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Hecembltf ?6 " 2 mm tmmtmamj/miim ?* ' . n - ?nm?? ?? - ?>.Bank of Camden. 8.C.. . >IvV \ vlT J ' DECEMBER 16, l*j6& '! THIS BANK, IN VIBW OF THB DIFFICULTY existing, sine* the war, jtiU lately, of paying even it*-, terest on the paper held by it, has abstained from requiring it- Bpt money has become comparatively plenty, and parties are expected now to pay interest to the 1st of January, at least. Many, however, had totter pay in ftoll. They may not find it so convenient "When demanded hereafter. December 19 W. E JOHNSON, Pres't. ' ' ,, ' ? / H'D Q RS, KERSHAW'S BRIGADE, McLAW'S DIVISION, 1st ARMY CORPS N. VA., December 3. 1862. SPECIAL ORDER NO. 10. 1. ALL .MEMBERS OP THIS BRIGADE (NOW including the 15th Regiment and James' Battalion S. 0. Volunteers) who are now at home on sick leave, will forthwith report either in person or by letter, with attending Physician's statement of his case, to Dr. T. W. SALMOND, Brigade Surgeon, at Camdon or Columbia, S. C., upon whose certificate furloughs may be extended, and discharges granted. All who do not report by the 1st of January next, will be tieated as absent without le&vo. Dr. Salmond will be in Columbia <ota Wednesday and Thursday of each week. 2. All other absentees from this command will rer -. turn to duty forthwith, or they will be treated as deserters. ? By command of Brig-General Kershaw. C R. HOLMES, December 19 Capt. A A. A. Gen. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. REENSTJERNA, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician. Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gaylo Young. May 39 OFFICE QUARTERMASTER, Charleston, S. C., October 1, 1802. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE ST OF this department, for the purchase of Corn and v Fodder, in the Districts of Kershaw and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him, Particular attention must be paid to the packing o the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all such will bo hereafter rejected. MOTTE A.'PRINGLK, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. The subscriber can be found at his residence DeKalb street, next west ot the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. Special Notice. On and after Monday the 24th irst, and until further notice, a special Passenger train will ho run hot w eon C!nlnmhi? ami three times a week, viz: Monday, Wednesday and Friday, observing the following schedule: Leave Kingsville 8.05 a.m.; Arrive at Columbia 9.45 a. ni. Leave Columbia 12*10 p. m.; and arrive at Kingsville 1 40 p. m. The Extra Passenger Train between Camden and Kingsville will?during the running of the above Special train?run on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week, instead of or. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. H.T.PEAKE, General Superintendent. November 21 4 South Carolina?Kershaw District. BY WM. M. BULLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, CHARLES GOODING APPLIED to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods And chattels, rights and credits of Samuel Coats, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish a.11 nnd singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the 9th day of January next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given .under my Hand and Seal, this twenty-second day of December, in the yearof our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty.seventh year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina. December 26 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. K. D. ' ? 