University of South Carolina Libraries
*^^6flF^6886ii6^^^6tt ^d itwflbftMl wd ^fictttK)U8 block* ^'- MaM^^MllgiMLt^ At U.?JL^ g V . ? > ,; Otn h?ft# bMhft be nrtsed fey the enemy, or fey applying tba na^al force, or pert of it, though only for atta*. to other object or fey the mere remissness of I the orttfawife, the commerce of neutral* to the piece1 ought to fee free.* ' 'When e bfock*de (a reined voluntarily, o* by a ttoyefer ei end to it absoAttelj/; and if it be I resumed, neutral* most fee' charged with notice cfe , ?mwo, and witliout reference to the former state of thing* before they can be involved in the guilt of a violation of the blockade."?Commentaries, Vol 1. j . ,< ^.?T With this Aigh authority, it seems reasonable to expect the blockade abaolutely raised. New counterfeit Confederate Treasury notes of the denomination of $30 were offered in this city yesterday. They purport to be engraved by B. Duncsn? Columbia, dated Sept. 2,1861. May be easily detected by the words "Confederate States" in the upper part oftHe note being badly blurted and also by each note being badly printed separately and the edges not trimmed.?Macon Telegraph. Otnoias without Commands.?The following Yankee officers are now off duty: Mqjor Geuerals McOlellao, Fremont, Buell, McDowell, Fits John Porter and Oassius M. Clay, besides Burnside, Sumner and Franklin; and Brigadier Generals Harney, Robert Anderson, G. P. Stone, McCall, Blenker, Shields, Hurry, T. T. Crittenden and nine others. In all twentysix Generals without commands. Special N"otices. FOR SALF AIR RRMT MY HOUSE AT KIRKWOOf). Feb 6 THO. J. WARRBN. HGR8HAW lODOIC lfO. MO, A. P. Mf. A STATED COMMUNICATION OF KKRSIIAW Lodge No. 29 A. F. M., will be held at their Lodge Room, Tuesday eveniug, iOtli inst., at 1 1-2 o'clock. By o?*der of W. M. J. JONES, See. February C 1 SOLDIER'S BOARD OF RELIEF. MESSRS. JAMES DUNLAP, J. ROSS DYE, JESSE Trueadell, Cradock Moseley, Daniel Gardner, Edward Barnes, Jobn B. Mickle, James Team, and J. M. DeSaussure, constitute this Board, by Act of the Legislature just passed. They will meet in Camden on Wednesday the eleventh inst*, at Town Hall, at eleven o'clock a. m. J. M. DbSAUSSURE. Feb 6 It. RECRUITS WANTED. I WILL TAKE 25 OR 30 GOOD RECRUITS IN my Co.npany. Those washing to enlist will please report lo me at Wilmington, N. C., or to J. T. Hershman, Editor of the Camden Confederate, Camden, S. C., who will give the necessary information. I will pay each man that joins me his $50 bounty/money in advance. T hope that those who wish to take a part in the glorioue cause that wo are contending for?and who wish to defend their homes and their wives and children, will come forward without further delcy, and not wa?t until the invAder comes to your very door aiops. W. OLYBURN, Captain, Comd'g Moffat Rifles, 7Ui S. C. Battalion. Feb 6 3m. I>R. JOHII McCAA OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THE CITIZENS of Camden and surrounding country. Office two doors above the Branch Bank, Camden, So. Ca. January 30. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. REENSTJERNA, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gayle dr. Young. May 30 OfFfCE QUARTERMASTER, Charleston, S. C, October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE3T OF this department, for the purchase of Corn and Fodder, in the Districts of Kershaw and Lsneaater. Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all such will be hereafter rejected. \ MOTTE A. PRINGLE, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. arTbe subscriber can be fouud at his residence DeSalb street, nest west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. For Bale- s THE HOtTSE AKD LOT IN EIRE WOOD BEi longing to the Estate of the late 0. Matheson.? For Serosa apply to 0. Bell, Eeq. J. D. MATHE80N, Feb, C. Admr. C. Matheson, deed. m.