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9 c Qia-^^oti oes* I By order of W. If. J. JONES, Sec. dctober 10 1 ?fr*c?,^VAl*TE??ASTEe. , . Charleston, 8. 0., October 1, 1862. ~"?R. A. M. LEE IS APPOINTED AGE.VT OP JHto department, - for the purcliMe of Cot* Mid lk*dMA?. In A. -r ir^?I.. ' ??H ? ?? x/iowuvvq wi mviBiion' miu iAn^nKer. Plantpra desiring to sell, will communicate with him. Particular attention must be paid to the packing of the fodder, and no water must be uHed. During the past year the Government experienced heavy loss flow ' improper packing, and all such will be hereafter reacted. MATTE A. PRINGLB, j Captain and Assistant Quartermaster. yy The subscriber can be found at bis , residence Dekalb street, next west of the Presbyterian Church October 10 A. M LEE. MEDICAL NOTICE. DR. T. RKKNSTJERNA, offers his services to the public in quality of f^iysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over the store of Messrs. Gayle <k Young. * May 30 DURING MIT ABSENCE, MR. J AS. TYTTMT A T> nrS11 no ..... A ???? JUA1 Tf Ut ttVV CIO UIJ XV^, March 21 THOMAS J. WAURliN. ^VnTioiinceirjieiits. Mr. Editor: Please announce Capt. D. D. PERRY a candidate to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 MANY FRIENDS. Mr. Editor: Please announce Maj. J. M. DeSAUSSURE as a suitable person to represent Kershaw District in the House of Representatives at the ensuing election, and oblige May 16 HIS FRTENDS. FOR TAX-COLLECTOR. Mr. Editor: Please announce HENRY PATE a candidate for re-election to the office of Tax-Collcctor, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. June 6 Mr. Editor: Please present the name of Mr. JAS. R. A ItRANTS, as a suitable candidate to lill the office of ^ax-Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige May 30 HIS FRIENDS. Mr. EditoV: Please announce Mr. WM MoKAIN as a candidate for Tax Collector, at the ensuing election, and oblige HIS FRIENDS. May 9 FO? ORDINARY" Mr. Editor: Please announce the name of WM M. BULLOCK, as a candidate for the office of Ordi dary for Kershaw District, at the ensuing November election, and oblige MANY FRIENDS. August 2 % Mr. EDitor: You will please announce ALEXANDER L. McDONALD as a suitable candidate to fill the office of Tax Collector of Kershaw District, at the ensuing election. August 8 Mr. McDonald has been engaged in the arduous but honorable vocation, if not a lucrative one, that of a school teacher, for upward of forty years in onr Town and District and conntry around. He has been unfortunately a cripple from his birth, as many of us know, but has acted his nart well. Assidnonslv trust. worthy in his profession as an instructor of youth, from his own South, annually having taught many of the parents and children of our section,.and even some few grand-children of his former pupils. Ho is still engaged in teaching, and is now well stricken in years and short of means of support Now, we, as citizens and friends of the needy, the aged and the crippled of our District, feel it to bo our ndispensible duty to support him with our uffrages at the ballot box of our District, in October next. The Friends of Justice. August 8 RAFFLE The raffle fob jewelry, silver and Table Linen, will take place at Mr. Wm. McKain's Store, at 11 o'clock a. m., Saturday next. All inter ested are inrited to attend. Aa4aL 1 A VAJWWPI AW COMMITTED ~ ri THE JAIL 01? KERSHAW DISTRICT, OCTOBER 4th, a negro boy, says hia name la JIM, and aaya he belongs to Washington Allen, near Statesburg, S. 0. Said boy is about 0 feet 8 or 10 inches 'high, 19 or 20years old, will weigh about 150 pounds. The ownef is requested to dBme foVward, prove prop orty, pay charges and tako him away. DUNCAN SHEOKN, Jailor K. D. ' October 10 v \ sw Go? Jtist Received by Express. qpblLtT SO IPi^TobTH ^RUSH^, X Needles and Fins, Bleached Shirting, 4*4 linen and Towel* Also?A Jot of Matche*, at Octobor 10 KOBKRT If. KENNEDYS. SHOE THREAD.! A LARGE SUPPLY OP SUPERIOR FINE AND Btrong Shoe Thread, in store and for rale by Mrs. M. T. CAMPBELL, Opposite Mr. Jas. Dunlap's store. October 10 1 Conarns! Honpras! Pnnern