University of South Carolina Libraries
/ LTWf .*- >jl Some o# tbe blockade**, captured below WilmincrtiuL iav ihii th? YrnilrMt occupy Wilmington -noon. Northern papers aty the fstfev wto raging at Beaufort and S Hilton Head on the 1st. Rich4hi(tJ, November 12.?The Yankees bavo evacuated Greenville, after partially dofitpoymg bridges across the river, and taking . nine of the citizens with them. They desisted from destroying the bridge at the entreaties of the people. An official despatch says the enetnv have left Plymouth. Their destination is probably Petersburg, as they aro supposed to have gone up the Chowan. Foster commands the expedition. (Second Despatch.) No news from tho army, and no skirmishing Reported " since Monday. The government has no further intelligence of the advance of the enemy, and tho belief g^ins strength in the public mind that McClellan is gradually withdrawing his forces to send below Richmond* Gomnunicatiou with the Yallcy of Virginia is openby tho mountain gap. Tho reported advance of tho gun-boats up the James llivcr is not confirmed. m mm ' ' What w* Mat -Expect.?Genoral Batiks, in a few remarks which ho made from the nlnt form of a railroad car in Boston on Saturday week, said the approaching winter was not to be lost in inaction. The Government was determined now to put forth its strength. Numerous expeditions were on foot that could not, if vigorously pressed, but bo fatal to the revolted States. CBITTJAK-Y. Died, in this town on Saturday the 25th October last., Mrs. FRANCIS BROOM LEE, relict of the late Francis Stephen Lee, in the seventy-fifth year of her age?the deceased was a native of Elkton, Maryland, but for the last Sixty-five years a resident of Camden So. Ca. Special Notices. C3g-ROAD AND BANK DIVIDEND.?The South Ourolina Rail Read Company having declared a Dividend of. FOUR DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS PER SHARE on tho Old Stock, and TWO DOLLARS AND TWENTY-FIVE CFNTS PER SHARE on the New Issue, for tho six months ending Docenbor Slsti 1862, and tho Southwestern Rail Road Bank a Dividend ofSEVENTY-FIVE CENTS PER SHARK, for the same period, the combined Dividond of SEVEN DOLLARS AND FIFTY CENTS will be paid at the aforesaid Bank, (in Columbia,) on and after tho lOlh instant. The Dividend on Rail Road Shares not connected with the Bank will be paid at the same time and place as above stated, and at the Branch Bank of the State of South Carolina at Camden. J. R. EMERY, Auditor South Carolina Rail Road Company. JOHN C COCHRAN, * Cashier Southwestern Rail Road Bank. November 1 2 MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. REENSTJERNA, offers his services to the public in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gayle dr. Young. May 30 OFFICE QUARTERMASTER, Charleston, S. C., October 1, 1862. MR. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE MT OP this department, for the purchase of Corn and Fodder, in the Districts ef Kershaw and Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing o ! the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past year the Government^ experienced heavy loss from improper packing, and all suoh will bo hereafter re. jected. MOTTE; A. PRINGLE, Captain and Assistant Quartermaster, r The subscriber can be found at his residence DeKalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. (Dash StoreSWEET, FIREY, AND NECESSARY. 1 A A A DOLLAR'S WORTH OP SUPERIOR 1UUU MATCHES; 8 barrels Crushed, Clarified and Brown Sugars; 90 reams superfine Bath Posts Writing Paper; 8 boxes choice and common Tobacco; a tierces fresh Rice; Cayeune Pepper and Pepper Sauoe Capers Worcestershire do; largo lot Jugs and. Jars; 1 case 109 lbs. very choice smoking Tobacco; November. 14 A. T. LATTA. I 0 Oldv GrovemraeTit J* ava Coffee. Also?black ph>per, allspice and Ginger. For sale at'lhe M Old Corner." November 14 E. W. BONNET. . ? Extracts lor Cooking, In a great variety OF KINDS, at the " Old Corner." jxovemoer 14 js. w. uujnjnky. KERSHAW?I* EQUITY. John Gnskin, and others, vs. James Bruce, and others,?Bill. TN PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER PA8SED in above-stated case (Bill) I will offer for sale before the Cout House door in Cam den, S. 0. on the first Monday in December Yiext, at 12 m., the following property, (real estate,) belonging to the estate of J. Monroe Gaskin, deceased, to-wit: Tho Mill Tract containing three hundred acres, more or less, and the Sand Land IIill Tract containg one hundred and thirty-two acres more or less. Terms so much cash as will pay the costs of proceedings and costs of sale?the balance on a credit until the first day of January, A. D. 1864. Purchase