* nx bjc jMraMV District, I will sell before the ?owrtHomw in Ounden, on the flm Monday in March use* hitaglhs cscuui dayofthe month:? Fourteen Negro Slaves, IS of them vorjr valuable. I legos, two Wagons, Harness, to. * One Gold' Watch, aCd??terge supply of Household and Kitehen Furniture. Arms ?For the Negroes, one-third caeli, the balance oh a qneritt of one and two years, with interest from date, payable annually, With two good sureties, and a .mortgage of the negroes. For the other property, cash. Parlies wishing to pay cash in full for the negroes will be allowed to do so. Purcliaset s to pay lor papers. J. D MATHESON, . Feb 6?4 Admr. C. Matheson, deed. $10 StewardIWiLli Pay tbn dollars reward for the apprehension of RUFUS> the property of E. A. Young, who runaway about Christmas, delivered to me in Camden, S. C., or in any Jail so that I can get him. JOS. M. GAYLE. Feb. 6?4t. Agent. DEKJLB HOUSE, Camden, S. C ?o? THE SUBSCRIBER INFORMS HIS FRIKNDS and the travelling public that he lias leased this commodious HOUSE, so eligibly situated in the growing town of CRmden. His personal superintendence and best efforts, aided by competent assistants, will lie devoted to the comfort anu satisfaction of guests and-visitors. He confidently asks a continuance of the favors of all who have visited the DoKalb House, and calls from uny of his friends who visit Camden. January 16 J. H. JUNGBLUT1I. Special Notice. On and after Monday the 24th irst, and until further notice, a special Passenger train will be run between Columbia and Kingsvillc three times a week, viz: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, observing the following schedule: Leave Kingsville 8.05 a.m.; Arrive at Columbia 9.45 a. m. * Leave Columbia 12*10 p. m.; and arrive at Kingsville 1 40 p. m. Tlie Extra Passenger Train between Camden and Kingsville will?during the running of the above Special train?run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week, instead of or. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. H. T.PEAIvE, General Superintondant November 21 4 American Guano, For sale by the barrel at the "old Corner," by K. W..B0NNKY. January 30. # Roads. rpHE COMMISSIONERS OP ROADS FOR KER.JL SHAW District will meet in Camden on tlfe second Monday in February, at 11 o'clock. colin \i ACR Arc January 30?2t. Clerk of tho Board. South Curollnii?Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK. K8QUIEE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, MRS. I. MURCHISON, APPLIED to me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Samuel P. Murchison late of the District aforesaid, deceased : ? These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred aud creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the 13ch day of February next, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, . this nineteth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-tthre, and in tho eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. January 30 WM M. BULLOCK. 0. K. D. South Carolina?Kershaw District BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. VK7HEREAS, MRS. M. BLACKWELL APPLIED V T to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of John Black well late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our noxt'Or dinary's Court for the said District to bo holden at Kershaw Court IJouso on the 13th day of February next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. wiven unuer ray nana ana oeai, mis twenty-third day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and in the eightyseventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. . January 30 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, 0. K. D. House for Sale. 1THK DWELLING HOUSE BELONGING TO . the estate of Mra. H. B. ENGLISH, north west j corner of DeKalb street, for J>afticulare apply to R. M. I Kennedy. T. W.BRIGGS, Ex'r. January 28 i y KARNBSTLY 1ft^TO THR CITIX ZSN^gwml Vaccination. bma&pox till exists in Town, and tuay spread if proper precautionary ' measures artf not immediately adopted. Any one unable to phy, tlie expehseg will bO paid out of the public Treasury. J A3. DUNLAP, OA / 1 ?4 1 A UJUUMjr JU lUKUUUUk , ; 1?' Estate SaleBY PERMISSION OF THE COURT OF ORDINARY for Kershaw District, I will offer for sale at publio outcry, at the late residence of Washington Myers, dec'd, on Tuesday the seventeenth day of February next, all the personal property belonging to the Estate of the said deo'd, consisting of two head Horses, one Wagon, one Cart, Carriage Harness, one set of Shoemaker's and Carpenter's Tools, Cattle, Hogs Corn, Fodder, :Peas, Shucks, Plantation Tools; Household and Kitchen Furniture, Ac. Terms made known on day of sale. T. S. MYERS, Adm'r. January 30 2 South Carolina?Kershaw District. BV WM. M. BULLOCK, E8t>UIBE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, S. F. CLYBURN, APPLIED TO me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of J. E. Horton, late of the District aforesaid, deceased : These are, therefore, to eite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court Houso on the