University of South Carolina Libraries
& KO. 1BOT WILET*k^5^7rapHTOF Ifci'BtUiil thirl at Bay of J?oeij not. j * **K & X; BROWN, Adm>. December 2? 2 ;> r ?! ' ? kL-*Lmm^rn rnfm , t?irv nrtntin XT T?i MCLAWS 1>1 VK>lUllj[ IVT ?Mi ww o 11, \ n~,r. % December 3, 1862. S*p4Ul. 0&DBR XO. >0. ! . ^ .ALL MEMBERS OP THIS. BRIGADE (NOW the 16th Regiment and James' Battalion & | $ Vdliiaieers) who are new at homo on sink leave, j will fowtta with report either in person or by letter, with j attaigHbg PhyskMut'S statement of his case, to Dr. T. iW* a^IjHOKD, Brigade Surgeon, at Camdon or Columbia, 8.0, upon whose certificate furlotigha mdy bo ^extended, and discharges granted. All who tlo dot refport by the 1st of January next, will be treated as ;abeent without leave. Dr. Salikldh^ will be lb Colli nijbhum Wednesday and Th u red ay of each week. 2. AU other absentees from this command will return to doty forthwith, or they will' be treated as deserters. JSy command of Brig-General Kershaw. c_ r holmes. Jtoecmofoer 19 Capt. & A. A. Qen. _ : : _ ; : : MEDIC AC WOTICfe. DB. T. REKNSTJERNA, offers hU services to the public in quality of Physician, Burgeon and Axv .coueheur. Office oyer the store of Messrs. Gayle & 70Ung. *' ... . .. May 31 *09 ffiVFlCE (tVARTEBHASTEB, CHAELE8T0K,' 8. c., October I, 1862. tMR. A. M. LBK IS APPOINTED AGE .IT 0F.? ithis department, for the purchase of Corp and . JPodder. fa the Districts of Kerihaw and lUnnmer. fPlanteraiiesiriug to sell, will communicate with him. Particular, attention must bo paid to the packing o ,?the fodder,. amino water must be used. During the past , year, the Government experienced heavy loss from ; improper packing, and all audi will be hereafter rev. ejected. , . , MOTTE A. PRINGLK, . . Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. . rv The aubacriber can be found at bis residence. ! DeK alb street, ,we8t ot the Presbyterian CI torch , October I# , A. M LEE. , HEAD^I/iRTEKS 9s)d RCOIKIENT U .. rS. C. MILITIA. CAMDEN, S. C., December 24, 18C2. <OR0BR NO. I 1ST PURSUANCE OP 0RDER8 FROM COL. BURRKLL JONES, a Court Martial will convene in the Court House, at Camden, S. C., on the 9th of January, 1868, to try all defaulters for militia and patrol duty. J. M. OAYLE, Judge Advocate. The Court will oonsist of Lieutenant Colonel WM. DIXON, President, Captain W. K. Huohsojt, " J?o. B. Miocls, 41 Jvo. Thompson, " L. J. Pattbbsok, " . J. J. Nelson. . Judgo Advocate, J. U. Gayle. 1 Supernumeraries. ^ 'Lieutenant Gillam Sowell, ? T&jjias Folsom. . Jaauary 2 2 Estate Sale. IOTv PMtMlSSIOS OF WM. M. BULLOCK, ORDI_C>%NA RY far Kershaw District, I will offer for sale, sat priblic outcry, at the late residence of John N. Mc. fLoot^Aecaaaed,-oa Saturday, the 17th day of January mex^,tj portion of (the personal property, belonging to the eirtate of the aaid deceased, consisting of Corn. Fodder,?Beef Cattle, fat and stock Ho^s, and other artfdesaf -Joiner .importance. Terms made known on -day dt sale. JOHN S. BRADLRY, Adm'r. January 2 2 . Adjt. aiatt laspec tor-General's Office RICHMOND, VA., December 27, 1862. ! GENERAL ORDERS NO. 90?Extract. * * * * * TIT UNDER (THB PROVISIONS OP THESEW COND olauee of Paragraph II of General Orcommissioned officers and privates who r are incapable of bearing arms in consequence of wounds t received bafctlvbut who are otherwise fit for serine, are required, if not otherwise assigned, to report rto the nearest commandant of conscripts in their re' vspective-States, who will, if they are fitted for such dutC Arfgn them to the collection of stragglers and 'the enforcement of the provisions of this order, with dhuic wer to call tfpon 'the neareht military authority lor ***** assistant as mdft be necessary thereto. w a * * a a ?iAiWiVfejaitcw of the above "Extract" from General Oftiartfi** ail therein concerned will forthwith report in Mftaon at this Camp of Instruction. No written oominufliaation will be received as a report All who Ttwjrf, will be subjected to examination by the Exami Hr^S* J0HN 8' PROTON, A ' GoL A. A, Gvn., Commandant. ftatepu^^ twice.? ^ k .h v." v ' orAr ti^tho ?fl?jJSii3m ^ ?