e! A LARGE 8UPPLrrOF AN EXTRA FINE ARTICLE of Coperas, in store and for sale, at a low price, for cash, by MRS. M. T. CAMPBELL, opposite Dunlap's store. October 10 1 SALT! ~ ~ I A FEW SACKS SALT, CAN BE HAD AT GAYLE Jt YOUNG'S. October 10 1 South-Carolina?Kershaw District. In Equity Elisiip Holland, administrator of John Holland, vs Jaiucs Elliott, Levy Holland, Amdricus McThomp son and Eliza Jane, his wife and others. J m BILL FOR PARTITION AND ACCOUNT. It appearing to my satisfaction that Levy Holland, son of John Holland, deceased, Amerieus McThompson and Eliza Jane, his wife, Elbert Pollock and Nancy his wiic, ^nunes ??. uouuuu, r.nocn n. nouanu, mcy Ann Holland, which Kliza Jane, Nancy, Charles J., Enoch E, Dicy Ann and John Pinckney, are tho grandchildren of the said John Holland, deceased, reside without tho limits of tho ^tato of South Carolina?on motion of F. J. & M. Moses, plaintiffs solicitors, It is ordered. That the said Levy Holland, Americus McThompsou, and Eliza Jauo his wife, Klbort Pollock and Nancy his wife, Charles J. Holland, Enoch E Holland, Dicy Ann Holland and John Pinckney Holland, do appear in this court, and plead, answer or demur to tho said bill within three months of the publication of this order, or the same will be taken pro conftsso against thein. Also, ordered, that this order bo published in the Camden Confederate for tlireo months from this date. WM. R. TA YLOR, c. e. k. d. Commissioners Office, October 10 3ino South Carolina?Kershaw District. by wm. m. uullock, esocihe, ordinary. WHEREAS, W. D. GASKIN APPLIED TO ine for Letters of Administration on nil and singular the goods and chatties, rights and credits of Charles K. Bask.n, late of tho District aforesaid, dej ceased: mi.A? ii A. -!*- J 11 * iiiuoo urtr, nicreiure, mj cue nnu aumomsil ail, ana singular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased to bo and appear before mo at our next Ordinary's Court for the said District, to be holden at Kershaw Court House on the twenty-fourth day of October mat., to show cause, if auy, why the said administration should not be granted. Given under my Hand and Seal, this third day of October, in tho year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and in the eighty-sixth year of the Independence and Sovereignty "of the State of South Carolina. October 10 2 WM. BULLOCK, O. K. D. Attention! 1st Corps of Reserves. rpHK MEMBERS OF THE 1ST CORPS OF RE-L SERVES, in Kershaw District, are hereby ordered to appear at Camden C. H., on "Wednesday, the 15th of October inst, at 10 o'clock a. m., (with gunsj for drill and instruction. This order includes all white males between the ages of 35 and 50 years, not exempt by law. By order of Col. J. H. WITHERSPOON. ucioDor iu u U. haile, Uaptain. Blacking! Blacking!! Blacking!!! A FINE ARTICLE OF SOUTHERN MADE BLACKING ~ warronted to equal anything manufactured North of the lino of demarkation?may be had at tho most reasonable price, by making immediate application at the "Old Brick Corner." October 10 T. S. MYERS. Valuable Plantation For Sale. IN KKKSHAW DISTRICT, S. C? ON THE ROAD leading from Camden to Lancaster C. H., and 13 miles from the former placo. This place contains about 500 acres, one half under cultivation; 100 acres of fine bottom land on the waters of Grany's Quartor and Flat Rock creeks. The balance is well timbered, a good dwelling-houso, containing six rooms, piazza on both sides, cotton gin and scrow; the gin on a nevor failing stream of water, sufficient to run any kind of a mill or factory, negro houses sufficient for 50 or 60 negros; kitchens, stables, barns, and all other necessary out-buildings. The corn, fodder, stock of mules, cattle, hogs and plantation utensils, will be sold with land, if desired, For further particulars apply to the undersigned, on the premises, or address me at Camden, 8. 