seventeenth day of February next, to show cause, if any, why- the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Soal, this 23d day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred andsixty-three and in the eighty-seventh year oi the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. January 30 2 WM. BULLOCK 0. K. D. Wanted to Purchase: CORN, PEAS AND FODDER, FOR WHICH the highest market price will be paid. Novomber 1 McCURRY & HAMMERSLOUGII. Wanted?W ool! FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE paid. ?ALSO? COTTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at McCURRY & HAMMEItSLAUGn'S. For SaleT OFFER FOR SALE MY HOUSE AND LOT ON at.. Vnr forma nnnlr tn mo Tl?*? l.oneo ~j WW- ?? w? ?w? ???w M fl^V ^ ?*'? A HO IIVUICV not for rent. OlIAS. H. PECK. January '23 Annual Meeting OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OF Til* SO. CA. RAILROAD COMPANY ANI) OF THE SOUTHWESTERN* RAILROAD BANK. ? The annual meeting of the stockholders of tho above Institutions will be held nt the Bank Hall in Charleston, on the second Tuesday in February next, it being tho tenth day of tho month. Hour of conveniug, 11 a m. On the day following (Wednesday) there will be an election held at the same place, between the hours of 9 A. M ., and 3 P. M., for Fifteen Directors of tho Railroad Company, and Thirteen directors of the Bank. A Committee to verify proxies will attend. Tho attention of tho Stockholders is called to tho following Resolution, adopted at tho Annual Meeting in 1854. JiesolveJ, That evory Stockholder who shall have owned his stock for three months previous to tho General Annual Meeting of Stockholders, be permitted to pass on the Road to and from said meeting free of charge; and that every Stockholder who shall have owned five or more shares for three months previous to General Annual Meeting of Stockholders, bo permitted vo pass on tho Road to and from said Mooting with his immediate family free of charge; and that tho Resolution of February 12th, 1851, upon tho subjent, be, and is hereby rescinded. j. r. emery, Secretary. January 23 3 Reward. A HANDSOME REWARD WILL BE PAID FOR tho recovery of tho following lost articles: A Lad3r1s Geneva Watch, one side blue, the other green cimiuoi. v?iui peari epruys on DOth aides?chain and key attached ; King?five diamonds surrounding a ruby; Pearl King?Lady's Signet King, ciphered with the owner's initials; a pair of Shell Earrings, striped across with blue. For further information, apply at this office. .lammrv 9. J Notice. The stage fare to Lancaster will be raised to $5 00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage allowed. Volunteers going or returning,' will- be charged $3.00. * Any package to or from volunteers will be taken and forwarded free of charge. All others must be pie-paid. McOURRY & HAMMERS LOUGH. November *7 January $6 ?- ' . ^ fc s & * 3 0 ? i? 29B S <J g O I a a H * 1 ^ 1 ? 5 , 8 =S 1 I ^ g s 5 : v S s 2 2 a? ?-t * > ! .1 5 > s r s oq s ? o 3 " Cw< I M r i i S :e? I I I I | | S*5 I 2 E ? .,tf| |? . . ? Sjfs o P3 EQ 5- SH M 0 O 5' 3 ? nlhWMt 1 i< s y S ? " S- f w . '^ O ^ M o. o . School Notice. rpHE EXERCISES OF MY SCHOOL COMX menced on the 5th January. AVU pupils will be charged from the time of entrance to the class of the scholastic year of ten months, whether they complete the term or not. Exception will only be made in oase of a withdrawal because of sickness, or in favor of refugees who may leave the town before the expiration of the year. C. H. PECK. 'January 23' ? IH *T) * H 3 ? * 0 1 2 W M 1 rS > S r 1^1 || g h:*!?? ^ I V g H 3 Jtttf " I N ? S i S 3 g C ^ w Si # ^5 Hr ig Ms'lisa I *- ?ii!!f R il neslZV S1 co B ? H 2' " -1-* I j? a: ?* E2 B, ra >! ?3 gtf <*> orq ^ o . j-. <tatefl _ c*> 5 s- Kq A | S- co o O- W Alabama ? ... .. t FIro roauranoe COMPANY. THE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above Southern Insurance Company, ia prepared to issue, policies of Insurance against loss by* Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1. W. L. DaHASS. Cash StoreSWEET, FIREY, AlfR ^ flBVKISHAHI 1 AAA dollars worth of superior; 1UUU MATCHES ;* 8 barrels Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; 20 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper;. 8 boxes choioe and common Tobacco', ' a tierces fresh Rice: Cayeune Pepper and Pepper Sauce;: 1 Capers Worcestershire do; ' large lot Jugs and Jars; 1 case 199 lbs. very choice smoking Tobacbtf;' November. 14 A. T.. LATT"A?