University of South Carolina Libraries
AllTERS 22d KEGT. S. C.M., Camden, S. 0, M^rch 20th I860. ORDER NO. 3. IS PUUSU'aNCK OF OltDKHS FROM COLONEL Rurwell Jones, a Court Martial will be held at tho Court House in Camden, S. oq Thursday the 2d day of April, 18C3, at 10 o'clock a m., to try all defaulters for non performanco of Militia and Patrol duty. Captaius or ollicers commanding Beat Compnuics will liave warned all defaulters in tlioir respective Beats to attend the said Court, and make their returns to these ltwid tyunrtors on or boforetho 1st of April vnpuuns or omeors oommauuing neat tympanies are charged with the extcntidn. of this Order. I J. M. GAYLIi, Adjutant. The Court will consist of Lieut. Col. Wm. Dixon, President, Mi\jor A. 2J. Kehnedy. t Captains Jno. 11. Mickle, ' 1). Parker, 44 John Thompson, 44 Wm. K. Hughsou, H. D. Hough. ,! Faulkou berry, " L. J. Patterson, J. M. Gayle, Judge Advocate. SUPERNUMERARIES. Lieut. James Fletcher, 44 Tobias Folsom, 44 Gillum S'-well, 44 John J* Nelson. March 27 1 ^WatF<l> F SOlilil' CAUO L B MA # - #tiiiff *??J. I,- ^ APJ'T <fc INSP. GENERAL'S OFF I OK, ) Columbia, March 20. I8G3. ) "GENERAL OliDEIt NO. 11. I IT APPEARING THAT IN MANY OF THE Regiments there has beeu a failure to organize the militia in accordance with General Order No. 8, from 'this office, either by not holding elections in pursuance of said Order, or by rcturidng as elected persons who are not eligible under the Act of the General Assembly, it is hereby ordered that tlTo commanding officers of ail such .Regiments do forthwith order elee u? i l.i / .A. _ \ :.. i LKJIJH IU UL* IKMU ^ilitvr JIIJZ liuut^ 111 UII where much failure lias occurred, or where persons who are not eligihlo have been returned as elected, in pursuance of said General Order No. 8. II. The act of the General Assenib v declares va cant the commissions of all officers between I he ages of eighteen and forty-live yeais. as soon as new elections can bo held, and no person between said age is eligible, or will bo commissioned to any office in the militia, unless be be exempted from Confederate t-orvice under the exemption act of Congress III. In addition to tho returns required by the third and fourth paragraphs of General Order No 8, the commanding officers of Kegiments are hereby required to return to ibis office a Kos'or of the Field and Company officers of their respective Kegimems, including those whose offices have not been vacated, as weil as those elect d und,?r ibis and Gen ral ?>rder No. 8; and also the strength of t< ? ir companies?a form for which Roster and return wil be furnished from this office IV. In all eases where pors -ns h.,vo been elected to offices under General Orde. No 8, hut also h ivo refused to accept said offices, the commanding officers of Brigades and Kegiments will appoint tit persons liable to ordinary militia duty in tho Kegiments, battalions and Beats in which 'he persons have so refused, to command such Regiments. Battalions and Heats, in (pursuance of the 33d an t 31th Sections of the Act of 1811 V. The Captains of lleat companies are required strictly to enforce Section 5 of tlio net of the l|eneral Assorablv entitled '"An Act for the better organization of tlio militia, and f.>r other purposes passed at its last session, lierew.tli published, and to see that no resident of their Respective Beats shall escape enrollment by reason of his temporary ab.-e ce. VI. fhe coin . andinp: officers of Regiments are responsible for their complete organization, and their special attention is hereby called to Sec ion 81 (herewith published) of the Act of 1811, tlio enforcement of which is roquitted. By instruction of the General Assembly. A 0 GARLINGTON, Adjutant and Inspector-General ol S3. C. Section 5. That the commanding officers of Beat companion shall keep two seporato rolls, one of the names of all persons resident in them Beats between the ages uf sixteen and fifty; designating in said rolls the ages ol each person, unci all persons r< quired to be enrolled by this Act shall immediately after its passage report their names to the commanding officers of their iionts wno shall have power to administer oatiis as to the agos and residence of