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* OfettMfapfP ?***? ^ vicinity, HaMe to oon^ MnptUb; end others abl^tdenter the aerrice, to oowe fbfward and volunteer in thin battalion. The opportunity eflorded pereooa to volunteer in companies of fcbeir own selection will be of short duration. All who Will avail themselves of thie opportunity, and wish to jdta tjbe 9th 8 0. Battalion, will report to me at Camden,for enlistment- j will remain here until the 28th | IjFk W. CLYBURN, Captain end Recruiting Officer. * February 20 * 2 NOTICE. ' I WILL LEAVE FOR CHARLESTON TO-DAYS ... T 1 ' 1 'circumstances will not allow me to remain from the osmp any longer. All those wishing to see me on official business will report to J. 1(. Gayls, Esq., in Camden, who will act for me during my absence. . * ' W. CLYBURN, Captain and Recruiting Officer. February 20 2 ___ ._ixiii i Tl-- r l i t i - J FOR SALE OR RENT, MY HOUSE At K1RKW00D. Feb 6 THO. J. WARREN. < SCLPIEJS'S SOARO OF RELIEF . WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY EACH WEEK let my store. Printed applications furnished by Secretary or any member of the Board Messrs. J. M. PeSaussure, J. Dunlap, J. R. Dye, J. Trusdell, C. Mosely, D. Gardner, E. Barnes, Jas. Teames and J. t> 1- - ?? - 9 ? * - At. micKte, woo win give an information needed. W. D. McDOWALL, February 13 lm Sec'ty. A Tress. 4 OFFICE QUARTERMASTER, Charleston, S. C., October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE )1T OP this department, for tho purchase of Corn mid Foddor, in the Distiicts of Rernlmw and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communicato with him. Particular attentiou must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced hoavy loss from improper packing, and all such will be hereafter rejected. MOTTE A. PRINGLK, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. tsr The subscriber can be fowid at bis residence DeKalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. DEKALBHOUSE, Camden, S. C ?o? THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIENDS *nd the travelling public that be has leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of Camden. His personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will bo devoted to the comfort and satisfaction of guests and visitors. He confidently asks a continuance of the favors of all who have visited the DeKalb House, and calls from any <of his fViends who visit Camden. January 16 J. H. JUNGBLUTIL | STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Columbia, 3. C., February 24,1863. j WHEREAS IT IS BECOMING A PEOPLE AT all times to give thanks to Almighty God for liis past protection?to acknowledge their dependence upon him, and devoutly implore his future blessing: ifrow, therefore, I, M. L. BONHAM, Governor of the 8tale of South Carolina, do appoint and set apart 'THURSDAY, the fifth dav nf Marnh non oo a /)?., , ?r. ^ ? " ?*V thanksgiving, humiliation and prayer, on which day I earnestly invoke all the citizens of the State to lay aside all secular employments whatever, and to assemble at their accustomed places of public worship, to render heart-felt thanks to Almighty God for the great aid and protection he has heretofore bestowed upon us; humbly and devoutly to beseech him to forgive our i manifold sins, to impart wisdom to our rulers, and in I the approaching invasion of our soil by our ruthless foes, to shield and protect our fathers, sons and broth-| ere in battle, and give victory to our arms, and that he will vouchsafe to us as a people his future blessing and protection. AIvaii nndAr m* ?1 * " "? *""v -~i- wuvi ?ug ocui or ine fit Columbia, this twenty-fourth day of February, X,. 8.1 In the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three. M. L.BON HAM. W. R. Himrr, Secretory of State. gy Charleston and Columbia papers publish three imes, (on alternate days;) all the other papers of the 4State publish once. February 27 1 i. ^ Miller's iMttlNfe - > ? ? ?x i ng: J. A.-YOUFG. February 27, ' 2t.