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"V* ' ' ~ " 1 '' *' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ fie (UK* tit i. ,5-J ** *wy WUM.AJWB A YBAB, PATAtoj Iff VARIABLY HALS-YEARLY Iff ADVANCE. -: Tetania fbr Advertising: Ur thB S^dw^iirteen^'br fete?ONE DOIr DAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS for the Arst, atid SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS for each subsequent insertion. obrrcary Notices, exceeding one Square, charged Transient Adveri&seiAeQfei and Job Wok MUST BE Pjfe fOR 1* ADVANCE. , | No,d?daction made, except to our regular advertising J. T. HER8HMAN, Editor, j FRIDAY, FEBRUARY ?T, 1863. The Ladies* Aid Association will, after the first of ' March, meet every Thursday at 11 o'clock, a. in. Any of our subscribers hating the Confederate of the 23d of Januaiy, 1863, Will confer a special favor on the publisher by sending it to the printing office. TMajkktidvlhi feted Prayer. I It will be seen by reference toour advertising columns that Gov. Bonsam has set apart Thursday, the 5th of March, as a day of thankbgivlttg, humiliation and pay- ( err. .. -v?. Execallte Appointment. Gov. BohhaW hah appointed oar esteemed fellow townsman, Col. Wx. If*. Shannon, Agent for or* ganizing the supply of labor under the Act of the General Assembly providing therefor. . . . Acknowledgement. The Aid Association acknowledge the following donations. Mrs. A. B. Peay, 24skeinS black silk; Mrs. Blair. 3 pair sockk and 3 Testaments; Mrs. Lawrence Whitaker, 4 balls yarn; Miss H. Boykin, 2 pair soaks; Mrs Ben Cddk, 1 pair socks; $14 from a gentleman, a re- j gularcontributor; Mrs. Conner, 1 pair socks. Regiment, S. C. M. " In pursuance to order No. from the Adfotant and . ; * < m, *$' , " Inspector General, the 2 2d Regiment, South Carolina Militia, assembled in Camden, on Tuesday last, at which time two Companies were formed to hold themselves in reaidiness to re&pond to any call made on them for coast service. The following are the commission* ed officers: UPFKR BATTALION. ' Johtf' Thompson, Captain. Thoe. J. Cauthan, 1st Lient. Joseph G. Bruce, 2d Lieut. Richard 0. Drakeford, 3d Lieut. LOWER BATTALION. A. If. Kennedy, Captain. i t> nrt i -a rs?a. jl>. A. muuuji i8i liiouk Jesse Arthur, 2d Lieut. A. H. Boykin, Jr., 3d Lieut. The above two companies, if their services be required, will be merged in the regiment to be formed from the 5th Brigade, S. C. II. ifa&byrng by T&tbg&aph?a yankee "institu- ' tion."?-The Yankee papers inform us that, on the 6th of February, a marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wm. Carr, Chaplain of the 4th Regiment N.'Y. 8. y ...under novel circumstances, the clergyman and bridegroom being in Washington, and the bride in the village of Fulton, Oswego county, N. Y., during the dttefoony. The bridegroom is a member of the 4th regiment, add the circumstances prevented his be" ing in F&tdn to ftilfll His engagement with the young iady. By mail, the parties agreed to have the cere uiuu/ {Auivnuvu wrougo uie mecuum of the electric telegraph* The Oswego Times says: "The day and hour having been aasinged, the parties repaired to the telegraph offices at the respective station*, the fair bride acoompanied by a female friend as bridesmaid. The gentlemanly operator at Fulton officiated as bridesman. The first despatch over the wire relating to the affair was from Washington, inquiring if the lady was present ? An answer in the afflmative was returned, and the ceremeny proceeded. Three messages were sent to fbfton and two transmitted to Washington, and the Ceremony was completed, The last message from Washington was the declaration of the clergyman pronouncing the parties man and wife. Salutb.?Yesterday being the birth day of Waah ington, the anniversary of the inauguration of the President of the Southern Confederacy, and the day on which the Yankee Abolition offioers declared they were to attack Chaifeetoh, a national salute was fired from the various forts and batteries in the outer harbor at open. Those-in the inner harbor will salute at the proper time.?Jfercsrp of J .