University of South Carolina Libraries
\ #T'K98SB9flS^Lfm0M runninq at Hi it se^s ad s nt and ffiwtim nf4he Town of CamcU-n, asaemfeled, ,$od by the .authoriky of the d'nfter the passiO^nf thia Orj street, tWspaaaJnv, ]gfc4y euclawd lot, rtjiull l>e liable to be Io^un<Wd^iid?r ? pealty of fifty cents per the duty, of the Marshall, or any of the ijHHqGhhard, to take into custody, and impound all HBOep, ^btind in violation of this ordinance, and forthwith pre notice to the owners if practicable, who shall pay the expense of keeping, and feeding said sheep, and in tjaae tlie. owner neg lect or refuse to claim and take away the same witfrto twenty-four hooflkTiubh'abeep shall be advertised fat five (61 days, anolcld at public outcry, and the prneeods (after defraying expenses,^ held subject to the order of the owner, for twelve.mdhths, ana If not claimed in that timd, the amount iHirho appropriated for the use Of the Tewn. A ., Ratified in Council, this fourth day of March, in the ybar of our Ix>rd one thousand eight hundred and sixly-Urffee. A JAS. UtTNLAP, Intendent * -Tp. If. Kexxbdy Recorder. March IS flnnvteil ?/\ VVUUUii MUULVC. INFORMATION HAVING BEEN RECEIVED authorities, that certaiu partie? aro in the habil of injuring, and defacing ornamental and shade trees, on the public squares and streets of the Town,' by stripping ihora of bark, tomuk dye stuffs. This is to givo warning that all persons found guilty. of this misdomeanor, shall be prosecuted to the utmost exteht of the law, and a'reward of Five Dollars will be BSid, to any one giviug such information as will leaa?b the conviction of .the offender. Surely there art trees enough in the wood, without reP sorting to such wantonness, as the destruction of some of the handsomest oaks within the limits of the Town. R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Council Chamber,. February 26, 1863. W March 13 * Council Notice All parties interested, are hereby requested not to lay off any lota iu the Cemetery, or the hew ground, north of the gateway, without permission of the Council, until the grounds aro properly l$id off, which will be done as soon us possible. By order of Council: R. M. KENNEDY, Recorder. Uorcli 13 Notice to Tax Payers MY BOOK3 WILL BE OPENED ON WEDNESDAY next, the 18th inst., for receiving Taxes and Returns. I will bo at Liberty Hill, on Monday, dtat the 6th of April; at Flat Rock, on Wodnesduy, the 8th; at Buffalo, on I hursday, tho 9th; at Lysenby's, on Saturday, the 11th; at Schrocks, on Monday, tho 13th; and at Cureton's, on Wednesday, the 10th. . The owoers of all slaves that wore employed or resided in the District, on the tirst day of October, 1862, are required to bo returned to the Tax-Collector of tho District." WM. MoKAIN, March 13 2 Tax Collector Kershaw Dist. HLHSUAW-I.X EQUITY. Mary Jf. Bask in, vs.?Bill?-D. T. Meahaffby, Trustee, et aL IN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER PASSED IN rfbove stated case (Bill), I willpffer for salo at pubootory, before the Court House door in Camden, S. 0., on the first monday in April next, at 12 o'clock, M., the real estate described in the pleadings in said case, (Bill), being the same couveyed by Daniel Uaskin, jr., to D. T. Meahaffey, Trustee Ibrtlie Children of John Or Baskin. Terms?so much cash as will pay the costs * of proceedings and costs of sale; the balance on a credit of one, two and three years?with interest on the same, (payable annually) from day of sale. Said balance to be secured by Bond, with at least, two good sureties, and a mortgage of the property?Purchaser to pay for papers. . WM R. TA 7L0R, C. E. K. D. Commissioner's Office, March 10, A. D. 1863. ' March 13 4 E W BONNEY, INSURANCE AND BOHD AGENT, 'Bi^oad-st., Camden, S. C. March 13 ' Fine Cloth Caps FOR THfc MILITARY, FOR SALE AT THE "Old Corner,* by