^SsiZi1 master^ Richmond, Va.: Abbott, J T KlUfctvP*> Adams, John Kirby, H#T r? Armstrong, A 0 Kittoroll, J D 0 Anderson, J B . Xwot, Haml P Blgham, J Littleton, L "W Bobb, John T LeO, Jf ? Brown, W rttgtife Lotelae* luiom Burden, J Loo, John Bracber. 8 T Lergina, M Q, Bayne, D 0 Lahe. tTS 1 Botenstine, F W Lock hart, BII Biantoo, B F MeOaw, ft g^?w? J ' ?.orri^ ? 8 Bi^rdett, Z J Monroe, James Barrett, Benj 0 Mine**, II BUrdett, J W Marsh, R H vl Bledsoe, V B Mclntere, T 0 Burns, B F Meadows, N Craddock, T Mal%h, H 0UX> T B Mortis, A Cook, J M Mnnn. J M r* i.?. ?xr ? lM?-* wrvuMi) " morrtgoiaery, J B I Cummiug, A McKown, J It OntWock, H U Morgan, W F Cogburo, J H Noai, D M Cohan, James Neeley, R Oampbell.W T Otta, J Creps, W 0 Orr, A , Dalton, M B Owens, Bepj Duncan," B Oadum, M P Dyer, Nathan Paipo, J B Dickens, John Price, * A Duncan, David Proeser, M Drinkard, W A Barkf, O A Donald, M T B Pilgrim, R R Dean, A P Pio,,G P : Davis, J G Pepper, J H Duncan, M Parriah.. David Etrod, Hadley Price, W H Kllis, Robt M Page, Alfred Estin. A M Peckett, G W Evans, T P Pulson, John M Edens, W J Phillips, Franklin Foster, A P , ' ' Forrest, Thomas A Rot>erts J L Forgo raon Burrell Ranking, J W Flo^,Tohn P Ray. H H Ponding, J W Reide, J.M Flinn, John Ritters, Wm * Flack, Jacob Rosa< J S Felts, II S Robinson, G W M Floycf. J Rocker, Addison Graves, Bennett Super, A P J Gossett, K M Sheriey,, R j Grant, P Sullivan, N j Goodson, Robt' * Smith. B M Goodson, 0 Stevens, T W 'Gilbert, P M Smith, John Griiber, P Stom, Robert Camble, J N Shaw, John . Granger, Frank Jin Spear, J i Galliway, John , Sawyer, W Graverly, J Singleton, A $ Grant, J W Sadler. John A Hogan, W S , Tuton, J H Hudson, J C Tata, T R Hudson, B O * Tomkins, John Homos, J C Todd, W C Hardin, A Todd, TH ' ' Hill. W A Taylor, M 8 , Hudggins, C C Vaughn, W J% Harrell Amos Winn, R J Hutchinson, J W Whitmoro, W H Hunter, P 8 Wilkensou, W Holland, J D Wire, WA ' ' I Hill, J V Welch, JO Holman, J P Williams, J T Hagens, J H Wilson, A ; Haney, E G Whitaker, John Herbert, T M Wash, H B Haley, O B West, R Harrison, R R Williams, Lt V B Ivey, W ? Walker, WW James, John L Wilson. IS J Jordan, J J Wallace, JIB , Jones, S C Winkle, W J . . Jones, James Wilson, Caleb James, Oil v Wbitt, J W ' Johnston, J M Young, W If Jordon, C Young, John b Kelly, AO January 2 1 0T All the papers in the State publish for one , week. " . , ,t. Hotice. All those indebted to this rotate of C A. FISHER, deceased, will pleaae pay the same as soon as possible; and ihose having demands against the said deceased will present them according w H TOHRB " I January 2 ' ""V ' TSTotioe. WE WILL HIRE ON THE 8KC0ND MONDAY in January next, until the first of January, A. D., 1864, at the plantation of Win. Kitkland, dec'd., about 9 miles from tlje town of Camden, 8. C., fifteen or sixteen negro slaves. Aipong them there are eight' or nine fellows, the\ rest ate girls, nearly all about grown. AU good field hands. Tartars made known on day of hire. Hiring to oominenoe about 11 o'rfock a. m. ' Wtf, R. TAYLOR-' ' . JOttN KIRSJ&tfp, JOSEPH KIRKLANp, December 19 3 Ex'n*. Wi 11? KirVlmid, TifHrt. J WILL RENT ON XIJB l?rH0ND4Y Jl? JANU,X erjnext ^efor?febeCourt Houfkrdpor, inCamden* all the land belonging to the estate of Wm Wilson, deed* X wilt abo him three negroa 1?h, Speoee and Alfred. Reotert and hirers to give a note and two good eecuri lies. J.J' HUCIABkb, Adm'r* e "* '*U" Wanted to Purchase: CORN, PEAS ANI) FODtffeR, FOR WHWH the highest market price will A? paid. November 1 MoGUBRY A HAMMiMWLOU&H. " ? [ 11 1 ." 