* V V ? > i ?. tl w? ? " " Important from Hexieo?the Freartla 1 Troop* In (lie Capital. The Galveston News, of the 2d Instant, says:?"An official letter from the French Consul at Matamoras < states that the city of Mexico had been captured by { the French troops. ^Tampioo was occupied by 3000 ( French and some reactionary troche on the 23d De- { cember, and that there was at thO time of writing 8000 troope in that city, katamoras may at any moment be oocdpied by the French, 'and will certainly be ( swm. me rxencn army nnmoers over 40,000 men, four times the number necessary for the taking of the i whole of Mexico." | A nloht RKdONXOISSANCB 0tf CHARLESTON HARBOR ?the DkfrfcNCES.?A correspondent of the New York Herald says a reconnoissance was recently made* in the n ight, of the defences and fortifloations of ] Charleston harbor. Pe gives the following as the re- , suit. Charleston is a second Sebastopol. It. iB deferided ! by over one thousand guns, many of them of improved European fabric. Every island, point, river, creek ( nd swamp in proximity to Charleston, is commanded t by hostile cannon. Fort Moultrie is iron-cased on the harbor front, and the whole work is bomb-prof. The rebels have two rams and one iron-eased hattarv Mm latter mounting eight one hundred-pounder rifled cannon, for the defence of the harbor. The casemated tier of guns of Fort Sumter is clothed in iron armor. Parallel flars of railroad iron traverse thiB iron coating ' perpendicularly, from the base to the upper line. ' The embrasures are protected by massive projections ( of the same material, presenting acute angles at every ( side. The rebel batteries are fully garrisoned. The rebel army now in Charleston, and the fortifications thereof, is about thirty-five thousand strong, and this force is being rapidly augmented. To capture < 'liarleston our military and naval commanders think it will take a large naval and land force, and will occupy 1 a period of six weeks or two months. That it can be 1 captured they have no doubt, notwithstanding its 1 seeming impregnability. ' ? A New Version.?An exchange gives the following 1 amended version of the late trial of muscle between 8tant0n, Lincoln's Secretary of War, and Halleck his Commander-in-Chief. Fight Between Stanton and Halleck.?A gentleman direct from Washington informs us that on 8unday lost there was an interchange of civilities between ; Sianton and Halleck in the White House. The cab! iqet was in seaaion, discussing the late slaughter at Fredericksburg, when Stanton denied having anything to do fn advising it. Halleck replied that, had not the Secretary of War ordered the advance it would not have been made, when Stanton called him a liar. Old Halleck immediately shot out his left fist at ?i.A -e 01?A.? i jj? > Hie uuuiiiujpicvc ui cuiutuu, uuuaiug mm one on ine ^ left eye, which felled the burly Secretary to the floor, frescoing the left side of his "human face diviue" in a most artistic manner. Stanton, altho' reputed good in a rough and tumble, oould't stand the impetuosity of "Old Brains" and Old Abe himself had to intorfere, by threatening to thrash both p&rties if they did'nt behave themselves. Camp Anecdote.?A conespondent of the Eutaw Whig and Observer writes thus from Fredericksburg: A young, stout, hale, hearty man in a South Carolina regiment, went to Gen. Lee, a few days ago, for the purpose of getting a furlough, when the following amusing incident took pi ce: General Lee?Sir, do you know the position of a soldier ? Soldier?(8aluting the General)?I do sir. General Lee?Assume the position of a soldierI want to see if you can execute two or three orders as I give them. J General Lee?{Viewing him oloaely and scrutinizing < his position,) said: "About face, forward, march!" (and never said halt) Thbsk Months' Woiul?The New York Tribnne, fresh from Washington, announces that ii the rebellion is not crashed by the 1st of May, it will go for the best peaoe it can obtain. In the meantime, the most tremendous efforts are to be put forth by- the whole i Yankee nation for our subjugation. There is to be no stint of men, money and ships. j This is the warning. Js our Government prepared ' I for the sonflict? Has it put forth all its energies, and j is it still exerting every possible effort? All the rei sources of the country Are in its hands, and the country looks to it to ettaploy them all for its safety. . No 1 excuses for failure will be admitted. Aucavsas Post.?an Arkansas correspondent of the Petersburg Bkprm, under date of the 28th ult., writes as follows. . We have not lest in prisoners at the Post of Arkan* ' sas over thrse thousand effective men. Col Curtis with a brigade of Texas cavalry, has entered the fort