University of South Carolina Libraries
OF TfflB BRIGADE (NOW ' frjffiftffllfr Wfrft ?1^ ii'llCil ttttJaa&'iikallon 8 tire n*w Mt'hotlL on ' sk>k ticw, { will forthwith report either in perttfc orbfUitpV,'with \ tarn to duty forth with, or they will be treated as do T.JL* ?T Brfg-Oefferal K.m,.,w. C.R. HOLMES, Cp?.tA.A.?e0. MEDICAI. NOTICE. DR. T. REKNSTXKRNA, offers Ilia services 10 tbe public ip, quality of Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gayle <fc .'Z3EwP?- ..'itiaLtak; ..ell -ii.* ; =?: .iJPirif i V- HIMi DttKMU Chablbstow, 8. C., October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. iiKK IS APPOINTED AGE ST OF this department, for the j>ureba*o ofComand -laSfdW** ^ $* <* K?"iww ???' ,. t?piMr.. . i! -a ' ? Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him. follicular attention must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must be used. During the pest jeer, the Government experienoed heavy loss from a ..'improper packing, and all soeh will be hereafter rejected. MOTTE A- PKINGLE, Tifyf ] .j /Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. subscriber can be ibund at his residence DeKalb street, next west of, the Presbyterian Church fe* October 10 ?aiiBI A. M LEE. /O rr ~ fipeelal Nptlcc. On and after Monday the 24th irst, and <?nfcil further notice, a special Passenger train iyiH be run between Columbia and Kingsville tVree times a week, vie Monday, Wednesday 4tnd Friday, observing tho following schedule: Leave Kingsville 8.05 a.m.; Arrive at Columbia 9.45 a. n?. Leave Colnaebia J2tl0 p. iQn and arrive at $?ingsvitf? 1 40 p. no. - Th*.Extra Passenger Train between Camden adMl Kingsville will?-during tho running of the above Special train?ran on Tuesday, Thurs .# t : I ? ? *i?j huu onvuruhj of eacn wees, mstoau or on .Monday, "Wednesday and Saturday. ' , H.T.PKAKE, General Superintendent. November 21 . 4 Cash StoreffWpSBT, riBEV, AST? 1 HECEWAKl. . 1AAA DOLIrAR'S WORTH OF SUPERIOR AUUU MATCH E8; 8 barrelsCrushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; St reams snperfine Bath Posts Writing Paper A boxes choice and common Tobacco; 1 a tioroes fresh Rice; 1 \ Cayeune Pepper and Pepper Sauce; X .Gapers Worcestershire do; large lot Jogs and Jars; 1 MM ion lhfl varv /tllAlM unAlrino ? .v?. viiviw duivaiu^ AVLinVW , November. 14 A. T. LATTA. Notice. ' SAVING SOLD OUT MY ENTIRE STO^K OF GOODS, all those indebted to me by book or .open account, vHUptoase call and settle with me at i mly private residence above the store, or with ' II r. 8. < ^ammenflaaah, in my absence. H. SOMMEES. t JaWttfryr 3 \ Wanted to Bay. ,UiA TOUNO AND LIKELY NEGRO GIRL J%. Nurse awl house servant?one of good character. None other need apply. Enquire at i;.:,jfrw|Hiylv 3 H.80MMBR8'. trJ^^^CA8TEB WILL BE ' raised to fo.00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage j ^luntoor. going or returning, will bo obotged Any package io Or from volunteers will be taken i AJI.ciher* must be r 7MqCURRY* Hi44MBE8UiUGHi MT f"> 1 '?> ' ' i*. uvti t A HATISO DBMANDS ON TEN 1 make payment to ' i -v~^i2o5S *[? < K < e. w. aowunr,. ) December 19 Qualified Executors. v ij^MP IIUIHH,1!* " U Jr* .' ' ??r #MM#hnkiiit J Wt,-, . ../? ?.w t.rtli n'> nl fTlllI W*ated-Weol! ?ALSO? HOM&uadk JK+KB " - - '' I* i i1 ?? ? ' .r.f, *i, fi lo ><" <pri? v. 10 Extracts for Cooking, I*W<Wy^Bimrtf OF KIND6, .AT THF | N??nl?r?' A W. BONNET. I BEG TO INFO lilt.MyTrBIKNDS AND OUSTOMKB^iU^i^po^flbi^Sr ,?e,to pooduct fay business oo the credit ajBtemj ?o.m..<Puare I ,will keep no books, but adhoro strictly to the Belling of goods for csflh. '!' ? No orders will be filled unles accompaniod bj the 1_ . I ' ?? ! f emit. *" All persons indebted to the estate of John J. Mc- 1 Kain will please call and settle, either by cash or bote, as I want to close the books as soon as possible. W?. MoKAI??. . January 9 To lire. ONE OIBL, BETWEEN TWELVE AND FIF-:' teen years old. For particulars apply to January 9 2 - JOS. M. GAYLK. , . ,?<JNCcfc^AO?3? ALL MEMBERS OF THE KIRKWOOD CAYALry now absent from their command, and Whose fhrlowrhs have expired, are hereby ordered to report forthwith to -the Headquarters of said company, wherever it may be, by the 20th instant, otherwise they will be treated as deserters. ' JAB DOBY, .January 9 S Oapt. K. 0. 