University of South Carolina Libraries
(3nr-> ' * > -' * i;-{: *" v * M / N ' I^O T I O "lirk, THB0WNKR8 OP THE 0MXIBU3SES T y*- Tunning to and from tb$ depot, feel compelled lo advance our rates, as our expenses are much heavier than heretofore. From this date the . F re witliiu the Town will be 75 cts. Pare to Kirk wood ' $1 50 cts. - ' f J. K. WiniEKSPOON. ? ' K. G. ROBINSON. April 10 5 KTotio?. A LL GUARDIANS, TRUSTEES, Ac..WHO ARK i\ by law required lo account annually to the Corn t | of Equity fur Kershaw District, S. 0., will pleaso tile tlwir returfis with the Commission! r of said court, on or before tho 23d d <y of A prit inst. Rules will ho issued against all defaulters immediately alter tho ? expiration of said day. WM. R. TAYROR, C. E. K. D. Commissioner's Office, April 6, A. D., 18G3. April 10 2 NoticeA Hi PERSONS WHO H A V'K CLAIMS AGAINST the estot* of WM. KIRKIjAKD, deed., will plense present the same, duly attested, to one of the uttdersignod, qualified Kxccut rs. on or ???.f re the first day of May next, or this notice will be p end d in bar ot payment of same. All persons who are in- | debted to said estate will please make i avmcnt to one of the undersigned, Executors-aforesaid, at an earlv dor. Wk. R. TAYLOR, JOHN KIRKLANE), .r SKPH K. KIRKI.AND. April 10 .3 Executors Wm. Kirkland. ftTATKJUEM'rOf the Condition of the Lynchburg Hose and Fire Insurance Company, on the \st day of January: 18G3, made in accoI dance with the law of the State of South Carolina,. ' 1ST. THE NAME OF THIS COMPANY IS "THE LYNCHBURG HOSE AND FIRE INSU RANGE COMPANY," and is located at Lynchburg, Virgini r 2d. The amount of Capital Stock is $200,000 00 3d. The amount of Capital Stock paid up $100,060, 00 Amount of bonds for Stock 99 0-10 00 200.000 09 4th. The Assetts of the Company consist of 1st. Amount of cash on hand, and in hands olagents $ 45,078 03 2d. Ileal Estate ' None. 3d. Amouut of Bonds ownod by Company?see above 99.940 00 4th. Amount of debts duo Company, secured by Mortgage on Real Estate, worth doublo the amount secured 65,232 25 5th. Am untof debts otherwise") secured?Rills. Notes, Ac.. 1 91,292 36 6th. Amount of Debts for premiuins?part of the above. J 7th. Amount of all other securities, viz: Par value, Market value. 1st. Boftd of the Confederate States of America $56,000 00 $56,000 00 2d. Stock of the Cit. S. Bank, Lynch? burp 2,000 00 4,000 00 3d. Mortgage Bonds . ofVa.& T. U R 12,000 00 12,000 00 4th. Mortgage Bonds Orange A Alex. Railroad 25,000 00 25,000 00 6th. Bonds of State of Tennessee 20,000 00 20,000 00 $116,000 00 $117,000 0f? Total $418,512 71 5th. The amount of the linbili ies of tho Company to banks and other Creditors $ 65,229 23 6th. The amount of Losses adjusted and due 3,718 25 7th. The omount of I.ossed adjusted and not due 1,000 00 8th. The amouut of Losses unadjusted! Sth. The amount of Losses in suspense, j- 39,008 OS waiting proof ) 10th. The amount of nil other claims againsf tho Company, (un paid dividends, ?c.) 27,983 66 Total. s $136 940 24 lltli. The greatest amount issued in an}' one risk $12,000 00 12th. No limit as to city, town or village 13ih. Not ovt-r $12,000 to beexposed to loss hv one firo 14th/ For Act of Incorporation, see ofllc'alc py of set marked "A." tiled with former Statement, since which tiitie;. no alteration has been made therein Amount of P;einlums Received duringtheyenrendingSlst Deeemdor, I8G2 101,78166 Amount of Losses paid during the year ending 31st December, 1862 61,195 32 Amount at Risk on 31st December, 1802 4 968 681 09 "We hereby certify, that the foregoing statement is substantially true and correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. JOHN ROBIN McDANIEL, President. C. T. WILLS, Secretary. W. D. MoDOVVALL, Agent. April 10 2 Camden, 8. C. ! KERBS! 