11 * ;/ * 1 1 11 For Bale. For 8ale-4onrtwo-6tory frank ikjilding and Lot of three acres of ground. The bouse will have to be moved a short distance. . The situation is eligible for a dwelling?just outride ef the town. Will be sold for coaly For particulars Iqouire of M. I*. Ha lie, on the premfsiasy'or 3. F- Sathemad^ at Camden. -November Y School Notice. iibr prok will, in january next open a School* for Boys. The terme. tuition will be the same a? the present rates of the Primary Department of the Camden Male Academy?payable in ' advacoo cither in cash or bv an approved note, payable ?a the 1st of July next. Students entering will be charged {or the flail session of ten months?exceptions to this rule wilt be made only in ease of refugees? stifles* by special agrevmenu Npveabor 23 , Soliool Notice. ONTHR Isr OF JANUARY NEXT 1 will open a Private and Select School lor ^Sgj^HfBoys. The number admitted will be very limited. For Airtber particulars appty to* 4ar mfe. November .28 a H. PECK. Cotton Warp, Osnaburgs,&c Conrcjff .warp froii no. e to 10. alsohenry Cotton Osnabargs, and colored country Homespun. , For sale at the " Old Corner." November 7 E w. BONNEY. Notice. The sta-gr fare to Lancaster will be raised to 00 a seat, aad thirty pounds baggage allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will bo charged $3.00. Any (Package do or from volunteers will be taken and forwarded (free of charge. All others must be ^pie-paid. MoOlTRIiY A tlAMMKRSLOUQH. Novendber 7 Agency Gflufedfira.tR Fire and Ma r>ne Insurance CompanyOF ATLANTA, OA * ; 'imffk undersigned haying been apJL POffNTKD Agent for the abovo Company* and having complied with the requisition? of the Act of the legislature in relation to the Agencies of Insurance Companies not incorporated jn the S^te of South Carolina, is now prepared to take risks ou Merchandise, Odbtan aud Buildings. Also on the li^ps of White Persons and Slavea 1 r w. bonnet, December 12. Agent. Notioe. MRS. K. A. CUNNINGHAM WILL ACT AS MY Agent during my absence from Cqmden. December 26. A. NILKS. UST otic?. VLL PER80NS HAYING DEMANDS ON THE estate of Francis Lee, deceased, are requested to hand thorn in properly attested, and alt indebted to make payment to B. M. LEE, , " 1 E. W. BONNEY, December 19 Qualified Executors. South Carollnu?Kershaw District. BY WH. M. BOLLOCK. KSQUISK, 'ORDINARY. WHEREAS, L. L. WHITAKBR, APPLIED TO me for Letters or Administration on .all and singular the goo^s and ohattles, righto and credits of Ellen w phesnut, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: ' 'l%m . , These .are, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and. creditors of, the said deceased to be and appear beforeme at our n?xt Ordinpry'a Court for the said District,. to be hoi don at Kershaw; Court House on the 9$i day of January qext, to show'cause, if any, why , the said administration should not be granted. ? Giveir under my Hsnd and Seal, this twenty-second day of Decetqber ?n the year^of our Lord one thopagnd sight hundred* and sixty-two, and in the eightysixth year of the Independence aud Sovereignty ol the State of 8o%h Carolina. DeoembertS 2^ WUM. BnLLOCK, 0. K. D. 7"; : Wanted-Wool! For which th* highest pEick will bi paid I i u" I ' i . { ! i.: " 14 r 4 " -AL80? OOTTC)N AND WOODEN HOME-MADE JEANf *W!5|A HAMMERSLAttok'S. ?? . > ? DURING NY ABSENCE, MR. J A! DUNLAY wttl acta* my Agrent. ' March SI THOMAS J. WARREN. jjKn^^HSLb x4MgE[]^Rj^B9^H|^fl^E&^^^^ray'^PT^s ^No^m "E^W.BOI^ l^T^ r?v ^^^nvm^TF! SrOT%T OF * *> Ordinary for I willeeH ih Camden on the first - Monday in Janttsry nejrt- Ueing tbe dtHcfoy of tlio m^nth: Sixteen raluwMe ftagre> SHares* a fino pair pi Carriage Home**- Carriage, Harnesa,*cnand a ^ argo snpply of Hoeshoid and Kite*** Tdm* ture^ - ' ?