University of South Carolina Libraries
# 1 gglMWiBgJ? -.L^LLIggggB^ ' iiWran*l>g Seone In Ohio. Bucyros, Ohio, was the scene of ft^oetHdisgraceful' distirbonce on the 6th inMjp^iiwch wo find this account in tho New Durmg tho morning a largo portion of the drafted men from tho towns of Holmes and , Cbarfield marched into tho square and gave thre^ckeer* for tho "Constitution as it is, and the Ijnion as it was," then three chaers that we won?t fight to free the nigger," and then thre6*c^eers for a huge bowie knifo that wju J\ t I- A unown py one ot tlie party. Tho men nearly all bid knives or revolvers and several of them rifles. All had guns with them until within b mile of tho town, whore *hcy drew up in line of battle, and loaded their pieces with all the coolness of veterans. Throughout the day threats to "shoot," "murder," and "butcher,r any who attempted to force them to leave theii homes, were frequently made. Cheers were also proposed for Jeff. Davis, and freely given, "A rope to bang Lincoln, and a knife to bntchei every Abolitioner was frequently huzzahed. A man who had said ho favored the President's recent proclamation was set on by the crowd, retreated up street, and was Anally taken in charge by Deputy Provost Marshal David Foster, the crowd following. Towards evening the Crowd gradually dispersed and the most of tho men subsequently reported themselves for duty. Massachusetts, according to the official report just issued, is still nineteen thousand short of her quota of troops under the late call o: Lincoln, although fully half of those recruited wcro for only nine months. The army correspondent of the Savannah Republican sends the unwelcome intelligence that the dread malady, the small pox, has made its appearance in our ariny in Virginia. [for thk camdkn confederate.] To Voter* of lliu Lower Battalion. My name having been proposed as a candidate for Major, to fill the present vacancy, I beir respectfully to decline?and tender mv thanks for the motives which prompted the act of ray friends, which will ever he appreciated. W. KELLEY. Tiller's Ferry, October 30, 1862. 'B'rlbutc of Reipcct. Fell on tho battle-field of Sbarpsburg, Md., Sept 17, 1862, J. II. aruaxts, aged about 25 years. He was among the first to volunteer for the defence of his country. When the call was made immediately after tho battle of Fort Sumter, for troops to repel tho invasion which threatened tho soil of Virginia, he went as a private in the company of Capt (now Col.) J. D. Kennody, from lvershaw District?the first company in Kershaw's original Regiment that volunteered for that servico. This noble company has reflected undying honor upon its District and State, and though our docensed friend wi)l not be among its veterans to receive tho honors whieh a grateful commonwealth will hereafter confer, yet he is numbered with its immortal dead, and his memory is embalmed in the hearts of those who will never forgot Carolina's fallon heroo-1 Whilst on duty in Virginia, the deceased was taken ill, and for months bore his sufferings with tho patience of an humble and trusting disciple of tho Lord Jesus, and upon his restoration he promptly returned to his post of duty. In the fearful battle in which he fell, ho was wounded in the arm by a hall, which also pierced his heart and produced instant death. He was a young man of good business habits, upright deportment, and above and beyond till, for years a consistent member of tho Baptist Church at Antioch. Thus, when we mourn the untimely end of a friend^ and a promising member of society, we may console | ourselves with the reflection that we mouvn a patriot, | who bled for his country, and a christian, whose life i and death furnish an example worthy of the imitat'ou of others. Peace to his ashes?honor to his memory. K| Aiirioirriceriiertts. Mr. Editor: Please announce Capt. WM. KHIJGHSON a candidate for tho office of Major, to * command the Lower Battalion S. 0. M., to fill the vacancy ooeasionedby tho death of Major Win. A. Ancrura. HIS FRIENDS. MR. editor : 1'iease to nominate