E. W. BONNEY. Special Notice. Oh and after Monday the 24th irst., and until farther notice, a special Passenger train will J>o. run between Columbia and Kingsville throe times it week, \\z: Monday, Wednesday And Friday,observing the following schedule: ^Liea^c jkMigBvuie ?.uo a.m.; Aniva at Colnm> Leave Colombia 12*10 p. hi.; and arrive at * Kingsvillo 1.40 pf m. The Extra Passenger Train betweon Camden and Kingsville will?during the running of the fdbenre Special train?ran on Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturday of each week, instead of on iionday* Wednesday and Saturday. H. T. PEAKK; : ' General Superiutendant November 21 4 l.rrt r~ 1 t.?\ '?* American. Guano, For sal* bt the barrel at this "old Corner,"by E. W.BONNET. January 30. ,, 1 ' 9 ' 3 w ^ t - " a*% ? * ' '' ' ^ ?-' - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ r *-&'**> *i" tjp' 1 l^gpl ''O '^jj" ? a ^ * J =1 g git 3 3 H 'tn B9- ? iL 13 ? H 3'^ 7 I I? falsi il -J i S'SJiUl s", f) 5 g i* - I * H * ? 1 ? |" ^ 11 ?? Pi * 1|| 3 ? s 8! ? b 2 8! ? fa W 2 6 " p Ss 5 55 fe M CO Buggy Umbrellas, T^OR SALE AT THE "OLD CORNER." jl. reoruary zu Jfi. W BONNEY. Wanted?Woof! For which the highest price will be paid. . -ALSO? COTTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McCURRY A HAMMKRSLAUGH'3. ??? 111 SJtf- ? | ? > ft 8. -g ^ g. U *- t- k. p ****** 5 s. K? ? >1 ! I mmmt J ? .? Q U ' ' ? -| gj S s 5 H. 2 > I 2 fa a. ^ MB _J A &. t-3 kp B > ?* o 2 ? <? Z * -* W <D >. , O 3 n .t ^ H ? r--\ ? ^ t?I Gsa ? s .? tt--3 __ a SB ~ 53 WObSsBH* H fi? O O jJJ 1= o fa i ^ ^ c immmmm & ? Js ?W Qj < 1^1 ** 1 3 o a $ S 33 C3 ~ JS> -P 4 ? -3 g Jmimmmmt a ?2 c tri ??: O fi C o <3 {229 w 3.2 | >,- S?1 ? ft, 2; ? < fiu < ^ JSmb^ % ^ ' 525 o ~ a a 2 ' 1 1 SQ o < r- ? ?~- ? ' S 2 s ? ? *- ? 2* 5 ? ^ Bb. . 2 t>H H ?- t*. 2 ? w o ? ry~) < fc 2 a Pm J S Notice. The stage fare to Lancaster will be raised to $5.00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggago allowed. Volunteore going or returning, will be charged $3.00. Any package to or from volunteers will bo taken and forwarded free of charge. All others must be p-e-paid. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. | November 1 Notice. \ ll persons indebted TO TIIE ESTATE XJl of tho late WA8HINGTQN MYERS, are requested to mal^e immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them properly attested. February 27, T. 8. MYERS, Admr. ... * <"' * *"' Last Notice. All those ikd^btkd to the estate of THOMAS v.'CLYBURN, deceased, will please settle the same with W. Clybnrn, Sr., who is dqly authorised as my Agenti and all those that has claifos against the estate will present the same to him duly attested befioge the first day June next after which, date all claims will be baited; 8. 0. CLYBURN, Admr. 4 T- S. ClYbitrn, Deceased. Febspary 27, St. 4< i# & M ^ _.8 r iV General Assembly entitled "Ad Act to organize St amend Hi? same," ratified on the 6th of February, 1663. and br authority of his Excellency Governor Bonbam, bimI under requisition from iflenedl Beauregard, I hereby ball upon Division bio. comprising the judicial Districts of Lancaster, Kershaw, ChestertielBT Marlboro, Darlington, Marion, Sumter, Clarendon, Williynaburg and Horry, including Upper All Saints, forthwith to supply us proportion of slave labor, as follows: , , II. All owners of slaves within tlio said Districts shall tarnish one half of tlieir male slaves, subject to toad duty, fbrone month, receiving credit in the estimate for lahor furnished under former pells. III. The Commissioners of Roads of tHd several Districts and the authorities of the incorporated towns and villages within the limits of this Division will, at once, summon all slaveholders within the limits of tlieir authority to furnish their respective quotas of slave labor, giving credit for