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X ' . z' " ' _ i??4?^????A??? ? ???? ?ji Cnmbcn (Confcbcrotc. VOLUME II CAMDEN, SO. CA., FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1863. NUMBER 22 fir u - or v - - ' vujr vtiamofu viLOUfcflcrute, AT THREE DOLLARS A YEAR, 1'AY A RLE INVARIABLY HALE-yEARLY IN ADVANCE. Terms lor Advertising;: For one Square?fourteen lines or less?ON E DOLliA.Il AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for fich insertion. Obituary Notices, exceeding one Square, clAged to at advertising rates. v 1 Transiout. Advertisements and Job "Wonc MUSW&E PAID FOR IN*ADVANCE. XT~ ' uuuuvjviuii uiuue, except to our regular advertising I patrons. .1. ITHERSHMANr Kditor. rrTdais m a rc iTsr, i??aT Surgeon Dannelly, Examining Surgeon and Enrolling Officer, will remain over in Camden until next Tuesday, for the purpose of examining those who may have not been able to present tlfemselves He will be found at tho Plnrolling Office of Capt. Ii. B. Cantey. Declinations. We are requested, by Mr. It. M. Kennedy and Mr. a. C. McDonald, to say that they are not candidates ~ue? ' mo uiucu 01 w aracn or the town or Cannlen. Elections. On tho first Monday in April tlio Municipal election for Camden will take place. Also, on the t wen tv-first day of April tho election fo^ Ordinary for Korsliaw'Dijittiot, to All iho vacancy occasioned by the death of tho lato "VYm.* M. Bullock. Change in Schedule of S. C. R. R. On and after Thursday, 2d of April, the mid-day train down from Camden will be altered as follows: Leave Camden 12 30 p. in. Arrive at Kinjarsvillo 2.46 p. m. Arrive at Camdon 5:40 p. in. Arrive at Auirusta 3:45 p. m. Arrive at Columbia 6:uu u. m. The time of departing from each Qf the above named places?with the exception of the down mid-day train from Camden?have not baen changed, and will continue as heretofore, until further notice. Klrkwood Ranger*?('apt. Jaw. Roby. The following order front Gen. Loxqstrket has been handed us, and it is with pleasure wo lay it before the readers of the Confederate. This galcorps of cavalry must have rendered iuvnluaolo service ill the many fierce engagements in which they have participated, to have eli< itod the following more than ordinary tribute to g ?!lautrv, worth and patriotism, from the Lieut-Generai commanding the army in Virginia: Head Quarters, Department V ? N. C., ) Petersburg, Va., March 13, UG3. J" ueneral- Urders Ko. 23. By spocial orders of this day, Capt. Japt. JasDoby's Troop of S. C. Cavalry is relieved from further service as escort at these Headquarters, mid as signed to other duty. In making -this announcement the Commanding General desires to express to the gallant officers and soldiers of his company, his thanks for the intelligence, alacrity and courage exhibited by them on many bloody fields. Their services have been distinguished, and he parts from them with regret. By command of Lieutenaut-Genoral Longstrekt. G. M. SORREL, A. A. Gen For U. P. Boxney, Lt-< om'dg. Kirk wood Cavalry. The U. S- Steamer Mercbdita.?From tho Wash inert on correspondent of the New York Tribune, we learn that a difficulty has arisen with the Confederate Clover" ment, in relation to the circumstances connected with the paroling of the officers and crow of the Mereeditn; which circumstances, we are further told, :,ro of an unsual character, and indeed without a paralel. It is rumored in naval circles at the North that the point in dispute is in regard to the right of the Confederates to the possession of the Mereodita, which was actually surrendered by Capt. Stellwagen toComiuodoro Ingraham. It is said, but wo do not know with what truth, that Capt. Stellwager. bolioves that the Federal Government is bound in honor to give up the Mercediia, and that tin ing the Navy Department" indisposed to adopt his views ho has tendered his re. signntion. Throwing Dust in the Eyes of Yankee Pickets. ?An 4,Kye Witness" w-ites to the Washington Star. A squad of six or eight butternuts dressed in our uniform, with two of their gang in their own dress, 'viii appear, wlien the following dialogue will occur Disguised Reb.?"We have got a couple of secesh prisoners. Whofe shall wo take them ?" Credulous Pickett.?"Take them to the reserve.11 Secesh.? Whero is tho rosorve?" Picket describes the place exactly. Secosh then takes