4 South Carolinn?liershaw BY WM. M. BOLLOCK, ESQUIRE, ORDINARY. WHEREAS, L.LWHITAKBR, APPLIED TO me for Letters or Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Blleti W. Chesnut, late of the District aforesaid, deceased: These are, therefore, to oite and admonish all, and singular, tho kindred and creditors of the snid deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District? to be holden at Kershaw Court Houso on the 9ih day of January next, to show cause, if any, why tho said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and 8eaJ, this twenty-sooond day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in r> the' eightysixth year of the independence aud Sovereignty ol the State of South Carolina. Deccmbor28 26 WM If. BULL&CK, 0. K. D. I .flj tiiij*! mK ttfrrfffo^jarMSM' nfiAJUvvjAnusnD, Columbia, S. C., December 19, 1862. BP. ARTHUR, ESQ., IS HEREBY APPOINT ED Private Secretary to his Excellency the Governor. Bv order of his Excellency Gov. Bonham. F. J. NOSES, Jr., Acting Private Secretary. tW -AH the papers in the State publish o8c?. December 26 # 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ~ EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. By His Excellency AT. L. BONHAAf, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the svid State. WHEREAS, BY A RECENT ACT OF THE GEN. ERAL Assembly, entitled "An Act to make appropriation in aid of the families of soldiers, ratilied on the first day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one," an appropriation of six hundred thousand dollars was made for the relief of the families of soldiers. And whereas no appointment of the ''Boards of Relief" to administer said fund was made by the General Assembly in accordnnce with the provisions of said act: Now, therefore, I, M. L. BONflAM, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in and over the State aforesaidi in view of the pressing importance of immediate re" lief to the dostituto families of soldiers, and the danger of suffering and d istress if the appointment of the Boards for the distribution of said appropriation be delayed until the appointed te-assembling of the General Assembly, do issue this my proclamation, appointing the Boards* of Relief creatod in tho several Election Districts, by and under the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to afford aid to the families of soldiers," ratified on tho 21st day of December, A. D. 1861, to be and constitute the Boards of Relief for the distribution of the fund so appropriated, and the said Boards hornKv onnninffiH nrA HirAotAfl nnd AmnnworoH tn on. ply for, receive and pay out the first installment of the aforesaid Act first above recited. This appointment to continue until the re-assembling of the General Assembly and the making of a new appointment Given under my hand and the seal of the State, at Columbia, the twentieth day of December, in the [l. 8.] year of of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. M L. BONHAM. "W. R Hunt. Deputy Secretary of State. All the papers in the State publish once. December 20 1 !N" otice. 4 LL PERSONS HAVING DEMANDS ON THE I \ estate of Francis Lee, deceased, are requested to nana uiom in properly auesieu, ana ail indented 10 make payment to B. M. LEE, E. W. BONNEY, December 19 Qualified Executors. Xotloe. A LL PRIVILEGES FOR GETTING OR CUTCjL ting WOOD on our land, is revoked from the 1st day of January, 1863. December 19 2 SUTHERLAND & LEMON. Notice. ON AND AFTER THE FIRST DAY OF JANUary next the undersigned will stop selling wood privileges on his land. Decomberl9 3 W. K. HUGnES. Notice. WE WILL HIRE ON THE SECOND MONDAY in January next, until the first of January, A. D., 1864, at the plantation of Wm. Kirklund, dec'd., about 9 mildh from the town of Camden, S. C., fifteen or sixteen negro slaves. Among them there are eight or nine follows, the rest are girls, nearly all about jcruwn. ah guou ueia .nanus, .terms maao Known on day of hire. Hiring to commence about 11 o'clock .a. m. WM. R. TAYLOR. JOHN KIRKLAND. JOSEPH KIRKLAND, Decemlier 19 3 Ex'rs. Wra. Kirkland. Lands to Rent I WILL RENT ON THE 1st MONDAY IN JANU* ary uext. before the Court House door, in Camden* all the land belonging to the estate of Wm Wilson, deedI will also hire three negroa?Leah, Spenoo and AlfredRenters and hirers to give a note and two good securities. J.J. HUCKABEK, Adm'r. ~~ Negro's to Hire. I WILL HIRE ON THE FIRST MONDAY IN JANuary next, before the Court House door, in Camden: Kler ton, Silver, Lovenia, Amer and Harriet and two ' children. Hirers to give a note and two good securities. J. J. HUCKABHTE, Adm'r. Eecember 19 Trustee for Mary Hough. II 1 - I ^ Jfb Rent ^ ^ - ~~ ?1 ' ? Mr. Jamee DunUp, ia Camden. November 21 * *" ". 