University of South Carolina Libraries
^ ?~t j j "* ? ^ ^ 3*f?? ?..N * ^ - j ?T;_??. ~. wwwwuu, riiuivr v^i 5:kk^"" ?? * qq -t?P. Jobbson, Mils Maris 8 Tfalk, w?a Watts. Sarah V.* i. Wheckeksr, Mian Lounm ny for the above letters will please l Ellil&i fm^ss.bleW me to conduct my It nines* on thv credit ays^-m; bo in future J. will kjtep no bocks, .but adhere bti ctly to tho u^Hiug of gaud* ibr cash. ' r ' ' . 7 . . . No orderb will be filled unl^a accompanied by the , persons indebted to the estate of Jons J. McKain will plsase.QclUsdsoitle either by cash ornate, as I want to close the books as aoaii as possible. WM. MoKAlN. January 9 - To Hire. ONE GIRL, BETWEEN TWELVE AND FIF< teen years old. For particulars apply to January 9 2 J08. M GAYLK. " ' 3SToitloo- ~ All members of the kirk wood CAVALry now absent from their command, and whose for loughs have expired, are hereby ordered to report fprthwj'k to the Headquarters of said ooqipauy, wherever it way be, by the 20th instaut, otherwise they Will "be treated as deserters. JAS. DOBT, January 9 ' 2 Capt. K. C. S. C. V. She .iff Sales. I will offkr FUR &ALB ON THE FIRST Monday in February next, the following property, One Trfcet oT Laud?at the suit of J. Dunlsp vs. J. b J. J. l ove, to perlect titles?containing twentythree (-300) hundred acres more or less, lying on the waters of Guui Swamp.. Also, at the same time fend place?at the suit of the Bank of Camden w D. D. Hocott. to perfect title?one T??ct of Land lying on the waters of Gum Swamp, containing four thousand (4090) acres, more, or less. January 9 6 DUNCAN SHKORN, H. K. D. Estate Sale. By permission of tub court of ordinARY for Kershaw District, I will sell in Camden, on the first Monday in February next, being the 2d dayuf tho month: Sixteen valuable Negro Slaves, a fine pair of CarHag* Horses, Carriage Harness, &c, and a large supply of Household and Kitchen Furniture. And on Tuesday the 3d day of February, at the Plantation of Col. W. A. Ancrum, deed, a fine lot of Mutes, Cattle, Hogs, Wagons and Harness, Plantation ' Tools, Utensils, Ac., and a large quantity of Corn, Potatoes, Jte Terms fbr the negroes, one third cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date, payable annually, with two good sureties and a mortgage of the negroes. For the other property c^sh. Purchasers to pay for papers. J, D. KIRKPATRICK, Adm'r W. A. Ancrum doe'd. ' January 9 5 Owner Wanted for a BuggyAbout the first of drormber, 1862, a white boy took a horse from a buggy in front of my gate, and left-it there, i had it brought in ray yard with,the harness and whip. i wish the owner to see thfe,'come and prove property, and take it away, which to can do by paying for advertising. a.a.latta. January 9 3 Notice. ALL THOSE INDEXED TO THE ESTATE OF O. A. FISHER, deceased, will please pay the same as soon as possible; and those having demands against the aaid deceased will present them according to law to me. W. H. FISHER, AdraV. January 2 3 r% 1 dmowaru. A handsome reward/will be paid for the recovery of the following lorn articles: A Lady's Geneva Watch, one aide blue, the other oreen enamel, with pearl sprays or. both *idoa?chain !,J Uftv attached ; Uftijf?five diamonds surrounding a rubv* P???l Ring?Lad* V signet Rin*. ?h4??t*ii With Jhe own?r'* initials; a pair of Shell Earrings, striped across with blue. For lurther information, ap& /at this office. Notice. Tn.-A.VINQ SOLD OUX MV ENTIRE 8TO"JK OP n CjOOTVi*. all tbope indebted to me by book or opon account, will ple?se call ?ud settle with me at ?jr private residence above the store, or with Mr. & BimmMiiugfa, in reyah*moe. H. SQMMERS. _ L J vtTT."ITTTT-* .TT .?r.'~r--n v ?? ?? "? . > These are, therefore, to cite arid admonfth all, and sfojgtdar, the kindred and awdton of the Mid deceased to he and appear before mead our nasi Ordinary's Court for the s^tt District. to ]? tajltaa ?* Swsshaw Court Rouse on the niuefoenitn day of January in?t., w> shew causey if any, why vUo ?M* administration to* .ud A*' ?