a roundabout course, and gives his party tho information, who on the samo night comes in forco and gobbles up the reserve Would it not bo well for our confiding soldiers to play trick against trick. v \ Important Foreign Ncwn, Richmond, March 19.?Wo have Northern news of tbo 16th inst. The intelligence from the armies is unimportant. A London correspondent of the Now York Times says that (>tbe Knglish politicians and editors havo sottied down into the conviction that Secretary Seward must speedily be dismissed, in compliance with u per emptory.demand of the French Government, in cortse" jquence of the Mercier correspondence. Intervention' in some way, and at everyitpzard, seems to bo determined on as a measure of French policy. An open rupiure cannot now be prevented without that sacrifice of American national honor and dignity (the dismissal of Seward.) which is now hailed as inevitable by the unfriendly British press." The Glut of Silver in Canada.?It would do a hard-money man good, says the Detroit Adaer'ser, to go to Canada. Tho currency consists almost-^exclusively of American silver. Silver abounds every whcro. Everybody is "loaded with it and everybody tries to get rid of it as peoplo do of doubtftil funds. The taxes nro paid -in silver and the collectors take it by the bushel. The city treasurer of Toronto has half a ton of it. The merchants have bagj of it in their safes. The banks wont receive it. The Great Western Railway has issued printed notice that only live per cent, of silver will bo received for fare or freight. Only think of a country where you cannot pay your fare on the cars in silver c6in! At Toronto, London and elsewhere, business men and firms have unitcc^ in a general resolution to receive silver only at a discount of five per cent lor Canada bank paper. This of course applies to American silver, as the Canadian and English coinage is a legal tender. The < aiiipaign lit Tciiiicmscc. Ciiattanoooa, March 23.?There has been no move. ..iv-iib uo jci ui 11iu nrmy 01 rcnnesseo on fr? m Frunklin towards Columbia, but on Sunday it retired to Franklin. Van Dorn is still on the north side of Duck River. Our forces occupv Florence und Tuscumbia There has been no movement of the enemy from Corinth in this direction. General Morgan had a tight at Auburn, Cannon County, Tennessee, on Friday, with au overwhelming force of the enemy He fought gallantlj', killing and wounding a number of tko enemy, but was at last foreed to retiro before superior numbers. Snobbish Royalty.?Lincoln's first levee took piace on the night of the 2d. A Northern despatch says: "There was an immense crowd loug before the doors wore opeued, ond hundreds were compelled to ab?n<l in tlin napi ini?u ....... * ... ... ..... >,v.. ...^ ??/< uouvcBii long nies ot soldiers. who singular to so}', supplanted the police, and preserved order with the bayonet." Long live Abraham I. sam30 going Ahroad.?A vessel is fitting out at Washington citj designed to tako out u cargo of stolen negroes to some one of the Central American States. They will land in the West Indies, or some other slaveholding territory, and there be sold on Yankee account. Frozen.?Sevemy-fivo negros were frozen to death in Memphis during one night in tho last cold spellSuch is Yankee philanthropy and thp fate of tho negros under Yankee protection. Tn constqnotico of tlio " dead-shot" apple brandy manufactured in these squally times, we understand the Lifo Insurance Companies refuse to insure tlio life of any individual who is in the habit of taking occasipual "tods." Another female riot took place at Salisbury, X. C , on the 18th. The women concerned in it compelled the merchants to share with tliern their stock of Hour, and also robbed soveral families of the stock laid in for homo use. Salt, snuff, and molasses was also taken. The Mayor of Mobile has given notice that gambling must bo stopped in that city, and has instructed each and everv nnn Uio *- * j ?w .. ..? OUIVCI3 io jirresi any person caught keoping a gambling saloon, and every indivkj, ual caught gambling in the city limits, and to bring them before him. Jin* Lane's regiments of negros have been received into the military eerv ice of the United States, and placed on the same footing as'white hirelings who are fighting to subdue and subjugate tho South. The iron steamship Cornubia arrived safe this morning at a Confederate port. She ran through six blockaders, and was just eighteen minutes in doing it. She brings a valuable cargo.? Wilmington Journal, 31?f. TwiliTBOPrmAw Om r\ ? n* 01. 