8 C. V. ShexiffSales. f WILL OFFER FOR BALE ON TUB FIRST 1 L VA-.OL BAwa *I.A frvlU^.A M a? * IU i'VUl U?IJ UUAI, IUV IUUVITIMJ5 H(VFVrV^ lo-wit: , . One Tract of I*nd?at the suit of J. Dunlap vs. J. A J. J. Love, to perfect titles?containing twenty three (2300) hundred'acres more or less, lying on the waters of Gum Swamp. Also, al the same time and plaoe?at the suit of the Bank of Camdeu vs. D.D. Hooott,.to perfect title?one , Tract of Band lying on the waters of Oum Swamp, containing four thousand (4090) acres, more or less. January 9 6 DUNCAN 8HEORN, St K. D. BY PKRMIS^lO^O^F^riS^OUBT OP QEDJN-. ART for Kershaw District, I will sell in Camden, on the first Monday in February next, being the 2d day of the month: Sixteen valuable Negro Slaves, a fine pair of Car* riage Horses, Carriage Harness, ate., and a large supply of Household and Kitchen Furniture. And on Tuosdav tho 3d dav of Fobrunrv nt th? Plantation of Col. W. a. Ancxum, dec'd, a fine lot of Mules, Cattle, Hogs, Wagons and Harness, Plantation rools, Utensils, Ac., and a large quantity ot Corn, Potatoes, &o. Terms for tbo negroes, .one third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date, payable annually, with two good sureties md'a mortgage of the negroes. For the other property cash. Purchasers to pay for papers. ' j. d. kirkpatrick, Adm'r "Vtf. a. Ancrum dec'd. January 9 6 Owner Wanted for a Buggy About the first of December, TbK; a white'boy took a hone from a buggy in fVont of ' mv gate, and left it thore, 1 had it brought in my yard 3 with the hartoesa and whip. I wish the owner to see this, oome add prove property, a$d take it away, which tie can do by paying for advertising a.t.latta January 9 3 Notice. ALL THO&K INDB8TKD TO THE ESTATE OF . 0. A. FI8HER, deceased, will please pay (he Nune a* toon at poaalfctat and Itboat hating demands i igainat theaaid dwMMd will present them according '< to law to ma. W. H. FI8HER, AdroV. January 2 8 A Wxtob, ou*?ida WuMh? oth?r , green enamel with pearl apraya on both aide*?ohain a** nay [ piy ?t,tKfa ' .<" r , ; .iwww La* 'ov.-.t ; > <*>.*>.* .. n DUiajLT will act at mj Afapt March 21 THOMAS J. WA&B|W, ... , ... gunner i ,n. ju. mrAOD. j, drlo^Ui ..?- r: . jyirvri.L fajul&wjh^ean: hoods. ty'rtT '' .XJoi:'r. !>'."< r > f r WE IMTITE rajE ATTENTION ?(oorlHaMkm*tt? public jjoBeSlly to our llDdKOf ?. Mi'! ?f. i-? J i FALL AND WINTER 17 art V A J&tt'tob t> I-.' ffx S ' ' > ' n OOODS, t '! r ? -A4. W^ich is complete ia *11 its rsrioua brshohas. A ATI? WZ?L JMT 50ZZ) * ON CaSB ONL T. . . ' * ' MoCURRY & HAilMERSLOUGH. November 1 - >? -?t. ; i..i ADIT. A I MSP. GENS. OFFICE. RICtiNONlJ, November 27, 1862. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 90, . . .. 'HI' a>. .v* v. A^QMMANDANTS OP CONSCfUPTS WILL \j canse the following order to be published for At least seven times in a sufficient number of newspapers in each Statd of the Confederacy to insure its reaching every part of the country. ' I. A U commissioned vwveri mod enlisted men who are now absent from their commands from any other Cause than actual disability, or duty under orders from the Secretary of War, er (bom their department commanders, Will return to their commands without deiay. IU Commissioned officers failing to comply with the provisions of the. foregoing paragraph within a reasonable length of time, in no ease to exceed twenty days after the publication of this order, shall be dropped from the rolls of the army In disgrace, and their names will be fhrnished to the commandant of conscripts for enrollment in the ranks. III. All enlisted men who ih*ll fail to comply with the provisions of paragraph I of this order, within a reasonable length of time, shall be considered ahdeserera and treated accordingly, their names to be fhrnished to the commandant of conscripts, in their State, fbr publication, or audi other'action as may be deemed moet eOoaoious. v-* 1 ** if IV. In order to insure the efficient co-operation of all concerned to carry this order into: immediate effect. Department Commander? are directed to require from the commanding officer of each seperate command in their Departments a prompt report of the names