<; , And. on Tuesday, the 6th of Jmmmnwft at the ' plantation of C<ri^W^ A^Aanrera, .iflfeeotaed * woe let.of mules, enttto, lion, wagons and1'bar?eseT plantation tool*,. ntensiljs Acx, andafarge $*> qpnnty of corny potatoes* ac. -p. ?v . Terms for tbe t)egroeav one third < eiabv balance on a credit of oner and tiro; years, with interest from date, payable annually, with two 1 food sureties and amortgage oftud viiegroes. or the other property-?casb. . j i\ , .? J. D. KIRKPATRIOK, I AdmV W. A. Ancrum. deceased. November 21 . td.i. _____ 1 u South Carolina?Kershaw District* BY WM. M. BULLOCK, qfttfHRB, OMULNART-: ' \X7HEREAS, CHARLE8 GOODING- 1APPLIKD . to me for Letters of Admiwistratfop op all and sftiunlar, the goods and chattels, rights and credits ,,,, of Siiin.uel Coats, late of the District. aforesaid, deceased:; V,. * These are, therefore, to oite and admonish all ana! rffiftulnr the kindred and creditors of the said do- ... ceaeed to be and appear before me at1., our next Ordinary's Court for the said District to bo bolden at: Kershaw Court House on the 9th day pf Japuary next, to show catsa, if apy0wby>he said administration should not he granted. ' Given under my. Hand apd $eal, (his twenty-second' day of December, in (be year of out Lord on? thousand3 eight hundred' and sixty-two, ancj in thp .eightyseventh year of tlie Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolhm. , December 2* 1 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D: LOOT, ON THURSDAY, THB IdffH INSTANT, A BUNDLE of Carpeting, between Capt, L- pepasa' . house and Mrs. Ciples' Kirkwobb housed wvwii np in A homespun bag.. The parpet is twenty ms|Beware, A suitable reward will be given for the ae8vrjT.Jjf it to me.. . v. ; . i|( . JUU.N A^n. December 2G- 2 , : .-U-- Estate BaleBY PE RMISSION.tfOF WM. M. BULLOCK, OH- . DI^ABY for Kershaw District, I ;will, sell at public outcry, at Kipenuel Parker's, ia Kershaw District, ,pn the twentieth day of Janizary next, ati the personal property, belonging to tjie Estate ofof Bade Harris, deceased, consisting of one Negrp tvppmn, a lot of Hogs, Ac. Terms cash. ... , .. v ,Nl A3*DKRS6N QUARLES, December 26 Adjn'r Estate, of dee'd. t? CO 1 , ' ' ' !'! I I 1 n? 'I ' . Notice. ALLL PERSONS lNDRBTftlXTO THK ESTATE of Edward Niles, will make, payment to A- Niles, and those, paving demands against the Estafo wljlpresent them duly attested. ,; A. Klf^ES, Adm'r. Docgmber 26 . 'v -i. Notice. ALL PRIVILEGES POR^GBTTJEHP OR OUTting WOODon our land, is reyifkedfroip tVb lp* . day of Jajjpary, 1863. . ^ Decern,bey ,19 2 SUTHERLAND A iLEMOfc. ' ' '''v *' ' ON AND AFTER THE FlflfOT DA.Y OP JANUarynex$ the undersigned will stop selling wood . ,privileges on his land. ' , ' . ., . ?, ? December;^, 3 W. B. titJQUitS. ~~r' ' Special Notice. ' On and after Monday the1 24th - icat, and ' until further inotice, a special;. Passenger train will be ran -between Columbia and K> Kingsvilfo > three times# week, viz: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, observing thorfollowing. schedule: ?Leave Ktngpville 8.05 a. m.; Arrive at Colambin 9.45 a. ?n< t . .. Leave Columbia 12*10 p. m.; and arrive at Kingsville 140.p. m. - { << ' - Tne.Eztta Passenger, Train between Camden and KihgsvHla will?-during'tho running of 'the above Special train?ram oh Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each .week, instead of on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. r T H.T.PEAKE, General Snperintendaut November 21 1 /- 4 '. -A-labama . Fir? Insuxanoe I ' C O M P A. 2ST Y / THE Undersigned, as Agent for the above .Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to Issue / policies of Insurance Sgfcrast less by Hie on all Build i ingv'ftc. . / 1 November I W. L. DkPASS. 7 I