Mr. a. M. KENNEDY a candidate for Major of the Lower Battalion 22d Regiment S. C. M., to fill the vacancy occa eioned l?y the death of Major Wm. A. Ancrum, and oblige MANY FRIKNDa October 24 3 I . Estate SaleI , X>Y PERMISSION OF WM. M. BULLOCK, OR I J3 dinary Tor Kershaw District, I will sell at public ' out-cry, at the residence of the subscriber, on Friday the 14th day of November next, the following property, belonging to the estate oi 0. E. Bask in, dec'd, " to-wit:?one sorrel Mare, one Yearling, Plantation Utensils, Household and Kitchen Furniture, &c. x Terms made known on day of sale W. D. G ASK IN, October 31 I Adm'r. est C. E. Baskin, dec'd. in' iN' ih'i iiii'iiiii hi i ii iiiirWiiT' iltr Wfr Yi ' r_Special IN"otices. " BEDICAI. NOTICE. DR. f. RBKNSTJERNA, offers his servioes to the publih in quality of Physician, Surgeon and Acf eoucbeur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gnyle <P Young. May 30 ' OFFICE ttllABTERMASTER, Charleston, S. C., October 1, 1862. - MR. A. M. LRK 18 APPOINTED AGE >T OF i this department, for the purchase of Corn and , Fodder, in the Districts of Kershaw and ,N Lancaster. Planters desiring to sell, will communicate with him. Particular alteutiou must be paid to the packing o 1 the fodder, and no water must be used. During the past > year the Government experienced heavy loss from i improper packing, and all such will be hereafter rc jected. MOTTK A. PRINGLE, > Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. ffSy The subscriber can be found at his residence Do Kalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church ( October 10 A. M LEE. ' DURING MY ABSENCETinR. J AS DUNLAP will act as my Agent. March 21 THOMAS J. WARREN. Notice. MU. JOS. W. DOBY IS MY AUTHORIZED agent during my absence. Those indebted to me will please call and settle with him. Those to r whom I am indebted will please hand in their account J to him. D. M. RODGERS. October 31 3_ ' NOTICE All pkjisons who have claims against the estate of M. J. Young, deceased, will present the same, duly attest, to W m. R. Taylor, Esq., ' my attorney; and all persons who are indebtod to said f estate will please make payment of the same to my i said attorney, at an early da v. 1 JOHN YOUNG, October 31 4 |Adm'r. of M. J. Young, umj'd. To Rent. i rPHE RIDDLE FISHERY. APPLY TO L October 31 4 WM. R. TAYLOR. Wanted, Immediately, A WET NURSE. ONE WITHOUT A CHILD, preferable. Apply at this office. October 31 2 Seed "Wlieat! Seed "Wheat!! An extra fine article ofsekd wheat, for sale by A. T. LATTA. October 31 Negro's for Hire ONE WOMAN WITH TWO CHILDREN; Two Girls 12 years of ago; One Boy nine years of age. For particulars, Ac apply at this office. October 24 2 , South Carolina?Kershaw District, I HY WM. M. BULLOCK, E8&UIRE, OltWNARY. WHEREAS, JNO. R. SHAW APPLIED TO me for Letters of Administration on all and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of ' Christian Tolinie, late of the District aloresaid, deceased : These are,, therefore, to cite and admonish all, and singular, the kindred and creditors ot iho said deceased to be and appear before me at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be liolden at Kershaw Court House on the twentieth day of November next, to show cause, if any, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this 28th day ol'Oetobcr, in the yenr of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty- sixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty of the State of South Carolina October 31 2 WM. BULLOCK, O. K. D. Notice?War Tax! The war tax books will be closed on the 15th proximo. October 24 2 H. PATE, T. 0. K. D. THE PARTIZAN LEADER? A NOVEL, BY BEVERLY TUCKER, OF VIRGINIA?originally published in 1836. School Hooks and Blank Books; Letter, Note and Cap Paper; Stoel Pons Envelopes and Ink; Tooth Brushes. Ivory Combs; Maps of Virginia. October 24 2 J. A. YOUNG. HEAD QUART'RS 22d REO. S. C. HI. Camdkn, October 20, 1862. GENERAL ORDER NO. ?. IN PURSUANCE OF ORDERS FROM COL. J. H. WITHKRSPOuN, commanding 6th Brigade S. C. Militia, an election