^ "mTfi or SOVtHOEOLI HA ' " KXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. ) Columbia, February 16,1863. f A ppltcattoms won a t>pntxrtu wmtvi iw C\ the State Military Academy, under the subjoined resolutions, from the 1st, 3d, 6th and 6th Congressional Districts will be received and filed with General JAMKS JONES, Chairman of the Board of Visitor*, until the 16th day of March next, on which day Cadets will be appointed and notified to report for examination to the Academic Board at the Arsenal in Columbia on the 1st day of April n$xt, whfen tbejr will be admitted if their attainments are equal to those of the class at that time. 11 not admitted, they will not be regarded as rejected, but their applications, if renewed, will be again considered, with others, at the annual meeting of the Board of Visitors in November next. Applications must state particularly the facts that bring the applicants within the terms of the resolution. By order of the Governor. B. F. ARTHUR, ,' Private Secretary. Hesolved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby, authorized to select one youth from each Congressional District in this State, sons of officers or soldiers of the Army, or officers or men of the Navy, of the Confederate States, who, during the existing war, liavo died in battlo or who have died from wounds or exposure, or who, not being sons of officers or soldiers, aro under the ugo of twenty years and hare beliaved with gallantry on the field of battle, who shall be placed in one or the other of the military institutions of this State to bo educated at the charge of a grateful country. II. That this appointment be made in every year; and that two thousand dollars, if so much be necessary, be appropriated therefor, the same to be in- > creased by the same amount in each succeding year UDtil it shall reach eight thousand dollars, at which sum it shall continue un annual appropriation. fg" Pa per 8 in the 1st, 3d, 5 th and 6th CoDgresnonal Districts publish twice. STATE OF SOIJTll AliOLlNA. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Columbia, S. P., February 20, 18G3. J NO PETITION FOR PARDON WILL BE CONSIDERED unless it is accompanied by llio Re port of the Presiding Judge or Magistrate before whom the trial was had. By order of the Governor. B. F. ARTHUR, Private Secretary. ?5?~A11 the papers in the State publish once. February 27 1 Wanted to Hire. f nwn ru> TITU LT u t \TT>O T?/vd T AT?AT? A\T 1? V Ult Xiiuuu 11 ah lsu rviv JiAUUJi ua the Coast, high wages given. WM. M. SHANNON. February 27, It. Notice. All persons i dkbted to the estate of the late WASHINGTON MYERS, ore requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate wi" present them proporly attested. February 27, T. S. MYERS, Admr. Last Notice. All thoseindbetkd to the estate of THOMAS J. CLYBURN, deceased, will please | settle the same with W. Cljburn, Sr., who is duly t authorized as my Agent, and all those that has claims against the estate will present the same to him duly attested before the tirst day Juno next, after which date all claims will be barred. 8. C. TLYBURN, Admr. T. S. Clybur.v, Becoased. Februarv 11. NoticeAi,l persons indebted to the estate of the late tuos.. H. elliott, are requested ! to make immediato payment, either by final settlement | or Note, and those having claims against said estate j will present them for payment properly attested. JAMES A. ELLIOTT, ) _ . BKNJ. RATCLIFF. JExecutois. February 37, 2t Hay Cutters, CORN MILTS, PLOUGHS, SOCKET SPADES, Plough 8teel, Ae., for sale at the " Old Corner " February 20 E. W. BONNEY. otice. A GOOD STRONG CAVALRY OR WORK HORSE for sale. s ' February 13 T. 8. MYERS. ? i- . .-' > v " ! ?? * ? 'JESSr' Columbia, ^, C., February '23, 18G3. \7t7HEREA8 THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY HAS n provided by statue forftimwhing such negro labor as the Confederate authorities may require for coast defence, prescribing tbe mode of obtaining the same, the success of which plan will much depend upon the commissioners of roads and the patriotism of the people, and which labor it is important shnlf be furnished with all possible despatA: Now, therefore, I, M. L. BONHAM, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the State of South Carolina, in pursuance of the requirements of tlie abovo mentioned statues, do call upon all good citizens of the State?