University of South Carolina Libraries
^ *x ' .v 1 " ' ' ~ ' I -- > ? *? ? -..v. ., ^g|\j ^ * LLTHOSB INDEBTED TO THE LATE J. J. AMift lf ?p 9|?n Aooount, Are oari**tl j Karsr:; jg-M 1inRR""' ** ""amp WM. McKAIN, Adm'r. FiflfftfA Rftlft PSRklSSION OF TTrfLIAlf If. BULLOCK, Ordinary of Kershaw District. I will dfcr for tab a* public outcry, at the lato residence dt Jobu N. ' MeLeod, on Wednesday, tbo 10th day of September next, all the personal proporty belonging to tho estate of Jamos & Holland, deceased, oousistiug of threo or bv head of catfio?a set of shoo tools?some carpenter's tools?one shot-gun?saddle, bridle, household and kUcbon farnituro, Ao. ? * Terms mado known on day of sale. ELISHA HOLLAND, Adm'r. August 22 3 NOT IC ES ^J^HE SUBSCRIBER, IN ORDER TO MEET THE jl wants oi tliu Travelling 1'ublie, has roBttoil and repaired Ills OMNIBUS. It will run regularly to aud from tho DkKALB HOUSE, wboro a slate will be kept. Parties in any part of the town, or Kirk wood, by leaving their names at the DoKalb IIouso, boforo bod-timo at night, may depend with cortainty on having the omnibus to call for thorn, without foar of being left. old customers will find mo rondy aud willing to reuow old acquaintance, by calling for them, when do8irod to do so. May 23 j. k. withersroon. Sick soldiors, in ovory case, carried to or from llio Depot, froe of chargo. J. K- W. Notice. All persons who have claims against tho ostato of WM. KIRK LAND, deceased, will plooso present tho samo duly attested, to otio of the undorsignod, qualified oxocutors. And all persons who aro indebted to said ostato will plooso mako payment to ono of tho samo, at an early day. WM. R. TAYLOR. jno. kirkland. jos. r. kirkland. August 8 4 Ex'rs Wm. Kirklnnd, dec'd. Notice. All persons auk forewarned not to trado for, or purehnso a noto given by L. M. HAILE, to VINCENT PARSONS, for flfty-six dollars and twenty cents, dated about tho 5th of May, 1862, and uindo payablo on or about tho 1st day of August, ififtt., with intorcst from dnto, as tho pay of the saino has boon stoppod. VINCENT PARSON8. August 21 3 Prime Lard. ^AA POUNDS COUNTRY LARD OF SUPEUUU RIOR QUALITY, for salo at the Old Comor. Also?Pino North Carolina Hams, (or family use. Juno 20 E. W. BONNKY. passports. The governor has authorized me to issue Passports in tho namo of tho State, to any person desiring to travol into any part of tho Southern Confederacy, and I am now ready to issuo the same. The application must bo in person. July 4 2 jno. m. DeSAUSSURE. Home Productions. The subscriber will pay the highest price for country-made Homespuns, eithor in cash or trado. Will also recoive cotton or corn for duos, at the highest market prices. Wanted now?BOO yards Country Jeans and Plains, either all cotton or with wool filling. Uighost prico will be paid for 100 lbs. of good wool. June 27 e. w. bonney. Cotton Cards at $4 75. The families of the volunteers now in service, will be furnishod with Cotton Cards at the abovo price, if called for soon. They aro supplied alcoet) by the State authorities. But a limitod number will be distributed in tlio District, so that but ouo pair can be sold to a family. E. W. BONNEY. I June 27 . NoticeAll those indebted to the late d. w. COATS, deceased, by note or open account, aro eartwfelfy requested to settle the samo as soon as possible; and alt those to whom he is indebted, will ploflso ' present their claims to me. Anguat 2 8 ezek1el GASKIN, Adm'r. January 