1 T, Bcada HJ$~C0MM7SSl0NftRS OlF ROADS FOR fcRRs!iaw Didtrick will meet in Camden on the 1st Monday in January next, at 11 a. m.: - December 12 ? 3 - - COLIN A1ACRKA. Wanted to Purchase: flORN, PKAS AND FODDER, "FOR WHICR J thft hiirhpftt mnrknt nriivt will Iia nniH November 1 McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. For Sate. For sale?one two-story frame building and Lot of three acres of ground* The house will have to be moved a short distance. The situation is eligible for a dwelling?just outside of the town. Will bo sold for cash. For particulars inquire of M. L. Haile, on the premises, or J. F. Sutherland, at Camden. November 7 lEff GOODS Just Received by Ei$ress. Toilet soip, tooth brushes, Needles and Pins, Black and colored silk Gloves, Brown Shirtings and Drills, Bleached Shirting, 4x4 Linen and Towels. Also?A lot of Matches, at October 10 ROBERT M. KENNEDY'S. School Notice. MRS. PECK WILL, IN JANUARY next, open a School for Boys. The terms *T*gMfi^of tuition will be the same as the present rates of the Primary Department of the Camden Male Academy?payable in advance?either in cash or by an approved note, payablo on the 1 fit of July next. Students entering will be charged (or the full session of ten months?exceptions to this rule will be made only in case of refugees? unless by special agrevment. November 28 . : , 9 School Xotloe. ON THK 1st OP JANUARY NRXT I will open a Private and Select School for Boys. The number admitted will be very limited. For further particulars apply to Novembe'r 28 C. H. PECK. Cotton Warp, Osnaburgs,&c COTTON WARP FROM NO. G TO 10. ALSO" heavy Cotton Osnaburgs, and colored country Ilomespuu. For sale at the " Old Corner." November 1 E. W. BONNEY. Notice. The stage fare to Lancaster will be * raised to #5.00 a seat, and thirty pounds baggage allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged $3.00. Any package to or from volunteers will be taken and forwurded free of charge. All others must be pie-paid. McCURRY Jb HAMMERSLOUGH. November 7 ^m NoticeMR. J. L. GETTIS IS *fY AUTHORIZED agent, during my absence from the State. December 12 3 THOS. LANGr. Plantation to Sent. By Permission of Wm. M. Bullock, Ordinary for Kershaw District, WILL BE RENTED BEFORE THE COURT House, id Camden, 8: C; on the 20th day of uecemuer inst., a rjanianon oeionging to the estate ot Thos. J. Clyburn. deceased, in Kershaw Dietrich 20 miles above Camdon, on the?waters of Little Lynches Creek. There are about 400 acres of Cleared Land, a comfortable Dwelling House, Overseer's and Negro Houses?all in good condition. Possession given 1st of January, 1863. Terms made known on day of sale. December 5 3 S.C. CLYBURN Adm'r. Agency Confederate Fire and Marine Insurance CompanyOF ATLANTA, OA -!-0? T*HK UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN AP. JL POINTED Agent for the above Company, and having complied with the requisitions of the Act of tjie Legislature in relation to the Agencies oflnsurance Companies not incorporated in the State of South Carolina, is now prepared to take risks on Merchandise, Cotton and Buildings, Also on the lives of White Porsous and Slaves. e. w. bonnet, Pecembor 12. Agent. The Cash System Has been forced upon us by our inability to obtain the means of'continuing our business from any other source. Our customers will therefore please take notice that we will henoeforth All no orders (unaocompanied by ca$h) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with us. J. J. WORKMAN A CO. Jnnuar3' 10 * 1&0TRLT0 RENT.?Tte t)*KAti? ftOUSK, XI situated on the corner uf' Breed and IkKalh streets, in Camden, with ail the furniture complete. The House end Premises #111 be rented Ibr one jeer, from 1st January, 1881.