-and first, thoSe composing tbe Second Labor Division?to allow no considerations of private interest to prevent their promptly furnishing the labor which shall he called for by Col. WILLIAM M. SHANNON, the State Agent, whose duty and pleasure it will be to see that their slaves are properly cared for. I also oxbort that important and responsible body, the commissioners of Roads, who havo served the State so faithfully without fee or reward, to discharge firmly and efficiently their laborious duties, under the statues, enforcing strictly nil the provisions thereof. Given under my haud and the seal of the State, at Columbia, this twenty-third day of February, [l. 8.] A. D. one thousand oiglit hundred and sixtythree. ' M. L. BONHAM. W. R. Hunt, Secretary of State. {^"Charleston and Columbia papors publish twice; papers in the Districts comprising the Second Division publish once. February 27 1 Camdkn. S. C, Feb. 21, 18G3. rIN PURSUANCE OF AN ACT OF THE General Assembly entitled "An Act to organize and supply Negro Labor lor Coast Defence" Ac., i stifled on the 18th of December, 1862, and "An Act to amend the same," ratified on the Gth of February, 1863, and by authority of his Excellency Governor Bonhnm, and under requisition from General Beauregard, I hereby call upon Division No. 2, comprising the Judicial Distiicts ot Lancaster, Kersnaw, Chesterfield. Marlboro, Darling;on, Marion, Sumter, Clarendon, Williamsburg and Horry, including Upper All Saints, forthwith to supply us proportion of slave labor, as follows: II. All owners of slaves within the said Districts shall furnish one hall'of their male slaves, subject to road duty, for one month, receiving credit iu the estimate for 'abor furnished under former calls. ?n me uoinmissioners of Koads oftho several Districts and the authorities of the incorporated towns and villages within the limits of this Division will, at once, summon all slaveholders within tho limits of their authority to furnish their respective quotas of slave labor, giving credit for labor already furnished and seeing that all fractions are represented, and not rejected as hitherto, which can easily bo dono by uniting fractions. IV. Overseers, at the rale of one to every hundred s aves to be selected by the owners or their agents, will be allowed, to rcceivq from tho Confederate Government pay at the rate of rtfly dollars per month. V. Receipts will be given to each owner, and an assessment of the valuo of the slaves made, a duplicate of which assessment will be furnishod to tho owner. VI. The Commissioners of Itoads and the authorities of the towns and villages as aforesaid, will cause tho slaves subject to this call within their respective jurisdictions. to be assembled at the Railroad Depot nearest the residence of their respective owners, on MONDAY, the 9th day of March proximo, at 10 o'clock, a in., ready for transportation to Charleston. The Act requires the attendance of one of the Commissioners at each Depot; lie will bo mot by an Agent of the State and ol the Confederate authorities. VII. The slaves will bo directed to come provided wiili spades or shovels. The Confederate authorities hnvp nlpfirrArl i m*? Apan/vK ufAnaiu T* :? 1 ..... ?t*w tvvuiu va ouv.ii uioitniia. J t IB UUV18CU that owners provide their slaves with three days' rations, although the Act requires the Confederate authorities losupply them. No doubt commutation will bo allowed. VIII. Thore is no doubt that the Confederate Government will compensate for.all damage to and loss of slaves; negotiations to that end are now pending. IX. The undersigned, in accepting, most reluctantly, the arduous office which requires him to bring this vexed question prominently and practically before the slaveholders of tlio State, asks leave to say to them that he is actuated by a sincere desire to be of serine to bi? country, fully appreciates all the delicate responsibilities and peculiar associations of the slave owner, and pledges himself 10 you to do all iu his power to protect your interests and ameliorate the condition of the slaves while undergoing the necossary hardships and exposures of this service. He trusts lie will be met by a sacrificing spirit of patriotism. Your Legislature arranged the scheme?your Governor orders it to be put in execution?and one whom you should be proud to call your General, calls now unon von fin* la. bor to assist him in defending your homes. Furnish, then, this labor ,promptly and cheerfully The fines for default will afford no compensation for a lost opportunity, wil' furnish you no consolation for bitter, una vailing, humiliating regrets. The work to be done is most important. most urgent, must be done now. You h?ve given yourselves, your means, your brothers and sons to our cause; hesitate not new in our last struggle; but give one more vigorous effort, and nobly increase yoursharo in the accomplishment of our glorious destiny. WM. M. SHANNON, Anent for the S.ale nffinnih f'oiwlino February 27 2t. NOTICE. Oamdbk, S. (; , February 24th, 1863. 