0. October 3 4 W. B. YOUNG. KTOTTO'S!. ~ All thosk who are indebted to the estato of James Holland, deceased, are earnestly requested to como forward and settle tho same as soon, as possible; and those having claims against said esatto, will present tbem duly attested to me. October 3 2 E. HOLLAND, Adm'r. BACON, Sides and Shoulders, ofBaltimore curing and very fine -for sale at the 'old-comer,* by E. W. BONNKY. I v V / T th#4leet|ta laws of Sooth Cfcrottna, notice of Uw times and place* of holding the me*t general olootfons, by publishing the following extinct, taken fromSlmlleport of tho&omiBtttieof mvilegni and Elections, which wm agreed on and adopted, as Jaw, by the Legislature, at its sitting in December, 1**9,%vis; , ?*. ut;> *?,; 11 * . >-, m " The Committee on Privileg e and. Elections, to whom were referred sundry petitions for establishing and changing places of eleetion, and appointing Man* agers for the next general elections and for the better promoting the purity of the elective fraDokia& have uuu tue same uuucr cousiuerawou, nau report as joilows, ' Resolved, That *,1)6 election to be lickleu on the second Tuesday of October next, for Representatives and Commissioners of Poor, shall be held at the following places, and conducted by the following persons: KERSHAW DISTRICT. Camden?John S. Maroney, Charles A. McDonald, W. D. Auderson. Cureton's Mills?Frederick Bowen, James Team, Eli Parker. Flat Rock?James Fletcher, J. B. Hughes, Jesse Truesdel. Buffalo?William Mungo, Gillam So well, William Cato. Lizonby's?LaucWan McKinnon, Wilson Yarborough, Jonathan Newman. Sch rock's Mill?B. T. McCoy, Henry Ratcliffo, Alexander McLcod. Goodwyn's Store?A. J. McDowall, R/ D. Drakeford, Benj. Cook. Liberty Hill?A. D. Jones, It. C. Patterson, Robert J. Cunningham. Two Representatives to be elected. Election to be 11 rv>lav*oH of Pomrlnn Polls to be open one day only. Two Representatives to be elected; alse. Commissioners of Poor. The Managers shall proceed to count the votes publicly immediately after the tlnal closing of the Polls at tho precinct where tue vulva im>u been taken, make out a certificate of the result, which shall be signed by the managers, or a majority of them, and taken to the Court House on the day next subsequent to the day of election, by one or more of said managers, where tho managers present, or a majority of them, shall proceed to examine the statements from the several precincts, and declare the election JOHN S. MORONKY, mi k > t nu k n..rvA\T a t t\ ijuauiicio a. uuuwililljlf, W. D. ANDERSON. October 3 2 SCHOOL NOTICE. TllK EXERCISES OF MRS. MoCANDLKSS' SEMINARY will l>o resumed on MONDAY, October 6th, with the assistance of Miaaea Fisher and Young. All persons are responsible for tuition Irom the time of entrance to the close of the yonr, with the exception of refugees. Terms: For English branches, fifty dollars per year; for each additional language, forty dollurs por year; half tuition, payable in all cases in advance. October 3 2 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. ADJ'T. & INSP. GENERAL'S OFFICE,) Columbia, September 22, 1862. j [GENERAL ORDER NO. 36.] T TIIE SEVERAL REGIMENTS OF the First Corps Reserves will assemble for Review by his Excellency the Governor, Commander-in-Chief, or Adjutant and Inspector General, on the following days, at places of rendezvous to be fixed by the Field Officers of each Regiment respectively : . Third Regiment, Col. Elford, Saturday, October 4, 1862. Fourth Regiment, Col. Sloan, Wednesday, October 8,*1862. .? "i** ' a /~i i iirrii? m m JNintu itegimeni, v>oi. wnnams, luesaay, October 14, 1802. Seventh Rcgtmcnt, Col. Wilson, Thnrsday October 16, 1862. Sixth Regiment, Col. Secrest, Saturday, October 18, 1862. Eighth Regiment, Col. Witherspoon, Tuesday, October 26, 1862. Tenth Regiment, Col. Baxter, Saturday, October 25, 1862. Eleventh Regiment, Col. Ryan, Tuesday, Oc| tober 28, 1862. Fifth Recriment. Col. Bacon. Friday. October 31, 1802. II. Colonels of the Regiments of Reserves charged with the extension of this order to the commandants^ of companies. The Field Officers of each Regiment will, at the earliest practicable day, fix the day of rendezvous, extend notice thereof throughout the limits of the command, and report the# samo to this office. III. The commissioned and non-commissioned officers will meet for drill, at the parade ground selected in each Regiment respectively, on the day previous to the day appointed for review. ijto order of#the Commander in-Chief. WILMOT G. DaSAVSSURE, Adjutant and Inspector-General of ?. C. j> September 26 jar The naners of Colombia and Charles ton, and all papers published in any of the Districts in whien the companies of the above named Regiments am oigauired, will poMiifc . onco a week for three (3) weeks. % to pay up the atnw. MAaY IL' Ds?4JJ ... >. <1,-1. 