* Node': But reepoMtft* presons will be treated #Kh Applications most be addressed to the undersigned. >. : N JOHN WHITAKER, , ;;: - : President Camden Hotel Company. December 12 ^ Extracts for Cooking, Itf A GREAT VARIETY OF KINDS, AT THE " Old Comer." November 14 E.*W. BONNEY. Oats and Cow Petts For sale for cash, at The old corner.' November! R.fV. BONNEY. South-CarOliiict?Kerdhaw Distriot. In 3^qiiity? Elisba Holland, administrator of Join* Holland,, vs James Elliott, Levy Holland,- Americus McThompson and Eliza jane, bis wife and others. \ BILl. FOR PARTITION AND ACCOUNT. It appearing to my satisfaction that Levy Holland, son of John HOltahd, deceased, Americus McThompscn and Elhsa Jane, his wife. Elbert rollock and NaWtv his wife, Charles J Holland, Enoch K. Holland, Dicy Ann Holland, wbich KlizaJano, , > ancy, Charles J., Enoch E, Dicy Ann and Jdlift' Pfnckney, are the grandchildren of the said J6hh Holland, deceased, reside withbut the limits of tho State of Sduth Carolina?on motion of P. J. A M. Moses, plaintiff's solicitors, It is ordered. That the said Levy Holland. Americus McThompson, and Kliza Jane his wife, Elbert Pollock and Nancy his wifb, Charles J. Holland, Enoch E HoUatfd!, DiCy Atti Holland and John Pinckney Hoilirnd.' do appear in this court, and plead, answer, or demur to the said bill within three months of the publication of this order, or the same will be taken pro con/esso against them. Also, ordered, that Ibis order be published in the Camden Confederate for three months from this date. WM. R. TAYLOR, o.e.k. d. Commissioners Office, October 10 3mo DURING.MY ABSENCE, MR. JA S DUNLAP will act as my Agent. Mn rch 21 THOMAS J. WAR REN. ., + ' itHT .' a vV ' Administrator's Sal?. T>Y PERM 1SSION OE THE COURT OF Ordinary for Kershaw District, I will sell /-i 1 ? a! ? 1# .1 __ r in ^auiaen on me nrst . monaay in January next?being the 5th day of the month: Sixteen valuable Negro Slaves, a fine pair of Carriage Horses, Carriage. Harness, Ac., and a argo supply of Houshoid and Kitchen furniture. And. on Tuesday, the 6th of January, at tho: plantation of Col. W. A. Ancrum, deceased, a1 fine lot of uniles, cattle, hogs, wagons and harness, plantation tools, utensils, <kcn and a largo* quanty of corn, potatoes, <fcc. Terras for tho negroes, one third1 cash; balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest from date, payable annually, with two' good sureties and a mortgage of the negroes.For the other property?-cash. J. D. KIRKPATRIOK; Adm'r. W. A. Ancrum, deceased. November 21 t. d. ?. Sweet. Sweeter, Sweetest!! 1 Received by express, from vicksbur? 81 barrels and 20 boxes Choice Loufeiaha SUGARS, whioh will be sold by the box or barrel, at Charleston prices. ; , ?In Store? 500 lbs choice Conntry Sides; 30o lbs Choice Country Rams; 2 tierces beautiful Salt, nearly equal to Liverpool ; 3000 choice Begars; 100 bushels heavy Winter Oats; 5 boxes choice Tobacco ; 100 lbs cboioe Smoking Tobacco; 5 gross Matches. , ' anted-" 250 bales Cotton; 500 bushels Corn; 200 bUshels Peas; 100 bales Podder. December 19 2 W.. C. GERALD & CO. COTTON YARNS. A GOOD SUPPLY OF COTTON YARNS CAN be had by making early application at the "Old Brick Corner," by T. 8. MYERS. November 21 4 /-< J T"? J Jd - ^amaeix x>nu.g? vjozapauy. A MEETING OF THE CAMDEN BRIDGE Company will bo held on the 27th insfc., at the Branch bank COLIN MACREA. December 12 r 9 Wanted-Wool! For which the highest price will bk paid. _ ? ALSC+- v COTTON AND WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at i/^niTDuV tr U A t/UfVO'QT. a rmxixa awv?.w -? ?WMw,auuu n Country Homespun Wanted. /\/\ YARDS PLAID OR PLAIN, FOR WHICH UU full prices will be paid. August 8 ROBT. M. KENNRDT, / I