persons when they reiuso to make knowh their age or place of residence or where thero may bo doubts as to eitl^r; ami each and every Beat company shall be called out lor drill and instruc tion once in every two months , Section 34-. If any beat company shall neglect or refuse, for two months to elect an officer to lib the va cancy which shall occur in it, or the person elected Shall refuso to accept ot such office, it shall bo the duty of the Colonel or officer commanding that Kegimont to which such company belongs, to appoint and commission some lit person, liable to ordinary militia duty in such Beat, to fill such office, and ne be coni| oiled to serve iu such office for twelve months, under the penalty of thirty dollars, and llfty per cent, on the amount of Ins last general tax, unless he shall ho sooner promoted, or from bodily or mental inlirmity, become incapable of^performing the duty thereof, or remove out of the hin ts of his company, or unless the company sln+U sooner elect some lit person, who shall accept such commission, and it shall be the duty of the Colonel or offi-or commanding the regiment, toappo nt~and commission, as oft. n as the appointment shall f o . refused; and in every caso of refusal to accept the penalty shall he enforced; but no per-<>n appointed l>> i .. /"I _ I _. 1 !>,.?? 1 ul.,.11 I./. 11... I ^UlUUtl 111 a I'tai vumpdii^, OIMIJI ?.?o wv/mpriiiM ? ' MII. form himself, or serve in such office longer tliuu o:.e year in three. JQ^"?apers of the State copy twico. March 27 2 ADMINISTItA.TEIIS NOTIC'II. PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS AGAINST ME, aa Administrator of John Kelly, dee'd, present them to Wm, M. Shannon, Esq., who will pay them. March 27 2 J. ROSS, DYE, Adm'r. aa- t i. II IL I'KOCJLAiHATIOIV. ^ -f*u !*~ ^TATE OF SOUTH OV.UOLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMEXT. ) Columbia. March 18, 18Go. ) A\r 11 ERE AS I AM CREDIBLY INFORMED T that large quantities of provisions nro being exported from tins State for the purpose of speculation, hy reason whereof the p 11*6 of provisions has been much enhanced, to tin! great discomfort of tlio citizens of the State: ;ind whereas tho present supply is doomed impornnt for tho subsistence qf tho people and the soldiers ot tho < onfederacv. Now, therfore, 1, MlCTHCDGE L. 130N11AM, Governor of South Carolina, by virtue of the power vested in me under the Constitution of ti?is State, do i?su? this my proclamation, and" Ibroid nil persons, for the space of thirty days from this date, from exporting beyond tho limits of this State, any Suit, Bacon. Pork, lieef, Corn, Meal, Wheat. Flour, Bice, Pens, Potatoes or other provisions of any description whatsoever. The foliowiilu persons are excepti d, viz: Quartermasters, Commissaries and other agents of the (Jonfedo'iito Government purchasing provisions for the army, who nmst exhibit satisfactory evidence of their official character and authority; persons troni other States who purchase for their own private use and consumption, and i;? t for resale, who shall make oath to that effect belore the next magistrate previous to tho removal of the articles purchased, which oath the magistrate shall preserve and furnish lor the use of the Solicitor of the Circuit when required; agents of counties, towns, corporations and oldiers Boards of Relief of other Stat es who exhibit satisfactory proof of ilieir authority to purchase such provisions in behalf ol such counties, towns, corporations or Soldiers Boards of Relief, for public use of for distribution at costs and charges, and not for icsalo or profit. Salt made by non-residents and cargoes entering our ports front abroad, are ailso excepted Any of said articles that may be stopped in transitu will be confiscated 10 the use of tlie State. It is enjoin, d upon all magistrates and militia officers, and all good citizens are appealed to, lo aid in the enforcement of this proclamation. Given under my hand and the seal of the State, at Columbia, this eighteenth day of March, [l. s.] iu the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred nud'sixty-thlco. M.L.BOXHAM. W R IIuntt, Secretary of State. dPAIl papers of the State publisli once a week for one month March 27 S^ATE or SOOTIl CAROLINA, % EXKCUTIV K DKP \ IIT1- EXT, ) Columbia, S. ('., March '20. 