University of South Carolina Libraries
lar* will' be ^required. Our, rates for transient | r'tS^SjSWp? WW#?w**#H% for fiVst iusemon, and each subsequeDt insertion 75 "cents*' '; ' ^ ? Jm+! .. < . I , oi tort MlMiiary B^ctlon* An election-wns held on Friday )osfc| for Majorat the Bower Battalion S. C. M., to fill thg Yaicancy caused by the death of Major W. A. Anorum, which resulted in. tho choice of Capt. A. M. Kennedy. . J Ju'iv.:, :;v> ?." .(.tat .rr*cs *** We are requested by Mr. H. Pate?TaxCollector for Kershaw District?to say that he will keep open the War Tax Books until Wednesday heft, the 19th inst., for tho benefit of a number of our country friends who have not, as .yet; bed a chance to pay their taxes. All aftfer that date *will be double taxed. . ' t:su . i m m m> . .?. . ".*! Chinese Sugar Cane Syrup. We have been presented by Major A. M. Kennedy, with a bottle of an extra fine article of Chinese Sugar Cano Syrup, made on tho plantation of our gallant and accomplished yonng townsman, Col J. D. * Kennedy. The article is most delicious as a syrup, and the yield abundant. The Major tells us that with proper cultivation, fifty gallons to tho acre is a fair average. A Wooden Soled Shoe. We have a fine specimen, in our office, of a wopden soled shoe, for negro use?mado on the plantation of J. It. Dye, Esq., at Red Hill. It is of neat finish, and substantially TYlO/ia Wa Ar\ nAt ?? ?L.i * 1 I? V uu uui AUUIT LU nilKb UAbUia 1Ur. Dye intends the mpnufacturo of this shoe, but we think, if he has the facilities for extensive manufacture, he would be doing his country a great service by at once enlarging the business. It is a lighter and more durable shoe than any we have lately seen made of leather solesThe wood is walnut, and secured to the upper leather by screws 1 Fires. During last 3unday wo had two fires in Camden. / The first, at the residence of Col. John 8. Ash, and owned by Capt. W. L. DePass, which was extinguished, with but little injury .to the building, except a portion of the roof. In the evening about 7 o'clock, the store house of Messrs. Gayle and Young, was discovered to be on fire?caused from a badly constructed fire place, the fire igniting in the flooring of the second story of the building. Through the timely arrival of a few citizens, . who fortunately were in tho vicinity, the building was saved, and the damage of goods to Messrs G. & Y? were slight Should not our fire department be resusitated i ? Gen. O. M. Mitchell, the Yankee commander in Sonth Carolina, died at Beaufort on the 31st ult Gen. J. B. Richardson died at Sharpsburg on the 3d inst., of wounds received in the battle of AntietAm. Abolisionibm in Europe.?One of the London Journals expressed surprise that while Mr. Lincoln had his hand in at abolishing, he did not abolish slavery in Africa, which he might have done by a proclamation as effectually as in America. It would have been no more a brutum fulmen in one case than the other. The London editors are entirely right. The passage of persons under flag of truce between the two countries now at war, has totally ceared for the present save as to paroled prisoners of war. This suspension grows out f the requisition of the Lincoln Government, that persons passing from us to the United States, shall first obtain passports of their Government or take the oath of allegiance. The late census returns of manufacturing establishments in New York city reveal the ffcet that more capital is employed in oarrying on the printing trade than any other business, the amount being over $8,500,000. Over six thousand persons are employed in printing, and the various establishments use up about five millions of dollars worth raw material, ink, paper, etc., per annum, producing over $11,000,000 worth of books, papers, etc. L ^Xauiirmini # r nj|^S Brother Soldirrs: I mast congratulate * ? y?t mwm, good, eoodoot and sol<Ji?rlBMriDf opoi\th? 6?Jd of battle UhUj. Yoa have proved yourselves to bo soldiers of