University of South Carolina Libraries
i'-* [rifr ' ' ' ~j*rm*t - , SMt*e*1 ri9' J{W Hwrah for tke bonnie blue flag, tfiat bears a rinqU star. < il s ?SISgMwo Utuun wma faitliAil to her trust like Mends and like brother*, we were kind, we were just; But wow when Northern treachery attempts our rights tower, Well hoist on high the bonnie blue flag, that bears a single star. m. First, gallant South Carolina, nobly mado her stand, Then caibe Alabama, who took her by the hand, Heart. mitgUy, Mississipppi, Georgia, Florida, All raised on high the bonnie blue flag, that bears a single star. IVYe men of valor, gather round the bannor of the right, Texas, and fhir Louisiana, join us in the fight; I Davis, our loved President, and Stephens, statesmen rare; All rally round tho bonnie blue flog, that bears a single star. v. fibre's to brave Virginia, the Old Dominion State, With the young Confederacy, at length has linked her fhte; impelled by the example, now other States prepare, To hoist on high the bonnie blue flag, that bears a sin* gle star. VI. Hera's to our Confederacy, strong we are and brave, Like patriots of old, we'll fight our heritage to save; And rather than submit to shame, to die wo would prepare; So cheer for the bonnie blue flag, that boars a single star. ii. Then cheer, boys, ehoerl raise the joyous shout, For Arkansas and North Coroiina, now havo both gone out, Add let another rousing clioer for Tennessee be given The single star of the bonnie bluo flag [has grown to be eleven. Hurrah / hurrah, for Southern rights, hurrah / TTtirrfih t far Out /vmuiu rf? * ? ? 1 * ?- ??ywy fiuo yumca wie eleventh star. Last of Dr. Rossyally.?According to the Richmond Diepatch of the 27th, the career 6f this man has been brought to a close. That paper says: Hung.?About two weeks since, the Southbra papers contained au account of an arrest, in Mobile Bay, of five men, who, from indica. lions apparent, had attemnted to nmVmrV ?? ? ?r - w V? M ?u a * * * * boat for New Orleans. Letters from suspected Unionists in Mobile were found on tlicm, ad. dressed to Butler and other Federal officials in New Orleans; maps of Mobile and plans of its defences, files of the city newspapers, lots of gold, and an assortment of both Federal and Confederate Treasury script; also, several flags, one of which represented the United States flag on one sido and the Confederate flag on the reverse. Other evidences of intended treachery were found, and the whole party ? though they protested they wcro only on a fishing excursion, were conveyed to Mobile^ and safely lacked up as spies. Among the men on board tho boat was Dr. Marius Louis Boasvally, well known in this city. Intelligence mmm -* 1*Ti_ 3 > jsouviuajr ati uuu, winaer s oince, by n gentleman direct from Mobile, that Rossvally had been hnng there a few days ago; but whether by military authority or the populace noting as a vigilance committee, we did not learn. Narrow Escapk ow Col. P. F. Stkvknb.? A recent letter, received in Charleston, gives the following account of the providential cs. cape of Col. P. F. Stovcns, of tho llolcombo Legion, in one of tho late battles: Col. P. F. Stevens' clothes were nearly shot oil from him by bullets, and a spent ball hit him in the stomach, having knocked off the pommel of his saddle?two fragments of spent hfcUs also hit him?one on the knee and the other on the right arm. His horse was shot three times and died on the battle*field?and yet God was all around him. Though a brave, 4 1 A - - * - ' leariess target, in we lront, riding along his tines, not one '<# the enemy s demon strokes hnrt hibr. To God ho the pftise." t November 16 - V_ f^SSSsHlS 801,1 *0W r"r ?T'''S. MTERS0W September IS RICKS B1CSM HICK!!! " A NO. 1 ARTICLE OF FRESH BEAT RICE, for ule low, for cash, at the "Old Brick Corner." by T. S, MYERS. September IS The Cash System Has been forced upon us by our inability to obtain the means of continuing our business from any other sourco. Our customers will therefore please take notice that wo will henceforth All no orders (unaccompanied by cash) whether for goods from our storo or for Work from our shop, unless under previous special arrangements, distinctly made with us. , J. J. WORKMAN & CO. January 10 | 55 t S , , i tei r so ] ^ ft ^ . Q . |v t=3 - 1 * " ^ ^ 3 f.p c^= o s ^ td 11 S >- * 1 H a s H O I J P LmJ ^ | S W ^ , ?l| as S =? $\l oU M ? ?? ? i l | t ? O , 4 i EH 0 Si UO u S OQ ' " 2 ? ; 5 O S M I -L I 4 I g i . g, do North Carolina bacon and lard for sale at the " Old Corner." April 6 E. W. BONNEY. Wanted. To buy, from 6000 to 10,000 lbs/ dried and green hides, for which we will pay for green Hides from 8 to 10 cents per lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on delivery. Juno 13 MARONY, BOSWKLL & BRO. b s 3 ? ?' *-4 3 H J ? I ^ M 2 1 ?n ^ ? o 5 * l?i^ g W Q !?pijig ^ P 63 ' S m W ? "23 o .j * !' O W ? > I w t > 3 u o j< I? O , M J?Ml a ^ 2 o tmmmmKt g 5 w o I u OQ B M M r?