1st* 1862Having to pay cash for all my pgrchases, compels mo to, change my terms of bus!nessafterthis date. TO enable me to replenish my stock, I shall soil in all instances for cash, unless a special arrangement he made for a short credit. All goods sold under this arrangement must be considered as Cash, when called for. The reasons which hare induced this necessary change, I trust, will be apparent to all. Cash customers solicited. E. W. BONNEY January 8. TURNIP SEED! TURNIP SEED!! Vj*RB8H turnip seed, bor sale at tub jr post OWICB. August 8 Wines, Tobacco, Bacon &c. 5 BOXES PINE CHEWING TOBACCO, J*. 4 seeks Liverpool Salt, 000 lbs New Orleans Bacon, White Wino and Apple Vinegar, Port, Madeira ami Sherry Wines, Per sale by W. C. GERALD A CO. August 2 2 is, dish'nctfy made with us. J. J. WORKMAN k GO. January 10 ^'.K^ j 1 < . - i 1 Notice. npffi&i& TO CAUTION ALL PBR80N8 FROM JL , trading for a Note given to Mr. M. K. Black, for about two hundred and seventy dollars, dated the Arty part of the present jema, and signed by "Sutherland A Lernond and James Ponlap"?the said note having been lost and sinoe settled, by a ndw paper. It was given for the hire of Phil and Charles tor the year 1861. ; B. W. BONHTRT December 20 1 1 ? ? Notloe. The undersigned intending to make a change in his business on tho first of January next, will dispoeo of his stock of goods at exceedingly low prices, until that timo, for cash, or to punctual customors. My object 18 to turn as many goods as possible into easli, giving tho purchaser a LIBERAL bargain for his monoy. E. W. BONNET. 1 - is i H S S * Q | CD - " ~~ ? | ' pc 1 | a 0 S > => w S i K ? ' 1 a :* o ? <= % i = w . _ m I ? ^ ? S Ot- 0 9 ? o 0 .P ? a O t=D I , I 5 * M LmJMJ n- P K"*S ^ ? 9 S 6 l&* Cd ^ i s ^r~zl CD ^ H- ? LL_ o I S trt H ? CT) n ff i-a ~ "* a CZ2 North Carolina bacon and lard for salo at the " Old Corner." April 6 E. W. BONNEY. Wanted. TO BUY* PROM 6000 TO 10,000 LBS. DRIED : and greon HIDES, for which wo will pay for grcon Hides from 8 to 10 conts per lb., and for dried do. from 18 to 20 cents, per lb., cash on dolivory. Juno 13 MAltONY, boswell & BRO. g J ^ fc B ? * W ^ 9 g S 5 )?^ I ? * ft > o w F""?< ^ 5 E?! . 0 g S r> ^^3 - ^ 2 ? o SSCS o g f g ? & i> * > ? tzj ^ * t2$ 1 3 3 # o 55-3 3 o H ^ -j i 5 2 o >?3 00 ? h3 M fmmm^ ? s- SI ? S ** 5" ~ ? ? ? ! * ? } g e""* ? M 2 ? s s a s a " 6 S S 4n' s _ y a 0 W H <t> <? si o ICT^S ^ * 2. ^ > ^ pi o < ^ PL ? M ? U S >?i >5 co oo 2: 2 I M ?! ?. ?? . g ^5a* s 3 <j | w ? , i S ' ? f g ' d ' f 2 1 ; H SSO B "N 2 ** H >-?_ | .g?S S 8" S <1^^ * s, ? gga Lost, Stolen, or Strayed, < From oamden, a ltoht rro now (white npot on forehead) end her hoifor calf (nearly 1 black). Also?a small Cow, spotted white and black. < A literal reward will bo paid for the restoration of 1 the game. Apply at this Office . July 28 BB BB B B fl B ^^B> , :- * SUCCESSORS TO THE South-East Corner of > * f W W.* #? "li^kcB'r. *4%?vfiJtk ' ' * * i .A i v vx?*S\ xV , ? \ \ ii {^ * nL !*?