will be held on the 7th day of November proximo, for one Major tocammandtho Lower Battalion, S. C. M., to fill the vacancy occasioned by the deatli of the lamented Major Wm. A. Ancrum. Captains or officers commanding Beat Companies nae charged with the extension of this order. By order B. Jokes, Col. 22d Rog't. S. 0. M,' J. M. GAYLE, Judge Advocate. Ootobor 24 3^ RICE FLOUR. An extra fink article of fresh ground RICE KLOUR is received weekly from the mills, and may be had in large or small quantities, to suit purchasers' at a very moderate prioe, at the store of Mrs. M. T. CAMPBELL, October 17 1 Opposite Mr. Jas. Duals p. TURNIP SEED. Fine fresh turnipseed, at one dollar per pound, at the Old Corner. August 8 E? W. BONNET. ' 4. . , Negro's for Sale. /* AN EXCELLENT RLA0K8MITH, Sft TEAR of age, vsry likely md of excellent oharecu end temper. Also, a dark colored mulatto, 36 year old?very valuable fpr many purposes ^specially ? a body servant, carriage driver, cook, Ac., Ac. Appl, at the Bank of Camden October 17 'ft'*/ ISTREEElH pTAAA CHOICESEGARS; 5 boxes clioice Tobacco; Salt, Bacon, Lard, Flour, Rico, Ac. ?Wanted? 500 bales Cotton; 1000 bushels Corn; 100 bales Fodder. October 17 W. C. GERALD t CO. South-Carolina?Kershaw District In I?qnity? Elislia Holland, administrator of John Holland, v, James Elliott, Levy Holland, Americus McThora son and Eliza Jane, his wife and others. / ' . BILL FOR PARTITION AND ACCOUNT. It appearing to my satisfaction that Levy Hollnrn son of John Holland, deceased, Americas McThompso and Eliza Jane, his wifo, Elbert Pollock and Naucy hi wife, Charles J. Holland, Enoch K. Holland, Dicy An Holland, which Eliza Jane, Nancy, Charles J., Ehoo E, Dicy Ann and John Pinekney, are the grandcliilc ron of the said John Holland, deceased, resido wit hoi; tho limits of the i-tato of South Carolina?on motion < F. J. & M. Moses, plaintiffs solicitors, It is ordered Thut tho said Levy Holland. Americns McThompsoi and Eliza Jane his wife, Elbert Pollock and Nancy hi wife, Charles J. Holland, Enoch E Holland, Dicy An Holland and John Pinekney Holland, do appear i this court, and plead, answer or demur to tho sai bill within three months of the publication of this or dcr, oh the sanio will be taken pro con/esso agaius them. Also, ordered, that this order be published in th Camden Confederate for three months from thi date. WM It. TAYLOR, c. e. k. d. Commissioners Office, October 10 3mo NKW GOODS Just Received by Express rpOILET SO IP, TOOTH BRUSHES, .1_ Needles and Pins, Black and colored silk Gloves, Brown Shirtings and Drills, Bleached Shirting, 4x4 Linen and Towels. Also?A lot of Mutches, at . October 10 ROBERT M. KENNEDY'S. Blacking! Blacking!! Blacking!! \FINE ARTICLE OF SOUTHERN MAD1 BLACKING ? warrented to equal any thin; manufactured North of the line of deniarkation?ma; be had at tlio most reasonable price, by making ini mediate app ication at the "Old Brick Corner." October 10 T. S. MYERS. Valuable Plantation For Sale. IN KERSHAW DISTRICT, S. G\. ON THE ROAI leading from Catnderi to Lancaster C. H., and U miles from the former place. This place contain: about ?00 acres, one half under cultivation: 100 acre: of One bottom land on tlio waters of Granv'i Quarter and Flat Rock creeks. The balance is wel timbered, a good dwe'ling-houso, containing six rooms piazza on both sides, cotton grin and screw; tho gin on i never failing stream of water, sufficient to run an] kind of a mill or factory, negro houses sufficient for 5( or 60 negros; kitchens, stables, barns and all othei necessary out-buildings. The corn, fodder, stock o mules, cattle hogs and plantation utensils, will be solt with land, if desired, For further particulars apply to the undersigned, 01 the premises, or address mo at Camden, S. C. October 3 4 W. R- YOUNG. Country Homespun JUST RECEIVED. TWO PIECES MORE 0] that Fine, Black Checked Country Homespun suitable for winter, lor sale at "The Old Corner.'1 September 12 E. W.BONNEor BL ANTON DUNCAN, COLUMBIA, SO. OA (FORMERLY OF KENTUCKY.) Is prepared to Jill orders to any extent, it