* *0* day" December, in the year of oar Lord one thouathd eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty sixth }W(Vof thf. ludopendjtwe W* Sovereignty of the Sja tQ Curojina . January i" J Wlf. BULLOCK 0. fc. D. j*.' ?n??...? ftlEADQIIAKTI&Kft^M IKMiIME!?T 8. C. MILITIA. -4UV2 : *** i . CAMDKJfy SLC., December 14, 1862. ORDRR NO. -~-m t ; .v.^. M - IN PURSUANCE OW ORDERS PROM COL. BURKK.LL JONKr*, a Court Martini witlcnvene in the Court Mouse, *t Camden, S. C., on the 9th of .J.umay, 1803, to try all delaplters for militia and patrol duty. J. M. G A Y L B, J udge Advocate. The Court will cona'atof . Lieutenant Colonel W M. DIXON, President, Chptain W K. Huousoy, " JKO. B. MfCKfJt -* Jvq. Thompson, L. j. Patterson, " J 1 Ntelho*, *' Judge Advocate, J. M. GaTMA Supernumeraries. Lieutenant Gillau Sowkll, u Tobias Polsoii. January 2 3 . i 11... i....... p.i . i Estate Sale* BY PERMISSION OP WM. M. BULLOCK, ORDINARY. for Kershaw District. I will offer for sale, at public outcrv, at the late residence of John N. McLood, decaastd, on Saturday, the 17th da}' of Junuary next, a portion of the personal property, belonging to the estate of tha said deceased, consisting of Corn Podder, Beef Cattle, fat and stock Hogs, and otln r arti'. les of minpr importance. Terms made known on day of sale. JOUN S. BRADLRY, AdmV. 'January 2 - > i 2 Adjt. and Inspector-dene rat's Ofllee RICHMOND,. VA., December 27, L8$2V GENERAL ORDERS NO. 96?EootraoL, * a * ? * * . * a V UNDER THE PROVISIONS OP THE SE COND clause of Paragraph II of General Orders No 82, commissioned officers and privates who are incapable of bearing arms in consequence of wounds received in battle, but who are otherwise fit for service, are required, if not otherwise assigned, to report to the Dearest commandant of Conscripts in their respective States, who will, if they are tilted for suuh duty, assign them to the collection of stragglers and the enforcement of the provisions of this onier, with fbll power to call upon the nearest military . authority tor such assistance as may be necessary thereto. * * " ? * ?In pursuance of the above "Extraot" from General Orders 9C, all therein concerned will forthwith report in person at this Camp of Instruction. No written communication will be received as a report. All who II I ^ AWaWMIM i\H SllA t/aTA M?. rtrjJUi C win utJ duu>jov;icu \aj vjAauiiuouuu ujr uio i^aouiinfag Board. By order. JOHN 8. PRESTON, Col. A A. Glen., Commandant. J as. E Black. Adj't of Post. K3TPapers in thq State publjah twice. January 2 2 To Rent r|>0 RENT TO A SMALL FAMILY?FOUR 1 ROOMS, in a pleasant part of the town. For farther particulars apply at the Post Office. Also?f<>r sale, the Kirk wood residence of Capb Thoa.'J. Warren. For particulars apply to Mr. James Dnnlap, in Camden. November 21 W anted to Purchase: CORN, PEAS AND FODDER, pOR WHICH the highest market price will be paid. November 7 McCURRY A HAMMEUSLOUGH. Wanted?Wool! rv>R WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE IT paid ? ALSO? COTTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEAN8 mid PLAINS. ?? MoOURRTA hammkrslattgh's; 11 ; _ '*' 1 Estate Sale By permi$si? 'n <of wm, m. bctllock, orDIXARY f r Kershaw Di-tjict, I w.ll sell at public outcry, at KmaPuel Ptlrker'*, ill KorshnW District, on the twentieth day of January next,' all the personal property, belonging to the Estate of of;Buck. noma, oecea>ea, cooamtmg or one JNegro womau, a lot of Hogs, to. Tfcrma cmh., - *" _ 1 Extracts for Cooking, TK -Jr-GMITOIMHHP *39 kt TJJK, S2SSST 9 ' * * ' 1 I I H VbTI1iwlk I . r '? *f. 'I " ^ f TT -A^genoy Confederate Fire and Marine Insurance CompanyOtATLAXrA, OA **> ?o? . T*HB UNDERSIGN!? HAVING BBEH A&J. POINTED Agent for the above Company, apd haying complied with the requUitiona of the Act of ttid'Legislator? In felawb fb the "Agencies of Inavfratrifc Companion not incorporated in the State of 8b tlf Carolina, is now preparedtotakavtekaoiriferobandit'a, Cotton aud Buildings* Also on the Uvea of White Persons and Slaves. B. W. bonnky* . DeceeSber It. Agent 1) ill I Jl "HUM $ i . nsr otic?. \LL PERSONS HA VINC DEMANDS OJT THE ? estate of Franci?Lee, deceased, are requested to 1 h ?nd tlrom in properly attested, and all indebted to make payment to