labor already tarnished and seeing that all lVactfonsfare represented, and not rqocted as hltiiertcfr which cun easily be dono by uniting fractions. IV. Overseers, at the rote of one to every hundred 8. lives to 1m selected by the owners or their agents,, will be allowed, to receive from the Confederate Government pay at the rate of fifty dollars per month. V. Receipts will be given to each owner, and on assessment of the valuo of the slaves innde, a duplicate of which assessment will be furnished to the ownor. VI. The Commissioners of Roads and the authorities of the townB and villages as aforesaid, will cause the slaves subject <o this call within their resnective iuris dictions. to be assembled ut the ltailroad Depot near-, eat the residence of tboir respective owners, on MONDAY, the 9th day of March proximo, at 10 o'clock, a. mM ready for transportation to Charleston. The Act requires the attendance of one of the Commissioners at each Depot; ho will be met by au Agent of the State and of the Confederate authorities. t . VII. The slaves will be directed to come provided with spades or shovels. The Confederate authorities hove pledged the return of such utensils. It is advised that owners provide their slaves with three days' rations, although the Act requires the Confederate authorities to supply thorn. No doubt commutation will be allowed. * VIII. There is no doubt that the Confederate Government will compensate for all damage to nr.d loss of slaves ; negotiations to that end are now pending. IX. The mulersigued, in adcepting, most reluctantly, I the arduous office which requires him to bring this I vexed nuestioil Drominentlv and nrnetiradlv lifllnra slaveholders of tlio Stato, asks leave to gay to them that lie is actuated by a sincere desiro to be of servioo 10 his country, hilly appreciates all the delicate responsibilities and pecuiinr associations of the slave owner, and pledges himself to you to do all in his power to protect jrour interests and ameliorato the condition of the slaves wliilo undergoing the necessary hardships and exposures of this service. He trusts ho will be met by a sacrificing spirit of patriotism. Your Legislature arranged the scheme?your Governor orders it to be put in execution?and one whom you shquld be proud to call your General, calls now upon you for labor to assist him in defending your homes. Furnish, then, this labor promptly and cheerfully The fines for default will afford no compensation for alost opportune, will furnish you no consolation for bitter, una vailing, humiliating regrets. The Work to be done is most important, most urgent, must bo done now. You hn ven yourselves, your means, your brothers nnd sons to our cause; hesitate not now in our laststruggle; but-give ono more vigorous effort, and nobly increase yoursharo intho accomplishment of our glorious destiny. WM. M. SHANNON, \gent for the State of South Carolina. February 27 2t. NOTICE. Oamdkn, S. O, February 24th, 1863. r|>HK RAILROAD AGENTS AT ALL THE DE-L POTS within the Districts of Chesterfiold, Marion, Darlington, Sumter and Williamsburg, where slaves will bo presented by the Commisionors of Roads on the 9tli of March, under a call made by me on 21st inst., are requested to act as sub-agents. Their compensation will bo two dollars per day wliilo engaged on the duly. nnrl SnctriWiAno K/-. m>vw imvvi WWIVUO ?T11 & UU 1U( ITUI UCU 1/11Uill Ut once. WU. M. SHANNON, Stato Agent. Mercury. Courier and Carolinian will cop}r twice aud forward bills to James Tupper, State Auditor. Hay Gutters, CORN MILLS, PLOUGHS, SOCKET SPADES, Plough Steel, Ac., for sale at the 11 Old Cornor." February 20 E. W. BONNEY. Last Notice. ALL THOSE INDEBTED TO THE ESTATE OF D. W. COATS, deceased, are requosted to come forward an<jl make settlement by the first of July, Or they may expect to pay