1 A AAA P0UNDS G00D CLEAN LINEN and Cotton Hags wanted immediately at the Confederate Office, for which the highest market price will lie paid. " | # % ??? tI Negro to Hire. \NO. 1 FIKLU HAND WILL BE HIRED FOR tile present your. Apply to M. BAUM St BROS. April 10^ v Country Bacon. TV"ew COtJNTRV BACON* FOR SALE AT THE 1> "Old Corner" by E. VV. BONNEY. April 3 I i Furniture for SaleA LARGE LOT OF ^KOorfD II aN'D FURNITURE will lie eoM on '( hur tlay morning at 10 o'clock, at lite Store of Mr. James -McEvvax, uu Main Street. .. ?- v>; . Apri' 3 1 pnr 1 a. * V* ?V M JLXS ' A neat and commodious cottage, sit4JaT icd in a de>irab.e part ot thu town, which I will be sold lor cash. Oil the lot?containing two acres, more or loss?are all nece-aury ? ut-buildiiiKH, good V\ c I of Water, the place under good fence. For further information, apply to WM JOHaSON. March 2u. * 3 South Carolina^-Kershaw District. Office of Common Plena and General Sessions. IW. CLYliURN, ? LEIIK t>F RAID COUNT, ^ in pursuance of the directions of the Act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided do hereby give public notice that an election tor Ordinary for Kershaw District. So .lit Carolina, to till the unyxphed term ot A m. M. millock, deceased, the late incumbent will be holden v>u Tuesday, thu 21st day of April next, at the usual places of election throughout tue s i d District Witness ujy hand, on this tne seventeenth ot March, A. D. 1803. W'Ci.YbUttN, March 20 5 (J. C. P. Jfc G. S. ~Hp8 ? h = *n H Ui n IM J C c: c* ft ;k ? ? o fi1 /*, *. ** 40 M ^ o ? S-t .h r4 o> L? - iao ? tes f P5 O "SJ % ?3 g *4 - g hip K P* >2 -0 co -? fesf * ?. 1 ? 2| "3 J -t ? 8 < 1 f % s **? f. w 5 t- .s ?? At ft g S ? a ^ =5 h ??' ? S3 3 1s s gs M 3 | ft 88 1 | p 1 ? 3 ? h ^ ? H g i si E * 6 e i t- * 5 a .& I 5 i d R? ^ " 2 = * .,8-35 ?. - W J?t L> ^ M Cl ?= lr-V$) W ?I q CSfj -y r?H < W cr? .5 S t3 * S ? Wi s 5 5 ? s t j. i- i <r< .. 5 W < g S S ffl W t> > 2 a ? = ? ^ p 53 ~ Bti M ?# ADiai^ivnurrEsts *OTI PERSON'S HAVISO OLA IMS AGWNSTME. as Admiivstr.iter of John Kelly, do-'d. present ti.em 1 o Wm. M.MJAKXOn, Esq . who will pay them. March 27 2 J. It S-, DYE, Adm'r. For Sale, A VERY LIKELY ROv ?TWENTY-THREE OR four years old?accustomed to tv rk nhout a liou-o mid yard. Mid >8 also an excellent lield hand Apply at tins office. At arch 6 3 Notice. PERSONS II WING DEMANDS AGAINST THE under igncd are icqne.sled to hand them in for payment us early as March 6 E W. BONNET. Embroideries TN COLLARS, UNDERSLEAVS, EDGINGS, AG. also Black and White Bohinets and Illusions Chendle Cards, Dross Triniminfcs, Fnncv Buttons, sunshades. Muslin Curtains. Ladies white Kids. Black and White silk llose, Ac., for salo at the Ohl Corner, by E. W. BONNEY. March 20 Alabama Fir? Insuranco COMPANY. r|^HE Undersigned, as Agent tor trie above SouthI ern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurauce against loss by Firo 011 all Build J ings, Ac. November 1 W. L^DePASS. Notice. The stage fare to Lancaster will be raised to ?5 Ob a scat, and thirty pounds baggago allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged $:i 00. Any package to or from volunteers Vill be taken and forwarded free of charge. All others must bo j pie-paid. MoClTRRY k H AMMERSLOUG1I. I November 7 ' ' ' V I * ' *>. PliOtlAMATKON. STATE OF SOUTH CVttOLINA. , ? KXECLTIVK IWWRT.MKXT, \ 1 coi umuia. Mareh 18. 1803. ) , j TVHFnRAS I AM CREDIBLY INKOIIVED , V ? tlmt large quantities ol provisions are being i | exported from tl< a Mate lor the purpose <?f-peculation. ; ? b\ reas ?u whe oofthe p ice ofpr..vis oijshas beeutnlioh i enhanced, to the #great discomfort of' the citizens of j | the btutt*; and whereas the present supply :s deemed itnpor not for the subsistence of the people and the 1 a"ldiers of the' oufoderncy. - , < > t Now, therfore, 1, M(i.LEPQ1S L. BONMAM, Governor of bout It Carolina, by virtue of the power vested in me under the Constitution of t'?is State, do issue this mv proclamaiion, and forbid r.II p t-ons. for tlio si ace of thirty days horn this date, front exporting be\oud the li aits of his Smte, any bait, Ihioon. Pork, Beef, Corn, Meal, Wheat. Hour, Uico, I'eas, Potatoes ' <?r othe' pr visio'-s of any description < hutsoover. ! The ful owin.* pe s. us art* excepted, viz: Quartern! ?h- ' ters. Commissaries and other agents of the Con lode ale ' Goveriiuie t purchasing provisions for the army, who I must exhibit satisfactory evidence of their tlieial char- ' Meter and attlh rity; persons irotn other States who < purchase for their own private use and comui up ion. < and 1. l for resale, w .o shall make oath to that efteet ' j belore the next magistrate previous ?o the removal of I the articles purchased, which oath 'lie niagistrn e shall preserve and furnish for the use of the Solici or of the ' Circuit when required: agents ofcou ties, towns, cor- < por.itions and < kliors Moar s of Be.ief ol other States, who exhibit satisfict it pro f of ibeir authority to purchase such provisions in behalf ot such eo> nties, towns, corporations or Soldiers Boards of Belief, for public use of for distribution at costs and charges, and , not for tcsele <*r profit. , ' ?valt made by it u residents and cargoes entering our ports from abroad, are also oxc pted Any of .-.aid articles that may be stopped in transitu will be eontiscatcd o the use pf the State. It is njoirt d upon all tnagisr ales and militia officers, ami all goo I citizens arc appealed to, to aiu in the enIbreente t of this proclamation. Given under my hand and the seal of the Mate, at Columbia, this eighteenth day of M reh, [t. s.] in the year of.our lord otto thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. M. L. BON HAM. W R Huntt, Pccretnry ofStatc. 