17UMINOO.?An insurrection has taken place in this Island. Spanish troops havo been sent to suppress it. .Spanish war vessels have also beon ordered to the island. Quite a number of our cotemporaries have adopted the cash system They don't eveu credit the paragraphs they clip from each other. From Charleston. Cuahlestok, March 23.?Gen. Beauregard to-day gent the steamer Stone, under a flag of truce, to the blockading fleot, carrying a communication regarding the delivery of the steamers Mercedita and Keystone State, which were surrendered to our irou-clads during the recent naval action. The steamer Anb.nica arrived this morning from Nassau, with an assorted cargo. All quiet along the hues below Kinston. So says '^he "rellablo gentleman," who come up last night.? Raleigh Progress, 20th. From the West. "Vicksburo, March 25.?Two of the enemy's gunboats attempted to pass down the river this morning Our batteriea opened upon them with effect. One was sunk opposite our batteries; the other was badly riddled, and now lies opposite the canal batteries. It | is expected she will be be sunk. Sho was set on fire I but it appeared to bo extinguished. The firing ofour j bateries was splendid; almost every shot took effect. I Mobile, March 25.?The correspondent of the Ad; vertistr and Register under date of Vicksburg, March j 23, savs that on Saturday morning, Col. Ferguson> i commanding our batteries at the junction of Deer j Creek with Sunflower River, thirty miles above its ; junction with tho Yazoo, repulsed the enemy, destroy j ing, it is eaid, threo gunboats, and driving the balance I back. Col. Ferguson had sufficient strength to hold the enemy in check, and recommended that reinforcements be sent to the rear of tho enemy to cut oft' their retreat. Richmond, March 25.?Tho Cincinnati Dispatch of the 19th says that special Memphis dispatches state that tho Yazoo expedition had met with a check. Tho gunboat Chillicotho encountered tho rebel battery at the mouth of tho Tallahatchie river, tho fight lasting ! all day. One shot from the batteries entered one ol hor port holes, killing and wouudiug fourteen,. Evacuation of l*cn?acola. Mobile, March 25.?Official intelligence has keen received of the evacuation of I'eusacoia by the enemy. They now occupy our navy yard and Forts Rarancas and Pickens. The garrison of the town and nil othcra I that could be spared will be scut to Gen. Banks. rfroui C'liairclKloii. Cii arlkstox, March 25.?We have authentic news that the enemy's fleet at Port Royal has been iucreased to one hundred and 11 ty vessels, about thirty-live transports having been added in the last two days '1 he French war steamer Renauden left hereto-day* The question "is tho principal exempt from con scriptiou when his substitute dies before the latter becomes himself liablo to conscription?" has been do termined in the affirmative by Judge Featherstann, of Georgia, in a easo recently brought belbre him on u writ of habeas corpus. -A.riiiouncerxieiits._ Mr. Editor: Please announce ISAAC STOKES as a candidate lor Ordinary foi Kershaw District, at the ensuing election, and oblige March 27 MANY VOTERS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Mr. ALEX. L. MCDONALD a candidato for Kershaw District, to All tho vacancy occasioned by the death of Wra. M. Bullock, and oblige " IIIS FRIENDS. | March 27 i vi t? !?'.?.?l ~ m' ??. uuuwn. J. iuasu UllUUUUCe All*. 15. M. 1JKUW.N, as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Kershaw District, to till tlio vacancy occasioned by the death of i Wit. M. Buldock?and oblige HIS FRIENDS. * March 20 Mr. Editor: Please announce J. J. BURKKTT, as a suitable candidate for Ordinary for Kershaw Dis trict, at the ensuing election, and oblige MANY VOTERS. March 20 1 Mr. Editor: Please announce Mr. W. II. FISHER as a suitable candidate for Ordinary of Kershaw District, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by the death of the late W. M. Bdllock, and obligo MANY SUPPORTERS. March 13 Mr. Editor: Please announce tho following gontlemen for Intendant and Wardens of the town of Camden, at tho ensuingolection in April: For Intendenl.?J AS. DUNLAP. I fbr Wardens. ?ROBT. M. KF.VNKnv I JOS. W. DOBY. ,103. M. GAYLE. o. a. Mcdonald. 