cost, and those having claims against the estate will present the same by the first of July next, after which date all claims will be barred. ezek1el gask1n, March G 2 Adm'r of D. W. Coats deem. Notice All persons indebted to the estate ?r tiirva u ?r t ? . > ui ?m uivv <.uv/u. ix. I'iuxjLu11, urt) requested to make immediate payment, eithor by final settlement or Njpte. and those having claims against said estate will present them for payment properly attested. * JAMES A. ELLIOTT, v BENJ. RATOLlFF. J Exdcutois^ February 27, , / < ,, 2t. Wanted to Hire, >pw() OB THBBB HAlttte FOB LABOR ON X the Coast, high wages given. 'V WM. M. SHANNON. February 21, It. 1 , * \ tlx AN EXCELLENT TWO-HOJHJH WAGON?I BON <ilw bvl llkllf won, with 1 COLT'S NAVY REPUTES, jd pciieot onlar. Apply at the Post Office. \ February 20 ^v ' The books will bb open fob the pubpose of collecting the taxes, on and after the 234 Inst., at tho Bank Of Camden, from 9 sr. m. until 2 p. < , ' tn.?Sunday exoeuted?until ftirther notice. N.J). BAXLBY, Toi Collector. February 20 * Notice. . ..." "i&v.'jji All parties indebted to us will please come forward and settle, or make aome ' ?*:'/*> ? Batisfactory arrangement before Return DayFebruary 17 MoCURRY? HAMMKRSLOUGH. - ? i ? - ! ?? ' V. 3NToS5L<3M6I? v- ' *-toiip All PEBSONS INDEBTED TO TIIE OLD FIBU of BROWN & MYERS, or to T. 8 MYERS, either by nptq or nc ount, are requested to nutat payment or somo satisfactory arrangement by Return Day next. T- MFHRS. .February 13 For Sale* i rpHE HOUSE AND LOT IN KIRKWOOD BEJL longing to the Estate of the late C. Matheson.yFor terms apply to 0. liell, Esq. J. D. MATIIESON. Feb, Admr.C . Matheson, deed. Runaway. /COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF KERSHAW I 1 .. xt T> u- .... t.u jl/ibtftiul u uuy| wiju 0*1 j a 1110 imuivj to JOHN, and that .ho belongs to Robert Ohvor, of Georgetown, S c. Said Boy is five feot five or six inches high,, will weigh 150 or 60 pounds, had on an old bhick coat, and grey saiinett pants, and a Confedernto hat, tnade of wire grass. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay expences and take hino away. DUNCAN SHEORN, Jailor. March 6 For Sale, Avery likely boy?twenty-three or four years old?accustomed tor;work about a house and yard, and is also an excellent field hand. Apply at tins office. March C " . ' 3 Notice. Persons having demands against the undersigned are requested to hand them in for payment as earl/ as possible. ' March 6 E W. BONNEY. Notice. A GOOD STRONG CAVALRY OR WORK HORSE for sale. February 13 T. 8. MYERS. .Alabama, > Fir? Zusuranoe C O M P ANY. THE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DbPASS. Cash StoreSWEET, EIREY, AMD WECESSARY. 1 AAA DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SUPERIOR 1UUU MATCHES; ; H liirrola flniQlipH Hlnrlflof) mill Hrn?n Si%oralta 20 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper; 8 boxes choice and common Tobacco; a tiorccs fresh Rico : Cayenne Pepper ana Pepper Sauce; Capers Worcestershire ao; large lot Jugs and Jars; 1 case 199 lbs. very choice smoking Tobacco; November. 14 A. T. LATTA. FALL & WINTER GOODS. WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER /-^ ^~v /->. brUUUS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD I OR OA SB ONLY. MoCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Seward. A HANDSOME REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR ihe recovery of the following lost articles: A Lady's Geneva Wptch, one side blue, the other green enamel, \rith pearl sprays on both aides-?chain and key attached ; Rlotf?live diamonds surrounding - . Oo?.i L?;Mu-lr?dv'i* Si or net Rimr. ninhprmt n iu| A ??i< ^ ? ?o ip* * * withtho owner'* iniliajs; ? pair of Shell Earrings, striped across With Wu'e. Frtr further information, apply at thia Office. * January 9