the right stamp-?yoa are worthy the name of Sooth Carolinians?you have been tried and i ' ? i * i . ? nave not oeen iouna wanting, lou stood your ground for over two; hours, against** force greatly superior to ours in number, under a heavy fire of grape, canister and musketry* with undaunted braviJry, and while the balU were falling as thick as fyail, and your comrades falling atoundyou on all sides, you wvro not discouraged, with that courage that none could have but brave men fighting for all that makes life dear, and trusting in God and the justice of our cause, you still pressed onward until you succeeded in completely driving the enemy from their dead, and wounded upon the field. Brother soldiers?I cannot express my feelings toward you, but with such men the South can nover be subdued. In conclusion allow mo to say io you, in be. half of my brother officers, that we feel proud to command such a corpse?that wo hare the greatest confidence in you?a confidence that will curry us through all future battles as a band of brothers?that your names will always be fresh in our memory; and while we mourn the loss of our bravo comrades' and sympathise with their relatives and friends?feeling confident that our cause is a just one?we will still press onward until wo gain our independence or perish in the attempt?prefering death rather than submission. [FOR THE CAMDEN CONFEDERATE.] ' Mn. Editor: Pleas?-publish for the benefit of the friends and relatives, the following list of casualties, received at the Battle of Poeotaljgo on the 22d u't, by the Kershaw companies of the 7th S. C. Battalion-infantry?ColP. II. Nelson. Company (A) Lucas Guards?Capt B. S. Lucas, Jr., commanding. Killed?none. Wounded?James Sinclair, severely in thigh. Company (D) Kershaw Greys?Lieut Young, commanding. Killed?none. Wounded? none. Company (F) Lucas Rifles?Capt. Dove Segars, commanding. Killed?Corporal ST. Folsom and private James llall. Wounded ?John McGougan?mortally, (since dead); R. J. Turner and James Bruce?supposed mortally; R. D. Turner, James Hopkins and J. W^ Horton?slightly. t Company (G) Moffalt Rifles?Capt. Wm. Cltburn, commanding. Killed none. Wounded?Martin Gilbrain?severely in both thighs; J. A. Smith, flesh wound in right fore-arm; Wm. Justice?slightly in chest; A. F. A. Hughes?flesh wound in thigh; H. A. Tiller and D. R Smith?slightly. Yours most truly, ' B. S. Lucas, Jr., Capt Company A. a ~ i> ? n ? xt? h auiv>? uuh) vjaiiij^ vamuy, iiuv, < (for the camden confederate.) Mr. Editor:?Messrs Gayle & Young return their sincere thanks to the citizens of Camden, for extinguishing the fire in their store on last Sunday night?both of the firm being absent at the time. G. & Y. Gun Cap Machine?Southern Invention. ?Wo were shown at the foundry of A. L. Maxwell, yesterday, a beautiful piece of machinery for making percussion caps, invented by John C. Cole, a refugee from Missouri. Mr. Cole came to this city some months ago, and under the patronage of Mr. T. G. Rawlins, who was then a citizen of Knoxville, applied his inventive genious to the supplying of this great want of the Confederacy. The fruit of his labors has been a machine which excels any of the kind either North or South. Its superiority consists in the simple manner in which the cap is cut from the copper and formed at a single operation, without transferring from one tool to another. It is capable of making by hand 100 per minute, and by steam 105,000 per day. The one exhibited to us, is the second made at these works for the Atlanta Arsenal, under the patronage of Maj. M. H. Wright, who has contracted for four more.?Knoxville Register. trvftr**"1 ----- - - ? f " 1 1 i ?r ?..1 . 1.ivi... of Npw York; nineteen Democrats and twelve ( KepoblTcans have' been elated to Congress J from that State. The *Herald says that: New J York city has gone for the DemocraU by 31,- i 000 majority. The election passed off qoietly. 