, arid a reward of Five Dollars will bo paid, to any ono giving such information us will lead to the conviction of the offender. Snrolv there are trees enough in.tho wood, without re sorting to audi wantonness, as the destruction cf some of the handsomest oaks within the limits of the Town. R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Council Chamber, February 20. 1863. March 13 KdktHivAW?in E^jjitifr Mary J. Raskin, vs.?Bill?D. T. Meahafley, trustee, et at. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER PASSED IN above stated caso (Bill), I willofi'er for sale at puboutcry, beloro the Court House door in Camden, S. 0., on the lirst monday in April next, at 12 o'clock, M., tho real estate described in the pleadings in said case, (Bill), being tho same conveyed by Daniel (Jaskin, jr., to D. T. Meahafley; Trustee for the Children of John C Raskin Terms?so much cash as will pay tho costs of proceedings and costs of sale, the balance on a credit of one, two and three years?with interest on the same, (payable annually) from day of salo. Said balance to bo secured bv Rond, with at least, two good sureties, and a mortgage of llio property?Purchaser to pay for papers. WM. R. TAT LOR, C. K. K. D. Commissioner's Oflicc, March 10, A. I). 1803. March 13 4 P" J, O -s? r C .? ? ; ? & ?' -s g. w O I b* p mammm g ? c q U ^ * I 3 g I 1 ^ . i U o tm S ? % i S g ^ A Oh ^ hp ^ 1 1 O a " w S5 ? S s "s 3 :? *3 *3 <ft H-l CJ J g o M ^L. 5-6=2 _ 2 2 s g KQHi&Mri r~( 6a O o 0 ?S 5 ;g g a ?-a a 5s. i ^? tS < | H ~ fc fa fe S C5 o g w +> <? 3 0 *1 J2 -e 3 ^1 I 8 gs 1 ? 1 r* !r? o > * fa H ^ ^ 23SE> m ^ o ^ ?OS ^ 55 fi* ?j e> ^""it1B 5 r w ? ^ u G w mneJ * * *ra O m_J a 3 k lwna| 22 o C [ i ? C5 g ? o ??' ' ^ rf) <*> rrs Wr au fa izz tt> * ? r ~ 55 -2j <n r*4 I- >. ?t t-jr l?2 r) ^ GO a $ | | a r , r?I >?? O Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of the late WASHINGTON MYERS, aro requested to make immediato payment, and those having claims against said estate will present thorn properly attested. February 27, T. s. myers, Admr. ~E W BONNEY, INSURANCE AND BANK AGENT Broad-st? Camden, S. O. March 13 Cash Store swrnT FIREY, ANI> NECESSARY. ' 1 AAA DOLLAR'S WORTH' OF SUPERIOR ll/WlJ MATCHES ; 8 barrels Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; 20 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper; 8 boxes choice and common Tobacco; . 2 tiorces fresh Rico ; Cayeune Popper and Pepper Sauco; Capors Worcestershire do; large lot Jugs and Jars ; I caso 199 lbs. very choice smoking Tobacco; November. 14 A. T. LATTA.