engraving and printing Bank Notes, Bills of Exchange, &c ' Engra/ving upon Steel or Stone. Jy Large supplies of Bank Note and other papei will be kept. August 8 9 Cash Storeswbet, orea8y, and necessary 1HHD. BROWN SUGAR, 5 bbls. Crushed do* 200 lbs choice Leaf' Lard, 8 boxes choice and common Tobacco, 2 tierces fresh Rice, Cayenne Pepper, Pepper Sanse, Preserved Ginger and Peaches Capers, Worcestershire Sauce, Jugs and Jars October 3 ' A.T.LVTTA. I FALL & WINTER I * JLMESmf I WE INVITE THE ATTENTION I of our friends and the public generally $< our stock of ' ? FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. a nd Will be sold i or cash onl r. McCURRY A HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 Stoves for Sale. Three stoves for sale, thby can be seen at Mr. McCreigUt's shop, t. October 24 E. w.bonnby. South Carolina?Kershaw District. by wm. m. bullock, esquibb, ordinary. P wherF.A8, ANDERSON quarles, apVV PLIED to me for Letters of Administration on all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Col Buck Harris, late of the District j oresaid, deceased: ^ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and ;8 singular the kindred and creditors of the said den ceased to be and appear before me at our next OrI, dinary's Court for the said District to be holden at j. Kershaw Court Iiouse on the 10th day of Novemlt ber next to show cause, if any, why the said adminjf istratiou should not be grautod. j Given under my Hand and Seal, this twentieth , day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand 8 oight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eightyn sevonth year of the Independence aud Sovereignty of n tire Stnto of South Carolina; d October 24 2 WM. M. BULLOCK, O. k. d. ''t N otioe. All those indebted to the late j. j. McKAIN by note or open account, are earnestly s requested to settle the same as soon as possible; and all those to whom ho is indebted will please present their claims to me. Juno 6 3mo Wm. McKAIN, Adm'r. passports. rpHE GOVERNOR HAS AUTHORIZE^ me TO JL issue Passports in tho name of the State, to any person desiring to travel into any part of the Southern Confederacy, and 1 am now ready to issue the , same. The application must be in person. July 4 2 JNO. m. DeSAUSSURE. To Rent The upper rooms, kitchen, Ac, of the Banking House of tbe Bank of Camden, from 1st October next. W. H. r. workman. "j September 12 3 Fall Goods. r rTMIE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON hand of HJS . JL last Fall purchases: Super Black Bombazines. \ 44 5-4 Black all-wool DeLane. " " 14 Cashmere and Merino. 44 44 44 Plain and Drilled Alapaocaa. 44 4-4 44 English Crape. Colored English Merino. 44 Printed DeLanes. Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel.'. ) Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies, boys A men j 44 Drawers, for Ladies and Men. 3 4* Union Dresses for Ladies. 3 Jaconets, Cambrics, Checks, Swiss Parlaton Mus3 lins, White Brilliantes and Dimity Embroideries. \ Edgings and Insertings, Laces. Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. a ^ good stock of English Cotton Hose and Half Hose, . with a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' J Fall use. W. D. McDOWALL. : r November 1 f r ? : 1 Agency ' Lynchburg Hose and Fire TwonrowAA juao iu auuu WiiipCMiJT * L YNCIIBURG, VA. > ~o~ ' ' <* ^ iter charts' Insurance Compan OF RICHMOND, YA. * Policies in the above Companies issued- at u rates. W. D. McDOWALL, November 1 Agent ? Wanted?Wool! For which the highest price will bb paid. * ?ALSO? cotton and WOOLEN HOME-MADE JEANS and PLAINS, at : McCURRY A HAMMERSLAUGH'S. r : > NoticeALL TH08E INDEBTED TO THE LATE john MARSH, deceased, will please settle the HM as soon as possible, and those having demands against him, will present them dulv attested to me. August 8 8 Wit. OUTLAW, Adm'r. PINE GROVE SEMINARY. rpHB EXERCI8ES WILL BE RESUMED ON A Monday, October 6th. pT Boys under ten years received. September 26 t SAMM A FEW SACKS 8ALT, CAN BE HAD AT GAYLE k YOUNG'S. ' October 10 Is t # ' m * i^9