1 Among those elected to Congress from New ? York city are the two Woods, Fernando and <] Ben. Also James Brooks, of the New York p Express. i] i . In Massachusetts, 9 Rebublicans and 1 ) Democrat are elected to Congress. In 32 o towns, Andrews^Republican candidate for Qov- p ernor, has 45,0Q0 votes, and Devina, Democrat, , 29,000. Andrews' majority will reach 25,000. J In New Jersey, Parke (Democrat) is elected 2 Governor. To Congress?four Democrats and ( one itepnblicao.1, ]< In Illinois, six Democrats and five Republicans elected to Congress; two doobtfol. b In Michigan, the Republican majority is i 5000. s . In Wisconsin, the election is closely con- c tested; but Brown, Democrat, leads Potter, Re- ( pnblican. s The New York Herald says these astound- a ing manifestations do not mean that the war n shall bo ended iu an ignominious peace involv- t ing a division of the Union into two Confed- a eracics, but that the war shall bo prosecuted s for the maintainanco of the Union, and nothing b else. As the Congressmen elected will not p take their seats until the first meeting afler the h the 4th of March next, the Herald recommends a that an informal meeting of the Representatives elect be held in New York City, to declare fi their general policy. g Hon. James Brooks addressed a Democratic C meeting in New Y<ork on the night of the eloc- fi tiou, and that, as a member of Congress, while vindicating the supremacy of the Constitution C and the laws, ho would also demonstrate that n mere is no reason wny protner should longer fi imbrue his hand in the blood of brother, and n thus causlcssly prolong a fratricidal war. This h sentiraont was followed by loud, long and ^ tremendous cheering, amid which Mr. Brooks r retired. o The steamer Cahawba arrived at New York on Tuesday last, from New Orleans, having on " board Rev. Messrs. Leacock, Goodrich and Ful- d ton, Pastors of the Episcopal Churches in New f< Orleans, who had refused to pray for the Pres- t ident of the United States. The I??ue of Treasury Notes. The Richmond correspondent of the Grenada n (Miss.) Appeal, sends that paper the following ^ items: ^ By the way, I have jn&t heard two facts 8 mentioned, which would seem to show that no 8 pause in the utterance of Treasury notes is con F templated by that officer. A gentleman tells n me that a contract is pending between the Go- ^ vernment and tho Richmeud Paper Mill for a c hundred and fifty thousand dollars' worth of ^ bank note paper, on which to print new fives, ? tens, fifties, and one hundreds; and I am in- ? formed that fifty new female clerks, in addi ^ tion to one hundred already employed by the c Treasury Department, aro about to bo ap- ^ pointed, to number, sign, register, divide, and clip the small notes (the ones and twoes), of c which myriads almost are already in circula- P tion. / ^ It may not be geneeally known, but it is a J fact, that will be interesting to some readers, that the $1 and $2 bills of tho Confederate r<. . y * states?tuose wnicn are embellished with badly engraved likenesses of Secretary Benjamin, v and Mrs. Governor Pickens, of South Caro- a lina?aro all signed by young ladies, of whom q many are beautiful and accomplished girls, g( oranments of the society of the Capital. Each clerk is required to sign two thousand notes a ^ day. The salary of these gentle employees ' is $600 per annum, but will soon be raised* fifty per cent. Mr. Memminger, in making appointments in the female bureau, has been c very properly guided, other things being equal, such as fitness ar.d responsibility, by the neod 11 and circumstances of the applicants, recogni- I King in the young widows or the orphaned chil- n dren of soldiers killed upon the battlefield, a i peculiar claim upon his attention. Sickles declines to run for Congress. He i* cannot consent to leave his lambs, the Excel- g siors, or rather what is left of them since the j Texans fell upon them at Manaasaa and made B the hills red with his fallen Zouaves. . 0 _^=?