since its desertion by the Federals, and removed mulee, wagons, Ac., left by the Federals. Several guns were still unspiked. ^ * J" T '?;y 1 ' 'J'g'jT 1 Renewal of Clio Bonbardliieni of Tlclubnrf. Y icksbueo, February 18.?The enemy having ereet?d batteries on the levee opposite to and in range of the city, at one o'clock yesterday began shelling one of >ur batteries near the depot.?Every shell came within (he city, but no harm was done. Our guns replied slowly, giving Shot for shot. Prom the position of the enmy's batteries, that portion 5f the city fronting the river is untenable. The firing oontinued at rugular intervals until night, rod occasionally during the night. At daybreak this morning all was quiet. V Important jtron Ute Went?Ro?ccraift apitu Adauclng. CnATTANOOOA, February 23 ?Parties from the front report that cannonading was heard in the direction of [Jnionville,- on our left, yesterday morning. It is reported that Rosecrans has advanced half way between urfreesboro' and Midieton. Despatches to the Nashville Union of the 18th, state ;hat Fremont has been sent to Texas, and Butler re;uras to New Orleans. Three more prizes have been taken by 0. S. sveam sloop-of-war Alabama off Kingston, Jamaica. Railroad Accident. Mobile, February 20.?The Advertiser and Register ias a despatch from Jackson, Miss., dated February 10. It says, as the out freight train from Meridan jame to Chnuky Bridge last night it gave way, precipitating the engine and four cars into the river. There was a number of passengers On board the train. From fifty to ono hundred are reported to be drowned. The bridge cannot be repaired till the water falls. TRb Contraband Brigade.?A correspondent of the New York Herald writes from Hilton Head, South Carolina. The forefront of the battle and extermination, suits the Yankees better than the friendless darkies: Enlistments in the negro brigade have fallen off considerably of late, and General Hunter, who is determined to do all be can to realize his famous prophecy of last year, has ordered that all adult negcoa in the department capable of bearing arms shall be at once I rafted into the military service. He deems this measure to be justified by military necessity The negros cnemseives are ot more service to the government is soldiers than as idlers and hangers on, and under military discipline lie thinks they will be best fitted to enjoy the liberty which has been conferred upon them. The draft is to be made at an early day. the plantations are to be left to the care of the women, who are to constitute the agricultural force hereafter. Only such negros as are in the employ of the quartermasters, and indispensible as wharftnen, lightermen, teamsters and laborers, are to be exempt To every four hundred negros, however, a detachment of one hundred white soldiers will be assigned as the managing and overseeing force. The white males in the Confederate States, between 18 and 45 years, liable to conscription, exclusive of Maryland, Missouri, Kentucky, and Delaware, is 1,118,' 900. Between the ages of 18 and 40, now called for, there are m the remaining Southern States, order 9u0,900 meu, Inclusive of the Border States. Deducting 200,000 sick and disabled from this number, and we it.ill have 700,000 in and preparing for the field. The Caves of the South will supply us with food, if every man capable of bearing arms should be called to the fold. % w ? A resolution has been offered in the New York Legislature looking to the punishing as felony any refusal by judicial officers to grant a writ of habeas corpus. ?? I i ?* ?i????, v Alabama i /f i . . . rY- . . i Fil?e Insurance COMPANY. THE Undersigned, as Agent fbr tne above Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insuranoe against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DbPASS. Cash StoreSWEET, FIREY, AUD RECESS ART. 1 AAA DOLLAR'S WORTH OF SUPERIOR JLUUU MATCHES; 8 barrels Crushed, Clarified sod Brown Sugars; 10 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper; 8 boxes choice and oommoa Tobacco; 8 tierces fresh Rice. Cayeune Pepper and Pepper Sauce; Capers Worcestershire do; large lot Jugs and Jars; v '. '' 1 &e 199 lbs. very choice smdkiag Tobseto; November. 14 A. T. LATTA. 