1808. f rpilE FOLLOW I Xtr APPOINTMENTS HAVE JL made by bis Excellency the (iovornor to the South t.'urolitin Military Academy, under the resolution oi-the General Ass. tnbly, viz: From 1st. Congressional District?Gcoreo W Ferrell, of Marion. From 2il Congressional Disrict?J. Chnpiuan linger, of Chai 1> ston. From :i<l ( ongressSonal District?Arthur W.Thompson, of Harnwell From 4th Congressional District?Ahner W Lamar, of Edgefield, From nth Congressional District?Andrew Morritt. of V ork Front Gilt Congressional District?Daniel A. Miller, of Fairlield The persons above named will report for examination to the Academic Board, at the Arsenal Academy, in Columbia, on the first day of April next.' By order of tlie (J ivernur. B. F. ART HUB. Private Secretary. C^"*A11 the papers in the Suite publish once. March 27 1 Notice to Tax PayersMy books will bk ope ed on Wednesday next, the iSth inst., for receiving Taxes and Returns. i will be at Liberty ill. u \ionday, the Gth of April; at Flat Rock, 011 Wednesday, tho 8th; at Buifalo, on I hurjulay, tin* 9th; at Ly8enbj''s, on Saturday, the 11th; at >chrooks, on Monday, the 13tli; and at Cureton's, on Wednesday, the 15th. The owners o all slaves that were employed or resided in the District, on t e first day of October, 18G2, are required to be returned to the fax-Collector of tho District. The Tax Books will be closed on the first day of Jun6; all returns must la- madeoi/ or before that da}*. A late Act of the Legislature requires all owners of slaves, or employees to tfive in on oath to tho TaxCollector the number of hands owned or employed by them (in atfricultur.) between the a^es of twelve and fifteen, and fifteen and fifty-live, and fifty-five and sixty live, under a penalty of one hundred dollars*for each hand WM. McKAIN, March 13 2 Tax Collector Kershaw Dist Council Lotice ; LL \RTIKS INTKRKSTKl). ARE IIRRKHY * not to lay off any lots in the Cemetery, I 01. the new g>ound, north of the gateway, w.thout per- j mission ol'the ouncil, until the grounds are properly i laid "fl", which will be d ?ne as soon us possible By order of Council: It. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Morch 13 American Guano, I7*0RSALE BY THE BARREL AT THE "OLD . Corner," by / K W. BONNEY. January 30. AN ORDIKANCE rpO PRKVKNT SHKKP FROM RUNNING AT J largo in tho Town of Camden: Be it ordained by tlio Intendantand Wardens of the Townof Camden, in Council assembled,v ?od by the authority of tho same, that from, and after the passing of this Ordinance, nil sheep found runuing at large in Broad street, or trespassing, in any enclosed lot, shnll be liuble to bo Impounded, under a penally of fifty cents per head, to b- paid by the owner. It shall bo the duty of the Marshall, or any of the Town Guard, to take into custody, aud impound all sheep, (bnnd in violation,of this ordinance, und forthwith givo notice to tho owners if practicable, who shall pay the expense of keeping, and feeding paid sheep, and iu cnso tho owner neLdect, or refuso to claim and tuko away the sumo within twenty-four hours, such sheep shall be advertised for five (5) days, and sold at public winery, und tho proceeds (after dofraying oxponses, i held subject to the order of the owner, for twelve months, and if not claimed in that time, the umoiint will be appropriated for tho use of the Town. Ratified in Council, this fourth day of March, in the year of our Lord one lliousaud eight hundred and sixty-thrco. J A?. DUNLAP, Intendent. 4 R. M. Kennedy Recorder. March 1 Ji Council Notice. INFORMATION HAVING BEEN RECEIVED . by tlio authorities, that certain partio* are in the liabit of injuring, and defacing ornamental and shade trees, on the public square* and streets of the Town, by stripping them of bark, tomak dye stuffs. Things to give warning that all persons found guilt}' of thisunisdemcanor, shall be prosecuted to the utmost extent of the law. and a reward of Five Dollars will be paid, to any one giving such information as will lead to the conviction of the offender. Surely there are trees en >ugh in the wood, without resorting to such wantonness, as the destruction <1 some of the handsomest oaks within tho limits of the tfown. It. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Council Chamber, February 26, 1863. March 13 Wanted to Rent, I N CAMDEN OR KIRKWOOD, A HOUSE CON tabling live or six Rooms. Mnrdll 20 2 DIi:A!)^llARTi:R<i. COMMISSARY GEN'S. DEr'T. S. C. ) Columbia, S. C.. March 1G. J rpilli FOLLOWING REGULATIONS HAVK Jl been adopted by tlio Governor of the State to carry into elleoi the Act of tho General Assembly, ratified December 18, 1HG2, entitled "An Act to suppress tiie undue distillation of spirituous liquors from the cereal grains of this State; " which authorizes the Governor, when satisfactorily informed that a supply cf spirits is absolutely necessary for medical purposes, to contract with a proper number of skilled and responsible agent--, in one or more of the Districts, to manfacture a limited quantity of pure spirits ut a reasonable price strictly for medical purposes. Contracts have been and will be inado with agents to distil a limited quantity of pure spirits, of 60 per. cent, proff, at not over two dollars per gallon, whoso names will be published in the Columbia papers and District papers in which tho agent reside* . No other person, except those so published, are authorized to distil; and it is the duty of every ciptain of patrol, and they are required, to report auy violation, and also the duty of all imigistr ites, to seo that tho provisions of the Act are carried out All citizens are earnestly requested to report any violation of this Act, as tli* object of the law is to prevent the undue consumption of grains for distillation, thereby raising the price of the absolute necessaries of life to the families of our brave soldiers, who are m tho field battling for our independence. The agent shall not convey or cause to be conveyed beyond the limits of this State, and shall dispose of the spirits distilled by him, under his bond, in quantities of live gallons and under, to any person 011 th?*ir written plcdgo that they inquire and will use it only and strictly for medicinal purposes, and will not convey or causo to be conveved beyond tho limits of this Stato the .spirits purchased and attached to said pledge the certificate at" a regular practicing physician, that the purchaser actually requires and he believes will use it only and strictly for medical purposes.?When any druggist physician or any other person desires to purchase over live gallons of spirits front the agent, they must first givo a bond, payable to the State, with two or more good securities, approved by the Clerk of the Court, in treble the amount of purchase, and lodge the same w ith the agent, conditioned that they will not convey, or cause to be conveyed beyond the limits of this Mite tin spirt* purchased, and that they will not resell at a greater advance than 50 per cont over the agents price, and only to such persons us will give a written pledge that they actually rt-quiro and will use it only and stirictly for medicinal purpose-' aceom pinied by the certificate of a regular practicing physician. that the spirits are needed, and ho believes will be used strictly lor medicinal purposes, and that the sub-purchasers will not resell the spirits or convey, or cause the saino to be conveyed, beyond the limits ol this State. By order of the Governor. JOSKPH WALKER, Commissary General of S. 0 All papers in this State will insert ouco and send duplicate bills, with copy of advertisement, to this Depa rtipent. Advertising bills against this Department wi'l bo settled quarterly. In all eases duplicate bills, with copv of advertisement, must be furnished. March 27 1 Notice. 