1^* AII papers of the fcjlalo publish once a week for ; one monti > March 27 Nfoties to Tax Payors' \|YB ? >KS WILL B I OPIO Kl? 0 V WlCDXKS i>a 1 ii xi, mo loin insi., ior receiving raxes and Returns 1 will lie at Liberty ill. n Vtuidnv, tin Glli ol April; at Flat Roek, on Wo mcsday.the 8th; at buffalo, on hursihiy. the 9th; at Lysenby's. Oti Saturday, the lltli; at fclirocks, on Monday, the !3th; Cureton s, on Wednesday, the 15th. The owners o all slaves that wore employed or resided in the District, on t"0 lirst day ol*October, 18G2, are required to be returned to the Tux-Collector ol the District. The Tax Books will bo closed on the first day of dune; al returns must he made on or nelorc that day. A hie Act of the Legislature requires ail owners of slave', or employees to give in on oath to the Tax Collector the number ol bands owned or employe i by them (in ngricultur.) between the ages of twelve and till ecu. and litleen and tifty-live, and nfcy-tiv.' and sixty live, ninlor a penalty of one hundred doll.ns for each hand WM McKMN, March 13 2 Jnx Collector Kershaw hist Council js otic9 < IiL PARTIES I vTKRK-TKI). ARE HEREBY /\ requested not to lay off any l ?ts in t ho ?'cme'.ery, on the new g outid, north of the gate av, w th ut permission of the t'ouned. until ttit- grounds are poperlv hiid oil', which will be d me as soon as possible By order of Council: K. ?\1. KENNEDY, Recorder. Moreh 13 American Guano, 17*011 SALE BY T:JL BARREL "AT TilE "OLD i Corner,' by K. \V. BJNWEV. .Tnunary 30 ' Closing up Business. BE INft ANXIOUS TO CLOStf UP MY PR I'SIUNT business, the rematnder of my stuck will be disp scd of nt low rates for cash Per-ons wishing supplies would do well to call and look at the goods. February 20 E W. BON'KEY. Town Taxes. rf "MIE BOOKS WILL BE OPEN I OR THE PUR ? pose of colleeti. g tlie taxes, on nndaflo' the '23d inst., at ihe Bank of Camden, from !) a in. until 2 p f ni ?Sunday excepted?lint 1 furt er noth-e ( N. D. B^VXLKY, Tax Collector. f February 20 Runaway. C-10 MM ITT UP TO THE JAIL OF KKRPIIAW 1 J Districi a Negro Boy, who says his name is JOJJA', and that he belongs to Robert Oliver, of t.oorgctown, S C. Said Boy live feet five or six inches hi.di, wi 1 weigh 150 or (>() pounds, had on an old b nek cos", and ( grcysiiin tt pint-, and a i onfc derate hat, of ' wire g a a The owner is requested to come forward, prove propeity, pay ex penes and take him away. dlnoa.s shkorn, Jailor. March 6 Notice. Alt,the noti'S and accounts, formerly in the hands of \V. l. PePnss, duo J M. (*ayle, and J. M (iayle & Co., will hereafter be found at the store of J. s. Do Pass, one door above 0. iMatlioson's store March 27 AIT ORDIlfAKCG ' I rp0 PREVENT SRKKP FROM RUNNING AT .J 1 large in the T?>wy of Camden:1 M #B it ordained bv tbe-luiemlantand Wardens of tha 1 Towno!'Camdin, in i oimcil assembled, and by the lutiiorily of the same, that from, and after the, passing >f this O dmniice, nil sheep found cunnitur at large in Brcnd street, or trespassing. in any enclosed lot, iliall be liable to l?a -Impounded, under a penalty of Ifty cents per head. t<? b paid by the owner. It shall l?e t'?e duty.of the Marshal;, or jany of the fo vn Qutmi, to take into custody, and Impound all tlieep. loutnl in violation of tlii?,ordinance, atid ",l}srthwith give notice to tlio ownera ih practicable/ who shall pay the excuse of keeping, and foeding.caid >heep and in case the owner, neglect, or refuse to ?laiiu and take away the aatne within? twenty-(dur tours, such sh ep shall be adverii ed for five (5) day.