9 MAEtfllKEX r ' " ' . J Bt R?v. J, B. Bodgetv. atthfrHooM ofOaait.ti. h. C. Fcroksok, of Lancaster District, 8. W. ___ ' "4jl " : OBIftLAJRY." ^ Died, at her father's rsaslanrii, December 12th, 1862, LAUEA IDA, infhat daaghterof 0. L. and K. E. IIoCot, aged one year. ?AlflO?? At bia fathers resldenbe of Dyttheria, January 118*, 1868, BENNIK WILE; eldest aon of C. L. and Kw ElicCor in the 18th year of his age. The latter was the support and oonaolatfop (in th# absence of bia father) of a feeble mother. He area a dutifbl son, was kind and obliging to his brotberk and 1 sisters. He was the pride of a mothers cars; was kind t* all, , and cared for the comfort of all who visited bias. Hii life to the time of his death, was a model for jpung people. He bad good morals, seldom, if eve?; took , the name of the Lord in vain, nor dissipated himself ! in any manner. He loved his fathers^!reside devotedly, and held himself alwavs in readiness at the hiddina cS j his parents. < All who knew him loved and sbtighl^his company. He was of delicate constitution, but expressed a willingness to serve hie country so soon as he arrived at the age of eighteen; had never made any pretentious to religion, but condemned wickedness and held in sacred nearness All that pertdms to chrBtianity. He Was sensible Of his death, and expressed a willingness to die; and those who knew him best feel assured that he rests at the right band of his Father in sweet union with his beloved little sister whom he delighted to dandle on bis knee. Here we see tho uncertainty of life and the neoeasity of preparing for death. Ttiuis while the fditber wks nipped in the germ, the latter grew, almost to a tree. Farewell dear children while thy loss is deeply mourned by thy parents it is thine eternal gain. "The Lord gave thee, and He has takeii ihefc aWay. ?Blessed be the name of the Lord." Sumter Watchman pleaao copy one time. ,J. fi. G. Died, in Texaa,"on the 2d of January, JAJ5BRYAN, in the 63d year of hit age?a native of BladenCo., North Carolina. > * *21. ' J" \V\ \ i Special 2SJ~otices. MEDICAL NOTICE. ' DR. W. R. SIXES TENDERS HIS SERVICES > as practising physician to the citizens of Camden aixf> | vicinity. Office on main street in the rooms formerly occupied by Dr.,T. J. Workman. DR. JOB* HctAA ||I OFFERS BIS SERVICES to THE CITIZENS* of Camdon and surrounding country. Office two doors hbove the Breach Bank, Camden, So. Cm. January 30. ~ MEDICAL NOTICE. DEI. T. REKNSTJERNA, offers his services to* the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon tfnd Ac-coucbeur. Office over the store of Messrs. Oayle A Young. May 30 ; SPECIAL NOTICE. \ ENROLLING OFflCK, HEADQUARTERS, { Kershaw Dist., Caudbn, 8. 0., Feb. 1,1863. J IN PURSUANCE TO ORDER8FROM COL. JOHfc | S- Preston, commandant of conscripts, Columbia, 8. I C., all white male residents of Kershaw District, and all transient persons between the ages of eighteen [18} ; and forty [40] not in the military aeretoeof the Con 2...? J ? - -? ' * * ' " ' iCUOIQiQ oi4ii*x>, are oruorea to report lorm^ritd to the | Enrolling Officer of this District or be considered and published as deserters. . I All officers, non-commfbsiooed officers and privates absent from their commands Without leave or on expired leave, will also report at theee Headquarters,'or# will be published and arrested as deserters. All exemptions and discharges previous to tbelllh of October are not considered valid. All Demons In the amnlmrnuutt M Ai * . ?-?t ?r-v?rr will forthwith report their names, ages and nature of their occupation; and all persona following professions and trades entitling them to a xamption, will present the evidence of the same. . ; Under General Orders Ko. 43 of the State Adjutant and Inspector-General, all Militia Officers are ordered to ftirnish forthwith tolls of ail persons in their Beat liable to conscription. Persons claiming to be exempt should report promptly, that their cause of e?emptk>u may be ptupmty tinrolled. The office will be opened on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, between the hours of ti and % at Dr. D. L. DsSAUSSUEBS office In OtitiMen. E. B. fcAlTTRr Capt. and Enrolling Officer of Kenbnw Dhrtrict. & ' AoiricKi.^ ? > HEADQUAETBR8, ENROLLING OFFICE ) Gam dsn, February 16, IMS. J ALL PBR80H8 IN KB18BAV JWBTRICT claiming exemption from Physical Disability, and oil others who are "liable to conscription, are notified to appear at the Enrolling Ottos, before the naehing Surgton, between the 16th end tth ftti i EB.diKH7r Capt and Bbrollihg Officer for KemHaw BiearicC 11 February 16,IMS. *' '* ' | f}> J