University of South Carolina Libraries
* V "^1 J --'*- '** > ?9l|Kf ^K^Lk ? ? 1 November 8, 1802. 'j ' RB80LVBB* THAT IN VIEW OF THE ^ iH ' aliifmlhg increase m the price of corn and the 5 "JJVjlKreHtened scarcity of provisions in the upper } yW+phstricta, particularly in the Districts of Spar^ tanbnrgj Greenville and Laurens, the Governor . and Council are of opinion that the permits 1 T hitherto gffcnted to distil grain, under certain restrictions; should be and they are hereby revbketty ftiodi and after the 10th inst., except where a written contract can be exhibited with the Confederate authorities, dated prior to the 5th inst, and in such cases the permit shall i extend only to the amount of such contracts. Resoived, That that the Governor be rei qnested to issue his proclamation declaring the above revocation, setting forth the reasons for the same, and urging the co operation of the 1 people in enforcing the regulations of the Governor and Coutooil on the subject of distillation. (Signed,) B.F.ARTHUR. Secretary. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Executive Department, Nov. 3, 1862. (Whereas extensive and well-grounded apprehensions are felt that tbo distillation of spirits from grairi will produce disusterous offocis upon the supply of biead for the poor this winter, and greatly diminish the supply of , .breadstuff1*, so essential for support in every branch of onr armies in the field; and whereas ,, it is eminently polite to suppicss everything that is calculated to enlarge the field of disgraceful speculation in the present emergency: No\o% know yey that I, Francis W. Pickets, Governor and Commander.'n-Chief in and ovifr the State*of South Carolina, do hereby issue this my proclamation, declaring that all ueen ses that may have been granted for the distillation of grain in any shape or form, except as are embraced in the resolutions of the Exeeu tive Council hereunto above attached, shall be, and the same are, eaclTand every one of them, hereby revoked, annulled and declared void and of no further effect, from and after the tenth day of the present month, and I do hereby direct the Sheriffs and Magistrates hi the different Districts of the Slate to discharge faithfully their duties in enforcing this proclamation, and in aiding with all their legal power to suppress this crying and euorraous evil. And in addition to this 1 call upon all good and patriotic citizens of the Stale to lend their ?' aid and energetic assistance to the same ends. No good citizen can stand quietly by and see the evils attendant upon this distillation without at Jeast giving his active influence to suppress it. Wo are io the midst of a great revolution, involving our very existence, and the free use of ardent spirits by <>nr bravo but ihonghllchs soldiers, has done raoro to injure the discipline of our armies and to introduce , sickness and disease than any other ,cause. The question is simply whether we are are to keep bread for Soldiers' families or allow it to be manufactured into poison, to be administered to their husbands and brothers in service. I earnestly entreat that every man may live his best exertions to see that this proclamation is immediately enforced, and ibus aid in suppressing a vice which is a disgiaco to virtuoris freemen, and if not suppressed, is well calculated to sap and undermine our strength and power as an independent people. Witness my hand and the gieat seal of the State, at Columbia, this the third day [l. b.] of November, in the year of onr Loid 1862, and in the 87th year of the sovereignty and independence of the State of South Carolina. F. W. PICKENS. ttSgT"All papers in the slate copy twiee. November 1 2 FALL & WINTER oooos. WE IMVITE THE ATTENTION ' of our friends and the