1I.,> *? >:^jy BEAIM^RTKEI tl?l HS?1|IBST ??? ???" ^PW?*w, uENERAL ORDERS JvO. *z, ; jv? T THE 8th RBQ1MSNT OF THE FIRST A Corp* of Keeervea wiU wwembie at Ca?dent on TUESDAY, 21*1 October, 1302, M ^ o'clock a. fully firmed and .equipped. fat drill and review. Tne officer* and uoo>c6in missioned officers will meet the day provides, at tiie same plaoo and hour, for drill and in* struction. , . , vr II. Captains Campbell, Sowell, lfyulvjlh*w? Dargan, Malett, McKnight, Casson, Bell and Brown arc charged with the extension of'thete orders to their respective compdnfoa/' Btkh will also call out for drill and instruction^enea, before the day of review, his command, at soma suitable place to be selected by them within the bounds of their company lines. ' III. Each Captain will appoint tbo non "commissioned officers in their respective companies, giving to each a certificate of their act pointmenl, and forward the satne for approya} to these headquarters. IV. They will cause to be made ahd forwarded full and complete rolls of their respective companies, embracing officers, lioh-Miffmissioned officers and privates, inclnding all t - ?.i -s ? persons naoie tor duty wiunu tne oounua w their company lines. V. The 8th Regiment is composed of the First Corps of Reserves within the limits of the Districts of Lancaster, Kershaw, Sumter, Clarendon and Richland, including all white males between the ages of 35 and 50 years, not exempt by law. A requisition for tents has been made sufficient to accomnioeate all who may desire to nnnnmn Ultwani^, JUT? UIUUI* JAMES H. WITHERSPOON, Col. 8th Reg't 1st Corps Reserves. October 3 * 41 5^? The Sumter Watchman, Clarendon Banner and Camden Confederate wiU copy . twice. HEADER! SthREGinENT FIRlf CORPS RESERVES. Lancaster c. H., September 24, GENERAL ORDERS NO. 1. The following named persons are appointed and will constitute the Regimental Staff of the Regiment, and will be obeyed and respected accordingly : Adjutant?Robert B. Johnson. Surgeon?Dr. Robert S. MoDow. Assistant Surgeon?Dr. L. M. DeSauasore. Quarter master Thos. B. Fraser. . tt>w ... Quartermaster-Sergeant?Hugh H. ^Wilson. ' Commissary?Malcom A. Shelton. ' Sergeant-Major?Robert M. Miller. Ordnance-Sergeant?Samuel Massey. Chaplain?Rev. Win. H. Hanckel. JAMES H. WITHERSFOON, t Col. 8th Reg't. 1st Corps RoservcR. October 3 'fc JC5P The Sumter Watchman, Camden Confederate and Clarendon Banner will-cop^ twice. School Notice V THE EXERCISES OF MR. /Jh|^>f.LKSS' School will conraenoe on Itdncbqr, ? Octobpr 6th. 1862- Tftrma Mm* mn l?at strSm year. Entranqp condition, same as hemtofore, except in the Oasd of children "lot refugees. The session will continue till July 1,6, '1863. j As the school is limited, parents intending to (edtdr their children will please notify the undersigned immediately. L. McCANDLKSS* :j? Septembers niini iiii ft BLANTON DUKOABf" ?* COLUMBIA, (roaiTERLT or XdKTtJCKT.f Vr ' Is prepared to fill orders to any tttterit, ?ft,; EHORAYKM6 ARB HIlMMl ' * Bank Notes, Bills of E^ange"'^ n . n i r? >* " Engraving upon Steelpr StoneVu,.^ py* Large supplies of Lauk Note and other paper . will be kept. August 8 9 __ Roads ~ THE OOMMI88TONBR8 OF RdA"DS FOR 3WkSHAW DISTRICT will meet in Caftde* on tlw Third Monday in October, at 11 o'clock.. > . COLIN MACtfA#, Cleric. October 3 ' ,'i' * ' ' Cash Store ^ KWEET, dSREASY, A FID ItECBAAAHJ^ i 'SHD. BROWN SUGAR, - jwAwtle IS bbls. Crushed do200 lbs. cboiee Leaf Lard, v,j? "V 8 boxes choice and common Tobacoft timr tiOrCesfreeb Rice,* , . . Cayenne Pepper, Pepper Batwtv ' H> P9 f.V&t ' *' *** 'j Jugs and Jnra. ; October 3 A. T. LATTA. & . _{?j v y*