of all commissioned officers and enlisted men now absent irum uwr oommanas. ntese reports mast state in sob osse the eeu*e of absence, and any regimental, battalion or oorapsny commander who shall neglect to tarnish such a report, or who shall knowingly be guilty of concealing any care of unauthprired absence, shall, on conviction thereof, be sum'mari.y dismissed. V. Under the provisions of the eeoond clause of paragraph I of General Orders No. 82, oommiaaioped officers and privates, who are incpable of bearing arms in consequence of woiinds received in battle, but who are otherwise fit for service, are required, if not otherwise assigned, to report to the nearest commandant of consoripta, in tbeir respective 8tateS, who will, if they are fitted for audi duty, assign them to the collection of stragglers and the enforcement of, the provisions of this order, with full power to call upon the nearest military authority for such assistance as maybe necessary thereto. VI. Qffioersofthe Quartermaster's Department, 1 ?ui - * -* ' 1 cuurgeu wiui 01 troops, are uereojr direoted not to pay any commissioned officer, non-oommisaioned officer or private, who does not furnish satbbctory evidence that he is not liable to the penalties described in the foregoing order. Any disbursing officer who shall make payment in violation of this order shall be liable on his bond for the amount of suoh payment. By order (signed,) S COOPER Adjutant and Inspector-General, yy Columbia and Charleston papers copy twice eaoh week for four weeks. All other papers in the State onee each week for four weeks. Ek>nth-Owrolina---Kerehaw Distriot. In EquityElisha Holland, administrator of John Holland, vt James Elliott, Levy Holland, Americas McThompson and Eliza Jane, Bis wife and others. m o*t! f-flJ i-y- >ibtaji:' Uh <V- TOT. BILL FOR PARTITIAW A un A nflnnwr 7 ? ? - *?VVWW*?#? Ji appearing to nay satisfaction that Levy Holland, boo of John Holjan^, deceased, Amadous MoThompson ancl Eliaa Jane,his wife, El^rt Pollopk apd Nanoy his wife, Charles J. Holland, Enoch B. Holland, Dicy Ann Holland, which Bllisa Jane, Nancy; Charles J., Enoch E, Dicy Ann and John Pinoknejr, are the grandchildren cf the said John Holland, deceased, reside without the limits of the State of South Carolina?on motkm of F. J. A M- Motes, <plaintjff?s soiioitors, Jt is ordsrtd. That the said .tm,#oUanf Am^rioua McThocapaon, and BHsa Jane bit Wife. Elbert, Pollock anajNancy his adds, Obarfci^. HoHaba, Enoch#Holland, Die/Ann P^and and JohtrtPineknsy Holland] do appear in thj? qoori. Ahd 9Mrm <* dwonr, to Mia said bfflWithin three months,of the publication of this pr- i ^.r3^^0 ^ vw b* *aDU?M la il* ; Qmmk torn aaba ?*? ?hk ' m : ComnsuoKBMi Omot, October 10 3rao IN ? ^ w j| sIIImIJ f if s % <' 5 ? :' -i | g | * I ? f i 4 s j6s ? tn si" ? SB ft; TH p fe ^ ? 09 o I ^ | i ? iss *?* S? III .' I I ........ . ... . HI in I I ? WW. L. DePABI. : ATTORNEY AT L&W, AND * "* WWW* CAMDEN, & C., Will prnotice in Kerch aw nod the Aurvodhdhig Die tricts. s . Not em her 1 ' ! M ' ' * sa'3 4 S? I 3 w s | o. q o 5 ^ z 11 s ^ IL ! 1 i f] is 13 I g I jg|3 f ? ? ^ ^ | ^jjjj jjjjj ?f fi'P^ E"'e ? | 3 " 3 p H r? !! is&r c* CO s 8 3 ? '"Z? I ? ce ?> J g ft s ^ ^-2 r* 3 i s > >| 5s 3 gfj o g w s ^ 2 ! ~ ? * j a H NOTICE THE SUB80RIBRR, IN ORDER TO MEET THE want* of the Travelling Pnblfc, has refitted abd repaired fate OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to and from tfae DkKALB HOUSE, Where a slate wW be IfAnl Parfino In anv wam* /vf 41\a fa?m4. ITIelrm/w) ?"f *?v*wo iu m EM J |i?l? VI VIIV IVTT11) V* by leaving their names at the DeKalb House, before bod-time at night, may depend with ce plainly, 0*.& *in^ the omnibus to call for them, without fbar of being My old ouslomem will find me ready and wiliieg to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them,, when desired to ao so .' May 23 J. M. WJnttRSPOOM. QT Siok soldiers, in every case, carried to or from the Depot, free of 'charge. J- K* "w. ??? ,..i . i EstateJWe. By PBRiiisaidN oy j^^putocK, ORDL NARY for Kershaw fctetrtt* I wilt oflbr for aala. st public outcry, at thi lata rasldanoe of John N, JlcUod, Aecaaaadj pa 1 Wll tklee air on day of aala. JOHN a BRADLEY, Adm'r. January 3 2