'pHE RA1LR04D AGENTS AT ALL THE DEI P( >TS within the Districts of Chesterfield, Marion, Darlington, Sumter and Williamsburg, where slaves will be presented by tho Commisioners of Roads on the 9th of March, under a call made by me on 21st inst., are requested to act as sub-agents. Their compensation will be two dollars per day while engaged on the duiy. Blanks and instructions Will be forwarded them at onoe. ? WM. M. SHANNON, State Agent. , tSTMercury, Courier and Carolinian will copy twioe and forward bills to James Tupper, Stato Auditor. * . <# - *>- % . * ' ' ilk * _ . v . ?v,-V, ? ' . - For Sftlte) 1' COLT'S NAVY REPEAT^!, W porfect order.' Apply at tlie Poet Offloe. VokriiAVtr OA X VWI M? I J ?W Negros. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT-HOUSE IN Camden, on the first Monday in March next, a very likely fellow, 25 years of age,' of good character and temper, end an excellent BLACKSMITH; also, a likely fellow 32 years? of age, a good jobbing Carpenter, Ostler, Carrirgo Driver, Ac., oh a credit, or for cash, bo desired. Apply at the Bank of Camden, or to Jonathan Page. February- 20 2 . Town Taxes. TBE BOOKS WILL BE OPEN Ftftt THE PURpose of collecting the taxes, od and after the 23d inst., at the Bank of Cnmdon, from 9 a. m. until 2 p. m.?-Sunday excepted?until farther notice. N. D. BAXLKY, Tax Collector. February 20 Notloe. ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO US WILL please come fbrward and settle, or mako some satisfactory arrangement before Return Day. February 17 McCURRY & HAMMER8LOUGH. All pebsons indebted to the old firm ot BROWN ft MYERS, or to T. S MYERS, either by note or n&omit, are requested to make payment or some satisfactory arrangement by Return Day next. T. S. M YERS. February 13 KTotio?. All indebted to us are earnestly requested to settle, either by paying up, or where this canuot be done, to close up their accounts by note, us we are anxious to wind up our affaire. A. M. ft li. kennedy, February 13 4 In liquidation. For SaleI OFFER FOR SALE MY HOUSE AND LOT ON Lyltletou at. For terms apply to me. The house not for rent. CHAS. H. PECK. January 23 For Salerphe house and lot in kirk WOOD be-. L longing to the Estate of the^late c. Matheson.? For torms apply to c. Bell, Esq. J. D. MATHESON, Fob, Admr.O . Matheson, deed. Estate SaleBY PERMISSION OF THE COURT OF ORDINARY for Kershaw District, I will sell before the Court House in Camden, on the first Monday in March next, being the seoond day of the month:? Fourteen Negro Slaves, 12 of them very valuable. Two Carriages, two Wagons, Harness, &c. One Mule, two M ilch Cows One Gold Watch, and a large supply of Household and Kitchen Furniture. Terms ?For the Negroes, one-third cash, the balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date, payable annually, with two good sureties, and a mortgage of the negroes. For the other property, cash. Parties wishing to pay cash in full for the negroes will be allowed to do so. Purchaseis to pay for papers. J. D MATHESON, Feb G?4 Admr. C. Matheson, deal. School Notice. rI^IIE EXERCISES of my school con1 menccdonthe 5th January. All pupils will bo charged from the time of euirauce to the class of tbo scholastic year of ton months, whether they'complete the term or not. Exception will only be made in case of a withdrawal because of sickness, or in favor of refugees who may leave the town before the expiratiou of i he year. 0. H. peck. January 23 , Buggy Umbrellas, For sale at the "old corner." February 20 E. W. BONNET. Wanted to Purchase: Corn, PEAS AND FODDER, FOR WBICH the highest market price will be paid., ' ' November 7 McCURRY A BAMMBR8LOOGH. Wanted?Wool! For which the highest price will be pa'd. ? AJ.XO? coti'on AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE jeans > aud PI A INS, at MoCURRY k HAMMERSLAUGITS. Notice. The stage fa re to Lancaster will be raised to $5 00 a Beat, and thirty pounds baggage allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged $3.00. Any pucKage wo or irom volunteers win oe lateen and forwarded free of charge. All others roust be pie-paid. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 ~~~ Notice.-" T" I EARNESTLY RECOMMEND TO THE CITIZENS general VaeoiDation. Mnall pox still exists in Towo, and may spread if proper precautionaty measures are not immediately adopted. - A ny doe- unable to pay. the expenses will be paid out of the public Treasury. 'JAS. DEJNLAP, January 30 Intendaut. *