1 And oblige MANY FRIENDS. ? March 13 J E W BONNEY, J IMSVRANCE AND BANK AGENT, Broad-st? Camden, C. ] March 13 Special 1ST otices. TO THE FRIENDS OF DECEASED ' SOLDIERS. . THE SUBSCRIBER II AS RECEIVED, TIIROUOH tho kindness of Cnpt. T. J. Warren, copies of tho proper affidavit and forms of application to the War Departmedt, for the payments duo deceased soldiers. It has been found that many applications (justly due) have boen refused, on account of tho informality of tho applications. The War Department has had printed proper forms of application, oqpies of which have been sent to mo by Capt. Warren. I will attend to nil applications at my offico. ; J. K. WITHERSPOON; Magistrate March 27 4 municipal election. TlIK FOLLOWING GENTLKMAN ARK Appointed Managers at tho ensuing olection to Lo held on the 1st Monday in April next, for Intendant and four "Wardens for tho Town of Camden: "W. D. An dcrson, Chas. A. McDonald and J. S. Meroney. ROBT. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Council Chamber, March 27, 1863. "special notice. TIIE BOARD OF EXAMINING SURGEONS will meet in Camden on the 26th and 27th insts. All persous liable to Conscription not having been examined by the Board, aro hereby notified to appear at the Knrollor's Office during the above named days, between the hours of 9 a. m. and 2 p. m. E. B. CANTEY, Capt. tfc Enrolling Officer for Kershaw Dist. March 20 2 iH EDI CAE XOTICE. DR. W. R. SIKES TENDERS JUS SERVICES as practising physician to the citizens of Camden and vicinity. Office on main street, in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr. T. J. "Workman. February 27 DR. join jVIcCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS n -J J > v> vsaiuui-II UIIU BUI TOUIlUlllg COUIllry. Office two doors above tlie Branch Bank, Camden, So. Co. January 30. 1IIE1IICAL KOTIC?. DR. T. REENSTJKRNA, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Olfice over the store of Messrs. Gayle tfr Young. May 30 SPECIAL KOTICE. ENROLLING OFFICE, HEADQUARTERS, ) Kek.suaw Dist., Camden, S. 0., Feb. 7, 1863. J IN PURSUANCE TO ORDERS FROM COL. JOHN S- Preston, commandant of 'conscripts, Columbia, S.('., all white male residents of Kershaw District, and all transient persons between the ages of eighteen [18] and forty [40] not in the military service of the Confoilni'dlo .<tntna n??n. * " * * uipuiui-n-u iu report iormwith to the Knrolling Ofiicer of this District or bo considered ond published as deserters. All oflicers, non-commissioned officers ond privates absent from their commands without leave or on expired leave, will also report at these Headquarters, or will be published and arrested as deserters. All exenipttbns and discharges previous to the lltli of October are not considered valid. All persons in the employment of the Government will lorthwith report their mimes, ages and nature of i heir occupation; and nil persons following professions and trarlos nntiflinor i l.nm ' ...v-w. iu DAcuipuuu, vviu present tno evidence of the same. Under General Ordors No. 43 of tho State Adjutant and Inspector-General, all Militia Officers are ordered to furnish forthwith rolls of all persons in their Boat liable to conscription, j Per.-ons claiming to be exempt should report promptly, that their cause of exemptiou may bo properly enrolled. Tho office will be opened on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between tho hours of 9 and 2, at Dr. D. L. DeSAUSSURKS office in Camden. E. B. CANTKY, Capt. and Enrolling Officor of Kershaw District.' February 13 OFFICE QUARTERMASTER, Charleston', S. C., October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. LKK IS APPOINTED AGF. ST OP this department, for the purchase of Com and Fodder, in the Districts of Kershaw and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him. Particular attention must l>o paid to the packing o ;he fodder, and no water must be used. During the ?ast roar tho Government experienced heavy loss from raproper packing, and all such will "bo hereafter reected. MOTTE A. PRINGLE, 1 Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, jgg" Tho subscriber can bo found at bis residence DeKalb street, next west ot the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. &