money to bo secured by bond with at least two good sureties and a Mortgage of the premises. Purchaser or purchasers, td pay for papers. WM. R. TAYLOR, C. E. K. D. Com mi ssi on kk's Office, Nov. 8, A. D. KERSHAW?IN EQUITY. Nancv M. Keellv, vs. Mansel P. lveelly, et. al. ?Bill. PURSUANT TO AN ORDER PASSED -* in above-stated case (Bill) I will offer for sale before the Court House door in Camden, 3. C. Monday, tho eighth day of December next,* at 12 111., the following property (real estate) belonging to the estate of John lveelly deceased, to-wit: All that piece, parcel or part of Tract of Land lying on tho waters of liranny's (Quarter and White <jhk wrecks containing three hundred and forty acres, more or less. Terms?so much cash as will pay the costs of proceedings and costs of sale?the balance on a credit of one and two years, with interest on the sainc, (payable annually,) from date of sale?said balance (of purchase money) to be secured bv bond with at least two good sureties, and a Mortgage of property. Purchaser to pay for papers. Said land to be sold for less than four hundred dollars. WM. II. TAYLOIl, C. E. K. D. Commissioners Office, Nov. 12, A. D. NEGROES ON THE COAST. fpllE OWNERS OP NEGROES NOW AT work on the fortifications at Charleston; and on the Coast, are informed that a requisition has been made, by authority of the Governor and Council, and by order of General Beauregard, for an additional supply of laborers to relieve the hands now thereupon engaged; and on their arrival, the hands will be discharged. The first detachment is ordered down on the 14th inst. FRANCIS S. HOLMES, Special Agent. J?37~A11 papers in the State insert once, and send bill to office of "Special Agent" for payment. November 14 1 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER,) Columbia, November 7, 1882. j The following resolution of the Governor and Council has been ordered to be published: Resolved, That tho Sheriffs of this State be and they are hereby specially charged with the prompt execution of the regulations of the Governor and Council prohibiting distillation from grain, and for this purpose they are invested with all the authority of Special Agents in their respective Districts; and for their services they shall roceive such fees or other compensation as may be fixed by the Chief of the Department of Justice and Police. By order of tho Governor and Council. B. F. ARTHUR, Secretary. JST All papers in the State publish once. November 14. 1 FoundA GOLD SHAWL PIN. WHICH TITfe OWNER can have. Apply at the Bank of Camden. November 14 1 I Also?a very likely fellow, 35 years of age?Valuable as a manager of horeea, and ^rriage driver, cook, Ao, ana a tolerably good jobbing carpenter. Also?a young woman?a good cook houso servant, washer, Ac. Apply at the Bank of Oanodes lor information. November 14 1 VALUABLE t nmn tiati a t * UITMSM OI OFFER FOR BALE THE FOLLOWING PROporty in Camden: The Lots known in Camden as the McRae Lots? planted this year by Mr. Baxley. Eight Lots, in one body, on tho square south of the McRae Lots. Six Lots?unoccupied?bounded by York-street on tho North, and Lyttieton-street o? the east. Tho House and IiOt now occupied by Mrs. Oppenhoim. Also?many single Lots in diflorent quarters of the city. Also?160 bales of Cotton on the plantation below Camden. JAMES CHESNUT. November 14 2 LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the post office, uncallod for on tho 1st of November, 1802: B. Jones, Mrs. Martha Biggs, Samuel Jones, Col. J. Bacot, Lieut. Pierre L. Buford, Peter Leckie, Dovid Blackwell, Miss T. E. Laboes, Thomas c p. Colons, Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer, Mrs. Kate 2 Cordes, A. Prince, Dr George Canady, John W. Palmer, Wm. J. Crafts, Mrs. Geo. J. Palmer, Henrietta D. R. Dorrall, Thto. D. F. Russell A Jones K Rogors, Miss Ann S Elkins, Mrs. Jano 8. F. Sumter, Martha Ford, J. W. W. II. Watts. Mrs E. J. 1 lay den, Charles Wilson, Mrs. J. J. Jones, J. W. Persons calling for tho above letters will please say they aro advertised. November 14 T. W. PEGU8, P. M. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Columbia, November 10, 1802. GENERAL ORDER NO. 41. I TO carry out tho proclamation of his Excellency Governor Pickens, dated 7th November instant, and the resolutions of the Governor and Council, dated of the same day, it is ordered that the several Captains of the respective Beat Companies do forthwith proceed to organize their Beat Companies, agreeably to said resolution, and promptly report each organization to this office. II. The several Captains of the respective Beat Campanies located at the Court Houses of the several Districts of this State will report, in person, at this office, on or before Tuesday, 18th November instant, to receive the arms and ammuuition specified in the resolotions. Each Captain will be required to give bond, with one surety, for the safe keeping and accounting for of said arms and ammunition. 