public generally to oui srtock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, * Which is complete in all its various branches. A WD WILL BE SOLD 10ft CASH ONLY. McCURRY * HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 II | | g milgfiaiiftrMiiii f t mm. jjhljli 1. ^imu * m ; in. lah .. j. " u SPSW!" i v^ky>^ip sshsrko^ mill notfflea that the Doles find ac^TOJus of the said flvW at* in the hands of W. L DePass, attorney at law, IIII mfllWHtoB iad apjiwMlert for lit&urn I^Ta,1hnT ntuaxf""* - , Mf j tOlBAdCO t jmvb .on ranp a large sufpjbyof a 1 miiwrinr urtlnlA of Flo? filDolitd? and CtMVia^HObaa-o,' which will be sold low for web, at the "Old Brick Corner;", by ,T. S. Mybrs. I ,iArni+?Mmsati* I -JL: Id UWVtl RICE!!! VNO. 1 ARTICLE O? FRESH BRAT BICE, for sale low, ior cosh, at the "Old Brick Corner." by T. S, MYERS. September 12 The Cash MSystem TTAS BEEN FORCED UPON U8 BY OUR AA inability to obtain tbe means of continuing our business from any othef- source. Our customers will therefore pleuse take notice that we will henceforth till do orders (unaccompanied by oasb) whether for goods from our store or for work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with us. J. J. WORKMAN & CO. January 10 ? cr , , g | H 3 P= SS ft se: P ! g S3=a" I ^ i _i Hj ft /-s O S > o W * f S ^ ' ' ' H : * O <=39 ^ f S M ^ W I g 55 ^ I ?{ Off" 0 ? a ;: qq o r1 I O tn ?? ' w ' i hj ft o ag 4 S >? ^ ' ' , q a r w . W H 1 5' * A f . i o I SX trsrs hj c V* g ??J N-"1 ~ ? ' ZS1 v? \TORTH (AllOi IN A BACON AND LARD FOR 1. s?le ?t the " Old Corner." April 5 E.w. BONNKY. Wanted' rpO BUV, FROM 0000 TO 10.U00 LBS DRIED 1 nud green HIDES, lor which we will p.:y lor green Hide* from S to 10 ceuls per lb., and for diied bo liom 18 to20 cents, per lb. cash on delivery. June 13 A1ARONY, BOSWEI.L k BRO. ^ 5 ~ > s T *M*Z Si H - 4M KS ~ 1 CO 3 7? >zr mm * C- w > PMMI ~ ?3 (T . _ > p m Immmmmm C* ^ ? PS? ~ <i* SS5CS5 C g ^ S? & > "3 > n 2{ " ? 5 c ? r"< I?g* o . - t?mmmrn 6 < * O , <?,i> 3 o H ^ 1 ? ? & 5 S C) > .of:? o mm^S cjq s ,_a ~ ~ ^^93 ^ 5* "l! ft ? ^m^m! 0 * ~ 5 ? - gm ? - '"O ^ ?I ? > 3 I 2 * 5 ^ ? cf ' a g 3 sr 2 ? bs?^ a ? O "3 H anBBMM 1 @ r i! I ra <r. fcJ -? ? w ^ i i-t 2 50 * 2 ? = ^4 f 2 ? C~" I < ' 3 M > -2. 2 5 7 ^ 'IS S s B * = a ? i s = O W = * ? r==??^ ? |^i y 3 95 J " 3 S ? ^ s- -g e ?" B 2 ? a. S a ? <-?? ? hk_?**-^s Lost. Stolen, or Strayed, From camden, a light red cow (white pot on forehead) and her heifer calf (nearly black). Also?a small Odw, spotted whit? and black. A liberal reward will be paid for tha restoration of the same. Apply at this Offiee. Jaly? - 1 /1" 1 -?? ' , ~7~" pUCdKSSQRS TO~THE South-East Corner of . *p\.1 0 ^ ^ CAMDEN, SOI KS3HP OOXSTA ' t A FULLt CLOTHING, H Boots and Shoes, Crockery1 I i I Iron. Nails. Wovombor 1 XLXTT^l THE SUBSCRIBER HAVINO A MUTUAL LIFE INI OF RALEIGH, N FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prcpa INSURANCE, on the most reasonabl # at moderate rates. wi November 1 North t mi mmm m i m u n WM. L. Ib ?' ATTORYYY AT LAW, AND dm&xciTon xu E?vtttT, CAMDEN, S. C.. Will nrrtclice in Kershaw and the tmrrniit;ding Pis Ivicl*. November 1 Medicine CDests. SURGICA L JNSTRUME 'IS, POC KET CASK? Ttosses, Sonpoiteta, Sho'i'der lb aces. Ac. A la?ge a??oi-imeLt just opened at Sept. 25.?