^ ? Z _k i 5 i=^r** ft I ?P 5" w ? ? fc3 ! < a ^ ? *3 ^ ? 3 " ? 2 . a g ^ j 3 ETZI j a ^ o o H H g p. , S a ^^3 E- H s 3 9 O 6*a c M S = &? > a fcJ ct> M ?? h 55 co 9# 2 ^ a ! (?< T3 ? S u r ?C hh > i I M w'?' " ^ 1 s 2 ? f g ' e=5; . O W 3 ?? S fMM 1*4 g ? B g5 1 - --S O , b r o cftsi ?*x? 7 Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, From camden, a light red cow (White ' spot on forehead) and her lieifer calf (hearly black). Also?a small Cow, spotted white and black. A liberal reward will bo paid for the restoration of ' the ?ame. Ap'pTy at thftf Office. '' July 28 9 4. HspaHHag; ' South-East Gorner of CAMDEN, BOG ' ; { 4 -If- J ? * ; XCBSP oonsta: ' t * ' * J * M '' t i A FULL S CLOTHING, Hi Boots and. Shoes, Crockery "V Iron. Nails. < Novembor 1 TUTTI IsSSFSIIII TIIE SUBSCRIBER HAVING A^j MUTUAL LIFE INS OF RALEIGH, NO FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prcpan INSURANCE, on tlio most reasonable at moderate rates. WII November 1 North < WOT. L. DePASS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND tfOMfsraOB m H??nwwf CAMDEN, S. C., Will pr?ictice,in Kershaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. Novombor 1 Mediclno Oliests. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS,. POCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. A large assortment just opened at Sept. 86,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORK. Jose Q. Felipe, (FROM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Scsarn, tlie Best Virginia Chewing & Smoking Tobacco. t\ tiiiuiUJ'j iiVJi V/J? DJilOi yUAJjlil iSIN UJ?T, PIPES, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. No. 64 Market-Street, SIGN OF "NO IMPOSITION CHARLESTON, SO. CA. Novombor 7 400 BBLS. SPTS. TURPENTINE, FOB SALE. I HAVE ON HAND, FOUR HUNDRED BBLS. SPIRITS TURPENTINE, which I offer for sale it market rates. It will be disposed of in lota of fifty uuituis or muru, uh hjo purcnoser tuny roquiro. Call in person or address SAMUEL P. ANCKKR, Kingstrce, &. C. September 26 2 Corn and Fodder. > rpHE UNDERSIGNED WILL PAY THE niGHX EST price in cosh for Corn and Fodder in balos, lor the use of Government. E. W. BONNET. t..1o 90 FINE LETTER PAPER. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OP PINE LETTER c\- PAPER, on hand and for sale at the "Old Brick Corner." T. S. MYERS, September 12, Administrator's Notice. ALL PERSONS HAYING CLAIMS AGAINST the estate of JESSE P. YOUNG deceased, will present them duly attested to mo on or before the 22d day of November next, or this notice will forever bar payment of said claims Those indebted to the said ostate will make immediate payment to the undersignod. w 3 JOS. M. GAYLiC, Adm'r. August 22 3m i. h ' & i' i?' ' % * Broad & DeKalb-Stre* --? 1 in Blip II |? ! IIIIII.IHI I I I KJPJ Bilijl ly TH.OAROLINA, | | NTLT o:Kr iirrn wr ATS & CAPS, i^are, Hollow Ware, Tin Ware, 3-rocories, &c. TERMS CASH. "mEMJI wjiujsce. , m ' (CEPTED THE AGENCY OF THE Ttn a vnn nnvn a wtt UXbAXll/Xi WiU.JT.dLJX I j ?RTH CAROLINA, cd to receive applications for policies of T.H-'-frt terms. The Lives en SLAVKS inaurod ,LIAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fire Insurance .COMPANY. TITE Undersigned, as Agent for tne above Southern Insurance Company, is propared to issue policies of Insurance against loss by Eire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DePASS. FALL & WINTER J GOODS. ' ' WE INVITE THE ATTENTION of our friends and the publio generally to our stock of FALL AN I) WINTER GOODS, Which is comploto in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD I OR 0ASI1 ONLY. MoCURRY & HAMMERSLOUGH. November 1 3XT OTIOEI ,-i ) The subscriber, in order to meet the wonts of tho Travelling? Public, lias refitted and repaired his OMNIBUS. It will run regularly fo and from tho DbKALB HOUSE, where a slate will bekept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirkwood, by loaving their names at the DoKalb House, before bod-time at night, may depend with certainty on having the omnibus to call for them, without fear of being left. My old customers will find me ready and willing to renew old acquaintance, by calling for them, when (InHirntl tn oa vv V*w DV, May 23 J. K. WITHKRSPOON. 83T* Sick soldiers, in ovory caso, carried to or from ( the Depots free of charge. J- K* W. MULE STRAYEDSTRAYED, FROM THE OWNER, ON THE night of September 5th, a dark*or chestnut colored j maro MULE, blind in the loft eye, bears marks on the loit shoulder, and saddlo marks also. Any person Laving taken up the above described mule, or can give any information concerning its wheroabouts, wUl confor a great favor on the undersigned. JOHN BOY KIN, At Bradford Springs P. O., Sumter District. October 3 8 , ? ,?mh!?i- # Country Homef?im Wanted. XAA YARDS PLAID OR PLAIN, FOR WHICH full prices will be paid. August 8 ROBT. M. KENNEDY.