B. M. LEE. B. W.BONNKY, * December 19 -- Qualified Exe utors. :' ' t If: .?,? . V 'T^f \ South Carolintt-Kenhaw Dtelrict. BT WIC. U. BULLOCK. XSQOIKR, ORDINARY. Whereas, l. l whitakbr; applirdto me for Letters or Administration on alt and ntnmtlar f ho mviHa aurl nlmtHa: riul.ta &nH nraHila of Ellen W Cheanut, Into of the District aforesaid,,deceased : Tliese are, therefore, to cite and adraouisii all, and singular, tbe kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court lor the said District to be liohlen at Kershaw Court tfouso on the d'cli day of January next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. * - Oiveu under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-second day of December iu the year of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred |hd sixty-iwo, nr.d in the elplity-' sixth year of the Independence aud Sovereignty of the State Of South Carolina. < - . > < / Deoe.nber28 26 WM M. POLLOCK, O. ^p. CiMMilal HTiktt/iA - T ? ?- *- *,* On and after Monday the 24th inst, nod until further notice, a special Passenger, train will bo run between Coluinbia aqd Kingsviljo three times a week, viz: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, observing the following schedule: Leave Kingsyille 8.05 a.m.; Arrive at Coiumbia 0.45 a. m. Leave Coinmbia 12*10 p. iri.; and arrive at Kingsvillo 1 40 p. m. The Extra Passenger'tfrain between Camden and Kiugsville will?during the running of the above Special train-?ru.n on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of eacli week1, instead of' op Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. H. T.PEAKE, General Superintendaut - November 21 4 Alabama Fire Insurance COMPANY. rr*HE Undersigned, as Agent for tpe above SouthI eni Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire On -aH Build ings, ko. i November 1 - - .W. L. DsPASS. DVR0G MIT ABSENCE, MR. Ml DUNL^P will act as my Agent March 21 < THOMAS J. "WARRBN. FALL& WINTER I v17e invite the attention t T of oyr friencU and the public generally to our wtock or FALL AND WINTER GOODS. Which is complete in all its various branches. A ND WILL BE SOLD I OR OA SB ONL T. . MoCURRY k HAMMERSLOUOH, November 1 T 1 T/I9V ~ 5 } ON THURSDAY, THK HTH INSTANT, A BUNDOK of Carpeting between Cam, If. De pans' hmtw-md Kirk wood bottle, sewed up in a Uunwy n bag. ltooerpe* to twenty tot square A,s*it?to reward will to deHtoy of it December M 71 j^^PK ^1.-" | : J <3 3SS ^ jj^ ^ ^ ^ - ? v g s acS' |; |f| ". I . & b ft ^ ft " ^ 9 5 dp - ft MHM^rt ag ri! 1 S a !x <?>.9i ft & WW. E,. ATTORItEY AT LAW, AND musrreB in SQRITVI "CAKDkN.a c? * Will fwctic* in Ker^bav and |Jhe Burroundinar D!?. . trtct#. V" tfbtferaber t ?- B: % ? ' * X i ||| aJ " ^ s o 6? 12? 111- B 5 L t * h -K & SS? ^ s- w-1 ? as s m H II l "'p ? ? ? r* ^ 1' ?- ? ? .3? [& 3 * .& ci M <4 *- FT * e ? % 3 a g p K s % *' I i" 8 ? fca r > S !' ' i e % ' h ?j e ? / W S ;Sr- f 3 .? ' ? ? 2' 2. ^2 I <5r ^ = =11' IS ?s < st 3 - spi o & w ? a 9g. 5* c? 0 7 I -.2 * ? 8 B H * 13 # <L W " School Notice. ; MRS. PECK WILD, Itf JANUARY next, open a School for Boys. The terms of tuition will be the same a? the present ' rates of the Primary Department of the Camden Male Academy?-payable in advance?either in cash or by an approved note, payable on the 1st of Jnly next; Students entering will be charged for the full session of ten months?exoeptions to this rule will be made only in case of refagees? unless by special agreement. ' November 28 - f Sohool Notioe* y^- ON THE 1st OP JANUARY NEXT I will open a Private and Select School for Boy a The number admitted will be very jflP^gp limited. For farther particulars ipt>ty to November 28 0. H. PECK. For Bale. For sale?one two-story frame bujlding and Lot of three acres of ground. The house will have to ba< moved a short distance. The situation la eligible for a dwelling?juat outside of the town. Will be sold flor cash. For particulars inquire <f M. L. Haile, on the premises, or J. F. Sutherland, at <amden. November 1 arotioo. ? A LL PRIVILEGES FO? GETTING OR 00T(\ ting WOODeeow leedriefwrokeiftwIhe let day of January, 1SS8., - - j J- .v : Wnbtr it t BUTHERLAITD A LEMON.