_ 1 Carolina exchanges show that' the movement j IM begun. The object of the enemy iabcr ieved to be to get such a position as will tend to solato Wilmington, Chnrles^fkfMoah^d^ t Jf tlobile from the seat 9? Government, and pre^ eat prompt co-oporation fpr mutual bo swrt:; luring the winte* months. Weldon is the >oint at which they aim for the accomplish* t nent of this purpose. The papers report the Iankees as pushing their advance up the line >f the Tar River, and a fight has already taken >laco, of which we get the fajlowjug account. Ah engagement occured near ^illiAinston, lartin County N. C., on the afternoon of the :d, botween four companies of the 26tn North Carolina regiment and a large force of Yanees, who had marched from the town of Washington to a point on the Roanoke river i >elow Williamston, with a viow of. catting off he 17th and 57th North Carolina regiments^ tationcd in that neighborhood. The four oinpanics engaged were undor command of Col. Burgwyn, and held in check a largely uperior force of the enemy during the dayr nd until the 17th and 57th regiments came p, when battle was offered, but declined by he enemy. Our loss is reportod at two killed nd thirty-one wounded, most of them Only lightly. The enemy's loss is known to have >een much greater, one entiro cavalry com any being cut up and destroyed. Our troops iave"fallen back towards Tarbora*, whore they re being reinforced. The Petersburg Express of Friday learns roro a very reliable source, that the Yankee ;unboats had reached Scotland Neck in North Carolina, which is in close proximity to Haliix and Weldon. Tho Wilmington Joumnl says: "That the Confederate authorities are alivo to the immiency of tho danger of which wo have tho allest assurance, as we have information of a movement under a distinguished General, that saves no dcubt on our mind of the deterrainaion of the War Department to maintain its ailroad communication^through North Carlina. The Petersburg Express of Friday says that a it is no longer a secret that the admirablo ivifiinn c%f Donnral T.<\nrvof*?nnf iu *?a??? a** ? I. . *w.v*i V* V<VMV*I*I JO UUIT ViJ 1VUVO :>r Petersburg, and will be there in a day or wo, ^ r, * \ i * New from Richmond. ? Richmond, November 11.?Heavy canonading was heard all day yesterday at Orange ). H. and Gordonsville. The firing was probaly the skirmishing between the advanced ;uard8 of the two armies. This may bring on a eneral engagement. SiegePs division is retorted to be on the south side of the Rappahanock. The Yankees made a raid up Chuckatuck /reek, Nanesmond county, Va., from Suffolk, ommitting the grossest outrages, shelling, urning and plundering the houses of peaceale citizens. They arrested and carried off lessers. Daniel Shepherd and John Bunkley, irmers. The town of Haymarket, Fanquier ounty, is in the possession of the Yankees. Vcathcr clear and pleasant. Later.?Passengers by the Central Railroad onfirm the reports of skirmishing near Cul- j eper C. H., no movement of any importance, m owevcr, has taken place. Exciting move- a lents are expected in the neighborhood of 1 ront Royal. All is quiet at Fre dericksburg. 1 {From Another Correspondent.) j Richmond, November 11.?In the skirmish J sstcrday beyond Cnlpeper C. H., the enemy I /as driven back two miles, having encountered -M n unexpected obstacle in his advance towards 1 lordonsvillc. Our loss was trifling. It is as- | orted, on good authority, that there is no pot- J ion 01 tne enemy's forces South of the Kappa- 1 annock River. J From tlie Army of Virginia* I Richmond, November 7.?A snow storm H ommenced falling bere last night, and contin- H cd during the forenoon. The Army of Gen. H icc has changed its position and taken up a ew lino of defence. Our cavalry captured H 04 Yankees near Winchester to-day. H From Ccororgetown. I Charlkbton, November 12.?The enemy's. V ;un-boats had a brush yesterday with Captain ? J piston's Battery, below Georgetown. The I helling continued two hours. No damage on ur side. .. V i. - lllton'l : ' i Afc.