>*> CAMDEN, SOU ? V ? # ' > >-? ' ?V ? BL3DS1P OOXSTA: A FULL 8 CLOTHING, Hi Boots and. Shoes, Crockery Iron. Nails. < Novombor 1 ; , ; HVJIXJ"! MsM>wm? mi Tin: SUBSCRIBER HAVING AC MUTUAL LIFE INS OF RALEIGII, NC FOR CAMDEN AND VICINITY, is prepar INSURANCE, on the most reasonable ? at. iiio<lr>rnt.n rati>R WII November 1 North < WM. L. DePASS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND dO&smvo& m &emnraw CAMDEN, S. C., Will practice in Korohaw and the surrounding Dis tricts. Novombor 1 VERY SUPERIOR SEED POTATOES; FINE Dairy Choose; Figs and Sugar Raisins. Just recoivod at tho "Old Cornor ". Novombor 1 E. W. BONNEY. PLOW STEEL.?Also, Plow Iron in all widths. Also, Plow Moulds and Horse Shoo Nails, Traoos, Humes, Saddles. &c. Just recoivod 1st tho "Old Corner." November 1 E. W. BONNEY. ? a n/hmr v ru i v st\ f Awm, oiuca Juki onouiaers, ox rmxumoro curing 13 and very iino for salo at tlio 'old cornor,' by E. W. BONNET. Medicine Ohests. SURGTCAl INSTRUMENTS, rOCKET CASES Trusses, Supporters, Shoulder Braces, Ac. A largo assortment just opened at Sept. 25,?tf. McKAIN'S DRUG STORK Jose Q. Felipe, (JfJiOM HAVANA, CUBA,) IMPORTER AND DEALER IN Havana and Domestic Scgars, the Beat Virdnia Chsttrin? &. fimnHnp Tobacco. A. choice lot op first quality snuff, PIP&8, Ac., Ac., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ifo. 64 Market-Street, SIGN OF 11 NO IMPOSITION," CHARLESTON, SO. CA. November 7 Blanket ShawlsAll wool blanket shawls, suitable for Soldior's Shirts, for salo at tlie " Old Corner," ?y E. W. BONNEY. Fobruary 14 4-4 Hatting: Also cotton carpeting and i^nen Crumb Cloths, for sale at the 41 Old Corner." May 2 e. W. BONNET. Final Notice* rpTJOSM WHO are INDERTED TO JOSEPH M. J. GAYLE, and JOS. M. GAYLK <ft CO., are again aotificd that tho notes and accounts of tho said firms aro in tho hands of W. L. DkI'abs, attornoy nt law, for colloction, and unless sottlod by Return Duy? thoy will 1hi jKiaitivoly put in suit Xovom)>cr ll> "W ; : * ' t . / HM 'Bjm*.Ll , H c ..B|^B y LATE WM. ANDERSON*- ' " Broad & DeKalb-Strectf?, 7 THCAROLQJA, NTLY OM- fiA?rb vrriii v*" '~"7. , u ATS & CAPS, iTare, Hollow Ware, Tin War?* Groceries, &c. TERMS CASH. ?UAIj r^E4I l? CEPTED THE AGEIICY OF THE 9 ' * , i USANCE COMPANY, 11T1I CAROLINA, cd to reccivo applications for policies of LEfcTS terms. The Lives en SLAVES insured jLIAM L. DePASS, Agent Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company. Alabama Fir? Insurance COMPANY. THE Undcrsignod, ns Agont for tno above Southern Insurance Company, is prepared to irauo policies of Insurance against loss by Fire on all Build ings, Ac. November 1 W. L. DePASS. i FALL & WINTER GOODS. WE INVITE TIIE ATTENTION of our frionda mid tho public generally to our stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, Which is complete in all its various branches. AND WILL BE SOLD *0R OASII ONL 7 McCURRY & IIAMMERSLQUGIL Novombor 1 Fall Goods. ~ THE SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND OF HJ?P last Fall purchases: fcupor Ulnck Pombazinos. I " 6-4 Black all-wool DeLano. " " " Cashihoro and Merino. " " " Plain and Drilled Alapaccas., " 4-4 " English Crape. I Colored English Merino. " Printed DeLanes. . Domestic, Welch and Saxony Flannel. Merino Vests for children. Misses, ladies, boys & mem, " Drawers, for Ladies and Men. '* Union Dresses for Ladies. Jaoonets, Cambrics, Chocks, Swiss Periston Muslins, White Brilliantos and Dimity EnAffoideriee. Edgings and Insortings, Lacos, Linen Cambric Hand-. kerchiefs, Plain, Hemstitch and Embroidered. A good stock of English Cotton Hoso and Half Hose, with a fair stock of other goods suitable for families' Fall use. W. D. MoPOWALL. Novembor 1 .A-gency Lynchburg Hose and Fire> Insurance CompanyLYNOJJBURO, VA. jfferchants' Insurance Compan*. OF RICHMOND, VA. Poli&os iu the nbovo Companies issued at u. rates. W V. MoDOWALL, Novouibor 1 Akoiu