*, ind sold at public,ou cry, and the proceeds (tiller delaying expenses, held subject to lite oider of the nvner, lor twelve months, ami II not* ciaimeu in tn?t .iine. the amount will be, appropriated for the use of .lie Town. . :/ Ratified in Council, this fourth day of March, in :he year of our Lord ono thousand eight- hundred uud <ixty-three. J a?. dunlap, Intendent. * P. M. Kennedy Recorder. . ,-?,i , March IS > j Council Notice. - ^ -' Information having been received hv the authorities. that certain parlie* are Iwtho Ituhit of injuring, and defacing ornnm-ntul and sltade trees. on the pul>lic square-* and st eets of the Town, by stripping hem of bark tomak dye-stiff*. This is to give warning tlmt all persons found guilty if this m sdetneanor. shall ho prosecuted to the utmost 'Xteiit of the law. and a revynrd of. Kivo l)ol|ar? will be pai 1 to any One giving such irilbrfndtiph 99 will lead to t e lonviction of the offender. 4 S relv 1 hero are ir> os < n ugh in thew. od; Withont rejor ing to stu-1. wantonness, as.the destruction ? f noqje >1 the handsomest oaks within the limits of the Tow.g. 11. M. K KN \ E D Y, Recorder.* Council Chamber, February 26. 1803." 1 ** *" f Marco 13 K i:i{M 8 A W?I EQUITY. Mary J. Buskin, vs.?Hill?D. T. Menhaffey, Trustee, el al. *'4 IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER PASSED IN above stated^t (bill). I will offer fo<- s-tle at |tubI'itciy, belbie the Court House door in v amden< S.-0?? )o the fir.-t nioud y in April next.; at 12 o'clock, M., lie teal estate d'seribed in ihc pi 'tidings in sail) case, bill), hi ing the same co veyed by Daniel Gaskin, jr., o D. T. Mcalmflev. Trustee fo* il'O ? IfildrCh of J?.hn / Raskin Terms?so much cnsftas will pny tHfif costs >f proceeding and costsof sa e; tli balance on a credit if one, lAoaiid three years-?with interest on the same, payable a> ie ally from day of sale Said balance to ?e secured l?v Bond, with at 'east, two jfot.d sureties, hi i a mo. tga^u of,the property?Purchaser to pa^ for japtrs. . ; , ,ji . j ,ii*. mC WM II. TA LOR, C. K. K. D. Commissioner's OQice, March 10, A. D. 1863. March 13 ' * ' * m ll " *5'' * t\T. fl W-'lOTT ^111II HI? ? ,fi ? h - --I ? p *2 ' g- *? G'-SMSXaOf 2 85 .2 A ^ * j * r " T |"| a bsnJ ? .2 W |VI ? ? w c < m ? T' n c: ^ H .K" rp . ir 2 ^ 'M- 'S . _j a c- hJ tm. ;?? 1 s ? ".SB r ? " .1 "s H I zTj o ? Lj i?l ? ? ? s K 3 uxsHsmsag c_, j* o o ?_2 3 ??? ? ? - g g a O . " ? ' . - -O' " CO ? ? ? _ - b s* ? j < J u e ^ /? )IHIIM4 ? ft, o .0 J"111* ? ? H*.? M ? 2 I r* E3 : C 3 a rosaisEi* ?? ~ ?"* c op p- o a ? < ? 3 o K ~ ? iBIBCMBr "" TT a> WH?BK f* ^ *" r-^:<? ? ? > o >; ? q'."s W| O | Sj ^ . = rr o G &r I2??!jJ[| ~ h'2 I" gKSBv^ei . ? e; ^ w 5 2 gs ? j * ^ ^ 01 C5SB ? ^ *- ?,. >, ?i 5z; W o C/O 2 .:< fc .? a ?< ?-3 ' o ' Notice. All perrons indebted to the estate of the lute WARHINOTQN MYKR8, are-.relllOQ'nH tl? m-il'A immoili.ilo rvntrmnnf ?%/! ?U/\nA ltA?t?M/w jmvw v.. vx/ ..c.nv i'll V Iiirnt, nilU tllUSC llil VIU^ ;inims against said estate will present them properly ltt s'ed. Febru >rv 27, T. S. MYERS, Admf: * E W BONtfEYi I^URAKCR ANI* BHK AGEKT Broad-st, Camden, S. Oi,:1'v March 13 Cash Store- ~ . SWEET, FVREY, AAD , NECESSARY. 1000 T)?LLAR!S WORTH OF StTPERIOR 8 barrels ('rn hod. Clarified and Rrown Sugars; !ft roams superfine Rath lb Sis Writing Paper; 8 boxes choi ev?nd common Tobacco; * '4 t'e* ces fresh Rice, v . Oavciyie I'cppor and Pepper Sauoo; Capers Worcestershire do; largo lot .Tugs and Jars: 1 caso 199 lbs. very dioiee smoking Tobacco; Xovembor. 14 A. T. LATTA. JflHfl