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORE. ________________ # Jos? Q. Felipe, {FROM HAVANA, CUBA.) IMPORTER AND DEADER IN I1av:iiia and DoiiM'slic Segars, (lie Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. A CHOICE LOT OF FIRST QUALITY SNUFF PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 Markct-Slfeci, SIGN OF "NO IMPOSITION,? CHARLESTON, SO. CA. November 7 A s~\ r\ /-n ^tuu _DJt3_Li^5. SP'TS. TURPENTINE. SALE. IPAVK ON HAND. FOUR HUNDRED DDLS SP1RIT8 TURPENTINE, winch T ofVer (or Belt at uun-kel rates. it will bo disposed oi' in lots o" liiVj bii'rela or more, a? the ptti chaser rony require. Cnil in pe'son or address SAMUEL P. ANCKER,, 6. C. September 26 2 Corn and Fodder. TFJ E UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY THE HIGH EST price in cash for Corn and Fodder in b.iles for ibe uko of Government. E. W. BONNET. July 28 Administrator's Notice. ALL PERSONS HAYING CLAIMS AGAINS'J the estate of JESSE F. YOUNG deceased, wil present them duly attested to me on or before tlx 22d day of November next, or lh?s notice will foreve bar payment of said claims Tboee indebted to tin said estate will make immediate payment lo the un deraigoed. 3 JOS. M. GAYLK. Adnl'r. August 22 3m . , ... * FINE LETTER PAPER. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF FINE LETT El cV PAPER, on hand and for sale at the "Old Brie Corner." T. S.MYERS, tepWmtor 12, 0 ' >' M t 4..- * * ^^HHl'lll I B1 I Broad Be- BeKaft-Stiw frt &lJo)Tiiaj Jiitfmfij IOi'"' JTH-CAEOLINA, v SUPPLY OF : - /t ' A J[1| ; tWt.y'S*^. v ?: > V J IATS & CAPS, >r%yz y iVar?, Hollow Ware, Tin Ware. Groceries, &o. TERNS CASH. ^ ^ PXJALj gUKJJf ?. CCEPTED THE AOENCY OF THE SURANCE COMPANY, ORTH CAROLINA, ired to receive applications for policies of>ItlPS? e terms. The Lives on SLAVES insured < \ LLIAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fir? Insurance COM3? ANY. r|^IIE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above SouthI eru Insurance Company, is prepared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build " ^ i-igs, &c. November 1 W. L. DkPASS. | 1MIE iSG CSC RIB Kit, IN ORDER TO MEET THE wants of the Travelling Public, lins rotiiicd and icpaired his OMNIBUS. It will ruo regularly to and from the DeKALB HOUSE, where a slate will be Kent. Panics in any pun, of the town, or Kirkvvood, by leaving their names at ibe DeKalb House, bei'o-e r bed-time at night, may depend with certainly on having the omnibus to call lor tbcm, without leurof bemg leit. My old customers will find me ready and witting Ur , renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when deshed to do so. May 23 J. K. WITBKRSPOON. ?r Sick soldiers, in every case, carried to or from j the Depot, froe of charge. J. K* W. MULE STRAYED. STRAYED, FROM THE OWNER, ON THE night of September 5lb, a dark or chest out colored maro MULE, bliud in the left eye, bears marks on the ! leit shoulder, and saddle murks also. A A oy perron having taken op the above described mule, or can give any iofo?malion coocerniog it* Vk wbereubouis, will conier a grout favor oo tbeunder- ^j\ a I JO0NEOYK1N, m' At Bradford Spring* P. 0., DNLmcL B October 3 3 K Country Homespun Wanted. W ' KAA TARDS PLAID OR PLAIN,FOR WHICH ^WV/ full prices will be paid. ^B August 8 ROBT. M. KENNEDY. ^B x School Notice M TftE EXERC1SK3 OF MR. McOAND-s ^B - /Jr^^LHSS' Set tool Will commence on Monday, *^WBPg October 6Lh. 1862. Tei roe, same an last. ^^B jBSWyear. Entrance condition, tame an here*. toi'ore, except in the case of children o( refugee*. 1 be session will conlioue 1 ill July 15,1863. ^^^^B Aa the school is limited, pa renin ioteoding to eottr.^^^B their children will pleane notify the undersigned irome- fl^^B P diaiely. L. McCANDLESS- ^^B September S ^HB r SCHOOL NOTICE. MM 1 rp HK EXERCISES OP MRS. lfoOANDi.ESS.* X SEMINARY will be resumed on MONDATi ^^B October 6ib, with tbe assistance of Misses KiSBBitand ^B Yoono. All persooa are responsible for tuition Irom BET tbe time of entrance to tbe close of the year, with tbe f excepi ion of refugees. I j Te* ms: For Euglisb branches, fifty dollars per year; f jc for each additional language, forty dollars per yea$ I half taition, payable in all cases in advance. f ' Oftober 3 2 I vH