4 ll tiik notes and accounts, formerly LY in the hands of W. L. DePass, due J M. Gayle, and J. M Gayle A Co., will hereafter bo found at tho storo of J. s. DePass, one door above C. MatheSou's store March 27 Notice. All persons i debtkd to the estate of the late WASHINGTON MYERS, are requesiod to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estato will present them properly attested. February 27, T. S. MYERS, Admr. !N" otice. A GOOD STRONG CAVALRY OR WORK HORSE for sale. ^ . . Fobruary 13 T. S. MYERS. Closing up Business. Being anxious to close up my present business, tho reumtnder of my stock will bo disposed of til low ralos for cash Persons wishing supplies would do well to call aud look at ttio goods. February 20 K. W. BONNET. \ Town Taxes. rrUIK BOOKS WILL BE OPEN FOR THE PURi. pose of collecting the taxes, on and alter'the 23d ! inst., at i he Bank of Camden, from 9 a m. until 2 p. i in ?Sunday excepted?until further notice N. 1): BAXLKY. Tax Collector. February 20 Runaway. COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERFHAW Distriol n Negro Boy, who says his name is JiWX, and that lie belongs to Robert Oliver, of Georgetown, S C. Said Boy is Ave feet five or six inches high, wi 1 weigh 150 or 60 pounds, had on an old black coat, and grey .satin- tt pant-, and a Confederate hat, made of wirs gra.-a The owner is requested to come forward, pro^p property, pay expences and take him away. DUNG AX SUKORN, Jailor. March G For Sq,le, A VERY LIKELY tyOY?TWENTY-THREE OR j?\_ four years old?accustomed to work about a houso and yard, and is also an excellent Held hand. Apply at this office. March 6 3 Notice. PERSONS HAYING DEMANDS AGAINST THE undersigned arc requested to hand them in for pavment as early as possible. March 6 K W. BONNEY. South Carolina?Kershaw DistrictOffice of Common Pleas and General Sessions. Tw/clyburx, clerk of said court, ^ in pursuance of tlio directions of tho Act of the General Assembly in such case made and provided, do hereby give public notice that an election for Ordinary for Kershaw District, South Carolina, to fill tho unexpired term of Win, M. Bullock, deceased, the late incumbent, will bo holden dn Tftesdaj', the 21st day of April next, at the usual places of election throughout the said District. "Witness mv hand, on this the seventeenth of March, A. D. 1803. * WCLYbURN, March 20 6 . 0. C. P. & G. S. Embroideries IN COLLARS, UNDERSLEAVS, EDGINGS, AO. also Black and White Bobinets and Illusions, Cheudlo ('ards, Dress Trimmings, Fancy Buttons, "unsliades, Muslin Curtains, Ladies white Kids. Black and White silk Hose, Ac., for sale at the Old Corner, by E. W. BONNET. March 20 KERSHAW?IN EQUITY. Mary J. Bask in, vs.?Bill?D. T. Meahaffoy, Trustee, et al. IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER PASSED IN above stated case (Bill), I will offer for sale at puboutciy, before tho Court House door in Camden, S. C., on the first monday in April next, et 12 o'clock, M., the real estate described in the pleadings in said case, (Bill), being tho same conveyed by Daniel Gaskfo, jr., to D. T. Meahaffoy, Trustee for tho Children of John C Bask in Terms?so much cash as will pay the costs of proceedings and costs of sale; the balance on a credit of one, two and three years?with interest on the same, (payable annually i from day of sale. Said balance to be secured by Bond, with at least, two good sureties, and a mortgage of tlio property?Purchaser to pay for papers. WM R. TA ;LOR, C. E. K. D. Commissioner's Office, March 10, A. D. 1863. March 13 4 MIX-RAGS! 1 A /A A|A POUNDS GOOD CLEAN * LINEN I" ' "/'/' / and Cotton Rags wanted immediately at the Cor/federate Office, for which tho highest market price will be paid. For Sale. Vn :at and commodious cottage, sit. UATKD in a desirable part of tho town, which will be sold for cash. On tho lot?containing two acres, more or loss?aro all necessary out-buildings, good Weil of Water, tho placo under good fence. . For further information, apply to WM. JOHNSON. March 20. 3 Town Taxes. ^hk books now open fob the collec TfON of Town Taxes, will be closed on Tuesday the 31st of March, 18G3, and all persons not having made their returns, doubled taxed. N.B. BAXLKY, March 20 2 Tax Collector. ntM/ATDUnM! UmVilLUllliUOii, Camden, S. C THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS and the travelling public that he has leased this com modious HOUSE, so eligibly situatdU in the growing town of Camden. His personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will bo devoted to the comfort and satisfaction of guosts and visitors. He confidently asks a continuance of tho favors of all who have visited the DeKalb House, and culls from any of his (Yiends who visit Camdon. January 16 J. H. JUNGBLUTH.