1 III. The commanding officers of the several Militia Regiments will forthwith prepare rosters of the officers of their respective regiments, and will from such rosters order, once every two months, commencing in January, 1863, courts martial for tho trial of defaulters from duty. r ' under said resolutions. IV. Commanding officers of tho several Militia Regiments will have all vacancies in the line offices promptly filled. By order of the Governor and Conn<;il: WILMOT G. DkSAUS8URE, Adjutant and Inspetor-General of S. C. ilSTEach paper in the State copy once. November 14 1 Cotton Warp, Osnaburgs,&c COTTON WARP PROM NO. 6 TO 10. ALSO heavy Cotton Osnaburgs, and colored country Homespun. For sale at the " Old Corner." November 7 E. W. BONNET. Wanted Immediately, AN OVERSEER, TO TAKE CHARGE OP A plantation ill the vicinity of Camden. Apply at the corner of Broad-street and the Public Square, at Capt. DoPass' bouse. November 7 ? t rlf v. _ As. 1 ? ? . , j>- - rr ^ ' Ij*' ^7 .? V -JMMKL' ^5~-? ".. v .. .1 Seed Rye-Seed lye! A SMALL LOT OP EXTRA PINE 8BKD VtM< * ' may be had by calling ?kxi at the V Q1<L Ariafc* . . ? Oorn^r." T. 8. MYFRS. November T 4 STATE OF SOUTH CABMIffi.* ADJ'T. & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE, \ Columbia, November 7,1802. ) GENERAL ORDER NO. 60. T JOHN R. NIERNSEE, HAVING BEEN ^- appointed Major of Engineers in the State service, by a resolution of the Governor and Council, and commissioned to take rank from October 29, 1802, the date of his appointment, will be obeyed aud respected accordingly. By order of the Governor and Comfcil. WILMOT G. Dk8ATJ88urb, Adjutant and Inspector General of S. C. JC^"A11 papers in the State copy once. November 14 1 Postponed Sale of Leather ON FRIDAY THE 14th NOVEMBER INST., will be sold at public auction at the Tannery, near Bishopvilie, a stock, of SOLE AND UPPER LEATHER. Also, Leather iu vats, to bo delivered when taken oti(k and one Two-IIorse "Wagon, Ac., the property of the" lato co-partnership of Ambrose A Bradley. Conditions Cash. November 7 2 JOHN a bradley.Wanted to Purchase: CORN, PEAS AND fodder, for whicjtf the highest market priee will be paid. s November 7 McCURRY a h ammerslough. For Sale. For sale?one two-story frame bujlding and Lot of three acres of ground. The house will have to be moved a short distance. The situation is eligiblo for a dwelling?-just outside of the town. Will be sold for cash. For particulars inquire of M. L. Haile, on the premises, or J. F. Sutherland, at Cainden. November 7 Notice. All TnosE indebted to the late thos. SMITH, deceased, will settle the same awoon as possible, and thoso having demands against him will present them duly attested to me, at an early day. * Novomber 7 3 JOHN TURNER, Kxh*. Notice. rphe stage fare to lancaster wil? be X raised to $5.00 a soat, and thirty poundsbaggagd allowed. Volunteers going or returning, will be charged <* > a a Any package to or from volunteers will be taken and forwarded free of charge. All Others mu&t be' pre-paid. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH*. November ? SEW GOODS -Just Received by ExpresA Toilet soap, tooth brushes,Needles and Pins, Black and colored silk Gloves, Brown Shirtings and Drills, Bleached Shirting, 4x4 Linen and Towels. Also?A lot of Matches, at Octobor 10 ROBERT m. kennedy's. Blacking! Blacking!! Blacking!!! a PINE ARTICLE OP SOUTHERN made 4 V BLACKING ? warrented to equal atiythitij? manufactured North of the line of demarkatioti?tdfcy be had at the most reasonable price, by making ittb mediate application at the "Old Brick Qorner." Octobor 10 T. s. myers. ? * Notice. Mr. JOS. w. doby is my AUTHORIZED agent during my absence. Those indebted to me will please call and settle with him. Those to whom i am indebted will please hand in tbeir account to him. D. M. RODGBR& October 31 3 Estate SaleT>y permission OP W1L M. BULLOCK, OR JL> dinary for Kerehlw District,! trill sell at public oat-cry, at the residence of the subscriber, oo Friday the 14th day of November next, the following property, belonging to the estate of 0. IB. Baskiu, dec'tL, to-wit:?one sorrel Mare, one Yearling, Plantation Utonsils, Household and Kitoben Furniture, dux. Torms made knewn on day of sale. w. d. gaskin, October 31 1 Adm'r. est. C. e. Baskin, dee'd. Beeci Wheat! Beed. Wheat)! An extra fine artjcle.of seed wheat, for sale by a. T. latta. October M